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tv   Svet i ten mayaka  NTV  December 11, 2023 4:00am-4:50am MSK

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that's all, what did you say? yes, what did she say , what did she say, she didn’t say anything intelligible , there’s a lot of time, it’s a long drive, it’s a long drive, hey, alexander, well, there’s no need to get upset over all sorts of little things, yes irin, you know, excuse me, but this is not a little thing at all, otherwise i found some things to do, well, what things could be going on, i don’t understand, let’s go to the table, everything is ready, thank you, excuse me, what’s going on? business, business, business, business, bon appetit, thank you , thank you, well, you are a private detective, i should hang a sign on my chest, vasily, yes, he is the one, vladislav, very nice, i’m listening to you, vladislav, in general, there is one girl. which is very disturbing
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to a person dear to me, well, in general, how she appeared here, it is unknown what she was doing , she suddenly appeared in this city and immediately began to interfere with my friends, so, in general, i need all the information about them, who their parents are, where she studied, worked, in general, everything, and as if there is no question about finances, but you know the girl’s name, yes, yes. she introduces herself as liza skorkina, that's it.
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mother! i was cleaning oleg's room. by the way, what are you talking about? no, work, work, and you good for you to come and have dinner, but no, i’m sorry, mom, i wanted to talk to you about oleg, this is the case, well, in short, i did everything as you asked, but oleg categorically refused to go to simonovovich’s wedding.
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the husband didn’t try very hard to persuade, maybe you ’re glad that they quarreled, but oh, mom, please don’t start this conversation, tatyana doesn’t care. lately she has really disappointed me, and as for oleg, he’s not a little boy to wipe the snot out of, let him decide where to go, who to see, and you, mommy, don’t meddle in his affairs, don’t put pressure on him. and by the way, this is what i thought,
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maybe it’s for the best that they broke up , you don’t want your son to end up in jail, what are you talking about now, a bone, why should you tell me some horrors, huh? think for yourself. what kind of man can withstand tanya's toughness, but he will kill the first one she sleeps with, nerves are not iron, look at things soberly, and you will agree with me, and so we parted, thank god, i don’t wish harm to my brother, i don’t want, so that he... would suffer all his life from being over-the-top,
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do you guys ever understand anything? tanya is the best wife for oleg, i will always be on her side, yes, mommy, now it’s clear why oleg doesn’t want to live here with you, you blew my mind with this tatyana, i would also run away, now what are you talking about , i mean, don’t expect him today, or in the near future either. well, it’s delicious for you, very tasty, at least tastier than in a restaurant, i know that there should be some kind of special diet for heart patients, i’ll read it, you need to read it to know what
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to cook for you, ir, ay, let’s so let's agree there are no cores here in this house, ira, completely throw all this out of your head, thank you very much, very good evening. finally hello, listen, why didn’t you call, well, we agreed that you would call, i waited, waited, you don’t call, dad, come on another time, please, i’m crazy tired, well, wait, wait, that’s all there how it settled down a little, but it settled down, it settled down, dad, what happened, this is your medicine, but not your daughter, this is how i decided to go through the first aid kit. there is a huge amount of expired medicines, yes, but i decided how what to throw away, what to leave, tanya , dad just doesn’t want to tell you, because i asked him about it, and these are my medicines, yours from the heart, and what you can’t
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say outwardly, no, you look very good, you see, how appearances can be deceiving, these are my medications, i have... a very serious heart disease, serious, how serious, so serious that the doctors don’t even know how long i can last, that you don’t scare the child, daughter, maybe , have tea with us, daughter, tanya. green, what are you, simonovich, have you already said goodbye to life? yes, why, all of a sudden? you chose a good place, here you kill a person, spit them out, and then present it all as a robbery, right? okay, sorry, i just needed to meet
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so that no one knew, well, what’s the point of all this disguise, slav, i have nowhere else to go, you are my last hope. and i’ve been living with this diagnosis for many years, and nothing helped, i used to believe, strongly believed, collected money, went to different doctors, even had coronary artery bypass surgery, but the attacks still continued, and i gave up. i don’t go to doctors anymore, medicine doesn’t stand still, new methods are appearing, yes, in the west, we have, you know what, i’ll help you, you just need to find a good specialist, you know what a miracle
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is happening, right now , you said, i will help you, believe me, this is the best medicine, do you know why i gave up , why? because i had no relatives, there was no one for whom to live, you can’t say that, okay, i won’t, well, now you and dad have become family, so there is hope, we will help you, believe me, i never trusted anyone. but i believe you, thank you, i don’t know who i crossed paths with, you see how quickly everything started spinning, yes, i see, i see, like a movie, the most important thing is why, i accidentally heard part of the testimony of some brother during interrogation ,
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you know, i tried to remember what exactly you heard, i couldn’t, i didn’t even listen to the words, i saw you pressing it there, i then almost immediately went to the archives, you saw that? yes , i saw, i saw that ignatius came out later, i saw this too, and then it started, this guy hanged himself in his cell, and they gave me important information under the guise. i want to go to trial, and even more so to the zone, but i
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’m not a criminal, you know that, i’m just asking you, try to do everything to prove it, okay. so you’re angry with him because he started coming late, he doesn’t talk much, and he’s tired of
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you, tired of your lectures, you gave him a good idea not to live at home, but mom, unlike you, don’t suggest anything to anyone, he wanted it that way, he wanted it that way i decided to ask you to tell you not to wait for him and not to worry, but why didn’t you announce it yourself, were you scared? that's right, mom, a domestic tyrant, a monster, right, mom, come on, don't exaggerate, don't exaggerate, don't , because don't you have situations where you don't want to see anyone, no one , no loved ones, no one, no, son, this doesn’t happen to me, but it happens to others, mom, here’s your youngest son, hello, otherwise we... your ears weren’t expecting you, mom, why can’t i say anything, no, you this means
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you can generally say everything, announce everything, explain, but i can’t even joke, just a little, sort it out among yourselves, that’s enough for me, i went, and most importantly, everyone was fine.
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only one thing confuses me, an interesting situation happened recently , a bandit with a pistol was waylaying me in a dark alley, and moreover, he asked me to leave you alone, never mind, yeah, wait, well, you don’t think it’s me, true, this is part of their plan, if this is the case, you now need security yourself, i’m already...
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for her, it’s scary, okay, let’s figure it out, if it’s not you and ignatiev, then it should be someone third, here, here, here, here, who was aware of our interrogation, well then let’s think about how they could do this? well , theoretically, they could have wiretapped me at the right moment to disrupt the interrogation, but most likely this was the case, which means there is a werewolf on the third who wants to put me in order to cover himself. okay, if they know something, i’ll let you know, we’ll meet in the same way without witnesses, thank you, thank you, hang in there, daughter, i’ve come to wish you
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good night. well, are you sad? you’re dragging around the obolegas, what should i do with you, with the proud ones? the way you measure, well, maybe talk to him again? no, dad, it’s not a matter of pride, i saw how he looked at me, with such hatred, with such contempt, i can’t stand it anymore, daughter, well, oleg is also worried, he probably can’t forget you , so , nothing, he will forget, along with
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the shemina, listen, why did you get this shamina into your head? because i saw them together, dad, and lisa saw them, took a picture of them together, lisa, how you lick it, she supports me, it was she who opened my eyes to an affair with shimina, and i’m a fool, i thought that if they had something, then it was all over, luisa, how does lizato know whether it ended there or not, well, because she sees people, dad, unlike from me. oh, daughter, daughter, you will have dinner, because you haven’t been hungry all day, no, thank you, i don’t want to, you don’t want to, when tanya was everything was different, and you ate like a person, the mood
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was different, and again about her , yes, mom, if you continue in this spirit, i’ll definitely move, where, little ones? name, and this is my personal business, okay, let 's not quarrel, i beg you , it's just that we also need to think about other people, how they suffer, you know, i don't care about her suffering, when she started to twist with her head, she thought what would happen to me , if you’re talking about lobova, then i’m talking about shumina, what kind of relationship do you have with her, listen , i’m already tired of repeating, we don’t have anything with her, we’re just friends, but i can meet her myself and ask about it,
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nothing, thank you, a normal man, he will understand, no, son, that he will understand that you will not congratulate him, his wife, him, he will definitely will be offended, well, maybe i won’t come for a while, hello, bone, you, me, listen, bone, what, in short, i think that with this liza it’s already kind of too much, i don’t understand, why don’t you understand, kostya, i think she deliberately interferes with tanya and oleg, well , she itches all the time, in tanya’s ear, that oleg is cheating on her with this very shit, i don’t know, i don’t know, she
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has some photographs where oleg shumina really, well together. but believe me, the photographs are absolutely harmless, but you understand that tanya is on edge now, quietly, well, this is all some kind of women's gossip, we what are we even talking about, maybe she has some kind of ambition for oleg, maybe she herself wants to marry him, i don’t know, kostya, i ’m telling you, i don’t care about lisa’s personal life, she’s nothing to me, empty space, i didn’t send her to oleg, well, why she’s watching oleg, i don’t know. maybe tanya asked her to keep an eye on her? tanya will never stoop to this. well, okay, maybe she just sympathized with tanya. well, why do you need a groom who can barely do anything?
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"yes, not the most successful establishment, sorry, well who knew, i assure you that next time i
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will invite you to a more proven establishment, and that in this city you can find a bottle of really good wine, but i have a whole wine cellar at home, i will be happy to invite you for a tasting. wine vault? do you live in a real mansion? yes, come on, what mansion? so nothing special. pool? well, a sauna, of course, an underground garage, a winter garden. mm, and the garden is probably looked after by a wonderful gardener. wonderful servant. you see, ladies come and go. and i fired the last one. as soon as i met you, you treated a woman so cruelly, why? well , apparently, because none of them
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hold a candle to you? you don’t know me at all, one look at you is enough to understand that there is no other world like you, it’s nice to hear, and it’s nice for me to be next to you. listen, maybe to hell with this restaurant, let's go to my place, take a swim in the pool, drink a glass of good wine, and it will be really good wine.
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well, you haven’t rummaged through everything in this office, maybe it’s still there somewhere, but that’s it, he took it and keeps it somewhere at home or in a safe deposit box, well, in short, trying to just steal the disk is useless, you have to something else. this is that rare case when i no longer have ideas, but i do, i need to buy this disc. do you want to offer money to the rector? well, why does everyone need money? what do you think, is he poor? well, let's see. this is nonsense, vlad. gal, well, let's try, it's an attempt, not torture. do you remember that you already somehow tried to give?
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excuse me, just a minute, whatever you want, young man, but it seems that we have already met, yes, yes, about your student.
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and what do i have to do with this? well, my parents are not the last people in the city, and i myself am going to make a political career. well, what do i have to do with it? well, i don’t want my wife’s reputation to be tarnished, you have a video that compromises her. everything is clear, it means you are not only a bribe-giver, but also a thief. you came into my office twice looking for this video, good start political career, this is not me, i swear to you, after this, would i be able to do this with you. enter into negotiations, and we are now having negotiations, well, yes, well, how much do you want for this video, oh you puppy, you are on your own again, get out, get out, so that i don’t see you anymore, don’t hear you, get out, get out
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said. well, my dear, come on, go to your university, please, think only about your studies, we agreed, okay, just about your studies, bye, dad, bye. well, tanya also ran away without breakfast, but i prepared such delicious pancakes, here you go, come on, eat, at least you, thank you, thank you, well, what can i say, in my opinion, everything is incomparable, you
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are thinking about something about your own. i tried so hard, but no, irina, don’t worry, everything is really very tasty, but perhaps i have no appetite, tell me, irina, are your documents for the apartment ready? yes, they are all ready, i have them in my purse, then we will do this, mm, now we will go to the notary and we will draw up documents for the apartment in your name, you know, i am very concerned about your health, and... with your health, irina, everything is i’m fine, no , that won’t do, i have a condition, we’ll go to the notary, just before that we’ll go to the hospital and let a specialist look at you, irin, i assure you, my health is fine, no, we or let's go to the hospital, or we won't go anywhere, irina, for that matter, we have a purely business relationship, i ask you not to, not anymore, because i'm worried about you, i'm worried,
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and you don't. troubles, i thought that all this was already in the past, unfortunately, no, there are people who are hunting for this record in order to separate tanya and oleg finally. tell me, galita, how are you aware of all this? well, tanya herself told me about the recording, and i myself identified these vile people. mean people? yes, don't you believe me? who are these people?
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tanya, i'm in a hurry, tanya, what do you want from me? i want you to apologize to your brother, he will forgive you. why do you need it? because i’m worried about you, about oleg, about mom, in the end, i’m not happy about this either. can you worry? well, i’m a living person, i see how bad you feel. "you know, i i won’t apologize for anything, if you’re talking about the teacher, then we didn’t have any relationship, tanya, tanya, stop, stop, i say, come here, come, come, but i don’t need to lie, i want help you and oleg, while you are giving very strange advice, this is very wise advice, even if
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there was nothing between you and this person, repent, let it be a small sacrifice on the altar of family happiness, i have nothing to repent of, kostya, and i i won’t apologize for anything, thank you very much for your concern. so oleg met this lisa when crashed into her car. lisa immediately fell in love with him and gave in so that you would not take him away from tanya. does tanya know about this lisa? moreover, it’s lisa who became her friend, and now tanya listens to her in everything and trusts her. i don’t understand that lisa wants to steal the disk. yes. i heard a telephone conversation, as she gave instructions for someone to find him in the rector’s office. well , i see, but how can i help? well, my friend and i already tried, but it didn’t work, so now here’s the alarm cabinet. so it's
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you, yes, so i thought, maybe what? excuse me, galina, are you suggesting that i search the rector’s office? yes, sorry, i just don't see any other way out. “oh , okay, i, i’ll try to do everything in my power, why are you standing there, sit down, my friend, now you explain to me that you ’re making a fuss about zelenin, boss, how would i like to tell you i dared, i listen to you right now, you’re telling me the whole truth, or you , believe me, will have very big problems, they forced me, who is evseev, he’s cunning, i’m on his hook, okay, why exactly zelenin, he said that zelenin got to the bottom of him, that
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zelenin needs to be slowed down, otherwise evseev will end up on the bunk, clearly, and now listen to me very carefully, don’t say a word to anyone, not to anyone at all, otherwise you will be the first to end up on the bunk, understand? yes, go, go, i urgently need captain ignatiev, good afternoon to you, girl, but here, you know, everything is urgent, the work is like this, and captain ignatiev is away? damn, thank you, oleg, oleg, this is galya, i wanted
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to talk to you, i came to your work, you’re not here, please listen to me, try to say everything over the phone. oleg , quit this noise, but you don’t love her , go back to tanya, well, everything can be fixed, everything that no one kissed me, didn’t persuade me, no, why, well, really, well, she loves you so much, she loves you so much she’s suffering, you should have seen, she can’t find a place for herself, what kind of romances, are you out of your mind, what does these romances have to do with it, she’s never loved anyone but you, really, oleg, oleg, hello,
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hello, elizaveta, hello, yes some news, of course, here is the plan of the kolisovo house. i've got the codes on the back i wrote, so curious, how did you do it? good memory, memory, uh-huh , i didn’t understand, he entered the codes right in front of you, yes, he wanted to show off his shares, okay, elizaveta, everything is of course very good, but tikhonov complained that you... showed tatyana photographs of oleg and shamyana. and so what? how is this, what's wrong with this? a little more itikhonov will suspect that everything is done with your hands. you should be more careful, lisa.
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okay, i agree, it was a mistake. of course it's a mistake. of course you have to manipulate but in fact you should stay away. and if nothing works out. well, get yourself together, don’t get discouraged, you are going on an important task, you have no right to joke. i realized, oh, this lady is here.
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so why are we sitting? irin, did you start all this in vain? maybe we shouldn't go? no, alexander , you told me that we’d go , we agreed, and you promised, well, what do you mean promised,
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here you go, yeah, i don’t know why i’m doing this, in extreme cases i’ll give it to the housekeeper, here you go, but especially for those who have already purchased this set, uh, there is a lottery, well, this is certainly without me, no, again , you don’t know what you are giving up, what are you saying , the main prize of this lottery is a trip for two to the spa, the hotel is radiant, yeah, all sleeping procedures are included, okay, how is it determined to win ?
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very nice, very nice, see you in the evening , larisa, see you in the evening, what can you say good , doctor, yes, my dear, your heart is worn out, you can’t do without hospitalization, but no, what are you kidding, doctor, how...
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caring, what kind of hospital, i'm in full color on time, doctor, well, my business to warn how things were going for so long , everything went with a bang, adjusted her eyes, said that she was a little over 30, she acted like a sweetheart, she left her contacts, of course, she bought a set and left her phone number, well, you’re great, it’s not for nothing that she’s on grannies trained.
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well, yes, alexander, well, you’re like a child, honestly, but if the doctor said that it’s serious, then it’s serious, but there’s nothing serious there, everything is fine there, with my heart, they don’t just put me in the hospital, okay, irin , this issue is already closed, the notary is having lunch now, so we’ll go to kolga’s first, and then we’ll see, well, yes. kolge, of course, of course, kolge - this is the most, most important thing now, yes, let's not discuss this, please, the car. excuse me for suspecting you, did you find out anything? yes, my informant split and said that it was evseev
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who ordered you to be framed. it’s strange what i could do with some evseev, let’s have a sit down. it was kravchenko who set you up, ignatius leaked information about the interrogation to him, and kostya decided to turn the tables, that’s all, it’s not in his head it fits, no, i would never have thought that oleg was capable of such a thing, but
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the brothers still, it’s not something else that’s offensive, i told kravchenko. the whole truth that i suspect him , i even asked for forgiveness, well, well done, wait, but if kravchenko is connected with crime, then you are at a very big risk, i know, during this time i dug up such a good deal on him that if suddenly something happens to me, the prosecutor will immediately take it away. well, well, let's go, i'm afraid i
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won't be jealous of your olga, who does she owe it to? be jealous of a relative, don’t forget, relative, nothing, nothing, let’s move. there, there, come in, hello, come in, irina, hello, well, here’s a woman, meet me. this is irina koval , tanya’s mother’s third sister, yes, and this is my great friend, olga vladimirovna, well, i think it’s possible just olya, it’s very nice, we already
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had, so to speak, the happiness of communicating by phone, great, and you.. you probably want some tea, i wouldn’t refuse, right irin? yeah, well, take off your clothes, that’s great, irin, call, i'll help, yes. yes, i’m listening, larisa, the representative office of the cosmetics company fortuna is bothering you, today you became a participant in our daily prize draw. lord, i forgot. congratulations, you have become a winner and won a trip for two to spahotel luchezarny. our company
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will never mislead its clients. where is this hotel of yours located? 30 km from primorsk. next weekend it will be delivered to you within 2 hours, please dictate your exact address, ok, workers' village, house five, thank you, hello, valya, valya, do you hear, i won a ticket. procedures are included, well, you’re somehow more active, not at a party, but
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at home, irina maybe you’re feeling better, no, yes no, no, everything’s fine, that’s enough, just a minute, how’s your heart, alexander, okay, here thanks to irina’s care , it’s excellent, but you don’t... in local medicine, after all, i spent 25 years in this field, but i think that
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alexandra was looked at by a very good specialist, a second opinion never hurts, so come with me today local luminary thank you for the gore, well, as they say, a drogolozhka for dinner. which spoon are you talking about now? why do you need to go to the doctors for seven miles in jelly, as you deigned to put it, so i’m very grateful, thank you. hello, i’m the key, sit, sit, i’ll hang it up myself, well, watch the series of the life
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of our university, you can’t tear yourself away, but some thieves announced that we have, or something , they’ve already become insolent, they’ve broken into the rector’s office twice , what are you talking about, yes, well, you have to keep your eyes open, okay, i’ll go, that’s it, goodbye, gardener’s head, i'm a john. i forgot it in the office, i'll take the key again, thank you, please


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