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tv   Segodnya  NTV  December 27, 2023 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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enemy landing raids are operating in the artyomovsk direction; special operations are being stopped by airborne forces. in an attempt to blame russia, the foreign ministry announced preparations for a provocation with chemical weapons against kiev. they will always come to the rescue; emergencies ministry employees celebrate their professional holiday. wet christmas in germany. in the depths of winter , heavy rains fell. and in the new year's mood , a holiday was organized in the kremlin for children participating in the north military district and children from new territories. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya
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fedorovtsev. hello. vladimir putin the day before i had a meeting with alexey miller in st. petersburg. the head of gasprom said that the first peak of gas consumption in russia in the autumn-winter period was passed in december, when there were abnormal frosts. during the cold weather , consumers received more than 1,700 million cubic meters of gas from the unified gas supply system. separately at the meeting they discussed one of the main topics of gasification of the regions. its level across the country by the beginning of next year will be 89%. more than 400 settlements, 2,900 km of gas pipelines were built, which means therefore, your task, which was set to achieve one hundred percent classification in the russian federation in 203, will be absolutely completed, excellently, and gazprom is fulfilling it. there are also social functions,
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and you have a lot of sponsorship through different channels, carry out different programs. at the meeting they discussed gazprom's exports, which will increase gas supplies to china by one and a half times this year. at the beginning of the month, according to miller, a historical record for daily indicators was set, and already in 2025 gazprom will enter into contractual obligations will supply 38 billion cubic meters. comes to the rescue in the most difficult situations, be it natural disasters or man-made disasters. employees of the ministry of emergency situations celebrate their professional holiday. today, more than 300,000 people serve in the ranks of the department, vladimir putin noted in his congratulations their high professionalism and dedication in carrying out tasks. the head of state recalled how in the past year, rescuers eliminated the consequences of floods and fires, carried out a humanitarian operation, evacuated our citizens from the zone conflict in the middle east. role. the ministry of emergency situations in
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the comprehensive provision of security for russia and our citizens is growing from year to year. and it is important to maintain all the positive trends achieved by the service recently. respond even more effectively to emergencies of any level. one of the key tasks is to improve the work of the ministry of emergency situations units in the new constituent entities of the federation. i would like to especially thank the firefighters, rescuers, and sappers who... in difficult conditions they are doing a lot to ensure the safety of residents of donetsk and lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherkhon regions, it is necessary from now on, without delay, to resolve all the issues that arise there, among the priorities of your work, the development of the civil defense system, including by equipping the ministry of emergency situations with modern equipment and the introduction of digital technologies. about the heroism of those who are saved every year. from
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space you can clearly see how big our country is. rescuers and firefighters ensure the safety of people every day in every corner of great russia. you heroically fight fires and floods, eliminate accidents, be the first to help those in distress. from the miners and miners, from the bowels of the kusbass land from the mine named after vladlen danilovich ilevsky, i sincerely congratulate you. this is a huge risk, a real feat. the ministry of emergency situations is a big ship, confidently moving towards any element. the professionalism of the ministry of emergency situations employees allows them to always come to the aid of people on land and water in a timely manner. the personnel were also congratulated by the head of the venomstvo , alexander kurenkov. in his video message he emphasized that this year four units have joined the ranks of the ministry of emergency situations. from the front line
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, russian units launched new attacks on militant strongholds in the special operation zone. our attack aircraft worked in the krasno-liman direction. a pair of su-25s , according to a scheme brought to automaticity, attacked enemy trenches at an extremely low altitude. the pilots bypassed the ukrainian air defense system, fired unguided missiles and returned to the airfield, avoiding return fire. the ukrainian firing point and artillery in the kupinsky direction were eliminated. there by the nationalist fortifications in the senkovka area were hit by the tornado multiple launch rocket system.
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guns or a disguised command post. basically, accordingly, work is underway to smoke out the enemy’s checkpoints precisely near the front edge of our troops. we are also supported by the rep unit, our divisions, and it turns out to drown out and camouflage ours, respectively.
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there was a snow cover of up to 10 cm here, and this morning we already have bright sunshine, like the weather, so monitoring changes in weather conditions is very important. before new year the paratroopers receive letters from children from all over the country, schoolchildren write wishes and sincerely try to cheer up the soldiers. each letter and drawing is stored in dugouts. reds really value support from the rear, i wish you health, good, loyal friends, never lose heart, stay with yourself remember that you can’t give up, good luck with respect, andrey, thank you, andrey, the crew manages to
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fire one or two shots, and then leaves to cover, the fact is that despite a certain shortage of shells, the ukrainian armed forces are actively trying respond, they are conducting a counter-battery fight, and the place where the weapon is located can be quickly fired at with cluster shells. instead of six soldiers, the mstab howitzer crews of the paratroopers have two or three, they manage to carry out the commander’s command every time. gun, shot! well, we came to this for the purpose , first of all, to increase the survivability of the excess personnel, that is, the fewer people there are, the correspondingly more people are in the shelter, so for this we have to rebuild, because we regularly receive them. the answer is, well, basically guys they’re used to it, they can work with three of them, this doesn’t affect the time or quality in any way. on command, paratroopers use krasnopol, a high-precision projectile guided by a laser beam, usually used to suppress the headquarters of the ukrainian armed forces.
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the 3f-39 krasnopol projectile, this is its first modification, that is, it consists of two more parts, that is, each part is in tubes, two parts up to... the landing artillery has the first task, the second is to support the attack aircraft with fire, under artyomovsky promotion to positions in the ssu, the pressure on the enemy continues unabated. maxim berezin, maxim ushanov, sergey platsyukov, ntv, artyomovskoe direction. the kiev regime is preparing a provocation to accuse russia of using chemical weapons, foreign ministry spokeswoman maria zakharova said today. it is not excluded that another anti-russian provocation will be organized using western-made toxic substances, in order to then initiate
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a new campaign within the structures of the united nations and the world media to accuse our country of allegedly deliberate use of chemical weapons. i drank a batch of substances that are used in the production of mustard gas, which was first used in the first world war and banned after it. israeli army. lost 495 people killed during the operation in the gas sector, another 2.0 people were injured. fighting continues in the enclave ; palestinians are putting up fierce resistance to army formations, which are operating with the support of artillery and aviation tanks. assault troops are attacking in the north and south of the sector. estimated idf command, the war may last several more months, and the head of the israeli ministry of defense even said that it may take years for complete victory. he also said that the israeli army is now fighting on seven at once. and their number may still grow. the yemeni houthis stepped up their military support for the palestinians; they attacked
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an idf military facility in the eilat area with drones. they also launched an anti-ship missile at a container ship in the red sea. previously , the houthis said they would attack all ships related to israel or supplies to this country. after the new year holidays, sberbank will seriously change the conditions for issuing preferential mortgages; it will only be available for housing of those developers who will pay to sberbank. commission. next on the air is business news. denis talolaev is with us. denis, why do these conditions change like this? well, partly because the authorities reduced subsidies to the bank. sberbank announced that from january 11 it will begin issuing preferential mortgages on new terms. it will only be available to those clients who buy housing from developers accredited by sberbank. and only those developers who agree to pay sber a commission for each preferential loan will receive this accreditation. as the kommersant newspaper clarifies, if a developer’s client is going to buy an apartment with a mortgage with state support at a rate of 8%, then
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the developer will have to pay a commission of 7.5% of the loan amount, but with a far eastern mortgage the commission increases to 11.5%. savings are added if the developer chosen by the buyer is not among them accredited, then a mortgage can be issued at market rates, now it is from 15.5%. the new conditions of sberbank are obviously due to the fact that from 23. it is the authorities who pay the banks this difference between market rates and preferential rates. the newspapers' interlocutors, merchant bankers, say that other banks may follow sber's example, because the current conditions of state mortgage programs have become uninteresting for banks. manufacturers of vodka, gin, whiskey and wine will increase prices for their products from january 1, writes commerce. alcoholic siberian. she explains
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this is because excise tax rates have increased , the price of alcohol, materials, logistics has risen, and the company warned of rising prices for the same reasons; it produces tsarskaya vodka and barister gin, they say that selling prices will increase to 5%, depending on the strength of the drinks . importer simple group warns that its suppliers want to raise. by up to 25%, due to which prices for part of the range will be adjusted in january-april next year, the ford wine trading company indicates that russians, as a rule, are not ready pay more for alcohol than they are used to, so if it rises in price by more than 10-15%, many buyers may switch to other brands or even other drinks. the russian stock market is now trading in positive territory, winning back yesterday's weak fall, analysts suggest. that in general there will be no big movements on the stock exchange this year, because investors are waiting for the new year holidays.
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the ruble is now retreating slightly, the dollar is worth 91.70, the euro is 101.36. founded in the usa and owned by a brazilian company the cosmetics concern avon has decided not to sell its russian business, sources cited this, the businessman writes. back in the spring of last year , the company stopped investing in russia; in april of this it was reported that it had begun preparations for sale only. com. now the russian authorities are requiring companies leaving the country to sell their assets at a discount of 50% from the market price.
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ilya is all about economics. thank you, denis talalaev with his economic review. germany is recovering from an unpleasant weather surprise at christmas. the country was attacked heavy rains. heavy rainfall led to river flooding. many settlements across the country went under water. the situation was especially difficult in hamburg and bremen. there the water rose. lower saxony stormy streams have spilled over barriers built by rescuers, flooded fields and farms, as well as the basements of buildings, evacuations of local residents have been announced, meteorologists claim that the current... christmas floods have become the largest in the last 25 years, well, these impressive images have arrived from argentina in the northwest of the country leftist rains caused a major accident, a powerful flow of water, mud and stones demolished a pedestrian bridge, and people were filming what was happening until the last moment and barely managed to escape. according to
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official data. who were not injured, but several villages were completely isolated. the performance at the main new year tree in the kremlin is shown today for the families of fso participants and children living in the returned territories. and for little patients who are being treated in the hospital, the organizers of the “i well done" from vtb bank. inna osipova about new year's magic. for three-year-old vanya from moscow, this is the first big christmas tree in his life ; he immediately came to the kremlin with his mother. dad says he works. at work, dad works as a hero. dad is a participant in a special military operation and most importantly the family's simple wish is for dad to return alive and healthy. hundreds of children were invited to the country's main christmas tree this year, whose fathers are now on the front line. pasha came from dometsk; for his dad, hostilities
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began 9 years ago.
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workers called pensioners directly at fatal diagnoses were made over the phone, diseases, of course, could be cured miraculously, it was the people at the other end of the phone who had the necessary medicines, couriers knocked on the door an hour or even a few minutes after the end of the conversation, an unprecedented level of service for elderly people who were afraid throughout their lives, they believed in humane care and gave money for dummies, and see the exposure of swindlers in our issue, ilya, thank you, not only about this, in the program there is an emergency after a short pause. that's all for now, go to our website is, see you. all the best, as simple as alpha business. internet banking and business applications. everything in one button,
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under pain of death, pensioners gave money to scammers who were detained today, these people surpassed their colleagues in the shop and came up with a no-failure... scheme of deception, the elderly did not even have time to think critically, they were called supposedly from the hospital, a fatal diagnosis, but which can still be cured, almost at that moment the second doorbell rang, the courier was already bringing the medicine by the end of the conversation, how the swindlers were exposed, stanislav kostikov will tell. the only thing that unites amon's fighters and the group of scammers behind the door is the tactic of surprise visits. the scammers found themselves on the pensioners’ doorsteps right away. after a frightening phone call, now they themselves have a unique opportunity to feel the charm of meetings with uninvited guests. well, guys, operatives detained six
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accomplices who, under the guise of doctors , were defrauding pensioners of money. at first , the group members pretended that they sincerely did not understand the reason for the unexpected appearance of security forces in bulletproof vests. do you understand why you were detained? however, after several hours of detailed communication with law enforcement officers, there was still an understanding . it arrived, you were in the wrong place, you regret what you did, yes, you repent, yes, defenseless elderly women became victims of scammers, most survived the blockade leningrad, there are also veterans of the great patriotic war, the swindlers introduced themselves as doctors and treated them over the phone, the first words immediately shocked the interlocutors. we have a secret laboratory where they test your blood, the answer came to your blood that you have a terrible disease, that you... at any moment could end up in the next world, in general, she told me all sorts of passions. frightened pensioners were ready to give any amount to undergo treatment, a scammer.


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