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tv   Segodnya  NTV  December 18, 2023 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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hitler jumps up from the table and shouts: how, how could you leave such a man alone in the hallway? butler says: fuhrer, don't worry, i locked all the coats in the closet, i put the key in the inside pocket. it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekday ntv, goodbye. preserve the common multinational heritage and enrich it with new content. we have inherited a truly unique civilizational fusion of traditions and customs. vladimir putin addressed the council of cis heads of government gathered in moscow. isolation within the european union. why brussels wants to punish hungary and deprive it of its voting rights. the israeli military has discovered the largest hamas tunnel in gaza. how to use it? "the sevpian progressive party
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won the extraordinary parliamentary elections. sergei kholoshevsky about how alexander vucic outplayed his opponents. in the altai village, after the closure of an emergency school, local residents set up an alternative school with their own hands. but not everyone liked the people's initiative. vlada kopylovskaya about what they learned lessons, school and life. hello, on ntv news in the studio..."
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and our task is to preserve this common multinational heritage as much as possible and enrich it with new content. therefore, it is quite natural that during russia’s chairmanship in the commonwealth, which will begin on january 1, we plan to continue and develop the practice carrying out a wide range of joint events in a variety of areas of art, education, science, including using the resources of the interstate fund for humanitarian cooperation of the cis. the president focused on the topic of joint counteraction to attempts to falsify history, with the upcoming one, aimed at continuing the closest cooperation on issues of preserving the memory of our common past, combating attempts to falsify history and glorify nazism. an important role in this work is given to the search engine movement, as well as such significant actions in memory.
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close interregional cooperation and for the development of all participants, this is where we see the priority of the russian chairmanship. today's meeting is dedicated to interaction in the cultural and humanitarian sphere, without involvement, this direction has always been one of the most important for the commonwealth. a lot is already being done here, various forums, congresses of teachers, educators, and our youth are being organized.
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both soviet and western-style, slovakia, usa and poland. in addition, air defenses shot down
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25 ukrainian drones. and the deputy assault operations recruits are trained at one of the dpr training grounds, where a network of trenches and fortifications has been built to make the training as close as possible. to real combat conditions, report by vladimir bogomolov. you must show it to him so that he understands that you are about to throw a grenade. the instructor gives the last instructions before the start of training, then the recruits begin to storm the trenches of the mock enemy. many of the volunteers have never held a weapon in their hands, so they are just getting used to machine gun fire and explosions. live ammunition is used. one of the few who had experience with weapons, albeit insignificant, here he learned to hold a machine gun correctly, mastered the terminology: for example, assault is called coasting, the stance did not give in for a long time,
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incorrect positioning of the leg when wounded will make you fall into the line of fire, and not into cover, the back cannot immediately get used to it, it hurt for some time, of course, nothing, now that’s it. for help, they have a desire to engage, we are making every effort to do this, to provide them with any assistance in their combat training. volunteers study theory and practice for 3 weeks, for these recruits the training period comes to an end, then they are sent to the line of combat contact. vladimir
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bogomolov, vladislav rybakov, television company ntv, yuzhnodonetsk direction of the northern military district. eu countries are looking for a legal opportunity to deprive. hungary has the right to vote in order to allocate 50 billion euros to ukraine, which cannot be done due to the position of the hungarian prime minister viktor orban. according to the eu charter, such issues must be resolved with full consensus of the member countries, and as the financial times writes, citing anonymous sources, brussels intends to show the intractable budapest the cost of isolation within the european union. viktor orban explained his refusal to support the allocation of money to ukraine by saying that this does not answer.
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bulgaria is the only eu country that, after introducing restrictions against russian hydrocarbons, received permission from the european union for sea deliveries of oil for a plant located in the country. was killed. the agreement was supposed to be valid until the end of 2024. however, now, citing the fact that only the russian campaign benefits from this eu permission, bulgarian parliamentarians, overcoming the discontent of the opposition, from january 1, banned the plant from exporting products from russian oil, from march 1, and from processing it. this is already the third within a month there was a clash between bulgarian deputies. in early december, they quarreled when trying to overcome the presidential veto on... the resignation of decommissioned armored vehicles to ukraine, and 3 days ago the podium was blocked by deputies dissatisfied with the demolition of a monument to the soviet army in the center of sofia. in the early parliamentary elections in serbia, the ruling coalition of the serbian progressive party won, and this is a big
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victory for serbian president aleksandar vucic. in early november, under pressure from the opposition, he dissolved parliament and ordered early elections. and now no one should have any doubt that the sympathies of the serbs are on the side of vucic, not him. opponents. sergei kholoshevsky reports from belgrade. for aleksandar vucic, this was an important victory on which he was betting. his bloc serbia must not stop, formed on the basis of the serbian progressive party. i had to prove, first of all, to my western partners that it was not yet worth rocking the boat in the country. the voting results confirmed this; by the evening, vucic’s bloc had taken the lead. our victory in these elections is even more convincing than we expected. we will continue to follow the european path, defending our national interests, including territorial integrity. i mean kosovo. this day for vučić began in line at the polling station.
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as for the opponents, in addition to the patriotic opposition, vučić is under powerful pro-western pressure, they brought people out into the streets after terrible tragedies with mass shootings, and they are again using the same techniques of color revolutions, starting by involving schoolchildren in politics, ending with slogans about fighting corruption. the time has come for change in serbia, we need the power of people determined to live in a country without uncertainty, without crime and corruption, without rising prices. where young people will not leave the country, there is nothing that could prevent this.
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as a result, after more than 800 polling stations were closed, it became clear that vučić’s bloc was confidently leading throughout the country, and even in belgrade, where the opposition promised to win easily, and the elections themselves took place without serious violations, which, by the way, was confirmed by observers from russia, elections passed in full compliance with the law of serbia and there were no violations, we visited 17 polling stations today. during the day in the city of belgrade and our mission visited one polling station at the embassy in moscow, it was registered, but it was also possible to vote there, respectively, 18 polling stations that we visited, we did not have a single comment, we talked with exactly the same missions that were at the polling stations, they also had no comments, so everything went in full accordance with laws of serbia. now aleksandar vucic and his close parties will have to form a new bloc in the people’s assembly for the entire term of the parliamentary seats. mandates, that is, for the next 4 years. the serbian electoral commission promises to announce the final voting figures
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no later than december 21. it seems that the political maneuver of aleksandar vucic, when he took the opposition by surprise and called early parliamentary elections, worked, now his serbian progressive party and allies will form a majority in parliament. sergei kholoshevsky, vlada radovoicevic and boris filchikov, ntv television company. belgrade, serbia. the ministry of agriculture reported when. russia may begin supplies of turkish eggs. with the help of imports, the authorities hope to reduce prices. further business news and denis talalaev, denis, what are the deadlines? egor, if you're lucky, by the new year we'll have not only turkish tangerines, but also turkish eggs. the ministry of agriculture has clarified the timing of when imported eggs may arrive in russia. minister dmitry patrushev said that eggs from turkey will arrive in the country in two or three weeks. about it reports the news agency. referring to the telegram channel of journalist pavel zarubin. dmitry patrushev clarified: turkish eggs
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will go without import duty, which, quote, will allow prices to be adjusted. earlier , menselkhoz made it clear that supplies of eggs from azerbaijan could begin even earlier than from turkey. and the eurasian economic commission reports that iran may also begin supplying eggs to russia. since the beginning of the year, eggs in russia have been imitated by 46%. in just the week before last they added 4.5% in price, we bet.
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will be able to publish the twelfth package of anti-russian sanctions today, the ruble is retreating, the dollar is 90-44 at these minutes, the euro is worth 98.84 euros. the commission began an investigation against the social network x, this is the former twitter. she is accused of violating standards for removing illegal content and combating disinformation. this was announced by european commissioner for internal market thieri bretton. this is the first investigation under the european digital services act. it regulates the content of instant messengers and social networks. now x can receive a fine of up to 6% of profits, and if you then do not comply, you
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may be blocked in the european union countries. previously, the eu has repeatedly presented claims to the owner of x and elon musk about the fact that misinformation about the israeli-palestinian conflict is being spread on the social network? in response , musk asked for examples of this misinformation, but says that he did not receive it. egor, i have everything. thank you, denis. ntv viewers in the capital will next receive a release today in moscow, and we will continue broadcasting for other regions of central russia. ministry of emergency situations ends work to evacuate people with russian citizenship and their relatives from the gas sector. rescuers worked for about a month and a half. during this time , more than a thousand people were taken from the enclave through egyptian territory. the last flight from cairo to moscow remains and the ministry of emergency situations will lead the rescue group out. the final group of citizens, another 73 people, including 45
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children, are awaiting departure from cairo. now we can say that all applications. assistance in evacuation received through the ministry of foreign affairs have been completed. meanwhile , the israeli press writes about a secret meeting hamas leadership in turkey. allegedly, senior members of the group discussed further steps in the war with israel. and perhaps they were also talking about a new deal to free the hostages. just the day before , the mediators and representatives of egypt announced that israel and hamas were open to negotiations on the renewal of the ceasefire and the fate of the prisoners. the media write that a repetition is possible. called the shalit deal. many probably remember this high-profile story. israeli corporal gelada shalit was kidnapped in 2006, and after 5 and a half years of captivity he was exchanged for more than 1,500 palestinian prisoners. those who were then released from prison accounted for about 600 murdered jews. and in israel
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, many criticized the deal because some liberated palestinians returned to terror. and now , as the press writes, hamas insists on... a tunnel, instead of hospitals, schools, other buildings that the palestinians need, communications, millions of dollars, tons of cement spent on electricity, air conditioning systems, the width is such that cars could drive inside, here's the old one recording from hamas cameras, the construction of this
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tunnel, well, in israel, meanwhile, they are already deciding what to do after the war, the main question is who will get control over... the building was provided by a local businessman, the parents chipped in for furniture and repairs, and in this village, as in the neighboring one, there is already an educational institution, but vlada kopylovskaya wondered why the children did not study there. an ordinary physical education lesson for sixth-graders in an unusual hall, where, in addition to sports equipment, there is a billiard table. it is useless in educational practice, but it can tell me that lessons were not always held here. 15
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seconds left. we earn money. the students moved into the agricultural cooperative office in november. the entrepreneur gave almost the entire building to the children, leaving several offices. together, the village residents built what is called a public school here, without spending a single budget ruble. the bykovites also had a regular secondary school, but it was closed in the spring. this is all during the educational process. the first incident was in 22, it probably hit my eldest son’s head arrived. more than 80 students from ... the village will die, this building from the year sixty-seven has been in need of repair for a very long time, the roofs, these old wooden windows, for every school year the teacher’s parents patched everything inside on their own, but
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they were never able to get a major overhaul from the authorities . after the school was closed, parents asked the administration for their children to be taught by their native bykov teachers. it was possible to organize this during the second shift, so they completed their studies before the summer holidays, and the village residents decided to look for other options. we knew how things were going for us winter, how our roads are covered. how do we get to the area, that is, it is a very problematic road, there was little free time, that is, we arrived in the evening, that is, to do homework both at night and in the morning, well, the second shift is still difficult. sergei pozhidaev, who has been running a large agricultural enterprise in bykova for 40 years, says he is interested in ensuring that young families do not leave the village, he immediately volunteered to help, if it comes up, please, if something needs to be done, we will do it, we will help financially. well , that's it, they started to solve this issue with administration, not any kind of administration, no , everything, we will carry it. the story of the confrontation reached the regional authorities,
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in september parents were given the green light to set up a temporary school, everything had to be rebuilt, sewerage, water supply, alarm system , offices, businesses invested , parents, even graduates chipped in, they worked until nightfall for 2 weeks, boards, furniture, we transferred all this from the old school, although they didn’t want to give it to us, the list of improvements confused the parents, we had to again raise money to fix it safety comments, an additional exit on the second floor, video surveillance and high-speed internet, not every rural school has all this, the bykovskaya office was equipped, but the district authorities are confident that the option they proposed is still better, it is a spacious building, it has...
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team young scientists from nizhny novgorod came up with an unusual idea: to enhance the abilities of athletes through
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electromagnetic stimulation of the brain. these technologies are successfully used to restore motor activity patients after a stroke. kirill kiknadze found out how this method can be useful in terms of sports achievements. an ascetic setting: four computers, a chair with connected devices and sensors. visitors come in. this is a transcranial magnetic stimulator, the main tool for the work of young scientists at the national research center of the lobachevsky university. sports doctors from all over the country became interested in the developments of nizhny novgorod residents. by activating a neural network that is involved in a process, such as the motor imagination, we increase the effectiveness of ideomotor training, that is, we speed up the motor. imagination, which is used and is a recognized technology and methodology in professional sports. in other words, with the help of magnetic stimulation , professor gordleyeva’s team managed to do what
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thousands of coaches of their wards dream of: speed up the athlete’s reaction, sharpen his attention, and therefore increase results. the experiment involved 60 volunteers using electromagnetic pulses; they stimulated the frontal cortex of the brain. brain the duration of exposure was 3 minutes. the result turned out to be. that in healthy people this training improves both reaction and coordination, on the screen in front of danila the pluses and arrows are little understood to the uninitiated, a discharge is delivered through the inductor, an electromagnetic stimulus affects the cerebral cortex, the computer monitor displays the delay between the appearance of the neural stimulus pattern, that is, the movement itself . after stimulation, the delay is 20% shorter in time, which means that the subject is more attentive and reactive than himself before the beginning of the experiment, and as a result, potentially faster, higher, stronger than the future opponent. danil, these 3 minutes of magnetic stimulation, what do you feel now? in my right hand, my right hand
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twitches a little and gives a little. kovesok. in what disciplines can the developments of nizhny novgorod scientists be useful? where both good reaction and coordination are needed. goalkeeper , figure skater, swimmer. and the neural interface, which is being developed by scientists from the university of nizhny novgorod, will make it possible to predict the decrease in attention of operators of complex systems, drivers, pilots, machinists. but electromagnetic stimulation of the brain is a long-known technique. what is unique about the findings of this particular laboratory? we stimulate some area of ​​the brain that...
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motor activity, after the so-called ideomotor training, that is , actively presenting your movement to patients, motor function begins to gradually recover in reality, and this is more expensive than any sports record. kiril kiknadze, alena antonova, stanislav skrypnik, ntv television company, nizhny novgorod. this is the program today, which is what we will talk about further after the advertisement. is the handy and helpful big brother watching over you? anyway. you need to keep your ears open, is it possible to protect yourself from overly smart technology in your own home? far eastern hunters organized feeding of wild ungulates after heavy snowfalls, why is this important for the population of amur tigers, and is it true that predators are hunting rural dogs because of total hunger in the taiga? sergey antsigin figured it out. this is moscow.
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this is moscow. hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, buy everything on ozone. final sale of the year. down jacket faju for 2.199, tubing k78 for... it is getting better and better up to 16% per annum on deposits, the best interest in savings. make a deposit with a favorable rate literally with one button in the mobile application in savings savings with prime is more profitable. ntv
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plus - channels you can't tear yourself away from. tv set-top box with an annual subscription from only 3,500 rubles. i agree. if you see this, it's time to order gifts at low and green prices. buy kitford household appliances at discounts up to 33% on yandex market. at vtb the interest rate on a savings account is 16%. and buy your wedding faster. class. and everything will work out for vtb. new items in a magnet, gift backpacks with candies 449,999. magnet, price, what you need. hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, buy everything on ozone. final sale of the year. right now. car amoda c5 for 2,199. rub. when you invite friends to tenkov, these new year's invitations are returned with joy. on december 31
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, invite a friend to get a think of black card and receive 1,500 rubles, and your friend will receive free service always tenkov. everyone was looking forward to this meeting. meet the new truffleburger at kfc and rostix restaurants, a special combination of haute cuisine and your favorite chicken that you can’t refuse. the main novelty of the season is the truffle menu in rostix and kfc restaurants. unexpectedly there was a sale on avito , a new dress and a drill and an angle grinder and a robot snowmobile with discounts of up to 80% happened to you. the sale is even on avito before december 20th! magic condition: real interest rate up to 15% on a savings account at gazprombank. yours the money works and you get income.
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apply at! this is an easy way to profitably invest money online, just one button the investment in your child’s future has already been made, one button savings grow with the maximum rate, one button and you look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit with the best interest with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank, saving with prime is more profitable, mom, dad from a sandwich? without bread, as without bread, as without bread, just like that, i removed everything unnecessary and left the main thing, once you bought it, you immediately loved it, meat farm, enjoy the main thing,
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pyaterochka helps out, zbermarket delivers a holiday, the season is today at 20:00 on ntv. we're back on the air, let's continue. robots, vacuum cleaners that spy on their owners and speakers that eavesdrop on conversations. in the era of cyber wars, numerous database leaks and hacker groups, the spread of smart home appliances has quite expectedly led to the emergence of such a phenomenon as if
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i even have a smart socket in my dacha that allows me to remotely turn on the heating boiler, and also if i need to check off or on. smart technology saves a person from some problems and can create others, for example, spying on the owner, as shown by a recent scandal in the west: robots, rolling around the house, took pictures, sometimes very piquant, and then these photographs suddenly ended up on venezuelan forums. the manufacturer stated that this camera is needed in order to do better. analyze the space in which the vacuum cleaner moves in order to better build a map, but as it turned out, after a data leak there, it turned out that plisus was simply i photographed everything, and these photographs were analyzed by people, so the duck
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happened through people. all smart technology works approximately on the same principle: sensors are built into different devices , which collect and send information to servers for data analysis. and if earlier we were afraid... that a laptop or smartphone was spying on us, today there are more phobias, there are people who don’t trust new technologies, about 15 years old, but you know, it works great, the power is good, i’m afraid of artificial intelligence, it there built-in sensors, security cameras, something else, this is actually very unsafe, this is really unsafe, but there are rules of digital hygiene, buying a vacuum cleaner without a video camera and generally being cameras. from the tracking technology, these are my smart cameras , but i switched them to local mode, that is, they record directly first on the flash card itself, and then i can view the recording through the application, that is , they do not store information in the cloud
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storage, they already store directly in the memory card itself, there may not be ears near the walls, devices that can be controlled by voice have them, if we take any smart device that has sound recording functionality, then in any case. you need to keep your ears open and don't, i don't know, dictate your credit card information. there were recommendations from one of the manufacturers of household appliances, regarding their own household appliances, not to conduct confidential conversations, conversations when their appliances are at least plugged in. in general, it’s no longer a secret that speakers eavesdrop on everything that works through the internet can become the prey of cyber fraudsters. the question remains: who will end up?
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trump according to the polls, your polls are wrong, for a few seconds the president froze with a surprised face, then. means of transportation in the winter taiga, but
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after heavy snowfalls, even such transport is not always reliable. for wild ungulates, a harsh winter is also not a piece of cake. it takes them enormous effort to overcome the snowdrifts; finding food is not easy. acorns, cedar nuts and other natural food are hidden in a hard layer of crust. situation, when there is really no time for fat, it is fraught with mass death of forest inhabitants, and despite the fact that the hunting season is still open, responsibly. sprinkled with salt, it helps herbivores
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improve metabolism and maintain immunity to diseases. that's it, let them eat. bringing other healthy food off-road is not always convenient, so the hunters decided to experiment. in the spring, potatoes, corn, soybeans, and even bovine crops were planted in the clearings not far from the animal chambers. the harvest was a success and allowed, to some extent, to compensate for the deficit natural feed. the beast is drawn to the fields in times and when. the harvest is ripening, and after harvesting, it also stays along the fields, is fed, in addition to what we also feed, natural hunters, amur tigers, are also interested in preserving the number of ungulates. 2 years ago, predators had already experienced gastronomic stress; due to the outbreak of african swine fever , the number of wild boars sharply decreased. according to local residents, it was hunger that caused the massive invasion of striped animals into taiga villages. at night tigers. they clean the farmstead and remove domestic dogs from chains, last winter
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the hunting inspectors of the khabarovsk territory worked almost seven days a week, reports of the pranks of uninvited guests were received daily, this year with the onset of cold weather everything is repeating itself, they live here and about three of them are here, even though the dog has already eaten half of it , specialists from the amur tiger center analyze each case of conflict behavior of predators, with arguments that there are too many tigers, now the red book population is counting on... about 750 individuals, experts do not agree with the fact that there is nothing to eat in the taiga. while the number of wild boars is gradually recovering, healthy predators are pursuing other ungulates, this is confirmed by census data ; poachers are forcing other tigers to leave the forest in search of easier prey. all the tigers that were caught were near populated areas; they were quite dense, and the reason for their release to people was hidden. in their injuries, which were often inflicted on them by people
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trying to illegally hunt. residents of the urban-type settlement vyazimsky, in the vicinity which has no shortcomings of ungulates, they still remember january of this year. then a large tiger roamed the streets and also hunted the guard dogs. when the bully was caught, it turned out that the phalanx on his right paw had been severed by an old fracture of the wrist. he received such an injury after falling into a poacher's trap, and it is not surprising that he was chasing hooves. it literally became a burden for him, the rehabilitation course did not help the tabby, and in the end he was sent to the moscow zoo. these days, experts are catching three more tigers, which carry out raids in other populated areas of the khabarovsk territory. sirdiyantsydin maxim mintsev, ntv far eastern bureau. and in our european part of the country, the record-breaking snow cyclone vanya left behind a legacy that is about to begin to flow.
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irina, now it’s already near zero, something, yes, it will be even warmer, this will last for a long time, details after the pause, cleanse the liver with folk remedies, try replacing them with avisol. avisol is a modern natural remedy that promotes gentle cleansing of the liver. avisol and valar. cleanse your liver folk remedies? try replacing them with avisol, only in it the milky ripeness of oats is enhanced with herbs and turmeric. ovesol and valar are number one. liver cleansing. so, the entire european territory of russia is immersed in very warm air. the atlantic cyclone has subjugated everything, and its amplifier is a new cyclone, already at a low start, and it is not the last. forecast from. atmospheric pressure, this confirms that in the central regions it is low all week, even very low, so we won’t get out of the cloudy warm weather for a long time networks. tomorrow a new portion, in the north-west , rain with sleet, in some places turning into pure rain, will begin in the morning, in the center in the afternoon and another couple of degrees will add, and then everything without delay, by the evening
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this front will reach the volga, even before wet snow in karilia and the south of the arkhangelsk region. in the southern regions we can talk about improving weather and temperatures are starting to rise. heavy precipitation is still possible in the krasnodar region, including sochi, and then the sun. can't give up sweets? take alekzhim. natural the ali-gzhim complex helps reduce appetite and cravings for sweets, as well as maintaining normal sugar levels. alejim valar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. how to maintain normal sugar levels? accept. the natural aligjim complex helps maintain normal sugar levels and reduce appetite. and cravings for sweets. allijim evalar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. in st. petersburg tomorrow afternoon the maximum air temperature will be +3-5. strong wind and rain, warm and cloudy in moscow. and that's up end of the week. thank you irina, but at the end i managed to read out the urgent news. vladimir putin arrived at the central election commission of the russian federation to submit documents
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as a candidate for the presidential elections. more details about this in the evening episode of the program today. and that’s all for me, see you later. the legendary alfabank credit card , free forever, has become even more profitable, now withdraw cash for free.
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with one button in the mobile application in sberbank with prime, it’s more profitable, if you see this, buy an artificial one 90 cm. apply for a credit card at vtb. hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, buy everything on amazon. final sale of the year. faju down jacket for 2.199. tubin f78 for 1.499. to the gingerbread house kazon fresh for 699. we'll take it. cashback. apartment in
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moscow. will you make such a profit?


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