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tv   Igri razumov  NTV  December 2, 2023 2:20pm-3:00pm MSK

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if you cry looking at something beautiful, it means you are still alive, inside, so cry with all your might, with all your tears, see you soon, since he’s going home, and i’m apparently going to do something happy next, i’ll sit for now, come on, i i’ll sit with you too, let’s sit until they kick us out, it’s better to stay here. hello, these are games. razumov, a program
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in which the most famous people in the country prove that they are true professionals, and professional players, that their erudition is limitless, a guest of our studio, meet me, you can be called the successor of the dynasty, yes, is that so, my grandfather was a journalist and headed a guest television company in kursk, where did you study? i studied in kursk at the classical university at the faculty of philology, after college you worked as a correspondent for regional news: when did you move to moscow? it was 2006, i became a reporter for the emergency program . then there were other projects on the ntv channel. what are you doing now? i am leading an original project called our consumer supervision. i teach viewers to understand the quality of products. introduce youreself. oleg solntsev. glad to see you here visiting a colleague, author and host of a popular program that helps you navigate. as products and
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make our lives healthier and safer, so the theme of the game today is appropriate: food, myths and reality. oleg, in one of your interviews i read that you showed interest in this topic at an early age, is this true? yes, it so happened that i recently re-read the essay that i wrote at school, it turned out that the vast majority of them were written precisely on the topic of products and even with an essay, which all the children write about how i spent the summer, it was written about how my grandfather and i went to the market to choose pasta and other products, well, let's start, game one, in the first game the questions will concern national cuisines, and partly and myths about national cuisines. oleg, before you are the names of five traditional cuisines of the world: japanese, chinese, russian,
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italian and indian, after each of the six questions addressed to you, you will choose one of the names as an answer, each correct answer will bring you 1,000 rub. i hope i made everything clear. let's start: soups are of great importance in this cuisine; there are five main types of broth: clear, chicken, pork, white and fish. well, the chinese really love pork, so i guess i’ll answer that it’s chinese cuisine. that's right, clear broth is made from ham and chicken, and white broth is made from boiled pork bones. 1000 in your account. here's the second question. within this cuisine there are many regional ones. for example, calabria is famous for its fish, and trentino is famous for its smoked sausages. this is italian cuisine. absolutely
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that's right, italian cuisine: 2,000 to your account. third question: the classic format of meals, characteristic of this cuisine - soup, rice and several additives, usually fish, pickles and vegetables, take your pick. japanese food. that's right, fourth question: this cuisine was characterized by a special method of frying, close to frying. spinning, that is , frying in a thick layer of oil, in general the word is purely russian, in my opinion, so it seems to me that if this word is purely russian, then there may be a hint of russian cuisine, quite right, spinning is frying in a thick layer of oil, a special method of frying characteristic of russian cuisine, close to deep frying, tell me, how do you feel about deep frying in general? deep frying, in fact, if
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you handle the deep fryer correctly and change the oil on time, then deep frying is no more harmful than frying in a frying pan, tell me, why? after all, deep frying - catering, especially fast food, is considered harmful, well, fast food is not something that is quickly prepared, but something that is quickly eaten, this is firstly, and therefore such a myth has taken hold, and well, in general around frying around any , there's a lot floating around myths, rumors about the dangers of this method of cooking, and of course , steamed food will be healthier in any case, we continue: fifth question: there is a myth that the cuisine of this country is completely vegetarian, because many of its residents are prohibited from eating any type of meat, beef, pork, this is definitely indian cuisine, absolutely true, in fact, indians eat both chicken and lamb, but vegetarianism in
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india is really very, very common. sixth question: this kitchen knows many types of cheese, provolone. picorino, granpadano, yes, these are wonderful italian cheeses, that’s right, this is italian cuisine. well, oleg, you gave six correct answers, you have a score of 6,000, and now is the time to introduce you to your opponent, to the one whose cherudity, as it seems to him, will allow him to compete with you, as they say, on your field. meet your opponent, anatoly wasserman, one of the most venerable scholars in the country, who seems to understand everything in the world, his horizons and knowledge are truly limitless. hello anatoly, hello, anatoly, you also have to answer six questions, since your opponent has not
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made a single mistake, these will be new questions. here is the first of them: this cuisine is so significant for the country that, according to legend, the founder. shan sounds chinese, absolutely right, it is chinese cuisine and it was in the 16th century bc, according to the chronicler. second question: one of the main desserts in this cuisine is mochi balls, made from glutinous rice; they are used to make ice cream into a sweet soup, but are more often consumed. just like that, in numerous japanese feeding places in moscow, these same mochi they also serve it, that’s right, it’s japanese cuisine, anatoly wasserman’s account is 2,000. third question: one of the dishes of this cuisine is salamata, flour
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porridge or thick flour jelly. the flour can be almost any kind. i think it's russian cuisine. right. fourth question: a variety of this cuisine, mughlai, originated in the north-west of the country, i have not heard the word, but it sounds indian, this is the cuisine of the mughal empire , mughlai, four correct answers, fifth question: in some popular dishes of this cuisine, the colors of the products matched to country flag light. the most famous such dish, pizza margherita, is italian cuisine. absolutely right, in second place after margherita pizza is probably caprese salad, also colored basil, cheese, tomatoes, sixth question: in this cuisine there are many dishes
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that may seem strange, for example, pork with the taste of fish, unlike japanese cuisine, where they try to reveal... the taste, the original taste of the components of food, in chinese cuisine, they are trying to disguise it, i think this is chinese cuisine, absolutely right, this is a dish of chun cuisine, perhaps the most well-known varieties of chinese, well , let's summarize the first game, oleg sontsev gave six correct answers, his account is 600 rubles, anatoly vaserman finished the first game with the same result, the first game is completed, our guest, oleg solntsev, will start the second game. genferon light spray is green light. green light for my goals and plans and red light for viruses that can
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interfere with them. genferon light, thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component, prevents the proliferation of influenza viruses and orvi, together their penetration. spray ginferon light - the power of green light. with the scent of mint, the handsome actor sergei ostakhov, where, where did he become a father again at the age of 55, sucked, sucked so, he was so... out of happiness, just why is he afraid to take his newborn son in his arms? i don’t understand that this is my son, i mean, he hasn’t been around for 55 years, what if he’s here when he takes his chosen one to the clerk’s office? if vika would have said it, she would have said, give me the child. how many broken women's hearts does he have? this was the worst month i've ever had, what am i should i wait until you play enough there? what he had with one of his loved ones he is now
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saving him, he said, go to the hospital, she will go to the hospital sergei ostakhov and his secret is a million better immediately than in such torment , this is hell today at 17:00 on ntv superstar new season today at 20: 20 on ntv, even with discounts of up to 80% on avi, magical conditions - the real rate is up to 15.5% per annum on a savings account at gazprom bank. your money works and you receive additional income. withdraw and top up at any time. apply online at gosprombank - time to make dreams come true. this is the ecology of the city. this is an investment in the health of our children. it's clean. air , they are talking about converting transport to methane , about protecting nature, but it’s not only that,
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thunderer, this is not scandinavia for you, call an electrician, but to the tasty point of scandinavia, a scandinavian burger with a cheese cutlet , cheese rings, a pie, norwegian berries and a warming punch, in scandinavian style, delicious and full stop, what is the cause of hemorrhoids, venarus explains on apples , the problem may be in the veins, it helps to increase the tone of the veins by acting on the cause of hemorrhoids from the inside. new vinoprog talium suppositories have a hemostatic effect and promote healing of the mucous membrane vinarog and talium wineprog together against hemorrhoids. wow, collect it any photos from cubes with the endless mozobrick photo constructor. order masonic with discounts at valberries. superstar: new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. the most holy theotokos, who gave the world the savior of mankind, is highly revered
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help. why don’t they believe her anymore in ukraine? loboda recently returned to ukraine. do you know? i'm not a whore. i'm just really friendly. and serduchka even refused to perform on the same stage with her. the hypocrite that she was, she will remain so, because the grave can correct such a person. which rider loboda put up as the organizer so that. go to the front line to visit the soldiers of the vfu. why did i fall into depression after moving to latvia? no one in europe needs it, they generally have their own people there... and how the ukrainian pilsa again decided to make some money on the russian public, no worries gg, it won’t stink, let them it stinks, here we will find some good other artists. labada, today at 16:20 on ntv. a loan with cashback from sberbank is even more opportunities, because every
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month you will receive 2% of the interest rate back with sberbank bonuses, thank you. hurry up. it’s more profitable to get a loan with cashback in sberbank with prime. let me remind you that today our guest is journalist, tv presenter, specialist in the field of healthy food, oleg sontsev. game two. the theme of the second game is various foods and myths about them. now every correct answer of the players will replenish 1,000 rubles to the general bank. you can transfer money from the bank to your account after any of your correct answers, but not... money from the bank account to your opponent, however, you can refuse to answer and forward the question to your counterpart, the amount in the bank will remain the same, oleg, let me remind you, it’s now on your account 6,000 rub. here is the first question: since ancient times, many have been afraid that vegetables and fruits contain huge
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amounts of nitric acid salts, as these salts are called. surprisingly, the product that contains the most of these salts it is considered very useful by fans of zash, this is celery, and of course we are talking about nitrates. well, your answer, nitrates is the correct answer in the jar of thousands. having served for a long time, i am asking you the following question: will you take the money or continue to play. i would try to play further first. the second question: these vegetables were considered so poisonous that they allegedly tried to poison george washington with them, although according to other sources they are not vegetables at all. what are we talking about? maybe about tomatoes? absolutely true, by the way, in some countries tomatoes
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are considered fruits. 2,000 in the bank, the same question: will you take the money or... will we continue, yes, that’s enough for now, the money goes to oleg sontsev’s account in the game anatoly wasserman, anatoly, the first question is for you. sweet potato tubers from the yuunkaceae family have long been common on our shelves. sweet potatoes are often called sweet potatoes. absolutely true, although they are very, very potatoes. distant relatives, potatoes belong to the post-spleen family, they have a similar geographical origin, sweet potatoes originated, anatoly, take it money, or continues, which british scientist, while still a student, joined the club of gluttons who tasted exotic animals, i suspect that darwin is probably in
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bank 2, i’ll take it, the money goes. there is an opinion that table salt will be healthier if the sodium ions in it are partially replaced with ions of this metal element, which one? when it comes to coins, silver is usually mentioned. alas, this is the wrong answer, this is potassium, a neighbor of sodium on the periodic table, in the game anatoly wasserman, a question for you, anatoly, these fruits have
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natural radioactivity, one may even come across the opinion that there is a danger. it is believed that radiation exposure from the consumption of one fruit is 1% of the daily average, what are we talking about? oh, no, i’m sorry, but i haven’t heard of radioactive fruits at all, i’ll pass the question on to sontsev, in the game oleg sontsev. oleg, according to the rules of our game, if you get a question from your opponent, if your opponent refuses to answer it, then so do you. you can refuse to answer the question and ask for it to be replaced. i'm the only thing what i heard about fruits and radiation is that
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bananas accumulate it. that's right, they contain radioactive potassium 40. well, there's a thousand in the bank, will you take it or should we continue playing? so, well, let me risk it again, another question, yes. both black and green come from the same plant, camellia sinensis. the difference is due to the way the leaves are processed, what are we talking about? this is tea, tea, absolutely right, can you imagine , there is an opinion that these are different plants, like pepper, for example, 2,000 in a jar, will you take it? yes, i pick it up, the money comes from oleg solntsev’s account in the game anatoly wasserman. anatoly, in order to answer the next question,
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let’s watch a fragment from the film the formula of love, who won, god have mercy, you are disgracing me as a housewife, now it’s dessert. the dangers and benefits of almonds, which contain cyonite , have been debated for a long time. now we will hear the name of a dish for the preparation of which ground almonds are often used. what kind of dish is this? well, the only dish i remember with ground almonds was marzepan. your answer is marzepan, yes. let's see what kind of dish the film is about. finka, what are you doing? are you standing there, talking about the blasphemy? we are talking about dlanmanzhe, as a rule, it is jelly made from almond milk, although sometimes they use
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cow’s milk, in the game olek sonntsev. here's the question: this method is often criticized, but with its help it was possible... to create pigs resistant to african swine fever. name the method. yes, with the help of this method , technologies have greatly advanced to protect plants from insects, pigs from disease, and so on. this is, of course, genetic engineering, gmo. that's right, a thousand in the banks, will you take it or should we continue playing? let's play. next question. under what name have wolfberry berries gained extraordinary popularity among supporters of a healthy diet
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? here, of course, i want to hear this from the maestro? you pass the question, i pass the question, anatoly wasserman is in the game. anatoly, well , i would venture to suggest that goji, goji, absolutely right, they are considered a so-called superfood, although in fact, from my point of view, this is nonsense, a complete, completely commercial story, well, there are many such stories, i’ll take it, the year is one of them, money come score of anatoly vaserman, in the game oleg sontsev. oleg, here's a question for you. from ancient times to the present day, caesar's flu has been considered a delicacy, which refutes the persistent
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misconception that all mushrooms of this family are poisonous. call it a family? no, i’m probably not that strong in botany, i ’ll redirect the question here. in the game anatoly wasserman. anatoly, the bank is empty, there is nothing to lose, i would venture to suggest that fly agarics, this is the correct answer, there are a thousand fly agarics or fly agarics in the bank, another question, also, this acid contained in oatmeal can leach calcium from bones, so eating too much oatmeal is bad for you, name the acid. oh no, i’ll pass the question on to olektsev in the game.
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oleg, you have every right to ask to replace the question, yes, i will use this right, this is phytic acid, there is a thousand in the jar, here is a replacement question. the myth about the miraculous influence of carrots was spread by the british in order to lead the germans away from the idea of ​​equipping airplanes with radar rotors, speech, this is a well-known historical fact, we are talking about carrots and carrots improve vision, so they started the myth about the fact that their pilots see targets so well because they eat a lot of carrots, carrots improve vision, there’s 2,000 in the bank, it’s your decision, take the money or play, that’s a good amount, for now we’re putting these in our bank, 2,000 goes to oleg sontsev’s account
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, in the game analia... this hormone is responsible for healthy sleep, fermented milk products help produce it, so they are advised to consume them at night, name the hormone: melatonin, melatonin, that’s right, there are a thousand in a jar, and many also consider pasta a direct path to weight gain , and what actress has... figures once noticed everything you see, i owe spaghetti, if i'm not mistaken, sofia chicolona, ​​aka sophia loren, bravo, 2,000 in the bank, i'll take it, the money goes to the account of anatoly wasserman, in the game oleg sontsev .
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guarani indians. this sweetener was known as a sweet herb, and now it is popular all over the world; it was named after the botanist who described it, pedro jaime esteve. yes, this is south america, there were tribes there, this is stevia, this is stevia, absolutely right, money from the bank goes to oleg solntsev’s account, it was the last question of the game is the second, i sum it up. anatoly wasserman 12,000, once influenza and arvi viruses enter the body, they begin to multiply, time works against us, orbidol can prevent their multiplication. anya, a surprise awaits you, bah, it’s you, these
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are scammers, it’s good that your finances are insured with a profitable policy of protection for any eventuality from sberbank. a special issue of superstar, which is entirely dedicated to the work of composer viktor drobysh. there, today every artist’s assessment, it is somewhere in the soul, and my assessment. masterly performance, simply masterly, that you are making us nervous all the time with crazy numbers, lord, my babayga is turning on again, he is a thrill for me today, i will tell valeria right now how great it was, loneliness, superstar. new season,
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queen, you sang poorly too. karaoke serpentarium. today at 20:20 on ntv, avatar show new season, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv, order homeeclub lanterns from 249 rubles from lenta stores. sbermarket delivers the holiday. well, magic cashback, with a gazprombank debit card, cashback up to 30% on marketplaces and supermarkets. hello, there is a gift waiting for you in the megaphone, buy an infinix from the connection and get a second smartphone, a gift, only in the megaphone, it’s easy to imagine the ideal home, so just imagine, and the house click will do the rest. from a dream to a home,
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tickets in branded stores with toloto on the website in the mobile application, give your loved ones a chance at a billion, new year's discounts at magnit, sausages and delicacies, meat history, 99.99. magnet, what's the price? invest in your a country with a reliable broker vtb, a convenient technological application, vtb is my investment, professionals work , we’ll walk you to the train, but don’t, another half hour, well, let’s go, let’s warm up at least, he doesn’t tell anything about himself, they’re not interested in how i live, you’ll ask ? to be offended, for sure, to be offended, i always miss you very much, it’s so difficult to leave you, warm your loved ones with warm words, a winter combo, it’s delicious, period, it unexpectedly
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connects you with basketball? well when i say that i am a candidate master of sports in basketball, this surprises many, because i am not very tall (184 cm), but apparently i had enough agility in the past years. in order to run between huge guys and achieve some kind of sporting success, yes, at one time he played for the national team of the kursk region, played a little in a professional club, well, all this was until i was twenty-one, in my opinion, and then only journalism , well, a little about the rules, now you will find questions that, as a rule, have several correct answers, each of you will have 10 seconds to guess exactly the answer that we have in mind, and the audience will see this answer on the screen all the time. let's start: the colors of the uniforms of basketball teams can be completely different, we ordered this exact color. oleg
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, red, yellow , green, blue, purple, white, blue, orange, yellow, orange, that’s right, there were many outstanding players in the national basketball association, which player’s name do tv viewers see now? anatoly? michael jordan, shakil anil, and more and i don’t remember. it can’t be, oleg? larry burt, larry burt, that's right, this is the great basketball player we wished for. which russian city is represented by the team in the top men's division? a, nizhny novgorod, yaroslavl. ivanova, moscow, st. petersburg, rostov-nadon, krasnodar, anatoly, uh , kazan, ufa, yekaterinburg, uh, smolensk, time
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is glass, this is perm, we wished for permclub parma. what inscription or image can be seen on the basketball players' jersey. anatoly, surname. sponsor's name, that's right, sponsor's logo, what colors they greet with winners of basketball tournaments. oleg, roses, carnations. tulips, tulips, that's right, which city of over a million is represented by a women 's basketball team in the russian premier league, anatoly, moscow, st. petersburg, yekaterinburg, ufa, novosebir, novosibirs, that's right, the russian national team was coached at different times by several famous domestic basketball players, whose name tv viewers see them as oleg, belov, straight to the point, sergei belov. next question: the abilities of basketball players
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are divided into several categories, which one? wished for by us? anatoly. defender, forward, rebounder, all-rounder. oleg, forward center. center. right. the international basketball federation was founded in 1932. name one of the countries... whose basketball federation took part in the creation of fib. oleg, france, what, the usa, also, because they came up with the rules, and lithuania, time is glass, anatoly, uh, italy, italy. anatoly immediately guesses the option that we had in mind. a basketball referee has many gestures in his arsenal that are understandable to every player. a like
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a foul collision, double vision, run, jump with the ball, out, time out, all this time the player’s delay was written on the screen, this was the last question, the last question of the third game and i’m summing it up. anatoly vaserman - 15,000, oleg sontsov - 18,000. we say a huge thank you to anatoly, anatoly, you played brilliantly, you know this topic perfectly, you proved it today, but oleg knows it a little better. we will meet oleg in the final. oleg, as we recently
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calculated, you earned 18,000 rubles. how usually, we double this amount. now it’s 36,000 rubles. and they all lie in a device called a winning absorber. i will give you five tips in total. after each prompt, the device will turn on for exactly 10 seconds. you can stop. his word stop, the faster you answer, the more money you save, but remember, you only have one try. so, you have to name a product that has many myths associated with it, here is the first clue about it: the active ingredients of this product isoflavones have long been suspected of may reduce testosterone levels in men. time: not enough information, here's the second
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clue. this plant is a waste-free crop. all its parts are processed into more than 400 types of different products. time. 2/5 of your winnings were burned, here is the third clue, in the soviet union flour was made from this product, which was added to inexpensive candies, time, well, i guess i’ll try to answer, for this you need to say , stop, stop, stop, this is hops, if should you wait...


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