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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  December 29, 2023 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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reprisal where it will become hot in 2024 and it is clear that the matter is dark, western analysts have encrypted predictions for next year, what will actually come true from this, who will you vote for, wait a minute, vladimir putin, watch right now. hello , this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i’m andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, if you see us here in our studio in this beautiful snow-covered forest, you naturally understand that this is the last program of the year, and today we are talking about this past year and the coming year to say, well, in principle, we don’t want to change anything, we’ll leave even our small information blocks and just...
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with this result, we’ll probably start right away with one of them, we include not only some events that have happened and ended this year, but also uncertainties, this can also be considered a result, one of the main uncertainties, as we believe, remains the situation with the financing of ukraine from the united states, as you know, congress, that is, the american parliament, he so i couldn’t talk about this topic, they went... on vacation, but literally the pentagon just announced that it is allocating the last tranche for ukraine, we emphasize the last word, which line is better for you, for some reason it’s wavy for me too , because there is uncertainty, and military assistance is being provided in the amount of $250 million, including ammunition for air defense systems, multiple launch rocket systems, artillery shells, anti-tank weapons and 15.
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they continue to say that until biden takes care of domestic american stories, they don’t want to talk about any ukraine. joe biden slept through the worsening refugee situation at the american border. it's time to wake up, mr. president, before this hits you hard. although biden’s popularity, it must be said, is already experiencing some pain. fox news calls the steep dive into which biden's ratings have entered the main event of the year, and the publication believes that this will be the case. disastrous consequences for the white house next year when the united states presidential election takes place. according to that fox news, only 39% of americans approve, you see the numbers, approve of biden’s policies and already every second democrat believes that he simply does not have enough vitality for a second term. he will turn 82 right before inauguration day. 49% democrats. they do not believe that biden will be
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able to serve a second term. he has the worst approval rating of any sitting president since jimmy carter at this point in his term. here everything was called the event of the year, the event of the year. to these events year, we can probably move on to the first part. yes, i just wanted to add that the rating of the president of the united states is falling, perhaps because he himself periodically falls. i just saw, literally the day before yesterday, a very interesting thing, but... it’s probably in cancer, well, it’s a fake, but the thing is absolutely beautiful, it means that the chinese invented airbags for the elderly, how does it work? here comes some biden, relatively speaking, such a person is already very elderly, he starts there, well, he feels bad, loses his balance, falls literally just a few milliseconds before touching the ground, which means he has something like that there, imperceptibly even like a collar, so bang, that’s all around...
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we concentrated on how to highlight ours as an innovation, we are guests, our experts turned out to be accurate in the forecast, it’s not just that this, that, that, that happened there, we’re really trying to predict a lot here, some things work out, some things don’t work out so well, let’s look at the first plot now let's start with this, show us please? one of the most important events in the past year was the expansion of nato to the east. finland and sweden submitted applications to join the alliance back in 2022, but the process was slowed down by turkey and hungary. things got off the ground in the spring and on april 4, the finns were officially accepted into nato, but for the swedes
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the epic has not yet ended. as for the situation in ukraine, the counter-offensive widely announced by the kiev regime, which began in june, ended in resounding failure, and this... the west will not support ukraine indefinitely, it does not have its own resources, in next year, it will still be supported, but by the twenty-fourth, for example, it’s no longer a fact, the human resources of ukraine, what? those who did not expect this was a conflict between the wagner pmc and the russian ministry of defense, the cause of which was the campaign against moscow announced by yevgeny prigozhin. but our guests foresaw the aggravation of the armenian-azerbaijani conflict, and although armenian prime minister nikol pashinyan assured that he intended to sign a peace agreement on the side, everything went according to a different scenario, and
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on september 28 it was announced that the unrecognized the republic of nagorno-karabakh ceases to exist. the most dangerous thing is that i am almost sure, unfortunately, that will happen. yes, yes, azerbaijani-armenian, because the initiative will naturally come from baku. our regular expert gevorg mirzayan discussed a year ago how russia should respond to the conflict between armenia and azerbaijan. we will have a fork of two very bad options. what are these options? the first option is not to interfere, because the armenian leadership itself does not need it, but then we will lose armenia as a state completely, or intervene, but do it alone, because .
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no one in our studio could even imagine the escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict after the october invasion of hamas militants from the gaza strip. but regarding the prospects of confrontation between china, taiwan and the united states, experts, as they say, hit the bull’s eye. it never came to a real war. overall, i think china's aggression is against taiwan.
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from the fact that unexpectedly, well, indeed, hardly anyone could say such an aggravation in the gas sector, exactly on such a scale , and of course our internal affairs with the wagnerites, it was enough, well , to say, it was to such an extent that it was not predicted, although again, if you look at
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what the west is now saying, summing up years, then this is one of their big disappointments: they were seriously considering internal unrest and internal collapse, but for them it really all became very unpleasant. the prize didn’t work, yeah, the rest of the year, as expected, was quite difficult, but it ends positively for us, so anton valevich, let’s now those who were not in the studio a year ago, here i was, so he was, even him.
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no, well, in general, being fascinated by something or someone like that is quite dangerous and unpleasant
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, don’t listen to him, dear friends, this is the moment, yes, well, that means a year ago i practically retold that the special military operation would continue, that the conflict would not end in the twenty-third year, and moreover, as far as i remember, i predicted that it would not end for a very long time and further, now i i am ready to confirm this prediction. i understand that there is a certain optimistic mood before the new year, i want to support it, but no, then like this, do you see any changes, a year ago now certain changes took place, yes, indeed, what anton valeevich was talking about just now, this is their counter-offensive and its disastrous results, these are changes, of course, in the financing of ukraine, next year you could now identify some trends or you know, the americans... nato allies, western european allies made such a psychological
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mistake, they also made a historical one, they could not , in general, assume or did not make such an assumption that russia could transform very quickly, rapidly and effectively, they viewed russia last year as russia of the tenth year, the fifteenth year, maybe even the tenth year in social...
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yes, let’s listen to their leaders, because in fact the leaders are mostly western, whom we
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will show you now, they say something like like viktor zhozepovich, that the conflict related to ukraine is long and will not end quickly, well, let’s listen to the oracles on the other side. secretary general nato stoltenberg discussed the timing of hostilities in ukraine back in the summer; according to him, the conflict could last for years, but the alliance should under no circumstances reduce the level of support for kiev. than joe biden disagreed with him in the summer. i don't think the war can continue for years for two reasons. first of all, i don't think russia can fight a war forever from the point.
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i said earlier that we should be prepared for the fact that this war, which began after russia's attack on ukraine, could last a very long time, it must be said that the war is already lasting longer than the russian president initially planned. however, there are more specific figures. the head of the hungarian foreign ministry, peter szijart, said this summer that brussels believes that the war in ukraine will last another 4 years. this information was recently cosmically confirmed by the prime minister of estonia, kaja kallos. promised to support ukraine militarily for as long as for at least the next four years, providing a quarter of 1% of our gdp, plus short-term military aid. it is very important to do this so that ukraine can win this war. turkish leader erdogan said in september of this year that the conflict is far from over. to be very open and
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clear, it is quite obvious that this conflict will last a long time and will not end soon. for terrorist zelensky, the forecasts are more gloomy. in april of this year, he said that the conflict could continue for years or even decades, and later in an interview to american journalists, he said that the victory of ukraine is impossible without crimea, until it is returned, there will be no end to the conflict. ukrainian intelligence speaks more cautiously, suggesting that the conflict will last at least another 2-3 years. in assessing the economy, without
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any special problems until 2025, russia can afford military equipment. by its quantity.
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i don’t see it, because for the ukrainians to achieve any breakthrough, no, for ours to achieve it, this requires such a serious second, i don’t think, i don’t think that our authorities are now ready for this, what do i have, no one, wait, wait, the american elections are almost as long as the next new year, there are 11 months, now we were talking about the fact that no one could have imagined that this would happen. american elections , something could seriously affect everything that will happen in 2024, it will depend on what strategy the west and the united states choose in relation to russia, the strategy is when they
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will choose, they will now finish their holidays , they will come to work with us, here they will choose, they will choose based on an assessment of the available inputs, they will choose, this strategy may be a positional war with the support of ukraine decreasing, but still support, b) - this is the introduction of europeans into the battle. let's say, the germans, they are already openly preparing for a war with russia, the poles are also preparing for a war with russia, especially if ukraine breaks down like an instrument, as we talked about yesterday, and the third option is an attempt to get out of the conflict by abandoning ukraine and declaring this victory, as happened with afghanistan, but this is the most in my opinion looks like an unlikely option, that is , it seems to me that something will happen between the first and the second, that is, they will either try to shift everything to the europeans to prolong the conflict, or they will...
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anything and everything, that’s how right it was no, well, it can break theoretically, where it is said, no one foresaw what would happen to wagner, but nevertheless, my forecast 7 years from today, 7 years, 7 years, from the last days of december twenty- third, you count until the thirtieth, is very simple. calculation, as you know, we have the president is elected for 6 years, there will be elections, the inauguration will take place in may next year, as far as i understand, by
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the end of the next presidential term, you are hinting, yes, there are still 6 years, well, six months to realize some things, but of course this can happen whatever you want, from this point of view i agree with...
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americans and china have an open armed conflict over taiwan or something else, we will now talk about the chinese there separately, remember what kind of relationship trump had with european leaders, in general, well, maybe yes, except that they didn’t swear at each other obscenely on live television. some kind of american participation, and the main thing is that ukraine will not be left
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alone, and even if it is left almost alone, let’s assume this, i say again, i don’t see the corresponding on the part of the kremlin and let nikolai igorich start giggling about the year thirtieth , when i said that we would check in the year thirty, don’t you want to check it or something, no, some, some forgot that we might have to check it in the thirty-sixth year, and not in thirtieth, i apologize , well, let's see, yes, good health everyone, this is the growth of world chaos, now it is increasing more and more, more and more people who make decisions in the world are able to make decisions, sometimes, sacrificing their personal political future, there are very few people, very few people who say: “
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our entire country, not the last 30 years, hundreds of years, how hard people lived, what accumulated readiness of people for difficulties, about what huge resources there are in the country, because of course, not just not what is not us is not appreciated, did not understand, did not understand what kind of economy the country has, because victor says that the economy was able to adapt, but it was able to adapt to the problem in the future for us, it has become not modern.
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for the year all together, well, first of all, you very correctly said that you need to emphasize the wavy lines, these last 250 million, because in the wavy line in the text editor an error is emphasized, that is, this is really not the last money, next year the money they will too, there is no need to be fascinated here, the congress will give money, the europeans will throw something in, but of course on a much smaller scale, this must be understood, no one will abandon ukraine, but
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they will give it less money, this gives...
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the us presidential election, the people there come to power, trump, naturally, who will be determined for some kind of negotiations about negotiations, at least, we need to enter these negotiations with boundaries that at least more or less suit us. i’m not saying that in 2023 or 24 we will make a territorial exit to transnistria, it’s unlikely. they don't have to be
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will be ready to negotiate, unfortunately.
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durable lock, reliable links, hermes jewelry is self-confidence and an integral part of a successful male image, a hermes jewelry set is a worthy gift for a real man, the price of the set is rub 2,499. but call us right now and you can buy it for only 1,999 rubles. but that's not all. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, i liked this story about the wavy line, let’s stop now with the results a little, move on to the forecasts, then again to the results, then again to the forecasts prog this always more interesting than, well, no, wait, you wouldn't. you won’t , you won’t make a correct forecast, if
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you don’t understand what happened, if you’re not shown, you already know them, why, the results are unpunished, now to sum up the results of the year, and we already know them all, well, we need to means developing some kind of scheme so that you are responsible for bringing me something, but for me, no, you’re small, you still can’t, andrei vladimirovich, this is generally an irresponsible person, let’s not discuss those who are absent now, i still i want to bring you back to this again... which are very, very new on this list. please. our next story. in taiwan
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, immediately after the new year holidays, on january 13 , they will elect a president. the fate of tai-bei's future relations with mainland china and the united states depends on the outcome of the vote. the ruling party of the island advocates rapprochement with washington, and the opposition seems to be ready to enter into peace negotiations with the prc. at the same time, beijing is apparently preparing for the most decisive actions. the other day , sied ping said that taiwan will be united with... mainland china, while the americans threaten beijing with hellish sanctions if it decides to attack the island. with regard to taiwan, you know that the capabilities that we provide them are defensive. in accordance with the taiwan relations act, we are committed to helping them gain the capabilities they need to defend themselves. the americans have been consistently arming taiwan for many years. the total volume of us military assistance has already exceeded 14.
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in beijing, this was considered preparation for war. authorities turned a blind eye to concerns taiwanese youth. this is not just preparation for war, but forcing taiwan's youth to go to the battlefield and become cannon fodder for taiwan's independence. the conflict in the middle east is also intensifying. the israeli prime minister said this week that the war in the gaza strip will end only after the complete destruction of the hamas movement, as well as the demilitarization and deradicalization of the palestinians. at the same time , the situation around iran is deteriorating. recently, as a result of an israeli strike on syria , an iranian diplomat who oversaw relations between damascus and tehran. iran threatens israel with a harsh response. our reaction to murder. will be smart, strong with the necessary
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efficiency so that the zionist regime has no opportunity to use this answer for its own purposes. the situation in the region has further become tense after washington’s decision to launch a military operation in the red sea to prevent the houthis ruling in yemen from attacking israel on merchant ships going there. the united states has put together a maritime coalition, and iran is now threatening to blockade the mediterranean sea if the americans. you must respond to actual conditions that pose a threat to the united states. the iranians also pose a threat to us. so this is an emergency situation. mr. bakkon said, looking at him, thinking about an emergency. by the way, yes, anton valerievich. firstly, the chinese direction, the taiwan direction, i
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said this last year, this year i will repeat that neither china nor the united states need confrontation there now, the united states does not need it, because why do you need it now listen, well, we stopped talking about israel and palestine for a while, because everyone thought that that’s all, this is such a boring thing, it will be endless, as if it had shied away, there was a factor with hamas, and now let’s return to krail, because there was a big jump, but not at all in the way we expected and as expected.
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turned out to be multiple times higher than what i expected, there there there, well, just there and what is happening there, these are war crimes and not only war crimes, in general simply crimes against humanity, what israel is doing, but we don’t see it at all, hamas apparently hoped that when everyone looked to the east, accordingly they would be actively involved, which means on the side of hamas, this didn’t happen, we see that what didn’t happen iran, no one wants to openly understand all the consequences.
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i think that no one will go into the open, if there is some kind of operation, it will be some kind of missile attack or something else, unfortunately, unfortunately or fortunately, i don’t see this political thing there now the potential of the east, as it was possible to climb into yemen , both saudi arabia and the emirates were already at war, the countries of the army, whose armies are so equipped, it is impossible to do anything with yemen, as it was possible to climb into afghanistan, already britain and the soviet.
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deep down in their hearts they think so, but they will never say it, it will be more and more difficult for them to draw this line, but why does lincegrem say approximately the same thing, what did we count how many people would die in this place, well, he had his famous re, in london and paris, where already half the population for his ethnic reasons he sympathizes
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with the palestinians, well, you can’t throw something at london and paris if they are like that, no? the right will look at this for a long time or how long will it irritate them to look at it, but it irritates everyone, but the question is - will there be politicians capable of turning this situation around? well, i think that the representatives of this global south, let’s say, the change
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in london and paris, it’s not very annoying, they might, on the contrary, welcome it, they even help in some ways, they may be welcoming, but... israel will show sufficient will and military capabilities to suppress hamas, i would like to talk with the israeli military to assess this from a military point of view. how realistic is this and what happens in terms of timing, that it’s simply pointless because they are acting quite decisively, so what? they simply provoke the growth
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of these anti-israeli sentiments, which were probably impossible. i would not exaggerate the unity of the countries of the global south, that’s even the unity of the arab world, i’m not talking about unity, i’m just talking about the growth of irritation, and the growth of irritation can result. what netanyahu declares , what is declared, to demilitarize , so to speak, the palestinians, you know, the problem , again, i have said more than once, israel
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has been doing this for 70 years, and it has achieved nothing, so the thought that drives netanyahu is that something can be razed to the ground without offering anything in return to say that these people now will not pose a threat, this is quite absurd idea, here is the opposite radicalization, which can hit not only israel, but very far and first of all in europe itself, because... europe is much more dangerous and the transition to a new wave of large-scale terrorist attacks, which is very possible, a wave of extremism, which can actually cause
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very strong chaos in europe, this is what hangs right here like a domocles sword, in fact, because of attempts to rattle netanyahu to solve something, but in response we hear something unintelligible, netanyahu is playing to his advantage the public, excuse me, and the people of israel like it, they like to kill, let’s call it eternal, they like to kill palestinians, this is the culture they have formed, they do this. firstly, i would not necessarily agree that - in europe or in the west as a whole, there is some exclusively right-wing trend,
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corrections, we see multidirectional trends, in poland there is just a conservative, very conservative, one of the most conservative governments europe, changed, changed to left-liberal, in in germany a few years ago, the conservative merkel switched to a coalition, but now the alternative is growing like a pill. in general, left-liberals rule in washington, which is why there are multidirectional tendencies. now regarding the prospects for conflict in the middle east. and firstly, if we talk about the israeli prime minister, he must also decide for himself the issue of being in power. he, of course, wants to continue to rule, and the longer this conflict continues, the more confident he can feel in the chair of prime minister. but... what if to talk about potential dangers next year, the fact is that, in
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essence, at the moment washington and tehran are not particularly interested, each for their own reasons, in direct military confrontation, but for israel it would, in principle, from a military-political point of view, be beneficial to use the current tension in order to raise the stakes and in order to, including what is happening with the houthis, it is clear that this is inspired by iran, but to manage. don't miss central television - the first information show about events and people
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becomes clear, we continue, so let’s , as i said, a few of these... let’s also sum up personal results, well , let’s see how they were summed up, and then we’ll move on again to forecasts, to our favorite pre-new year's entertainment, looking at the covers, van, let's go with you then. let's go to the politician's publication, we have quoted him more than once this year, handing out such anti-prizes for the past year, here, of course, our favorite personalities, for example, ursula vonderlean, the main gynecologist in europe, and also the head of the european commission, receive just such an anti-prize. she won the nomination, here it is necessary to quote: the best performance of a german pretending to be the president of europe, the nomination such a newspaper writes that poor ursula bumps into a brick every time.
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for a comedy with sacha baron cohen about a benevolent blockhead. here is the benevolent blockhead we now have, josep borel. and we didn’t come up with this. barel received the title of blockhead for numerous mistakes. the publication writes that since he became the eu's chief diplomat, and this happened at the end of 1919, he does not miss the opportunity to blurt out something without thinking. in particular, barel called the presidential elections in ecuador, where one of the candidates was killed, peaceful. the same barel believes that the west must defeat russia on the field. battle, and finally, it was this old fascist, the author of the unforgettable analogy about the garden and the jungle, about the flourishing civilized west and the rest of the wild and backward world. europe is a garden, we
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built a garden, everything works, it is the best combination of political freedom, economic prosperity and social cohesion ever created by man. the rest of the world, most of the rest of the world, is a jungle, and from the jungle they can invade the garden. further, the names of the nominations become more complicated, be careful, the prime minister of italy giorgia milonia was awarded title of the best hobbit in the role of a fascist. why? the politician's publication recalled that as a teenager , meloni loved dressing up as lord of the rings characters. and then, excuse me, i ’ll quote here, milonia’s fascist fantasies turned out to be no more serious than her youthful desire to quit. challenge sauran, what is the wording, but everything is meant, what is meant is that all the threats of the italian authorities, to tighten the screws regarding migrants, to make sure that fewer of them come to italy to europe, were defeated by the harsh reality, because the number
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asylum seekers from africa from middle eastern countries doubled under melon, and one more in this case, the politician calls it an anti-premium, but in my understanding it’s more likely that vladimir putin receives the award, the politician’s publication calls the russian president the best russian. in the role of a russian , as the newspaper writes, no one knows how to play with europe better than vladimir putin, i also quote , when you think you stopped him from knocking down the front door, meaning germany, he already entered through the black move through bulgaria, end of quote. the politician also notes that despite western sanctions, the russian economy is still humming; more and more european leaders are looking for a way out of the conflict in ukraine, so with anti-premiums, or bonuses in one of the cases. i ’m finished when the verb zhuzhet appears, then the classics teach us that this is not without reason, so they should think about it, let’s continue to run through the pages of printed publications,
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again, yes, yes, and politics will also be present there again , person of the year the american singer taylor swift became time magazine's 2023; she was called a source of light in a divided world, although the magazine usually awards the title of person of the year to
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the russian economy under the pressure of western sanctions. the newspaper believes that nabiulina was able to prevent the consequences of unprecedented western sanctions designed, i will quote, to empty the kremlin’s treasury. that is, it turns out that she also destroyed these plans. western journalists are making forecasts for 2024. the british spectator on the cover of the final issue published a picture an open refrigerator with products similar to some world leaders, among them putin, biden, comrade.
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russia, the usa, israel, iran and ukraine, and zelensky has clearly already had it hard, but vladimir putin is preparing for a new throw. israeli prime minister netanyahu and iranian president raisi. into each other, and biden looks lost and watches everyone from the side. the edition of the economist traditionally came out with a rebus cover. putin and zelensky looking at each other, according to experts, symbolize hope for a speedy end conflict in ukraine. many, however , wondered what kind of woman was hovering over the president of ukraine. but biden and xi, with their heads turned to each other, seem to hint at further confrontation between the united states. and china. the
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rebus also reveals trump's silhouette with a question mark. probably we are talking about the fact that the ex-president of the united states can return to the white house by winning the elections in 2024. a ballot box is also depicted on the cover, as a hint that in the coming year fateful elections will be held in several countries, including russia. also in in the puzzle you can see an intercontinental ballistic missile, microchips, artificial intelligence, green energy, hydrocarbons and rarity. earth metals. so, alexey sergeevich, did taylor swift touch you in 2023 and which cover did you like best? unfortunately, no, but you would like to, right? come on, we have a daytime show after all, so let’s not talk about it before the new year. why, when else to say, if not before the new year, who among us would not want to be touched by taylor swift, raise your hand, yes, i wouldn’t want to, it’s not that we match in age anymore, it’s funny.
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and about the covers, i really liked the cover of iconomiza, it’s a russian folk pastime to guess from it, guys, can we somehow display it separately, which will happen next year , it also amuses me, but this time, to be honest, it seems to me , the comrades from economine somehow didn’t try very hard, in fact , but it seems to me that it’s been several years since they quit some main predictor, as if carelessly, that the main one cover artist, in fact, of course, you said in the eyeliner about some fateful elections, but judging by this wonderful cover, there is only one fateful election in the united states of america, it’s roughly clear to us what will happen, i think, and why, because red and blue is the color of the republican party, respectively, and the democratic party, and everything really depends on it, that’s what comrades from the economists want to tell us, on who takes the post. president of the united states largely depends on
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the outcome of the russian-ukrainian conflict, because that we understand that one call from washington is enough for it to end, i would like to ask you to pay attention to the dove over the president of russia, which is interesting, this is in the red case in a democratic one, i understand correctly, this is in case yes in case donald trump wins , then we understand that , firstly, we will make decisions on the russian-ukrainian conflict, on artificial intelligence, on green energy, which trump is opposed to, on the right we have exchange rates, now we have statements.
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and zelensky has hopes related to supplies weapons, you see bombs, and continued supply of weapons from the west and the potential mobilization of women, that's who it is, it's not any specific woman.
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well, you know, first of all, i would like to make a proposal to the ntv channel, and why are you worse than an economist, we need to get you to draw for us, and we will guess i don’t know how, can i say, i don’t know how, you can hire
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an artist and here is the first issue today , december 29, in january the first issue will start with your own rebus, here too for next year, based on predictions, forecasts. he makes a collage for each program, even if he doesn’t go on vacation, no , well, we also have a collage, in a sense, such a rebus, maybe for us somehow yes, it will be cool , let’s call it kolyak, okay, you don’t know how to draw, here you sit, we have professionals working for us, as for all these images, of course, but why are you all fixated on this, what i like most is where they are in the grocery store, no, right? and show us this spectator, which is european, i really didn’t find everyone there, i just need to tighten it up, because it’s the bottom two shelves, i’m not sure that zelensky is not here, this can’t be, zelensky opened the refrigerator, maybe
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not, this is this, okay, damn, let it be like this in half, because this is putin, i as i understand it, the red star is a piece, it’s left like that, it means something.
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this is a piece left over from angela merkel , it’s lying here in a jar, i don’t understand either, some person is somewhat similar to the crown prince of saudi arabia, i don’t know, well , here it seems to me, what does this even mean in your opinion , something in general it can decipher spectator, no, there are no people willing, the main thing is who will eat it all. the only thing, the only thing i see here is that these are all the products, yes, one way or another, and putin, if this is the red one laid out, this is not a product, no, no, no, no, they are all the same...
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and here in economist, here the game is like comics , there the game is like a board walker, for children, and there are no people who make decisions, this is the key point in this cover, in that one, they are all the same, participants in the game, here it is rather a game for readers who are trying solve, but in fact it is a game either like a card game or like a labyrinth where there are no decision-makers, even if you look at past covers.
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the next one is like a clown, no, no, sorry, i wouldn’t go too far and say where who put what stick, that’s not necessary, where is what color, that’s not necessary, because there’s a lot of black, no, but the main threats, eh look, and here, if you look at who makes the decision, it is artificial.
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as for trump, we'll see, but i want to remind you that it's not us who are talking about this this studio, western politicians and western publications write and talk about this, that is, they really see that something can change, so here it would be strange to reproach us with some kind of naivety, because the whole world is talking about this, and as for this picture, please return it, which is white and red, by the way, if it’s taken to the point of absurdity. the most popular colors are white, blue and red of the russian flag, no, economist, economist, please, really, that’s what’s interesting to me, here everything is the same in fact, it’s clear with this, by and large , here’s the hourglass, you see it’s going into the ballot box, that time is running out, including from the point of view of these future elections, but the most interesting thing, it seems to me, is the risk that they see associated with artificial intelligence, which will strengthen this big brother who will watch everything, that is, this and... and the logic of military
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confrontation, it dictates tightening within all countries, this is what is called internal politics, and the most recent newspaper time, in fact, it seems to me, for them it is sad choice, puts taylor sweet, who deserves a bez, i apologize , it’s sad for them, probably, that they can’t help but know any of the politicians, they can’t put biden, because well, they’ll laugh, they can’t put it, because it’s impossible, putin, because it’s impossible,
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sasha and his assistants. the fireworks virtual assistant with artificial intelligence is capable of a lot. give new year's mood. on ntv, the new year's finale of our wonderful show. grandiose. these are new year's surprises already. one day you won't be able to live without me the new year's show is over, it was fantastic , this is the year you didn't call, the super finale, so the second
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1,999 rubles. but if you call right now, priitva will be yours for only 1,499 rubles. liamax purchases with a plus. such an inflated gnosis, some kind of message is encrypted in it, this year they want to tell us that the world as we know it after the 2008 crisis, a world with relatively
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a calm economy, the world is so pleasantly swaying on a not very wavy line, it ends, and now let’s give them an exaggerated example. saxabank's first prediction concerns oil; its price, according to experts, will soar to $150 per barrel in the middle of next year. on this background. saudi arabia will become so rich that mahamed bin salman will buy the uefa champions league franchise and create his own championship. but according to saxabank, the united states will not be doing so well. there the government will increase spending ahead of the elections budget to avoid public outrage. and then there is a complex chain. inflation will go up. investors will flee ; as a result, the demand for government bonds will become very low, and to make them more attractive, the authorities will exempt income from taxes. and that's exactly it. confident experts, will be the end of capitalism in the united states, because it will become more profitable to deal with the state than with large corporations. saxabank also has a forecast for the american elections: neither trump nor
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biden will win, but an independent candidate, robert kennedy, jr. looking at what's going on around the world and what's going on inside the us, there's a chance we could be seeing a third party straw man candidate. you know him, robert kennedy, jr. the new weapon is considered a threat to national security. analysts will become artificial intelligence, the picture is painted ominous, criminals in one of the developed countries are using deepfake technologies to obtain top-secret information, the bank also predicts a serious health crisis, all because of extremely popular drugs to combat excess weight, because of the miracle drug people give up sports and start eating more junk food, which will ultimately increase health problems, the illogical idea is that these drugs are for obesity. can solve the problem of obesity, perhaps the exact opposite will happen , at least this is precisely the idea we put forward in this outrageous prediction, europe
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will supposedly want to pinch the rich next year, the eu authorities are introducing a new tax to replenish the treasury with another hundred billion euros, here manufacturers of luxury goods, jewelry and expensive cars will suffer, the rich have extra money as soon as they disappear, they will buy less. andrey nikolaevich. it’s quite strange for me to ask you what could come true from this , but nevertheless, it’s not like that at 150, actually the red sea is coming, and why not, i predicted a bear last year, by the way, oil at 150, you know, there is such a historical anecdote about one of the french preachers there from the era of the sun king, who, during his sermon , cried out for a very long time, meaning he spoke with apocalyptic forecasts, we will all die, we will all die, at that time he entered the church.
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they provoke stagnation in the world , that is, there are no normal conditions for development, and often these are not only economic factors , but political ones, so predicting this is quite easy and simple, then predicting that mohammed salman will buy the champions league is again lies quite on the surface, because saudi arabia’s intentions to move in this direction are also not hidden. in fact, you know, oddly enough, that is, everything
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we see is... every year apocalyptic and frightening forecasts, they are perceived by people much more, how to say, with great interest, that everything will be fine or relatively normal, this somehow doesn’t come across to the public at all, you know, about the economist, they didn’t specify, i would still like to say that this rocket, which is next to zelensky, is really a stupid program, because it is obvious, in fact, saturn and this is apollo, the american artemis program, you are digging deep, well, yes, just rocket.
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what is saxabank, i only know according to these forecasts, i don’t know what his financial indicators are, but everyone knows thanks to these forecasts, that is , i don’t understand why after all, or have they found some kind of gold mine to always maintain attention to themselves , or is there really some kind of psychological moment, people, here i agree with andrei nikolaevich that every year the forecast is more and more terrible, it is perceived. somehow everything is calmer, because what ’s happening, apparently, is increasing our pain threshold, that is, what was before in general it was scary to imagine, now it ’s, well, okay, it seems like there were times, is everything in this forecast, andrei vladimirovich, just because it’s old, so quiet, let’s anton valerevich first, the trick is that among what they offer , there is nothing incredible when we predict something
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, topias in fact, especially those written by aldols huxle, are in many ways not a forecast or a foresight, but a certain scenario of the future that people, a certain group wanted to build, so it is quite possible that what we see there is also a scenario, this is not a forecast, this is a scenario of what certain groups want to do, so they can carefully throw it in in the form of a rebus, no one will understand anyway , you can always always say that this is just a rebus on a magazine, which concerns, by the way, iconomin , this woman here, quite possibly, could be the future president of ukraine or the united states. well, it’s just that the next president will be a woman, but no one paid attention to the names that were mentioned yesterday as possible contenders for the post of president of ukraine, and yet one of them, one of the surnames, it’s female, by the way. so it is quite likely that this is the future president of ukraine, and i would also like to draw attention here, below and in general everywhere there is a red-blue gamma, republicans, democrats, and there is also a white-black gamma. the white-black scale, from my point of view, means incompatibility, that is, that zelensky and
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putin are incompatible, this conflict will end at some specific point in the relationship, and in black and white i just now saw the phases of the moon of some kind , maybe a phase moon, or maybe white and black? for 200 trillion dollars in order to fix this world, there are no more funds, all the money that has been printed all over the world, there is already more of it than all the funds include, well , you tell the americans, who raise the national debt ceiling every year there, absolutely that's right, so now there is a clear consciousness
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that this world really will continue like this, well, maybe for a short time, and then there will be some kind of breakdown, some kind of catastrophe, everyone is waiting for it, everything is fine, it’s hardly good that they are waiting , but everything is fine, simple this is the breakdown of the world, right? there is one thing that we will now pay attention to separately, we have directly highlighted this upcoming event, here it seems to me that this is a 100% illustration, it just corresponds to the fact that the old world, the world will not be the same , yes, absolutely, a short break, we will continue, for 100 years, who creates new year's magic, turn the room into... fireworks, create a new year's atmosphere! the fireworks virtual assistant with artificial intelligence gigochat is capable of a lot, spread the new year's mood! fireworks, well, this is even better than the snow maiden! i'm sitting
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on a piece of land, or rather on the sofa. we're going to race on deer early in the morning. we are all moving into the new year together. you need to let the cat home, turn on letzepering. if the cat leaves, change the house, change the cat
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meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue to summarize the year. well , let's take a look at the world of words, as we say. eh, according to the main word of the past year the word neural network became the word. this is an interpretation of the pushkin russian language institute. the grammar portal also calls the word neural network a word. the most popular this year was a trend
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called slavic girl, well, that is, literally a slavic girl, more than 625 million in this figure, think about it, the views that are gaining are about the following videos, where girls from all over the world turn into heroines, well understood by us, rezanov’s irony fate, this is a hat, makeup, some kind of fur coat, let's talk a little more about this, this direction even appeared its own version of makeup, actually in the same style of a slavic girl, you see the main one...
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in my opinion, it very clearly demonstrates that the world is different, these are the olympic games, yeah, and which should take place, the summer olympic games, which should take place in next year in paris, well, they will probably take place, but these are certainly not the olympic games that i remember there.
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sports that did not publicly support the svo only in a neutral status, such as the ioc stated, only eight qualified, for comparison from ukraine to the games already 60 athletes are preparing. i do not rule out that this was done deliberately right now, since many athletes will support vladimir putin in the elections, and accordingly
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will not be included in the list of those admitted. this is an option. the baltic countries, lithuania, latvia, and
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the olympic games have not been talked about for a long time, because this is most likely our illusion, in which we lived for a very long time, because since the time of juan antoni zamorancha, the olympic games are commercial enterprise sold transnational corporations and this is about money, about very big money and about very big politics, you just understand, in 2022 the international olympic committee rejected the latest these stories altogether.
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toll-free line. there is no need to doubt it. sergei in one orphanage, alexey and i were raised in another orphanage. the two sisters found their two brothers, but they never found out anything about the fate of the younger children. but they learned that their mother could have had not six, but 12 children. mom and dad talked about these children, that she and our father also had a family and had children. will the sisters find them all? he was brought up in the lesogogorsk orphanage,
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i also have little brothers and two sisters, how many?
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the most heightened feelings this year were adequacy, justice , decency, i want to wish all our tv viewers health, good luck, i want to wish all of us more, this is last but not least important for us, americans and israelis, and palestinians and europeans and ukrainians , i want to wish all of us a peaceful sky above our heads, peace is better than no peace, so bogdan anatelevich, victory to everyone who will return to the front before... alive to the family, every year i congratulate the audience, some individual i highlight the viewers, about a month ago our colleague, ntv correspondent, omar magomedov , when he was working behind the tape, posted a small video, it was probably not quite near the front line, a tent where the guys sat, our fighters, had lunch, they had standing there a small tv, on this tv at that moment there was a meeting place program, so i want to congratulate on the new upcoming twenty
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-fourth year those guys who are behind the ribbon, thank you very much, watch us, in your face all those of our guys who is there now, thank you for the twenty -third, be happy and healthy in the twenty -fourth, thank you, well, i probably won’t add anything special, because i’m ready to subscribe to absolutely every statement, even the one that alexander nikolaevich said so, so i’ll add just one thing, since we periodically have some complaints that it’s hard to live somehow, you ’re welcome. try to maintain such a sincere, unspoiled, perhaps in some sense, childish attitude towards life, on new year's eve - this is generally very correct, mommy, and santa claus? of course, my son puts a gift under each tree , right under each one, under each one, well, of course, under each one, why then do we only put up one christmas tree at home, good luck to you in the coming year, so good, and immediately
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drank it. salvo after salvo in the artemovsk direction of the special operation , d-30 howitzers are working on enemy positions. aggressive rhetoric in the united states called for a strike against iran. a complex story, how finland gained independence at the beginning of the last century, what it pays now russia? about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. we begin the release with an urgent message from the ministry of defense from the belgorod region, where an attempt by the kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack using us-made missiles was prevented. they were launched from the territory of ukraine, but our air defense forces shot them down.


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