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tv   DNK  NTV  December 11, 2023 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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and tomorrow, in the program beyond , a woman had to move because her mother turned their shared three-ruble apartment into a kingdom of rubbish. you know, here she has a room, there’s already a mountain of these things, there’s old furniture and whatnot, she sleeps on this mountain under the ceiling. the pensioner herself does not intend to part with her things. will she agree to clear the apartment of garbage mountains? watch tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. their father almost disappeared without a trace. 30 years ago,
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and now a blind homeless man with a disfigured face is posing as him. contact us for a dna test sisters anna pyakhtina and olga alexandrova contacted. hello. hello. anna, olga, hello. you want to say that after almost 30 years, your father was found. yes. well, yes, there are doubts, of course, the last time... i saw him, i was 12 years old, he was handsome, young, slender, tall, just from the photograph, i just saw him, his face is very distorted, he is small, he’s thin, he has no identity documents, no documents at all, anna, something makes you doubt too, well, doubts are always there, of course, he’s very mutilated, but your heart tells you that this is dad, and how old were you when he disappeared, i’m 15. and you remember him well as he
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was before, yes, tall, handsome brunette, but with a hump, dark, he has me on his shoulders i carried the little one all the time, in what city did you live, in petrozavodsk, tell me, anna , the story of dad’s disappearance, when all this happened, they separated, when he left, he said, daughter, i’ll go to moscow to see my parents, then we’ll still let's be together, i 'll write. well, we saw him off, he went to moscow, it was the month of july, in september the first letter arrived from moscow, where he writes that he lives with a woman, allai, everything is fine with my daughter, i didn’t get to my parents, but it turns out that at some period of his life he it was like there was another family, well, we think so, and the children were there with this alla, maybe they were, then a month later the second letter arrives in november, i don’t remember, at the beginning or at the end.
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where he writes, well there, hello, daughter, i went to work in adygea, i will raise butches and i will definitely come to you next year in a white mercedes, but this never happened, no, that’s it, we didn’t hear him , there wasn’t a single letter, although dad promised that he would write, that he would definitely give news, and your mother gave these letters to you, or how in general, no, this letter came to the station, i stayed because i had to live with my grandmother, because it’s like... you can’t leave more than one behind my grandmother, they came to the very first address in shoya, where when they lived there, and he wrote specifically to me, paska anna vasilyevna, after they stopped to receive any news from my father, did you make any attempts to find him, well , on the website i wrote that i was looking for my father, all his details that i remembered, well, no one responded, how many years have passed since then, well, i was 12, now i’m 39 , that turns out to be almost 27 years old, 27, well, you probably...
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imagined what could have happened during these 27 years, well, at first i thought that he had another family after all, so much time had passed, but then i think, even if it were a different land, he would have written everything to us, then i thought that maybe i had fallen into some kind of slavery, that it was just on television, there were all sorts of tv series, that they took away people’s documents, so they sat there taking care of the cattle, then we thought that maybe they were no longer alive, because there was no news, so much of the father what kind of character was he? he’s so persistent, he would have made himself known, but that’s why he didn’t make himself known, it’s so easy to write a letter, say, daughter, i’m alive, healthy, i’m there, there, or i’m ashamed it was still, it’s like we don’t know, but mom, who thought about it in everything, mom needs we had to feed three children, one was left , what should she think, she divorced her father, ksenia, if you were in the place of your mother, anna and olga would start looking for your ex-husband if they broke up with - the sediment is one thing, if
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you managed to stay , so to speak, well, not exactly close people, but some kind of friendly things, then i’ll give a percentage - after this sick leave he didn’t want to work or that he was lazy or that she was at her mother’s house and needed to be fed. how did you find out, anna, olga, that your dad might have been found? i i was at work, as i remember now , i was handing over a shift, and i received an sms via social networks, they sent it, it turns out, from the house of mercy, this post, that such, such, that’s how vasily antonovich is looking for his daughter, anna, olga,
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son anton and wife tatyana, i open this photograph, look, well, of course i was shocked, i cried in the indicated room. well, i’ll say that his face is very clear, i only recognized it from his lips and nose, and that he was a brown-eyed brunette, because his dad was like that, he was very handsome, i remember we had
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photograph, unfortunately not a single photograph has survived of what he served in the army; he served as a pilot. so handsome, this uniform, well, i always looked at him as a child, admired him, he was a very handsome man, we really missed him, already the girls needed him as a dad all this time, well, our brother had a character like a dad, there was a support, tall, strong, then he was gone and in general we... without men, or maybe it’s that if you missed your father so much in childhood, and now you’re trying in this man it’s easy to find some familiar, close traits for you, well, anything is possible, well , of course, you immediately contacted the man in
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the photo, and as it happened, i was going on vacation for a week in rostov to visit friends on july 22nd and i asked my friends to... take him to this address so that i could see this man whom i bequeathed, i had a meeting for about 15 minutes, probably, here he sits, they took him out there, he’s so skinny, i ’ve worked in hospitals, i have never seen people like this, believe me, is happening, he realized, well, i can’t understand his state, so... well, when you came in, he realized that you were his daughter? well, when i hugged you, yes, and then when i pressed you, oh, how plump you are, i say, dad, look at me, even just with one eye, well , tell me that you see me, how much i look like your mother, it doesn’t matter to me didn’t say, anna, but this
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man, he told what happened to him, of course, he was asked this question, dad, where have you been all these 27 years. where did you go, you wrote to me that you lived in moscow with salla, that then you went, he says, yes he says, i wrote to you, i say, dad, you didn’t write me a single letter anymore, that’s it, then he, well, it’s my fault, he’s crying, we’re no longer like we were before it was, that’s what he was guilty of, he was able to explain to you what happened to him over the course of these 27 years , i didn’t mind, i just asked him directly the question, dad, maybe you were in slavery, he didn’t answer anything to that, he simply says, i am guilty before you, in the house of mercy... the man ended up a year ago, blind, immobile, without memory and documents. in studio director of the institution tatiana magaras. hello. hello tatiana. do you already
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know anna, olga? yes, i know them in absentia, i know that they are the daughters of vasily antonovich. are you glad that the girls responded to the ad? i’m very , very glad, because in my case we often look for relatives for our children, very often, but mostly... relatives don’t need them, and my daughters were very happy when he was found, very happy, they want to take him, and how this really touches my heart, because this very rarely happens in my practice. tatyana, how can you be sure that anna and olga are really the daughters of your ward vasily? well, based on what he told me about them and what they say. i can guess, and it seems to me that olya is very similar to
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vasily antonovich. what if the dna test doesn't confirm this? i don’t think so, but in my heart i feel that they are his daughters. is a dna test with alleged relatives only needed to establish vasily’s identity? yes, i think when they install it identity, it will be faster for him to get a passport, because he has lost his ussr passport, this. it’s a very big procedure, well, a labor-intensive procedure, to get a passport. well, how are you coping with medical care? with medical help without a passport it is very bad, because there is no pole, they only provide assistance in emergency cases, he has problems with his eyes, this is not such a non-vital factor, so we cannot get medical help, gastric problems.
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walks around, one man found him in a dacha village, he lay there unconscious for 2 days , he was exhausted, they took him, brought him to the intensive care unit, in the intensive care unit they brought him to his senses , then he was admitted to the traumatology department, because he had a broken femoral neck, and what brought him to such a state , i don’t know, most likely he was either hit by a car, or he was beaten and...
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they told us, can you take him? our house of mercy is precisely for such people who have no one. how long did he spend in the hospital? he had surgery for a month, about a month, maybe a little more than that, he was already on the mend, and he had to be discharged. how bad is the man’s eyesight and health now? his vision is poor, he is practically blind, one of his eyes cannot see at all, it is closed. the second eye reacts only to light, so he says: turn off the light or turn on the light, i tell him:
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do you see me, what color is my light? he says: no, i don’t see, he can serve himself, but no, he can only eat on his own, he eats on his own, he finds a spoon, bread, a mug by touch finds, we take him to the dining room, the dining room , for a walk, change his diapers, because he can’t... that he has daughters, that they live in petrozavodsk, he told me some address,
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and, as it were, to restore his passport , he needs some data, he needs an autobiography , he says, well, he’s tearing out some pieces, it’s unclear how and what, that is, he’s confused in his memories, yes, yes, he was able to name the data, yes, then he named his date of birth, yes, the year of birth, that is, he remembers this, yes, that’s what’s wrong with the date. here he is he called several times, but he confused his last name, first name, and patronymic, and sometimes he confused the years, as if he was going where?
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that his daughters are looking for him, and he really wants this meeting, he loves them very much, he feels very guilty, tatyana, and what memories of his family he shared with you, very good, very good, he loves his daughters, his his wife, he constantly remembers them, talks constantly, blames himself, it’s all my fault, i’m the fool, i left, abandoned them, i often remember my mother-in-law there... he wants to see her, what’s her name, still remember? remembers, yes, remembers his son, remembers his daughters, remembers his wife, what did he tell you about his daughters? he talks about his daughters’ homework, he did things with them, he bought them candy. indeed, anna, do you have only positive memories of your fathers? yes, i am
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very grateful to him, he raised me to be a very strong, independent woman, do you still have any gifts from your dad? five-year-old, when i was in ukraine, on vacation, my dad came for me, and i remember the image of my grandmother, and i also had photographs of my grandmother, we are very similar to his mother, and how we were leaving and my dad came there to pick me up, it was me who sent me to rest before school, i was the one with her first granddaughter, so he showed me around, we were resting, i remember the accident was just in chernopyl, i remember all this, how he
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carried me on his shoulders from the field, when it’s like radioactive rain falling on everyone... support from my father all the time, some kind of help, my mother was the only one pulling us, i wanted him to help my mother in most of my life, i wanted to somehow help, at least raise us financially , raise, i don’t hold a grudge, well , because i was older, well, somehow i studied on my own, when i went to study , i worked part-time somewhere, practice somewhere, the only thing i’m more offended by is that he
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stopped writing to me, that he just sort of disappeared, the resentment is that... i didn’t know that i was everything i thought, wondered, maybe there are no more living people, or maybe he’s there, why not write, i’m more offended that he didn’t write anymore, especially since, as tatyana says, he remembers the address, that’s all the more reason why it wasn’t possible, yes, for all these years, it’s an insult that he was embarrassed about his daughter, and one and a friend, his children, olga, your sister has already met this man, you are just about to meet, do you think you will understand right away? is this your father or not, i think yes, we need to see him alive, he really hopes that his daughters will take him home as soon as possible, in the studio vasily posko,
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dad, i’m here, give me a pen , come on, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go , come on, hello, what am i, olya, let's go, let's go, come on, little by little, come with us, little by little, come on, come on, come on, come on, my dear, come on, yes, i'm here dad, anya is here, thank you, come on now, around, come on, around, oh, thank you!
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of course, a difficult life experience , a rather difficult path that a person has gone through, we see the consequences, apparently, of a traumatic brain injury, and of course, vasily needs help, he needs rehabilitation, and i would say that this of course needs a specialized medical institution , which should provide this help, and support for loved ones, ana, what can you say about the eye injury, well, apparently this is an injury caused by something, and there is an injury...
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several men's and women's bedrooms with all amenities, there is a laundry library, dining room, 25 people live here. established routine, here we have an ironing board, here is the person on duty who irons all things during ironing, bed linen everything, everything, everything, everyone can come here
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to iron their things, in this chest of drawers we store things for the new ones, when the new ones come they come to us, this wardrobe too, when new people come to us, they come in terrible torn things, and we give them new things, holidays and special events take place in the assembly hall, every saturday we all get together, share what happened in a week, we rejoice at each other, here we have holidays, here we have a psychologist conducting art therapy, in june vasily turned 65 years old, in honor of the anniversary, the staff of the charity house had a tea party with... and they also gave him an electric razor, he wanted it, and people responded, i wrote about
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what he wanted, that it was his birthday, people... responded on social networks, gave him a razor, candy, there was candy in this bag, he really loves candy, there were 3 kg of candy or four, in general, he was very happy, too vasily loves walks in the fresh air, in the yard there is a recreation area with a swing, a pond and a vegetable garden, here we have a vegetable garden, here we grow vegetables, but now everything has been removed, all the vegetables. and we are renovating the house , the facade, we insulated the house because it was cold, now we are renovating the facade, but no matter how good it is in the shelter, vasily is still drawn to his family and daughters, whom he remembers from his former life, i want where is mine, i want to see anya, olya, oh, oh, god help me,
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so dad, we’re close. here is anechka, here olechka, i myself worked and worked, worked with such people, then, this is very hard work, and i am very grateful to you, and i am praying for you that everything will be fine with you, that you are helping him, will anna’s mother find out and olga is a sick homeless man about her once beloved husband, and will the dna test result confirm what exactly... this man disappeared from his family a quarter of a century ago. redmond multiclean cordless washing vacuum cleaners are an excellent solution for complete cleaning. redmond - powerful, cleaning, reliable. has santa claus already written a letter? salute, write a letter santa claus. okay, sasha, in prose, in the style of pushkin, or let’s do a rap? sorry! but we
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season on saturday at 20:20 on ntv. genferon light spray is green light. green light for my goals and plans, red light for viruses that can interfere with them. genferon light. thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component, it prevents the proliferation of influenza and arvi viruses at the site of their penetration. spray genferon light - the power of green light with mint aroma. in the studio of the dna program, the sisters met their alleged father, who disappeared 27 years ago. she recognized her ex-husband immediately. anna and olga’s mother, tatyana poskov, is in the studio. hello tatiana.
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tatyana, you just said some magic phrase, the way you always came home, i ask him, by which vasily should have recognized you, and you recognize your ex-husband, but of course, it’s him, it’s vasya, and you immediately believed it when your daughter they told you vasily that he might have been found, yes, they showed you a photo on the phone, i recognized him immediately, i imagined a different meeting with him, completely different. this is quite a vegetable, one might say, but we thought, hoped that we would still have to meet, well, there were such thoughts, that maybe i’ll meet, well, lately i thought that he had another family, that there was no sound, no answer, no hello from him, they thought that
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everything was fine with him, yes, i think he lives well, remembers everything, doesn’t write no one to anyone, well, on the other hand, tatyana, even if your ex-husband had another family, he remembered specifically... you and your children, well, because we lived well with him, he loved children, next time he’ll yell at me , if i say something rudely, i worked with them, we walked in the park, the whole family went out and worked, you can say, together, cheated, walked, everything , until he went out, speaks with a bad company, here we are about this company, as they say, i’ll tell you how he... usually says, now you’ll remember, he doesn’t remember this either , what next did you go, well, i filed for divorce, he went to jail for 3 years, i waited 3-4 years, waited 2 years, and then
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i was fired from work in 1996, so i was left to live on child benefits, i met a man offered to leave with him, he said, even though there is work, we won’t get lost... i she left, raised children, worked on a farm, hard work after of course our warehouses, petrozavodsk, very hard work there, at some point vasily was freed, so he was freed, so he wrote to the children, he didn’t write to me, then when i came on vacation, my mother told me, here is a letter, it says on the stove, take it, read it, i read that from moscow he...
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anna, try to remind vasily what he called you, pa, papa, what, this is olya, do you remember how he called me, olechka, i called my board, no, but as aluncha-chuguncha, well alyuncha-chiguncha, he said this, he said, yes , yes, but how we read by slugs, do you remember, no, i don’t remember that, you taught me to read by slugs, well, god forbid that i, i didn’t want to teach them, these syllables, and you can read, i can, of course, i finished school a long time ago. but i taught you, remember, he bought me a child
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’s dish, brought it to kindergarten, came for me, remember, gave it to me, i don’t remember, you don’t remember, no, anna, maybe you’ll try to remember what your father called you, anyutka, carrot, me it’s just that anechka, anyuta, she’s older, she’s our in order, i have all this, keep an eye on the younger ones , well, i also remember teaching the multiplication table , forcing me to learn it, well, like a sign on the door in the multiplication table says three, another sign answered, a third sign, and you take the entrance to the kitchen candy, everyone praised the general meeting at school. tatyana, what do you think, after your ex-husband’s program, maybe someone else will find out, maybe so many years, after all, so many years have passed, 27 years, it seems, maybe there is somewhere, that this is the state it's been brought to your attention, maybe
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... they kept it for themselves, well, yes , i wanted it, all children want mom and dad to be side by side, of course, so that there are two parents, two parents, mom, dad, the little ones dreamed that dad would come back, take mom, be with mom , of course, i always lived these dreams, then when you grew up, when you grow up, you already look differently, as if, that is, you already have, yes, my daughter is already 17 years old, i also have a son, he is already 19 years. anna and olga
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really became mothers themselves a long time ago, let’s see, we have a story about them. behind three generations of a large and friendly family at once at the dinner table, the sisters came to visit their mother, anna pyakhtina took her daughter kira with her. the main topic of the day is the long-awaited meeting with grandfather vasya, who disappeared 27 years ago. it will be nice to see and see what qualities are similar in mom, in aunt, how similar they are to him. the whole family will be happy about vasily’s return. anna promises to serve pickles and jam to the table. in the summer, tatyana thoroughly replenished her supplies. a gift from her daughters helped her with this. i spent the whole summer running around the forest. there's a forest here, we tell her we bought a bicycle, the cat rode with it, we missed such a moment, the cat sat in this basket with her on the road. here it is, a berry, now we always have blueberry jam and raspberry jam. it's all mom. tatyana rents this house in petrozavodsk. lives on the first floor, the second is unfinished, goes
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to the well for water, lights the fireplace twice a day , in his free time reads books, draws pictures and makes toys like this, for the new year, i made these bunnie toys here, so that my hands are something... then keep olga busy at work and in household chores, but sometimes i still manage to free up time for myself, my beloved, hobbies and other pleasures , i... study, well, i study, in order to somehow diversify my life, i go to local recreation centers, sing songs at concerts, if olga sings, then anna and her daughter dance, my dad plays the guitar and that’s why i also became interested in this, i generally wanted to play the violin, the piano, study music, now little by little with the help of my dad, thanks to his help and support, i’m learning, i like it, together they love to walk around... petrozavodsk, admiring the views from the embankment,
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they visit museums , they don’t forget about entertainment, we often go to amusement parks, kira is an adrenaline junkie, she probably went on all the rides, mom only the ferris wheel, holding on like that, this is a boy too, well, on two, kira went through everything, vasily, did you like the way olga and anna live, i know olga and anna, and i love them, they live well, anna, olga, which of you will take your father in after the dna test? now it’s difficult to answer this question, firstly, he needs to make a document, examine him, you can see for yourself what kind of person he is. i have a toilet on street, i have two children, how do i need to wash it, i walk, work for days, it just freezes, anna, and how are things going with you, well, i’m waiting for the whole resettlement, i’m
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like 17 years old, hardships with housing and i’m trying everything in our family to get nassie.
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he is flattered by the hope that in the near future someone will be able to take him away from his family, well, yes, let him wait, to take on such a responsibility , because they are taking me away, they will come and take him away, what and who are you waiting for, vasily, his wife and children, they will come, tatyana, they didn’t expect it to
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happen like this, no, they thought they’d take it, yeah, for him he needs medical care, he doesn’t have documents right now, it’s like... i don’t know his condition, how he sleeps, maybe he needs some kind of medicine, maybe while we’re on the road he’ll get sick, no one’s around for us will accept, and even when we arrive, in fact , we have nowhere to settle him, well, plus the climate, he lived for almost 30 years in the krasnodar region, where it is warm, we live in the north, we now have very terrible winters there, wind, not only that, that yes, it’s snowing, it’s always muddy, it’s slushy, it’s just cold when you live in conditions where the apartment that sold out, with whom i am still fighting, there are stoves and in general , it’s just there that i took my mother in ’22 so that she could find something from there for her, but we didn’t have money either we can earn so little that you
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are now talking anno about the apartment for which you have been fighting for 17 years, this is the apartment in which you all lived before, where your dad lived, and he also lived there. mom also, he was once registered there in some year according to the house register a very, very long time ago, but municipal housing, maybe it’s written there whether the granddaughter wants such a grandfather, they will meet in our studio and together they will find out the result of the dna test, don’t miss it, the legend returns, the same one and 100% malt, baltika 3 non-alcoholic. colonel sotnikov, criminal investigation department, why are you behaving like this, a motorcycle, paraphernalia, random women, because i think all this is an advantage, and he’s not too old for a motorcycle, no, forever young, so how old are you? dawn of strength, baby, and damn dashing, who at all,
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this is likhach, nikita panfilov, sergei viktorovich. he’s a legend of the criminal gang of sochi, yes, i can do it, he’s returning to duty, crap, where’s my bike, you’re running around like a freak with your trandulet, reckless driver, new season, see, wait, this is the most interesting thing, soon on ntv, superstar. new season on saturday at 20:20 on ntv. make it, make it, make it, make it. final sale of the year on amazon. tablets for dishes. unison will help you make your home new year's eve, discounts up to 75%. remember
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avatar show first semi-final on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the dna program. the man, who had lost his memory and documents, met with his supposed daughters and ex- wife. shuyskaya station, prioneshsky district karelia. anna pyakhtina was once happy in this house. i lived with my mom and dad, well, there was a kitchen here, here’s what he says, dad cooked delicious borscht, there we had a big, round
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table, it’s here, there were these, you know, sideboards, these are old, back in their youth they were with the youngest sister olga decorated the doors of this closet with stickers, says anna, placed memorable photographs on the shelves, lived in cramped quarters, but amicably and cheerfully, everything was in the beds, in the sofas, these folding beds, where there is a springy one, here... that he is tall, he still taller than me there was a brunette with such brown eyes, well, dad,
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a strong man, meanwhile the employees and guests were home. the staff of the house of mercy was touched by the fact that they decided to help the homeless man find a family again . they found olga, but in this sick , crying man, the sisters cannot recognize the father, the strong brown-eyed brunette whom they saw in their childhood. of course, it’s very offensive, i want to know who did this to him, to make sure that it is posko vasily antonovich, the degree of relationship, that we are daughters, then to establish his identity so that
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we helped him do at least. shelf, there are potatoes here, anna hopes that vasily will recognize this house and this porch, remember how he said goodbye to them 27 years ago, promising to return, there was a car parked here, we hugged him, he got into the car, drove off, we sat down here on krelychko, they sat behind my sister, watched, you come, sometimes you sit down and think, suddenly he will come, vasily, do you
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remember where you lived with your wife and children, remember that house? i remember, of course, the station was located, a military town lived, that’s right, olga, anna, the station, but this house, vasily is still it's been standing for a while, but it's no longer fit for life , the barracks, yes, yeah, it's a military barracks, tatyana , what upset you, you know, i remembered the case, my dad left me, he left the family, he was 18 years old, he married another woman and he lived with her for about 20 years, he probably had four strokes, his wife died and his daughters just kicked him out, so they kicked him out, he says: take your dad, and after him , he was in the same condition as vasily, and we took him he and his sister looked after him for 6 years until he died, well, we have nowhere to take him,
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you see what the conditions are, how written off it is, well, that is, it is quite possible , he is still registered there, and if it turns out that vasily is still registered in this hostel, he will restore the documents, confirm his identity, he can count on the fact that will rely instead on this housing, if he is registered there, he can count on this, first he needs to restore all documents, if he has the right to reside, then to the local authorities for the restoration of rights, if
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they do not give it voluntarily, then through the court . olga, anna, have your children already communicated? with vasily, only my daughter, kira, when we were in rostov, she talked to him a little and saw him, well, it was 15 minutes, her first meeting with the supposed grandfather took place when she was already 17, in the studio anna’s daughter , kira storozheva, grandfather, it’s me, kira, maybe, grandfather - i realized that most likely this is our grandfather, those who look like my mother’s, like uncle anton, and vasily i realized who you are, when you arrived, but
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i think that when they told him that yes, but... still also a stranger to him, did you understand that your mother has arrived? yes, but at first i said that tanya was you, i thought it was his wife, but then my mother said that it was his daughter. anechka and he immediately realized that it was her. i would like to note that vasily reacted to you warmer than to everyone else. maybe he’s not used to it, he still saw them when they were little, or maybe i don’t know, he feels the energy of my little mother, that’s how he perceives me. could it be like this? yes, of course, the psyche is stuck in a certain time and association. now kira, he has he is walking exactly in a sleigh, exactly at the age when he left the family, so this reaction, he does not yet compare the time, he needs psychological help, yes,
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psychotherapy, well, certain treatment, then there is a very high chance that he, everything will be restored gradually, of course , it’s not worth waiting for this to happen quickly, because, as i understand it, he’s been in this state for quite a long time... but the fact is that this is possible with proper care, with proper treatment, correct, yes, with development memory, but of course, this will also require some effort from him. kira, when did you even find out that you have a grandfather who disappeared, and my mother often told me about my grandfather here, she always remembered, always talked about how he raised her, gave examples, she always thanked him for what he raised her to be so strong. but sensitive, kind, so since childhood i have known about my grandfather, i remember that he disappeared, and that the family believes that he is still alive and is waiting for him, but still it can happen in life, that’s why i
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i always adhered to reality and understood that anything can happen, but nevertheless, kira, you yourself, who do you think is to blame for this situation, this is how fate turned out, apparently this was such a lesson for our family, but i...
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a tried dad or vain hopes, we will find out the long-awaited test result in a couple of minutes. the legend returns, the same one that was brewed from 100% malt, the same taste that the whole country loved. baltika 3 non-alcoholic, try the revived taste. watch today at 19:00 work around the clock: the call center of the popular front is active. preparing for the end of the year with vladimir putin, how to ask the president a question and what are the most popular topics among russians? a new head of state has taken office in argentina; he has already promised his fellow citizens shock measures in the economy
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in the studio of the dna program, sisters from karelia are eagerly awaiting an answer to the question: have they finally found their dad after 27 years? julia, you have the floor. this dna test result can literally bring vasily posko, homeless, without memory and documents, back to life. the man has disappeared. 27 years ago, only recently an announcement appeared on social networks, posted by the house of mercy from armavir, about the search for his relatives. the prospective daughters responded to the ad: anna pyakhtina and olga alexandrova. in studio, vasily met with them and his alleged ex-wife, tatyana posko, who is sure that this is her ex. her husband
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is the father of her children. a positive dna test result will help vasily not only confirm his identity to restore documents, but also receive the necessary medical care free of charge. anna, are you ready to find out if you have found your father’s will? yes. olga, will you allow me to open the envelope? yes. attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, the alleged father, vasily posko, on the other, his alleged natural daughters. anna.
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olga, anna, you are glad that after so many years your lost father is sitting next to you , i am very, very glad, but i did not expect that he would be the only one you want, tatyana, you agree to still help vasily, but we cannot help him we can’t help, we can’t leave him. we just can’t leave him, if a person comes to us, we don’t leave him, no matter what happens to him? kira, what do you think, will you and your whole family be able to make vasily, perhaps at some point , remember, it seems to me that it’s just work
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specialists will help, but the specialists, i am sure, will need the help of the family, with the help of specialists and relatives we can do it. help, don’t lose hope, if you need a genetic examination, contact us and we will help you, tomorrow on ntv, novy kost, dn. descend to a depth of 3,000 m, look at russia from the altitude of satellites, feel the cold of permafrost, share the joy of sports victories. scientific discoveries to be at home. take an unusual virtual journey spanning millions of years and thousands of kilometers. in the pavilion gazprom at the international exhibition and forum russia moscow vdnkh from november 4, 2023 to april 12, 2024.
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who gave the name to the new nuclear cruiser, why they study forestry at school and how the cities and villages of the arctic should develop. about the president's working trip to the arkhangelsk region. report by pavel rybalchenko. we were caught off guard by how the ivanovo paratroopers captured a large ukrainian armed forces military unit in the artyomovsk direction. in the report by maxim berezin. what the attempts of saboteurs to stage attacks on crimea lead to and how our people counteract them intelligence services in the fsb spoke about the detentions of ukrainian intelligence officers and summed up the results. anton talpa will talk about how many attempted terrorist attacks were prevented. they work.


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