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tv   Papi  NTV  January 1, 2024 5:10am-7:01am MSK

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“this is for you, thank you, this is for you, can i please, who is this for me, can i, hello, hello, dear, well, are you home already, no, not yet, it seems to me that maxim didn’t really believe that i would come , in general, we’re still getting ready, has nothing changed for you?”
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“no, i have three more flights, then by the time i get there, it will be too late, you go to bed without me, you packed everything for your vacation, i’ll pack it , don’t worry, sasha, i’m a little scared, don’t worry, natos, it’s forever, but always scary, we can handle it, we can handle it, come on, kiss you, kiss you, maxim, come here, personal things, the card, all the medicine is here, if you want to return it, please contact me. no, thank you, maksimka , everything is fine, yeah, but the truth will cover like a machine, it will ring, dad will bring an elephant,
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max, max, look, this is my personal brotherly gift, catch it, the box is so beautiful, and you are not demanding, you open it, there's lego inside.
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actor, i don’t recognize something from you, some, maybe films, roles, well, well, for example, ophelia’s husband, that’s right, you played hamlet, and after that, well, there’s a lot of things, there are episodes, different work was, of course, if you don’t mind, immediately text, you are a father, you haven’t seen your daughter for 20 years, now you’ve finally met, i just have one question, i’m just skimming over it, so to speak, why haven’t they seen each other for so long, what’s
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the difference? what difference does it make why dad hasn’t seen his daughter for more than 20 years, but if he abandoned her, it’s one story, well, it happens in different ways, let’s go along the characteristic line, as if on a paradox, let me turn on the vara a little bit, i played, like this, hello, daughter, it’s me, your folder, folder 20 years old, how many mantuelas? folder near magadan, my daughter, i my daughter wrote to you, there are a few islands above, listen, you can play an ordinary person, the phrase is moronic, well, you can’t say hi to your daughter, i’m your dad, this is tuftology, you can say it in russian, either just hello daughter, or hello, i’m yours dad, hello daughter, i’m your father, who’s uncle, great-grandmother, what difference does it make, according to the script, the main character walks down the street and sees a father and daughter.
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remembers his parents, that’s it, you’re just a trigger, who am i, just say the text, and any parrot can just say the text to you. and i'm an artist, an artist, you know, just say the text , you don’t need an artist for this, goodby, katya, who called this artist, take this, well, grapes, your division, i’m running around like a owl, you know, some serious film company, i’ve made an agreement with him , so that they look at you, well, this is nonsense
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, well... the person who comes will do everything, you will become a millionaire, we will call you, but for now , turn it clockwise, the wheel goes out counterclockwise, clockwise, why should i do this on my birthday , i actually want to sleep, i have the right, is it possible, no, train, soon... we'll stop sleeping altogether, great, young people, hello, sit, sit, sit, sit, hold on, from you, how are you, thank you, okay, hello, nephew, uncle petya has been waiting
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for you, let's come out already, sing, so you’re on a business trip, you didn’t get the hang of it, what, you know, brother? this is my gift to you, let ’s open it, open it, the famous director vasily vasinin received the highest award, well, i heard something about this director, and our biological father, here you go. nothing, today is my birthday, so i can’t find a better gift, petya , i have plans today, but we’ll get it done in an hour, nikita, i don’t understand, you’re not happy, we
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’ve been looking for him all our lives, you and i abandoned him a year ago, come on, tell him i’m pregnant, i am not allowed to think, advise or make important decisions. i understand, i just wanted to give you a gift, okay, i’ll go and sort it out with him, you’re just a copy in those glasses, and what about him? mom’s car, yeah, you wanted to sell it, but you didn’t dare, i spent my entire childhood in it, so i’ll drive it, the court decided
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to subject the captain to torture and burn the flag on his eyes, no, please, not the bottle, i beg you,
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diamond and fable have tied up with the past and opened the gisheft at the waists to help all the elbows. a big-eared sucker who lost the keys to the hut , confused the ants, small cormorants, they decided to put them on kitsch, they set up a setup right in the apartment for how our guys can continue to live, my advice to the people is to watch a movie, this series is not a strain, turn on ntv. i promise, everything will be fine, dinosaur, mafia rusa,
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assassin, today from 7:00 to 15:30 on ntv. good afternoon. lyosha, lyosha, what have you been through, nothing was foreshadowed, okay, prepare suppression for him, are you serious, cancel the operation, i would love to, we don’t have time to wait, this is a risk, this is a risk. this is a risk, a risk, i take it
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upon myself, we will need allem zoom, ready, scalpel. thank you very much for your help, thank you, the main thing is that all the children are healthy, and we are healthy, yes. listen, in essence, your method is not much different from a conventional
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transplant, i understood correctly, there is a complex scheme, it all depends on when to administer, in what quantities, well, these are tests shows, tell me, let's wait until my method gets a license, but for now this is an experimental practice, illegal. and why aren’t you sleeping, i don’t want it, i’m lucky, but i want it. come on, tell me what happened? well , leave me alone, please, come on, what happened?
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well, my mother called, again, they lied, reassured me, i was already tired of this. your parents, you know , love you, love you very much, they want you to be big, beautiful, healthy, you understand, but can you communicate with me normally, as with an adult? necessary, necessary, only they are afraid, they’re afraid to tell themselves, they’re afraid to tell you, but i’m not afraid, i’ll talk to you like an adult, yes, you, tyoma, have a difficult case, very difficult, but that doesn’t mean you have to be afraid of something, i promised you he promised that everything would be fine. so everything will be fine.
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max, you can’t touch dad’s uniform, understand?
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hello, hello, why aren’t you sleeping, do you want to eat , i don’t eat cutlets, they don’t taste good, you tried them, well then what are you saying, mom tried , she cooked so that tomorrow she would eat everything, i understand you, stories that are necessary, goodbye. i thank you i was hoping, i was dreaming, real, real busy, doesn’t pick up the phone, what is it, this is not from a jacket, this is another one from a box, i know that from a box, this is a very important medal of my grandfather, great-grandfather stepan, and he is now my great-grandfather , a difficult question, i don’t think so, but you
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can’t take her, i understand, that’s it, go, maxim, mila, go to sleep, i’ll be back soon. tsash, hello, rodya, hello, why didn’t you wake me up? sit down, i'll feed you now. sasha, if another question arises. please tell me yes, this is your great-grandfather, because i am now your dad. that's what i said, as i thought fair. let's put this conversation aside, i'm honestly tired, there will still be time. we are letting go. this is for you. thank you. let's get straight to
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the point. you suit me. okay, i’ll tell you, it’s just that my fiancé ’s father has very patriarchal ideas about family values, and i once blurted out that i have a dad, well, to realize that i lied, but you know, it’s not an option, anything else, what with my mom, maybe
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i should also tell you how i lost my virginity? preferably, i should know as much as possible about you, so you don’t have too much allow yourself, grandpa, i've been playing hamlet, i've been preparing for over a year, so i'm professional. yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and hackwork is, you know, not for me, this, you just need to sit and smile, nothing else is required of you, that’s it, that’s it, yes, but i’m an actor, mm, i’m not an extra, a satinist, well then, goodbye, let’s find someone simpler from the extras, but you know
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where the best extras are, no, no, no, not at the leningradsky, no, at the kazan station, that’s where the backside is. scoop it up, it doesn’t get any cheaper, but sit there, they’ll play you all, and dad, all your relatives, a movie about bandits, premieres today at 17:00 on ntv. in the new year, we all wish happiness and that luck chooses us. on the first day of 2024, we are guaranteed to give away 1 billion rubles, more than that is up for grabs. with 2 billion there is again intrigue, again a mystery, who is he? new year's billion draw from russian lotto: january 1 at 15:30 moscow time.
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vasya, don’t call, don’t write anymore , i don’t read your letters, i burn them, you understand, it’s not enough for him that he abandoned the bastard to his family, he also terrorized his mother, the letter was not sent, you didn’t i thought why, it’s too much of an honor to send, now he’s making a children’s movie, karabas-barabas. so you also left your wife and your son, i didn’t leave my wife, understand? i'm sorry, she left on her own, well, yes, of course, the witch left the holy man, if you don't like
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that i work a lot, let go of some loafer. they've arrived, the ship is in the field , that's how it is in the movies, cartoons are better, let's go , go to close-up, get ready, start, no , please, don't cry, i beg you, yes, i let the team down, i abandoned them, i i'll suffer forever.
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we met, let's talk, hello, dear , happy birthday, and masha, somewhere here, here it is, and you and your friend arrived, good afternoon, after all, not everything, as you understand, petya, everything, i understood. bastard, i called you, i called you, you don’t pick up the phone, cinema is sacred, i’m turning it off, petya, petya, did you even get my
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message? no, i didn’t receive it, the phone was on hold, i’ve been in these pads since the morning without water and the internet, is this monster still yours? now he’s going to leave, it’s a mess, he’s definitely not going to communicate with me, for about 20 years, it couldn’t be worse, it could n’t be worse, it’s when you’re dying of thirst, there’s idea, let's run, run, run, mikhail!
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where, how where, to save the children and the team, then, then, after lunch we’ll talk, that’s who we have beautiful, pink, how are you, everything is fine, nikitin, artyom’s morning tests are not very good, the toxins are growing, we’re waiting, quickly follow me to conference, we have problems, i can’t, i have a round, they’ll cope without you, zakharov, we’ll have a separate conversation with you. guys, let's take care of nikitin, i 'll be there later, quickly, quickly, quickly, let's go, based on the presented operation protocols, in connection with what was said earlier, the ministry received a statement from the parents of dr. volkov’s patient, to which we are obliged to respond, despite all the numerous merits of nikolai sandich, here is our hero, turn on the light, hello,
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hello, “i’m listening to you, you’re probably talking about the drug, a drug that treats multiple sclerosis, sclerosis, and you give it to five-year-old children, it’s not my fault that it helps five-year-old children, i have repeatedly given reports on this topic and wrote..."
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on your experiments, you see, there was such a situation, there time passed by minutes, and it was a situation, written, you don’t have permission, no, i really don’t quite understand why you are talking about papers when we are talking about children’s lives? now in the ward, in the literal sense of the word, artyom nikitin is dying. are your colleagues aware? he has the same pathology as lena izotova. without the drug, what do you tell me to do? why are you, nikolai alexandrovich, translating the topic? and i will answer your question. the child will be assigned to another doctor who will select the medicine. i hope that... you are it
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not serious? it couldn’t be more serious, nikolai alexandrovich. you don't understand what you are saying. artyom nikitin has a rare immune pathology, and the simple operation that you are used to carries, to put it mildly, serious risks. just don't argue with me. the order for your temporary suspension has already been signed. you don't know what to do. and this is an order to check your activities. the meeting is over, sergei vasilyevich, we will start with the archive, and then we will check each medical history of dr. volkov’s patients. oh , by the way, what’s the doctor’s last name, instead of whom volkov operated on? alexey zakharov, his name is, here’s a severe reprimand to alexey zakharov. after the archive, look into artyom nikitin’s room, take a look, you’re probably interested in looking at the boy whose fate you so decided.
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i see you’re playing a superhero here, so i think that you started all this for the sake of some kind of personal career growth, no, how shameful of you, but in my opinion it’s a completely logical explanation, such experiments on children, all this for the sake of career advancement .
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sorry, let's go, kulya, kulya. "the head doctor called, he said that i am now artyom’s doctor, is this some kind of mistake or what? i’m going on vacation , i decided to go to the dacha, how, how can nikitin
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, i can’t handle it without you, you can handle it, of course, you can handle it, of course you can handle it, just call me, and for any reason, call me right away, here , but you can handle it." there will be preferences on the route, but no , it’s good, otherwise he’s the only one, hello, you don’t want to pick up a watermelon, i’m sorry, but you’re definitely a taxi driver, wait a minute, so that means it concerns you too,
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welcome to the sanatorium sunshine, where the sun never sets. sasha, why didn’t you call maxim your son? well, he doesn’t call me dad either. what does he call you? no way, natasha, it was your idea to install the child, i supported you. i am very grateful to you for all this. maxim is a small man, but a man, it is very difficult to love a stranger .
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natus, wait, let it sink in, sasha , maybe he’ll go to the circus first, maxim really wants an elephant and at the foster parent courses they said that those desires that can be fulfilled without damage should be fulfilled,
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a water park, a shooting range, a jet ski, plans at sea , the sea, by the way, +25, yes, we’ll still have time to sit there, it’s stuffy, but don’t worry, our ears are the first to burn, but here
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, why, there’s also a line for ice cream, what a nightmare, yes, my god, just a child is singing, what’s up? for our parents, drunks of some kind, and our hangout, driving, moonshine, is a barrier for us, and let them push us around, we drink from morning to morning, the end of life, went downhill, didn’t drink enough, what’s dad, what’s cool, what’s cool max really wanted to sing here, he chose the song himself
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, don’t post it here, i’ll kill you, dad, well, this is funny, come here, i said, burlashov, and alexander nikolaevich, i understand, this is none of my business, but if it were my son, and tanechka, not my daughter, i would consider it my personal shame, but this is not my daughter, the sonny general, let’s take into account the number is alive, alive. let's go, max , let's go, you said that he was from a good orphanage, so that they could work with him, do drawing, modeling, music, yes, who, shiputinsky, sasha, stop it, well , you know very well that every child has at least one he learns a song like this somewhere, we used to sing in the camp, there was a blazing fireplace, we were judging a young guy, listen, how little i i know you, natasha, they tried a young guy , maybe there was a gobstop, and what were you singing, i sang katyusha, apple and pear trees were blooming, fog over the river, came to the shore, where maxim, in
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the toilet, enlarges the turtle, maxim, look, what maxim, open the door , maxim, open the door, no need, close the faucet, maxim, maxim, open, maxim, move away, step away, call the reception, i said, call the reception, maxim, move away from the door, close your eyes, hello , moved away, maxim, yes, this is number eight, our pipe burst, yes, urgently, we have it later. what are you wearing? natasha, come here tongued out, what have you done? calm down, you 're scaring him, let's go! that's it, have a rest!
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yes, we’re waiting, we’re standing, he should be arriving now.
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hello, bears, hello, kirill , vasilyovich, hello, son, sorry, i’m a little late , a meeting with mishustin, sobyanin was naturally late, i’ll go and tell you that everyone is ready, father just dreams of meeting you, i dream about it myself, i here the sleganza spent money, he simply couldn’t deny himself, but this is to fit in, yes i see, let’s go, dad, let’s go. daughter, i’m ready, well, for the bride price from my father, i’m so understand. won't be when at zacks? and the clerk
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won’t be there either, the ceremony knows its own way, the registrar has already arrived and will sign us up. well, why all this complexity? well, it’s just that kirill lived in england for a very long time and wants everything to be like there, without any theft: shoes, loaves and scuffles, and the groom’s mother is well preserved for her age. well, this is not his mother, this is either the third or fourth wife of his father. these are real patriarchal values, a fake father, a fake wedding, is there anything real here?
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what, but it probably should be, no, our acquaintance, the waiter, well, it’s such a day, you know, i don’t drink, so i don’t drink, what kind of day is today, god himself commanded, you know, we’re like one family now , practically, where berlan happens to be, by the way, is my mother. for your mother, seryoga, are you offended or what? seryoga, my daughter, why, at least tell your daughter something, dad, wait, what, alone. alone, uh
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-huh, daughter, my dear, my beloved, well , of course, you don’t remember how we met you for the first time, i came to your room with your mother, the nurse was holding you, and you were screaming and she grabbed my finger, well... she was so small, it was enough, it was as if she didn’t want to let me go, so i realized that this was the happiest day of my life, the happiest, and i promised that i would never leave you,
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i deceived you, i left you when i went on business trips, i left for work in the morning when she was still sleeping, i returned at midnight when you were already asleep, but you don’t know, and i quietly went into your room and sat next to you , i was watching you snoring, i really hoped that you felt that dad was here, dad is always there, forgive me for the fact that instead of me, stick bears fell asleep next to you for... dolls, not me, forgive me for not being there when you were lying with a temperature of 39, and me when you wrote your very first word , dad, forgive me for every minute that i
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was not with you, but you know that all these minutes you... are here in my heart, and today i deceived you again, so i’m giving you to another man , i so want him to be a better husband than i was as a father, and you should always know that your dad... loves you very, very much, wherever he was not, in general,
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seryoga, you are a good father, well done, come here, techie, come on, dad! hurry up, hurry up, come on, son, petya, wait, take your hands off, the last time i talked to you was when you were six years old, you are a bastard, you used your mother, you left him, and now you are using nikita, you are a fucking director, petya is wrong, you you understand everything, i only use it on the set, it doesn’t work out in life, i loved... your mother, again, will you mention your mother? you know what, say thank you for me,
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petya, how are you? he’s not breathing, you killed the loafer, how did you kill, what the hell, there are two scenes left, you killed a man on my birthday, with my mother’s car, although two scenes are not so complex, we’ll shoot in a long shot and smash the other artists with big ones, what are you talking about, what big ones, what a birthday, i’m a man shot down, but a tragedy. although he has an understudy, i killed a man, goluzhtyan ’s understudy has the same face, even his wife can’t tell them apart, i ’ll rehearse with him, no one will notice anything,
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you can turn off the director, but i may have killed a man, that’s why his mother left him, that’s all time he thinks about work, he breathes, he is alive, call an ambulance, come on, attention to all services, filming in 7 minutes. what a shooting , that’s it, i’m guilty, i’m ready to bear the punishment, i’m calling the police, why such sacrifices, if he survives, we’ll cover it up, and if he doesn’t survive, then we’ll say that i was driving, they’ll advise you, great, it’s still life shit, without a family, and you will have a chance to take revenge, and... “thank you, but i’ll make do, dad, where did he
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go, he’s doing everything right, so, the pirate captain, disgraced by the children , deprived the scene.” with strength and will, we film without rehearsal, are you serious, he needs help medical, talk to your father, but attention, camera, motor, i won’t let you film anything, petya, let’s go talk, i’m not going anywhere, but it’s not far, a few words, i said nowhere, what are you doing, little one, huh, what are you doing, what are you doing, why don't you get the movie? when did he become your dad? and the engine, 17 10:1, started, the shutdown was removed.
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hello, can’t you sleep, what’s a good question at 2:00 in the morning, really 2 o’clock, sorry, time flies so quickly, i’m wondering why it flies so quickly, well, okay, for us, for... adults, for big ones , stupid, what is it from? that's how it flies for some children , yes, please, let's not talk about it, ah, yeah , you're like yourself, i'm fine, fine, i miss you, i too, maybe let's try...
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once again, let's start everything first, there is time, you know, it seems to me that we need a little more time, of course, forgive me, sleep, i love you, bye. and i, the plumber had to saw the pipe together with the turtle, as you understand, repairing the plumbing and the door will take a long time, i have already compensated for everything, i understand, in terms of accommodation, i can offer you two options, the presidential suite, with an additional payment, second option, a room for employees, no big deal, single, no big deal, above
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the restaurant, no big deal, there's a corporate rental there today. i can’t offer you anything good, i can’t offer you anything good, i want to sleep, we ’ll take it, the avatar show, the finale today at 20:20 on ntv, that you are the king, the king, and i’m following the volts ! the diamond fable was tied up with the past and the gisheft was opened at the waist to help all the suckers, the big-eared ones who lost the keys to their hut, the paputov ants, the small cormorants, they decided to put them on kitsch, right in the apartment they made a setup for how the guys can continue
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to live. my advice to people is to watch the movie , this series is not in vain ntv, turn it on i promise everything will be fine dinosaur assassin today from 7:00 to 15:30 on ntv.
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i’ll sit down, married, two children, one adopted, no options, well, good night.
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well, natal, maybe i should take his son to see the elephant, he wanted to, thank you. sash, he really is a very good and kind boy. maxim, either a pony or an elephant. hello, please, can you have two tickets to the next show with an elephant? circus i just arrived, the next one is in a week. it's a pity, no, we're leaving in a week. but we can at least see the elephant for the little guy. it is forbidden. i 'll buy a backstage ticket. we do not sell such tickets. a... exclusive without a receipt, please, come on, let's go, come on, come on, come on, come on, let's go, even higher, come on,
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now it's perfect, you see, it's working, teddy, beauty, yes, beauty, maxim, don't yawn, need to work. be careful, in soviet times we had igor pavlovich, like a director with a head, yozhikov trained, the suit itself and more finished, what hedgehogs , what are you, hello, what hedgehogs, are you kidding me, but we have no time for laughter, we are all on tour, tours, everything is on everyone’s heads, and you have such a smart boy, very much like you similar, well maybe. don’t touch, wow, maxim
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, look, come, don’t be a bus, we don’t have cowards in our family, in my opinion, he doesn’t like children, what are you talking about, he’s just loud, oh, better move away, let’s go, be careful, be careful, snuggle , and you are great, very touching. “even for a second i felt like i was there as a child, always at your service, thank you, i understand,
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that in these words, as if their daughters were saying, your daughter exists, exists, but i haven’t seen her for a long time, how long, long, bad. okay, come see me later, we’ll settle the deal, everything will be fine , yes, that’s it, i want you right here, but you’re a fool , and if they set us on fire, no one will set fire to it, there’s no one, i don’t care at all, and i don’t care about you maxim... he spanks me, and he kicks me out with my bare ass, so, on monday, in the same place, yes, i’ll come, thank you, mom,
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damn. we’re sad, are you a relative, don’t you like the holiday, no, i like it, that’s it great, just me... hi, who? well, well, well, i’m in myself, you’re right here, but if you want to tell the truth, yeah, all these european traditions didn’t give in to me at all, i’m used to it the old fashioned way, remember how before, the bride, the ransom, the loaf, here’s the toastmaster, moronic competitions in in the end, now that, well
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, that means you understand that we miss you, boys, but no , baby, we don’t miss you, we communicate, but you can ask, i beg you, you have such a young , such a beautiful wife, yes, it’s hard to fit in, yes it seems no, don’t even worry, why are you so carefree, no, i just have a friend, so... i also married a beautiful young woman for love, and then she - then this young beautiful woman started an affair with her son, what a savagery, all of moscow knew, there was such a scandal, well, i’m not stupid, but the baby knows if anything happens it’s not like that, right away with a bare bottom, it’s straight to fight with mom, right? that’s why i don’t worry
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, dear, and you won’t mind if sergei vasilyevich and i dance, we are now one family, yes, of course, i beg you, go ahead, no, i’m not very good at dancing, it’s you, i agree , miss saransk, by the way, that more, come on. that’s it, intermission basya, i didn’t understand, but at first i looked, i thought, maybe it’s just similar, and then i realized, it’s vasily vinogonov, in person, do you, vasya, think that everyone has already forgotten the sad hamlet, that’s bad luck. this was my mother’s favorite film, and
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you’re confusing me with someone, i’m sergei vasilyevich, yulechkin, dad, i’m working, here’s 200 meters from the kremlin, stop flooding, vasya, what do you think, i don’t understand why you’re doing this canoe drove away, about his friend, whom his wife is cheating on with his son, i understood, if i understood, then keep quiet, otherwise i'll rat you out too. we need to be friends, i’m also an actress, yes, well, in my own theater, i play the role of rublev’s beautiful but stupid wife, i like it, colleague, the fee suits me, and why, yulia, she loves this, but i beg you , vasya, all these businessmen get married out of necessity, “tomorrow they will get divorced,
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the day after tomorrow they will get married again, you and i need to grab ours, and you won’t stop me from doing this, thank you for the wonderful dance, colleague, did something happen? it happened!
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stop it.” , another ear, where is everything gone? yes, wait, well, i ask you to listen to me, you understand completely, okay, well, i’m sorry, well, i wanted to tell you about my father, well, i’m sorry, but you don’t understand , he’s feeling bad, he needs a hospital, give me the phone? i won’t give it to you, don’t you understand at all, i still won’t give it to you, the phone, give me, dad, you know better, dad knows best, so you started talking , yes, you quickly changed your mind, brother, okay, if you want it, it will be for you, if you want a movie film it, yes,
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come on, i ’ll show you such a movie here now, so let’s film it, what does this mean, the police will come, i’ll shut myself down. and let me go to prison, but i’ll go to prison for a job , and not for complicity in your criminal filming, let people finish filming the wall, but now you can hear in general, and you can hear yourself, people are fixated on work, like me, and you, and dad, that’s exactly what they are fixated on, and don’t put me on the same shelf with her, i understand, write a letter to your mother, go to your wife, you slobber. well, let's make a movie, dad, why not, everyone get ready, let's film, motor, camera, camera
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coming, 211, get ready, start, please. don’t call or write anymore, yours i don’t read the letters, i burn them, and it’s even better, he’s not alone behind bars, there’s someone else, and for a pirate there’s a feeling of hope, hope in the finale, that’s always good. filmed, filming is over, thank you all.
6:20 am
how so? online surgeon? i can not do that. we have no choice. wait.
6:21 am
i think there is a way out. i'll come myself. get ready, artyoma. i’ll get in the car in a minute, lesh, take a biopsy from him, you need to check the reaction to the drug, i’ll come and start the operation right away, get ready, i understand, here’s your elephant, the bell. this was my dream since since childhood, you want to feed him, but you can, you can, you can, but what can i give her, i will, okay, come on, hold, hold, hold,
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hand, hold. here's how. yes, you need to ask that. what did you send? it depends on my mood. do you have ale birds, or what? acrobats. rehearsing, maxim, wait, come here, it’s strange, the trainers should only be there in the evening, oh, calm down, everything’s new.
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6:24 am
well, how do you like the elephant? liked? yeah, me too. for now, look through it. wow, this is a moment, thirty-fifth, a renounced machine. maximum speed 2,560 km/h. cool. maybe there’s a spark, what’s going on
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, maybe there’s a guy there, oh, give me the phone, yes, we looked, we liked it, yes, we’re already in the car, we’ll stay a little, we’ll eat ice cream, yes, come on, come on. we’re really in the car and really eat ice cream, it’s better not to tell mom, okay? well, look, maxim, i’ll go out for a second, come back and we’ll go, okay, anyway, i want all the money that will give us the wedding to send a house, although this is not a very good idea.
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it’s so important for me to have a family, i can’t believe it, very soon kirill and i will already be husband and wife, and then we will have a child, and this there will be a full-fledged family, incredible, you know ksyusha, your assistant, uh-huh, well, yes, we also have an izdet at home, a very smart, unhappy girl, i took her as my assistant. it’s very important to give these guys a chance, is there something you wanted to talk about? yes, i don’t even
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know, somehow. and you're probably talking about gnorar, just a second. i’m not, you deserve them, take them. listen, i understand that you would like to take your real daughter to the altar, but please imagine that i am her, help me, help me become happy, i can ask, do you love your kirill, very, very good.
6:28 am
we need to end this performance, you can be patient for 10 minutes, but the village is the most patient people! dad!
6:29 am
you all picture something to yourself, well, not a single normal person, just art, what is he talking about, and some crazy person, someone is playing a wonderful wife, very good, what are you talking about, relative, someone, someone- then with us, even a loving groom, you got something wrong, dad, sorry, son, i just didn’t hear what you just blathered, you heard everything, didn’t you? that's it, what are you going to endure, son, what's going on, dad, girl, you really wanted to be led to the altar by your real father, you wanted him to bless you, but believe me, he would never do this, never, just ask them, who is he
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loves more, but who did i catch them, but he ’s done. he’s lying, he’s lying all the time, this asshole isn’t even your father, he’s an actor, a drunk from some cheap tv series, a clown, everything’s right, everything ’s right, i’m an actor from a cheap tv series, guys, but you all outplayed me today, bravo , bravo, i’ll just tell you one thing, yes i haven’t seen my own daughter for more than 20 years, and i really hope so. “if my daughter ever wants to marry such a nonentity, she will find someone, but at least some drunk who will tell her, don’t do this, don’t do this, please don’t, thank you for the fee, that’s about , artist, well, oh, yes, who do you trust
6:31 am
, dad, come here, no, here, come, here, come, i ’ll say, dad, yulka, okay, everything will die, whatever you, well, go, too i mean, look, there are salads here.
6:32 am
the solution is ready, great, put the catheter in, there are biopsy results, yes, all the indicators are on average two times higher than normal , well, that’s normal, that’s why it’s a pathology, double the dose of immunosuppression and show the dynamics with a monitor, clear, clear, well, that’s what i
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thought, you can introduce suppression, this lyosh, lyosh. give the boy an injection of prednisone. it's time. everything is ready there, yes,
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how long?
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it turns out that it was your mother who kicked you out, you can say so, i even made a film on this topic, an astronaut, a wife with two children on earth. and he flies, and what have you done, astronaut, i already said on the first date
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to her that my house is a movie, my wife is creativity, she seemed to agree, but then she couldn’t stand it, or something, she filed... a lawsuit, the court forbade me to meet with you, tragedy is when everyone is right, everyone is to blame, yes, nikita and i also blamed ourselves that you and your mother are not together, when parents break up, children always blame themselves, child psychology, probably, “i know that you hated me, but in my situation i could only observe from the sidelines, that’s why you started making children’s
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films, it hurts, well, you have to somehow close the gestalts, a man, he’s a man to the end, when there are children around him. “now you are here , both of you, i feel at home, nikita found me 3 years ago, set the house on fire, nikita set the house on fire, ubana, no one was hurt, no, the house just burned down. my wife left me, everything is at work,
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work, work, work in her eyes it probably looked like i was still trying , how can i put it, to escape from the family or something, i think she fell out of love. there is a situation in life with a son. when you need to do everything to save home, i didn’t succeed, but you have a chance, wait, i’ll try.
6:39 am
oh, you’ve finally made peace, oh, i’ve had a hard time with your chatter, like you, misha, it’s fine, he’ll let me out of prison, i’ll be better, mikhail, you ’ll forgive me for beating you, i didn’t mean to, no, no, that’s it ok, it's not your fault.
6:40 am
soda goustyan, cool, damn, stuck, uh,
6:41 am
hurry up, hurry up, closed, hey!
6:42 am
come on , come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, here, on me, hey, calm, calm, come here, there, go, dad, dad, calm, on me, come on, come on, come on, calmly . dad, dad, hold on, maxim, don't do this, don't, don't do this, dad, hold on, dad, help,
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hold on, i can’t take it anymore, why don’t you call, who knows, i worked for four, maybe i need a couple of minutes, maxim, hold on, dad, i’m here. i'm here where the tiger is, there he is, snoring, good night. everything is fine, son, i'm close, i'm close, daddy,
6:44 am
hello, hello. forgive me, for god’s sake, and i was there yesterday, thank you, you didn’t get married, no, the wedding didn’t work out, dad talked me out of it, oh, and you honestly earned your fee. no need, i’m not in the right situation to refuse, take it, you honestly did your job, as you should do my father, you can ask, what
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happened to him, i don’t even know who he is, but i hope if he were around, he would have done the same, and more? is this your daughter’s phone number, she lives with her mother in portugal, her name is also yuli, call her, her birthday is coming up, in 2 days, and she hasn’t spoken to her dad for 20 years. 21, especially, thank you again, yes, goodbye!
6:46 am
hello, hello, daughters, it’s me, dad, listen, “if i tell you how i got your number, you just won’t believe it, doctor,
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doctor, what’s wrong with artyom, everything’s okay, the operation was successful, artyom will wake up in a couple of hours, thank you very much, volkov, i think yesterday i forbade you to operate?” that i will do everything for him to get better, and it seems to me that i kept my word, artyomka is alive, this is the main thing, he will live and... lyosha, thank you, goodbye, now you can fire him, with just one dismissal, you won’t get off here, pavel ignatovich, alena
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viktorovna, i want you to know exactly dr. volkov saved your son, he should be thanked, and about the experiments. a couple of years ago, kolya, nikolai aleksandrovich’s son, needed a transplant, and volkov did not dare to go for this, as you say, experiment, but if he had taken the risk, the boy would have lived, is that true? yes, why were you silent? i told you so, but you apparently didn’t hear. hello,
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please connect me with the licensing department, nikolai aleksandrovich, artyom nikitin asked me to convey this before the operation.
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very nice guys,
6:51 am
yes, today is an interesting day, you all too but i want to drink to ours. dad, we can quarrel with them, we can quarrel , we may not understand them, we may be offended, we may not see them for years , whatever for decades, this is probably life, i don’t know, but it doesn’t matter, these are our dads, and we are their children , we are their continuation, like our children, a continuation of us, and this connection will be eternal as long as humanity exists. i think this is immortality. it seems that kudryavtseva
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shot down golustyan. never mind, i'm already tired of this double. is anyone with me at all, no? you'll definitely go crazy. nikita, hello, s happy birthday dear, hi, hi. mutually. this is my eldest, peter. very nice, peter. are you hurt? no, everything is fine. lera. guys, your dad is my favorite director. and even though he has few films, they are the best. i think the best thing you can do in life is to make your children happy. you look
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at me without a doubt, they say, dad, i know everything, i understand everything, without exception, let’s not preach, i’ve been here for a long time, and i’m trying to explain your purpose while you’re young, how important it is to choose the exact direction for the right movement, because i don’t care how you do? to live, with whom you will sail , i don’t want to teach you, but just understand, who else should i cherish when you become a big son, i really want to know, daughter, i really want to believe that you will open all the doors, no be afraid to change anything when you become a big daughter, when you trust me, son. yes, you will understand why everything that i don’t dream of embodying in you,
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wait, turn it off, that’s it, let’s go. “you know, it ’s not in vain that i advise everything, look right now, i need a bridant, here’s the trend as if under you're making noise with the cops, the company is the housekeeper, listen , i can't believe my eyes, it's my grandmother's, but there 's no mistress there, the owner is there..." bar collector, the thieves called us on a tip from someone who knew the diamond well, that's her, she, i'm sending to the customer, pictures via the dark internet, prepare the paintings for sending
6:55 am
, you work quickly! hey, don’t talk under your arm, mom, advice for the future, there’s a latch in the lock, when you go out, you need to put it up, take the trash out there, draft, we receive such orders every day, everything is ready, call the firemen, don’t rush to where, it will kill we're a fucking fable, shield. now, now, find, just, yes, yes, yes, yes, the first key is listening to you, what's wrong with you, yes, in 20 minutes, no need, rivals, you understand that you have flooded us, specifically, you need me voice a list of things damaged
6:56 am
as a result of the flood, a sewing machine, a vintage marina, in the status of a relic, so don’t stand there like an idol, collect water, and who are you exactly? lord, we’ll be there in 20 minutes, we locked the kid in the car with the keys, and take the doors and lock them, and now the bell will be erased. here we are, the klyuchnik company, well, finally, so we hurried as much as we could, since we have a license to open it, now we will let you out, and where is the clause with a guarantee that the lock and doors will not be damaged, and you know how much such a door costs, but what are you doing, glass, god,
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no shout, i’m fixing everything, like this, with the help of a hammer, barbaric son.
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“hello, housekeeper company, there are a lot of orders , you’ll be waiting, why did you give so much advertising, i thought
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we’d earn more, you’re crazy, even though you’re an old bastard, the emergency worker is not very smart, there are no caravans, but you yourself, when you sat back, said , i’m tired of this fish, i want to work, but whoever you can work for, a banker, i can.
7:00 am
there women are fools like squirrels running in place electricity is being developed by a new methodology emancipation electrification all in one bottle oh well i’m just kidding i’m kidding. okay, no worries, well, you can’t do that, that’s enough.


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