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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  December 25, 2023 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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placed in custody, that's all by this time , thank you for your attention , today on our program, we need to force russia and ukraine to agree to peace negotiations, big, little lies, in the west for... i don’t know what the advantage is, but it looks like it and there is a strategy to whistle everyone into the trench. europe begins to mobilize ukrainian refugees. which countries intend to expel conscripts to independence. we are talking about desserts; it is in germany's interests to send them back. into the subtail. russian regions refuse to euthanize stray dogs. how much more money
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will the rescue of stray animals be removed from the budget? we should have resolved this issue a long time ago, but they let it slide. watch it now. hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. i am andrey norkhin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live, we will start reporting about the next shelling of gorlovka, they reported from the dpr that tonight there was a really very serious, large shelling of this city, more, well, there were actually several dozen shells fired, fired from rocket systems volley fire, and the fire was fired from the city of dzerzhinsk, it is located on the territory that is still controlled by ukraine, well, let’s see, i’ll tell you a little more in detail, according to the joint control and coordination center, a total of more were fired in gorlovka in an hour .
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shells of 155 mm caliber, a residential building, an apartment building, a school, an art museum and the galaktika shopping center were hit, which is exactly what you see now; after the missile hit, a serious fire started in the building, and as you can see in these frames, which eyewitnesses posted online, a significant part of the shopping center was first destroyed by explosions, and then burned out, now emergency services are working on the site, unfortunately, there is information about casualties, according to the mayor of gorlovka ivan prikhodka, a civilian woman died as a result of the shelling , seven more people were injured, well, that’s what eyewitnesses say , let’s listen, we heard very loud sounds, especially since khadun was walking around our apartment, then we saw a lot of smoke, and now my husband and i have gathered and are standing here, because that our whole front is also broken and the heating is broken, well, the ukrainian security service showed how they are going to use it to carry out sabotage on... on the black sea. in
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the story of the 1+1 channel, for the first time they showed a ukrainian surface drone called the city of mamai. it was stated in this story that the new surface drone is the fastest object in the black sea and can accelerate to 10 km/h. the length of this mamai is 6 m, it is made of bulletproof material, a surveillance camera is installed on top , a satellite antenna is installed in front of the kamikaze drone a mechanism that is triggered by contact. not with the purpose of detonating a bomb on board. it is reported that the new development will be used along with the famous sea baby drone, which was previously used in the ssu to attack the crimean bridge. the sabotage plans of the kiev command were also confirmed by journalists from the british times. previously, they visited, and here you see these shots of the secret base of the ukrainian armed forces, where a large batch of naval drones was captured, among other things. however, the big question is what else can ukraine boast of, exactly boast of, besides these same drones, because that's according to a british newspaper.
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independent they published an interview with an anonymous, high-ranking ukrainian armed forces official. so he says, on condition of anonymity, of course, that russia, as part of a special operation , paralyzed the military industry of ukraine and deprived it of the ability to produce the necessary weapons components. now, according to the same high-ranking source, ukraine receives these same components from the united states, from europe and even from south korea, but the shortage of ammunition is still the most an acute problem for... the armed forces of ukraine shocked the public and major general of the armed forces of ukraine dmitry marchenko, he gave an interview to the foreign agent doycheveli and there he stated in plain text that there were no volunteers left, people who were ready to voluntarily go to the ukrainian front. those volunteers who wanted to join the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces in order to resist have ended. i can’t say exactly how mobilization will be, how high quality it will be, and i don’t even know who can tell you that. there is an understanding of how,
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why, and why, and an understanding of how it is i don’t have the ability to do it physically yet. well, since there are no volunteers, kiev is trying to find reserves, and not only internal ones. estonia, the ukrainian ambassador discussed with the estonian side. nevertheless , the department says that there are no legal grounds to extradite these people to ukraine, but , however, they are refuting themselves here, because the day before, the estonians said completely different things. if ukraine needs this, estonia can search for this person and extradite him to ukraine. "we know where these people are, what they do, the majority go to work , have a place of residence in estonia, well, in ukrainian social networks there was a real commotion, if not an explosion, because of the christmas greetings from the german foreign ministry, now you see the picture, they published the mid-german christmas greetings in
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several languages, and there there is even russian, but there is no ukrainian, and this, of course , is an absolute shame for ukrainian social networks, now they are wondering why this happened, how they allowed it, who dared, well, before it really was unambiguous and here, many guests told us that this is impossible according to any rules at all, or according to any criteria, and now for some reason they are discussing how to at least find these ukrainian men and send them back home, some even promise money for this, but we’ll come back a little later
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, now you know what, let ’s read the new york times again , they published a very interesting article on saturday, who was the first to say that negotiations between... conveyed to the americans his proposals for peace negotiations, then there's something like us we propose now to stop the special military operation, well, then there are very few details in this article, but it is still interesting, please, the new york times last saturday gave
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a sensation: vladimir putin allegedly conveyed a message of readiness to the white house start negotiations on ukraine and stop the special military operation. the information was allegedly confirmed to journalists. two former russian officials close to the kremlin, as well as american politicians. they claim that the russian president's proposal will allow saving ukraine, but almost 20% of the territories will remain with russia. putin, according to current and former officials, sees a confluence of factors creating a favorable moment for concluding an agreement. the situation at the front, which seems to have reached a dead end. the consequences of ukraine's disappointing offensive, its. surging support in the west and the war in the gas sector, which has captured attention since october. western analysts immediately rushed to guess what kind of strategy putin had come up with. the american institute for the study of war said that the proposal was made only in order to further distract the west from
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helping ukraine after the new year. experts at george town university suggested that russia really wants a truce, but it will be violated as soon as trump comes to the white house. i believe this strategy for russia and for putin is to wait out the west, wait for its collapse, the collapse of unity, hope that political views in the united states will change, then there will be no opposition to what he is doing in ukraine. three scenarios for the end of the ukrainian conflict were predicted at once experts from the cnn channel, the first is a victory for russia, the second is the freezing of the conflict and the division of ukrainian territories following the example of the gdr and the federal republic of germany. victory option for ukraine. the third , but no one seems to seriously believe in it, because it is only possible if kiev is able to seize crimea, which will immediately deprive putin of popular support, and the west will rush to help ukraine with renewed vigor. there is only one path, no matter how difficult, to
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a quick and decisive victory for ukraine. the return of crimea is the only goal of the ukrainian battlefield that can affect on putin's position in russia, as well. will quickly reverse the decline in us and european support. yes, well, it’s probably appropriate to give an official comment from the kremlin here, because dmitry peskov, naturally, has already been asked about this.
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the first is the understanding that a military victory for either russia or ukraine is impossible. why? a dead end, an absolute dead end. this means that the second thing is that the danger of a further escalation of the conflict and transition to war between russia and nato increases sharply. brussels has now decided on three scenarios for possible conflict, a direct military conflict with nato, and this also generally worries them. and the third is the state.
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so they sat down at the table under the camera and so on, now we are talking about creating a system of contacts that will allow us to enter the negotiation process later, and how do your kiev subscribers react to all this, because you are yourselves for us, you are all for us? this is true at the political level, and yes, but at the real level, they understand perfectly well what is happening, so they need a pause, they need a pause, because indeed, i have already spoken about this before.
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but today these negotiations are impossible, so negotiations are underway about
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negotiations for the future, this article is another nail in the coffin of these negotiations about negotiations, because this is a leak, leaks of this, wait, if everyone understands this, why can’t this be accepted then article as some kind of evidence, well, yes, somehow, because this article is deliberately purposefully distorted.
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if you believe all this, and you understand how completely unnecessary it is for putin to send a letter, and so everything is more or less clear, to where is everything going, on what terms will we negotiate sooner or later, with whom to negotiate first of all with the west, and not with ukraine, ukraine, i guess, i hope. yes, yes, by the west, but how, well, well, it is clear that some things need to be spoken out, that is , without clear guarantees of the security of russia, the status of ukraine in terms of its accession , not joining nato, this will not stop, now on the part of moscow, well, it’s probably not entirely logical to stop hostilities when the pendulum has touched and swung in its favor,
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but again, i will remind you and will remind you every time of this... here are the statements of edward lutwak, that you need to clearly understand where your highest point of success is, not to pass it. the ukrainians passed a year ago, and you see how now, how much they bite their elbows, then they had to withdraw their maximalist demands, agree on something. war is an unpredictable thing, how it will develop next year, and no one knows, there may be some not very pleasant surprises for us, so it is important not to miss the high point success and in order to...
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usa in europe. in his words, it is not kiev that is losing, but strategy.
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i saw the version: without the consent of the terrorist zelensky, they cannot agree to all these peace initiatives, he must at least nod his head to them, in connection with which several european officials at one level or another are engaged in conspiracy, so they publicly pronounce repeat repeat again time, so that in kiev they somehow realized all this, well, at some point they said: well , if that’s the case, then come on, is this the correct version? well, i think it’s true in principle, but let's start with the fact that ukraine has gone through three stages. the first stage - ukraine was at the table, it was in minsk, in paris, in istanbul. yes. then there was the second stage, ukraine was under the table, when johnson
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decided for ukraine that it was necessary to fight. and now the third stage has come: ukraine is on the table, this is when the americans, the british, someone else, all the allies, so to speak, of ukraine will resolve the issue at the expense of the interests of ukraine itself. you are absolutely right, ukrainian society is preparing for this. what is the statement of blinkin worth, who says himself in fact, russia has already lost, the goals have been achieved , russia, the goals have been achieved, so it’s time to sit down at the negotiating table to agree on something, when we talk about negotiations at all, we must understand that the process of negotiations itself is one story, and achieving the results of negotiations and implementation - this is a different story, we have already gone through three stages of negotiations as a process that was connected, they then explained to us how it was connected.
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there was not and is not, and there will be no intentions to attack nato countries, but he repeats this for the 101st time, and yet they still are preparing, they are still preparing for war and say: putin will attack us next winter, this is how, well, i don’t know in what language to tell them, in what form it needs to be presented in order to understand it, so i don’t i have the illusion that here they are, they will understand and rethink everything that... who do you think rethought what or is it all a smokescreen? well, from my point of view, this is getting closer to the house curtain, but i think that it
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is very progressive that they understood that victory, military victory, is not for either side is impossible, and that in the end, this has no military solution, does the kremlin understand this? i don’t know, because we can talk about the complete fulfillment of the goals of the special operation only in case of a 100% victory. i said that, in fact, this does not mean a 100% seizure of the territory of ukraine, because as putin said at the very beginning, we are not talking about occupation , now they say a little differently, it’s not about territories, it’s about spheres of influence.
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i don’t exclude it, but quite, quite, which means now the second aspect regarding europe, nato and so on, can i have one more question, you just immediately agreed with you that this is more like a smoke screen, well, a smoke screen, it’s hiding something, yes, there’s something hiding there, but what’s hiding, this one smoke, why, what is hiding behind it , hiding behind it is the understanding that something needs to be done, for now, yes, for now we stopped at this, well, because...
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the object of influence, and not the subject, but well, i agree, perhaps it is here that the question of mutual security arises, that is, is russia ready to lift those demands to nato, not to ukraine, specifically to nato, which were put forward in december of twenty-one, is russia ready to give up deciding who should be? russia, those countries that border with us are neighbors , probably our neighbors, this will be a restriction on joining nato, at least for those who have not yet joined, that is, in that one country that is very eager to join, but will not join , i mean ukraine. as in this
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article it is strictly stated that ukraine should not exist, i think that as things go on, ukraine will be of less interest, as such, well maybe then we’ll take a break, because right now , let’s take a break, let’s talk a little about these ukrainians who are now hiding all over europe, just in this sense, who is interested in ukraine and who is not. and
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a set of hermes jewelry is a worthy gift for a real man. the price of the set is rub 2,499. but call us right now and you can buy it for only 1.999 rubles. but that's not all. each person who orders the set will receive a hermes bracelet as a gift. liamax purchases with a plus. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue. and let's start this part with night shots from belgrade, although not only night shots, but morning ones, they showed the consequences of an attack by opposition activists on the city hall building here. you see, the windows are broken, the doors are broken, well, there was no fire , but nevertheless, there are also some cracks, in general, the local authorities even call the damage irreparable. on monday night, now let's look at the night's events, on monday night activists from the serbia opposition movement against
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violence, who disagreed with the results of the parliamentary elections that took place a week ago, went to another protest in front of the local civic center, but this time the organizers called on them to encircle the belgrade city hall, more than 2.
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they showed that violence is the only way to fight their political opponents. we warned them that they were preparing for this because they know. that people do not want to vote for them and that they will not be able to gain public trust, we spent several days explaining to our foreign partners what was happening, many pretended to be naive and did not want to hear or see what was happening, oh that pro-western forces are preparing protest actions in serbia, russia warned, serbian prime minister anna brodnabiča spoke about this live, she thanked the russian special services for the information, well, she reproached the west, because there...
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for a meeting with the president of serbia russian ambassador alexander botsenkharchenko arrived at his belgrade residence. this meeting lasted about an hour. the main topic, as expected , was the night riots. as a result of the meeting , vucic himself wrote on social networks that they also discussed bilateral relations and the situation in the region, our foreign ministry has already assessed the incident in belgrade; maria zakharova accused western countries of trying to destabilize the situation in serbia. in a commentary for the tas agency, she called obvious attempts to use maidan technologies in order to shake up the situation in the country. well, this build-up, as it now becomes clear, does not stop, it became known about an hour ago. that opposition supporters organized new protests in belgrade,
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this time they threatened to block roads, reportedly to the protest sites they specially bring serbian students, well , they threaten that the streets will be blocked, that’s where people will walk back and forth, until the election results are canceled. andrey lonevich, well, here i remember the words of one of our guests, specifically maxim anatolvich, who told us that it would resolve in belgrade, but so far it has somehow not resolved. so sure, well, because it’s impossible to live under the influence of today’s news, but today we need to present brighter news, oh, what a horror, it will definitely resolve, just wait, they’ve already started i looked now behind vanya’s back, there are some boxes there, they’re probably carrying some kind of food, if they want to block the roads, it means they’ll have tents there now, well , as they always do, look, the most important thing to take into account , no one questions the results of the elections in serbia as a whole.
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in practice, i propose now, again , since we will have the opportunity to check all this on maxim anatolvich, let’s return to this topic, that in european countries they suddenly began to discuss the mechanism of the possible expulsion of ukrainian refugees, because maksimich, i remember very well, you told me that this would never happen, because this is just such a cornerstone of the european democratic system in general, these are the rights of people, they will never be those who have found refuge. they won’t throw you back, now they’ve started to think
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about it, i’m still talking, and they’re paying the money, even , please show me, on sunday the authorities of the czech republic and finland approved a mechanism for payments to ukrainian refugees who are ready to return to their homeland, in the czech republic the amount of support is not yet spelled out in law, it will be determined later government, in finland they give as much as 5,300 euros for a return ticket to ukraine, and the finns are also ready to help ukrainians open a business in their homeland, as long as they leave. the goal of support is the sustainable return of ukrainians to their homeland. this assistance consists of financial support for transport costs, reintegration or in the form of commodity support. utility allowance refers to services or goods with which a repatriate can, for example, obtain an education or start a small business. on the expulsion of refugees the poles thought, they counted almost 80 thousand ukrainians aged from 18 to 60 years old who were hiding from mobilization. the polish press last week actively discussed
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how best to get rid of this critical mass, as the rzeczpospolita newspaper writes, now those mobilized from poland are extradited by court at the request of the ukrainian prosecutor’s office, but if warsaw and kiev had concluded a special agreement on deportation, then ukraine could return thousands of conscripts at once. ukrainians should look for reserves for the army among immigrants, remaining in the west. kyiv could conclude. agreements with poland and germany on cooperation in mobilization. i believe that the ukrainians are already late in mobilizing, the situation with human resources is critical. as a result, in six months they will have no one to fight the russians. all this time, the german authorities stubbornly refused to expel ukrainian conscripts, of whom there are almost 200,000 in the country, but last week, after a statement by the terrorist president zelensky, who complained about the lack of soldiers for...
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well, what is happening to maxim anatolyevich? well, yes, give us votes? this means that as far as the main, key, civilized european countries are concerned, they will not extradite ukrainian refugees, men against their will,
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it is impossible to just take 5-7 people there, load them into cattle cars and take them out, this is the 21st century. yes, now germany is different, times have changed, every time there must be a trial, that is, it is simply unthinkable for civilized western europe, that is, feeding all these loafers is conceivable, but firstly, that is, 54% of ukrainians refugees in germany, the german audit chamber, they don’t do anything, they are just fed, well, maybe they also steal there. as for germany , the overwhelming majority of refugees there are women, children, there are very few men there, don’t do this very thing, what do you want me to assent to you, just tell me, it means that the figure has just been given, 46% of ukrainian
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refugees, men, i heard,
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who receive benefits and so on, these are not in housing rented at their own expense, those people, i think, are primarily at risk, i think that the exchange of information there will be between the parties, that is, the german side will provide a specific list of persons who are under their control, and
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the ukrainian side, that is, it will be in the shadows, it will not be public, but like this, below this whole machine will be spinning and i don't rule it out. those who break the law , it seems to me that it is much easier for ukrainians, of course, to restore order there themselves and not let them out, but this is such a corruptly pleasant thing that look, if the problem is simply with these refugees who are not socialized, they can simply be deprived benefits that’s it, of course, no one will extradite them, this is huge, you can’t deprive them of benefits, because here maxim anatovich says correctly, you can decide, you can, no matter what i say, it’s still not, because these people asked for help , them these european countries.
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i’m not against it, on the contrary, that’s exactly what i want to support, the fact is that in germany, for example , there is legislation that you can receive this benefit during the year, yes, in the event that you are not looking for work and are not if you take a german language course, you will lose this benefit, and then what, and then do whatever you want, that’s the point, no , what they will do to you, they will not do anything to you, you, excuse me, have no money, you are there you just won’t survive on your own, that is, your house will go to prison, and i’ll hit you, as there will be no prison, no deportation, no money, whatever happens, nothing, that’s what you want, do it , one continuous television, andrei vladimerovich, if a person has no money, no job, no housing, he goes to steal.
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he is about 40 years old, he is an architect, he is an archaeologist, he was engaged in reconstruction, he really would have been sitting here with us, he would have given a head start, he is now still learning russian while communicating with ukrainian refugees, and you just like all these people, i don’t know, it’s so disgusting, i’m very briefly, i can respond to what you said. why can’t ukraine restore order and ensure, so to speak, yes, i’m just so that for people’s understanding, the head of the border service
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has publicly stated that 600 people leave ukraine every day, multiply this by 1000 dollars, because they leave not free per day, people, just think about it, per day , only this scheme gives 60 million dollars per day, and you say. using their own citizens, then they will begin to extradite these ukrainian former refugees, citizens on legal and illegal grounds, simply
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in order to replace cannon fodder with these refugees and not waste their citizens, not waste their soldiers, law, law, what is the drawbar maxim anatovich, today he is one, tomorrow he is different, there is a judicial precedent, there is an emergency situation, emergency measures, it is possible don’t give up 3 billion, you can blow up the nord stream, whatever you want from what the west is going to get involved with.
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yes, you, maxim anatolyevich, also poured gasoline into it, of course, what kind of humanism, so everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, we now have an even more difficult topic, take care of my nerves , a short pause, for which they killed the joker, don’t drink want, want, what, don't want? no, van, i just don’t recognize you, where are you, i’ll run for help, you have a plan, you ask, of course there is, i’m on the right, you’re on the left, let’s meet in the middle, i control the embankment, take it, reckless driver, new season, in the rapport that we will write, he stole a jet ski and rode off into the sunset,
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as a gift, only today, the second pair of alaska thermal socks for free, leo max, purchases with a plus, call or order on our website this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, i said that now we have such a difficult topic, we need to somehow get into it, so i remind you that we have pre-holiday weeks, we will work through it all , we will have a broadcast on friday, then we will go on new year and christmas holidays and the meeting place program will return to the air on monday, january 15, now we have news too, they seem to be about holiday, well, i would say so, relate to some restrictions, probably yes, yes, yes , that’s what i wanted to say, holiday restrictions, you probably remember about the decision of the moscow authorities to cancel festive fireworks for the new year at christmas, now about canceling such
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fireworks began to be discussed in other regions of our large country; the authorities of nizhny novgorod and ufa have already announced that there will be no new year’s fireworks. the administration of udmurtia stated that all funds planned for large events with fireworks will be aimed at supporting employees in the special military operation zone and their families. the authorities of the saratov region will refuse to spend money on new year's illumination and decoration of cities. the governor of the region, roman busargin, announced this in his telegram channel. previously , the head of bashkiria, radi khabirov, recommended that all municipalities of the republic refrain from fireworks for the new year. in addition, he prohibited the heads of state and municipal enterprises from organizing large-scale corporate events. the regions went even further and didn’t just give some recommendations, but also told what would happen for violating this very ban on launching pyrotechnics, there are specific examples, again from the regions, for example, in penza
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administrative liability has been established for the launching of fireworks and fireworks, in samara a similar ban applies within the framework of a special fire safety regime , it starts on monday, december 25 and will last almost a month until january 21 during its validity period. the use of pyrotechnic products, including firecrackers and ground-based fireworks, will only be possible on specially equipped for this purpose sites, local authorities will strengthen control over the implementation of fire-fighting measures , duty of voluntary fire brigades will be organized, so with new year’s or pre-new year’s restrictions, that’s all, then the topic is not festive at all, quite the contrary, but there is something in common in the sense that the regions are showing or must exhibit some self-reliance. that is , you and i still have a week of december left, and according to the calendar, during the time that has passed for us - in at least four regions, in novy
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uregoy, in omsk, in st. petersburg, in chukotka, there have been incidents, including deaths, incidents involving bearded dogs, which means that this topic is absolutely not new, moreover, some time ago the regions received the right to independently solve this problem. that is, you think that the safety of your citizens will be achieved due to the fact that you catch these bearded animals there and keep them in a shelter, please do so, you want, well, simply put, it means kill these animals that have been bitten to death child, please, this is also your right, in in general, it worked out, we now have such a certificate, in different regions really different laws were adopted, but the problem is.
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they won’t be allowed to go outside, they will stay in the shelter. this case, unfortunately, is not uncommon. a little earlier in st. petersburg, stein threw herself at a man, but fortunately he survived. on december 21, in the chukotka autonomous okrug , rogue dogs mauled a man to death. a month ago in orsk, a pack of stray dogs attacked a woman. she miraculously managed to hide in the car. the most resonant tragedy occurred in april of this year in orenburg. there, a pack of stray dogs attacked an eight-year-old boy, and he died. they are so angry. after this incident, the state duma adopted
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a law that allowed regions, if they wish , to establish their own rules for treating stray animals, including euthanizing them or shooting them. previously , only a federal law was in force in russia, according to which the euthanasia of stray animals was prohibited, even if they caused serious harm or death to a person. in the region
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but the draft law was hastily withdrawn after a protest by animal rights activists, they picketed building of the astrakhan administration and collected signatures against the bill. at the end of november , information appeared in the press that in the magadan region in the stavropol territory, they were also close to allowing the euthanasia of aggressive animals, but the authorities denied everything, saying that no animals would be killed, although the explanatory notes to the bills explained the logic of these measures. other animals
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kept in the shelter, and also requires additional allocation of funds for these purposes from the budget of the stavropol territory. the bravest spoke out in buryat, where back in mid -november they passed a law allowing the killing of not only dogs that attack a person, but also other stray animals if they could not be found during a month of staying at the shelter.
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so what? and what arguments can be given to the parents of a child who died due to a doctor’s mistake? well, let's discuss? life is such that people die, and indeed there are cases associated with animal attacks. so, then the question is how to solve this problem? and practice shows that radical methods do not work, why they do not work? because they would like to.
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some numbers there, if possible, which means practice shows that they do not work, the fact is that those regions that really work in the field of animal treatment, look, this is moscow, look, this is nizhny novgorod, you can cite vologda , well, you can cite st. petersburg, there are no such problems, well, in this place in st. petersburg there was, well, i can’t comment here, i honestly don’t know what kind of case this is, which means there really is a problem with animals on the streets. question in how to solve it, when we discuss how we can solve this or that problem, we first of all must turn to the expert community, but unfortunately from...
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it has been working since approximately the late seventies- the eighties, despite the fact that i was still just a girl, i remember stray packs of dogs that walked through the forests, they were shot, and so, if they were not shot, it was dangerous, it was dangerous to go into the forest, we constantly heard conversations about something the dogs got up to here man, then there the dogs killed a man when the shooting was taking place, this was the same preventive measure that made it possible to regulate attacks on people, there was always a relationship between a dog and a man...
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after all, as with my colleagues, we proceeded from the fact that in this region such the situation there is complicated, in this case it’s easier, the federal law, because you know, after all , there shouldn’t be stray animals... on the streets, that is , this, this is the main thing, yes, the logic on the topic is
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that dogs cannot be killed, but let’s say abortion can kill a person, yes, that is, it some of them are from another area, but another thing is that i absolutely agree that the number of dogs cannot be increased so that they reproduce without control, because the sources of dog reproduction are some kind of construction sites, garages, there, i don’t know, where people who feed these dogs are irresponsible, yes, this food supply shouldn’t be there, container sites should be closed so that it’s impossible to tadala, then let ’s use humanism, we’ll probably figure it out first, and then we’ll go to, because what do i have i get the feeling, again, when we were preparing the story, that ash defenders are the most powerful people in our country, the legislative assembly is trying to pass some kind of law, defenders come out and start drawing posters.
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in the forests, someone was killed there , they were shot, but nevertheless, no shooting either in the seventies, or in the 19th century, or in any century, helped solve the problem of stray animals, you know, for example, i really wanted to get acquainted with report of the russian society for the protection of animals, i i really wanted to understand how animals were protected in the 19th century, you know, who was the most homeless animal there, which everyone protected all the time, it was a horse, it was a horse, i was very disappointed because...
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a little earlier they just ran in, but what you say evokes a lot of critical
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comments, it’s just not the time to voice them, perhaps, let ’s go a little further, so, let’s svetlana olegolovna, what do you say, let’s move on to some kind of, i don’t know, practical plane, or still on humanism let's trample, i'm like a soviet boy , you know very well what a white bim is, a black ear, yes, who is he, i read a book and watched a movie, so of course, i say there, you have to kill there... a stray dog, well, i ca n’t , well, due to my upbringing, nevertheless, i cannot accept for now the arguments that i hear from our respected call defenders, what should everyone do, who just said, this is fake information coming from everyone’s lips, that’s what? it was from this side that the idea was voiced that the problems of the homeless animals should only be solved using euthanasia for one single reason, because dogs attack people, this is not true, this problem must be solved using euthanasia, because it is impossible to solve it any other way, because animals suffer on the street, and even in the law about the responsible
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treatment of animals with whom we fought, forgive the cynicism, but you just told vladimina that she found one victim. euthanasia can be used to overcome in order to stop some insurmountable suffering, that's just being released into the street , being thrown into the street - this is insurmountable suffering, because the animals suffer there, die in terrible agony on the street, and here it was said that supposedly in some cities they are solving the problem of homeless animals with the help salt, that's not true, that is salt.
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no, let’s take a break now, then we’ll talk about how it all works, i’m sitting on a piece of land, or rather on the sofa, with the new year, changes always come to our lives, isn’t that right? the new year is reminiscent of housewarming. evgeny morgulis invites you to a housewarming party. it’s new year in our city, i’m living again, my apartment is like a jungle. they just got there, they are protecting me through the rains. we
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will go, we will rush, on deer, in the morning. we are all moving into the new year together, we need to bring the cat home, turn it on if the cat has left, change the house, change the cat, listen to good music, ntv apartment building at margulis , new year's housewarming, december 31, immediately after the new year's mask, reckless, new season, today.
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of efficiency, whether some method works or not, but in the end it all comes down to only one thing: who will pay for all this, and where to get this money? let's try to look at it from this side. according to the call defenders, it takes at least 100 rubles a day to maintain one dog in a shelter, but this is essentially only for food, if the caught animals... are sterilized, microchipped and returned back, one such procedure will require 12,000 rubles. if we will be talking about year-round maintenance in shelters, then given the average lifespan of a dog there is about 5 years, the annual costs will be about 70 billion and there is no control. there is still control over the construction of the road, no matter how much money is spent there, there is technical supervision, there are warranty obligations, there are simply residents who can write to the prosecutor’s office that instead of 3 cm - or 6 cm of asphalt they put three, and here, since the late nineties in russia, a humane way of controlling the population of stray dogs and
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cats, it means that the animal is caught, sterilized, vaccinated and released, and in the same place where it was caught. sterilized animals must stop reproducing; the population must be killed. this method was invented half a century ago by the world health organization for india, turkey and underdeveloped countries of asia, where dogs from... due to the warm climate live on the streets, killing animals is contrary to the religious beliefs of the population, and there is no money for shelters, in russia there is such a system promoted mainly by animal protection public, the principle is catching, sterilization, vaccination and return , but how successful this method is today , how effective it is, this is a rather controversial issue, i will say right away, many scientists refer to the fact that in fact, in order for this method to be effective, more than 80% is needed uniformly. sterilize all animals once. in russia, such a scheme did not take root everywhere; for example, in moscow it was already replaced in the 2000s by catching dogs and keeping them in municipal
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shelters for life. true, at first there were no shelters, therefore, in 2007, moscow allocated almost 3 billion rubles for their construction. it was proposed that the russian regions should follow the same path, and the ministry of natural resources did not seem to mind, but again it all came down to money, however, somewhere it was found and everything looked extremely modern. it will be the best here. equipment, equipment at the best level, the entire veterinary block is divided into several blocks, which have infectious, surgical and therapeutic areas. according to the kommersant newspaper, typical animal shelters can cost from 10 to 25 million rubles. the ministry of natural resources says that all regions will be provided with the optimal number of shelters. well, a short clarification to our plot, here in the last part, again in our studio.
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let's put the word euthanasia aside , this is murder, they will kill, it says homeless, that means stray and aggressive, so the word aggressive will disappear, they will kill all the strays, that's what euthanasia is, you just have to call it, it's also the most beautiful one like that packaging, as for the words gender change, transition is castration children, castration of children that.
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i’ll ask you straight out, what do you choose between a child torn to pieces or a shot dog? i don’t see here, i realized that you, but i see her, because from the fact that you remove 100,000 dogs, cats, i don’t know who you want, how domestic dogs attack people in the same way, so in order to no child has ever been harmed by a dog, all dogs should be exterminated, that's right, that's it.
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in order for the fate of my child to work out, i take full responsibility, i encourage this child, well, my family to be born, i take full responsibility for calling this puppy to appear in my family, i take full responsibility, there cannot be stray dogs by definition for obvious reasons, because no one can be responsible for the formation... but they they even have you, as a specialist, must probably agree that a breed has already been formed, which is called pariah dogs, pariah dogs have been on the periphery of human life for thousands of years, but over 30 years of liberal marketing consciousness a person living in a metropolis is divorced from reality, that is, people see the form and do not see the content, they do not understand how human behavior is formed, they talk about kindness, this is not kindness, this is not humanity,
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this is tenderness.
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they understand that education is a cornerstone, and accordingly, strategically over a long period of time, you understand, if i live, i don’t have a dog, well, that’s just me hypothetically, but although now it’s not, thank god it’s all over, and there are people living next to me
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who have dogs, here in our village, for example, yes, we have fighting dogs there, so why should i think that i don’t have enough culture of communication with this dog? there is no place on the street, because because, because there is no way for this dog to keep this dog in a shelter, then we are with this dog, what are we doing with the seizure,
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the region has no money, the region says, shows you the knowledge, it has no money, what does he do with this dog, does he sterilize it, release it, or does he release it along with its teeth, it cannot be released for one simple reason,
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a place where everything becomes clear, and how far we have managed to advance is very, very difficult, but it seems to me that means homeless people, stray dogs, about them first of all we’re talking about animals, we need to remove them from the streets, eliminate aggressive ones, what? what to do with the rest here is where it begins to become unclear, because ideally they should probably be kept in a shelter or taken home from a shelter, but while they are in the shelter, they need to be supported for something, there is no money for this, and if there is , they are being robbed, as we have already seen, the question that is hanging in the air, in fact, it just concerns doubts about the activities of respected animal rights activists, because many people believe that if someone is stealing money, this is exactly this is what animal rights activists do, excuse me, i don’t want you... to grieve anyone, but there is such an opinion, now you can
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refute it. one of the favorite arguments of animal rights activists is that pets who are thrown into the street by evil owners become homeless. opponents. version: a domestic dog will not survive in a stray pack. another popular argument of human rights defenders: people who provoke them with their behavior are to blame for dog attacks. in fact , it has been proven that stray animals can attack per person, if they are hungry, when they defend their territory, during dog weddings, then they bite and chase their prey, it has also been proven.
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astrakhan, they opened a criminal case against a local dog shelter, according to a loud scandal that broke out in the investigative committee this year, the shelter management stole more than 28 million rubles allocated from the budget for the capture and sterilization of 500 animals, as a result there are fewer stray and aggressive dogs on the streets gone. the yard is full, it’s not clear at all what it is, well, here i am i counted eight or nine dogs, that 's not all, residents pass by, snatch bags , it generally stings, however, even a tag on the ear does not guarantee that the dog is really
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sterilized and not dangerous, an indicative story happened several years ago in irkutsk, there was released from shelter dog gave birth to eight puppies. although according to the documents she was considered sterilized and wore a tag. all procedures were paid for from the state budget. so, anna igor, well, it turns out that the shelter in general is not a panacea either. no, shelter we are talking about different methods. look, you gave slightly incorrect statistics using the osvv method. firstly, we have actually been using the www method since 1918, that is, we have humane practices, this is a period of humaneness, yes, we have a very small one, in fact, before that time we used the killing of animals.
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the defender, unfortunately, is the sphere of treatment of animals, today, you know what it looks like, all the sisters deserve earrings, so, that is, this is what happens, we passed a law that established what is necessary to use only humane methods in solving the problem, then the practice began , which means that in the absence of control, you just showed an eco-shelter, which means, of course , it was not ash defenders who were involved in this eco-shelter, they were affiliated with the authorities.
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then the most humane scheme, in your opinion, is the same scheme where there is the possibility of that very corruption component, then we
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will never get out of this vicious circle, because the most humane scheme, it is the best, everything is as good as possible, because in moscow there is money for content, so let's now think about the final question, well, you can probably guess what it will be, we 'll be back in a few minutes. this is the biggest shock, new year's mask on december 31 at 20:24 on ntv.
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ntv apartment house at margulis's new year's housewarming on december 31st, immediately after the new year's mask. my father taught me everything, he showed me, and i just repeated it. so it is in finance and investment. with tenki investments, i simply repeat the transactions of successful investors. tinkov investment is simple. repeat successful deals investors. we take potatoes and an egg, great, enough peas and carrots, salad, great, salad, great, salad, yandex market, food delivery from 30 minutes, if only we could have lunch now for 200 rubles. only at kfc rostik, it gets better and better. up to 16% per annum on deposits, the best interest in savings. deposit with a favorable rate. apply literally with one
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right now you can: buy a natural gerda hat for only 999 rubles. leamax. shopping with a plus. call or order on our website this is the meeting place on ntv. let's take a look at those who didn't have time to speak out in the last block. the issue, the solution to the problem of homeless animals, can be both humane and effective. mikhail nikolaevich.
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without death, without murder, so that then we all just live forever, don’t get sick, children, this is the criterion, tell the child, if he agrees with this, then this is a good measure, takevich, i’ll tell you now the things that you you may have never heard of it, but raising a dog is 2 years, raising a puppy to adulthood is 2 years, if the person will know about this before he took it, he will either not take the dog and this tragedy will not happen.
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and who needs to be humane, to a person or to an animal? i will still choose a person. if we are talking about related animals, from a legal point of view, this is property. if this property is ownerless, ownerless, it is the property of the municipality or the state, respectively, the municipality or the state must make a decision. if there are people who want to become the owners of this property, please, this is necessary, well, let’s say so, respect this decision. if there are no such people, i believe that euthanasia will be more humane. nikolai viktorovich pushed me to a conclusion. look into the eyes of children , i advise all people who talk about humanism in relation to stray aggressive dogs to go on the internet and find photographs of children over the past 10 years, which dogs attacked and which dogs for...
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weekday ntv, goodbye! serbian maidan, pro-western opposition staged riots in belgrade, reconnaissance and adjustment of strikes, as in a special operation zone do drone operators work? mortgage question: what is the down payment required now for a preferential mortgage? is this discussed in business news? about the main thing, ilya fedorovtsev is in the studio this minute. hello. aleksandar vucic
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has irrefutable evidence that the protests in servia are supported by the west, about this.


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