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tv   Zakhar Prilepin  NTV  December 10, 2023 1:20am-1:46am MSK

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the reputable american weekly time, which so diligently sculpted the ukrainian president into an icon of resistance and the new churchill, gives a detailed account of the gloomy atmosphere in zelensky’s office, in which no one believes in the victorious end of the confrontation with the russian army. following the disconnection of kiev from cash flows and uncoupling from the global media locomotive, the epiphany will inevitably become widespread. hard work happens every day on all sectors of the front; political kiev will continue to drive the population of its country to slaughter, unfortunately we must be prepared for this level of suicidal recklessness.
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the past year was difficult, no, for many it may have been ordinary, some may have feared the coronavirus more than war, i ’m talking about myself and my loved ones. it was a difficult year, overwhelming for many, but even for those who diligently did not think about the svo, everything that happened will not be in vain. it’s about... historical, political, ontological, whatever, and it concerns everyone, without exception, and those who became a direct participant in the events, as a warrior, relative, loved one, friend, and so on , and those who do not want to touch on this, therefore, perhaps, now, at the end of the calendar year , there is nothing more important and appropriate than to talk about the possible, here i will emphasize, about the possible development of events, based on existing circumstances and facts. statements and actions from
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both opposing sides. there is no talk of any predictions, let alone forecasts. all we do is, to the best of our knowledge, painstakingly putting together a puzzle from scattered fragments. not recognizing, but also gloomy scientists who cannot refute the existence of god from the point of view of science do not at the same time deny such a phenomenon as global nonlocality. what is this, and what does it have to do with it? now let's try to tell it in our own words. the long-standing debate between niels bohr and albert einstein about whether there are elements of objective reality in the quantum world, or whether only the results of measurements are real concerns us all more than you might think. and the events in ukraine also concern. physicists at the salvay congress in 1927 agreed about the so-called copenhagen interpretation. we don’t discuss what happens between measurements, we follow the rule: count and don’t think. this rule
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allows us to consider global nonlocality acceptable until, of course, it can be refuted experimentally. so, translated into russian, this means that events remote in time and space can be correlated and even interconnected, without being causally determined. figuratively it looks like this: you put three matches in one box, you close the other box with four matches, knowing that there are only seven of them. and then when your colleague opens a box in which there are three, you understand, in another there are four matches, but this is not managing the matches, you just figured out where three are and where four are, a given, and this only became so after you opened your box, and until you opened the box, no one knows how many matches there are, einstein objects to this interpretation, he did not agree that it was the opening of the box that changed the world as whole, but this is not entirely true, opening the box revealed the state of the world... as
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a whole, nothing essentially changes, schrudinger’s cat became alive or dead not because we looked at it, we just saw in what state it is located in our universe, you understand what we are hinting at, today the people of peremozh toppled another monument to pushkin and lenin, and tomorrow in the gas sector a whole block collapsed from bombing, it would seem, well, what a connection, what nonsense, silent in their heads, there is a connection, let's look at the world map, ask the geostrategist questions, let us understand that the gas sector is also not the end point of the domino effect. prophetic interview with margarita simonyan. since you are already forcing me to predict, let me give you my forecast. how long will the kiev regime last without us help? guys, you can run away, run away into captivity with us. i am now addressing the ukrainian military. what awaits the kyiv dictator himself? look at this boy with a beard and a khaki t-shirt. he went completely crazy.
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and how will the special operation end? we haven’t liberated all of our territory yet, says margarita simonyan, i can only talk about what i know for sure, tomorrow at 6:00 pm. on ntv. well, let's sort out the matches, if that's the case. the reputable american weekly time, which so diligently molded the ukrainian president into an icon of resistance and a new churchill, gives a detailed account of the gloomy atmosphere in zelensky’s office, in which no one believes in the victorious end of the confrontation with the russian army. the president of ukraine, who has fallen into prostration, the reporter honestly writes how confused and
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irritably wanders around the offices and says, that he was betrayed by the west, quote. and the military leadership of the country, receiving orders from the kiev office, answers which gorlovka, how... to take, with what, we have neither people nor weapons, where are the weapons, where is the artillery, where are the recruits, these are all quotes, soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine in this time after another they echo the lack of resources to confront russia, a ukrainian fighter with the call sign grandfather admits that the counter-offensive, which also lasted for six months, has been choked, he also recognizes the local offensive of russian troops in different sectors of the front, fighter ebchanka from the national battalion wolves de vinci recognizes the surrender of the fortified areas. in deevka says that ukraine will soon cease to exist if ukrainian people do not come out to fight with russia. commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny goes to the press with a long interview, where he essentially admits the defeat of ukraine, albeit a creeping one, which is extended for
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$100 million a day. this amount was previously announced by the head of the ukrainian defense ministry, who was fired for corruption. maybe zaluzhny for the sake of pumping up the atmosphere and new trenches. admits the creeping defeat of ukraine, perhaps, but he admits the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine says they no longer have the resources to win, he says they don’t have a breakthrough, the army says it’s at a dead end, about its army. the mayor of kiev klitschko , in another interview with the swiss publication 20 minutes, said: “ that’s what! the hostage told the truth about the stalemate at the front. sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth, but ultimately he is responsible. he explained and justified. what is the situation today? of course , we can lie to our people and our partners in euphoria, but we won’t be able to do this forever. some of our politicians criticized zaluzhny for these clear words. it's not fair, i'm on his side. i am not surprised by the fall in popularity of vladimir zelensky. people
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see who is effective and who is not. there were and are numerous expectations. zelensky will pay for the mistakes he made. new financial packages. head of ukraine washington is talking about total elite corruption in ukraine, because of which the country’s minister of defense, the previously mentioned alexey reznikov, was removed. the same washington sends an auditor from the pentagon to kiev to calculate where $110 billion went,
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previously allocated to ukraine for victory over russia. and suddenly our army, which our opponents made fun of for so long, a-ha-ha, the armies of the world cannot cope with the impoverished army of ukraine, suddenly it becomes the first in world ratings, this is the version of the american company, us news & world report. the japanese army suddenly begins to borrow the developments of russian military ingenuity from the northern military district zone. anti-drone body kits for tanks, popularly called barbecues, the homemade nature of which was also laughed at, is ignorant. all this is global nonlocality and its manifestations. the whole world. is watching us carefully, and there will be more to come. of course, there still remains some stubborn people who, as people say, don’t even spit in the eyes of god’s race. the battle with russia may
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be lost, but the war with russia is certainly not over for them. living in his inner, so to speak, mongolia, he is a mental hermit, foreign agent and writer. mitya glukhovsky is still giving out advice on how to get out of russia, he got out, he gives out advice in such a way that he becomes the object of banter from the audience that was once loyal to him. network laughed. who came up with a brilliant scheme for rapid migration to germany. the scheme from mitya looks like this: point one - you learn english, point two you learn python, that is, python is a programming language, point three - you go to germany to work, everything is simple, brilliant. and this is the level of qualification, involvement, logic of understanding the issue they have in everything: you teach, you go, well , without taking into account the fact that mitya earned tens of millions of rubles in russia before he left, and continues to earn. in addition, mitya closed his eyes for 12 millions of other foreigners already
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living in germany. glukhovsky was immediately given , as they say, a full panama of counter-arguments, starting with questions about how english would help when moving to germany, and ending with the adaptation of his ingenious scheme for other purposes: you study physics, get a nobel prize, go to sweden for an engagement. it’s just as easy, they say, to create such characters. less, in any case , the dialectic here is pleasing: at first they listen to them carefully, then they begin to doubt their words, then they are caught in contradictions, in some inadequacy, and then turned into a parody, subsequently, i hope, they are marginalized as thinkers. following the disconnection of kiev from cash flows and uncoupling from the global media locomotive, the epiphany will inevitably become widespread. so, quite unexpectedly it turns out that...
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giving the appearance of popular support for these shameful lies, including those discrediting the army of the russian federation, he financed the structure of the fond free russia foundation. the material indicates that the organization has several offices in lithuania in georgia, where a total of about 200 employees work. links to posts under which it is necessary to leave comments, as well as their approximate content , were provided to the workers of the bot farm by curators, each elf up to... had to post at least 120 posts per shift, and these posts should not have been
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deleted by page administrators, now activity costs 10 euros. screenshots, publications and reactions of other users to these publications are provided as reporting. welcome to reality comrades, what did you think, zombies from holguin against the people, tyuta, everything is changing. we historically defend our borders , our people and those who need our help, although our enemies spoke different languages ​​and had different weapons, the goals were always the same, to destroy the country, take away our freedom, but we always bravely resisted in battles, history remembers that's all, the strength, unity of the people and the courage of the troops helped us win. become a hero bringing
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victory closer. serve under contract! and in an unexpected way, the head of the servant of the people faction in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, david arakhamia, actually officially recognized it. that the west recommended kiev not to enter into any agreements with moscow in 2022, but to stupidly fight until the end, everything could be stopped, he said so in march 2022, when russia during the negotiations only insisted on the neutral status of ukraine. they were ready to end the war if we accepted neutrality, like finland once did, and made a commitment that we would not join nato, just one.
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for the new territories that it acquired russia, like euromaidan, is ten years old, which was celebrated with pomp in kiev not so long ago. the best picture on the topic, the revolution of hygiene, the crowd on the maidan, independence and the signature, these people returned crimea to our country, and we don’t even know their names. it’s both fun and not , because how tragic it turned
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out to be the so-called european integration, for which kiev exchanged our brotherly love, more than 10 million ukrainian refugees are populating both russia and europe, having realized what the kiev government is dooming them to. on the maidan they thought that joining the european union looks a little different, doesn't it? this is no longer about global locality, this is about marathons of desires and other visualizations. be afraid of your desires, comrades, especially if they are directed against russia, especially if the wind is blowing in your head, okay, territory, hundreds of thousands of people already. return, either by letting it slip , or again, counting on subsidies, the ukrainian media forwarded information about 1,1000 deaths from the armed forces of ukraine alone, on the ukrainian tv channel 1+1 a line ran, during the conflict 1,126,652 died and went missing military personnel in the ssu. this is despite the fact that back on
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january thirtieth of twenty-three , order number 12 of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine was issued on approval of the list of information. forces of ukraine , which constitute official information, which contains a very interesting paragraph 3.39, classified information includes, in particular, the quote: information on the number of total losses of personnel of the armed forces of ukraine, including those killed, damaged, wounded, injured in conditions not related to combat situation, prisoners, hostages, internees, missing persons, missing deserters and... military personnel who voluntarily left a military unit or place of service. end of quote. that is, this is not a hacking of russian hackers, nor sabotage of our own. this is all, by the way, a sub-article matter, and at the same time real numbers. but even if we divide this number by two by three, by five. just think about the level of national catastrophe that ukraine is experiencing. does anyone seriously
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believe that things will be different in the future? after all , merkel once recognized the minsk agreements. notorious trick, puff time to pump ukraine up with weapons and regroup forces. remember, this happened. when we focused attention on this pronunciation, they did not really listen to us. i simply believe that the minsk agreements gave ukraine more time to develop between 2014 and 2021. at this time the president.
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a decent, so to speak, businessman, to get the necessary support, well, can we then listen to an honest oppositionist and not believe the discarded propagandists, well , comrade chichvarkin, who regularly sends money to the sou, and now it seems temporarily sobered up, we lost, let 's just admit, wow, you can put an end to it just like that, well, look what russia is now, and the west has built a fence for half the country. yes, through which he doesn’t let either people or money out, but behind this fence he always throws money for oil, gas and other minerals, that is, people return back there through the fence, they throw money for minerals, that is, there for fenced off a lot of money and people, everything was restored phenomenally, ikea left
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the company that produces high-quality furniture left... western car manufacturers, chinese microwave ovens are selling well on wheels, everything is fine, actually, everyone who wanted and didn’t want returned to putin, and it’s also impossible to transfer money from there, very it’s difficult to translate to russia, that’s why there are a lot of them in russia , i say again, the west did everything with its moronic sanctions, so that the juche ideas... just themselves, so that the hand itself wrote them, cut them off, and the group sang correctly, forget about it in the nineties, remember this legendary song, it’s a pity that help didn’t come? reinforcements were not sent, there were only two of us left , you and i were deceived, foreign agent boris grebenshchikov, who ingloriously celebrated
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his seventieth birthday this year outside his homeland in isolation from his fans, sang this composition for a reason, it seems to us, he just thought that he was singing about others, about these russian stinkers, who were all abandoned, who were deceived, and it seems that they were thrown on his side, they were thrown... for now it’s a little bit, but the process has every chance to last and expand. joe biden signed the bill temporary budget of the states without assistance to ukraine and israel. the document will make it possible to finance priority areas of work of the us federal government until january 19. they will support priority areas, for example, construction in america’s defense interests, payments to america’s veterans, the development of transport in america, housing and energy in america, and there are no lines in the budget about kiev. has the river become shallow? in addition, republicans demand that order be restored on the southern border of the united states, that funds be allocated for the improvement of the border with mexico to stop the uncontrolled
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flow of migrants into the states from latin america. and without this, he refuses to even look towards ukraine. further, all 109 members of parliament from the conservative party of zelensky’s staunch ally canada unanimously blocked the extension of the agreement. free trade between canada and ukraine blocked it. opponents of military aid to ukraine came to power in slovakia. in the netherlands, the winner was, to put it mildly, not fans of zelensky and not supporters of supplying the ukrainian armed forces with tanks and aircraft and so on. there is no talk about hungary at all. prime minister orban's party consistently blocks all initiatives to help ukraine. several major eu countries have advocated easing sanctions against russia.
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we are not ready to invest political, financial , military capital in obviously losing causes, we cannot change the situation, the best option now for you is to seek peace, that’s roughly what they can tell him. i hope they will be honest enough to tell zelensky that if he continues this fight, those 20% of the territory which he lost may well turn into 40 or 50%, and that continuing this fight could lead to disastrous consequences for ukraine. the reality is that the ukrainian armed forces are now on the verge of collapse, and everyone admits this. if the army goes. there will be a rapid withdrawal of troops, the russians will fill the void left behind, and if they do, this territory will most likely not be returned to ukraine. end of quote: all this is not a hat
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of innuendo, although it may be a controversial opinion, we simply listed the facts of recent months, each can be verified personally, remember where we started, yes , global non-locality, the interconnection of everything, even at first glance, completely non- rhyming events, do you believe in god or? don’t believe it, but it all works , there is a relationship between the vile words thrown into the air, monuments destroyed by memory, curses sent, torture and extrajudicial executions, bans and calls to slaughter russians, and the consequences that occur on the real map of life. massive appearances in world media materials that ukraine is losing the war, should not be taken in the sense that ukraine is losing the war. on its own, because without external influence ukraine will not lose anything, much poorer and depressed countries in
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a state of permanent civil war have existed for decades, and ukraine can still revive a colossal part of its economy, and besides, it has still the strongest army, which as a whole has not gone away. articles published in the world media about the imminent... ukraine must be defeated and broken to dust, incline to complete unconditional surrender, at which the question of whether or not ukraine should join nato will not be decided, the question will be decided of what it will have instead of an army, vigilantes on scooters or the russian army. while i was chewing on these articles and private statements from politicians . as preparation for a peaceful settlement, they say ukraine is tired, we should provide it with rehabilitation, but something like minsk-3 or...


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