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tv   Svoya igra  NTV  December 16, 2023 3:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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will receive an envelope with his main secret. please bring in a candle. felix, you are a man with a big heart and thank you very much for our sincere conversation. thank you, leri. i wish you family happiness, good health, so that it will be enough to celebrate the wedding of not only your son, but your grandchildren. and great-grandchildren. thank you. but you have one secret. which you never revealed to me. felix, according to the terms of our program, you must open the envelope, read the question, if you are ready to answer it, we will turn on the light and continue our conversation. are you ready? you reveal your secret worth a million.
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again you make me shake my hands, i’m so happy now. that i don’t want to change anything in this life, someday the time for this secret will come, i think, no, that’s your right, of course we will keep this secret.
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we will definitely donate this money to charity, and i just want to say thank you so much again, you are a man with a capital m. can i hug you? thank you, my dear, thank you. i love you very much. i love you, my dear. thank you. honored artist was with us russia, felix tserikaiti. watch secretly a million in exactly one week. see you.
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hello, good afternoon, this is its own game. we continue the final tournament of 2023, today we begin the third stage, if before this the best players played in the final tournament, then today the best of the best are entering the action. today the following people are participating in the game: ivan ilyin, public figure of vitevsk, dmitry elovenko, engineer, zelenograd, this year he won 10 victories in a row, for the third. dear
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players, let's get acquainted with the topics of our game today, here they are all on our main monitor, the most wonderful topics questions for you, dear players, and for you, dear tv viewers, we are starting the first round. first round of topics: ruler, black and white, civil theme, words of the wife, book world and cathedrals. dmitry, start. civil theme 300. in 1995, this poet became an honorary citizen of st. petersburg. she
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was crowned at uplestsikhe in 1178 as co-emperor of her father george ii. maybe this is queen tamara? right. the lower world for 100. sculptures of the heroes of this book by bella, mayri, maxim maksimovich, installed in one of the parks of pyatigorsk. let's say a hero of our time. right. book world for 300, auction, the very beginning of the game auction, 0 for dmitry, 300 for alexander, 400 for you, we play for the bank, conceived by the author of a story about the history and landscapes of the thames, with comic
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inserts, gradually turned into this funny book, three in a boat not counting the dog, that's right. ruler over 400. at the end of 1710 in st. petersburg, she married duke friedrich wilhelm, but after a couple of months the husband died. may be, is this anna ivanovna? right. future russian empress. rulers over 100. in 1994 , the second increase in crater. century bc this state was ruled by a certain nefrusebek, maybe egypt, quite
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rightly, the middle kingdom, that is, long before the famous hatshepsud, black white for 400. the cat is in a bag, the question will have to be given to whom? dmitry or alexander? dmitry. dmitriy. topic: chemical elements. 500. this metal with atomic number 30 has a lot of applications. protection of steel from corrosion, production of electrodes. printing, and the axis is used as an antiseptic and for...
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the latest edition of this guide came with a preface about the passage of the civil
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rights act of 1964, guaranteeing human rights regardless of race, the green book. he is caesar, she is the fastener, nut and bolt, that’s right, the words of the wife over 200, he is the river in germany, she is the tuning team. main and main, right, thank you to your wife for 400, the auction is 400 for alexander, 1200 for dmitry, 1600 for you, vabank, that’s the question, it’s
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solemn and musical, it’s heavy. your answer, march march, mascara, mascara, mascara in meaning. this is a dictionary, a complete dictionary of the english language. klizhny world 200. he
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dedicated the fairy tale crocodile to his esteemed children. chukovsky, that's right. cathedral for 200. her gilded statue crowns the ottawa cathedral. virgin mary. you are right , the civil theme is 200, the code for the bag is ivan, ivan, the bird theme on the coats of arms, 100 or 500, let's 100, around the curved bridge built by the romans, in latin pons curvus, the italian town of ponte corvo grew up, in the middle ages the name. began to be associated with this bird, even on the local coat of arms, which may have appeared
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this is a crane, no, this is a corvus, a raven, cathedrals for 100, in the cathedral of st. john in lavalette , many great masters of this order, malki, are buried, absolutely right. cathedrals over 300. the cathedral in zaragoza began to be rebuilt after a fire in 1681 and is now considered the largest in spain built in this style. maybe baroque. right. black white for 100. belaruchenka. my warlock, anna akhmatova began a poem addressed to this colleague.
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maybe tsvetaeva? tsvetaeva, it’s true, the words of his wife are over 100. he drives trains, she types texts. machinist, typist. further. words from the wife over 500. he is a satellite of saturn. she is a satellite of uranus. titan and titania. civil theme for 100. in addition to him, the first composition of the civil defense group included guitarist andrei bobenko and bassist konstantin ribinov. egor letov. civil theme 500.
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to make the translation of his novel return from the stars easier to pass censorship, put your name under the preface.
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there was an epigram about this cathedral, completed by the mortal crown under paul the first, a monument to two kingdoms, so decent to both, on the marble bottom, a brick top was erected. st. isaac's, the so-called third, after that they decided to rebuild the cathedral in a modern form, black and white for 500. alexander menshikov received one foreign award in 1705, and another 8 years later. name both awards: a black eagle and a white eagle, first a white eagle from the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, then a black eagle from prussia. this was the last question of the first
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round, and i summarize it: 600 for ivan, 1900 for dmitry. this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they are talking about converting transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not only that, methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the methane engine works perfectly, installation of equipment as part of the national fuel project, i also converted my car to methane without investment, being practical is profitable. for nature and for you, choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations, don’t miss the central television first information show about the events and people of the week, biden invited zelensky to surrender, why previously, the american president promised to help kiev as much as needed, but now he has taken back his words, and what does biden’s ominous laughter really mean in response to
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the question whether he wants ukraine to win, a stolen christmas for christmas... artificial intelligence is now catching criminals and puts the innocent behind bars, do judges now believe not in evidence, but in computer programs and algorithms, only on central television, exclusive revelations of people whose fate was broken by artificial intelligence. it will be yours central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. superstar new season today at 20:20 on ntv. magic conditions: real interest rate up to 15.5% on a savings account at gazprombank. your money works and you receive income. apply at we keep prices low. chocolate waffle bar 3399. pyaterochka helps out. this year the russian lotto
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is giving away as much as 2 billion. celebrate the new year as a billionaire. buy tickets on the website. in soloto brand stores i am chef kote aganezov in my blogs i make simple and quick recipes and to make it even tastier , the right sauce is important. astoria. now it's definitely delicious. whatever you want? fulfill a dream, change the world or discover yourself. psb has a loan for any purpose. no office visit. psb is punk for the real thing. reckless - new season. monday at 20:00 on ntv. as we age, we all experience a decline in memory and intelligence. why does the body fail, is it possible to stop these harmful changes? can. our body has a main computer - the brain. he is responsible for memory attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep. and regulates the work of each of our
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organs. the brain is an electrical system. it consists of nerve cells and processes. between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. as we age , changes occur in the brain; brain cells age and are damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk. it's called azectinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components that promote brain restoration. all of them belong to the class of phospholipids; there are more than 100 names. this is how a product from highly concentrated phospholipids of the japanese clam appeared: prolong the youth of your brain: 8800 100 exactly 1985 8.800 100 exactly 1985 the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs,
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but with age we feel everything deterioration of memory and intelligence, disruption of the functioning of our... organs. this year, the russian distributor purchased a batch of japanese brain therapy products. it contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan. brain aging can be reversed. and he will serve you faithfully again . extend the youth of your brain. 8800 100 exactly 1985. 8.800 100 exactly 1985. find out. he returns, hello, reckless driver, this is a meeting, and announces the hunt for a maniac, that again, just work carefully,
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okay, as always, let's go straight over the corpses and go, the police are working, citizens are resting, listen, colonel, promise that you will do this job right, i promise you, everyone will go to jail, nikita panfilov, from the screw. pihach new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. vascular disorders, blood clots, valicosis. poor blood vessels may be the cause of these health problems. the drug angian helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots, relieve inflammation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angionrm, keep the blood vessels normal. what is the pin code here? so it looks like you don't remember the correct answer. if a simple question turns into a quiz, can help on appet. naapept helps improve brain function, restore memory and
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concentrate. it's a good idea to get your head working. own game, second round. themes. nickname, questions from, from under the water, actors and roles, song questions and the moon. i ask you, ivan, to begin. let's find out who the questions are from today. hello, my name is anastasia chernobroina, i am an adviser to the president of the russian geographical society. today a good topic is rivers. questions from the russian geographical society over 200. on in the place of this lane in the center of moscow , the sivka river once flowed, called zasiva, that is, the gray color of the water, maybe sivtsev ravine,
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sivtsev ravine, ivan, you are from vitebsk and i accept this answer, but i would not , alexander would not have accepted you, sivtsev, enemies, to be precise, not enemies, enemies, actor and roles over 400. spanish actor javier bardem played in this recent film king triton, the father of the main character, the little mermaid, that's right, the moon over 400 apollo 17 astronaut harison schmit, the only one among the people who visited moon, experienced an allergic attack to precisely this. moon dust. right. dmitry, song questions 400. the answer to this question of the soviet song is given where someone is waiting for a fairy tale and believes in
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a miracle. maybe where does childhood go? no. where did the circus go? pesmenny questions for 200. to ivan. ivan, theme art and life, rate 200. by a strange coincidence, this particular artist is depicted on the mug. right. the theme of the nickname for 400. chilean forward ivan samarano received this flying nickname either for his skill. literally hover in the air when serving from set pieces, or for the hair developing while running, maybe a helicopter, right, so, let's from under the water for
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600 to lift from the bottom of lake nemi, two ships from the time of emperor caligula, benito muusalini ordered to do this, maybe , drain the lake, drain the lake, right, and drained it? question from the russian geographical society over 600. even as a young man, leonardo dovinci figured out how to divert a canal from this river that would connect pisa with florence. and the first drawing of his that has come down to us depicts the valley of the same river. what kind of river is this? this arno river. questions from the russian geographical society over 400. does this river flow through the territory or at least along the border of ten european countries? dmitry
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danube danube is correct. song question for 600 , auction 2700 from alexander, the same amount from you, dmitry, 1.400 from ivan, bet pobank, babank, let's play, these two questions from the same song are often found in the names of the themes of their games. unfortunately, there is no question for you to answer, alexander, i agree with dmitry, nothing comes to mind, well, i answered, where is this street, where is this house? the correct answer, dmitry, choose, true questions for a thousand, a load of love and simplicity, but something important is missing,” bulat akudzhava explained, asking exactly this
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question. why did we switch to you, free translation by ogneshka ossetskaya, question for 800, it was this question that worried the good fellow in the song along the river, along the additional evidence. it would seem that everyone knows the song, but what question is being asked there, no one knows, let ’s listen, he cares about who gets his curls, who gets to comb his russ, roles for 600,
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in the film. that's right, from under the water 200. since 2020 , the british natural history museum has exhibited samples of water from its depths. mariana trench. further. nickname for 200. anton denikin recalled that those who had particular success in this science in a real school were nicknamed pythagoras. geometry. geometry,
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mathematics, that's right, the moon is over 600. both the chinese and jewish new years fall on this phase of the moon, the new moon, that's right, the iroli actor is over 800. this american wrote the play tattooed rose especially for anna magnani. to participate in the broadway production refused due to poor knowledge of the language. i've already played in the film adaptation, who wrote the play: the tattooed rose? the tattooed rose was written by williams, and magnana did not re-voice it in the movie, since she plays an american of italian origin, the accent is appropriate, the actors are over 200, in the film by sergei bondarchuk, waterlow
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played the role of the duke of wellington. christopher plummer, and oscar winner rod steiger played him. napoleon. right. moon 200. when a lunar eclipse occurs on earth, you can admire it from the moon phenomena. maybe an earth eclipse? no. well, imagine. no, just a solar eclipse, the earth obscures the sun from the moon, moon 800, from the sea of ​​rains, this largest lunar body of water is separated by the carpathian mountains, an ocean storm, that’s right, nickname 800, stabbing in
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a nightclub... nickname - scarface, and he - this is alcapone. question from the russian geographical society for 800. the name of this region was given by five rivers: jhelum, chinap, ravi, beas and satlish. maybe it's punjab? right. translated from sanskrit, punjab means five rivers, five rivers. nickname for a thousand. created serums against tetanus and this disease, for which he received a nobel prize and the nicknames of the savior of children, from tetanus and deuteria. by the way, this is
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the first nobel prize in physiology or medicine in history. next, the actor and role for 1. in the 1977 soviet film, sit down. there is a bear next to him, the role of the janitor mushtafa ivanovich was played by this actor, unlike the earlier film, here he had to wave a shovel, or maybe radner muratov, quite right, this is radner muratov, known for the role of vasily alebabaevich, in which he didn’t have to work with a shovel. dmitry, from under water 800. in 2005, the melbourne aquarium paid $1,000. for the carcass of this giant weighing 250 kg , caught in a net off the coast of new zealand, a rare find was frozen and put on public display, a giant of 250 kg, this is
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a giant squid, from under the water for a thousand, off the coast of namibia, unique vessels are caught , this one, with this is the quality. strictly speaking, this kama should be called its tributary, chusovaya, no. this is vishara. the second round is over and i'm letting him down result. 1,900 to alexander’s account, 2,600 to ivan’s, exactly 3,000 to dmitry’s. the third round is ahead.
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descend to a depth of 3.00 m, look at russia from the altitude of satellites, feel the cold of permafrost, share the joy of sports victories and scientific discoveries and find yourself at home. make unusual virtual ones. journeys of millions of years and thousands of kilometers in the gazprom pavilion at the international exhibition forum russia moscow vdnkh from november 4, 2023 to april 12, 2024 . margarita, what will happen next? two. this concerns my country, i will not remain silent. how kiev terrorists tried three times to silence her. i'm telling you, he's not a beast. don't believe me, do you? what? knows about pugacheva’s escape, she said it verbatim , verbatim, show her she will answer directly, it’s a hair of smoke that we don’t know about the escaped foreign agent galkin, they tried to mold the zelensky 2.0 project out of him, okay, now i ’ll tell the truth about you, and what to expect in
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24, at the front they don’t drink to victory in advance, well, we can probably make a wish tomorrow at 6 pm on ntv, new year’s mask 31 december in 2020. four on ntv. my father taught me everything. he showed, and i simply repeated. so it is in finance and investing. with tenki investments, i simply repeat the transactions of successful investors. tinkov investment is simple. repeat transactions of successful investors and earn money. tinkov. do you get irritated or anxious about everything? it's good that there is novo passit. its dual action helps fight nervous conditions. nova passit. double action against irritability and anxiety. buy it.
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invest in your country with a reliable btb broker and btb my investments application with free training and expert support by charity professionals. 7 pro max, unique design, sporty character will set your heart on fire, and all-wheel drive and intelligent systems will ensure comfort and safety on any trip. cherry tiga 7 pro max. cherry. new year's discounts in a magnet. curd dessert epikavorid 4499. magnet - the price is what you need. celebrate the new year with your loved ones and not with viruses. kagacel. you need halva, you take out credit cards, transfer debts to
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halva, you divide it into 24 months and conveniently repay it, shopping or getting rid of credit card debts is easy with halva, slivushka fagot, tender sausage, a delicious breakfast with it, we cook for the family, cream in it and meat , tied perfectly for tenderness and taste, then what we love, the bundle will give joy to... to ask for protection for ourselves and our
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loved ones. today, especially, each of us needs a patron saint and patron. the imperial mint is proud to present an illuminated medal in honor of st. nicholas the wonderworker. order a medal patron saint nicholas the wonderworker. the medal is absolutely free for you, subject to payment of postage packaging of 299 rubles. call the number provided or order on the saint website. tea more, this is its own game, we are playing
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the third round, here is its theme, the sailor, teaching-light, about the eternal, well, you said, shoes and not only, names, alexander, forward, sailor. 900 around 325 bc , the navigator pytheas sailed along the coast of northern europe, pytheas left massalia, a greek colony on the site of this modern french city. marcel, bravo! marrek sailor 600, the ship santiago crashed off the coast of patagonia, a riot began on san antonio. as a result of which the ship went to spain, to the indignation of this admiral, to
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the indignation of magellan, further, and my sailors 300. the first land he discovered was an island in the bahamian archipelago, to which he gave the name san salvador. columbus. right. and eternal for 900 code in the bag, 3,300 for you, 2,800 for alexander, 2,600 for ivan, who? ivan. ivan, topic, please come to the table, bet on this round do you know, 300 or one and a half? 1.500. attention to the screen. this is how the salon and pepper shaker in one of the georgian restaurants are made. or maybe in the form of mountains?
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let's see, in the form of khinkali. ivan, choose. teaching light for 900. in 1952, this future nobel laureate graduated from the faculty of electronic engineering of the leningrad electrotechnical institute. salferov. right. well, you said 600. the first thing new zealander george lowe, who was waiting at the base camp, heard was, well, george, we did it, what? edmund hillary, yes, one of the first conquerors of everest, eternal for 600. elegant drawings of this device were found in the drafts of leonardo da vinci, although the great italian,
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it seems, simply mocked the laymen, the perpetual motion machine. absolutely right. leonardo himself said, oh, you seekers of eternal motion, how many vain chimeras you have pursued, go take your place among the alchemists. alexander. navigator 1200. the lans or medows archaeological site on newfound island contains the remains of a settlement believed to have been founded in 1003 by this traveler. “erik the red, no , that’s not right, this is leiv erikson, the viking who discovered america, the teaching of light for 600, among george oroel’s teachers at ethan college, there was also this colleague in
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the dystopian genre, huxle, oldes huxle, you know what he taught there , well, french." let's play further, teaching light 300, such training helps solve many problems that previously seemed impossible, from handwriting recognition and weather prediction to searching for distant planets, machine learning, absolutely right, teaching light 1200, auction 500 for ivan, 4200 for dmitry 4300. for you , well, in this game you need to take risks, i’ll go 4:300, let’s play, even if you haven’t read the work “the retrograde direction of russian social democracy, this catchphrase from there, you you probably know, study, study
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, study, exactly, alexander.” marreclabo for 1500 in the 5th century bc, the marikhod ganon from this city sailed to the gulf of gabon, the inhabitants of the mediterranean rarely climbed so far to the south, cyrus, no, carthage, but precisely, the teaching was light in one and a half. gymnasium number one in this town on the neman - the oldest an operating school on the territory of russia , maybe kaliningrad, no, kaliningrad is a town, geographically you are thinking in the right
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direction, this is a soviet, former telezit, the school was founded in 1586.
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but you said over 300. the french king henry iv argued that the best way to get rid of from the enemy - to make him what? your friend.
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right. names over 600. in 2008 , two small satellites named in their honor were found near the asteroid cleopatra. caesar and mark anthony? no. in honor of the children. cleopatra's names were alexander helius and cleopatra selene, companions named alex helius and cleoselen. dmitry, names over 900. this name is most often found in the titles of william shakespeare's plays. maybe heinrich? right. henry the fourth, henry the 5th, henry the sixth. genovih eighth. well, you said for 900. oscar white somehow paradoxically remarked that our only duty to it is to constantly rewrite it.
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history, right. about the eternal 1500. in the soviet union, these useful devices made of cardboard or aluminum were produced in huge quantities. but with the spread of computers, the need disappeared in them. maybe it's a perpetual calendar. this is what one of the versions of the perpetual calendar looked like: shoes and not only for 900. in 1920, women received full right to study at this university, and around the same years they adopted the fashion for shoes of the same name from men. maybe it's oxford university? oxford, absolutely right.
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names for 300. these three female names, unlike many other names from the calendar, entered the russian language immediately in translation. faith hope love. right. shoes and more for 1,200. in the middle ages, these plates they were threaded into the long toe of pullen shoes for rigidity. whalebone. those who couldn’t afford whalebone, because it was generally not cheap, simply tied it with a string. shoes,
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not only for 300. low straw sandals by varadze. in this country, they were formerly worn by commoners, now mainly by buddhist monks. japan, that's right. names for 1200. family and close friends called this one. it is difficult to understand how the name igor turned into a gimme. stravinsky. strovinsky, that's right. names for one and a half. move the bags. 5600 for ivan, 7700 for you, alexander, minus 600 for dmitry. dmitry, to you. thank you. dmitry, the topic is this: one disorder. this is the title of the topic. well, there is one disorder, there is nothing left , one and a half, attention to the screen, what
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the lady is holding in her hand in the painting by the 16th century artist pierre alexandre ville, but maybe a letter, here with a refusal, let's see what she has in her hand, a letter , the picture is called upsetting news, what is in the letter is unknown to us. so, dmitry’s account is 900, ivan’s is 5,600, alexander’s is 7,700. the third round is over, the final round is ahead. genferon light spray is green light. green light - to my goals and plans, red light - to viruses that can interfere with them. genferon light, thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component, prevents the proliferation of influenza and arvi viruses and their penetration. gemperon light spray - the power of green color with mint aroma! the jokes are over! all of russia must be razed to the ground
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and a new russia must be built. where to go? hello everyone, who are you here? support the statement of tatyana lazareva, when she throws mud at our country, let’s ask our relatives living near novosibirsk, he writes, it means that the homeland is the homeland, i don’t really understand these things, sorry, laser show today at 16:20 on ntv. reckless, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. deposit, the best interest rate in sberbank is an easy
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way to profitably invest money online. just one button. the investment in your child’s future has already been made, one button, savings grow at the maximum rate, one button, and you look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit with the best interest rate with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank, sberbank prime is more profitable, hurry up, buy everything, final sale of the year, fadzhu's down jacket for...
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alice, show me the recipe for gingerbread cookies. we can't find your house. alice, light the garlands. you with gifts and new year's mood. new yandex station duomax. new year is where alice is. magic condition, real interest rate up to 15.5% on a savings account at gazprombank. your money works and you receive income. apply at down with hemorrhoids. ditroalex works. on the cause of symptoms at any stage of hemorrhoids. the course of treatment for acute hemorrhoids is 7 days. detrolex. invest in your country with a reliable vtb broker and the btb my investments application with low commissions on transactions. professionals work. sunlight: discounts up to 80%. sunlight is the perfect gift. well,
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are the credit card debts still hanging around and the interest still dripping? you need halva, take out credit cards, transfer debts to halva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts easily with halva. superstar, new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. the most holy theotokos, who gave the world the savior of mankind, is highly revered orthodox christians. christians pray in front of the kazan icon of the mother of god. all over the world for more than 500 years, tsars and great commanders prayed to her, russian lands were liberated with her and they trust her with their grief, ask for health and help in everyday needs. every believer needs a patron to be nearby. the imperial mint issued a commemorative medal dedicated to the miraculous image of the blessed virgin mary, the kazan mother of god, the medal is plated in pure silver.
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order a free medal by... number phone or on the website medalkazanska.rf. the medal is absolutely free for you, you only pay delivery of 299 rubles. all medals are illuminated. call and order right now by phone or on the website medalkazanskaya.rf. new year's mask december 31 at 20:24 on ntv. genferon light spray is green light. green light to my goals and plans. reproduction of influenza viruses together with their penetration genferon light spray - the power of green light with the aroma of mint, this is our own game , we are in the studio, we are playing the final round,
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this is the theme. we speak turkish, wings, cinema and music, records, what we are looking for and the city of petrov. dmitry, please remove any topic, we speak turkish. ivan, what topic do you not like? vozzher alexander city petrov, dmitry, cinema and music, ivan, let's take it away, what are we looking for? alexander, krylya, the topic of records has been chosen, dear players, please place your bets, friends, i remind you that today we have the first game of the third stage of the final tournament of 2023, the winner of today's game will advance to the final. and here’s the question: eden has been working in the french
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town of lasjota since 1899 and recently came to guinness book as the oldest in operation. what is eden? time! time has expired, let's find out what our players answered, dmitry's answer: eden is a restaurant, that's wrong, the bet is 900,
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ivan's answer, a cinema, it's true, a few years earlier, the lumiere brothers filmed the town of lasjota, the train station of this town in their famous film . 7,700 to ivan’s account. it all depends on alexander's answer. elevator. this is the wrong answer. bid. 3.600. ivan ilyin, a public figure from vitebsk, wins our game today. thank you, the game is the game, ivan, you are in the finals, dear friends, thank you very much for your attention, all the best, see you, bye.
4:00 pm
supporters of the president gathered in moscow from all over the country to support him in running for election. a hall of cloves near donetsk, our motorized rifles are pushing back the enemy. instead of treatment, the prospect of prison time, people with rare diseases are trapped by the drug. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilyaf korovtsev. hello. today in moscow, an initiative group of voters supported self-nomination vladimir putin in the russian presidential elections. in the concert hall.


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