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tv   Glavnaya doroga  NTV  December 9, 2023 10:20am-11:01am MSK

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in the joints, without damaging the stomach, and also normalize the level of uric acid. rheumoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rivmoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain. this is the main road. hello, look in
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the program, a unique result of a long experiment, road reagents are not just dangerous for the car, they turned out to be useful. ice gift from the roof, sergei cherkov is driving, i also turn out, one overtook, the other did not let me in, who is to blame for the accident? points of view are divided, whistlers in the cold, whistles, don’t pay attention until the belt breaks, change the generator belt, how to postpone the deprivation of rights, my deprivation, has it not entered into legal force or? the owner
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of the car 200 hours of labor, and the car in which i was traveling, to give to the benefit of the state, about this after the news, the news, the more dangerous, the more beautiful, fearless children took rides onto the roadway from the slope, eyewitnesses , instead of kicking the children out of the road, filmed their fun on video from the window, as soon as the video got to the traffic police, utility workers... eliminated the dangerous slide and cleared the snow there to the grass. how long depends on snowfalls. began. utility workers throw snow from roofs onto parked cars, they say they warned the owners in advance. in the moscow region, the grandmother decided not to wait for the road workers and cleared the path of snow with her hands. residents of ufa were much less fortunate. there i had to fight not with snow, but with sewage. squeamish owner. cars are now trying not
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to get too close to vehicles, they are waiting for the ombre to fade in order to dry the drowned. in the next week, the country will also be snowy and cold, stable, just not like in ufa, because it is during frosts that sewer pipes often become unusable, break, unlucky deprived person, 200 hours of community service for undelivered rights. "the court deprived a drunk driver of his license, but while he was waiting for a court decision on paper, he got caught again became a criminal, now he must work off his workdays and hand over his car, which he had already sold, to the state, the court didn’t even ask whether i had this one or not, georgy ermilov was deprived of his driver’s license, got into a minor accident, the inspector smelled the exhaust, took him for examination , tamu..."
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georgy, go for a ride, be happy, the decision is not ready, the traffic police didn’t take away your license, there is something to be happy about, you shouldn’t drive drunk, after a month and a half.
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the inspectors stopped him again, again they offered to clear the air, and i they offered to go to ogireevo or sign a waiver on the spot and go home quietly. i understand that one way or another, that by the time it gets to the point, it will turn out that there is nothing to take away from me, because in a month or two they will take my rights away one way or another, they won’t be able to deprive me of my rights twice, i thought gorgy waved a refusal to be examined , then events developed rapidly, it turned out that in the database i was listed as deprived, and literally 20 seconds later, i was already there and handcuffed, the investigator opened a criminal case, new ones. court and new sentence, 200 hours of community service, deprivation of rights for another 2 years, and the car will be confiscated into state ownership. georgy did not expect this. my previous deprivation did not enter into legal force because i appealed to the judge twice and before that i tried to surrender my license.
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the decision of the magistrate court comes into force within 10 days after it is received by the defendant. and if you file an appeal, then you really can go further. drive safely , but after the refusal of the appeal, there are other rules, there is an appellate authority that rules decision to leave the resolution unchanged, it comes into immediate force. after losing the appeal court , it is no longer possible for someone who has been deprived of their license to drive , and the driver’s license must be surrendered within 3 days, without waiting for a verdict on paper, otherwise the period of deprivation will be suspended if for some reason there is no court order to deprive the driver’s license,
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nature, but it's not only that. methane is cheaper, savings per kilometer, the engine runs great on methane. installation of equipment within the framework of the national fuel project. i also converted my car to run on methane without any investment. being practical is good for nature and good for you. choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations. don't miss central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week. biden has nowhere to retreat. why american? the president is now threatening the world with a military conflict between russia and nato. with the help of dna, everything can be found, even your serial killer, can dna really hide the terrible truth that you yourself would prefer not to know, and who would rather not even try to pass this
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terrible test. could the new year bring two new hot spots to the world? brazil is massing troops to the border with venezuela, is the us making plans to bomb mexico? why is this not a crazy forecast from a crazy heir in ang, but a real political alignment for 2024 ? this will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. superstar - new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. 160 years of engineering, millions of kilometers of reliability. all this is already waiting for you to test in the showrooms of official chunk dealers. and if it’s also a loan with an overpayment of less than 1% per year for 3 years , we haven’t offered this yet, but we have to hurry, because the supply is limited, a changan is more than just a car, dad, look, it’s correct to say, look, no,
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that's right, smart trio, three are more profitable than one in belayne, techno common 20 pro, communication accessories are 1000 rubles more profitable than just a smartphone, this is the resolution that smartphones need too. beeline is on your side, and santa claus will pull it, pull it, with a new year's loan there's enough for everything from the post bank, come get some money, post bank. highsens tvs offer bright pictures and surround sound. this is a realistic image that excites the imagination. haisens - technologies that change lives. a crime drama with zhora kryzhovnikova, about the late eighties, when no one had money, but there was a word. i will teach you to love the street, the word of a boy, blood on the asphalt, navink, all the luxury of france in every touch of art noir. immerse yourself in pure pleasure and enjoy the richness of 100% arabica coffee. allow me
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get more from carte noir. looking for the stay of your future dreams? one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet and that file is how to cancel art, it’s a megaphone, everything flies with it, only for megaphone subscribers, if it seems that the cold can no longer be stopped, anvimax, against symptoms, against viruses, anvimax, when the cold gets worse.
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for a savings account in gazprombank, your money works, and you receive income, register at and you will get such benefits. for only 1.799. this winter, especially for you, we are freezing prices. communication, when you connect or switch to tele2 tariffs, their price will be frozen for a long time, we are freezing the prices of tariffs. and they said that the nato one doesn’t burn, it burns, it burns so hard that you can put out the horseradish from afar.
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create investment ideas, we at bcs thought, you need a portfolio audit, free, professional advisors available throughout the country, so we not only have ideas, but also individual investment recommendations. go to bcs and get more. the legend returns, the same one made from 100% malt, baltika 3 non-alcoholic, one overtook, the other didn’t let me in, who is to blame for the accident, points of view were divided, it’s drizzling, it’s hanging, don’t pay attention until the belt breaks, we change the alternator belt. an icy gift from the roof, sergey
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cherkov is driving, i’m also freaking out, road reagents, not only dangerous, but also useful, no, well, look, you see, everything has gone dark, uh-huh, bad, yes that’s good, why, our reagent covered the metal with a film , a unique long-term experiment of the program, about it right now, the salt of the road, do you know that the reagents are useful for the body? this is a sensation, i checked. where how? to the laboratory. every year, tons of chemicals spill out on the country's roads. the only city in russia where there are reagents.
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for shoes and cars, real fragments of the body prepared according to the standard for testing paint for adhesion and corrosion resistance, spent 15 days in the reagent solution, how often do you wash your car in winter? well, once a week, after all, there are reagents, but my paint is not new and the car also has reagents, so we put it in. our samples in a special bath with a reagent, some with factory paint
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coated, while others are simply without paint, so what? delicious, preliminary expectations were indeed that the pure material would react very well, that corrosion products would appear literally in the first 4-5 hours of testing. scalpel, yeah, that’s what we used to make x-shaped cuts for paint, and this is all according to gost. of course, the guy has these scratches? yes, and then what? and then we placed our specimens, a special bath, yes, yes, with a reagent, yeah, they either fell into an aggressive environment, yeah, then rose out of it, and so, 15,000 times, well, that’s something like
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wash your car with dangerous reagents for a couple of years, yeah, what kind of rags are these? these are, yeah, the remains of leather boots, and women's ones, well, they also floated there, yeah, well, it doesn't look very good, the safe dosage of reagents depends on temperature, humidity, degree of icing and a bunch of other factors, but how much is actually poured is known only to utility workers, drivers and pedestrians constantly complain about reagents, the indignation of drivers is scientifically based, industrial salt dissolved in water, an extremely aggressive environment, from the beginning of a chemical... reaction until the appearance of the first it only takes a few hours for the metal to rust. after 15 days, we determined the adhesive strength of the paint coating. a decrease in the performance indicator is the peeling of the paint coating in the cut zone. if the reagent reaches the metal through a scratch, an aggressive chemical environment will quickly form under the protective paint layer
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. the body will begin to actively rot, the paint will fall off in pieces. well, how did you come away? yes, wait, first the skin, yeah, everything was much more interesting with it. in the test for strength, the first thing to give in, as we expected, was the skin. after a full cycle of loading and drying , it became stiff, lost elasticity, and became brittle. reagents are still evil. your favorite boots are worth protecting, unless, of course , you don’t live in wulanud, you can buy special galoshes, which are full on the internet, well , leather, nothing happened to the paint, we tore out all the laboratories, there’s rust here, there ’s rust here, you have to understand that
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corrosion is inevitable, but not because of reagents, it has darkened, uh, bad, but that’s good, why? our reagent covered the metal with a film, and this film slows down the appearance of rust, yes, apparently, some kind of organic acid was added there, in a small concentration, when interacting with metal, it actively causes corrosion of the metal on the all-over
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film, this film grows and protects our metal from exposure... to the external environment, as it turned out, moscow reagents contain formic acid salt, which prevents corrosion, and they also contain food additives. in moscow , increased requirements for environmental safety of the materials used, the composition of the anti-corrosion material also includes sodium formate, which is a corrosion inhibitor, that is, a substance that prevents the formation of corrosion on metals. in fact, the composition of anti-glare materials, if you look at it according to the classifier. these are food additives that you and i eat, it turns out that the reagent is useful for the body, yeah, this one, from moscow, with our body samples, yeah, but it still inspires optimism, well, yes, but i would still wash the car, yeah , because that maybe the reagent will be different, or the body will be made of
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a different metal, yeah, what are you doing, you’re poison. so is it the same for you? i have sugar, so i’m a little, by the way, whose boots are the boss’s wife? duel, last time we asked who was to blame for the accident, when one wanted to overtake, and the other resisted. and didn’t let me in. now the details: a suburban highway, a bus is driving behind a red crossover, its driver lets the bus pass and slowly changes lanes to the right, but the bus driver is in a hurry and also changes lanes. correct answer and winner's name you will find out further in the program. we dodge
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the ice floe. on the road you always need to be prepared for an unexpected gift with another car. it could be snow or ice. good morning, sergei, good, actor sergei cherkov, but you’d better pay us 5,000 good money a month, his role in the action movie at the game made him a real star. sergei's first car was a 24 volga, a gift from his grandfather, caught snow from a passing car. everything that flies from neighboring cars is dangerous. be careful, especially after snowfalls or frosts, following during the thaw, you'll be lucky if soft snow hits you; ice can not only break
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glass or denture your car, but also kill you. ever played dodgeball? well, we had to, yes, well, today we’ll play highball. sergei is driving too close to the minivan, at such a distance even a superhero would not be able to react to flying objects. always be prepared for something to fly at you from another car, especially after a snowfall. basically something flies in, something not so hard, that’s why it smears on the glass, on the road you need to be calm and confident, on a winter road all movements
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must be controlled and smooth, this goes without saying, sergei swings the steering wheel too much to dodge, the car drifts, on the road this is deadly, and if you decide to brake, you need to make sure that someone is not driving behind you, who will come at you. the main thing is that it doesn’t get to you, yes, enough theory, let’s go, let’s do practice, stay away from trucks and cars uncleaned with snow, drive around such cars faster and don’t tempt fate, the greater the distance from truck or car from the snow, the less chance you have of catching ice; you will notice it sooner; if you judge that there is no car behind you, you can slow down. well, if you see a flying object, move to the left or right, but look in the mirrors so that
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there is no one on the left or right, of course, if you are not confident in yourself, do not twitch, especially if the neighboring rows are occupied, well, go ahead real life, if a snowdrift hits. on the hood of a car, if it’s soft, then i think you can take it, that ’s right, but if it’s ice, you have to dodge, now the rules are like this, yellow means soft snow, red means ice, i understand, i accepted it, it was, he’s too close to the minivan and doesn’t have time to dodge, so it’s snowing normally , it’s snowing, it’s ice, waste,
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you’re on the road you won’t be able to understand what ’s flying at you, so any flying omen is dangerous, stay away from vans, trucks and lazy people who don’t clean theirs. and cars, especially after snowfalls and thaws, something can fly off from every car, maneuver, friends, only when you are 100% sure of safety, watch the main road on ntv, descend to a depth of 3.00 m, look at russia from the altitude of satellite flight, promo at the international exhibition
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forum russia moscow vdnkh from november 4, 2023 to april 12, 2024. it feels like i'm walking on a warm summer evening along a hedge overgrown with jasmine. subtle notes, what are flavored teas made from and are they dangerous to health? this is the investigative topic of the week, and also rutabaga. i recently told several young acquaintances that... i was going to do a story about rutabaga. they asked rutabaga what this berry is, why it is undeservedly forgotten and what can be prepared from it, quite an interesting recipe, i would probably cook this, live food with sergei molodemov, today at 11:00 on ntv. avatar show, new season, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. 160 years of engineering, millions.
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kilometers of reliability, all this is already waiting for you to test in the showrooms of official changan dealers, and if on credit, with an overpayment of less than one percent per year for 3 years, we have not offered this yet, but you have to hurry, because the supply is limited, chchangan is more, than just a car, well , credit card debts are hanging, interest is accruing, you need a loan, take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the loan, divide them into 24 months, conveniently pay them off, make purchases or get rid of it for a long time? it's easy with credit cards, hello, there's a gift waiting for you in the megaphone, buy inphiniks from the connection and get a second smartphone, a gift, only in the megaphone, a cold knocks you out of your usual rhythm, mom, we're already on our way, koltakt, the active ingredient is active in 10 minutes, colds are not included in our plans, koltakt,
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magical condition, real rate, up to 15.5% per annum on a savings account in gazprom bank: your money works, and you receive additional income, withdraw and replenish at any time, apply online at, gazprombank - time to make your dreams come true. a crime drama with zhora kryzhovnikova about the late eighties, when no one had money, but there was a word. i will teach you to love the street. blood on... your favorite coffee now has a new name: monarch, the same high quality and roasting of the beans, the same pleasure in every cup, monarch - the same favorite taste aroma, in exactly a second you you will become their hero, all eyes
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will be fixed on you, your gift will leave no one indifferent smart speaker vk capsule neo with stickers for children, stylish vk capsule mini with an exquisite design for friends large vk capsule for yourself to control a smart home, marusya, dim the lights , enjoy high-quality sound, vk capsule is the main gift of the year, vk is a meeting place, we take loans, easy to apply for, we are at sovcombank, we take loans, approved quickly, we are at sovcombank? loans that everyone knows, when it’s not snow outside the window, it’s always in the family spring, when you are surrounded by care, the weather is not terrible, there are five useful herbs, the union of natural forces will help support korla, our neotavi forces, this winter, especially for you, we are freezing communication prices, when you connect or switch to tele2 tariffs
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, they will be frozen for a long time price. we are freezing tariff prices. when you invite friends to tenkov, these new year's invitations are returned with joy. until december 31, invite a friend to get a tingcof black card and receive 1,500 rubles. and your friend will receive free service forever. tinkov. tinkov is car loans on the day of application, referral for repairs in kakacka in one hour, posag payments in one day. telkov. he's the only one. one overtook, the other did not let me in. who is to blame for the accident? points of view were divided. svistunov whistles in the cold. ignore it until the belt breaks. we change the alternator belt. more on this after the news. news. i’m a sinner,
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i repent, i got confused, i was offended and decided to take revenge. in the astrakhan region, a man got into an argument with a fellow traveler, tracked him down and burned a newly parked car. at the police department the arsonist was told that it was someone else’s car, and the opponent’s sedan was standing a couple of meters away. songs, dances and hugs with the car. inspectors in the krasnoyarsk territory are so happy about brand new cars with a traffic police badge that they even make videos about these crossovers. now, they say in gai, it will be even easier to catch up with violators. we asked, we answer. in the parking lot, my car rolled away. trailer that was not secured, i called the traffic police, but they refused to file an accident, the owner of the trailer said that he did not want to pay for repairs car, how can i now reimburse the received price? since the trailer is
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a vehicle and damage to your car was caused during its movement, this is an accident event that must be registered, the refusal of the driver is not justified, however, you can file a lawsuit against the owner of the trailer for compensation for what was caused to you... which must be done in advance assessed by an independent appraiser. duel. one wanted to overtake, but the other stubbornly refused to let him. who is to blame for the accident in vladivostok? points of view were divided. some are sure the bus driver hit the crossover on purpose. others believe that the car did not yield. the bus had the opportunity to avoid a collision, but apparently went into it deliberately, not only without braking, but also turning to the left in order to teach the driver of the crossover a lesson; for such defiant behavior, he will have to repair not only his bus, but the crossover. this is the winner of our competition, he
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receives a prize from our program. and now a new task from the main road: at a signalized intersection, two drivers simultaneously turn onto the same road face who is to blame for the accident. now the details: the driver of the green sedan turns right, and a black hatchback turns at the same time from the oncoming lane. cars hit sides, who is to blame for the collision? you will find out the correct answer and the name of the winner in the following programs. you will find the terms of the competition at send your answers to with the note pdd competition. can’t be reduced, it’s whistling, it’s money, splash any liquid, the whistling has stopped,
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it means it’s definitely the generator belt, not the rollers, a regular alternator belt lasts from 50 to 1000 km, but it is worth checking it at every oil change, cracks have appeared. urgently change it whistles, do not pay attention until the belt breaks, if part of the torn belt gets under the timing belt, then it can be damaged, with subsequent bending of the valves. the valves will not bend, the battery will run out , it will be especially fun if the battery is discharged outside the city in winter, in order to get to the alternator belt, you first have to remove the power steering belt. unscrew everything dry if you have a lot of strength or want to break the thread. i prefer penetrating lubrication, at the same time check the power steering belt, it is loose or cracked, change it, you can try replacing the belt from above, if you want to suffer or your hands are flexible, i prefer
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to lift the car, first loosen the tension roller of the alternator belt, if you want to change the belt again, then check the roller no need. but if there are any backlashes or creaks, then it is better to replace it. if you are only changing the roller, do not forget to mark the direction of movement on the belt, otherwise it will have to run-in, and this will accelerate wear. select both the roller and the belt strictly according to the wine number, choose the wrong one, you’ll have to run to the store again, and you’ll have lunch at the same time. if the alternator belt breaks on the road, women's tights can be a lifesaver. make it to the car service center, if you want to damage the generator bearings, tighten the belt with all your heart, but the correct tension is when, when pressed with a force of 10 kg, the belt bends by 3-5 mm, if after starting the engine and turning on
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all electrical consumers, the belt does not whistle, ride to your health, that's it, do it good, it will turn out bad. in the next program. the more you pour, the worse it is visible. we study the composition of the washer fluid. what household chemicals are good for your car? more on this in the next program. and we, denis yuchenkov and andrey fedortsov, say goodbye to you for exactly a week.
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good morning, how is your health, i hope everything is fine, my name is sergey malozyomov, i am a doctor by training, a journalist by profession and a cook at heart, that’s what you will see today in my live food program. tea with an aroma or a dangerous smell, it tastes great smell of rot, mustiness. why is it that most often there is no smell of natural jasmine and bergamot here? return to roots. let's remember what rutabaga is, it's a turnip. i look like a huge toridis. maybe in vain they completely forgot about it in russia? as well as new data on the dangers of salt and the benefits of coffee. a gigantic one has been prepared in the capital. pilaf, the latest news from the world of food,
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and, as always, at the end of the program, the recipe of the week, something beautiful and original that you will see very soon! how? this is wonderful, i drink regular, but freshly brewed cellon tea, which is still i just recently grew up somewhere here on a plantation in the mountains of sri lanka, and i sincerely think it’s delicious just like that, without any additives, but of course, you and i know people who definitely need something flavored with different flavors, that’s how they get bored and not very interesting, we 'll tell you now. they are also added to tea to make all sorts of strawberries and cream,
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thousand and one nights and other bergamots. sri lanka translated from sanskrit means blessed land. slopes dressed in fur coats made from tea bushes go well with this name. we know the island itself as ceylon, it was called that when british colonists began to grow tea here. at first they were actually going to do it. world brand ceylon coffee. in the middle of the 19th century , the british plowed almost everything under it, but the bushes were destroyed by a fungus. and then it turned out that the land is blessed for tea, which is not afraid of this disease. since then, it has been grown here and collected every morning. this is not an easy job, not only because here, even in the rain, even in the heat, you have to work, but because it's not so easy to get between. quite thorny bushes , it’s not for nothing that they wear special aprons, well
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, the bag itself is heavy, she has to collect 18 kg a day, sometimes she gains 10 kilos here at a time, hold it like this - with this belt on her head, of course i can imagine how at the end of the working day , my back probably falls off, so this is the price we get for our usual favorite tea; if i manage to collect 18 kg today, i will receive a thousand extra. mint chocolate.


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