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tv   Segodnya  NTV  December 14, 2023 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] there are certain rules, there is legal regulation that resolves issues of obtaining russian citizenship, we will only welcome all law-abiding citizens of other countries who want to move to russia, live here, work, connect their destiny with our country, the destiny of their children, well i know it may not be that massive. flow, like the number of migrants who are sent to the countries of western europe, from, say, africa, the middle east, or to the usa, from latin america, there is changing because of this and soon the ethnic composition will change, the ratio of ethnic groups in the same states will inevitably change and - the increase in the hispanic population is inevitable, well , we must monitor this closely, but -
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but - uh, but those, the category that you are talking about, people, who are consciously, not even due to economic reasons, trying to move to us, we will only welcome them, well , we will act in accordance with our law. vladimirich, we have crossed the four-hour mark, there may be a blitz. blitz, let's do it. who did you dream of being as a child? well, i talked about this, i am at different times, each person at different periods of his life. uh, he has a different attitude towards the values ​​that surround him, i wanted to be a pilot and there, well , the main one already, when in high school, i wanted to be a scout, and i, as you know, became, well, such a completely new year’s question, what do you like it more, herring under a fur coat or olivier , depending on what to snack on, the most memorable gift from santa claus, you know, the most memorable gift, i think it’s very
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many... and in the hall in this and those who listen to us and see us will agree that the greatest gift is children and the children of our children, this is a gift from the almighty, and what advice would you give to young people? yes, by the way, about gifts now, but what probably makes us most happy is... not even those gifts that are given to us, but those gifts that we give, because we look at ourselves in the mirror, oh , how great i am, you see, this, and i’m sure, especially for the male part of the country’s audience, this is definitely absolutely, the process itself brings more pleasure giving to someone than receiving from someone
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, although both are pleasant, it means... like such brilliant people of that time, how they thought, how they thought, what their values ​​were, how does this relate to today and well and in general he is, well, a brilliant person, i read with pleasure, dmitry sergeevich, it’s really been more than four hours, after all, maybe through communication with
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journalists we’ll already sum it up. vladimir vladimirovich, as if someone from vladimirovich, i saw here, well, let’s buryatia, right now, the buryats are not retreating. i remember yes the buryats are not fleeing, as you said, the buyats are not fleeing, it’s not me who said that, it’s vladimir vladimirovich, hello, ekaterina ilistratova, the city of ulanude, the republic of buryatia, tweek, and as you know, in buryatia there is a unique center of eastern medicine, this is the only a center in our country where they treat with traditional and even non-traditional diagnostic methods, well, using eastern methods, and now medicines are manufactured there. and also provide great assistance to svo participants in rehabilitation and i really want this to happen expansion of capacity, because the demand is great, we want fighters to receive treatment in sufficient quantities, as
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many fighters as possible undergo rehabilitation there, because they really put people on their feet, there are examples of this, that’s why we ask you to support the creation of a new building of the center of eastern medicine, well, to give the center status... at the august meeting with members of the government, you instructed to consider the creation of a railway that would connect yugra with siberia, yakutia and china. in your opinion, how realistic is this? project when the ugra residents can expect its implementation.
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he needs this project, and the government is considering possible options. this is always connected with the invest-programrozhd. now, of course, the most, well, significant is the development of the eastern training ground, all efforts are concentrated there, but this direction, it also somehow relates to this main solution of main problems, well, i won’t lie, i’ll just ask belozerov and andrey belousov romovich, who oversees all these areas through the government, let’s return to this and
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we'll see. europe, kazakhstan, central asia, through the omsk region specifically, but there is such a problem, a rather long section of the very popular tyumen-novosibirsk highway, well , for us towards novosibirsk, this is a two-lane road, very dangerous, i
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drive along it myself, i see these trucks. what is already in our plans, what is there , what the builders are focused on , the routes have already been verified and so on, but i will definitely tell the ministry of transport and the supervising deputy prime minister, let’s think about it
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now, the airport, okay, okay , not now you need to shout, friends, final question, because we have already left for 4 hours - here come kolesnikov, andrey kolesnikov, who will complete this part of the press conference, good afternoon, newspaper uh. businessman vladimir vladimirovich, and you yourself said that the world will never be the same again, tell me, what would you, if you had such an opportunity, say to vladimir putin in 2000, what advice would you give, what would you warn , do you regret? about something, it means that i would say, i would
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say, you are going the right way, comrades, here, this means that i would warn against excessive, naivety and excessive gullibility in relation to our so -called partners, and regarding advice and parting words. you have to believe in the great russian russian people, this faith is the key to success, revival in the formation and development of russia, thank you, thank you, thank you, please, please, i didn’t answer all the questions, but
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really, it’s an honor to know, thank you, everything good, on ntv news about the main thing, by this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev, hello, in gostiny dvor the main socio-political event of 2023 has just ended, the results
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of the year with vladimir... it is impossible without sovereignty, it simply will not exist, at least in the form in which it exists today and in which it has existed for a thousand years, so the main thing is to strengthen sovereignty , but this is a very broad concept, strengthening sovereignty, well, external, so to speak, this means strengthening the country’s defense capability, external security, this means strengthening public sovereignty, this means
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unconditional provision. a step forward, from january 1 we will
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have an immediate increase of 18%, we have not done this often, which means that public external debt is decreasing, which also speaks of macroeconomic stability, financial stability, public debt has decreased from 46 to 32 billion dollars, and private external the debt has also decreased, our companies regularly repay all loans taken. among the first was the question of the special operation, according to putin, its goals are still relevant - demilitarization, denocification, neutral status of ukraine. the president recalled how the head of the kyiv administration, in front of the whole world , applauded the former ss soldier in the canadian parliament, and once again emphasized that russia was forced to act by force, when ukraine no longer produces almost anything, well, they are trying to save something else there, well, almost nothing, they bring everything, sorry for bad manners, well
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, they bring everything for free, but this freebie may end someday, and apparently, it ’s ending little by little. what the westerners promised, ukraine received everything, even more, but we destroyed, only starting with the so-called counter-offensive, 747 tanks, this the data as of yesterday evening means almost 200, or 2,300 armored vehicles of various classes, this is demilitarization, or we will agree on demilitarization, we will agree on certain parameters, by the way, during
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the negotiations in istanbul, we agreed on them. then 300,000 people are fighting great, guys, just great. after that we began a fairly broad campaign to attract people on a voluntary basis to enter into contracts with the armed forces. yes , we planned to reach, in my opinion, 412 by the end of the year, well, a little over 400,000. here's to yesterday
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evening - she gave me... people with colossal combat experience, an example of true patriotism, they could educate the younger generation, prepare a replacement for our army, do you think it might make sense to create an appropriate military-patriotic structure for... youth, i want to thank you for what you are doing, it sounds somewhat routine, but nevertheless, believe me, from the bottom of my heart, and the ngsh, other commanders have repeatedly told me, you know, what they said, in such and such an area such a situation is being created , there now
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veterans, the situation will absolutely be taken under control, and this is simple - these simple words, this is... an assessment of what you are doing, can do, and i’m sure you will do on the battlefield, as for the demand for people like you in the process of educating the younger generation, our schoolchildren, young people in general, it is in high demand, to the highest degree, and this is an absolutely obvious thing,
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especially... that the un decisions regarding the creation of a palestinian state with capital in the east jerusalem. the growth of nationalism and anti-semitism in the world is the result of a certain policy of some elites, vladimir putin said, answering a question from journalist artie. the president emphasized that such sentiments, such as islamophobia and anti-semitism, are people’s reaction to injustice in society. the russian leader called russophobia one of the methods of struggle, which... not only
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nationalism, but also anti-semitism, i’ll just note that there is no such problem at the front, in trenches in a tiny dugout a jew, a christian and a muslim can all sit they are good, but when you travel it both in russia and all over the world, for some reason this is a growing, growing problem, what to do? look what is happening in gaza, there is a certain reaction throughout the islamic world, and an increase in this regard, the number of people who think radically, this increase is obvious, the number of such people. well , there is nothing good here, but still this is the result of the policies of certain elites, and the failure
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to resolve issues for decades is fair, the lack of a fair solution to the palestinian problem, the reaction of the islamic world, and then the growth, which means these anti-islamic phobias, this is very bad, in our country confessions also play a huge role, appeal to our traditional values, but still not the least important role is played by the fact that we still pursue a balanced domestic political policy politics in the international arena, we still do what we can do to achieve justice. in all these areas, and i think that people still appreciate this, which is why we are creating
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such a situation, but as for russophobia, then this is one of the vectors of the struggle, one of the vectors of the struggle with russia, one of the directions, well, yes, it exists in the world, we must do everything in our country to ensure that nothing
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like this happens here, for everyone, both women and men, and this, of course
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, lies in the sphere of material well -being, we talked about primary health care, but besides this, we definitely need to pay attention to antenatal clinics, we need to put everything in order there, there is something to work on, we need to think about how and at what pace to bring the maternity wards of regional hospitals in polyclinics are in order, this aspect of the matter needs to be thought about, and thirdly: we need to think about how to continue to work to support families with children, this is mortgages and subsidies and further improvement of all the tools that have been developed by the state in recent years, from the point of view of supporting families with children
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, a large number of new modern highways have been built... after this, motorists are faced with a new problem, these are unreasonable toll tariffs in their opinion on toll roads, a motorist from moscow drew the president’s attention to this and immediately received a clear answer. hello, vladimir vladimirovich, my name is sergei viterovich, i’m from moscow, and my question is about tariffs for travel on the long-awaited m12 moscow-kazan highway. and the tariff on the recently opened section of this route for a passenger car is now on average 7 rubles per kilometer. and the cost of travel from moscow to kazan is expected to be about 600 rubles, which for most motorists is, of course, very expensive. sergech, well, to be honest, i don’t know. where does this number 6 come from? moscow kazan? what is this, look, 2800, 2800 moscow arzamas multiplied by two, we get 5600 moscow ka, well, maybe not every site
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will have the same cost, because i know that... the number should be, well, not four, 4.500, i’ll check, but it seems to me that it’s just that this kind of direct arithmetic is not very good here, maybe it works, but i’ll check, serge, i promise you, i’ll definitely look, one question, right here, was asked at the end of the year, question about how fair it is that for murder you can be imprisoned for 12 years, and under the article for extortion the prosecutor’s office demands 14, as in the case of journalist alexandra
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boezitova. the law is harsh, but the law, you understand , when you say such things now, and i also hear, i see, when for some economic crime, there are 14 years, 15 years, frankly speaking, i myself was a little taken aback when i heard this, i know about it, in general it’s somehow too much, this is obvious, but in many countries there are economic
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crimes. to questions, this is such a free sphere, it is maximally democratized , the main thing here is that the state does not interfere, if the state interferes with something, tell us, we try to fix it, and if everything develops the way you think it should, well, god bless everyone, we will continue to create such an atmosphere , such conditions for the development of the blogosphere, the only thing
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i would like to wish for is that, well, we understand that coming from such corporate ethics and self-restraint, you understand what i mean, that’s why it concerns morality, morality, the safety of children, well, of course, that’s why it ’s better when a professional community is organized, traditionally a large block on a straight line, these are economic issues, my presenter followed the answers to them... the presenter of our business news is denis talalaev. denis, what was discussed in this block? about inflation, unemployment, the ruble exchange rate, and of course, about egg prices. one of the first questions on
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a direct line with the president today was, one of the first questions was: what economic indicators can we be proud of? yes, you know, as i usually do, i brought a sign with me, there’s nothing like that here. this. we won back the fall and made a fairly serious step forward, unfortunately, our inflation has increased, this is true, somewhere by the end of the year
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it is expected to be 7.5, well, a little, maybe more to 8%, but the central bank, the government are taking the necessary measures, we we can talk about this more, i mean raising the key rate and some other measures that the central bank and the government are taking. that investments in fixed capital are growing, the mro increases by 18% from january 1, the level unemployment dropped to 2.9%, according to the president, this is a very good integrated indicator of the state of the economy , vladimir also said that the external
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debt of both state and private companies is being reduced, putin noted that in order to resolve the situation with the ruble exchange rate, a decree was issued that exporters sold currency domestically, and he played his role. we have, the central bank has, the government has a legitimate desire to see how rubles accumulate, how they circulate, where, in what volumes, in this in a sense, such elements, elements of certain control, are introduced by the decree. but i proceed from the fact that everything is returning to normal, this is temporary, naturally, the straight line could not be avoided without talking about eggs, which have risen by 46% in russia since the beginning of the year. one
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of the questions sounded like this: it’s very sad to buy eggs in our country, the president explained the situation, what happened, the demand has increased, but there is no production volume, the first and second didn’t open on time... they didn’t open imports in the proper volume, now, by the way, they are offering additional supplies from turkey, we are developing excellent economic ties, relations, including in the field of agriculture, from other countries, from belarus, they are offering, but they didn’t open in time, now it was necessary to resolve these issues in time within the framework european union, the decision has been made, in my opinion... the other day, at least in december, it should be made, and the situation will without any doubt improve, i really hope so, because these conversations already happened, at least two weeks ago with
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the ministry of agriculture did not take place, so i regret, i apologize in this regard, but the failure in the work of the government, i think, is also connected, although they say that this is not so, but it seems to me that it was just in time... not they opened, they didn’t open up imports more widely, well, because apparently they were counting on earning more, well, they promise that the situation will be in the near future... everything about economic issues is in the direct line of the president. thank you, denis tovalev was live on the air about the president’s statements concerning the economy. among the president’s questions today were personal ones. one of them touched upon vladimir putin’s attitude towards modern technologies and in particular artificial intelligence. first , eight-year-old arina asked the head of state whether neurosi could replace their mother or grandmother and should they be afraid of this? well, then the president was shown the video.
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which seemed to puzzle even him. we also have one video on this topic, very impressive, i suggest you watch it. vladimir vladimirovich, hello, i am a student studying at st. petersburg state university. i want to ask, is it true that you have many doubles? and also, how do you feel about the dangers that artificial intelligence and neural networks bring to our lives? thank you. yes, i see, you may be like me and speak in my voice, but i thought and decided that only one person should be like me, and only one person should speak in my voice, and that person will be me, just like that, one of our
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leaders. i joked once, but as for artificial intelligence, yes, that’s mine the first double, by the way, answering arina dmitrievna’s question, yes, yes, arina dmitrievna, arina, i can tell you, one thing is absolutely perfect, this is absolutely, you can remember, no one can replace grandma. this cannot be replaced, but artificial intelligence, should we be afraid of it, prevent the development of artificial intelligence, including beyond intelligence, which begins to feel, which distinguishes smells, it acquires cognitive capabilities. which
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develops itself, just prevent it impossible, it is impossible to prevent development, which means we need to lead, in any case, we need to do everything so that we can be one of the leaders in this direction, no one knows where it will end. so, less than an hour ago in the living room.
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this means that i would warn against excessive naivety and excessive gullibility in relation to our so -called partners, and regarding advice,
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