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tv   Zoloto Lagina  NTV  December 14, 2023 1:45am-2:41am MSK

1:45 am
where is the currency? who gave you the money? lagin. once again, loudly. ivan timofeevich lagin. what a piece of trash you are. what's the matter? calm down, don’t twitch, time will come to you too , we’ll sort it out, take him, well, here’s lagin, you already said, i know, but you didn’t believe me, let’s go.
1:46 am
well, how did you sleep in a new place, your father fought in the war, what does it matter, it means he didn’t fight, a mogvik won’t be born like that.
1:47 am
you should n’t be talking to me like that, ivan timofeevich, i ’ll make you eat a bucket this day, you think too much of yourself, i don’t mind, i don’t mind, that’s right youvan, people like you are bad they're cumming, let's see how you cum, according to your article they give you up to 15. and if i unwind the rest of the cases, you’ll go to the wall, anton, i’m sorry , i was in the way, no, i’m done, well , everything is bad, i was with a lawyer, he said that he wouldn’t let my father out for any money, currency matters, supervises the kgb, you don’t smoke, now you want to. “it’s better not to start, you know, sometimes
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it seems to me that there are only scoundrels around, and katya, when your grandfather was arrested in 1937, he didn’t slander a single person, that’s why he was shot, why she did this, i don’t understand, well, katya is an ordinary person, with her shortcomings, problems, we don’t know her circumstances, you justify her, but i don’t want to blame her , it can happen to anyone, this wouldn’t happen to me, and to matvey too, i’m sure i should talk to her, but why, nothing can be changed, i want to figure it out, well, do as you know, you’re already an adult, hello, right?
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okay, thanks, bye mom, what? they called from the conservatory, in a week i have to fly to new york. will you fly? not yet i know. matvey, yes, you are looking for bolart, well, let’s go, i brought it. have a seat. well,
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what should i call you? matvey, you say, that means ivanka’s son, where did you get my phone number? dad, yes, he himself is sitting in a bottle.
1:51 am
well, have a drink with us, matvey! how can you prove that you are vankinson? my father asked me to tell you not to bring him apples to prison, i... where the house was, he lost a bucket of apples to his father, so he ate them, for a week, the toilet didn’t come out, okay , pour him some more, tell me?
1:52 am
just without cunning, just face everything, let's go in. accept the new girl, well, vanin, i congratulate you on a brilliant operation, thank you, lagin has already
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begun to testify, not yet, it’s a matter of time, i think he’ll soon split, okay, he’ll probably start to repent, but that won’t help him, he was alkalizing like squeezed, deprived of all ranks of awards, did not look at the fact that the minister should steal less, and you will go far, vanina, with your help, comrade general, okay, let's get back to the matter , what did shevelev call you, asking for a meeting, with him there is serious dirt on lagina, he wants you... to hand him over, let him come, it’s somehow inconvenient to call him to us, after all , minister, maybe we can organize a meeting on neutral territory? okay, organize it, after the operation is completed, i’ll present you for a reward and i’ll call you again. i serve the soviet
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union. hello , this is for you, for your help in catching a dangerous criminal , we’ll release my brother, maybe i’ll come in at least first, your apartment is gorgeous, i’d like one like that, you didn’t answer my question, katyusha, well, you understand, these things aren’t that simple do. you know what his article is, where he is now is located, then a bunch of papers need to be completed , so fill out what you are waiting for, don’t you understand, take your hands off, oh well, why are you breaking down, didn’t you hear, i
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said, take your hands off, i’m serious, oh you bitch, are you sure that lagin was involved in the attempted hijacking of the plane? we have no direct evidence, but it’s hard to believe in a coincidence. hmm, gold is a currency. the flight of the plane is not enough for one person, there is no decision on the lag at the top yet. what will be my next steps? continue your investigation to to give things a go, we must have a complete picture of lagin’s activities. i understand, can i go? yes, you are free, all the best. best wishes. what do we have with varlamov? he took the bait. the first part of the operation was successful. vanin came to an agreement with him. i looked around.
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we'll bury you here, bitch.
1:57 am
leonov, prepare alexandra zotov to go out. what didn’t you understand, to be at home today, your dog’s model, they said today, that means today, that’s it, come on, do it, katyusha, marry me. well, think about it, i'm
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not rushing you. oh, your bell-bottom, oh, you brute, you brute, why did you let it slip, do you take it easy, take it easy? i told you to take care of him like an apple, who knew that he would hang himself, an athlete like a karateka, that now i
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’ll tell his sister the same thing as everyone else, there’s a lot of business , if you want i’ll call, fuck you, don’t call anyone, by- it’s humanly necessary, come to her house, apologize, say that we ’re sorry, what should i teach you, or what? you need to teach me, give me the address. on the! hello! this is captain vanen. please contact vitaly andrech. how is our ward there? we are re-educating slowly. well, this is unlikely to work with lagin, only the grave will fix it,
2:00 am
for sure, we are working in this direction, but i have a different question for you, i’m listening, general varlamov asked me to organize a meeting with you in an informal setting, there is a common interest when tonight, in a restaurant, i ’ll tell you which one later. okay, i will be there, and most importantly , don’t forget your documents, he won’t even talk without documents, i remember everything, i don’t suffer from sclerosis. see you then.
2:01 am
hello, hello, come in, you, mother of alexander zotov, yes. and you are sasha’s friend? no, i'm from the police, did something happen to sasha? you understand, here’s the thing, he hanged himself in his cell, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, citizen, what’s wrong with you,
2:02 am
why are we so nervous, hello, ambulance, this is the police. come quickly, the woman here is feeling unwell, vitali andreevich is waiting for you, comrade general, okay, good evening, andrei evgenievich, good evening, sorry for being late, what are you talking about, what nonsense, don’t apologize for the service, i understand everything, please. "i've been wanting to meet you for a long time, but that's all somehow there was no occasion, this is a mutual desire , you and i have something to talk about, your colleagues from bcss are working in the ministry now, yes, yes, i am aware, they discovered something interesting, it turns out that our former minister gribov, all these years
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allocated additional equipment to lagin , violating all instructions and standards, with no one..." the necessary documents, look later, take them, are you deaf, good evening, if you'll excuse me, what's the matter,
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state security committee , major ikonov, call witnesses, this is a provocation. well done, good you worked, oh you judas, take me away, take your suitcase, you didn’t even allow yourself a mustache like that. what do we need mustaches for? sign the protocol? i won't sign anything. i want to meet with andropov, he won’t meet with you, why? you have been denied trust, on what grounds? what have i done wrong? you didn’t
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tell us that shchelokov was preparing a coup d’etat, it’s called. betrayal, he didn’t let me in on his plans, we have different information, we forgive a lot, but never betrayal, sign the protocol, it’s in your own interests. vitaly andreevich, you accused lagin of all sins, but you yourself, it’s not my fault, varlamov extorted a bribe from me. i planned to report this to the authorities, but open the safe, i don’t have a key, mikhail, don’t, i
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’ll take it out myself, we’ll set up an office, so what do we have here? but it looks like black accounting, very interesting, proletarian artery 30 xia , zarechnaya 45, dawn of communism 28, you have quite a appetite, vitali andrevich, it’s not me, it’s my deputy guseinov, it was he who came up with the idea of ​​​​taking money from the ortel, but something i don’t see lagin here, didn’t he pay? and now it’s clear why you wanted to imprison him, it
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’s all guseinov, his relative needed a prisoner, and i followed his lead, where will your deputy guard the money? “i don’t know who’s there, the state security committee, open it now, i’ll just get dressed.”
2:08 am
i told sobolev to introduce security to you. for what? do you know very well what kind of contingent there is? nothing will happen to me. yes, i know what i'm doing, it will be better. when you get to the top log , call me right away so i don’t worry, okay, i’ll definitely call, that’s it, that’s it, then i’ll do it myself, bye! well, where are they, yes, they should be here,
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they agreed on this place, they are going! we’ll be in the evening, so it’s a simple scheme
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, i’m responsible for the gold, you go to the offices, the cops, the district committee, everything else is your headache, you’re tongue-tied , you don’t have a criminal record, i think you can handle it, and matvey, matvey has his own task. our task, while your father is not here, is to hold the mine, of course, and if they don’t choose me, they will choose where they will go, they won’t trample against lagin, there are other candidates, there’s one tough guy here, but other people are dealing with him, ok, let's go.
2:11 am
matvey, sit here, do you have any questions? commander, no questions, well, we're off then, have a good trip, guys, in general, come on, runa, that's it, that 's it, shut up, you closed, let's start the meeting, whoever forgot, i remind you, tomorrow we have elections,
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i imagine.
2:13 am
the floor is given to anton ivanovich lagin. my father told me that you are the most important thing in life for him. home, family, and so on. if you don't exist, he won't either. that's why i'm here. and further. "i am guilty before my father, it was because of me that he got into to prison, all i can do for him now is to stand in his place to save the mine from people who want to ruin it, and i ask you to help me with this, i vote for him, and i, i, everyone,
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break , a couple of people, take me, you wait for me here, this is a security facility, we left the territory, did you forget, i have permission. i have every right to conduct election campaigning, what kind of bastards are they, a support group, gathered all the riffraff.
2:15 am
listen, uncle, if you don’t want big blood, step aside, don’t complicate your life. you are an instant order, you stay here for now, i'm back, you're showing off in vain, puppy, we 'll talk later, the head of the site can be changed,
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you can, oh, he's the boss now, lads, he's arrived, roman grigorievich, where's the dancing, roma, you promised ? well, since i promised you, there will be dancing and shmants, roma is responsible for the market, guys, and what do the guys really deserve, or what, they deserve, come here, no, maybe someone doesn’t want it, maybe someone is against it, but stay here and don't let anyone in. police, contact the zhor, this is sobolev from the mines. what happened to you? on strangers have entered the mine area, including persons on the wanted list. damn, guys,
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bring the tables outside, we’ll go for a walk in nature.
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for a new life, fellow tramps. ural, ural, i'm volga, welcome. what do you have there? the lads are walking, the whole mine is on alert. guys, the bosses have come, open up, let's get acquainted. what do you need, just stand there, gun on the floor, hands behind your head, brothers, just don’t kill, where is the gold, the safe, the keys, we don’t have them, where are they, in sobolev’s office, there
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are dogs, the phone was cut off, we have to leave, we still won’t wait for the cops, hold on, yes, where is our camp site, do you remember, i remember, if anything happens, we’ll meet there, let’s go where we’re going to soap ourselves? and the cormorant has hatched, the gun is gone, and where are the keys to siif? look, the forest is big, what are you
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doing, he blurted out something or it seemed to me, rum, let him go, this is our kid, some kid, he’s already shitting his pants out of fear, anton. ivanovich, come on, give this guy a whack, show him what your father taught you, and what, i don’t mind, come on, wave at me, well, prove that you’re not a fool, which is weak, but you wanted to vote for him, i i told you, for ours kid, don’t touch him, but... and i’m listening, hello, yuri vladimirovich,
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okay, yuri vladimirovich, i understand, yuri vladimirovich. rikunov is listening, it’s me, antropov ordered. release lagin immediately, he wants to meet with him today. i understand, i'll give orders now. no, you don't understand, major. you will personally take lagin to androp. that's an order. listen, stand still, colonel. and what kind of glasses are these, my brother, anton, there are a lot of them
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there, a lot, i didn’t count, they’re all armed, that’s all, and your dad settled down well, you’ll have to go fishing with him, his father also has i have a gun, show me. oh, this will be useful to us, we’ll go to the arrival tomorrow, now everyone should rest, tomorrow will be a hard day.
2:23 am
sorry for being like that, we need to talk, come in, accept my condolences. i didn't mean for this to happen, would you like a drink? yes, now, katya, if you need any help, from the funeral, thank you, i’ve agreed.
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and you, i’m not up to that, yes, i understand. kingdom of heaven. them. now i'll wash the dishes. and let's talk. fine.
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2:26 am
hello, police.
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and the main thing is not to interrupt your own, we’ll figure it out, so you three go there, you two look here, the rest are behind me, i ask you for the last time, where does lagen hide his gold? fuck you,
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in short, listen here, you me. don’t shorten it, you darned mole, i’ll shorten whoever you want , rake it up, start the bulldozer, and put this cormorant on the ground, ural, ural, i’m volga, come on, yes, the devil, he fucked you up, zhorov, wake up already, woke up already, what you are yelling, comrade captain, but a real war has begun, ignat fedorovich,
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alive, alive, alive, where? you're a kid, guys, save yourself, where?
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oh you bastard!
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saveriv won’t be able to cope with mine, huh! and sit the hell down,
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run, faster, faster! touch it, ignatrovich, how to start it, start the starter, on the left, start the starter, then press the clutch into this gear, and then press the lever, got it, got it. got it,
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well done!
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anton, alive, alive, well done, that’s it, it’s time for us to leave. ivan, hello from me, if there are any problems, he knows where to find me, come, come. brother, talk to me, just don’t close your eyes, you hear, just don’t die,
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please, matvey, we fought back, we won, we won! cordon off in part!
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ignat, how are you, everything is fine, he will survive, i don’t know. dad, tell me, is it true that you have
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a golden cave. we did everything we could. i want you to know that i am leaving for america, forever, forgive me.
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2:39 am
look right now, he quietly rushed to the hospital, so this is our chance , in the hospital it’s quite easy to kill him, who am i going to jail now, i won’t leave you here alone with this bones, he probably already suspects you , let him come to me immediately, here... the code is strong and non-standard, lisa, we urgently need to meet, life is more valuable, i came up with something, let's go, your love has dripped from the soul, and this feeling is stronger than life, and these notes sound and sound,
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give in to me. your love has touched the souls, and for the sake of this love it is worth living, let it sound without words, let it shine like mine, samson and kuvaldo intimidate businessman kolisov, posing as the guard of lisa’s father, olga asks oleg to break up with tatyana and quarrel with tikhon. halina, threatening lisa with the police, demands that she get from konstantin the original recording of incriminating evidence on tatyana. lisa steals konstantin's laptop. irina sees tatyana on the edge of a cliff, she is about to jump. tikhon suffers a heart attack due to the disappearance of his daughter.


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