tv Nash Potreb Nadzor NTV December 17, 2023 1:00pm-2:06pm MSK
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how cozy, the ceiling has become higher, what a smell of natural wood, what a beautiful fireplace, i always told my mother that if we have a dacha, we should definitely have a comment, because i love looking at the fire, it just really feels like it’s some kind of hut in the forest, i didn’t want a big kitchen, i was thinking about a bar counter, i didn’t say anything about it, nastya reads thoughts, it’s very convenient, i’ll feel comfortable there in my own corner, cool location and a separate sink - that’s also very unusual. very convenient, i couldn’t figure out how to make it under the stairs to use all the space, the storage space, the refrigerator fit in there, i really liked this solution for the second exit from our living room, that is, we can make a small staircase there and maybe even a gazebo, a table brings people together, a great place to spend time with friends, round without corners and the fact that...
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in stores everyone is trying to catch salmon filled with red caviar, how to distinguish fish with the freshest gift, luck, we didn’t go in vain , this is caviar, damn, how much caviar, my, in china they fake black caviar and secretly deliver it to russia, i’ll be careful not to eat it anymore, were they found banned pesticides in cherry tomatoes? which brands of herring are covered in mold? bacteria and is ready to poison
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the holiday, you won’t notice anything and won’t smell a smell unusual for herring. ticks and spiders nest in living christmas trees, pines, and fir trees, how to protect yourself from poisonous guests? spiders crawled into the hallway where the tree itself stood. hurray, eggs have fallen in price, no, i'm not talking about gold ones chicken eggs, and about salmon eggs, the price of red caviar, as officials joyfully report , in december sensationally plummeted to the annual minimum wage; if in january twenty-third the delicacy cost 6,125 rubles, now on average they ask for a kilo...
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many, by the way, take caviar is not in jars , in containers, it seems to be more natural and a product in person, and not some kind of tin with preservatives, but is such caviar really safer and tastier, why exactly this year are experts predicting an unprecedented flood of counterfeit, is it true that it will become much more accessible, even once a year? black caviar,
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but how to get caviar absolutely free , let me tell you now, they say that this year salmon spilled into the fish departments, inside of which there is a lot of free red caviar, which... bows without salt and absolutely the freshest , look, many are already hunting for it, here from morning to night they clink not with glasses of sparkling wine, but with jars of caviar, cider farmers have no time for corporate parties, in the middle of icy december the peak of the hot season comes. but there are no conveyors,
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they put the precious caviar into jars by hand, the compassionate correspondent katya tikhaya volunteered to help, well, caviar is an expensive, elite product, and how many elite products, of course, are here... manual labor is welcomed, and it’s made just like that with love, simply i take it like this and put it in jars, of course, there’s no machine, i can’t rush around with every egg like that, my hands are already shaking, well, be careful, after all, there ’s 5,000 rubles worth of filling in one tiny jar. you have to press her, she won’t get wrinkled like that, no, no, well listen, i won’t risk doing this anymore, no, no, no, the main reason for the super-expensive delicacy is that sturgeon, unlike salmon, is prohibited from catching, and you can only raise it on farms, buy a fry , nurse it for 3 years before it will be possible to at least determine the gender, then the males will be put under the knife, the sitrichs are raised for another 4 years, then they finally produce
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and the price is so low, because that the quality of fish food is driving it to the bottom, replacing high-quality fish meal, which is an expensive commodity product, the chinese thought of replacing it... with a less expensive product, this is either meat and bone meal, but their latest innovation is feather meal. feathers and bones do not contain useful omega, due to with such a low-fat diet, the irings turn out to be tasteless, although the not-so-famous restaurateur caught the taste of swamp mud, which means the fish swam for a long time in dirty water , i will continue to eat this so that it inspires some fears, real fears, because in the banks that have been nailed to russian counters ... antibiotics, growth hormones and even poisons for cockroaches have already surfaced. sodium or borax tetraborate was detected in some samples. this preservative is now banned in the russian federation, because its toxic effect on the body has been scientifically proven. his used for cockroach repellents.
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they plan to patch up the holes through which tasteless and sometimes dangerous delicacies leak out . each jar will be required to be marked with a data matrix code; it is better not to buy caviar without it, and the code must be written before payment. check through the government services application or an honest sign, but we don’t see the information right away, we have pictures right away, we can verify that this is really the product, grainy siberian game, pasteurized standard, weight, remaining shelf life, the same codes will appear on jars of red caviar, but while there is no guarantee or quality, some buyers are looking for the delicacy not in the jars, in the fish themselves, and there is no risk of running into chemicals, on a budget, caviar is for the price of uncut salmon,
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pink salmon connoisseurs. this is the most affordable and mass-produced salmon. it is its caviar that is most often sold in jars, and an experienced fisherman advises taking a closer look at the shape of the fish’s head. what's next? and then don’t change the channel so as not to miss the most important thing. how can you spot salmon with caviar inside on the shelves? which are antiseptics mixed into red caviar? how are games stored and transported from marketplaces? scientists declare the dangers of non-alcoholic beer. herring from which brands is bathed in mold, bacteria and is ready to poison the holiday. alive? pines, fir trees, nests, ticks and spiders, how to protect yourself from poisonous
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guests? sausage grandas and vecina from indilight made from 100% turkey meat, ideal for holidays and for every day. indylight - for the benefit of happiness! genferon light spray is a green light, green light to my goals and plans, red light to viruses that can stop them. gemperon light, thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component, prevents the proliferation of influenza viruses and... together with their penetration , gemperon light spray is the power of green light with mint aroma. i'm sitting on a piece of land, or rather on the sofa. with the new year, changes always come to our lives. isn’t it true that this makes the new year reminiscent of novosil? evgeny margulis invites you to a housewarming party. in our city, but you...
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if the cat has left, change the house, change the cat , listen to good music, ntv apartment building at margulis, housewarming on new year's, 31 december, right after the new year's mask, reckless, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, we take out loans, it's easy to get them, we're at sovcombank, we take out loans, and we got them quickly, we're at sovcombank. the boss introduces us, the gifts are in place, but what kind of destruction is it, it seems that
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a dragon has gotten into our midst? i need a gift expert, mia, artificial intelligence, i’ll help even your friends choose gifts, we’re flying to congratulate everyone, give gifts from tv2 to all your friends, without exception, we’ll find a new year’s offer for them, friends! your gifts are ours, when there is bad weather outside, in the family always spring, when you are surrounded by care, the weather is not scary, there are five useful herbs, the union of natural forces will help support the corla, all the luxury of france in every touch of cartnoir, plunge into absolute pleasure and enjoy the richness of one hundred percent arabica coffee. allow yourself more
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with noar cards. magic condition, the real rate is up to 15.5% on a savings account at gazprombank. your money works and you receive income. apply at celebrate the new year with vk, here you can set the mood with one new year's playlist. congratulate loved ones via vk calls, even when you’re not at all ready for it. shoot an unforgettable moment in vk clips that you want to share with everyone and meet midnight with a flurry of congratulations in the vkontakte messenger, vk, we’re celebrating the new year together, lucky, apartment, the main event of the year, and will you make such a profit? in emvideo and eldorado, i have been burning all day, do you have a pill? i don’t wear it, but
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have you heard about omez, it is usually taken in the morning, it can relieve heartburn, ames has a different approach, ames reduces the level of acid in the stomach, helping to fight heartburn. ames - a decisive answer to heartburn. wing imagines, we have a whole winter here, wintering, which means it’s beautiful, i feel it. nerving, loving, experience vivid emotions from exciting new films.
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let it return, the same one that was brewed from 100% malt, the same taste that the whole country loved. baltika 3 is non-alcoholic, try the revived taste. it is best recommended by experts to hunt for pink salmon in stores at markets, and an experienced fisherman advises taking a closer look at the shape of the fish’s head. we see the shape of the beak, we open it, it’s clearly pronounced, only a hump, that’s it, it’s definitely a boy, that is , there’s no caviar here, here we see a blunt nose, there’s no obvious hump, most likely this is a girl, here she should be with caviar, really, so fishy face control does not always work, because the hump on the nose, experts explain, often hatches after
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spawning, even super-literate echthyologists are mistaken by about ten percent. so victor was lucky only on the fourth attempt, but they say, playing the lottery with a chance of a jackpot of as much as 25% is definitely worth it. good luck, we didn’t go in vain, this is caviar, carefully peel such caviar from films, rinse, add a spoonful of salt and you’re done. there is only one drawback: the storage period is no more than 3 days, so it is better to fish for salmon close to the stagnation point. in large factories they start preparing caviar in july, at the first stage they sort it, i like it all, but the caviar workers are so well-fed that they are already able to see the shortcomings, for example, this is the first grade yastyk,
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which is bad then, it looks very appetizing , by the way, it will ruin... the whole mass in the bucket, or in any volume, it will start burst, it will give juice, juice, the so-called , they don’t sacrifice this 10% in all factories , of course, then selected eggs , that’s what’s called caviar in the film , are broken through, that is, the eggs are released, washed, transferred to a vat with brine, that’s what’s called brine, i noticed that the men who work with brine have practically no... hair on their arms, then they explained to me that, firstly, they are specially selected here so that later there will be less hair, perhaps some hairs get into caviar, and secondly , strong salty brine, kuzlok, just these destroys hair, everyone has absolutely smooth skin without hair in a very
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short time, salt destroys bacteria and fungi, but in order for... the kras to last until the new year, they also mix these powders into it, sodium benzoic acid, serbic acid, our antiseptics , how harmful these chemical additives are, they are also found in frozen caviar, in the one that was sold on marketplaces, how many days and hours it spends in the heat, which fish caviar, according to gourmets, tastes no worse than ositrova, i will tell you in the second part of the investigation , do not miss. caviar has fallen in price, at least a little, and coffee is becoming more expensive, and the mass budget variety is becoming elite, from which all instant robusto is made. i’ll tell you what fuels the price in a summary of the most important consumer news. in vietnam and brazil, and these are the two main suppliers of aromatic grains to russia, there is no robusta harvest,
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the reason is drought, which is due to the elniño climate phenomenon. warmed up the temperature in coffee regions by 3°, so the cost of coffee jumped by as much as 28%, and the scientist has nothing to cheer up coffee lovers, according to them, due to global warming , in 25 years, coffee plantations will most likely dry out twice, and in another 20 years they will disappear completely. for the same reason, by the way, beer may become scarce; global warming also burns malting barley. but i want to believe that the scientific minds of the planet will still find a solution and save the drinks from being included in the red cookbook, but in the meantime , another problem with foam has surfaced: non-alcoholic beer was accused of being a health hazard. researchers from new york university addicted regular and non-alcoholic beer to
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salmonella, e. coli and listeria. and if in an alcoholic drink the alcohol immediately killed all the infection, then in a non-alcoholic drink the bacteria not only survived, but also multiplied, so microbiologists advise storing non-alcoholic beer in the refrigerator in... an experiment showed bacteria, at least they do not multiply, which product is not beneficial no doubt, this is turkey, here is grandes sausage from indi light, 100% turkey meat with pieces of thigh fillet and a bouquet of spices, ideal for salad appetizers, we cut it all into cubes and boil it, and just cut it into cubes, mix, add mayonnaise, salt. pepper, olivier salad with grandas sausage is ready , indylight for the benefit of happiness, from vegetables, unlike beer zero, microbes are easy
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to wash off with water, another thing is pesticides and nitrates, many are afraid of them, so in the laboratory they decided to study the harvest from russian shelves, experts searched agrochemicals in cucumbers, tomatoes, champignons, greens from eleven russia. amounts of pesticides were found in 15 vegetables that were examined, in tomato culture
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, the number of trace pesticides detected was 12 items, a record number compared to all the others, think again, a dozen chemicals, the name is something healthy eco, culture, on their website they write that they grow only organic... clean vegetables, using biological methods of protection, that is, no poison, only among the chemicals that the company inherited from cherry tomatoes, which are often more expensive and which are often bought for children because they are more sweet and comfortable for children's hands, they found pesticides prohibited for use in russia, that is, this is evil, deliberate cannibalism, this is already... not eco-friendly and not even culture, this is possible, but i will be fined. the news came and about, well, here’s the word for you,
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the olivier index, in which economists traditionally gorge themselves on the new year, apparently at the same time measuring inflation, it has risen in price by as much as 7%, and this is a lot, if only for the pre-holiday inflation reconciliation with... or if the network were under a fur coat, then the figure would be more pleasant, 1.6%. after all, the main ingredient, herring , has not risen in price at all compared to last year, and this raises questions about how this price stays afloat, maybe due to the oil, perhaps at the expense of quality now. let's find out, here are preserved herring from brands, ok, meridian, baltic coast, lior,
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atlantic, ribbon, ocean, which packages contain little fish, but a lot of mold and bacteria that will definitely ruin the holiday, and which herring is the perfect piece. wrapped in a fur coat, the herring should not sink deeply in oil, but fill the jar of fish too generously producers are also not allowed, then the selt will spoil, in general, the ideal proportion prescribed in the regulations is 65% fish to 35% oil, by the way, very generously, but the producers preserved it okay. the atlantic, the ocean, didn’t even want to fit into these soft standards. fish in these jars is 61%. the buyer does not receive additional fish for which he paid, but
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receives more. butter and, okay, just fish, but at the factory where celts are packaged under the atlantic brand, they were also greedy with butter. the actual weight of the net is 229 g, at the package says 240, that is, they do not add 11 g to each jar. and another important ingredient in preserves is preservatives, because preserves are not canned food, they are not boiled, freshness should be preserved by oil and food chemicals, but if you spare it, then... the fish will rot, and if you overdo it, your health will suffer. so, now i’ll give you a hint about what our consumer supervision team has yet to dig up, then we’ll continue the commercial break for a couple of minutes, don’t switch. what antiseptics are mixed into red caviar, how is caviar stored and transported from marketplaces? caviar of this the fish tastes just as good as setter, but it’s much cheaper. is the herring pickled or salted?
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spiders, how to protect yourself from poisonous guests? can you get a christmas tree from the state by paying a couple of hundred rubles or even for free? grandas sausage and ham from indylight made from 100% turkey meat, ideal for a holiday for every day. indylight - for the benefit of happiness! working with qualified investors. we at bcs understand that professionals value unique solutions and first-class service, so we have created a modern platform for managing your capital, go to bks and get more , don’t miss it, tomorrow you go to work , what’s your name, i don’t understand in dog terms, you say in human terms, bim, together with your partner denis nikiforov. let's
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agree on the shore, i'm the boss. you are a subordinate, you follow all my orders , take it, even the most idiotic ones, without this, unfortunately, you cannot survive in the police, why were you sent to us, klim, we don’t have enough idiots of our own, so why did you let loose your snot, you stung the killer , yes? let's consider all the versions, you are my partner, i must respect your opinion, beam, tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv, the avatar show is the ecology of the city, it is a contribution to the health of our children, it is clean air, they are talking about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not only that, methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer,
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the engine runs on methane. great , installation of equipment within the framework of the national fuel project, i converted my car to methane without investment, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose eco-gas, refuel at gazprom stations, how are you, growing up, i’m even on the nose, we can handle it together, but first, booklin, double strength against heat and pain, magical conditions, real interest rate up to 15.5% on a savings account at gazprombank. your money works, and you receive income, register at celebrate the new year with vk. here you can set the mood with one new year's playlist. congratulate loved ones via vk calls, even when you’re not at all ready for it. shoot an unforgettable moment in vk clips that you want to share with everyone and greet midnight with a flurry of congratulations in the vkontakte messenger. vk celebrate the new year
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is it nikolai the wonderworker? millions of people turn to him for help in prayer to ask for protection for themselves and their loved ones. today, especially, each of us needs a patron saint and... patrons. the imperial mint is proud to present an illuminated medal in honor of st. nicholas the wonderworker. order a medal of the patron saint nicholas the wonderworker. the medal is absolutely free for you, subject to payment for postage packaging - 299 rubles. call the phone number provided or order on the website svyatoychutvorets.rf. the medal is plated with pure silver and made in the highest quality of coinage. call now. free call new year's mask december 31 at 20:24 on ntv. shine christmas tree. this tree stood here. this year i bought this garland, dressed it up, and turned
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everything on once. a large family from volgograd found themselves on the street on the eve of the new year holidays. when they built it, they rejoiced, or what. garlands, decorations or weapons of mass destruction. for the children, apparently, a burning house , it was scary, compensation for damage, a gesture of goodwill or the obligation of the seller of flickering joy, everyone should be responsible for their products, that’s right, if the situation turned out to be from us, then we will do something, in slow motion actions where they buy death for pennies, basically all the factories are now in china, how to celebrate the new year and not regret it, about this in andrey kunitsin’s author’s project, a man in the right. today at 16:20 on ntv. grandfather frost, give me a cornfield. vadik.
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vladik, yes, it’s your gift, here it is. freshness should be preserved by oil and food chemicals, but if you spare it, then the fish will go rotten, and if you overdo it, then your health will suffer, but they added exactly the right amount of preservatives to all the jars, neither more nor less, but still they did not save the food from microbes of leor brand seltz, in preserves ok the ocean and... mold and yeast are splashing around, such herring will definitely ruin the salad and the new year will not start very well and you won’t notice anything, no you will feel a smell unusual for herring, but fortunately
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.. they eat it - this herring, as i don’t know anymore, but it’s definitely not holland, but holland is unknown to herring, these pickles, they just don’t eat it at all, they even have cities built on water, they are nothing there, but this doesn’t mean that they are famous for fish , i was there, there’s a lot of fish there, they’re just
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fish eaters, well, it’s possible that herring simply isn’t found there, okay, in which country did they first start preparing herring , popularize this dish, norway, norway , norway, yes. wrong, seriously? in holland there is a monument to the very same sailor who first thought of removing the gills of the herring and salting it while it swam to the shore... it was already prepared, but we actually picked up the recipe from the dutch, so let's do it if now you answer this question, then the next ones will multiply your winnings, the third question, which fish does not exist, herring and washi or sardine and washi? well , my grandfather always buys vasya herring from me , so it means it exists, the name of this fish was invented and people didn’t notice anything. since then, your grandfather may have been buying fish here, i don’t know, or maybe not, not hers, but
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one of these names is simply made up, i haven’t heard of sardine washi, i definitely haven’t heard of it in stores, i’ve heard of selte wasi, so, some of these fish do not exist, selte washi, sardine and washi, the first is not selte washi. doesn’t happen, and that’s right , well done, right, hello to grandpa, they just caught a lot of sardines, they didn’t catch so many herrings then, and in order not to cause confusion on the shelves, to take care of the psychological health of soviet citizens, they named sardine and vasya, mixed with herring, packed it in jars, printed seltivasi, and the people went away like sweethearts.
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how much was in the receipt 6,700 6,700 something and yes, you answer directly, multiply by two, yeah, on packages of herring in the store it says the waters of which ocean it lived in, the name of which ocean cannot be found on herring packages. pacific ocean or there is no inscription: arctic ocean? second, these are the questions, it seems simple, it seems not simple, it’s enough just to carefully study the labels of those products that you regularly buy, or at least watch our consumer supervision carefully, i’ll start looking every weekend, you can’t meet the pacific ocean or you can’t meet the arctic ocean , it seems to me that it’s northern, well , let’s decide. i had a ride in yours turn, on the other side of the arctic
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, how will they get there, let's get the arctic, that's right, right, well done, everything is correct, on the package of herring it is sometimes written that it is alutor, this name means that the herring is or is prepared according to a special recipe, or the herring was caught in a special geographical region , such a geographical name, this is for you,
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well, this is very interesting, in fact, i didn’t know all these pitfalls, let’s say, so we put a tick to ourselves that, yeah, this is us we won't, or we'll be there to do differently, sociologists shared survey data, 70% of russians decorate the christmas tree only from the side that is visible, also a discovery for me, i do this myself, and back in december twenty-third they more often decorate a real christmas tree, although 5 years ago they chose a completely artificial one , but they naturally increased in price by as much as 30%, while the living ones rose in price by only 10, let’s add to the efficiency. they are also credited with being environmentally friendly, you don’t breathe
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synthetics, although trees from the forest or nurseries are asked to be cut down on the nose, experts, this is a shelter for hordes of forest inhabitants, and we are not talking about squirrels or, for example , owls, about ticks or... but about spiders , mold spores, which, if they settle in a house, then after the new year holidays they will not disappear, but will dance all year round, so what happens when you celebrate the new year with a forest beauty, you have to be on pins and needles and treat it with something, oh, so as
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not to catch any wild infection. and how toxic artificial christmas trees are, why do their owners have to wash them thoroughly once a year? well, how about you, the new year is coming soon, it’s time to put up the christmas tree. stars in the lives of nikos safronov have converged and it seems that everything. new year's wishes were fulfilled from the windows of the apartment; he was used to looking at the stars on the kremlin towers with his own eyes, and hosting a parade of world stars. sophie lorrain , monica biluchi, katrinav, anti and so on, and of course i light the fireplace for them, they are literally trembling with joy,
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even the garland on the christmas tree fades from such names, a famous artist remembers it in childhood, he decorated it with apples, and now toys, each of which is a work. at a cost of a hundred kilograms of antonovka, but what remains unchanged is this is the tree itself, nikos assures, it is alive every year, of course, there has always been a natural tree, but pine, fir and spruce fill apartment buildings not only with the aroma of the forest , it turns out that the artist will be advised to take a closer look at the details by a resident of krasnodar, who shot the one disguised in color spruce bark , a creeping army, everyone who has filed complaints...
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they barely grow, by the way, like this, evenly planting dozens of hectares in rows, and if it seems that this is flayering. cut down an entire forest every year, then in general, nurseries are the same agriculture as growing strawberries or tulips and roses, only for spruce groves the land is rented , which, as a rule, is suitable for little else, under power lines in areas where it’s difficult to get to, all the new year’s trees at christmas tree markets are grown in special nurseries, legal entities are not allowed to cut them in the forests, the fine is up to 700 thousand, and growing it is very... sweaty costly work, because it all starts with seeds, they are germinated in containers like any other cultivated seedlings, tomatoes, for example, each one is regularly inspected and watered with warm water from a spray bottle, so seedlings grow quickly in such conditions, as much as 6 cm per year, and
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before planting, this greatly increases the price, many nurseries do without greenhouses, but this does not provide savings, trees... grow twice as slow, often die in the first year, and greenhouse coniferous seedlings after transplanting into the ground on a plantation, for a long time gets used to new conditions and gives an increase of 15 centimeters per year, they are put up for sale only when they grow to one and a half meters, that is, after at least 7 years, during which time they manage to give a lot of oxygen, enrich the soil, shelter animals, birds, insects on their place after cutting down immediately new seedlings. therefore, in fact, this business is very environmentally friendly, you can buy a tree for the new year, by the way, directly from the nursery, the main thing is to take the receipt, otherwise without it they can be mistaken for barconiers. although, it seems that everyone can cut down a spruce in the forest according to the law. this is the last one a very necessary pause, because at the end the most
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important, unexpected thing, in order to assimilate this, you need a break, to warm up, to think about it, that’s what i’ll tell you after the commercial. can you get a christmas tree from the state by paying a couple of hundred rubles or even for free? the caviar of this fish tastes no worse than caviar, but is much cheaper? which? antiseptics are mixed into red caviar, how caviar is stored and transported from marketplaces, the legend returns, the same one made from 100% malt, baltika 3 non-alcoholic. loan with cashback from sber - this is even more opportunities, because every month you will get a 2% return with sber bonuses, thank you, hurry up to get a loan with cashback in sberbank. with prime it is more profitable for a master of high art to nikolai saskoridze 50 few people know nika tsskoridze
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, almost no one, well, a very small circle knows and this is a completely different person who nikolai has nothing to do with and the actor leonid leikin needs to laugh and accept it as it should without laughter we really we'll get to the mice one day today at 14:05 on ntv. reckless new season. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. we take loans. is it easy to apply? we are at sofcom bank. we take loans. was it approved quickly? we are at sofcombank. loans that everyone knows. hysens tvs offer a bright and clear picture, surround sound and complete immersion in viewing. this is an incredibly realistic image that excites the imagination. tvs. - this is laser innovation and phenomenal color rendition on a huge screen. haisens - life-changing technologies. this winter, especially for you
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quality and roasting of beans. the same pleasure in every cup. monarch is the same favorite flavor of aroma. catch the sale. new smartphone for 2,999 rubles. on avito. celebrate the new year. here you can set the mood with one new year's playlist, congratulate your loved ones in vk calls even when you are not at all ready for it, capture an unforgettable moment in vk clips that you want to share with everyone and greet midnight with a flurry of congratulations in the messenger vkontakte, vk we celebrate the new year together wink represents yes, we have a whole winter here, wintering, which means beautiful, feeling, nerving,
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give new year's mood. it seems that everyone can cut down a spruce tree in the forest according to the law. correspondent anya shishmintseva tried this procedure. to legally cut down a spruce tree in the forest, there are two options: leave an application at the local forestry to purchase cheesecake, yes, yes, cheesecakes that grow along the roads, under power lines, from which i am. as if i’m helping to get rid of it, in the sverdlovsk region there are 30 such forestries, and the price for 1 m of spruce is only 65 rubles. muscovites are welcome in two nurseries, where pine and spruce trees are specially grown, so they will cost 10 times more. it took us almost 2 hours to get to the nearest one.
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hello, i'm behind the christmas tree, that's it, let's go choose? let's go! in the nizhny novgorod region they charge only 7 rubles per meter of weed tree, oh, in the leningrad region they give it away for free, you call the forestry and my mother, tell me that everything is fine, bye, oh, why are they all so tall, the engineer said, that you can cut any tree, even a fifteen-meter one, and saw off the top of it to the required height... but in tyumen, to for example, you can’t cut legally at all, in moscow this idea is honestly so-so, in terms of the effort and money expended, the price turns out to be almost market value, but in nurseries you can immediately pay to fill out
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an invoice. in the forestry departments , first they offer to write an application, then go to... on the other hand, this is a real family adventure, maybe, just don’t forget this piece of paper and a receipt, without them the fine is 500, but is this tree healthy, is it safe take it home, it’s easier to evaluate it in the laboratory under a microscope, it seems completely green, healthy , she doesn’t have any problems, but if we pay attention... take a closer look, here, perhaps, are the remains of one egg, which was laid in the spring by the female star-shaped borer, this insect is harmless to humans, pets and even indoor plants ; the borer is not interesting , experts reassure, if the weaver’s offspring remains in the egg, then it feeds on the tree itself, like aphids, caries, and longhorned beetles, up to
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5 mm, and they are often confused with mites, therefore, bring them home on horseback forever -green, it turns out unlikely, ticks do not overwinter in the crowns of trees, even such small ones, they are still somewhere in the litter, somewhere in the grass layer, no matter how much the tree was shaken, a few needles fell from it and none of the above, but you can be on the safe side by bathing tree under the shower. those who suffer from allergies are also advised to send the symbol of the new year for water treatments before the holiday. in addition, pollen sticks to the resin of a coniferous tree, it can easily produce mold on itself, we identified ordinary gray mold , one spore sprouted, but however, if we keep
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at home, this tree for a long time , more than a month, germinates strongly; an allergy to mold from the new year tree is so common that in the usa 50 years ago, it was recognized as an official medical syndrome. spores, mold fungi, they can persist on the branches, yes, of a tree, they can settle on the stems and enter the house with them. in the house, already at a fairly high temperature, fungi multiply. but artificial things are not harmless, if measures are not taken, they have the property of emitting, well , some kind of microelectric radiation, these radiations attract, like a magnet, small particles that are in the air. experts advise soaking such trees before installation.
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the producer of the program, our consumer supervision, bought the tree 2 years ago, the water draining from it is dirty, artificial trees are also losing their needles little by little, but they last about 10 years on average, and of course, i want the natural ones... to last longer too, so it will be, if you don’t immediately bring it into the apartment from the cold, but keep it in a cooler place so as not to create a temperature shock, and then put the tree in a bucket, cover it with sand, ordinary river sand, clean, preferably without any impurities, just fill it with sand, and then moisten it with water, this will be very good for the plant, away from heating radiators, then the needles will stay longer soft. and the tree will please you for longer than a month. and now it’s time to return to the topic of the main holiday delicacy - caviar. we have already found out that this year
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the shelves were flooded with gray black caviar from china, which, as the correspondent found out katya tikhaya, it costs the dealers five times less than what they get from the russian sturgeons. the main secret of the cost of both fish and caviar in general is hidden inside these huge ones. these are local feeders , it smells like sprat, but they say from the chinese tubs that it doesn’t smell like a fish at all, and the chinese asitres are fed penniless feather meal, so in asian factories the caviar is flavored with flavor enhancers, while caviar is exported en masse to asia from russia, which russians do not hold white caviar in high esteem, as they call vendace.
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mentai and its caviar. oh my god, mentai caviar flavored ice cream. but in russia , pike caviar has become a gastronomic super hit. in taste and consistency it is reminiscent of sturgeon, but the fishy shade is not as strong, but more gentle and delicate, therefore in ancient times pike was even more desirable and expensive. she simply served individual pike caviar to the patriarch; for example, special pancakes and special roots were made from the caviar. well , of course, the main new year's hit is red salmon, because of the record-breaking poutine, it will be on the shelves this december. breasts, this whale caviar, now look, i’ll open it for you, i’ll even let you try it, no , thank you, i don’t really want to try it, but what about you
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, you opened it now, are you going to sell it or something later, what are you you have money here, you have gloves here, how is that possible, well, what’s more, radushaya washes it off completely, it’s worth asking for documents for caviar, but can i see the veterinary certificate? i don’t give interviews, do you understand or not? we often come across a lack of labeling on packaged caviar, we never know developed, neither by anyone nor in general, what kind of game this is. and those who believe that pieces of paper are an empty formality often become patients of parasitologists, because in such delicacies in pairs are hidden, for example, the larvae of such fantastic creatures as this huge worm, the length in the human body can reach 20-25 m, that is can you imagine something like this... a man’s roommate is twenty-five meters tall, because caviar is not canned food, but preserved food, that is, it is not boiled or even scalded, so the only guarantee of safety is,
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impeccable cleanliness in the workshops, and the reinsurance against bacteria is preservatives, without them you can only pack caviar, which at the factory is instantly frozen to -18, on the cans with such a snack it will be written like this: frozen, in regular... caviar, be sure to add sorbic acid and sodium benzoate, they don’t hide this at the factory , because the law requires adding food, in this tiny dosage they are considered absolutely harmless, the ratio is 1 g of antiseptic per 1 kg of finished product, so that the most important thing in the products is not to develop microflora, which is harmful to the human body, but even a triple dose of preservatives will not protect the snack if it is available 24 hours a day...
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marketplaces, refrigerators at pick-up points well, how then do they deliver orders from i personally have not seen, and yet this year hundreds of dericotes are being offered online stores, there was just a boom, they say , no more fuss... a stall in a store. correspondent katya quietly processed the caviar for delivery to the point of delivery and made sure that yes, the parcel was stored in the same way as pajamas and garlands.
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order while traveling to the pick-up point from a new the buyer's expectations will 100% turn into poison, but in jars that are stored according to all rules in refrigerators in supermarkets there are tasteless and harmful seafood, which brands pack dangerous caviar with mold with prohibited chemicals, in which jars the delicacy has excellent quality of taste, i will tell you in exactly a week , do not miss the examination of the most valuable and long-awaited. new year's dish, and on weekdays from monday to friday, watch the most important, bright and useful investigations of our consumer supervision on the air of the morning program, the best, don’t miss it, every story in the life of every person begins with a word once, once to the people's favorite, to the star of the world ballet.
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nikolayutseridze will turn 50. a story on the eve of the anniversary. i had a very difficult period when you become a little uncomfortable, but you have so much pain inside that nothing makes you happy, neither food, nor the sea, nor joy, nor any kind of prosperity. once upon a time, the world's outstanding clown leonid leikin became the russian folk ivanushka the fool. one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, television magazine stories about famous people and significant events of the country and the world, i’m sergey mayorov, hello.
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on december 31, people's artist of russia nikolai tsaskoridze will turn 150 years old, well, if you measure it in ballet categories. the life of the premier on stage is short-lived, due to daily heavy physical exertion, a year goes by in three years, his biological age will turn 50. however, he feels, apparently, at all 24, otherwise, where does so much energy and optimism come from? plans for the future. by the way, this year nikolai maksimovich celebrated the tenth anniversary of his work as a teacher and rector at the vaganova academy of russian ballet. a couple of weeks ago, he received the country’s main television award, tefi, as the best entertainment talk show host, and even recently managed to release the second volume of his memoirs, because the first has long become a rarity. let us congratulate the hero of the day on all the joyful occasions and ask him to remember the brightest ones.
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