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tv   Shpion 1  NTV  December 20, 2023 1:40am-2:35am MSK

1:40 am
it turned out that mustafa knew about all the movements of soviet diplomats, and the kgb is now trying to figure out the source of the leak, and first of all they will want to find mustafa. do you know where he is? after the death of the sheikh, it was as if he fell through the earth. harley, you recruited the bedouin, he is your agent, only you and i know who he is. and if we lose such an agent because of the idiot mustafa, who has already ruined an operation worth 5 million dollars, you will not be able to cope, so look for him wherever you want, do it before the russians, what did he send? worse, write a request, indicate
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the reason dictating the need to allocate external surveillance, collect it, assure it all, while they collect the papers, and what did you want, who wants to take responsibility, and if she is killed or mutilated, and why did you get so worked up, the case, you know, i remembered from of the recent past, without the colonel’s resolution, they won’t give us to you anyway, viktorich, or maybe you’re pushing your own insurance risk into committing a crime of office. aren't you forbidden to smoke? banned, i was banned from everything, thank you, they still allow me to breathe, what about the money for kipling? izmailov promised talk, but it’s not possible yet. gorbachev is on vacation in foros, and without him no one decides anything.
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intelligence, spies, romance, and after the wedding, where she signed up, in the martial arts section, kindergarten, of course, i don’t like all this, you’re out of your mind, here, come, what are you doing, help,
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i understand, now out of town let's go and have fun. let go, hands already, it will be good, volkhol will also be good, no, kostyan, traffic cops, don’t stop, i fucked them in the ass, these traffic cops, ran in, waved a stick, please, are you a goat, you didn’t understand that you really?
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“what a goat, but now you’re jumping around with me, what’s up guys, listen, goat , where are you going, yes, i have one wheel more expensive than your bucket, which is true, how did you get it, you stinking suckers, now i’ll estimate yours too i see you have wheels , it’s a pity that they are full of holes, what did you say, uh, men, men, are you , men, what are you staring at, are you
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, men, on the ground, on the ground, dad, on the ground, i said, so, in what 's the matter, citizens, everything is in order, captain, kgb of the ussr. got it, we're carrying out an operation, we need some help, we'll handle it, don't burn, i told you where you are were, where were you, he slightly, forgive me, people , they didn’t count me, malos, forgive me, well, kuvaev, konstantin ivanovich, what are you doing with the girl , listen, bro, my girl, let ’s hash things out, but somehow it turns out ugly. whose are you anyway, solntsevsky , orekhovsky, lubyansky, as they say , please turn on the tv
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, what is there to watch, in the morning the ballet has been playing without interruption, to show, maybe there’s nothing, or maybe there’s nothing, otherwise we can’t see without them , there is no order, the enemies raised their heads, oh, i don’t remember what they said there, come on, put your feet up, excuse me, what's wrong with the phone? oh, i don’t know, it doesn’t work in the entire building where the bosses are located. it's a mess, that's right, in the stores there are tanks driving around the city like a ball, and they have the city. tanks, tanks,
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today it took me 2 hours to get to work. they hum, they chirp, they rattle, all of our guards at the entrance were replaced. when i returned yesterday and nikolai vasilyevich arrives in a week, there was a complete change of guard , but it seems here too, well, we are service people, there is an order, yes, like you yourself, in the middle east department, dima, like katya,
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ok, dima is working, katya is shaking at the controls, well, that’s how it is, david gich, welcome back, hello, like beirot, everything is fine, yes, it seems to be worth it, evgeniy alekseevich, i understand that for a specialist with your qualifications, what you are doing, well, let’s put it bluntly, but big changes are coming, there will soon be new personnel appointments, i am sure that you will be in demand, davidgievich, and you can’t take the place of il konstantinovich, gedarevich, ilya konstantinovich is seriously ill, and i am temporarily i fulfill his duties, then as he decides management, can i talk to you for a minute, yes. i read your report, it’s very important, what kind of report about the captured militant, and thank you, well, we ’ll talk to you later, i have big plans for you, vice-president of the ussr, in russia, any
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democratic experience, as a rule, turns into a reaction, why are you upset? gentlemen, the second cold war. hawks came to power in wed. now they will begin to crush the fools who believed in change with tanks, please, we are in the race again. enemy number one has reappeared. now these scumbags from intelligence committee will shut up.
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petya, you understand that they are doomed, but what are the options? not to cause widespread discontent on myself, i suggest going to... petya, i would like to get out of here, why? meet
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with izmailov and declare neutrality. who authorized you? this will be my personal initiative. i don't know how they did it, i know that. moscow, what about meetings let's talk about personal contacts with the baby in the fall of ninety-one they transferred to moscow, and why are meetings needed, all contacts with the agent occur through tanic bookmarks, well, he probably had his own curator in moscow. look how interesting it turns out, you work in beirut, and the kid
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works in beirut, you are transferred to moscow, and the kid is right there, well, i was the only one transferred to moscow, and we ’ll ask the others too, i didn’t meet frank in moscow , with a baby.
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broke, well, let me see, so, well, let’s see what your bosses need? according to the bosses, big changes are coming, they need confidence that you have...
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colonel usyagov said that you were not at the meeting when operational tasks related to the trip, but how do i remember from whom, someone said, it was not a secret, maybe from chaikin, maybe from gabrendoshvili, and maybe from ekaterina chaikina. yes, that is , cigarettes? sorry, dear, i just
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threw away the pack. your mother, why are you so crazy? yes, the controls have already been the same 50 times. did you know then that the guys were going to the french embassy? no, what? so i say, so what? are you holding on tight? fuck them. be careful with them, otherwise they will bug you in your apartment. snow it will happen. come on, come on.
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yes, ekaterina alekseevna? yes, it's me, good evening, this is captain stepanov. from the spacecraft management, i wanted to invite you to our place tomorrow, why did i tell you everything, in my opinion, the investigation is over, yes, i am aware, but i need to clarify some details, it won’t be long, no more than half an hour, at what time is convenient for you,
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let’s say about abkhazia and georgia , i can know from him from... anything, yugoslavia, it’s out of the question, he couldn’t possibly have come into contact with the balkan department, listen, let’s promote him, give him a more respectable position, another rank, right away access to information will expand, but what
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americans can take the bait for promotion, they need a loud reason, and why else? friend. the mole will immediately inform his masters that out of nowhere, an undisciplined, insubordinate employee is being promoted. suspicious. well, come up with a reason.
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and, of course, you want me to give you permission and not inform the director about this. i understand correctly? why specialists? do you want to remove mustafa? we can't let the russians get a witness.
2:00 am
kate! katya, katya, roll!
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damn, katya, katya, damn!
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2:03 am
how is she. more coffee, sir? no, thanks, jute, you can go, i'll still work. what about the documents? i'll call
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the duty officer. sir, good night, i didn’t wake you up, i hope you saw the message from moscow about people’s negotiations with minsk and kiev on the creation.
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damn them, the democrats are lousy, not only are they essentially planning a coup, but they are also surrounded by a lot of american spies. who else knows about this paper? nobody. as soon as we received the message from kipling, i immediately came to you. the kgb missed these national liberation movements. the baltic states, georgia, now here are the slavic brothers, everyone was running after dissidents with placards, but it was necessary to shepherd the nationalists. so what can we say now? okay, i
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'll report to michal sergeevich. thank you, pyotr sergeevich. well done to your kipling, he’s worth it money. greetings, we have problems, the americans have become aware of the contacts of your people with kiev and minsk, someone around boris nikolaevich is talking too much, to hell with the americans, what if
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mikhail sergeevich finds out about this. kolya , the house is full of washed people, i remembered my childhood, the boys and i peeled apple trees in the village in 2 minutes, i should invite you and the boys here, otherwise you see, my harvest is wasting, i wish i could find those boys where you were assigned to the cadre, to the reserves appointments, yeah. it’s clear how ekaterina will leave the hospital, will go to treat his nerves, or that he’s out of his mind, the girls almost cut off her head, it’s not in the head, kolya, we, the witnesses, didn’t immediately free her majesty, with a tank and special forces, now we’re all crap, including dimma, and she - joan of arc, okay, enough of that. what
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can you say, what do you think about gabrindashvili’s report? control k is working, there are too many suspects. well, let’s do this soon, let’s do it. that's it, okay, let's go have tea with jam.
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افتحوا الابواب.
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i brought a bow from the holy martyr salah, we were waiting for you 3 days ago, problems arose, something serious, no, i’ve decided everything, i need to see arby’s, i’ll tell you if you want to eat, i won’t refuse, i went shopping. let's throw a mess into ruining such a country, come on, dima, for the meeting, for the meeting, nikolai vasilyevich, i wanted to ask how katya was in the clinic, ilya
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konstantinovich told me, sorry, if it’s not his own thing... that katya seems to have given for a divorce , a lot of things have accumulated there, listen, ilya konstantinovich, of course, flint, he said , he cut it off, he was always like that, almost immediately into ambition, but you’re not like that, you can just sit down to talk, he said, but words don’t mean anything, you can’t convince anyone with words, so what does it want, for everyone to leave her alone, first of all me, so men, that
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’s hot, let’s make room for me, so, uh-huh, this is... sauce, bon appetit, well, yes, you're doing great, wow, impressive, kitty, i 'll quickly, where is that toilet, the door over there, you see, uh-huh.
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kotya, i’m ready to continue, i’ll sit down, take a minute, well, well, and it’s cool here, well, yes, i like it, you’re a cooperator, well, sort of. hmm, what are you doing? are you cooking your pants, or this one, broker? yes, so, i carry spare parts to steel, but they say it’s profitable,
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although it’s dangerous, like, well, it’s all a racket, but it’s profitable, hold on, so, now, so, so normal? uh-huh, for you, now, wait, hello, evgeniy alekseevich, this is dzholaev, we need to talk urgently, well, say so, gedar adilyevich, you didn’t understand, personally, publicly.
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sit for 5 minutes, where are you going, there’s a neighbor downstairs who asked for help, it’s quick, so what if i fall asleep, what if? you're asleep, i 'll wake you up, hello, hello,
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get out of the paperwork and show yourself,
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you know mustafa, even if i hit him in the face twice in beirut, that doesn’t mean, you know, tomorrow at 10 am i’m waiting for you at a meeting, it’s clear, you can resist, all the girls are waiting for... you bring it only to me and don’t come over yet, it’s a pity that you don’t speak russian, you ’ll have to learn it. show me.
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there will be dollars, a lot of dollars, well
2:20 am
, which of these suits us best, i think kharayev’s weapons depot is a good option, nothing prevents them from declaring that he and his people were preparing a series of terrorist attacks in moscow, carrying out a high-profile arrest, captain snegur, the key figure, through counterintelligence agents we will let him down as an arms dealer, i... when do you have a meeting with the baby? this
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evening i’m going to kizhi, i’ll admire the russian wooden architecture. the operation was planned hastily, like many operations before the collapse of the union. in most cases , work proceeded by inertia, something was started, developed, orders were given, but everyone’s mind was occupied with other things, as if the process was more important than the result. tell me why? you were involved in a purely internal operation, the kharay people were buying weapons within the country and were also transported not abroad. kharaev communicated closely with radicals, this is syria, libya. lebanon, yemen, in general, these are all our clients. why were they in such a hurry? the reports say that the operation to neutralize khoraev’s group was part of another operation. this is classified information. are you
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kidding me? no, why? please take admission. i will be happy to share it with you.
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fail agent nicholas, i understand you, i understand, thank you, look here, good afternoon, look how beautiful it is,
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now for you, you will find the information in the cache, i think your bosses will be pleased, that’s it, let’s go our separate ways. katyusha, hello, good to see you, come in, sit down, hello, sorry i don’t get up, the doctors told me to sit for another 10 minutes, some kind of tricky medicine, will you have some tea? no, no, thank you, yeah, good to see you,
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i’m looking at an old album where dimka is still very little, and lyuba is alive, ilya konstantinovich, why did you call me? i’m listening to you, katya, i wanted to listen to you, but i said everything i wanted to say, dima, we have a trial in 2 weeks, i understand, but you couldn’t tell me to say why you are leaving him, you stopped loving him, and probably never loved him. no, this is all because of that story in beirut, but you have to understand that i don’t want to understand anything, i want to be left alone, you, dima, your service, i want to forget, everything, you know, everything , as if this had never happened, katya, you are right, in almost everything, as
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a layman, you are right, but... putting your career at risk is the highest degree of self-denial. oh, lord, i am you, there will be an abyss between us, what did you say? i didn't
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say that. i advise. get well soon, ilya konstantinovich. i am categorically against it. snegor’s congestion for this operation, i ’m not asking why counterintelligence can’t do this, but in the end, there is gaprindashvili, nikolai vasilyevich, i made a decision, but okay, you wrote about snegur more than once in station reports, but why do you against, comrade dzhalaev, they didn’t give it, like last night, you demanded from snegur to establish the whereabouts of mustafa, that’s until the morning. could it wait, who authorized you? it was a request from
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the qc management, it was late and i didn’t bother you, what was it, to lure snegur out of the house for half an hour, why? i don't know, amazing, and i'll find out at the last minute. where do you work, comrade colonel? i don't hear an answer! counterintelligence officers suspect snegur of something. he is a mediator. kharaev buys weapons from servicemen from military units near moscow. shplint is a former captain of the internal troops, full of connections. he is in the current mess like a fish in water. well, why did you grab it? tried to sell a batch of rpgs to nagorno-karabakh. we had an informant in the buying group, but we... offered him either you are with us, or cut down the forest for 10 years, he has been working with kharayev for a long time , well, for about six months, he led us to him,
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so kharayev completely trusts him, hello to an honest company, what are you talking about? so happy, not like a fighter pushed into abkhazia, but comrade major, sit down, listen, this is captain grigoriev, yeah, he serves in the akhchm infantry division. maybe up to 130 svd cartridges, of course, your task is to connect him with arby, they will agree on the timing and price, then it’s up to us, yeah, and captain grigoriev in general rummaging around in army supplies, arby is also a cautious guy, he might start asking questions, so you will enlighten the captain, in 2 days he should know everything that you know, understand?
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we go out, and what are we going to say here? no, they’ll take you home, arby’s a cautious guy, maybe he shouldn’t have asked for your photo, he made inquiries, he’s insured, let’s go. salam, if you don't mind, you're clean, sit down.
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put it on, why else would you come back alive, dear, yeah. what are we doing? let's go get them. dim, in general the task was simply to make sure that they met with buyers. what do you think this is, a buyer? now it has just been taken to the buyer. come on, come on, let's go. well, if they detect it, the operation will fail. what if the snowman doesn’t come out? come on, come on, come on, viktorich, come on, as carefully as you can.
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nikolai, glad to see you, dear, salam, arbe! “here’s the captain i told you about , i see he’s brought a dear guest, we’ll make money, yes, as we agree, we’ll agree, don’t doubt it, they’ve been waiting for you for a long time, they’ve been waiting for you, of course, we have a conversation with you serious, from an old friend, from what friend, from a real one?" stop! mustafa! they are waiting for you!
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good day, public movement is standing, you are blocking the passage, please park in another place, guys, i know, my wife is going to the store i just dropped in for a couple of minutes, i understand, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re breaking traffic rules, park and wait somewhere else, i explain, but i left my phone in the car, if i leave now, she just won’t find me, wait a minute guys, this is helmets, i'm for it i support his team, can you give me an autograph? what difference does it make, the rules are equal for everyone, and stop filming, but we have every right to film you, are you going to leave? i’ll be there in 2 minutes, i said, my wife will come out now, yes , these are not our problems at all, according to the law you have no right to stand here, take it, she won’t
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tear herself away, it’s okay, she’ll fight, but next time... you will know that if you are a famous football player, this does not mean that there are some separate rules for you, there will be justice for you, it is up to you to seek justice it’s necessary, the jackals are juveniles, and the jackals are juveniles , that’s how we started talking, this is for you, for the jackals, now, that i don’t understand what you’re doing, that who, who are you all against, all against one, yes, no, what are you doing , i’ll call the police now, go away, tell me. that the police should be strangled and not imprisoned, stop, let's go, puppy , we'll see each other again, i understand, yes, calmly, calmly , we're all going, my savior.


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