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tv   DNK  NTV  December 4, 2023 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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they tell him one thing: lose weight, but the task of a child is overwhelming, he cannot cope with this task himself, this task must be solved by parents, and i asked what he likes to do, and he has been to a water park in moscow more than once, he loves to swim, is there a pool nearby, and danya said that there is a pool, they want to go there with the whole family, if it happens, it will be wonderful, ina, can you help this family? yes, of course, marina, and you will help... well, in principle, yes, there is nothing complicated, the most important thing is to learn to follow for the amount of food he eats, daniel , you are ready to act, yes olga, andrey, and you promise to clean up the refrigerator to help your son lose weight, yes i promise, we will try together to go to the pool with him, let’s go swimming, let’s go, let’s go, yes, thank you all very much for your support. us
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, they gave us some advice, thank you very much , danil, and we wish you to quickly find the figure of your dreams, don’t give up on anything, and i’m sure that you will succeed, thank you, thank you, remember that there’s a problem with you , you can always ask for help in our program, we will continue tomorrow, right now a new test, tomorrow in the program beyond. the father took the children with him for the weekend, fed him cake, and then killed his son and daughter while they were sleeping peacefully. both of them had a live wound to the heart area; there is no justification for such horror. the children's mother is in despair, but her mother-in-law claims that the woman herself is to blame for what happened. i destroyed this family, what i did... so
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why did dad take the lives of innocent children? this is beyond the bounds. tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. the adoptive mother admitted that took her from malyutka’s house, and her older sister was taken by her own mother, who for some reason abandoned her youngest daughter. i asked for a dna test. irina, your parents never hid the fact that you were an adopted daughter, they hid it, they protected me very much, they loved me, valued me, respected me, they did everything possible so that i would not even think that they were not my family, i am very similar to my dad , hair, eyes, face, i even somehow... at what point in
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such a loving family did you first have suspicions that you were not your own? and the first suspicion, you know, it started with childhood kindergarten, we had yura yurchenko as such a boy there, so he says, but you are not unrelated, you are adopted by your parents, i’m like, well, at first i’m on foot, well, even though i’m small, i don’t really have a thought yet , i, of course, go to my parents with tears, i say, mom, dad, i say, how did this little guy tell me that you are not my family, but don’t listen to your daughter. that's all about how we are not your family, we are your family , look how we love you, we are everywhere , okay, somehow i just started playing, that 's all, and somehow that's a little bit like that, this is all already then to school when i no longer thought that together with him we would end up together again , it turned out that it was primary school and we were all together again, and there yura is again this legal person, yes, you are not my own, these are not your own parents, you are adopted, i am again in shock, i i say yes, i say how i am not like i’m not your own, yes you stand , i look like mom and dad especially have the same face, i
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say, everyone says, i say, yes, they say that on purpose, okay, well, let’s go back to mom, of course , in tears, again, i say, that’s it, mom, i won’t go to this school anymore i will, i say, this young man again, i say, he says that you are not related to me, well, of course, there of course, mom and dad are like that, they came to the class, called this boy’s mother, and naturally began to talk and explain , you understand what you should do, now the child won’t go to school, what are you doing, well , this is my mother, well, my mother is like that, she could say harshly, loudly, so in a raised voice that it’s impossible, well, everything, like as they promised, they did everything, everything from then on, then everything stopped, and then somewhere, you know, it’s already closer to in the transitional age of 14, somewhere around here i was , all the same, you know, sometimes no, no, some thoughts still visited my head, so, well, somehow i was sitting at home, i think, let me, my mom used to have this, i remember there used to be a fashionable little white handbag, you can have one like that with a handle, so i... there i
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know that he keeps documents, there are daddy’s medals for work, there are certificates, there are some other documents. , well, somehow my mother had a small purse in half; it had a document folded, so i somehow opened it and read the title. certificate of succession, i look at my name, date, month, year, i don’t understand, of course my balls are like that, i say, i think , oh well, no, i think, no, it’s something i don’t know, or something about, well, that’s it, and how- then i closed it, put everything away, well, of course, naturally with my thoughts, i walk around all day, i suffer, my parents are from work, i go to my mother, not a word, nothing, so, then somehow we had a conflict with my mother, such a nuance, well not so straight forward. big, well, such a scandal happened, well, take it, this is what all this has accumulated inside me with these thoughts, take it, tell me, i say, if i, if i didn’t suit you like that, there was no point in taking me from the orphanage, well, my mother’s eyes are like, what, she,
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first of all, how yes speeches, she don’t know, there’s a second, how long i was just at a loss for words , then she was like, how do i know , i said, i found a document, well then somehow... we sat down, and she let’s tell it, she says, yes, ir, we’ll tell you about it reported, but later, when you turned 18 years old, we didn’t want to injure you until you were 18, which is all the more transitional age, all this, we would have told you, well, since you found out, she says, well, my mother began to tell me that we took you from an orphanage, you were 4 years old... then my mother also told me that you have a sister, she says, you’re older, about a year or two, she told me that her last name is frolova, her name is svetlana, well , everything somehow, of course, we sat, told it all
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, cried, of course, so what -and then we calmed down a little, well, that’s it, mom, of course, i, well, now i’m... just like i was already and mother and grandmother, yes, i understand her feeling , of course i also don’t know what would have happened, if only my mother had told me like this, why she took only you, why she didn’t take you and your sister, well, as she said , that when they arrived at the orphanage, well , how did she, uh, mom, as they say, persuaded dad , well, let’s take the child, well, we started it there, dad, of course, a little like in the beginning, that’s how it was, no, no, he says , well, well , since, come on, he’s okay, let’s go, at least we’ll go and see, okay, so they’re coming to this to homework, this is to the director, and my mother just wanted a girl, so she says, like this and like this, so we would like to give our daughter a girl, he says, yes there is, well, and how they are
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apparently taken to a group where we're probably playing there or something, it opens, as my mother says, i 'm opening the door, and i'm somewhere maybe further away , well, not quite of course, i was standing there at the door. that the door is probably opening, oh, mom came for me, so i run to her, well , mom, of course, sat down, i immediately, of course, sit on her lap, hug, that’s it, i turn to her and say, mom, when we go home, well, that’s it, mom ’s heart melted, of course, she says, that’s it, since, she says, come on, that’s it, we’ll formalize it for her, so, and there he stood, well, naturally raised there, probably , the director of the orphanage stood and said, and you know, she also has a sister, a biological mother, at first... she gave them both up as children, and then she came, took the older sister’s sister, and left me like that , well, mom says, okay, then we ’ll take her alone, well, we started studying with our daughter, it’s still unknown why your biological mother left you and took the eldest girl, my mother
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didn’t tell me anything about this and i don’t know anything, but your health was fine, and i’m generally a remarkably good child, no energetic cheerfulness, no pathology, no , nothing, nothing at all, given with your parents that you would like to find your biological family? no, i’m with this, like after my mother and i talked about this topic, then i calmed down, then i was about 19 years old, i already left i decided to get married, after all, i decided on my own, my mother told me that this is where tolmacheva is, the city of luga, so naturally, i found out this address, phone number, everything, i’m the director... i called, well, i explained the situation, the director yes to me , he says, i remember this story , yes, he says, that’s it, i say, can i, i say, i’ll come to you, i say, well, i’ll find out more about it there, because that’s it, well, he says, come, come, well, i naturally i got ready, arrived, i went into the orphanage, they started talking to the director, talking,
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everything, he was like, yes, he said, i remember your history, that’s it, he says, yes, you have a sister, svetlana prolova, lives at this address, that’s it, well, i went, arrived, then the granny comes out like, daughter, what are you looking for here, i say, yes, i’m looking for the frolovs , and yes, he says, daughter, they lived here. well , of course, i say, but where? yes, he says , they are no longer here, they have already moved from here, i say, oh, well, i say, where, where should i look? well, he says, go to the passport office, maybe they’ll tell you something there, well, from this address where people moved, well, i thanked, thank you, i say everything , well, of course, i went, all upset, so i arrived at the passport office, explaining the situation, that this is how it is, i say, i was still living in frolov at this address, where? they moved, well, what was the answer, make a request through
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moscow, okay, so turned around, went home with nothing, they were upset, well, of course, naturally, i was very worried, as they say, i cried into my pillow, and i gave word, as long as my parents are alive, i won’t ask them anything anymore and i won’t try to look for them i won’t do it again, it happened, it happened , my mother has also been gone for a long time, my dad died 2 years ago, and so i... so i decided to write to you in a program, but you only want to find your sister? well, in general, i would like to find my sister, parents? well, if you just look into her eyes, and like this, because i don’t know what kind of life he has, why they left me in the orphanage, why first my sister and i, they just took her away and left me. i don’t know, but did your parents change your original data?
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well, they only changed my last name and patronymic, and first name, year of birth, month and date, everything was left the same, i suggest you meet a woman, all her life she has been dreaming of finding her own, younger sister, irochka, who, according to rumors, was adopted to america, in the studio of svetlana osipovna. hello, hello, svetlana, how did it happen that you were separated from your younger sister, well , to be honest, i found out about my sister, i was about 10-11 years old, she told me about ira in general, my older sister, that is it turns out that they didn’t remember ira, of course, they were little, then let’s go in order, you always lived with my mother, no, the first , well, probably, for about two years we lived with cheese in the baby’s house, then my mother tried to take us
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away, they didn’t give it to her, that is, they forced me to collect documents there, look for work, then, when my mother was already collected all the documents , she came to pick them up, i was a little older, ira , of course, i reached out to her, ran, that is, and for some reason, well, she was very small, turned around and seemed to cry, and well, it was my mother who told me again, she didn’t recognize her, she turned to the teachers, to the nannies, then it’s as if they all took her away, that is , she went to those people to whom she had already become accustomed for a year , yes, but you still recognized your mother, went to her, so your mother took you, well, how did you live with your mother, when did your mother pick you up? like an ordinary family, probably mom, dad, me
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, that is, mom and dad took you, well, with your father , it turns out, you lived, your mother, father, yes, and your older sister, no, my older sister lived with me st. petersburg, with my own aunt, studied, got married, i stayed in st. petersburg, what is your age difference, we have an age difference, one with years old with your older sister, how old were you when you went to the baby’s home? when we got to the little one’s house, i was about a year and a half old, ira was even younger, and my natalya was 12-13 years old. we, well, an incident happened, my mother worked as the manager of the dining room, and some furniture came there and how someone stole it, and she , the manager, responded, she was imprisoned, she was there for a year, in general, as far as my mother
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told me, yes, she was acquitted, but where was her father? father, well, again natalya said that he left on the same evening when mother they took him away, he left, it turns out that all three children, three sisters ended up in an orphanage, no, era and i were in the orphanage, and natalya, she was sent to a boarding school, then her aunt took her, at which point natalya decided to tell you that you had another sister, well, i guess it was about 10:11 and in the evening natasha arrived, he says, and you know, he says, we sit in the evening talking, he says, and you know what else you have have a sister? i say, yes, i know, she’s sitting there, she says, no, even closer than me, because she says, you have one mother and one father , i say, well, i’m stunned, of course, i say , well, let’s try to find her, she says, when she was still little, she says, i tried to find out, because when my mother
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took me, yes , ira stayed, she tried to find out her fate, at least. and in the baby’s home they told her that her sister had been taken to america, that there was no point in even trying to look for her, that’s it, she was in america, and natasha didn’t, well, you and your mother discussed this somehow, your mother was a more secretive person, she didn't say much about anything, after your mother took you from malyutka’s house, she was able to become a mother for you, the first... probably until she was 13 years old, she tried and we somehow went for a walk with her and dreamed about something, that’s what she she told me that she wanted something good in life, and then , well, there was probably a turning point when we went to live in the house, there were cheerful companies there, some familiar, some unknown, and
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my mother became different. live in a house, there is a second floor, i made myself a magnificent room and lived there, that is, we moved into literally, yes, because of course i didn’t like all this, i didn’t want it and cursed as much as i could, but like a child, mom, come on, well, i want something, well, mom, yes, mom had her own life, she already wanted that life, so she probably didn’t need me anymore. is your mother alive? my mother passed away in 2004, she died, she was hit by a car in the dark, did you handle the funeral? yes, of course, i was studying, and the financial sister, well, when my mother was buried, yes, natasha could not
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come, but there was a phone on that phone, i turned it on speakerphone, that’s how she said goodbye to her. over the speakerphone, you said goodbye to your mother as to a loved one, of course, that is, all the grievances, you forgave everything? yes, no, well, my mother was good, she was a mother, and now it turns out that only you natalya have each other, yes, me and natalya, you have a good relationship, very good, i love my sister very much. she somewhere replaced my mother with a dear person, of course, i want, i know, i want another sister, i will be even happier, that’s why you just now started looking for svetlana, a sister, you see, i tried several times , i tried myself, natasha, i say,
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natasha, come on, well natasha, i have a very wise person, she says, light, well , can you imagine, we know that, but can you imagine, she doesn’t know, we can break up the family, ruin the life of her , her adoptive parents, why didn’t we, i really wanted to, but with your sister, natalia, you are similar, well, they say that you are similar, but what do you think, your third sister, ira, she should be she looks like you, yes, she should, of course, we have one mother, one father. how much - in general, she’s been around for about a year she should be 47 now, and i should be 48, well, we should look alike, but do you remember what orphanage you and your sister were in? in the city of luga, tolmachev lane, we have one house, little ones, we were there. svetlana
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, irina came to us for help, from... to sosnovye bor, she is 47 years old, she is looking for her older sister, with whom she was once in the same baby house, here. she's a mom, she's a lot like her. mom’s face, nose, lips, about mom’s face, i
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just have no words, now, just emotions, tell svetlana how you found out that you you live in a foster family and what do you have...' sister svetlana, my mother told me about this, that i am not their own, but an adopted one, that i was in the orphanage, the city of luga, tolmachevo, that's what i have a sister, her name is svetlana frolova, about a year or two older than me. my sister, that my biological mother put me in an orphanage, well, in a baby home, then after some time she came, svetlana,
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she took my older sister, and left me, svetlana, well, actually, i paid attention, so far irina i told you, you looked at her so carefully, but you understand that i don’t know. i see my mother, there is such a strong resemblance to your mother, very much, tatyana, if you saw irina and svetlana, you might think that they are relatives. and when they told their stories and then together, it didn’t seem like that, but when
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svetlana turned to face irina, they sat opposite each other like that, it even seemed to me at moments that they were like a reflection of each other, they also had the same emotions, such are now experiencing, it seems very, yes, you they said that natalya is also similar. like your mother, yes, like your sister natalya, irina , she looks like, yes, it looks like something similar, also somehow the face, the face, is, irina, ready to meet your sister svetlana, of course, i’m ready, i’m with i didn’t expect at all that i had another sister. she said one, she found it, there are supposed to be two, of course i’m shocked, at the age of 13, she herself took her younger sisters to
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the baby’s home, in the studio natalya gorbunova, natalya, hello, hello, well, our sister seems to be like... like her mother , i don't know i have such a resemblance, such a feeling , and such feelings, feelings and well, it looks like, well, like mom, like mom, yes, like mom, you notice similarities with yourself, i don’t know, even, eyes, maybe irina, but you see some the similarities between you natalia, tell natalia about yourself, i’m 47 years old. i am married, two children, a grandmother , i already have four grandchildren and three granddaughters, and where do you
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live, tell me, i live in the leningrad region, the city of sosnovubor, not even far from us, natalya, and your sister, according to your information, should be where? in america, they said that they were adopted, adopted far away, taken to america, but i don’t think so, to be honest. that is, what happens is that they deceived you , most likely, so that you don’t look, so that you don’t bother anymore, yes, so that you don’t bother, don’t bother, don’t interfere, at that moment i believed at that moment i thought it was true, but i ended up here , nearby, but this is not yet certain, well, yes, it is quite possible that your sister is really in america, irina is looking for her family, that’s all again. maybe, maybe not, you don’t admit why, you feel something, everything is fine. did
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natalya and svetlana meet their sister today, or is that all their dear irochka was indeed adopted and taken to america; the result of the dna test in any case will not come without tears. geninferon light spray is a green light. green light for my goals and plans, red light for viruses that can interfere with them. genferon light thanks to double. or interferon and a special component prevents the proliferation of influenza and arvi viruses and their penetration. geinferon light spray the power of green light with mint aroma. our favorite superstar show is on air. the theme of today's episode is the disco of the century. there's a musical here colossal work. very nice. with
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grandmother, grandfather, we had a private house, but my parents rented an apartment nearby, well, you can see how all the young people wanted to live separately, so... but at one time i spent all my time with my grandmother, after 7 years my grandmother died, it turned out that, in principle, our family broke up, and before sveta and fira appeared, we lived, here i am , mother and her new husband, then the girls appeared, first sveta, then ira appeared, and how did the girls end up in the orphanage, something happened that - how to say? mom was imprisoned, and her husband, the girls’ father , left, and i stayed with the girls, at that time i was about 13 years old, so we lived in
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a private house, there was a private house, i was with them for some time, how long i could, so, and then i...' they suggested that they need to determine the baby's home, i needed the girls to have warmth and light, at least something from food, we ourselves were still a child, was it really not none of the adults who could help, well, no, there was no one, but how could you coped with it then, lit the stove, we didn’t have gas, bathe or feed there, to be honest, i didn’t cook, what was at hand was what i got, rolls, bread, porridge, i don’t think i knew how to cook, i don’t remember, well
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warm up the milk, at least at a minimum, i could do that, i did that, everything was handled fine, and you had no one to turn to, i didn’t think it was necessary, i don’t know, i thought, well, mom, well, no mom, well, she left she, well, she’s going to work or something, well, for 13 years i’ve been thinking, well, i’ll wait, i’ll wait, i ’ll wait for them to come, then again i don’t remember, who told me that your mother was imprisoned, uh, this uncle of yours left, like, i don’t remember who told me that the girls should be placed in a baby home, so we went. we first went to the doctor, the doctor sent us for some tests or some kind of certificates, we went to collect something, and then i took them to the hospital for quarantine for 2 weeks, then
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then i went to my relatives, what do i need? i have to go somewhere, i settled the girls, there was no way on my own, and they set me up with a natural-type internment school, and when you gave were there any girls? thoughts that it might happen that you will lose them forever, you know, when i was giving them away from the girls, i had only one thought, i was very worried because i forgot to put a pacifier for her, and she couldn’t live without a pacifier i didn’t fall asleep, but i forgot about her, that was it, yes, it was sad, but the others didn’t think, but thought that mom would come back, that she would take you all, will you all be together again? well, you know that? that it’s not even what they thought, it was assumed by him, it was expected that everything would be fine, but it didn’t work out a little , that’s why it didn’t work out, it didn’t work out, well
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, let’s do it this way, at that time, i had already graduated from boarding school, that’s when my aunt took me to her place in st. petersburg to study, and my mother was organizing her life, then when i i came to my mother there on a day off to see how she was doing, so i saw the light there, at a certain moment, she came out to me. hello, i was a little confused, because i was afraid that my whole life would repeat itself, there, you see, when i was in a boarding school, i went to the girls, visited them, i took them on weekends, they allowed me to walk with them for an hour and a half, and when i had weekends and they didn’t have quarantine or weren’t sick, what else, how many years have you
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been visiting the girls like this? well, for about a year and a half, probably, until there was no material and until i graduated from boarding school, so when my mother left, how did svetlana end up at home, but irina was not? you know how it turned out, i was studying, so it was all agreed and done without... i was simply presented with the fact that i came and the child was at home, but about ira, my mother said that they want to adopt ira , and either they want to, or the adoption stage is already underway, that they’re about to take her away, but there were no thoughts of somehow preventing this, well, i don’t know, i then, well i wasn’t even 16 years old, according to conversations? mom, when sometimes we also talked about all this, yes,
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mom wanted to take both me and ira, to the stage of daughterhood, most likely this is why it happened, yes, maybe because of the trauma of me going to her , ran, but ira didn’t, well , she was small, small, well, she didn’t i understood, it’s still completely, can you imagine, it turns out, no, well , nothing has really settled down yet, nothing in this life is like with me, yes, i ran, i regretted it, maybe i took it after all, well, how without without , maybe it was even necessary to rent a house again or something else, that is, you think, after all , there weren’t any good conditions where you could take your two, yes, most likely, yes, most likely because this, natalya, someday that irina herself will begin to look for, honestly, no, i have never thought about
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this, sveta herself tried to do this so many times, many times, we had a lot of conversations, natasha, come on, let’s start , come on, to be honest, i tried to dissuade him, i always dissuaded him, i didn’t want, how to say, i hoped that the person my own life, then i didn’t know, ira knows that she’s adopted, is everything there, what if we come and everything is ruined by the person, why? so convinced that everything was fine with her, well, let her live her life, she convinced herself, probably yes, she convinced herself, yes, everything is fine, she has everything well, according to irina, for complete happiness, she only needs the protection of her family, we have a plot, let's see. irina komar always remembers her parents and herself as a child with warmth. a big event in those days was going to a photo studio. she was always dressed up.
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i remember this well, they let me take a picture of a horse there, too, it says smile , i tried to stretch my smile, as they say , well, yes, i went to kindergarten , i really don’t remember how many years it’s been here, well, if you look at the age, zoom in on the photos, well i think about five years, probably maybe like this, about five or six, because i started school at the age of 77, i went on july 13, 1991, and together with the class i celebrated two holidays at once: graduation and my sixteenth birthday. 2 years later she got married, gave birth to two sons, in this photo irina’s dad is with his eldest grandson kolya. sitting on grandfather's lap, grandfather, apparently whispering something in his ear, here they are sitting. kolya went to first grade when irina’s husband died of cardiac arrest. luckily she wasn't left alone again got married. yesterday, december 3, the couple celebrated their anniversary, 20 years together.
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thank you very much for supporting me in the fact that i want to find my sister, and i have to do this, thank you, i am very grateful, during the renovation of the house, alexander first of all equipped the kitchen, because here irina spends all her free time time, well, here’s a kitchen like this, we bought it, when my husband showed me photographs, i say, that’s it, i say, sasha, let’s take it, i, because i always dreamed of having it in our apartment, when where my parents lived, there the kitchens, in general, were very small, you couldn’t turn around there, nothing, but i always dreamed of such a big, big kitchen that. that there is a place to put something, put it away, put it all in, that’s how they say, my husband made his dreams come true for me, the next item in the house renovation plans is refurbishment of the stove, my husband, as they say, had the very first thing, this was, this is a trial option , that he laid the stove himself, so he looked at the book, he bought the book specially,
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so he laid it out from this book, he wants to rearrange it, well, a little, so that more make it more modern, like this, love, care, irina’s mani goes not only to her husband, three cats and the dog mukhtar live in the house with them. when we are not there, he is very sad , when we go to the forest to pick mushrooms, he really loves to go mushroom picking with us, he just sees that we are getting ready, he’s done , i’m ready, take me, that’s it, sometimes he gets offended when we don’t take him with us, sveta also has cats, three cats and a dog, also chinchillas, what else, maybe we noticed something similar , yes, a childhood photograph. i thought she looked like little sveta, i told her she said that she looks like you, i already have a bad haircut, that girl in the photo looks like your little sister, ira, you understand, iri at the time i saw her, she was less than a year old, up to a year old, i’m sorry,
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no find out, i talked to her more with sveta, so i... the truth about irina’s adoptive parents is ready to be told by a family friend, what will be the result of the dna test, the most important thing is ahead, what is the pin code? if a simple question has become a viikorina, it can help with appetite, it helps restore attention memory, just to make your head work. colonel sotnikov, criminal investigation department. why are you behaving this way? motorcycle, paraphernalia, random women? because i consider all this an advantage, and he’s not too old for a motorcycle, no, he’s forever young, as you told you, at the full dawn of his strength, baby, and damn dashing, who the hell is, he’s a reckless driver, nikita panfilov, and sergei viktorovich , if
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we can’t figure out who is trolling us harshly and making fun of us. avatar show - new season! on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. in the studio of the dna program, two sisters met their supposed sister, who, according to rumors, was taken to america by her adoptive parents. a friend of your adoptive parents, irina , will tell you why they did not want to tell you the secret of adoption. in the studio vera shishkina , hello, vera, you knew
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irina’s family very well, and a long time ago, in 1988, we met valya’s mother, which means that our children turned out to be the same age, i have a son, she has a daughter, i really have two sons in the sandbox. so her mother started walking with the girl and i was here, hello, hello, and so one day we met, two met, but i immodestly asked, is this this your daughter or granddaughter, because i ’m an older mother, she’s also older than me, and our children are the same age, she says no, that’s what my daughter says, i... “oh, you me, excuse me, please, i can offended you, somehow, somehow, she says, well, no, no , nothing, she says, here we go, they decided to take the girl,
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so she began to tell me that they were young, they worked together, one day there was an evening shift, something happened there industrial, well , she got injured, a log of some kind fell and hit her right in the stomach.” well, in general it was a tragedy, well, that’s how it is health was good, but the children didn’t work out, a year or two passed, we went to get examined , they said there would be no children, well , valya started to worry, she said, i asked him, let’s take the child right away, no, he was against it, against it, that you never know what kind of child, what kind of child is there, what genes, how what? suddenly she will be sick or something, well, they lived like this, they lived, and the years go, go and go, well, and there at work with whom
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she spoke, well, women, you know, as if, she says, take it, because already time is ticking towards 40 years old, so she convinced him, convinced him, so they went, they took this girl , goggle-eyed, of course, dad wanted it, as if everyone wants boys, and mom wanted a girl, so they went into the room where the children were sitting, the applicants, as they say, you know, he says, he’s sitting, she says, the girl is alone , she says, so modest , she suddenly ran up and climbed onto her knees, that’s it, she says, i pressed her, she said, that’s it, it will be mine , there were no problems with the adoption, it was big, were they from my mother? there are documents there, this is her deprivation of parental rights, she needed a dad find, dad, it wasn’t so easy
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to find either, because there and... no one knows where he lived and what he did, he was a free man, well, they found it, but it was all the time, it was all nerves, that is, looking for him to write refusal, yes, yes, and did you ask valentina if they ever planned to tell their daughter the truth? no, she says, no, no, i don’t want to, for now, she says, i don’t want to, she says, how will she react, when she grows up, will she be older? then he says, we’ll probably tell you, but now just so that no one didn’t convey anything, didn’t say anything, so what do you think, this is irina’s correct decision to look for a biological family, she began only after those people who were always there for us passed away, we had a conversation with her more than once there was a conversation, we’re sitting there and it’s under surveillance, well, we need to find it, well, he even says, let’s go by
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car one day, they wanted to go again, they had an unsuccessful attempt to go again, well, then some business, business, things are going on, it comes full circle again, she says, yes, she says she doesn’t want to upset dad, she says he’ll be upset, something she says, she says directly, i don’t know what to do, well, that’s all, and she put it off, well, how he loved her, and she, maybe it’s not good to talk in front of the deceased, but dad had more than mom had for her , he really loved her very much. irina, tell vera who you met today, come on, ver borisovna, this is svetlana, my supposed sister, here she is sitting, sitting next to svetlana, my older sister, natalya, also supposed, i don’t know, something’s wrong i really
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like it, svetlana, only... with her figure, nothing more, no, then let us all watch the plot together, and natalia about svetlana, who really hope that thanks to the dna test, they will become three sisters again. natalia gorbunova decorated the walls of her apartment in st. petersburg with embroidery, paintings and icons. all this was bought, given as a gift or made by her own hands. again they gave me an icon, my saint, for mine. natalya, and while there are no colorings, i set out to do the bead work, again, slowly, not quickly, but little by little, my friend and i are sitting here, i do it, he looks, she has it too something to brag about,” says svetlana, she lives with her husband in the city of luga, leningrad region, in a house that she inherited from
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her mother, this is our favorite house. i don’t know when we probably moved here, around 2004 or so, probably yes, of course there was nothing here at all, unfortunately, there were only walls here, thanks to my husband, who is the most golden of mine, the most beloved, he did all this for me, well, like him, we are all together, in general, the whole family has always done this, we are always together, everything is with him did, the daughters of the spouses were the most active in the renovation. participation in the end , now everyone has a room, and in their family each has a cat, and the favorite resting place for mustachioed pranksters, these shelves, everyone quickly climbs there, from there they try to touch us with their paw, hook us, catch us, there was a place in svetlana’s house and for exotic pets, i really wanted a chinchilla , i begged my husband, i say, please, i say
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, let’s get one, we bought it, but there was a cage... small, but i can’t, i say, let’s come up with something for him to have a big house , thanks to my husband, he made me such a big house for my shenshelenysh, svetlana’s eldest daughter, daria, got married and moved, the youngest sasha, will also soon become a marriageable bride, and thanks to her mother’s lessons, she is already a wonderful housewife, my daughter is always with me helps, that is, cleans up and... and cooks, if mommy doesn’t have time to do something, my youngest child, my sweetie, does this , he loves to cook, he loves to cook, so of course, accordingly, i chose the profession of a cook, it will be great with us cook, yes sasha, yes, will be a cook, having learned that his and natalya’s younger sister irochka may have been found, svetlana first of all went to
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her mother in the cemetery to share the news and cry. as they say, this is where she lives, now, well, mommy, i think that our lost one has been found. if she is, then we will definitely come to her for you, it’s very difficult, of course, somewhere in my soul i had hope , i think maybe my mother is still alive, although it’s just in my eyes. look, well, well, i’m very glad if svetlana and natalya will be my sisters, i would like to hope for this,
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honestly, we always want to hope for the best, what if, with a positive dna test result, you want to go to the grave of the woman who gave you life, yes, just say thank you. that's it, have you seen the photo? well, yes, here’s something about my mother ’s photograph, something about my mother’s photo for sure, this nose here, this tire like that, but her face seems to be thinner, but maybe she was already thin there, and so i it seemed, and sveta seemed to have some kind of laugh there, it seemed, and... and that was her something i was doing these movements with my hands, well, excuse me, i just couldn’t find something, okay, that’s the truth, sorry,
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irina, i’m ready to find out the truth, i’m ready, i ’m inviting darya popova, our dmk specialist, to the studio. three sisters or just two? we will find out the long-awaited result of the dna test within a couple of minutes of advertising. for pensioners, sberbank has a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. transfer your pension to sberbank online or in a branch. watch today at 19:00 the president and russia. vladimir putin visited a large-scale exhibition and forum at
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up the mountain, a sniper is working. balabol, new season. it's you? i, today at 20:00, hands, in the fight between the cunning and the strong, to defeat the unpredictable. premiere on ntv. this is the dna program. we are all looking forward to the result of the genetic examination to find out whether it is really in the studio today met. three sisters who last got together almost half a century ago. daria, you have the floor. today , sisters natalya gorbunova and svetlana osipova, as well as their supposed younger sister, irina komar, asked for a dna test. at the age of 14, irina found documents about her adoption, but began her search for a biological family only after...
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the death of her russian adoptive parents. in turn, svetlana and natalya were sure that irina was adopted by us citizens and taken to america. they no longer hoped to meet younger sister. if the dna test is positive, it will mean nearly half a century later that three sisters were separated after their biological mother was incarcerated. finally together again. natalya, can i announce the result? do not mind. svetlana, are you ready to find out if you met your younger sister after almost half a century? ready. irina, do you want to know the truth, for sure? yes, attention, i'm opening the envelope. on the one hand, sisters natalya gorbunova and svetlana osipov. on the other hand, their
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supposed younger sister irina mosquito the probability that all three of you are children of the same mother, which means you are sisters by blood , is 99.9 said, hey, hello, hello, hello, come on, quiet, quiet, both quiet, congratulations, come on, wipe yourself off , calm down, that's it, i congratulate you, everything is fine, well, well, everything is fine, well, my darling, has it really happened, of course, we'll judge everything, we'll sit down, definitely, that's it, clean up, that's it, come here,
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my good one, everything is fine, thank you, i, i don’t know, i’m now, everything is fine, now, very much, i don’t know, i don’t even have words, i’m shaking with happiness, with joy, tryashnuki, yes, i was very worried, of course , very much, i was very afraid of a negative test, very afraid, but i promised myself that if the test turns out negative, we will still look further, i won’t stop there, svetlana, and for you, by the way , how is your new acquired status, you are now the elder sister, oh, she is now looking after me, yes, she is already taking over, but still with the rights of the oldest sister, i want to hear from you, what will change in your lives with the advent of another sisters, nothing
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will change, we will only have more, a relative will be added, a sister will be added, we will meet more often , this change is happy, now i am doubly happier , thank you, thank you very much, thank you, whoever is looking for if you need a genetic examination, contact us and we will help you, tomorrow on ntv, a new test dna, this is the ecology of the city , this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not only that, it’s cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the sweeping engine works perfectly. installation of equipment within the framework of the national fuel project, i also converted my car to methane without investment. being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations.
7:00 pm
vladimir putin visited russia’s largest exhibition of the main national achievements of the year and awarded the most diligent volunteers with awards. nikita korzun is observing the president's visit to the airborne forces. svetlana gordeeva will tell you 100 days of cough, why cough came back to russia, what it threatens and how to treat it. for personal data leaks deputies and senators propose to fine hundreds of millions of rubles and imprisonment. denis tolalayev talks about this. an electric car is still a luxury or a means of transportation, why is the white house.


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