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tv   Segodnya  NTV  December 20, 2023 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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over the 30 years of its work, the parliament has adopted tens of thousands of laws, how the president evaluates its work, what tasks it sets, and the congress of legislators that took place in moscow, a report by roman sobol.
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security officials celebrate their professional holiday. alexander kanevich met with a svr veteran and learned from his own experience that there are no former intelligence officers. the first ever sports show to combine physical and digital competition is just over 60 days away. how did the recapture take place at vedenhazh? fitjelov of the disciplines of the games of the future kirill kikhnatsik. hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is the program today, its presenter is elmira effendieva and vladimir chernyshov. the russian parliament maintains historical continuity, which strengthens political culture and helps in making informed, responsible decisions.
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vladimir putin announced this today; the president addressed the council of legislators, who gathered on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the creation of the federal assembly, to analyze it activities, sum up, outline plans. the president emphasized that over the past years a huge amount of work has been done at the federal and regional levels. it was the legislators who did everything to make the constitution an effective instrument; its norms are implemented and help protect the rights of citizens, which, according to the head of state, is important now. extend this practice to new regions and, of course, pay special attention to special operations issues. first of all , we are talking about supporting svo participants and their family members. roman sobol reports. advice legislators, as a rule, meet twice a year, despite the fact that on the most key issues, both houses of parliament and the state duma, and the federation council act, so to speak, as a united front, periodically there is a need to compare priorities.
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were carried out, in some ways they were carried out, however , a lot of things were not carried out, this is true, gennady andreevich is smiling, i see he agrees with this, but you know what the meaning is, what is the value of the decisions made, the legal foundations of the new statehood were created , this is at least important, the foundations were created, guidelines, then , guided by these guidelines, gradually together... with deputies of all levels,
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including regional parliaments, we gradually managed to establish a constitutional order on this legal basis, which is important, a unified legal field was created in our vast country, which not only left after the split of the ussr, but also regained its status as one of the leading world powers, i especially note your joint efforts within the framework of parliamentary diplomacy:
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we understand that it is not easy and unsafe for you, but all the people there are strong, reliable, people who know what they are doing and know why they came to these authorities, for the sake of the people. i would especially like to note that just in the last year a whole package was adopted. and these are several dozen of the most important laws to support our heroes, participants in a special military operation, their relatives, and i emphasize: in most cases, these laws that are fundamental for the country, for our people, were adopted by the votes of all factions of the state duma, this is such
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consolidation on the most important issues the life of the country is of great importance for the state. thank you.
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gives us all confidence that russia, strong, united, united, will definitely continue its path to victory. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin, recalling the era of the formation of parliamentarism in russia, noted how important it was that the duma did not follow the path of,
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quote: verbiage and unsubstantiated populism. according to volodin , many of the world's legislative institutions are now sinning. russian economy is growing despite the sanctions, the western world is in recession, but is trying to teach us about life. in just 30 years , our country has gone from a weak state to the strongest european economy, which is among the top five world leaders. when it comes to today , the time of challenges is absolutely.
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remote electronic voting in the presidential elections, along with traditional ones , can take place in 29 regions, ella ponfilova announced this today at a meeting of the central election commission. thus, potential participants in this vote may include: about 38 million voters. the head of the central election commission also announced today that applications to participate in the presidential elections have already been received from 16 candidates. the company has entered an active phase: we are ready, we will receive everyone as it should be, in accordance with our law, procedures, we will give everyone the attention that is necessary. and today, the rbercom center registered a group of voters
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created to support the self-propulsion of the current president vladimir putin. the central committee also authorized the opening of a special account in sberbank for the formation of an electoral vote. fund to begin collecting 300. russia and china coped with the difficult challenges of the twenty- third year, next year the two powers will strengthen and deepen. cooperation in various fields, this is the result of the negotiations that mikhail mishustin held in beijing over these 2 days. today, before leaving for moscow , the prime minister met with the head of the people's republic of china, sidinping, they noted that the development of relations between russia and china meets the interests of the peoples of the two countries, the complementarity of their economies provides huge benefits. right now there are 80 joint projects in the works for a total amount of almost 20 trillion rubles the big plus is that almost all payments are made in national currencies, nikita
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korzun reports from beijing. chairman of the people's republic of china sidzenping personally monitors what he calls, quote: the filling of russian-chinese relations with new content. this is what happened in may, when mikhail mishustin visited beijing for the first time this year, and this is what is happening now, 7 months later. first, the heads of government of russia and china hold several rounds of negotiations within the framework.
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it is important that in mutual settlements we have completely switched to national currencies, more than 90%
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payments are made in rubles and yuan, good results have been achieved in the investment sphere, in the work of 80 joint projects totaling almost 20 trillion rubles or about 1.600 billion yuan. as a result of these meetings, it was decided to focus on trade in services, investment and industrial cooperation. agriculture is a big issue for the 400 million chinese with average incomes; russian agricultural exports are an important part of consumption. and the day before , an agreement was reached on the supply of pork to the chinese market, which will allow the russian business to sell surplus abroad and develop enterprises within the country. there is very little time left before the new twenty-fourth year begins. i would like to take this opportunity to thank all of your chinese colleagues for your kind attitude and constructive joint work. i am sure that new, even greater achievements await us in the coming year. according to the lunar calendar, this is
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the year of the dragon, which is one of the symbols of china. i wish you and all chinese friends good health and good luck in ten thousand cases. vanshi. china ranks first place in the number of inbound tours to russia. an electronic tourist visa has been launched for travelers from china , and visa-free travel has been resumed. by the end of the year the quantity. nikita korzun, dmitry benedichuk, pavel biryukov, beijing, people's republic of china. humanitarian cargo for residents of the gas sector on board the emercom il-76 aircraft - more than 18 tons of medicines and technical
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means for the rehabilitation of victims. a special board has already delivered aid to the egyptian airport in the city of elarij, on the sinai peninsula, and from there humanitarian aid through red crescent representatives will be transferred to the palestinian enclave. in total, during the operation of the air humanitarian bridge between russia and egypt, about 370 tons of food were sent. conflict in ukraine, which is actively fueled by the united states and other nato countries. alexey prokin will tell you what else was discussed at the forum.
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the arab league countries and moscow have been preparing for the sixth russian-arab cooperation forum for a long time and thoroughly for 4 years and now. according to the russian minister, the world community there is no other option other than a non-alternative solution to the palestinian conflict. we see the primary task to be to stop the bloodshed and to provide conditions for providing the necessary humanitarian assistance to all those in need. unfortunately, our numerous attempts, together with like-minded people, to achieve the adoption by the un security council of a resolution demanding a sustainable ceasefire. are met with stiff opposition from the united states, which, however, takes a one-sided position, and, as usual, trying to usurp any processes and any initiatives. according to sergei lavrov, the task of russia and the arab world is to assist in the negotiation process on palestine, so that the un resolution on the creation of a unified
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palestinian state is finally implemented. the russian minister reminded the forum participants that as a result of past adventures by the united states. strategic defeat, or, as washington has recently begun to say, to prevent putin from winning russia, as was announced, in ukraine, the united states and their european the allies continue to sponsor the criminal kiev regime, pumping it with deadly weapons. and on the contrary, diplomatic initiatives. contributed to iran and saudi arabia becoming closer, and syria returning to the arab league. that is why relations between russia and arab countries have always been based on issues of cooperation and a collective approach to peace. there is no alternative to building a dialogue based on respect for international law. not long ago
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, passenger planes began flying from russia here to morocco again. the path is not close, but the local sunsets are worth it. as for the russian-arab. relations, now we can say for sure that they are at the zenith, and here in marrakech, both the muslim countries of north africa and the arab states of the middle east, again emphasized the special nature of these relations, letting the whole world understand that without russia, neither political, nor economic, neither energy issues nor security issues in the region can be resolved, which is why more and more countries in the global south are now joining sco and brix, supporting: those values ​​that russia and its partners defend on international platforms. russia, in the eyes of the arab world , can balance political interests in the region by receiving support from arab states in the international arena and opening new markets. the agreements reached at the previous forum in moscow were also confirmed by deeds. today's statement, which
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was adopted in morocco, was called the marrakech declaration. gateway to africa. morocco is one of our leading trade and economic partners, and yes, with the moroccans and with many other members of the league of arab states, we are developing projects that have regional potential, the potential of regional coverage, as sergei lavrov noted, at the forum they stated a coincidence of views on most issues, as for the main topic of the gas sector , it is important for the new year. the un, as the russian minister put it, has raised its voice at least in favor of a humanitarian ceasefire. alexey prokin, vladislav dubovitsky, marrakech, kingdom of morocco. russian diplomats in the un security council once again exposed the west to cynicism, hypocrisy and double standards. we are talking about the demand of the united states and european allies for iran to return to
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the implementation of the nuclear deal. let me remind you that it includes tehran’s voluntary refusal to enrich uranium. in exchange, the lifting of unilateral western sanctions and other preferences, but since the americans withdrew from the deal in 2018, iran stopped fulfilling its obligations, and now washington demands that the iranians strictly follow the restrictions. our post-pretty visit to prion vasili ne bendya responded to this by saying that the united states does not have the moral right to dictate terms to tehran, since they themselves were the first to violate the agreement and continue to torpedo and sabotage any efforts to resume. the supreme court of the american state of colorado banned former president donald trump from participating in the primaries, that is, the primary internal party elections in this state. at trump's headquarters. considered an attempt to force him out of the presidential race, they are already preparing an appeal to the us supreme court. and against this background , the ratings of the current owner of the white house and trump's main counterpart joe biden
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continues to break anti-records. all the latest polls, even from companies that sympathize with the democrat, show that biden has no chance of winning in a hypothetical fight with trump. but he continues to cling to illusory prospects, although even his loyal supporters understand how to save him.
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immigration policy, admit that it ’s time for the democrats to wake up and change the problem and start working on it, i think biden understands this, understands that this is his main problem that requires immediate attention.
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i'm very unhappy with the president, i 've voted democrat all my life, but i recently registered as an independent because every time i go to the store i shell out more money and i'm afraid of what
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's happening at the border, i think it 's that he doesn't understand what really worries the american people. biden's old friend, former us president barack obama, is also worried, according to wall street journal, obama believes that the democrats may well lose the elections in 2024, in any case it it will be very. will side with the ex-president and return his name to the ballot, but the example of colorado may turn out to be contagious with similar lawsuits against trump in all states, more than a dozen
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challenging each waste of time and effort that could be used for his election campaign. trump's campaign has already said that democrats have so lost faith in biden's failed presidency that they are forced to resort to extreme measures to save his second term. alexey veselovsky, alexander dekin and vladimir vypritsky, ntv. usa. today in armenia the regulator suspended the license to broadcast sputnik armenia radio. the country's television and radio commission revoked the permit for 30 days. a message on the regulator’s website says that this decision was made as part of administrative proceedings and is related to the friday program aired on november 17 with tigran kiosayan. according to armenian officials, the author and presenters allegedly committed an ironic derogation.
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history of a sports show that combines physical and digital competitions measurements just over 60 days, as the draw for the disciplines of the games of the future took place on vedenkha, kirill kikhnatsin, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, final sale of the year
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sokolov for 999. laptop for 49.999 , regnum cookies for 269. sber presents a loan with 2% cashback, so that you have even more opportunities, opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay, opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please the first time, opportunities to get new impressions, a flurry of new impressions, a storm of new things. formalize your impressions loan in sber and receive monthly cashback at a 2% rate more profitable with sber prime. new year with a new home. buy with a card from the magnit application. play, win prizes and 10 million to buy a house. magnet. household chemicals for impeccable cleanliness of your home. your assistants in the fight against germs and dirt. buy at competitive prices at wildberries. let's take it! mega discounts! magic
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conditions, real rate of up to 16.5% per annum on a savings account at gazprombank, your money works and you receive additional income, apply online at this year, russian lotto is giving away as much as 2 billion. celebrate the new year as a billionaire, buy tickets on the website in branded stores in solota. we keep prices low. wafers akulchev 1599. everything helps out, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, buy everything for ozone , final sale of the year, children's overalls for 3.799, mixsit gift set for 599, realmi tv for 15.999, i want, i can, i can, i want, with a vtb credit card i’ll get cashback, i want it, i can, i can, i want it, 300 days without interest, i ’m not kidding, get a credit card from vtb, lift 52 cleans, restores and protects the oven.
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lif 52 is an expert in liver cleansing and restoration. new year's discounts in a magnet. picanto pickled cucumbers. 1299. magnet - the price is right. if you see this, buy an ikea pokal glass on yandex market. deposit, the best interest rate in savings, is an easy way to profitably invest money online. just one button to contribute. your child’s future is already made, one button, savings grow at the maximum rate, one button, and you look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit the best interest with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank, collect more profitably with prime, lihatch new season today at 20:00 on ntv, delivers, order.
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green crust from 69 rubles from lenta stores. sbermarket delivers the holiday. in treasury - the best interest rate in savings - this is an easy way to profitably invest money online. just one button. and the investment in your child’s future has already been made. one button. and savings grow at the maximum rate. one button. and you look forward with confidence. together. open a deposit with the best interest and maximum at a rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank. get a better deal with prime. pay less. toilet paper papia 1690. pyaterochka helps out. he's getting better and better. up to 16% per annum on deposits, the best interest rate in savings. deposit with a favorable rate. apply literally with one button in the mobile application in savings with prime more profitable. avatar show - new season. on
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sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the program today. we are continuing production. today one of the main medical centers of donetsk, the regional clinical traumatological the hospital received new and very necessary equipment, this is a modern digital x-ray machine, it is indispensable for removing fragments, treating fractures, and applying external fixation. the x-ray was purchased with the blessing of patriarch kirill using church funds. the device was brought to donetsk by doctors at the st. alexei hospital. i would like to thank you. russian orthodox church, st. alexei clinic for providing us with the opportunity to provide even better quality care to our patients, including those injured as a result of hostilities.
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the russian orthodox church has been helping victims in donbass for several years, including sending doctors and volunteers to hospitals in the region. vladimir putin congratulated the employees of the russian special services, who are celebrating theirs today. professional holiday, the president thanked the personnel of the foreign intelligence service, fsb, fso, as well as the main directorate of special programs for their effective work and gave important instructions for working in the conditions of a special military operation. we know that the kiev regime, with direct support foreign intelligence services, openly took the path of terrorist methods, in fact , state terrorism. these are acts of sabotage against civilian targets. transport and energy infrastructure, terrorist attacks against civilians, government officials and public figures. let me emphasize that it is necessary to strengthen anti-terrorist work in all areas, use a wide range
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of technical operational capabilities of our intelligence services, and actively interact with the ministry of defense and other departments. today's holiday is also celebrated by veterans. services, unlike current employees , their names are no longer a state secret, well, many of them actively give lectures, act as experts, give interviews, of course, intelligence officers can tell, not tell everything about their service, but here’s something that alexander konevich still managed to find out. nowadays igor morozov calmly signs autographs and appears on television screens, but there were times when i decided for myself about what was written in his books, not to mention what was still classified... the road to intelligence, probably at the age of 12, so i understood that my first step was the svorov school, then the school of the supreme council mosvoku, from where graduates simply went into all
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types of armed forces, including the special services, so i got into intelligence i understood , that as a military man i should be... in combat reconnaissance, it so happened that a specialist in the middle east and africa, intelligence officer morozov ended up in afghanistan. soviet intelligence operated in combat areas, and special groups were created, these are delta, and cascade, and subsequently vympil, which worked virtually all over the country, carrying out special operations, and... intelligence did everything in its power, how long the veteran of the foreign intelligence service worked there is not a secret, but some little-known details of part of the special operation are still revealed in the first part of his trilogy written in
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the genre of a political detective story: we defended the southern borders of the soviet union, so the work was related to obtaining information and preventing... from combat units trained in pakistan, we saw that this was a real war between two superpowers, where everyone tried to win, the experience of the afghan war turned out to be invaluable, and although modern intelligence, according to the svr veteran, is completely different, the principles of selection for service are the same as many many years ago. any person who comes to intelligence must understand that love for the homeland. patriotism, it should be the main, main criterion for selecting employees for intelligence, and this will always exclude betrayal, this is a special order of society, which brings the most
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the best, the bravest, the most motivated , the most proactive, today in the era of digital technology in the arsenal of a modern intelligence officer there are a lot of new possibilities for obtaining information, which... does not mean at all that this service is now not as dangerously difficult as before, rather even vice versa. when you are immediately examined in the border zone, the retina is removed. naturally, this conversation remained behind the scenes, but it probably
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couldn’t have turned out any other way; it’s not for nothing that they say that there are no former intelligence officers. alexander kanevich, stepan lesakovich, ilena alferova, valentina abramenkova and natalya tarasenko, ntv television company. fsb officers seized almost 700 kg of latin american cocaine in moscow. as the intelligence service reported, the value of the discovered batch on the black market exceeds 2.5 billion rubles. but with retail sales , criminals could get it. for this purpose, they used a car rented by a dummy, as well as fake documents, a passport and a driver’s license. now those detained face up to life imprisonment. japanese manufacturer. tires, bridgestone sold its russian plant.
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denis talolaev joins us now. denis, who bought it? this is quite an interesting company, which is building a tire empire for itself using the assets of companies that left russia. a new major manufacturer has appeared on the russian tire market in less than a year. today it became known that the japanese company bridgestone will sell its russian assets to a russian holding. s8 capital. the main asset is a plant in ulyanovsk with a capacity of 2.4 million tires per year. in the amount of the transaction, as gazettekommert writes. some analysts estimate it at 7.5.10 billion rubles. earlier this year, s8 bought the russian assets of the departed german tire manufacturer continental, including a plant in kaluga. and also the assets of the domestic manufacturer cardiant, which has three enterprises. now s8 with a capacity of 16. has been working in russia since ninety-
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eight, in march last year, it stopped all production activities in the country. the domestic holding s8 capital has recently not become a major manufacturer only tires. previously, he also bought the russian business of the american elevator manufacturer otis, as well as the production plant of the german concern bosch in the saratov region. as the kommersant newspaper notes, this is the first time that russian authorities have not simply deprived western companies of the ability to manage their russian assets, but have carried out a formal seizure. true, the kremlin does not agree with this formulation.
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presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said several times today that this is not a seizure of assets and added. quote: those who leaves the market, they sell or transfer assets, it all depends on negotiations. the essence of the presidential decrees looks like this: in the company severneftegazprom, which is developing the south russian oil and gas condensate fields, gazprom had 40%, wintershal 35, and omfa 25%. now all rights and obligations of this joint venture are transferred to the llc created by the government. gazprom retains its share in it, but the shares of foreigners are forcibly sold. the same scheme will be used for the joint venture achimgaz. it is engaged in the development of the achmov deposits of the uringoy field and is owned in half by gazprom and wintershal. in the case of the yuzhdor deposit, the authorities propose to buy the share of foreigners to the insurance company sagaz.
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accounts are listed that can be used to compensate for their shares, but the company cannot yet receive the money. the continuing rise in oil prices and the depreciating ruble are pushing up the russian stock market. and now the moscow exchange index today has risen to the levels of two weeks ago. the fall of the ruble analysts explain this by traditional demand for foreign currency. at the end of the new year at the end of the year, the dollar based on the results of today's trading is 90.96, the euro is 99.66. today the tagansky court of moscow fined google... 4 billion 600 million rubles. the company was found guilty of repeated failure to remove information prohibited in russia. the court materials, based on information from tas, say that the youtube service revealed false information about the losses of the russian army in ukraine, extremist materials and content recognized as propaganda of non-traditional
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sexual relations. formally, a turnover fine is from 5 to 10% of a company’s revenue, and this is already the third turnover fine in russia. for google, from the end of the twenty-first year the company was fined more than 33 billion rubles, but even after the second turnover fine, the court declared the russian subsidiary of google bankrupt. the first new shepard rocket took more than a year to fly in texas; they are being developed by blue origin, jeff bezes. the previous launch in september twenty- two ended in an accident, the engine failed. this time a capsule with 33 scientific research instruments. successfully entered suborbital space, to an altitude above 100 km, that is, formally she had already been in space; a few minutes in weightlessness were enough to conduct experiments. newshepard are reusable spaceships, some time after the launch, first the launch vehicle returned to the ground, and then the capsule
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with instruments descended. this flight took place without people, although fast tourist flights into space are the main goal of this project of jeff bezos. everything about economics. thank you, denis. thank you. denis talalaev with an economic review. now a short advertisement. and that’s what we’ll talk about after it. social networks are now buzzing with news that new year's prices have barely risen in price. is this so, ilya lyadvin will tell you? the first ever sports show to combine competition in the physical and digital dimensions is just over 60 days away. how the draw for fidgels of the game disciplines took place at vedenkha. future cyrillic, all the best is simple, like alpha business, online banking and applications for business, all in one button, counting payments, accounting and
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tv set-top box with an annual subscription from only 3,500 rubles. i agree. large liquidation of the vascon collection. beds, sofas, mattresses, pillows with unprecedented discounts until the new year's price increase only until december 24. new year's discounts in a cosmetics magnet. viviensabo lipstick with 25% discount. the price is right. at vtb the interest rate on a savings account is 16%. and buy your wedding faster. class. and everything will work out at vtb. the 2 billion draw from the russian lotto is already close. hurry up for tickets, this is it, chicken marathon coupon, boxmaster for 199 rubles. if you see this, it's time to order gifts at low and green prices.
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fanke is the best loyalty program for business. we pay 3,000 rubles. for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. this is the program today. we continue our release. new year is getting closer, only 11 days left. the moscow weather today makes you worry, will it happen? but even if there is no new year's mood, they will create christmas trees on the central streets of the city, they are already decorated, christmas trees for the home have begun to be sold at special
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markets, there are more than 250 of them. the assortment, of course , is rich, there are domestic and imported trees, in general, for any taste and wallet. artificial spruce trees are among the top sales in stores, the demand for them compared to last year it grew by 55%, but there is no shortage, since with this product, like many others, import substitution gives... good results. ilya lyadvin thought about which christmas tree to choose and went to study the market. new year's trees have become more expensive . social networks are now full of such news. is it so? first, let's look at the example of living trees. they have already started selling them for the holiday. there are more than 250 christmas tree markets in the moscow region alone. this one opened in korolev, one of the very first in the region. selling season is here will last until the new year. the assortment includes not only local green beauties, but...
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for each new year , about 3,500 spruces and pines are harvested here, according to statistics this is more than enough, for the holiday they buy from 300 to 400 trees in the nursery, but the main thing is that all this volume will be nature compensates already in the spring and also with a large margin. now, for the first time in several years , the cost of production here has been raised by an average of 15-20%. now for a two-meter tree they will ask about 1,500 rubles. the fact is that have gone up in price. diesel fuel for tractors, fertilizer, and this is an important part of caring for every tree, it is work every day,
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despite the fact that such a tree is large, we grow them from seeds, now to artificial trees, their production in russia is widely established, this plant from novorossiysk in sudki produces more than 2.0 fir trees from pvc materials, when problems, sanctions were swirling, in fact we had the biggest breakthrough in production, because we began to notice imported products, and this worked out very well for us, the demand for artificial fir trees in the country is especially special now. here are the data from one of the largest domestic marketplaces: sales of artificial trees this year increased by 55% compared to the same period last year, about 600,000 units were sold in total; according to statistics, sales of live trees will begin to grow with the approach of the new year, the peak of buyer activity in nurseries at christmas tree markets they expect it a couple of days before the holiday. ilya lyatvin, mikhail rostovtsev, vladimir famin and yana fedorishcheva. today in moscow at the irina winner gymnastics palace the winners of the all-russian competition were announced "we firmly believe in sports heroes" award. it
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is awarded with the support of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives. more than a thousand participants presented their artistic works, which were dedicated to the achievements of legendary russian athletes. contestants competed in four categories: song, painting, poetry, photography. according to the organizers, each work revealed a specific sports hero, his success, victory or fatigue. teams that show the high skill of our champions, those who were, those that are, and those that will be, you will see a golden stream where we have gathered here many very different olympic champions, we have 51 medals at the olympic games and 416 medals at the world and european championships, they go hand in hand with coaches from ... the kids come out with the older girls to a song sung by tikhonov, our famous tikhonov, who sings the song
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otrenere. the grand finale of the award was grand. concert, famous artists and famous athletes took part in it. elena vaenga, lev leshchenko, shamana, oleg gazmanov, many other russian pop stars. in moscow , the participants in the long-awaited world's first competition at the intersection of sports, science and technology of the games of the future have been determined. there are only 2 months left before the start of the multisports tournament. as part of the draw, participants in the bmx skateboarding disciplines found out their opponents. about the scale of the upcoming competitions. popularity and upward trend. the organizers of the games of the future do not hide the criteria by which disciplines were selected for the first ever international competitions using modern technologies and physical
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activity. in kazan at the end of winter , 20 disciplines will be presented, 16 are included in the main program, five in the expanded one, but what is not the digital olympiad, although the organizing committee prefers to avoid any analogies with the brainchild of pierre decoubertin. we are constantly, as we say, an expanding universe, yes, we are not shrinking, on the contrary, we are expanding our competitive program, we expect about 2,000 athletes. and also games of the future about the most current developments in the field of e-sports, robotics, augmented reality, artificial. intelligence, all this goes hand in hand with classical sports wrestling on the court in the octagon on the race track, today in moscow is the day of the big draw, this is pavilion g at vdnkh, the meeting place for participants in the first five physical disciplines of the games of the future, here they recognize their opponents by virtual and real battles in kazan: skateboarding, drone racing, bmx, martial arts, cyboathletics - all this with the fidgetal prefix, that is
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, a strong mix between physical and digital activities, where it is impossible in advance determine what is more important for victory. this is how, for example, they chose opponents in the drone racing discipline. all types presented in the game program are divided into five challenges: sports, tactics, strategy, speed and technology. the drone race will feature 16 teams. the french, led by world champion swander smysson, are facing the best team of tatarstan, turbodrones. and in kazan they are waiting for min chan kim from south korea, the most popular drone racing pilot in the world , and brothers from turkey who never left without. more than one major tournament of trophies, technologically, we have two directions in our component, this is a simulator of the drone racing itself, everything is clear in the simulator, the teams perform on computers, they also fly using joysticks in a minimum time and complete the track, live, when we move, we have exactly the same track like in the simulator it’s a copy, live, but we already have a mechanic and a pilot, the first pilot
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covers half the distance,
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the mantles feel like it smells like spring, at least when the car doesn’t need to be dug out or even warmed up, but tomorrow the weather is quite a bit, even rather conditional , but will begin to approach winter standards, the atmospheric front, which will begin to bring our unrestrained temperatures to life, will be for the center with moderate snow, by the morning of thursday 2-3 cm will fall, and during the day the temperature will be a couple degrees below wednesday's value, in the volga region it will be warmest tomorrow, in the black earth region, the temperature is higher, there is less precipitation, and it will mostly be light rain. well, the main thing is bad weather for the kaliningrad region, a new powerful cyclone will produce a stormy wind and there is a lot of wet snow, this cyclone will reach the center on saturday, and it will be that which will return the frost to us. it’s too early for the south to think about it, tomorrow it will be +16, there’s very little precipitation, but it’s windy. and in the capitals after a pause. clean your liver with folk remedies, try replacing them with ovisol. only in it the oats of milky ripeness are enhanced with herbs and turmeric.
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and the cheerful valar is number one for cleansing the liver. clean your liver with folk remedies, try replacing them with avisol. avisol is a modern natural remedy that promotes gentle cleansing of the liver. in st. petersburg tomorrow will be around zero with light snow, in moscow the maximum temperature tomorrow will no longer be +5, only +2. the snow will start at night, during the day it will subside, and more effectively, the capital’s snowy outfit will be renewed on saturday, then it will only be a matter of frost , well, here you go, on sunday everything has been thought out, yes, thank you, thank you, irina polyakova with the weather forecast, here it is the main news for this hour and we, elmira fendeeva and vladimir chernushov, say goodbye to you, see you, goodbye. descend to a depth
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of 3,000 m, look at russia from above flight of satellites, feel the cold of permafrost, share the joy of sports victories and scientific discoveries to be at home. take an unusual virtual journey of millions of years and thousands of years. in the gazprom pavilion at the international exhibition forum russia moscow vdnh from november 4, 2023 to april 12 , 2024.
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what a beautiful girl, taxi driver, culture.
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what do you want, not me alkhaz, money and a lot, why did you run away like a jackal, you yourself are a jackal, i am your alkhaz jackal, what’s going on, all the showdowns on the street, guys, help, back, hands, hands, so i can see them, you 're sick, take the gun, shut up, higher, i said.


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