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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  December 7, 2023 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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to talk about the possible motives for what happened, the shots that rang out in the morning in one of the schools in bryansk instantly transferred the entire educational institution to a state of emergency . all teachers teaching the second lesson were ordered to barricade the classrooms to calm the children; the groups that were closer to the emergency exit and could safely leave the building began to be taken outside. at that moment it became known that the shooting was carried out by one of the eighth grade students who came to biology class with a gun, who hid it in a tube and opened fire on her own classmates, according to the preliminary version, one of the schoolgirls died on the spot, five more were injured, the girl herself committed suicide , my classmate met right in the toilet one on one, we had to go to the second lesson, and we didn’t meet there for the first time, she could have shot her, but for some reason she didn’t shoot her, what did she decide, in short, she immediately goes into the office, shoots at
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the biological scientist, in short, she hit her, came in large numbers, just everyone came in large numbers, we barricaded ourselves there, this it was just fucked up, teachers carried wounded children in the arms of the publication in order to quickly hand them over to doctors, there is information that one of the schoolchildren was taken to intensive care in serious condition, he lost too much blood, during an emergency operation doctors removed shot from his arm and chest and legs, according to the boy’s father, the child did not have any conflict with his classmate, the children who live near the school went in groups... the rest remained to wait for their parents. some were in shock, others were hysterical, so many needed help doctors on the spot. there, someone from the eighth grade shot someone, killed someone. the main motive for the brutal reprisal also emerged: according to the students, the schoolgirl had been bullied by her classmates for many years. the girl, in their opinion, was withdrawn and communicated mainly with her twin sister, who studied in the same class, she was not harmed. an eighth-grader took the weapon from her hunter's father, and he is now detained. investigators are talking to him
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to find out why the child even had access to a gun, which should be kept in safe. a criminal case has been initiated on the grounds of a crime provided for in part two of article 105 of the criminal code of the russian federation. investigators , criminologists, investigators of the investigative department of the investigative committee of russia for the bryansk region, establish the circumstances of the incident, seize traces and objects relevant to the investigation of the criminal case. investigators will check the security company that was supposed to operate on the territory. schools, how they did it with what devices, because that according to the students, there is no metal detector at the entrance to the institution, which means the check must be individual, which apparently the guards neglected, allowing the tragedy to happen. tamara simonova, valentin lyubimov, alena kryukova, alina ilyukhina and nikita zabrodin, ntv television company. a criminal case has been opened regarding the murder of the verkhovna rada of ukraine ilya kiev, investigators have already drawn up a case. but
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crimes are now looking for a killer. the politician was shot the day before on the territory of the velich country club in the moscow region, it is known that despite the killer was able to hit the serious security and surveillance cameras inside the complex, who shot the former deputy twice. later, the ukrainian special services took responsibility for the murder, by analogy with terrorist organizations, calling this crime a special operation on the territory of our country, except. in addition, ukrainian intelligence promised that such killings would continue in the future. investigators and criminologists inspected the scene of the incident, seized washings, two pistol casings, a cartridge and other items, kiva’s personal car and the hotel room in which he had been living in recent months were also inspected. two bullet holes were found on the body of the deceased, a number of examinations were scheduled, including that at the very beginning
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of the conflict in donbass he supported the ukrainian regime and was even an assistant to the head of the ministry of internal affairs avakov, but several years ago he left for russia and supported the actions of our country, including including conducting a special military operation in ukraine, an eight-year-old policeman died in the ryazan region, maxim razanov, together with fellow investigators. arrived at the house of local businessman alexander glebov , the businessman’s ex-wife accused him of disseminating personal information, he posted some details of her life on the internet, the woman didn’t like it, she wrote a statement, the officer went to check it out, but glebov’s reaction to the law enforcement visit turned out to be inadequate; he opened fire from the window. svetlana zinovieva wrote 360 ​​statements to the police against her ex-husband over 10 years of marriage. he almost strangled her and the children once,
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he's even with me. for 3 hours he beat me here in an apartment on the second floor , intimidated me in every possible way, forced me to sign a receipt renouncing the property, so dividing the property, he simply brought this receipt everywhere, he says, she said, she refused , she got a case initiated under the article threat of murder, here is the extract from the verdict , glebov was found guilty and sentenced to 2 years 3 months of restriction of freedom, this is not a colony, just a ban on changing his place of residence and leaving... the city, on appeal he reduced the initiator of the lawsuit continued to pursue his own sentence while remaining at large. these are the messages he left for children at the entrance, being already limited in parental rights, and created a whole channel on social networks, where he posted correspondence, photos and videos with his ex-wife.
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light, maybe talk normally , call the police, but what will i do to harm you, nothing, what is this light, i’m not hitting you, i said, leave me alone, i’m not touching you, and so on. the searches in glebov's cottage were related to a new criminal case regarding violation of privacy. as soon as detectives from ryazan and vologda, svetlana filed a statement there, drove up to the house in official cars, the suspect climbed to the second floor and opened aimed fire from a hunting rifle. a second before the shot, the neighbors say they heard a scream, “i have nothing to lose.” when the mamon with automatic fire started to take him there... it was heard, that is, they took him with samon, that is, the samon did not give up, a native of the vologda region resisted the law enforcement officers. the man fired a shot from a hunting rifle, as a result which killed an employee of the russian department of internal affairs in
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the vologda region. twenty-eight-year-old maxim razanov, the son of general vitaly razanov, who worked as the deputy head of the department of internal affairs in the vologda region, received a fatal bullet, then went for a promotion to the capital's main directorate, a pensioner, glebov's neighbor, who witnessed the shootout, and the attacker himself in the hospital were slightly wounded; they managed to detain him only by force special forces of the russian guard. to coordinate the actions of law enforcement agencies, the regional prosecutor dmitry kadynev went to the scene of the incident vladislavovich, who will take control of the progress and results of the criminal investigation. alexander glebov himself more than once became a participant in various shows and was a member of groups supporting men whose wives interfere with communication. with the children, he said that zinovieva harassed him with denunciations to the police, the local police officer visited him almost every day and summonses arrived, but he just wanted to see his children, he edited such emotional videos so that his sons and daughter would not believe that dad is bad, well done, let's clap zhenya again, mutual
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the ex-spouses' accusations of collecting incriminating evidence led to the court restricting the parental rights of both; for several years now, their three children have been living with their grandmother. for encroaching on the life of a policeman, glebov, given his long-standing problems with the law, faces up to life imprisonment, so he will definitely no longer be able to improve relations with his children and participate in their upbringing. daria maralova, valentin lyubimov, daniela boklanova and sergey efrimov, ntv. the court is preparing to arrest ivan nekludo; he was detained on the moscow-ufa highway. niklyudov a wheelchair user in his primorye region, he is well known as a sportsman. plays basketball, swims, leads an active lifestyle, so active that he decided to drive alone by car from the capital to usuriysk, but as it turned out, this journey has criminal overtones, dinar usmanov will continue, a complete out and a red card,
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if only the traffic police inspectors if they used sanctions in sports terms, then they would definitely apply them to a basketball player in a wheelchair, a disabled person of the first group in a car, who was found to have such things. come closer, black, apparently, the inspectors’ intuition did not let them down, voluminous bags with light powder inside kept getting out and getting out, from technological niches, from things, from luggage compartments under the seats, the fact that they clearly did not contain sports doping became clear quickly, it was carried out in such batches they don’t carry the whole country, the voyage to the driver, who was detained on the moscow-u highway, was placed in an impound lot, the powder was sent for examination, which confirmed the initial suspicions in the packages of mephidrone, a dangerous psychoactive drug, a wheelchair user who was while driving, he was detained, and when completing the paperwork, it turned out that he was a figure for the world
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of drug dealers and pawnbrokers, well, not at all typical, rather, even, as they say, out of the ordinary . the driver 's license listed ivan neklyudov, 33 years old, in primorye, where the man was heading with a forbidden cargo
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, it seems that he is finished, however, he did not reach any special heights in it, either the thirteenth number under which he played turned out to be unlucky, or the linear criminal side of life got in the way , also not an ordinary activity for a disabled person in alone to pick up wholesale quantities and distribute them to smaller ones, as much as they will now charge him for such an unsportsmanlike thing. the ntv television company always gets away with it, the relatives of the famous showman and presenter vadim kutuzov, who died in biysk , are afraid that the person who beat him will again escape punishment, as has happened more than once, more about this after the advertisement. daughter-in-law a dna test for her three-year-old granddaughter, i know him, i don’t want to see her, she
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didn’t accept her from the very beginning, saying that it was someone else’s child we don’t need it in the apartment, firstly, the girl doesn’t look like her other grandchildren, those are my relatives, she looks like them, secondly, the woman found the wife of her eldest son with her youngest son, i saw with my own eyes how she was sitting at ruslanny’s knees, thirdly, the eldest son cannot have children at all, he had mumps for 8 years. there is a high probability that he will not have children, so is it really possible that little adeline’s dad, in fact her uncle, read samsky, good morning, dear, i’m off to work, i’ll see you in the evening, with whom i didn’t cheat, stanislav in he sits in this studio because he wants to prove more to his mother than to himself, to his mother, most of all he wants to prove to his mother, i open the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. do you take out credit cards,
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transfer debts to the bank, and pay them off conveniently? ozone, zone, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, buy everything on ozone, and surprise with a new dress and give a smartphone, final sales, final sale of the year at the un, xiaomi smartphone for 8.999, table set minar for 100. 399 polka dots bandiel organic for 949. cooking is simple, my mother taught me everything, she showed it, and i just repeated it. so in finance and investment, for everything to work out, you just need to repeat it. with tenkov investments, i simply repeat the transactions of successful investors. tinkov investments are simple, repeat transactions of successful investors and earn money. so, i decided to refresh the equipment in the kitchen. i got married successfully, tinkov, full of my gratitude, hey
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, thunderer, this is not scandinavia for you, call an electrician, but the delicious spot of scandinavia, a scandinavian burger with a cheese cutlet, cheese rings, a pie, norwegian berries and warming punch, scandinavian style, delicious , period, look at the cashback at the new year's sale in the megamarket, we can buy you cosmetics and perfume for it. or a blouse, and also cashback up to 80% on perfumes. alice, turn on the timer for 5 minutes, she will hear your voice, even if it’s noisy around, set the timer. alice, turn on the music, i’ll turn it on, she’ll also like what you like, we’re shaking, the new yandex station midi is your favorite smart speaker with alice. it is getting better and better, up to 14% per annum on deposits, the best interest rate in savings. deposit with a favorable rate. make it literal. with one button in the mobile application in savings with prime, it’s more profitable than superstar new season on saturday at 20:20 on
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ntv. as we age, we all experience a decline in memory and intelligence. why does the body fail? can these harmful changes be stopped? can. our body has a main computer - the brain, it is responsible for and regulates memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep. each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system, it consists of nerve cells and processes between them along which electrical signals are constantly flowing. as we age , changes occur in the brain; brain cells age and are damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azumopectinida. it turns out that azumepectinide contains unique components that promote brain recovery. all of them belong to the class of phosphopides, there are more than 100
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names. this is how a product was created from highly concentrated phospholipids from the japanese clam. prolong your youth brain 8800 exactly 1985 8800 exactly 1985 the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, a disruption in the functioning of our organs. this year, the russian distributor purchased a batch of the japanese brain product. it contains all the phospholipids that help restore the brain. brain therapy is produced in japan. brain aging can be reversed and it will serve again to you faithfully. extend the youth of your brain. 8800 exactly 1985. 8.800 100 exactly 1985. find out more about the japanese
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product brain therapy. meeting point. today at 14:00 on ntv. don't miss central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week. ilya kiva was killed, and why the ukrainian politician who fled to russia became almost the main target for the ukrainian special services. i was on zelsky’s list as number one, that i personally learned about the assassination attempt being prepared on him and which i managed to talk about in my last interview in our program. yes, the lord gave me the opportunity to know my own. killer in the face. this will be your central television on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. there is another emergency on air and we continue our broadcast: the high-profile case of the death of the famous
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showman vadim kutuzov in the altai territory is beginning to be heard in court. he was beaten in biysk near a cafe; kutuzov’s family fears that the criminal will escape responsibility. this is not the first time pavel malikov has been tried; this is always a rather serious charge, but it all ends with a suspended sentence, as it will be this time, vyazovaya found out. only thanks to the filming of surveillance cameras near the cafe, this footage of the death of the famous showman in altai vadim kutuzov was able to be proven. the defendant pavel malikov is clearly not telling something, because he insisted that kutuzov was the first to start the fight, but the presenter, as it became clear, went into detail later. while studying the video , he generally had his hands in his pockets when malikov stabbed him in the head; the mother of the deceased still cannot understand how her son, who could afford dinner in an expensive restaurant, ended up in an establishment with a dubious reputation, everything was fine , he went to get his hair cut, he was cheerful, everything in general, he said, mom, i love you, how much time has passed, it’s not easier for you now, i cry every day
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, every day i talk to him in a photograph, constantly in video. everything , it’s hard, god forbid, i don’t wish anyone to go through this, i must say that the opponents did not know each other before pavel malikov, a regular at a drinking establishment with a criminal past, vadim kutuzov, a well-known presenter respected in the city, his original show programs were very popular in demand, he was a man with what is called an unblemished reputation. unlike his previously convicted rival, on that july evening, the showman, who usually preferred more presentable... staschepita, for some reason went into this cafe, where malikov, a lover of alcohol, was known as a regular customer. according to eyewitnesses, the presenter stood up for the girl who was insulted by the accused. the attacker struck two blows to the head of the victim, who died at the scene of the incident from a traumatic brain injury. during the preliminary investigation, the accused
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partially admitted his guilt, motivating his actions by the fact that the victim allegedly abused him. they are trying to justify malikov’s behavior, apparently, and the relatives who came to court to support him, none of them even thought of approaching the mother of the deceased and at least expressing condolences, instead they made fun of the journalists’ questions. so say that the relatives of the defendant refused to comment in favor of the defendant, but what is the point, the point, what are we going to comment on? even though they all know well, the accused had already been prosecuted for brutally beating teenagers. is it a coincidence, but this happened near that same cafe, then malikov received 3 years of imprisonment, suspended, but did not even have time to expunge this conviction, when he became involved in a murder case, this fact will probably be taken into account during the trial and blogger
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ekaterina ulanova was chosen as a preventive measure with her subscribers, she shared various secrets, how to start a business without investment, how to buy expensive cosmetics and perfumes for pennies, no one succeeded, ulanova always came up with new excuses, but the overall damage was greater. aleftina marchenko will tell you how this could end for a popular blogger. a criminal case was opened against blogger and businesswoman ekaterina ulanova immediately after widespread publicity. the head of the investigative committee undertook to control the process, the reaction of the heroine of the stories was instantaneous, grabbing her husband and suitcases, she boarded a plane to dubai, but the operatives were faster, she was removed from the investigation and sent to a pre-trial detention center. it didn't work out, so if you want to come talk, well at a minimum, this needs to be done in a more correct form, and as it turned out, the so-called seller from god
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did not even know the exact numbers of defrauded clients, she issued receipts for purchases every other time, accepted money into many accounts, the court, however, soon softened the preventive measure to prohibit certain actions, including not communicating with the victims, ulanova did not seem to listen and immediately launched active activities, but not in order to compensate for the damage, in order to mitigate her punishment under the article of fraud on a particularly large scale. we need you to sign this is a settlement agreement so that when the investigative committee starts asking questions, we will show that we have some kind of agreement with you, the fact is that you may not have time to get all the money. i just experienced 2 days of hell, now i understand that this is a very serious story, a very serious story happened to dozens of people who believed the ural blogger, gave her their savings... many took out huge loans. daria hottos placed an order for 850,000 rubles. i chose a tv, washing machine, telephone, hair dryer, monitor, everything
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it could have been bought in a store, but ulannava offered significant discounts, plus gifts, daria waited a month, then six months, but received nothing. ekaterina also created a club, it’s called the ulanovo club. it included 150 girls and the total damage to all of us. is 90 million rubles. catherine does not return them. while the deceived buyers united and shared details, the blogger continued to invite new promotions, promising subscribers at fabulous prices expensive equipment and cosmetic sets from proven places, as she herself says, no one canceled the new year. and this madam still continues to sell, she still continues to advertise on social networks. in response to all the accusations , ulanova declares that she became... a victim of haters who want to destroy her business, her empire, which she created for 4 years, deliveries of goods were allegedly delayed due to miscalculations in logistics, so to speak, temporary
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interruptions, prices were below market prices, which means, in her opinion, she had to be patient, the prices were quite interesting for this, but in principle, we were ready to take the risk , wait 3 weeks, a month, and so on, but unfortunately, to this day, the month of december, we have not received anything, we were constantly fed breakfast, we were almost never personally responsible, they were responsible for her her managers, hired, however, which meant waiting in ulanova’s understanding, among those who never received the parcel went on their own feet, to the investigation department there were also those who had been trying for more than a year to find out the fate of their goods, dissatisfied customers demanding returns were sent to the black list, and in order not to spoil the reputation, negative reviews were deleted, very cool, so take it, i think that for now there is enough for everyone for now and write your reviews. according to rough estimates , ulanova owes her clients 140 million rubles. the amount is not small, but where is it, the big question is, the merchant’s arrested accounts
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are empty, now people are afraid that the savvy businesswoman can earn extra money like this for some time on new, gullible clients, while the criminal trial is going on, then run away to where the hidden all goods accumulated by deception. aleftina marchenko , valentin tv company but that's not all , look further, horror flying on the wings of the night 306 illegal guests of a one-room apartment in rostov, who the tenants discovered and where the uninvited guests are now , we'll tell you about it, but in a few minutes, hello, this one here the man today gave his people bream. and then dived into the mud and lay at the bottom, we wanted to make a citizen’s arrest, what? they attack special couriers, make several corpses, why
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don’t they... well, let’s catch them, ask who, who if we catch him, we’ll ask him, what’s wrong with you , you had a baton there in the car, that’s right, stream, drag, balabol, and don’t make eyes at me, i ’ll kill you anyway, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv, when you invite friends to tenkov, these... new year's invitations return with joy: before december 31, invite a friend to apply for a think of black card and receive 1,500 rubles, and your friend will receive free service forever. tinkov, this is just space, the real taste of smoked meat from cherkizov’s own farms, cosmically delicious. cherkizova! new year's discounts at magnit cosmetics influence beauty eyelash tuner with
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25% discount. magnit cosmetic - the price is right! it is getting better and better, up to 14% per annum on deposits, the best interest rate in savings. make a deposit with a favorable rate literally with one button in the mobile application in savings savings with prime is more profitable. pitelenka - pure products without harmful additives. the five components of unionzyme help normalize digestion, reduce bloating and discomfort, and remove toxins. unionwinter. normal digestion - excellent mood, everything is simple in electrics, i am the father of everything i taught him, he showed me, and i just repeated it, so in finance and investments, in order to have contact you just need to repeat it, with tenek investments i simply repeat the transactions of successful investors. tenkov investments are simple, repeat the deals of successful investors and earn money, you said that we couldn’t
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afford it, now we can. it’s just space, when you feel the real taste of smoked meat from cherkizova’s own farms, enjoy the moment with the fantastic taste of salchichon, cosmically delicious, cherkizova, celebrate the new year with vkk, here you can set the mood with one new year's playlist. congratulate loved ones in vkk calls, even when you’re not at all ready for this, capture an unforgettable moment in vklips that you want to share with everyone and meet midnight with a flurry of congratulations in messenger on vkontakte, vk, we’re celebrating the new year together, all the hens are perfectionists.
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eat only grain feeds, never use and will not use harmful growth hormone additives, care very much about freshness, yes, these are high standards of looper, looper are pure products without harmful additives, take out credit cards , transfer debts to the holwa, pay off your debts conveniently, alice , turn on the timer for 5 minutes, she will hear your voice, even if it’s noisy around, set the timer, alice, turn on the music, turn it on, she will also like what you like, louder , new yandex station midi, your favorite smart speaker with alice. kogacel already from the first day of administration begins to reduce the severity of symptoms of influenza and orv, regardless of the type of virus, therefore kogacel is the highest antiviral measure. ozone, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, buy everything on ozone, and a new dress from. final
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sale of the year at ozone: naked diamond polka dots for 1999, bandual organic polka dots for 949, robot vacuum cleaner for 39.99. five percent gel diklinanak aks in a package with a man. the gold standard for pain relief is a maximum concentration of 5%. trust of millions. there is another emergency on ntv live and we continue our broadcast. the new tenant of one rostov apartment, as soon as they entered the premises , were very surprised that the housing for which they paid rent was already occupied, and there were only guests for a small one-room apartment. there are too many apartments, 306 to be exact, in
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order to evict them it would be necessary to carry out a real operation to find them a new home. the tenants of this rostov apartment on the don embankment were sure that they had a horror flying on the wings of the night, a smell and an incomprehensible sound. and a terrible squeak somewhere inside the window sill, when the volunteers arrived , the scale of the disaster became clear, under the lining of the windows, everything was swarming with winged vampires, they woke up my sweet ones, neither the sanitary epidemiological station nor other services could help, the call defenders had to actually manually to save residents from the winged scourge, they counted more than 300 bats, the noise from such a number of bats is impossible to convey. and now 306 red-headed noctules, as this species is called, are now in the foster care of volunteers. olga tarasova explains that bats climbed into the apartment for the winter, found a gap and crawled through to where it was warmer. they are wild, so i try not
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to pick them up, so that, after all, the animal is wild, what does it do first of all, it defends itself, uh, well, in fact, there are calm ones, we can even pet this comrade. olga tarasova, together with her family, helps bats, brings caring wounded, exhausted mice, the choice is of course not obvious, you could pick cute cats, but, as they say, you can’t order your heart, let’s show it so that people can understand, this is what the tracks look like cat's claws, well, thank god this will drag on. the wings will be restored in the spring, well , as soon as it is restored, we will fly it away, bats in russia feed exclusively on insects, volunteers explain, therefore it is beneficial by destroying pests, many the species of bats are also listed in the red data book, they
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are given special care, so for every call , animal rights activists go to each call like a fire. in these amateur footage, a rescue operation to bring down another large colony of several hundred rufous noctules, it was necessary to call an aerial platform and even dismantle the balcony. we also took them out from the tower then , more than anyone else, but he doesn’t want, he doesn’t want , he wants, that’s it, don’t swear, well, actually, my dear, he’s sitting so far away, however, experts say that bats carry various infections, including rabies , and such proximity in the same apartment with a person will definitely not lead to anything good, besides, bats are still wild creatures that can attack, so it is better not to approach them and not... the bat may perceive you as a threat and naturally attack start to attack you, this, of course, can all end fatally, and moreover, the more bats there are, even in this situation there were a lot of them, the more injuries there will be, and
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excuse me, this can even cause bleeding and death. volunteers have already inspected a large rostov colony, almost all of the individuals are healthy, which means they will be released. over the weekend, animal rights activists plan to bring... rufous noctules to sochi, where it is still warm and the forests are suitable. pavel kuzentsov, alena kryukova, dayana shlyupkina and anton lukyanov, ntv. rostov region. if you need help and are faced with injustice, please contact us on the official telegram channel of the nwp. together we will fight lawlessness. tell us about emergencies in your city. our editorial team is available 24 hours a day. and that’s all for today, i’m marat siddikov. thank you. attention, stay with us tv.
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today on our program: rapprochement with the east. vladimir putin organized a blitz tour to saudi arabia, what does the arab world expect from russia? i'm very glad to see you, oil diplomacy. moscow and opec in a new deal, how did the price of a russian barrel become a headache for washington? we realized that russia is much more stable under sanctions. gadgets. why the state duma banned schoolchildren from using mobile phones in class and what punishment will follow for refusing to put away the smartphone. mon phone went. they're still filming sit, look, right now, hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything
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becomes clear, i’m andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live, we need today


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