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tv   Segodnya  NTV  December 22, 2023 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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from the european union with love about how european volunteers, despite pressure and even criminal prosecution, continue to bring humanitarian aid to the donbass about what is happening. artillerymen in the southern donetsk direction stop enemy equipment even on the approaches to the line of combat contact, for this they use geocin b, the work of a howitzer, which is called an artillery sniper rifle , vladimirov saw. dear christmas, how much does it cost to turn on a garland in europe and what to read if you don’t have money for champagne, elizabeth will tell you gerson. from the survival of the university during the war
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years to the development of biomedicine, sechinov university is 265 years old. vera danilidia will talk about scientific developments and discoveries. at 84 , she waited in the wings and finally got to the kremlin; nikita korabenkov saw the country’s main new year’s tree on cathedral square. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today, its presenter is elmira efenzieva and vladimir chernyshov. vladimir putin today held an operational meeting in the kremlin with permanent members of the council. security
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russia, the key topic of the meeting was the biological and epidemiological situation in the cis. today we will talk about ensuring collective security in the cis, collective biological security. taking into account the problems faced during covid, the situation now is not the same, of course, thank god, but nevertheless difficult. situation, but, biological safety concerns all of us, our closest neighbors, we will have meetings on the twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth with our colleagues, with the leaders of the cis countries, this is one of the issues that , of course, interests everyone in general; our speaker on this topic was the head of the federal service for supervision of defense. consumer rights and
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human well-being, anna popova. today, vladimir putin had a telephone conversation with the president of the state of palestine mahmoud abas, as the kremlin press service reported, they discussed in detail issues related to the aggravation of the israeli conflict in palestine. putin informed about the steps that moscow is taking to resolve situation and ensuring uninterrupted delivery of humanitarian aid, taking into account contacts with leaders.
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russia has delivered another batch of humanitarian aid for residents of the gas sector. rescuers handed over more than 20 tons of cargo to representatives of the egyptian red crescent society, and this is the eighteenth such flight. and the hungarian prime minister, viktor orban, called it irresponsible. russia. orban asked the question: how is europe going to accept ukraine if there are fighting there and part of the territory has ceded
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? you don’t have to be a scientist to understand what this is the decision will do a lot of harm. we are not ready, we do not know the current numerical indicators. we are talking about a country on whose territory the russian military is stationed, and we will receive them too. but realistically, of course, to accept a country like ukraine, regardless of its territorial problems, to accept such a country into the eu, this will simply undermine the entire system of the european union, sober heads understand this, that this will be a burden that the eu simply cannot lift and will fall apart, therefore
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, europeans camouflage their understanding of the seriousness of this problem with a fair amount discussions, they are masters of this. dozens of tons of humanitarian aid arrived in donbass. cargo, especially for the residents of the new russian regions, volunteers brought medicine, food, warm clothes, medical supplies, such columns, it would seem, are already commonplace, but this batch of aid arrived from europe. yes, hundreds of residents of the european union countries went against the russophobia imposed on them and united to provide support to those who suffered from the kiev regime. many volunteers are now threatened with criminal prosecution and frozen accounts in their homeland, but this does not stop them and...
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they face up to 30 years in criminal prison . based on the totality of charges in germany, liana , persecution of dissenters has already become common practice in many other european countries. englishman benjamin simpson, sentenced by a british court under the article of terrorism, spent 6 years of his life in prison. in 2015, he went to donbass, where he joined the militia. upon his release , benjamin did not change his views, continuing to help the residents of the republics. "there is a lot of anti-russian propaganda, i’m even in at some point i doubted whether i was doing the right thing, helping donbass, it was such propaganda, you know, very heavy, many people actually support, but they do it quietly, they like the russians, they tell me in england: “i am proud of that work what you are doing." in the stream of dozens of trucks
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delivering various cargoes to donbass every day, this stands out immediately and not only with the eye-catching red bream logo on board, but also with the license plates. cars from the european union. you don’t often see a simple french farmer driving here, marc baquet. me since 2014 i am following the situation in ukraine in the donbass, and , despite the fact that it is unsafe here, i came to convey a message from my compatriots that not all europeans are against russia, many people in europe support your country, support donbass. volunteers of the sosdonbass association, which united hundreds of caring people across europe, brought baby food to the donetsk people's republic.
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russian has been living in france since 2010, after the start of the co, she and like-minded people went to a rally against discrimination against russians in defense of the residents donbass and was immediately persecuted by ukrainian nationalists. on social networks they wrote that i had not been here, i don’t know what i’m talking about, so at some point i decided that i would go and see everything myself, then i would already be a witness and in general be the voice of donbass, but despite despite all the difficulties, another humanitarian mission from europe has reached its destination, look, back in may the facades of these buildings were black and destroyed, now the city is unrecognizable, mark baquet shoots videos on every trip, which he then posts... on his page on social networks, this is the only way he can convey the truth about what is happening now in the donbass, in
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the western media such content is taboo, you walk around the city, the city does not recognize, immediately after the shelling, when i went out into the street, it was it seems like an abandoned city , completely abandoned, there were sounds, such grinding sounds, there were no people, now the city is being restored, it’s alive, there are cars driving, people walking, a lot of people, a lot of people have returned. during the 6 months that we were away, colossal things happened here. changes, the city has changed, and even the look of people, when we were distributing aid here in may, i remember a four-year-old girl, i talked to her, she didn’t even smile, this time i see smiles on the faces of the children, french volors were brought for. .. how are they
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countries, unfortunately, local people are used to it, they got here to us, they came from another that europe controls weapons and does not know that there are normal europeans who sympathize and want to help, while we were preparing this material for broadcast, french volunteers have already returned home, where... that the bank account of the sosdonbass association is blocked, and the insurance company terminated the contract with it, but despite the increased pressure this week, two more frenchmen from the cities of exan provencia and nimp opened new aid collection points for donbass, which means that a truck with eu license plates will return here much later earlier than planned. preparations for the next humanitarian convoy continue. evgenia golovanov, maxim belikov, omar magomedov, ramadan magomedov and olga vailoshnikova ntv. head of the investigative committee alexander bastrykin arrived in mariupol. in the city, he
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held a meeting of the headquarters to investigate crimes committed by ukrainian nationalists against civilians and russian military personnel. at the meeting it was reported that another representative of the high-ranking leadership of ukraine had appeared, who was involved in committing crimes against the peace and security of mankind. charges in absentia have been brought against a former member of the national security council of ukraine and a minister.
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russian military killed several in the special operation zone in the kupinsky direction representatives of the command staff of the armed forces of ukraine. intelligence found out that the commanders of one of the enemy units were to arrive in the special operation zone. this information was confirmed and, with the help of reconnaissance drones , two armored vehicles with officers were discovered. the scouts decided to strike with a mortar, and the crew promptly arrived at the position. my comrades are preparing the mortar for work, the mines are already prepared, now, as soon as the command comes, i will load the mortar and fire will begin. the mortar crew, with the help of a spotter, opened fire on the armor car, it is reported that they were destroyed along with ukrainian nationalists. after the attack, the scouts immediately changed their position and today it became known that during this week the russian military prevented the ukrainian armed forces from landing several times.
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reported that this week the russian military carried out 39 group strikes with precision weapons and drones on a military airfield, navigation equipment, fuel bases, and ammunition depots in the armed forces of ukraine. but in the southern donetsk direction, the armored vehicles of the nationalists did not reach the front line, but it was destroyed
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on the distant approaches, helped in this by the russian military geocenter. this is a large-caliber weapon. with sniper precision , vladimir bogomolov saw how the artillerymen worked. we go to the shooting location in an armored module, we drive along a rough road, but the shaking is barely felt; in the zone of a special military operation, such transport can be equated to a premium class. the armored vehicle is used to deliver combat crews to positions; here, of course, there is a minimum of comfort, but the level of security is increased. further track to position from a distance of 20 m we notice hyacin b giant from eight. hidden in a deep forest, covered with a camouflage net and branches, shells are stored with it. the shelter is given, it is anti-fragmentation, firstly, and secondly, moisture, rain, nothing gets here. this is what a drill dugout looks like, the crew of the ship hides after the first shot, as soon as an adjustment is made, they return to the gun and continue working. hyocin b - one of
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the most powerful large-caliber guns, considered an artillery sniper rifle, destroys armored targets, dugouts, support points. weight is almost 10 tons, but can leave the position, if necessary, in 20 minutes. the howitzer is capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 34 km, but the firing range depends on the type of projectile. artillerymen using soviet cannons also hit new enemy equipment. in the battle of experience versus youth, the former has the advantage. targets are reached while still approaching the line of combat contact. gunners capable of raining down a ton of shells on the enemy's head in... a few minutes. after the counter-offensive of the ukrainian armed forces, the enemy became quiet. intensity of fire on russian positions decreased slightly. they started shooting not much less, but you can still feel that there is less fire. about 10-15 shots per day. previously it could reach 100. mostly. it will take a few minutes from receiving the coordinates to firing; you need to work
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quickly so as not to find yourself in the epicenter of a counter-battery fight. you get used to it. that is, we are used to it and are working as usual. as in normal work, we constantly have physical training, that is, the shell weighs about 50 kg, and this is already a load, after a series of shots we hastily say goodbye to the artillerymen we leave, the crew takes cover in dugouts after the shot, and we return to the original point away from the zone of possible destruction. the enemy's reconnaissance is not asleep, underestimating it is dangerous to life, the artillerymen become quiet for a while, there was no return shot, so without us. will continue the counter-battery fight. vladimir bogomolov, vladislav rybakov, ntv television company, south donetsk direction of the northern military district. the servicemen who were wounded during the svo received awards from the ministry of defense today. the ceremony took place at a branch of the hospital named after vishnevsky in moscow. for the minister of defense, nikolai pankov presented 14
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state awards to the soldiers, as well as more than 40 housing certificates and regular military ranks. in addition, in the hospital, all military personnel could, if they wished, undergo a retraining course. you have completed additional training and will receive the relevant documents today. housing issues have been resolved at the duty station. also, each of you will undergo a military medical commission here and receive the appropriate documents to establish and receive social benefits. and guarantees, as emphasized by the ministry defense, retraining is just one of the areas of a large-scale program for the social rehabilitation of military personnel. the family of the hero of russia, roman filippov , visited the site of his death in the syrian province of idlip for the first time after the tragedy. the officer's parents, widow and daughter laid flowers at the memorial at the site of his last battle with terrorists.
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in the 6 years since the death of the pilot, the story of his feat has traveled around all the settlements of arabskaya. the syrians themselves erected memorials to our other military men in many cities, their heroism is revered, self-sacrifice in the fight against terrorism is remembered and admired. the pilot’s family visited the church of hagia sophia, the church of the holy martyrs, christian cities of the arab republic, as well as the khmiymim airbase, where the hero served. i sat in the cockpit of the same plane on which he flew. after this trip. after we visited the place of death, somehow my soul became a little calmer, probably due to the fact that we visited exactly where he died, because i really wanted to come all these six... years to syria, this place is so ennobled that a memorial plaque has been installed there,
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the russian flag has been raised, and we are very grateful to the syrian people for honoring the memory of roman, i want to say a huge thank you for the welcome and for the warm words and for respect our heroes who died. here roman filippov died on february 3 , 2018, on his su-25 sm attack aircraft, he was returning after flying over the de-escalation zone and was shot down by terrorist fire from the ground. the pilot ejected, but got into surrounded by militants, until the last round he fought an unequal battle with the enemy, was seriously wounded, but when the terrorists approached the minimum distance, he blew them up with a grenade, saying this is for you guys. for his courage and bravery, roman filippov was awarded the title of hero of russia posthumously. today
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, regional headquarters to support vladimir putin have opened in different cities of russia. one of the first headquarters opened in the lpr at a ceremony. those gathered expressed confidence that they would cope with all the tasks assigned to them and explained why they are supporters of the president.
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about the transfer of frozen russian assets for the restoration of ukraine, this is how white house spokesman john kirby commented on an article in the new york times. she said that the united states is putting pressure on its european partners to come up with a mechanism that would allow the blocked assets of the russian central bank to be sent to kiev. we are talking about 300 billion dollars, the bulk of which is in europe. according to the newspaper, the americans gave the europeans until the end of february twenty-fourth of the year. and this is how the kremlin commented on this news today? the topic of seizure, illegal seizure of our various assets,
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is constantly on the agenda, in europe and america. potentially, this topic is the first for us, unacceptable, potentially it is extremely dangerous for the global financial system, because in the case.
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domestic investors. the head of state noted that at the end of the current year, it is necessary to attract at least 2 trillion rubles to projects for the issuance of priority products and emphasized that a good incentive for industry is, including the renewal of public transport in the regions. it was no coincidence that mishustin drew attention to transport issues. the state is allocating an additional 9 billion rubles to the auto industry for research and development in order to load the conveyor as quickly as possible. fill missing competencies. it is extremely important that russian cars meet modern technical requirements accepted in the world and are not inferior to foreign models in terms of reliability. another 7.5 billion will be sent to others knowledge-intensive industries, chemical, radio-electronic, sufficient funds are reserved in the budget for expanding the road network. another approximately 710 million rubles
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were allocated for support. moscow, vladimir, nizhny novgorod, kazan, ufa, in particular bypassing the cities of nizhnekamsko and naberezhnye chelny. today’s decision should have a positive impact on the dynamics of work and on increasing the accessibility of high-quality road infrastructure for residents of the regions, including remote settlements. this will spur the development of tourism, trade, which especially important for regions such as the far east, which has become... accelerated development, where investors are offered preferential, customs and tax programs , russian companies, including those with foreign capital, will be able to become participants, which will set up the production of high-tech products and, accordingly, invest at least half a billion rubles; for them we will provide for zeroing the income tax on 10 years, which is twice as long as for existing areas of distressed development, and also exemption from
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land and... property taxes. welcome news for entrepreneurs who intend to earn money in siberia in the far east, almost a new year's gift from the government. speaking of gifts: in the morning , deputy prime ministers and ministers walked to the meeting past the wish tree and took down cardboard balls with notes from the children. this is from nine-year-old zakhar from astrykhan. she dreams of visiting the international exhibition forum russia in moscow. we invite you. and we will definitely fulfill your wish, the minister for the development of the far east and arctic guessed correctly when he chose the ball, signed to boys from the jewish autonomous okrug. evgeniy, 11 years old, berabedzhan, dreams of a microscope, worthy, zhenya, science is interesting, we will bring a microscope to berabedzhan. deputy prime minister manturov, head of the ministry of industry, also had specialized desires, related to the automotive industry
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or aviation.
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market. product delivery from 30 minutes. alfabank has the best loyalty program for business. we pay 3,000 rubles. for opening an account and up to 10%. cashback for expenses ntv apartment house at margulis's new year's housewarming on december 31 , right after the new year's mask, it seems to me that my grandfather is hiding something, vanity, fireworks, a little new year's light, lights the lights, magic... grandfather, and at our house there is something tasty, we can conjure something, he can do magic, the snowman courier, it’s proven,
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my grandfather is santa claus, he does things on new year’s eve miracles. everyone can, from the bottom of their hearts for those around them. happy new year, wizards. reckless, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our release. one of the largest russian car dealers. rolf, by presidential decree, was transferred under the temporary management of the federal property management agency. years ago , a criminal case was opened against the founder rolf. denis talalaev joins us now. denis, how is the transfer of rolf’s property to the federal property management explained? well , presidential press secretary dmitry peskov explained this by economic feasibility and the international situation.
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by his decree, vladimir putin transferred the shares of one of the largest russian car dealers, rolf, to the temporary management of the federal property management agency. rolf group owns 100% of the shares.
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they started a new general director, he became alexey gulyaev, who had previously been a top manager of the avilon dealer, and svetlana vinogradova, who had led rolf before, will become the first deputy general director, although rolf himself promises that... svetlana vinogradova will continue to be in charge of the operational management of the company and that what's happening at work rolf will not be affected. russians began to have their passports confiscated at the border because of their seals. the association of tour operators said it knows of at least two in such cases. as ator's executive director, maya lamidze, told rbc, in one case there was a typo in the name, in another a letter was missing in the name of the city. maya lamisa added that ator is monitoring the situation because earlier.
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surname, first name, patronymic and place of birth in russian letters, and also check the english transcription, although here, says arthur muradyan, some liberties are allowed, because that at different times they used different templates for transcriptions. since december 11 , russia has expanded the list of reasons why a foreign passport is invalidated, for example, it will be confiscated from those called up for military service. european stock exchanges are in doubt today. according to the revised data , uk gdp in the third quarter fell by... the previous estimate showed zero growth, and
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two consecutive quarters with falling gdp is already a technical recession. sber shares rose by 2% on the moscow stock exchange today. his head german gref said that sber could pay record dividends at the end of this year, and german gref also advocated for an additional privatization of 25% of the shares in ber. the ruble tried to win back today, to make up for yesterday’s strong fall, but as we see, it didn’t work out very well. the dollar ended trading at 92, the euro remained above 101. the united states will disconnect from the american financial system banks that will make payments for the russian military-industrial complex. the president signed a document on this today usa joe biden. the bottom line is that sanctions can be imposed against banks that participated in transactions with those companies that are already under sanctions for connections with russia. for the us treasury secretary, wally adeyemo. in an interview with cnbc, the meaning of the measure was explained as follows: it
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allows you to reach small companies in the field of microelectronics, machine tools, engines, which intentionally, or without knowing it, are involved in circumventing anti-russian sanctions. as bloomberg notes, many international banks do not work with russia, but they can be intermediaries for banks from third countries that continue to participate in such operations. the us treasury expects that banks around the world will now do everything possible to avoid becoming a participant. those for circumventing sanctions. everything about economics. thank you. thank you. denis toolalaev with an economic review. the upcoming christmas holidays in europe risk becoming one of the bleakest in history. the thing is that many residents, due to inflation, simply do not have enough money to buy gifts for their loved ones, and even just cover the table. the spanish newspaper mondo calculated that this year's christmas dinner will cost a record price and not far off.
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coats at home, they sit at the table without praying and without taking off their hats, what pushkin wrote about robbers, will suit the british of the time of rishisunok. a hat can and should be worn not only outside, but also at home; it will not allow the heat to escape through your head. since the spring of twenty-one, heating prices in britain have risen by 55%. the mirror newspaper reports about a woman who charges her adult children money for a seat at a christmas party. table due to their gluttony will rise in price. heat. the skynews tv channel calculated that the price of the holiday set of products
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has increased by almost a quarter. the british have a difficult choice - to save on creme liqueur or gifts for children. the scots, according to the local press, choose to save on children, but not in favor of creme liqueur, in favor of whiskey. the city of york, not new york, but the original provincial york in england, saved on new year's decorations. london is still glowing, but only in the central streets. sociologists have found that a third the british will not be decorated with garlands from... at home, although one garland for the entire december will generate only a pound of electricity, but in total, it’s a pity, in germany, with poland, this year from eighth to twenty-seventh place in the world in economic development.. they say that at least let the lights console you. these are difficult times, and we are giving people a spark of hope. our guests can forget a little about stress and the global political situation. 3,000 britons are homeless over the holidays, according to charity shelter. government conservatives have long promised affordable housing to young families, who during this time have become not
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very young. in this area, as conservatives like, everything is stable at zero. lystras gave the best account of this. in 2014 your party had a plan to build 200,000 affordable housing homes, how many did you build? well, we didn't build as much as we would have liked. how many have you built? i don’t remember the exact number, but it’s very easy to remember, zero, you didn’t build anything. turkey is warm in the house, the house itself, everything these indispensable symbols of the holiday have become more expensive. there is one more thing left - the christmas tree. there are no fewer christmas trees in the world; in britain, one of the poorest countries in the world in terms of biodiversity, there are no more of them, they have not become smoother, stronger, or greener. scolding the main english christmas tree has become as good a christmas tradition as receiving it as a gift from norway in memory of how london helped oslo during the second world war. however, recently both of these countries, norway and britain,
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voted against the un resolution introduced russia, which prohibits the glorification of nazism, so quite. it is personally justified that the main symbol of the fight against nazism is half-dead this christmas. new year's fairs have opened in hungary, and the classic hungarian goulash and american hot dog have become more expensive, some people can eat them only with their eyes. we walked around, looked at it, that’s all we can do, it’s not intended for hungarian wallets, but i think not even for austrian ones, because even for them it’s expensive here. in france, champagne has become more expensive, they are using alcoholic fizzy drinks instead, became more frequent. champagne has become more expensive, europeans can only console themselves with figaro, it is inexpensive and useful. elizaveta
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gerson, boris halfin, polina timofeeva and anastasia kanorovskaya, ntv television company, london. it's saturday in the czech republic.
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new year as a billionaire, buy tickets on the website in branded stores in stoloto, it is getting better and better, up to 16% per annum on deposits, the best interest rate in sberbank, a deposit with a favorable rate, you can place it literally with one button in the mobile application in sberbank with prime. know better. this is the program today. we continue our release. today marks the birthday of one of the country's leading medical centers. the first moscow sechenov medical university is 265 years old. the famous first honey, first of all, of course, known as an educational institution. it releases every year. hundreds of highly qualified doctors, well, sechenovka is also a clinical center where they treat patients, they are the first to introduce new techniques, master
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modern equipment, and perform the most complex operations. the birthday of the first honey was celebrated in the restored building of the cultural center, this is not only a monument to soviet constructivism, but also the location of the filming of the cult soviet film. vera daniridi saw how the first mit works today. to the legendary sechinov university victoria ripoll saragusi. i got in the first time, but i couldn’t move to moscow right away. the first course took place within the walls of the rostov medical university, but i didn’t forget about my dream university. for excellent results in my studies , i managed to transfer to sechinovsky for the second year, but i had to pass the exams and prove my knowledge in just 2 years. there was some kind of euphoria that here it was, here he was, he was nearby, when my mother and i approached the mfc, we were already nearby to pick up ours. campus map, record book, i saw this icon, yes our sechenov university, my
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joy hormones were at their limit. if not all, then almost all medical students dream of studying at the first medical university in the country. the future of medicine in greater russia has been determined here for more than a century. the life of sechinov university began in 1758; it was created by decree of empress elizabeth petrovna. initially, the university was the medical faculty of the imperial moscow university, now it is moscow state university. time passes and literally every decade the staff of sechinov university faces new challenges. from the survival of the university during the war years until the development of biomedicine. the second is the task of the last decade. in 2016, a biomedicine park was created here. he united all the advanced laboratories of the university. this anniversary year for the university, 265, from the point of view of research into scientific developments, became a breakthrough. we can be proud that
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for the first time a multi-component one was created. we work in the field of vocal cord restoration using cellular technologies. an artificial cornea was also created here . corneal defects today can be can only be cured with a donor organ transplant. according to statistics, they help one out of seventy patients, the rest wait. within a year, sechinov university managed to develop the first prototype of the cornea and test it on animals. the main difficulty for other researchers is that they can succeed. a pupillary implant , but it will be fragile, it cannot be sewn on by a surgeon, the surgeon simply cannot sew it on, because it will fall apart, or vice versa, if the surgeon can sew it on, then it will not be transparent, we do so that our plan was both transparent and durable. the history of the university continues in the students who, after graduation, remain to work at the university, this is how side-by-side with their teachers they operate on patients, practice skills, future doctors use simulators in
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the simulation center, where there is a right to make mistakes, this is how they learn. not only students from all over russia, but also foreigners. of the 26,000 students, almost 6,000 are students from abroad. we now have them from 90 countries around the world. i would like to say that only the geography has changed. well, that is, we are now the asia-pacific region, yes, and not from europe and not from america. but the number of foreign citizens does not decrease from year to year. is it stable or is it growing. the university's anniversary takes place within the walls of the revived monument of the soviet avant-garde. this is the club of the former kauchuk plant, today the management and guests of the university are here. today the university is included in almost all international rankings, qs, times education, and the shanghai ranking. today we are, occupy two hundredth or three hundredth place among world universities. this is of course very serious. the club building was built almost 100 years ago, and today, after reconstruction
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, it appears in its original form. the history of the club is really rich; one of the halls became a cinema venue in 1966. here eldar tezanov filmed scenes from the soviet tragicomedy “beware of the car.” now it is a cultural center for students of sechinov university. today the university is a whole.
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the tree also meets other important parameters: it has the correct crown shape, uniform, rich color, and no dry broken branches. nikita korobenkov visited in the kremlin cathedral square i saw how the christmas tree was decorated. this green beauty is already the twenty- fourth main new year tree in the country. all visitors to the moscow kremlin will be able to see the christmas tree. and there is something to see. they selected it for a long time, much in advance. for example, this particular instance. found in a forest near moscow this summer, it was brought from the urban district of shchelkovo, and its age is 84 years, and its height is 25 m, trunk girth is 60 cm and the span of the lower branches is 10 m. on the kremlin christmas tree, unlike those that stand we don’t have last year’s toys at home, they were all made in a single copy by special order for a specific design project. by the way, the design itself was called
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a festive concert. you can see gift masks on the branches. boxes, drums, we came from the irkutsk region, we live on lake baikal and for the new year holidays we came to visit moscow to see such a beautiful christmas tree. the christmas tree is decorated in purely russian decoration, toys, gifts, everything is very beautiful and harmonious. the kremlin christmas tree will stand on the cathedral square for almost a month, it they plan to remove it on january 20 immediately after the baptism. nikita korabenkov, shuisky ntv. well , now it’s time for the weather forecast in our meta in the irina polikova studio. irin, after a week of warming, the weather began to change very noticeably. what are we looking forward to this weekend? our weather is not very good, and today is the shortest day of the year, depressing events, but you can look at it from the other side. then the days will become longer and
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longer. it’s spring there, it’s all positive. i'm like a fanatical plant grower. and not only in the garden, but on the windowsill, i’m very happy about it i'll set it up. well, about the weather mood, on the european territory of russia the general trend is a decrease in temperature, this is not a merciless arctic invasion, just the elimination of abnormal overheating, if in the center this heat wave could not overcome the record level, then in the volga region everything worked out very well, the day before more than 20 were recorded records of maximum temperature , that's all, then there will be no thaw there, but still warmer than expected, in the center the minus will be very weak, but there will be enough precipitation for everyone, with abundance, this is in the north-west, in the center, in chernozem region, in the voluga region in the south, and in the south the worst weather is, without false exaggeration, stormy, warm air will actively resist the onset of cold... heavy rains turning into heavy snow, from the crimea to kuban on the don too, ice, slightly windy whether it's a hurricane or a red weather alert. about the capitals, after a pause, cleanse the liver with folk remedies, try replacing them
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with visol, only in it the milky ripeness of oats is enhanced with herbs and turmeric. oaty valar is number one for cleansing the liver. cleanse your liver with folk remedies. try replacing them with avisol. avisol is a modern natural remedy that helps. in st. petersburg tomorrow the snow is about zero, in moscow it’s still +2, but on sunday it’s already minus, all this with snow, wind and blizzard, with treacherous black ice, that is, with ice skating rinks sprinkled with snow in the most inappropriate places, and i still dream of opening a ski resort season, but apparently it won’t be comfortable this weekend, so maybe skating for now, no, mine is skiing, thank you, okay, let’s wait, then thank you, thank you. with the weather forecast, here these are the main news for this hour and we , elmira fendeeva and vladimir chernyshov, say goodbye to you, see you, goodbye.
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descend to a depth of 3.00 m, look at russia from the altitude of satellites, feel the cold of the permafrost, share. the joy of sports victories and scientific discoveries of being at home. take an unusual virtual journey of millions of years and thousands of kilometers in the gazprom pavilion at the international exhibition forum russia moscow vdnkh from november 4, 2023 to april 12, 2024 .
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move, come on, don't look back, me again push you, kill you, scare you, well, cowboy, you thought there was something here.


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