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tv   Dinozavr  NTV  January 1, 2024 9:00am-3:30pm MSK

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56, 47, eight, 70. 37 60 88 stop game stop game, this was the last move of the 579 new year's draw.
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there are two balls left in the lottery machine, these are ball number 44 and ball number 75. you don’t need to cross out these numbers, if they are not on your ticket, then you have won! the 579th draw of the housing lottery has been completed, now let's sum up the results of the new year's draw. today , the total amount of prizes was drawn in the housing lottery. 272 million 260.681 rub. won 1,194.71 tickets. we once again congratulate all the winners of today's new year's competition. and we wish good luck to settle in your home for the whole of 2020. fourth year, guaranteed
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super prize of the next drawing of the housing lottery of 500 million rubles. and i want to remind everyone who bought the new year's holiday housing lottery sets, friends, please save the gift envelopes, they will participate in an additional prize draw. the results of the action will be published on january 16 on the website today, 1 million 675.96 tickets were won in two lotteries. friends, this is not the end yet. there's a draw ahead new year's billion. in the studio of our holiday show, according to tradition, lottery winners and their loved ones from different parts of our country. they will share their luck. there will be a fireworks display of surprises and snowfall prizes. and, of course, there will be celebrity guests. together with them and with you.
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billion on sale until 11:00 moscow time, we don’t say goodbye, we’ll see you in let me remind you, new year’s e-tickets are available for a few hours to make sure once again that they are winning. “sit down, eat, drink, there’s a bucket, but there’s no sosinar, my son and my to my granddaughter, and if they’ve been lashing out at me for a long time like a chicken for setting me up,
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a real senor, yes, but no, hold it, yes, you ’re shocking, be patient, signorejo, hold it, i’ll die from the balls, you’ll die, funeral. russian
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joke, diego, that's life. polina, can i have a moment? so what is this? what? are you flirting with him? with whom? don't be a fool, you know perfectly well that i'm talking about diego. pav, look, i’m not flirting with him, first of all, but i’m putting on his makeup, and that’s different. and secondly, if i want to flirt with him, then i will flirt with him, like this, that means, yes, here, it means that’s it, it’s high time to understand this, and you know that i have every right to remove you from the operation right now, i wonder why, for bickering and not
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obeying orders, probably for your father’s tyranny, come on don’t you dare talk to me like that, and don’t you dare look after me like a little girl, if you want me... remove me from the operation, remove me, but don’t forget that i can complain to the general and say that you are oppressing me for no reason, so beacon activated, check that it’s cloudy, but it ’s a big deal for the operation, slavik, you’re a pro with us, everything will be top-notch, there is contact. i found the proof, it’s all in spanish , well, it will suit you in the dark, it needs to be translated, so, this is about buying acrylic paints, five-liter cans for one euro,
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i think this is it, paints, these are cotini, units in millions, such a message cannot be evidence... we will take it red-handed, stab on the spot, capture group to the point.
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got out of the car, ours were burned , there is someone behind you, hands, no one, hands, alive to me,
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this is not kandinsky, i mean, i mean, this is just brainwashing, like that, it looks like an art expert out of me. which is absolutely true, i’m too sweaty, who cares where the pictures are, shoot , wait, wait, move away, it’s about to be thrown, he says, fire, wait, wait, wait, when i missed the courier at the airport, chris suspected something was wrong, yes, he missed it , chris, who is this? ours, it was she who forced us to do everything by force, yes, okay, who forced whom, we will figure it out, chris suspected, something was wrong, what next, she decided to check the courier for lice, yes, and she slipped this bullshit to us, she, yes, paintings where, we are pursuing
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the bus is friars, and where did you come from, well , you decided to insure, you never know, but where is polina, well, it’s not the market right now? son, number rр 8 5 0 уо accepted, let's go, hunt these down for interrogation by the high court, let's get up, they're rushing to warsaw. a penny is following me, now i’m leaving, push, darling, don’t push, well, yes, i can’t, the engine doesn’t pull, i changed the car a long time ago, i ’m attached to people and people, it’s hard to change everything in my old age, but these volgas were, ah... we would already know where we sailed, well, drive away, fable, we are on fire
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for the campaign, but don’t cap the diamond ahead of time, while we're going. it's her, kuban, hold on, brilliant, hello, slavik, we found this slut. she's rushing to the track, we won't get her there, where are you going, yes i
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know where, don't worry, i grew up here, here she is, hold on, diamond, fable, you're alive, guys, look what an accident, sit at home, they were roaming the streets , making arrangements, and
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cheer me up, cheer me up, how are you? on the head, 50 , let me help, here are the cars, i've been running for 40 years, get busy, get busy with it, get busy with it , let's go, hang in there, never let you down, alive, alive, i'll give you the coordinates, but what's wrong with your hand? nearest the car here, every detail, every stray thing
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he pisses with his own hands, history, here, here , the victims, where, here, sick, that’s all, he broke the wheelhouse, you don’t see, nothing, nothing. okay, it’s moving, get busy, figure out what you have, the words are spinning, what the hell, you can’t stop a single bastard.
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the whole world has been under control for a long time, no bracelet is needed, dial the emergency room in ramenki, dialed huh? now press call, are you crazy? 640 rub. this is not civilization, the delivery is bullshit, yes, the bus is coming, oh, really, come on come on, where’s the turnstile, come on, come on,
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now it’s all about trust. you both need to be examined, but i ca n’t, work, me too, and if there are internal injuries, they will show up soon, then come running yourself, we won’t come running, don’t wait , we have double-jaws, they beat us, we are getting stronger,
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i see that we are self-confident, old men, then write refusal, easily. “here she is my swallow , why do you need this chlan, there are a lot of different offers on the internet for every taste and color, yes, i am with my swallow, 40 years in perfect harmony, i congratulate you on your ruby ​​wedding, calm down, instead of mocking, it was better to help take the car home, and by the way , we can’t return the car during the investigation, excuse me, just a minute! “what’s the matter? and this is mine, take it, let ’s go, there was no need to drive like that, i
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was saving my life, in general well, i’m a victim of a setup, the organizer of this crime is a brilliant fable, where are you from... these nicknames, yes , they called themselves that, they called me, said that adshaburova, this is my ex, asked me to leave the paintings for a few days, then they called me again and asked me to take the paintings to one place and money they promised, i brought it, and there was all this henchman, i immediately thought that something was wrong, and these two are diamond lords, they chased me, they wanted to kill me, if grandma and the fable really took possession of the paintings while we were there did you figure it out, are they worth it? was at their dacha, while we were busy with the sixes, they would calmly hand over kandinsky to him and let him go, and they would put on a performance in front of us, they say he ran away , there were no paintings to be identified, and what would we prove if the paintings went beyond the cordon ?
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new scheme, did you come up with it yourself? all the participants are like one practically word for word gives the same testimony that they were victims of repeat offenders of the diamond, i am a victim of a frame-up , the organizer of this crime is a fable and a diamond, do you confront them and let them see for themselves who framed them? the main new year's concert is tomorrow at 22:40 on ntv. this is my biggest mystery this season of the avatar show.
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bim, listen, star, get ready for glory, from january 2, let me show you too, every day at 19:30 on ntv.
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but kun was never detained, the deceived investors are afraid that he will disappear, and this investigator of the spanish branch of interpol diego hubers, diego huber, hello, no matter, very nice, hello , please have a seat, thank you, we want to ask you a few questions about your relationship with the rublevskaya mile, cooperation of the suplanskaya mile, cooperation, what kind of cooperation is there? they deceived me like the others, i entered into an agreement with them as a legal entity and risked the company’s money, that is , they participated in kiramide, everyone participates there, but
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they imprisoned everyone, some of them are very good here they say, why are you saying such a thing, as soon as the tongue turns to say, i gave them everything, money, capital, mortgaged the apartment. why do you live here? where should i live? and they will soon drive away from here, as soon as the lease agreement ends. this is all sentimental, let's talk to you, do you have contracts? agreement? of course i have. you yourself are columbus, i’ll come now. as an injured party, you are ready to testify against mil, the inheritance in court, but
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if you get my money, well, they will say it, and we will try, but i can’t give it away 100%, but write to sava, please, yeah, and these. this is for you, i beg you, don’t, i have everything, don’t, you have nothing but noodles, lord, lord, what a shame, i know what will happen, everyone who tried will give up their testimony because they will be bribed .
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you know, go try to bribe my father , these are different things, no, these are not different things, because you don’t even understand what you ’re talking about, you first live here for a year, get used to it, get used to it, and then we ’ll talk , that’s not true, let’s finish the matter now, i’ll stop.
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i can’t leave, so let’s remember mine swallow, go ahead, pour it, oh, hello, i’m listening, yes, slavik, it’s me, don’t worry, we’re here.
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there is, we’re waiting, oh, christmas tree-winders, now the investigator , the car will come, i’ll take you to the front desk, humanly speaking, they won’t give you a drink, why , come on, come on, let’s have a drink, come on,
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i say, but then you pulled up and he threw it away they were looking for a knife, a weapon, why didn’t you immediately report the assassination attempt, and why didn’t you see the state i was in, i was in pain shock, i didn’t understand anything at all, how are you feeling now, are you better after the injections, thank you, citizen chest ears mild concussion, there is nothing
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to shake there, dmitry alekseevich, the doctor said that hospitalization was not required, although the victim insisted on this, i decided to take her to the ic. and there will be complications, i will sue you, you stupid , painted, this is not communism, we have democracy, thank god, we, thank god, have a parliamentary republic, while you flung at me with fables, and i am silent, for now you were talking about peru for some reason, i sewed up the roses, well, when you raised your dirty paw, slavik, then i you bastardized, you misled ramsa, you thought of setting up the fraters, but you set up authoritative people in the criminal world, from this hour your life
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is a mess. don’t stand, you will be free , you will sit on wheels or on a parachute , no matter how you spin, don’t spin, it’s all the same for you, i ’ll draw you such a little plastic doll, you won’t wash yourself off, you can’t see the stink, mr. general, protect me! please, i didn’t want to offend anyone, this, this matter, this is all me , that’s it, me myself, forgive me, please convince me, just like that, yes, be quiet
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we got this girl under control, she ratted everyone out and herself into the bargain, there would be no price for you in our investigative committee as an evil wednesday, maybe we can persuade him for half a hectare, but i ’m better at melting fish, well, okay, thank you too, you helped detain a malicious criminal, an adventurer, what am i? i am prestigious, and if there is any need there, well, medical help , please contact us, we have a good clinic, all charges against you will be dropped, house arrest too, well, as they say, with us, thank you, thank you for your service, brilliant, well you are a king, a king is not a king, for... nastya
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stands up for you to freeze, ram, finish him off already! yes, so that you die, damn it, even a child would score such a ball, here it is your hasa, why are you shouting, football, is this really football, sit down, translate, after giving the necessary testimony, because. intent in complicity, seeking complicity in a crime, wait, please, i’ll tell you when to transfer, okay, boss, you, signor valeikha, will be released and you will be able to return home, but as
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an important witness, the court may call you to participate in the process, most likely without payment travel, you can come at your own expense.
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they say if you say his name, you will definitely die, this is ugomates, who is this ugomates, this is mine, why does he need paintings in prison, i don’t understand. this year's apples are just honey, slavik, vitamins, and what is this ear , such big eyes, maybe a toilet, well, as you
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can see, the debit with the loan matches, penny for penny, figure for figure, the statement of the victims is just black pr, competitors shit. want, yes no, please, if you want, we can collect evidence of corporate collusion, this is interference in the activities of the investigator, with the aim of preventing a full, objective , comprehensive investigation of the case, yes, well , god have mercy, we are always only for complete and honest objectivity, i don’t really believe it, but actually a general, now a general, you... understand me, as a lawyer i’m trying , as soon as possible to remove the oppression of injustice and lies from my client, can you imagine how hard it is for him now, how difficult it is for him now under this oppression, yes, i can’t sleep
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, i feel so bad, i wanted to make investors happy with dividends, then bam, that’s it accounts blocked, so remove the arrest and... well , from the accounts, from the accounts, everyone will get every penny, here is proof that you withdrew money to offshore companies, everything is so, but not so, we have a branch in cyprus, the seychelles, in singapore , we build housing all over the world, and naturally, we transfer funds within the structures, yeah, so...
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now i’ll tell you about the mile, and you will understand how unfair you are to me, the ruble mile, the ruble mile has existed since 2000, if if it were a pyramid, how could it survive for so many years, but damn damn, as i noted above, we are building quality housing.
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millennium 1 m costs 8,000, but thanks to your deposit, you can move in and live in a year, we tell him, well, of course, we have everything for the client, everything for you.
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he was silent all the time, that’s it, this wolf’s look, i don’t know, we can’t do anything with him, but this one, the main one, is golovin, well, we’ll try with him, so that means the case needs to be taken away from them and handed over to our man. okay, i'll go, uh-huh, listen,
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thank you, wow, it's a chill, not just people with him, oh, it’s not so easy, i succeeded with the layout, no. not to force, but to persuade to testify, using psychology and the code. how is your psychology, khristoforova? i'm doing great with psychology. polina will certainly force you. in general, i have compiled a list of those who suffered the most. for tens of millions, for example, bondarenko has 310, a rich woman
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, stepanyan 12 million. he wanted an office in hong kong, kurnitsky has nine, malenkin has three, frolov has six, kapustina has four, i thought she was a sheep and a sucker, she's in the ass a splinter, feofanov has four, semenov again, andreev 2 needs to deal with them, and then, i have a big problem. we’ll take ours , yes, i’ll take a look, yes, sorry, this is an advance payment, three sheets are missing, it can’t be, this is a bank package, okay , i’ll owe it, i’m already fired,
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ours for you, oh, hello, alekseevich, what’s wrong with your hand , yes, he slipped and fell, as usual, oh, but he’s already moving out smartly, well , he’d play all day long, he’s an enthusiastic nature, maybe he’ll become a virtuoso, but so on... so everything’s good, and it distracts him from the tablet, and by deed he’s busy, but alekseevich, in the evening his head begins to crack, baksheesh, hold on, i have a lot of them, timofeich snores at night, even if you take out the saints, well,
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now you can sort out the raspberries, audibility, as i ask, eh. .. i’ll make some jam, i’ll definitely invite you, okay, okay, it’s on fire, lord, i’m a normal person, i would get into any situation, you robbed me, if only you, he’s thousands of people, thousands of people standing under the office windows, chanting, demanding my money, they are absolutely right, i would return every penny if i could, but we were arrested
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accounts, well, this is not a problem, it’s a matter of a few days, the accounts will be unblocked, i have a good lawyer, you will get... i follow his behest, of their own free will, by mutual agreement on excellent terms , these people believed in me because i was i’m honest with them, you know? that’s it, then, when the accounts are unblocked, i offer you a new
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contract, more profitable on better terms, just for you. tell me that i will immediately receive all my money, absolutely everything, lord, the old woman turned out to be more accommodating than i expected, now she is not a deceived shareholder, but scammer and framed the mile. how do you do it? i always believe in what i say, that's why people believe me. are you a bug? i'm not a joker, i'm a businessman. so, where i don’t agree, you will, and don’t forget
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to involve your brothers. well, in that case , don’t they want to add some extra money? yes please, thank you. how do you manage everything so cleverly, brothers in action, yeah. turn it down, the recorder records everything, i want to listen to it myself, turn it up louder, do something here with your own hands and turn off
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this crap, it’s not crap, you know it’s crap where, quiet. you testify, well, we will protect you, i will now tell you what it is, speak louder, we will provide you with protection. not everything is quite good, my blood pressure is fluctuating, shortness of breath, and how much money they will give you,
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your life and health, well, with my health , they will pay for travel in both directions, yeah, but i looked on the computer, they give me an apartment, they give me a lift, yeah , for travel, a moscow pension and benefits, no, well, if. it’s written there, then of course they’ll give it, yeah, so, negotiator, the associates of the witness protection department will take care of it, yeah, well, the moscow i’ll leave the area to my grandchildren, i’ll go to the village, i’ve long wanted to start my life anew, i’ll find myself a fighting grandmother there and i’ll live with her, i’ll rent out an apartment, will you? that the old lady, i ’ll pull three, there will be money, in the new year we all
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wish happiness and that luck will choose us, on the first day of 2024 we are guaranteed to draw 1 billion rubles, more than that in total. 2 billion again intrigue, again mystery, who is he? drawing of the new year's billion from the russian lotto on january 1 at 15:30 moscow time live on ntv. gavrilov on his way out, with comeback, gavar, and i decided to become a filmmaker, cool new year's movie, but what is the movie about, about bandits? with a cool script, we have to come up with something about a woman, a cool budget, a million dollars, at least,
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for starters we’ll sell the garage and cool actors, i’m wildly sorry, i’m your idol, i mean a fan, i’m sorry to miss the oscar, but i gave up , dmitry nogiev, i was kidnapped, but not enough, everything will be fine, and mikhail porechenko. camera motor night, movie about bandits, filmed, very good shooting, thank you for the shift, cool new year's premiere today at 17:00 on ntv, moron! damn, i just put on new pants today, it’s chafing, i need to wash it, uh-huh, go to
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the investigators in the toilet and ask, well, i’ll go , well, i’ll ask, well, go, go, well, i’m off, what go, come on, what not, cretins, well, why don’t you pick up the phone, ask your relative, what’s wrong with your nose? also ask your relative, yes, it’s all his fault, let me make it louder, make it quieter, they both shut up and gave me a voice recorder, say louder, that something is wrong there, we give you protection from threats to your life, here he is, she’s a deaf grouse, let’s go after him. are you planning to go by car or not, but what about walking? my pants are dirty, what idiots you are, well
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, this girl is stirring up trouble again, offering these idiots protection, they say, testify against mili and all that, listen to the bug all the time, all the time, whoever agrees is punished immediately, of course, so that it doesn’t get to others, if the investigative committee covers the victims, that’s it, we won’t get them again, connections, why are you screaming like a catechumen? which ones do you take, dad? they dig very deep, it’s bad, find someone, let your place shine, and you just have to show off yourself, yes, our profession, quiet pomp, doesn’t like noise, times have changed, dad, now there’s nowhere without advertising, hire a parrot, let cracks, i teach, i teach you, you’re like a sheep, who cut down five yards? stubborn brainless sheep, stubborn brainless sheep, what are you mumbling about, i’m a stubborn
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brainless sheep, repeat! the best dad in the world, who taught me everything, taught me, but you didn’t learn that you’re standing, hit that little red one, little white one? from the side into the pocket, oh my god, 300 m forward, i was ordered to listen to the bug all the time , do you think it can be fixed, i’ll bring a new receiver, let’s get it
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, why did i turn off the engine, i’m saving gas, dear ? 50 rub. liter. you're still pampering me, but that's enough , what are you doing, i asked you to just intimidate him,
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but why did he start yelling, calling styopa a scumbag, to himself, he doesn't understand what he's saying, because you... frosts, you idiots, ice, i really cared for both of you, hey, man, man, you feel bad, got drunk or something, no, i guess sober, hello, soon , why do you want to withdraw the statement, i want everything, tell me, they threatened you, they tried to intimidate you, i will change my mind, there must be some kind of motive, well, i
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thought that i would make it worse for myself if i testified against mili. they look like bribery, you really were bribed, it was you who tried to bribe me with your foreigners, and why did you bring food and think that i’m all yours right from the start, why, here you are, why valentina vasilyevna, i’m actually from the pure hearts, you had nothing to eat, and you didn’t get anything good, now try put pressure on me to get... the testimony you need, chicken did you have it? give me my statement, uh-huh, of course, he was , understand, he’s like the devil, he bewitches you, takes his booklets out of his pocket, entwines you with words, and as soon as you lose your mind, he robs you, he did the same to me trick, but thank god, i quickly saw through it, hand over my statement,
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according to the law, you cannot gather behind the line, but can you not interfere with me? look, you’ve lost everything, now what do you want to protect? your robber, stop defaming an honest man and give me my statement, and if you don’t give me, then i ’ll go to your superiors now, or i ’ll go to court, your right, i’ll go. and you will still recognize me, father, to the main saint, finita , this is your country, only thanks to self-control and composure, i came out unscathed and never... never sat down, no need
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to knock, you have to believe in god, not in these stupid omens, i spent my entire life running under the watchtower. and not once, not once, 5 yards, three of them are mine, yes, yes, i i remember, dad, i have already managed to transfer one and a half to cyprus, the rest of the accounts are frozen, which means the main task is to prove my innocence, force the court, unblock the accounts in order to transfer the rest, i remember, i remember, what we are doing now, i don’t know , than there...
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“everything you need, here’s a stud, everything is ingenious, i just, i don’t understand, what is this, this is stockholm syndrome, she’s being robbed, and she protects the robber, i told you, this is corruption, what are we talking about "vladimir gavrilovich, do we have an emergency? the victims, as if by agreement, began to change their testimony." and one has already taken the application, bad, yes, bad , khristoforova, what’s the name of the old man whom you signed for protection, malinkin, read, he’s in
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intensive care, hospital, let’s go there , when he comes to his senses, interview him, maybe he he will remember who attacked him, so tightly we pinched the chicken’s tail if he goes on the offensive. who exactly refused to testify? so, what is it, did they track everyone down? what about dogs? wait, did you mention these names here the day before yesterday? yeah, what's going on?
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it’s a good thing, we’ll study it, yeah, yeah, well let's all think together about who this thing is. could have staged, well, chicken, of course, who else, he told me, you came out, and he just took this pen, and now it’s clear why this circus was needed. well, that's it, we need to put this wolf in a cage before he devours us all here , we have an eternal dog, we have it, we'll try to replace the subscription with an arrest, uh-huh, hello, this is kuritsin, i can give you new testimony about my enemies and competitors, when can i come? now, right now, okay,
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in 40 minutes, yeah, he'll arrive in 40 minutes, great, it's dangerous here for the second time, you just insure me that you are afraid. vatya must know exactly what is there and where, calm down, now i’ll draw everything for you, i remember everything, what are you doing, what are you doing, oh , what are you doing, i need to go to the investigative committee, i’ll wait, no, well, don’t let out such a chance... be here, try to detain him until i get the sanction, and if it doesn’t work out, do what you want, whatever you want, i’m tempting you, in general, so that kuritsin will be here when i return, or maybe
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someone else will detain him, you can’t, he’ll back you up, i’m not like that, cool, that’s it ambush, you are so magical! this is fitness, baby, uh-huh, what is this, evidence against those who framed a mile, um, rather, rather, fire!
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sí mamam.
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you'll be there soon, yes, yes, now, let 's scribes, i have a problem here, hello, there's an arrest, kurisin where, we're here, great, i'll be there in about five minutes, put it on. he's wearing bracelets, i understand.
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lord, diega, diega, drunk, diega. judging by the brazen counterattack
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on us, kuritsin and his scumbags feel invulnerable, why bother with a short circuit, obviously to distract the intern.
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by the way, how are you feeling, sir? huber? i care a lot about you, thank you, pulini , you still see a doctor, go, so, comrade officers, we urgently need to find out what kuritsin was looking for, what you did in the investigative committee, and what are you, a bandit, a gangster? cowboy, i don’t know, he didn’t take out the flash drive from the accounting department, but he was noisy like a child, he hung a couple more articles on himself, it’s easy for you to say, dad, they surrounded me from all sides, i taught you how. as i taught you, you are a fraudster, you are not a bandit, you must act with cunning, you will accept cunning with your mind, and not with a blockhead, with cunning, in the toilet, yes, even in the toilet, your woman is stupid, and you are stupid in front of her, dad, i beg you,
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don’t talk about people like that, she saved my life, it’s nothing, you just don’t need to say that, nothing, mouth close , sit down, listen, “you’ll both lie down on the bottom and you’ll lie there until everything calms down, calms down, as i understand it, not soon now, my eyes didn’t look at you, it’s in vain, dad, in vain, i raised you alone, without all sorts of women, your mother left us when..." 7 years old, six, what difference does it make, seven and six, and you're a darling leave him too , if you don’t hold him like that, how to fuck him, and you don’t know how to deal with women, you don’t know how to deal with them, you understand, here,
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here, here with suckers, please, with women, no, understand, you are my son, “i love you, i don’t want you to suffer all your life like me, i don’t want you to suffer either, dad, don’t you understand, but i don’t want to either, because you are a wonderful person, you raised me yourself , and taught me everything, you are the best person in the world, that’s what you are”? can i take a few fireflies, again, from me for business, but the source is for business.
10:10 am
well, the staff is full, i’ll have to live locked up, i risked my life for you, and you ’re offering me to hang around here with the old man, no, i won’t do that, dear, i beg you, this is my father. you will have to lie low, for you he is a father, but for me he is nobody , quietly, i beg you, please, okay, in this case it will cost more, yes, i understand, by the way, this is for you, what about ,
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karate games, karate games, karate games. in that case, it's not so bad, right? you're my appearance, let's change all the documents, we're back to horse, your father with his soviet methods, he is infinitely outdated, it’s not true, dad is a monster, dad is a guru, dad is a dinosaur, you know, i owe everything to him, everything that is in my life is dad, it’s him, you know, you have but now there is me, yes, yeah. yeah, but i want to be with you, and i will be with you, and in general it seems to me that we can be happy, why are you being so slow, let’s do fitness, i mean love, yes love, love,
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okay, okay, i understand , i'll do everything, i 'll do everything, yes, yes, i, i'm a sheep, i'm a brainless sheep, i, excuse me, please, good afternoon, svetlana fedovna, hello, do you happen to know where the chicken is, are you sure you don’t know, can i have your phone number, please? this last call without a name, who is it? this is a wrong number, is it the subscriber? available, just called, no longer available, it looks like the sim card was taken out, it looks like svetlana fedovna,
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after what kuritsin and his lawyer did against us, yeah, we put everything on wiretap, stupid life, without a father's brain, what the hell , the weak link, and you wipe her feet, she looks into your eyes devotedly, like dog. let him look, i’m not jealous, slaves easily give in, some out of need, some out of profit, damn, why did i just take her to the black accounting department, she’ll rat us all out, you know, they’ll put pressure on her, she’ll rat her out, and if in the investigative committee if they find out the whole scheme that father came up with, then we will be screwed, then we will not be able to build a new pyramid. you know, who could be headed by some little guy, valer, don’t worry, i
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’ll sort it out, thank you, damn it, it doesn’t work out, you know, this case will certainly be solved. the general has it under control, and i really want to work until i retire, do you understand me? i understand, but i think not entirely, otherwise they would have come to us long ago, well then i’ll enlighten you a little. kuritsen will now try to hide abroad with someone else’s passport, well, he is unlikely to succeed, although what the hell is he kidding, as an accomplice to the crime, you will never be able to escape punishment, and since... on a particularly large scale, you face 5 years in any case,
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5 years, but you are a switchman and will take the rap for the organizers, today, 5 years is a huge period, the children will grow up without you, the husband will divorce, marry someone else, i don’t want 5 years, i don’t want my husband to leave, my children, i... kuritsin, he calls me a sheep, a stupid, brainless sheep. then i have a business proposal for you. take it easy. you will be the main witness for the prosecution. well, for our part, we can even apply for a suspended sentence. okay, i will, i will. fine. consumer loan from rosselkhozbank with love for its people. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think. avatar show - finale.
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today at 20:20 on ntv. i'm wildly sorry. we are going to make a movie. i you once in america. first day of the new year. i didn't come up with anything. casting for the main role , there is one option, and they didn’t forget about me , well, i’m also not a social worker, but who can i play there, the main character’s girlfriend, it’s easy , the fee is decent, half a million in money, holy shit, cinema is a serious matter, an offer, which is impossible to refuse, i'm sorry to fly past oscar, but why the hell did you kidnap him? knew too much, oh, what a cruel thing, let him, let him, let him lie, oh,
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beautiful, yeah, a movie about bandits, i'll be back, new year's premiere, today at 17:00 on ntv, stop, filmed, as a child i studied in flomenko, flomeko is not a children's dance, it is a dance of love, it should be... polina, can i talk to you for a minute, yes,
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by the way, they are expecting you for interrogation, okay. what’s the matter, what’s the matter, well, stop flirting with him, and come on about it again, dad, if i want, i’ll flirt with him. that maybe i love him, ha, i was joking, yes, i saw that i was losing my mind and started trolling, it’s as usual, but no, why, it’s serious, it could be, for the first time in my life, seriously, yes, he is the best in the world, you came here for practice, not to play tricks, i’m at home with you.
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10:20 am
this is a cone, seriously, seriously, look how many cones cost, this is so that people can’t park, go get the cone, why me? god, what a retarded mustache you have, if i were driving, this wouldn’t have happened, but since you’re sitting behind the wheel, you have to go and get this cone, green, shut up, just go and get this damn cone, that’s it , you're going back, you
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moron, hand it in, hand it forward, hand it in, hand it in. let's now go ahead, go ahead, are you really a moron or what? i don’t understand, why can’t you do a simple thing, just climb up there and get the cone, what can’t you? and i said, chestnut is good for you. no, now chestnut is not in fashion, now everyone wears green , why do you need a stupid mustache, and i told him, and he took it, pasted it, pasted it, well, yes, why beetles with two f, i thought he was kidding,
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moron, that’s right, it’s happening in the west, well , we’re not in the west. in the wild west, where were you looking, and it’s my fault that he’s a moron, you're a moron, get out of here, they both came here , like this, this is how it should be written in your passport, it's understandable, it's clear, get off your stupid faces, it hurts. free,
10:23 am
hello, good afternoon, bright. sorry for being late, we're making a turnaround. i spent only one-eighth in the white one, i paid taxes from this money, the rest went through the black accounting department, chicken, he is very greedy, he demanded a report for every penny, we never found the black accounting department. so here it is, this model, this is a hiding place, but what is there and how, i don’t know, the chicken only knows, so here it is
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what is it, i can imagine how his heart skipped a beat when i started touching the house, i don’t understand, they’re all the same, there are no levers, no buttons, yes, there’s probably something inside, of course, it needs to be broken down, taken apart, quietly, quietly, khristoforova, break it, take it apart, damage it. carrier, we will lose all direct evidence, let’s take this model to the technical department, let it enlighten you, svetlana fedovna, don’t worry, the witness protection program is provided for you, while the department prepares the documents, security will be assigned to you. she is under serious protection, which means she has betrayed everyone, there can be no other options.
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“no, it won’t work, we simply don’t have such a large x-ray machine, so if we cut it into three parts, but the boss forbade cutting, he says that the carrier may be damaged, maybe, well, then leave it, maybe tomorrow something- then we’ll come up with a device?”
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clear, svetlana fedorovna, clear, you can lock yourself. were you warned about the button? this button? yes, your phone has an alarm program installed, press it for 20 seconds, and we have you, i understand, you can hide.
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well, at night we take turns, as usual, one sleeps, and the other also sleeps. and who the hell needs it, its owners have long been abroad under other people’s names, and where only god knows, that’s the vicissitudes of fate, yesterday i looked at expensive pictures with white gloves, today you participate in interpol operations and you very, very risk being a sunset. into concrete, tell me, is there any protection against the mafia, but of course none,
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and no one else could against your authority, yes, i know you don’t like flattery, but i at the very high point, you understand, this valleha himself... you need to calculate 100 times before going to work, calculate all the jambs before the setup, understand how in the necessary case.
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now you try too, so i’m listening to you, dad, let’s discuss your prospects, now you finish mili’s case, and he will leave, but you will stay, you have a diploma, gossy, you’re not going to leave the institute, no, i’m not going to , and that we write letters on social networks, communicate via video, and then, then, what then? then i graduate from college and come to him to visit, well, we’ll see, if there’s someone to go to, why are you there, dad, and because i’m a realist, and you, at least adults, are in the clouds, now the question is up for grabs, he loves you, loves you, you don’t know how to lie, i’m not lying, i have 20 years of experience, working with varuns to whip you, you, you haven’t figured out what he feels for you, you ’re just a headache, i don’t need to figure it out, i’m already i see everything, and golovin reported to me that you had a conflict, i remember
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it came to assault. that, of course, if a girl wants, why refuse her? polina, polina, i want you! the chair looked at life, you, you're going head over heels, you, you're going to cry later, damn, what a fool you were, no, well, of course i 'll feel sorry for you, but this is a wound for life, in general, i on the contrary, my intuition as a follower tells me that he is not a match for you, triple ear with smoke, who is de part, this
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old intergender, and why are you? why am i bothering, because this is my only and beloved daughter, that’s why you’re standing on the sidelines, so they’ll sort themselves out without us, let the girl be happy there will be, well, there’s a frenchman, he’s a spaniard, a renter , but what difference does it make, really, in our camp the black man was from the devora cat, in fact , foreigners hang out separately with us, but this one managed to be a russian just before boarding...
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but what is it? , now pull yourself together, who is he to forbid love , let’s go to dinner, a hiding place in the model, by the radiated river, there is a separate house with a red roof. yes, you know the rest, that's it, dad, at night everything will be at its best, when i do it, then we'll see what kind it is, don't worry, they pro, i found one another luda, again luda, you can’t do anything without a woman, i beg you, please, don’t call luda a woman, come on, help me, you have a head of gold yourself. the head is golden
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and the fool got it, look, the little fraer will split, you will disarm everything yourself, but for some reason i don’t understand where you are dressed up, and we will have a poetry evening here, they asked me to read poetry, don’t let me god go crazy, no, it’s better to go crazy, no, it’s better to go crazy, no, it’s better to work and hunger, not that with my mind i... didn’t live i would not have been happy to part with him, when they set me free, i set off like a breeze into the dark forest, i would have sung in fiery delirium, i would have lost myself in the darkness. well, somewhere out there, i’m here, i’m here, listen, why did you just write it all yourself, yes, it’s pushkin, alexander sergeevich, that’s right, cool, yes, lord, you,
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my god, no, i- i feel and hear that, yes, yes, i’m familiar.
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goodby alarm.
10:36 am
that's it, let's go, but where is this damn model? okay, let's go, i have no idea how this happened, you're definitely not burned. what, yes you that, comrade colonel, i drank three mugs of coffee, without sugar and without milk, it’s strange, the lock was almost not broken, there weren’t even scratches,
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i hope this time it’s not grandma’s, no, but also a professional of the highest rank, i need to check the file cabinet, vladimir gavrilovich , we finally sorted out the cameras, it turned out that the criminals had hacked into the local network, so the duty officer didn’t see that... he was coming, well, that’s okay, now we don’t have zinaida anymore, i reported to the general, now they’ll figure out who your safe is. opened. well , we’ll find him, the base is destroyed anyway, ok, at least we have the main witness, a movie about bandits, premiere today at 17:00 on ntv, all holiday week on ntv,
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get some cognac, it’s still morning, let’s not start the day with this, okay, let’s not, get one glass , it will hurt the criminals that i have today, eh, yoshka, so what have you, but it won’t start.
10:39 am
we need to leave, now, just a second , svetlanivna, don’t worry, the witness protection program is provided for you, while the department prepares documents, security will be sent to you, and before the end of all procedures. well, change of surname, place of residence, place of work, your children will be in a health camp, and your husband will be in a sanatorium, they will also be protected by our employees, then i ’m calm, okay, i didn’t leave here, excuse me, why are women given rights at all,
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yes, he’s on her, now, you understand, luda, he’s on her, she’s under him, luda, it’s not like you! from here, what's going on there, shut up, bitch, this is not for you, not for you, it's me, don't twitch, i'll be right there, moron, find another station,
10:41 am
we've pinned the tail on these creatures properly. kidnapping, destruction of case documents
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, murder of the main prosecution witness, this is not fraud, this case must be investigated as soon as possible, i give 24 hours, that is, general, 36 hours, if there are no results, everyone will be reprimanded, general, evidence base we can’t be restored so quickly, the criminals surrounded us from all sides, allow the proposal, say, through the executors who stole the documents, we can get to the customer and without other evidence in hand, on the other hand we can pinch the tail of the mile, from whom the customer was not, man, we will rise. until we get to the main one, it would be good, but there is no
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time, the clock is ticking, we managed to identify the burglar, there is no such handwriting in my file, unfortunately, so, in short, what does it mean, they didn’t find it, how they didn’t find it, the most important thing , for what? they went there, that means they’ll go again , maybe they shouldn’t yell like that, so let them turn this whole investigative committee upside down, of course, i’ll definitely find everything, which means it’s unrealistic, it’s unrealistic that i’m such money i’m paying for such bullshit, that’s what’s unreal, i ’m a grandma, a young man, how are you behaving, grandma, the road, no, look, look, the tram lout, huh?
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grandfather, i need your help, everything is clear, the matter was soft, so now i need to switch the real-time mode to recording, and if he notices, if he notices, i will immediately find out about it. i’m sitting in their local area, and what, oh, well, it happened, i turned off the alarm, look, i screwed you up.
10:45 am
exactly, it can’t be more precise, it only works with liquid nitrogen, it’s dangerous, but effective, you hear it, only from the lock the bones remain.
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after the case he has to go abroad, his daughter lives there, and he lives there himself, and he came here to set up a case, and how do you know all this, and you live, space, i can tell vladimir georgievich, of course, blow, thank you. did you quit drinking shurmeki or something? good afternoon, no, to prague, on the next flight, yeah, yeah, just a minute, there are the next ones, in 3.5
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hours, well, just in time, yes. okay, yeah, you, come on, okay, well, now you’ll have to wait another minute, but what is this, the problem is no, the computer freezes, oh, yes, everything is fine, now.
10:48 am
good morning, good morning, i'm going to a party, what am i saying, why lipstick?
10:49 am
and i remember, look, i’ll go, sit down, okay , eat, and i’m sata, oh, hi, grandfather, bye, for some reason you... shot the ski, it’s not a turn, thanks to you, we got the crumb, of course, but he’s stubborn and won’t give any evidence, do you want to confess, yeah, now he’s just running away from you, in this case, check out the results of the examination on breaking into the safe in room 38 of the investigation committee, the boss is my eyes. swampy, and my glasses were broken during the arrest, no, read it out loud, no, i’m hearing, i
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can’t perceive shit at all, you’d better order glasses, as i understand it, there won’t be a conversation, no, i want to sleep, i want to eat, i want to go to the hospital, in it , goddamn, i saw that they did this to yours during the arrest, it hurts, in the morning you will be charged, uh-huh, as if your body and stomach wouldn’t be torn, that’s me, we ’ll prove him, of course, but he’s only an executor, and the leaders, well if you want, i’ll talk to him about things like a thief to a thief, well, you’re making me look like a spy.
10:51 am
they will dig the earth with their noses they will dig until they dig it, well, come to an agreement, bribe whoever you need, quickly, sent the teeth of assistants,
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lips, so she poured, oh my god , it’s him, well, exactly, he, he, he, he, hey, pam! even if you 're softening up a tramp, you did something that was not according to your understanding, you covered up the complete botryok, and they ruined normal people, so it turns out that thanks to you they will get away with it, how's that? oh, what a diamond you are, yet you care about ordinary people! included the concept, but i keep thinking, wondering how you did the same, me so quickly they grabbed me, it seems like i was quiet
10:53 am
, i haven’t been involved in any business lately, i haven’t been showing up, which means i’m not in the database, they leaked me to the cops, i’m poor, get out of here before i strangle the nit with my own hands, back in place? that in a strict refusal, he won’t cooperate for anything, he won’t break his thieves’ law, well, not by concept, we had all our hope in him, this is our last clue, well, that means we have to look for another clue, but the ball is flint, no one is with him will never do anything. even if you dream of it on your belt,
10:54 am
hello, hello, that was difficult fulfill my request? there was no layout there, it wasn’t that we had to look all over the building, where did it go, maybe they took it to the warehouse docks, well, did they find a flash drive? i don’t know, well, we need to look, maybe everything is already there on this local network, we need to log in and see if the numbers of these accounts appear there.
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in terms of structure, all objects of the layout are the same, made of foam plastic and held on by metal pins, uh-huh, is that all the conclusion? no, not everything, uh-huh, the base is made of metal-plastic, uh-huh, that's all now. that is, there is no hiding place in the layout, i didn’t i saw that everything was the same from homogeneous materials, that is, we have nothing at all, there is a possibility that the carrier is shielded with metal-plastic, and therefore is not visible through the device, uh-huh, yes, yes, yes, it works. we
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have a meeting, excuse me, you take the layout, change mishkin’s preventive measure to subscription, and you won’t have a problem anymore, sorry, you must have made a mistake, you have a young wife and child. you are about to retire, your mother is sick with arthritis, expensive medications, plus a mortgage loan, and here all the problems are in one fell swoop, if you refuse, you will have new ones problems, an internal audit against you, at best dismissal, at worst imprisonment,
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think about it, you shouldn’t refuse right away. well, there’s no need to delay either, bon appetit. if only it’s whole, if only it’s whole, there’s
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that office where we were rummaging around. at night, yes, i see, i see, come on, come on, dear, please , nothing, such a girl, yes, come on, you reptile,
10:59 am
come on, come on, come on, the key keeper company , we open any doors, we open any locks, even safes, you know, the door- then it’s completely new, but what can jam here, there’s no lock wells, the lock is invisible, electronic, it works from a remote control, and the remote control works from a fingerprint, everything is german, and the door,
11:00 am
the lock, doesn’t work, there should be a green light, you see, come on, let me, you see, it really doesn’t work , red, also... does anyone have such a lock? my brother, he is now in italy with his family, well, since there is no keyhole, it is impossible to open without damage, well, why did they put it up? it was necessary to install a regular one with a normal lock, but i thought it’s safe to say i’ve given more than 2 million, let’s get started.
11:01 am
grill, massa. oh, i locked the door efficiently, please come through, the lock is chinese, it opens in one go, and the door can be taken with a simple drill, 30 thousand, maximum, well, don’t tell him , let him be happy, at the behest of the pike, watch the whole family on kinopoisk, i i will fulfill your every wish. yes, i should spit out the horn, well, any three wishes, five, and you are impudent, at the behest of the pike, already in the subscription, kinopoisk, premieres today, tomorrow, always, avatar show, finale, today at 20:20 on ntv,
11:02 am
gavrilov, on exit, welcome back, gavar, ah i decided to become a filmmaker, it’s a cool new year’s movie, but what’s it about? a movie about bandits with a cool script, we need to come up with something about a woman, a cool budget, a million dollars, at least, first we’ll sell the garage and have cool actors, i’m wildly sorry, i’m your idol, i mean a fan, i’m sorry to miss the oscar, but i gave up, dmitry nagiyev, i was kidnapped, but not enough, everything will be fine and... mikhail parechenko camera motor at night a movie about bandits was made, very good filming, thanks for the shift, cool new year's premiere,
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today at 17:00 on ntv, this is... enough, for me it’s enough, but for him i don’t know, oh, i’m meeting now, let’s go,
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what a businessman, you’ve seen the face on his face , all at once . now, as soon as i heard about your village, okay , i’ll start talking, it’s better to take me to the club, you just promise, okay, i’ll take you, otherwise we’re sitting in this key keeper like an owl, not seeing a damn thing, except for break-ins, it’s difficult, of course, without wheels, it’s hard, listen, bassist, it’s time to put alarms in the house, and the door, a signal. these are uninvited guests, a reliable bear, with good a burglar-proof lock, a diamond, and our shepherd dog.
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for the glory of kasparina, a ricochet can fly to everyone, cut off, cut off, well, what do you say , i’ll say that now we have everything, and we can prove kuritsin’s guilt in fraud on an especially large scale, and maybe in the death of a person.
11:06 am
you are sad, he loves you, he loves you, you don’t know how to lie, your face is like a watermelon, no, kiwi, well , lemon, sour, and in your spain and austria you always just laugh, but of course, we are all optimists.
11:07 am
flomenka is not a children's dance, it is a dance of love, what passion should be, that's all sentiments, my intuition as a follower tells me that he is not a match for you, if you don’t get this nonsense about diego out of your head, i will remove you from ska practice and send you to earth, that’s why this is all, i didn’t know what medicine would help you, so a boor for migraines, cheese for blood pressure and grapes for pain
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, in which case i want to remind you about the ultimatum regarding diego huber, and this is a special medicine for bad mood, you haven’t even found out how he feels to you, you’re just head over heels , i don’t need to find out anything, i already see everything, of course, if a girl wants it, why refuse her?
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what is it, did someone offend you? no , no one offended me, i myself , excuse me, please, i’m in a hurry, no, wait, well, a girl can’t offend herself, therefore, if there are hazing in my household, tell me, they should be stopped immediately, come on , come on, tell me what happened, i promise, i don’t know you, i wonder what you can do to my father, we ’ll figure it out. well, don’t cry, let’s go, i agree, we need documentary evidence that. our friend is free, that's it
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will be tomorrow. anything else you need, peace, quiet, bon appetit, you shouldn’t have worried dad, the leader took the bait, we’ll get it all dirty, don’t tell me until you get the job done, your lawyer found out. who handed over the crumb, illuminated the crumb himself, slut, they are chasing diamond , grandma’s real name is diamond, uh -huh, they say, he’s even been cooperating with the investigative committee for a long time in a kindred way, brilliant, and do you
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know him or something, yes, no, just driving, diamond. the accounting department was burned down by this nit, this intern, one might say, right on mine eyes, dad, can you hear me, and yes, yes , i’m listening, i’m listening, uh-huh, the main thing is i couldn’t do anything, i just watched her brag to her bosses, her bosses are golovin, well, he’s on the hook, but what’s the point, she’s already started ringing the bells of everyone around her.
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corners with night mode, well, i see the lamps, but where are the cameras? timofeevich, well, you yourself asked for an inconspicuous, state-of-the-art lamp with a camouflaged, portable , high-definition camera, and the technology is on the verge of science fiction, so you put this thing back on the door and sit and watch tv, is that a camera? watch who's rummaging around in the forest area, wait,
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did something happen? wait, it’s because of the father again, well, if you don’t want to, don’t talk, calm down, sit down, take a break, i understand you like no one else. you know, it was not easy for me with my hope either, well, no, at first no one interfered, we lived well, and then everything got so twisted, when they took me,
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i decided that she had betrayed me, and so i crossed her out from among my acquaintances , i thought for... always, i lived alone, completely alone, i didn’t need anyone until i learned the truth from letters, thank god, now i’m not alone, i have you, the most dear, you are your father, you just... you can’t imagine how tired i am, i’m not a child anymore, and he controls my every step, as if i were 5 years old, and we ’ve been together all our lives, that we have you appeared, no
11:15 am
, i understand, dad, this is authority, his word is law, well, we just used to be able to somehow agree with him to understand each other, but... now it’s like a scythe on a stone, well, i love diego, and i’m okay i can’t help it, but he got along, you’ll cry and it’s not a good idea, but... dad, i love this one, i don’t want to quarrel with him, baby, the main thing is, don’t cut yourself off, wait, the passions will subside, slavek calm down a little, no, the main thing is that you are happy. “grandfather, i’m also talking about diego
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, i don’t understand, i love him, that’s for sure, but he, i don’t know, well, he seems to be affectionate and kind, but he still trolls what he does, well, he teases, like, so it could be from passion , from feelings , only you understand me.
11:17 am
" myshkin georgy petrovich, health problems mean, well, well, there is not enough evidence base, and when you already have enough to catch crooks, this is a court order, let's go without demagogy, fast. with things, federzein, boss,
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i stomped, stand, give me the car, i don’t understand, are you going to break the law, until i get mine, will you be with me, i understand, come on. if you try to unshackle , i’ll shoot you, you won’t have time to blink, lawless man, everything is going well with us, wow, that’s how much i’m worth, but it’s a shame in nature that all this is a trace... not for me, capture, stand, stand, oh you creature, you
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're finished, oh, marinochka, you have just magical hands, i'll do it for you in a classic way, thai, i'll stretch you from your heels to the top of your head, oh, stretch you to your heels, do what you want. yes what is it and they took my man , why they set me up in full, hello, hello, that's it, valera, i've had enough, i'm leaving the country, hang up, where are you going, you asshole, hello, hello? kozlina, maybe i ’ll light the sticks for you, i’m not calming you down, but what kind of sticks, get out of here, calm
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me down, he’ll still be here with his sticks, come on, come on, get into it faster, that’s luda, it’s hurt. i’ll tell you everything, everything, just please don’t hit me. did someone hit you, raiza? "those people in the park, they, they broke me so much, i still have pain, no if they committed crimes , no one would kill you, name the customer, utkin, vladislav antonovich, he is lawyer kuritsin, you
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have known him for a long time, and you have known him for a long time, well, for two or three years we did some business with him, some like these? no, what are you talking about, this is the first time, he offered me 20 thousand dollars, i couldn’t refuse him, and what should you have done? nothing special, just hand over the case with the money, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, you’ll have to confirm these. evidence of the confrontation, okay, i will confirm everything, where to go, and i i’ll confirm everything, the big premiere is only on kinopoisk, trigger, film, where is his mother, mother sunshine, lie, do you want me
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to tell you further, trigger, the film is already in the subscription, kinopoisk, premieres today, tomorrow, always a movie about... premiere today at 17:00 on ntv. international competition for children's new wave. how pleased we are to watch our young artists begin their creative journey. star jury, you just rocked it. this is just super, my tears are from delight. and talented, young participants.
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and today it’s a complete success, all that’s left is a chicken to take, but i think it’s a couple of hours, no more, we’ve driven the bastard into a corner, he can easily give commands to his mongrels, which means we need a disguise, what are you saying, you’re feeding us fables, but we want to eat the fable , let's put it on fire, man, 5 minutes.
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you just helped, yes, thank you, will you allow yourself to be escorted at least to the stop, why only to the stop, are you in a hurry somewhere, such miles of flower beds, flower beds?
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“hours are crying like minutes, you yourself won’t want to change back when you’re with me, i’m talking about everything
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i forget, i love you, polina , i said everything correctly, a long time ago, i don’t know.”
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vasya, lift, come on, hold on, what is this, a disguise, an uninvited guest will come, and we ’re like sleeping, why are women so scary, for sex , and did you think of crying out to the sky? there were quite a lot of people dressed up, sorry, brother, there were no men, thank god there weren’t, the devil knows what?
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oh, for thousands of years it hasn’t been like that, yes, russian humor is really not bad, especially that moment , when they went, what and... what ’s funny to you, it seems to me that it’s a stupid vulgar comedy, in soviet times 90 percent would have been cut out, they would leave them like heroes, they eat, they are silent
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, well, tito, i don’t know, in my opinion, chaplin is a thousand times funny, well, grandfather, your chaplin, he died a long time ago , the people are gone, but it’s quiet, i’m carrying it on the roof, there’s a trunk somewhere , i thought i was rude, but that this is very similar, and your outfit is old school, i said correctly, it’s all a fable, wait, how are we going to get home now, nothing is going now, i’ll call a taxi, yes, come on, maybe hang out in the city, want to sleep late? good idea, let's go, let's go, no,
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i can show you the place, the hiding place, where i have money i took the ones left by the customer, well, okay, tomorrow we’ll go and see, maybe in three years you’ll see your grandchildren, i miss them, i can’t, i really can’t.
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well, let's go, just a second, i'm listening, investigator golovin, golovin, urgently.
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so don’t sit here, let’s go to the place, organize a cordon, okay , wait for me, so, stop, car, thank you, come on,
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i’m a complete fool that i love you, really, yes, hold on, yes, the scumbags didn’t regret the glass.
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it seems from a pistol. we'll give it to an expert, let them figure it out, well, you're convinced, it's up to us they’re hunting, it’s good that there was no one at home, oh, hello, slavik. look, at least one bitch slowed down, and there is no network, i can’t order a taxi, here it is, your lousy civilization, grandfather, barked
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or something, granddaughter ended up in the hospital in an accident , help me out, yes i understand, sit down, let’s go! i don’t know anything there, the operation is underway. now it’s better not to touch him, the doctors say the situation is serious, especially with diego. and polina, it seems like things are better with her, but the outcome
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is unknown. give motherwort drops. both patients need blood urgently. what a group? it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that there is a lot of it, we urgently need to replenish the bank, thank you, yes , pristoforov, it’s me, yes, come on in, so what , can you already, are you kidding, or what? 160 to 110, you need treatment, i don’t, i’m fine, have a drink, go lie down, hello,
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hello, follow me, goodbye. listen, the bass is not my market, i will find those who raised their hand to polina, i will find every single one who ordered, who recognized, who delivered, and i will punish them in such a way that they will regret that the world was born in the first place, and if i perish, you for me you will continue until you find everyone and punish them all, natorian.
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need to be bought, let's go urgently to this mishkin's gate, we need to understand who highlighted this hiding place, good afternoon, can i have a few questions about today's assassination attempt by the investigative committee employees, no, no comments, comrade general, at
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least a few words, well, i think, a couple there are no words here , impudent one. a crime in the middle of belodnya in front of a dozen witnesses, doctors are doing everything possible to save the lives of an interpol officer and a trainee investigative committee. comrade general, at least a few words, those scum.
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khristoforova’s condition is stable , serious, she is in intensive care, but she is breathing on her own, but you can visit her, well, at least for a minute, i know you for a minute, but if you want to ask, give me a day, let her come to her senses, the criminals can leave, they won’t leave me , without fear, she most likely saw them, maybe she can identify them, i have a file cabinet with me, at least let her recover from the anesthesia. now, as for mr. huber, the condition is critical, we do what we can, but it’s better to inform your family, let are coming now.
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professor, hello, allow us to be present at your operation , under no circumstances, the leader has given us permission, but i say no, you will give me another butzel, and now we will wash ourselves off, pavel ivanovich, now we will wash ourselves off so that i won’t see you.
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polina, my girls, can you hear me, can you hear me, lord, i’m your grandfather. “don’t be afraid, nothing, nothing, don’t be afraid, you’re under my protection, the fable slavek and zenaida are here with me, everyone is terribly worried about you, everything will be fine, you’ll get better soon, go for it, you’ll get well , we’ll go for a walk, we’ll go to the cinema to see... “we’ll squeeze your stupid comedy like someone who’s been wounded, fields,
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can you hear me, where’s my little hat, where’s my robe, my boot covers, where? i have to go, call me tell me what something delicious i can bring you , bye. hello, we're at the investigative committee, you'll get there yourself, go, go, i'm here now, okay, semyon timofeevich, can i see you for a minute, yes, you 're avoiding me, right? why just work there was a lot, but now you see for yourself, i’m going to
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a concert, so it seemed to me, it seemed, we all need to stick together, we will stand together, you will support slavik there, of course, the main thing now is that polina gets well as soon as possible, you call me, if anything happens just call me, i will always wait. goodbye, slavik, you're hot, don't mess things up. it’s a pity, it’s a pity, cool trunks,
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they could look like wild boars, but you’re a wild boar yourself now, hunting you, i wonder how these will come there, it’s a pity that you? i couldn’t control it, but why didn’t you shoot yourself, we didn’t have time, there’s no need to blather about this, if it weren’t for me, you would have missed them altogether, in public , and what is so little is the fine for your eternal jambs, we are actually your brothers, relatives, yes, i ’ve recently begun to doubt this, so why, we and so we do everything as you say, which means that if you change sim cards, you will go to the bottom. and you’ll wait for how long to wait, but i don’t know how it will be, i’ll contact you, and how will you find us, if we change sim cards, i’ll do it right, you don’t need to know, maybe you’ll turn me over to the bosses, people , why are you doing this, luda, maybe you you add a little bit there, you’ll stop messing around
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, maybe i’ll add, so we’re generally below the water, they say, quieter than water, below the grass, throw away your weapons, be quiet. well, let's go, let's go, here you go, you see, it happens, well, yes, well, don't worry, we'll fix everything now, yes, come on, buddy. i shot a whole clip at them , but i didn’t have time to reload and do a test, too many people came running, you just had to scare them away, you had a weapon, the brothers did too, you’re joking now, every second counted for us,
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if they survive, the brothers will be immediately identified, they will hand you over, and you will turn me in, it’s one thing, fraud. the lights are shining, it’s clear, i’ve done everything , go and look, yes, thank you, buddy, now, thank you, bring the matter to the end, okay, little fellow, well, not in the aisles, the boss didn’t accept it, well, i’m a green bastard, stick my head under your nose, you’ll be the first to start rolling balloons at me, maybe you’ve suddenly become interested in me, my grandchildren and daughter are my interest, and in this situation,
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they’ll drag me into the zone to the graveyard before i i’ll have time to lean back, because of you? i have to hold the answer to you, i’m ready to have a heart-to-heart talk with a man of my stripe, i won’t be at the market with you, okay, that’s it, push on, there’s no point in hauling timber here, sit down
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bitch. about 10 years ago, varyukha , my daughter, married a czech, went to him near prague , gave birth to two boys from such people, there they have a two-story house, two rather sickly sharpens, well, in general, everything was their way, here the last time i came, and there was something that happened after whooping cough - an acute contraction. the larynx was made into a trachioste, he cannot breathe on his own, only like this, the operation itself is inexpensive, the care costs 2000, the doctor says care is not covered by insurance, we have it.
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with dogs it will search and will not stall until it is closed and pressed completely. georgy petrovich, well, if , god forbid, of course, you are swept away, we are guaranteed to get you out and buy it back for us, not for the first time, insurance money has already been saved for this case, you are talking like that now, little bastard, but when it comes to it, as i i’ll moor the bunk, so they ’re watching you... i’ll get cold, georgy petrovich, you think we don’t understand who we’re dealing with, yes if we don’t get you out, you’ll tell garlic
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, and he told me, if something goes wrong with you, he’ll put me and my family on the ropes, my buddy, he’s like that, he’ll do it, okay, let’s fly, hello!
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what about us, i was once in america, yes, the first day of the new year, i didn’t come up with anything, mikhail porechenkov, completely off his head, announced a casting for the main role, there is one option, and he didn’t forget about me, well, we in general i also don’t have social security, but whoever i can play there, the main character’s girlfriend, it’s easy, the fee is decent. a lyama a day, holy shit, cinema is a serious matter, an offer you can’t refuse, i’m sorry to
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miss the oscar, but why the hell did you kidnap him? you knew too much, what a cruel thing, let it, let it, let it lie, it’s beautiful, but the movie about bandits, the new year’s premiere, is today at 17:00 on ntv, wait, it’s been filmed. so, now i need to switch the real -time mode to recording, and if he notices, if
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he notices, i’ll immediately find out about it, i ’m sitting in their local area, so what? we'll leave right away, and business, business later, you're kidding me, i drove with the dog from behind the galley, and you'll be here for me, oh, happened.
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this guy's car is so noticeable. memorable, the lady often paints on the cars of such animals all sorts of bolkovs, tigers, and this one has on board some kind of animal with big eyes, bug-eyed, what kind of animal, i don’t know, wait, vasya, you’re one of our liveliest, you’re an expert, don’t you know what kind of
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animal is this big-eyed, bug-eyed, what kind of fingers? spread apart, like people do, spread apart, spread apart, now, this one, oh, exactly, exactly, he’s exactly, uh-huh, and he also has a word on board, makaley, what kind of word, now , well, but in a small way, the one i... freely got it on horseback, it was said that illuminating the hiding place was part of the plan to get me off the hook, who is it, well, the fraer who set up the case, well, it was the chisnok who gave the guarantee, and you yourself know, the word of garlic, this it’s the law, i know, you’ll copy the fraer, as soon as you see, hello, i fell for the naked bullshit, i
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set myself up for... part-time work specifically, it turns out that your granddaughter got into the subdivision because of me, can i then refuse to go , i won’t go, no, i’ll salt everyone, i’ll salt everyone i know, and you’re there according to concepts, then look into it all the way, but if my grandchildren , who have a dirty paw, understood, i would too, all the way, okay, well, myakish is not to blame for the attack, he was framed, but he promised to copy the customer, and you believe him, well, he’s bullshit i don’t like it, we have the same color, goat, but where is this garlic, they say in the czech republic. okay,
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i’ll announce an international wanted list, interpol will help us, okay, wait, what to please? i know that look of yours from under the bast very well, what are you planning? yes, i’m in the hospital, to polinka, to find out how and what, maybe, what’s needed, find out, and then call me, i really hope you don’t do anything stupid, i don’t understand, you have a personal motive to find those who attempted to kill polina, and those who ordered the crime. i have only one motive now, so that polinka starts to get better as soon as possible. i am officially warning you about criminal liability for illegal actions against
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suspects and possible lynching. that’s a tricky way to put it, i would just say article 330, point two threatens you, dad, that i don’t know the code. i will not take revenge on anyone i’m too old for this, i’d better take care of polinka, in the meantime, as it should be, according to the law, you will find everyone who needs to be punished, well, i warned you, i heard you. fable, there is one clue, we urgently need to find one froer, and he has the same big-eyed monkey painted on the van, graffiti
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, why, the inscription on the van, i dropped you so as not to forget, well, i’m thinking, guessing that what kind of crap is this? like, hi guys, you haven’t worked with the makaley company, you haven’t even heard of this, well, do you know who did it? this is a drawing, but i don’t think so we don’t know a damn thing, except for our oak trees
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and cats, you see, guys, ours to you, you don’t know such a company, mackovey, this is the first time i’ve heard of it, is there such a thing, if only someone new came in, that’s how i know everyone , we haven’t seen lori graffiti in the city, it’s a cool little animal, i haven’t seen one like that, what makes you think that this guy works in makawa? tsak didn’t bequeath it, he took it from him, well
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, forgive me for distracting you, you don’t know the macaulay company, macaulay, it’s not a company at all, just a single artist, that’s what we need, fence. task to paint, he he charges dearly, we won’t stand by the price, yes, we will, give us two more and a fruit drink, wait, the fruit drink is good, he ’ll have a headache tomorrow. to be sick, it will only be tomorrow, today we’ll party, bring everything, listen , well, people asked, what, you ’ll listen fiercely until you’re old, no, who
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should i listen to, just me, that we’re with you all the time we’re walking under her valerian, it’s time for us to stir up our own business, we have money, what’s the matter, you know, special services? long example, to hurt or punish who, clients, where will we look, give me an ad, i’ll come running myself. luda asked, you know, grinya, grinya, grinya, grinya, grinya, well, hello, girls, you are so beautiful, are you too? that's it, come on, come to us
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, this is my brother, come here, come to us, what are you doing there, fill me, three, that's it, grinya, oh, that's it, oh, oh, what is this, don't you see , what, handcuffs, why? and they tell me that i’m coming to you, are they perverts or what? they threw us away, yes, young people, good afternoon, good, the girls asked not to wake you up, so i didn’t wake you up, but 13 hours have already passed, and my shift is ending, well, it’s time to pay, but now, now a second, from...
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by chance there won’t be a spare key, i don’t mean from here, green, but from i have no money, no documents, wait, i ’ll look now, well, i don’t have anything either, hello, police, just don’t need this, we have a problem here. and who is the owner? yeah, now google is here to help you, i just googled this guy, he ’s mentioned him for the fifth time, is that what god is saying to them? new,
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yeah, new god, sees everything, knows everything, everything maybe what to do with him with this pious one, and you have a heart-to-heart talk with him, as best you can, then i see he’s not catching up, and what is this, tattoos, what a cool thing, but i have a master, the master is yours, finished shit, are you even catching up? this means that you are a thief , a swindler, a murderer, but you’ve grown up as a child, it ’s their fashion, they don’t know that they say it’s beautiful, you get rid of these things before it’s too late, you’ll end up in prison, problems will begin, i don’t understand these free arts of yours. i won't get anywhere
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to which zone, but i’ll never have anything, so, in short, come on, get out of here, i see you’re not catching up at all, you know who’s in front of you, i’m catching up, old man, all your prison show-offs are generally purple to me, one you get a call from here like the wind, let's get out, you heard the diamond, let's call. i want to look at your roof, i’m curious , why bother people over trifles, now i’ll call the police, come on, uh, don’t touch, don’t touch the apricot, i told you, sit down, otherwise we’ll quickly hit your apricot in the head.
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what am i saying love you fool? diego, where is diego, doctor, doctor, she came to see you, how is it, diego? he’s fine,
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khristoforova, under no circumstances should you get up, you can hear me well, okay, how many fingers, is diego really okay? yes, your daughter has come to her senses , yes, you can visit her, god, be careful man, i’m sorry, you remember, no more than 10 minutes, yes, how are you, it hurts, but it’s better,
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diego locked me in with her. please find out how he is doing? i'll find out, i'll definitely find out. did you see who shot? one, you can identify him? i don't know, hold on, we'll go straight away. they turned around and i saw the gun, it was a woman on a motorcycle, all the witnesses show tursan, she aimed straight at
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me, it was very scary, i’ll find out, just calm down. consumer loan from rosselkhozbank with love for its people. rosselkhozbank. more than you
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think. movie about bandits, premiere today at 17:00 on ntv. kiss me! hack lan to spy on someone , he paid well, call him valery eduardovich, well, here he is, in general, against me again i came out with a local connection, and so we found out that the girl found the flash drive, it’s a girl,
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yes she is, it means because of you chukhanana almost died, it’s still unknown how this will all end, listen, i didn’t know that he wouldn’t stop trying , i didn’t know, you think your valery eduardovich just got into the investigative committee out of curiosity, no, well, i thought, the indian also thought, let’s get to the point, in general, then i went out, covered my tracks so that the break-in wouldn’t be detected, he told me so that i sit calmly, don’t twitch, even if they blow me away, they start putting pressure on me, that he will do it anyway he’ll tell me off, he has a great lawyer , show
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me, i also chatted with him online, so we know his ip, now we’ll launch it with pyway, you can at least say a word in russian, but ip is like a phone number only on a computer, everyone has their own, but with pyway it’s a spy program, it’s usually not visible, but it searches for the required ip on the network until it finds it, and we find out what it’s doing on the internet, and the geolocation will show you where the location is - you understand that , yes you go with yours. sorry,
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it's impossible for an outsider, i just need to know please wait here. and this is you , good afternoon, i’m talking about huber, i’m his colleague, i wanted to know what’s wrong with him, follow me, now you know what’s wrong with him, but your daughter doesn’t need to know this at all, do you understand me?
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i’ll come and find out everything, you’ll get it first hand, i’m just getting better, what
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, you fell asleep, let’s keep talking, there you go, your bird’s language understands, so i found it, so now a second, geolocation, a second, a second, this turns out to be a silver sanatorium for us race in a century-old pine bar. what is it, i don’t understand what's the matter, what's the matter, have they really spotted it, it can't be so. so, it’s an infection , that’s how it is, i think i know who could have done this,
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he’s the only one who has my ip address, what a complete creature, people, there’s a new serious case, a serious case at a serious rate, how can you do this say, my life is breaking down here, about my tariffs, why are you smiling, you look like a welder, what is your business there? now i’ll calm down, then i’ll say, it means they found it, they found it, but now listen here, happy, you’re going straight to the investigative committee, you find a leader there named christopher and tell him everything, as if in spirit, not a word about us, otherwise... the khan and you and your apricot, i’m catching up, i’m catching up.
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what to do with the monkey? male lori have a place behind the ear where when you scratch, they start to, well, i get it, i get it, don’t even need it.
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young man!
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wait a minute, nikolai nikolaevich, my respect, dmitry alekseevich, my respect, the biroshis help, we don’t need them now, we’re used to it, well... it’s nice to listen to good music, but you play, play! nikolai nikolaevich, for rent you won’t give me your uaz, well, for two days, maybe three, 1500 per hundred, what kind of joke is that, what a joke , what a joke, well, we can do more, alekseevich, but you got petka
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away from the tablet, i’ll thank you for it, yes . just don’t drive too hard, bobik is a military man, he ’s more used to kuhabs than to speed, bitch, what kind of speeds are there, nikolaevich, i wish i could get there, comrade major, decide to report, give me compasses, report, while on duty seven were detected offenses. one theft, three burglaries, rowdy behavior, hooliganism on the playground, well, being on duty passed calmly, there is another very interesting incident, the outfit took two strange personalities from the hotel, without money, without documents, they were shackled with bracelets, perverts, the siblings say, and the fact that they were robbed by two girls, waffle makers, by the way, from
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one there was a large hematoma on the head, interesting to see. the satellite navigator works, no matter where we are, it determines our coordinates and no network is needed, is it that
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the satellite is watching us again? wow, damn, what about the russian language? no, it's french. stand up, head off, show me how big
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it is, that’s what i’m saying, that’s what, guys, i advise you to frankly admit where and under what circumstances you received a head wound, if we admit it, we won’t live the day, what will you gain from it, right? after 300 meters turn left, there’s a goat, and the voice is dead,
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and what a beautiful song, it’s called eternal love. a dinosaur looks like it's approaching, the junior suite has two rooms, a living room and a bedroom, there is also a shower, a jacuzzi, doctor and waiter call remotes, room service around the clock, costs only 30,000 , there are discounts for regular customers, don’t you misunderstand us, not for a month, for a couple of days, all 30. we offer our clients innovative treatment, exclusive service and an unforgettable
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vacation, for sure, you won’t immediately forget one, sorry , and how much is the standard number? 15 thousand, the cheapest, this is the cheapest.
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you should go there, thank you, not this, i don’t like it either, then i’ll remove it altogether, here are the girls here, and other people’s artist, eduard vladimirovich, hello, hello, i remember, i remember. edward vladimirovich, well, come to our rehearsal today, of course, definitely kind, definitely, yes, i loved, i have known
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blissful strandings, love pangs, defeats, victories, the name enemy the word friend everything at the rehearsal, i saw how kind folk artists are , not like you and me, tsum kikva, what? to each his own latin, but what latin do you know? we had one latvian sitting in the zone, a latvian, such a clique.
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hello, how is diego, is he feeling better? the condition is stable, he started eating, everything is fine with him, i told you, she has nothing conveyed, conveyed, said that when you sign out, mark yours. second birth with wine and cakes, i set the speed to medium, it will drip for about two hours, you can sleep for now.
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adies, amiga!
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diego, diego, diego, me, polina, degas, what's wrong with you? help, help, please, diego, it’s bad! urgently bring the gurney here, where are you going? 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, digit.
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urgent cauldron. premiere at kinopoisk. zakhar’s friends insulted him, let’s cancel the wedding, i’m going to spoil alyonka, girls love flowers, sausages love hot-potatoes, this is my most awesome bouquet life, how zahara’s friends got married, already in subscription, film belt, premiere today, always tomorrow, avatar, avatar show, finale, today at 20:20 on ntv. in the new year we all wish happiness and that luck chooses us, on the first day of 2024 we are guaranteed to play. 1 billion
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rub. in total, more than 2 billion are played out. again , intrigue, again mystery, who is he? drawing of the new year's billion from the russian lotto on january 1 at 15:30 moscow time live on ntv. increase the rank? no pulse, not blind, i see we are preparing a direct massage.
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i saw how many cameras they have, a fly wouldn’t fly by, silver dew was behind him.
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thank you, hello, hello, not a bottle of vodka, a sliced ​​loaf, packaged ham, cheese, this triangle, the northern fleet saw it for chopping, i’ll take it myself. please, thank you, goodbye, hello, beautiful, hello, we also have vodka,
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okhorog, please, how well you say , the samosa is fresh, you want a male, give it to a male , i was hoping for a male in kyrgyzstan, they wanted to take the apartment of a former worker, he turned out to be the secretary of the komsomol of kyrgyzstan in ideology, cool, you're in school what language did you learn, german, well, it was useful to you, so far without kyrgyz, where to go to moscow now, all the best, grandfather, great, sailor, from murmansk, from severodvinsk. well, i’m from there, what unit, what ship, a quick replacement, quick in nature, and i’m from there, but from kyrgyzstan, land, and what years,
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ninety-three, ninety-six, well, i was earlier, but that’s not the point , i propose to celebrate the meeting of the sailors with isminets prytka, i support it. thunderstorms,
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if the enemies decide to go to war, we will give them a walk along the bottom, northern fleet, northern fleet, northern fleet. won’t let you down, for the without, for the unrestrained, you’re drinking to yourself for the fifth time , okay, we sailors must respect each other, one more, come on, this one has been in line for a long time, today you’ll get drunk, tomorrow you’ll die? but let's die with music, northern fleet, northern fleet, fleet, no matter what.
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the centers tried to jump on us, we hit their target, rolled up with the bulls, this mochilova started, you never dreamed of your grandfather, and how they are chasing you, godzilla, godzilla, don’t drive bullshit, big-eared fraer, i’m in godzilla myself zone buried in the ninety-sixth , well, i don’t know, well, i’m probably diamond, don’t strangle
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him completely, we still need this piglet alive, why is he such a boto, i was joking, grandpa, why aren’t you blurting out a drunken bazaar , call your headmistress, what to bullshit , i’ll tell you, just quick, hold on, well, you’re the king of the diamond, the king, not the king, but... i can’t stand jokes, tamara yuryevna, what does it mean to leave urgently, it’s like 2 weeks from vacation, what an aunt , from murmansk, puharino tomorrow, i’ll be back in 3 days, tamara yurievna, by god i’ll be back, mom will be offended if i don’t come, there’s no need for an electrician, but he’s traveling around, i ’ll leave my relatives behind, my uncle, my cousin, on my father’s side, hello, he’s also an excellent electrician. can i have your documents? please, rosenkrantz,
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erast albertovich, are you really an electrician? over 40 years old, okay, don’t you understand that if i don’t do anything... no one else will get in, there are posts posted near your room, near the intensive care unit, it doesn’t matter, i feel bad and scared here alone, do you want a neighbor? they'll move you in, well, to make it more fun, i want to know how it really is, there are a lot of witnesses, but... no one really saw anything or saw the faces of the criminals,
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in general, we are at a complete dead end, here is one of the best, that depa 2010, has an intense ruby ​​color, a light bouquet of licorice and fruit and a rich taste. .. rich tannins , that’s not the same, i said that you would bring the best, that this is some kind of nonsense, that’s it, give me something else, sorry, but the cellar is almost empty, you tried everything, but you didn’t buy anything, i... here is a vip client, you are a vip client,
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but there is a limit to everything, listen, my friend, now you will have a limit, you understand me, i can buy this whole house and you too, quickly bring me something normal. sorry, i'm without lunch today, by the way, please, well, everything went well, it worked out with the spaniard, all that was left was the girl in my head, why didn't it work out with the girl? because she
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found a spaniard, she realized that there were too many people, so go there. again and follow through, here's our best cellar bottle, brunela de montelcini 2007 from italy. he's mocking me, you know, that's all time, well, what kind of mud is this again, explain to me what you said, i said that this is mantalcin - this is a mud, that’s what i said, brunella is a mud, and brunello is a mud.
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the lady, carefully, is about to fuck you up, oh, quickly, apparently, you really are a good electrician, why take my nephew, everything is fine, this, by the way, is my friend, he’s a good electrician. excellent, part-time and without food, it’s good, then i’ll earn money, i’ll sign the documents in the evening, and as for without food, until i’ve earned it, i’ll look for someone’s orders, look at everything
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family on kinopoisk, i will fulfill any of your wishes, but i can spit it out, well... any three wishes are five, and you are daring, at the behest of the pike, already in the subscription, kinopoisk, premieres today, tomorrow, always, avatar show, finale, today at 20:20 on ntv, all holiday week on ntv, get the cognac, it’s still morning , let’s not start the day with this, okay, let’s not get one glass, it will hurt the criminals, look what i have today, bad luck, and for the audience... it hurts, well, the maestro of the lying dead, than you will please the servants of god, from january 2 we will cheer with all our hearts, we will earn a tick, or even a star, balabol every day from 12:15 to 19:00 on ntv. gavrilov, out,
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welcome back, talk. and i decided to go into filmmaking. steep! new year's movie , what's a movie about, about bandits, with a cool script, we need to come up with something about a woman, a cool budget, a million dollars, at least, first we'll sell the garage and have cool actors, i'm so sorry, i'm your idol, i mean , i'm sorry to miss oscar, but i'm pos, dmitry nogiev, i was kidnapped. watch , everything will be fine and mikhail porechenko, camera motor of the night, a movie about bandits, filmed, very good filming, thanks for the shift, cool new year's premiere, today 17:00 on ntv, the public
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here is all bourgeois, useful connections of the manager, maybe maybe this will work in our company key holder, you are here. on business, and not on vacation for useful acquaintances, so at the same time i’ll go on a hike, it would suit me. strawberries for polina, but where can you get them now, it’s not the season now, unless it’s imported from greenhouses, so she everything is tasteless, well, this is an elite sanatorium, which means it’s for the bourgeoisie, she should be normal, a real, apparently people’s artist, what do you see doing with the strawberries, and you said it’s not the season, i won’t say, let’s get to know each other. contact, good afternoon, hello, hello, we are new electricians, i’m dmitry alekseevich, and this is rost
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albertovich, very nice, i’m maria ilinichna mishcherskaya, people’s artist of the ussr, very nice, very nice, maryavich, and take a seat, thank you, rasta albertovich , and you go about your business. you instead of vasya, no, we’re better, vasya, we’re going around the property, looking for carts, what is it, shorty is an electrical term, it’s when two live wires touch, they spark like people, oh well, let’s go there- here, in 20 minutes, i apologize , circumstances have changed, i have a very important urgent matter, you are a malicious truant,
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i will certainly be there tomorrow, certainly, also a people’s artist, no, this is our benefactor, philanthropist, fables, i’m done, dmitry alekseevich, and i invite you to dive into my place for tea some evening, by all means maria ilinichna, with strawberries. please go to the kitchen, there is some valyusha there, you hiss at her that it’s for mishcherskaya, listen, it’s a fable, while i ’m telling polina and here they’re scouting where the chicken might have gotten into, i need some strawberries, thank you, this thank you should be said to maria linichna. well, be careful here , don’t flash it, i’ll do everything in the best possible way, brilliant, don’t worry, and not a single guy
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will hurt your nose. good afternoon, you're in town, get in, i'll give you a ride , thank you, it's faster for you, and it's more fun for me, along this straight path, we... as if it's good, don't talk, strawberries
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it smells delicious, i’m taking my granddaughter, she ’s sick, seriously, anything? hospital, well, it’s clear, it’s not fun here , pneumonia, probably, now there’s pneumonia everywhere , frail, the wind blew a little, oops, that’s it, i don’t have it frail, i say it smells delicious, help yourself, thank you, uh-huh, fragrant, but it’s a greenhouse, probably, they used to have strawberries from the garden, and you bring them into the house for everyone. smell, you can’t find one like that now, when you’re young, everything has a different taste, that’s your truth, when you’re young, but
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somehow there were relationships before others, you know, more humane, i would say, all the actions are more natural or something , well, not like now through these things, well, i don’t know, but now it’s more interesting, every day i learn something new, i never cease to be surprised. being surprised is good, you are a happy person, as i understand it, now you are on a well-deserved rest, but before that you were electricians. an electrician, well, let's go, an electrician, on a diesel tractor, so you're a plumber or an electrician, you and your friend seemed to want to move in with us, but then
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you changed your mind. when your headmistress found out, that we are in electrics. plumbing ace, so he persuaded us, persuaded us, as you can see, excuse me, candy is only for our guests, yes, that means you, dmitry alekseevich, very nice, ksenia, how can i be of assistance, well, first of all, i think we need to check all the wiring , uh-huh, seryozha, yes, see me off. there is a mother, she asked for strawberries, but don’t eat, suddenly diego died, well , why did you get that, i ask how he is, they tell me that everything is fine, but
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they told me that before, but he was... without consciousness, and now they are not allowed to see him at all, yes, that’s what i’m thinking, get this out of your head, i beg you, eat strawberries, and now i ’ll find out everything about diego huber, polina is very worried, i know, i know, she was the one who saved him, if only in time didn’t raise the alarm, and so they barely pulled him out of the other world, someone deliberately turned off the ventilation system, what can i say, say that he’s alive, that’s all for now.
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well, everything seems to be in order, let's go to the archive, but there is no archive, as if there is no archive, but where are the medical records of your patients stored, in the computer in the chief physician, in the computer, but what? the shield is open, all the wires are exposed, but how can this be possible? so, what can i tell you, dmitry alekseevich, in principle, nothing, but for your age the pressure is a bit high, even if it weren’t too high, it’s just crazy, thank god, thank god that it’s not 360 v, but 220, but what are you, my dear, you don’t follow safety precautions, you seem like an adult, oh,
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doctor, what does safety precautions have to do with it? you have old wiring throughout the hospital, all the wires in the panel are exposed, so wait a minute, you know what, let me tell you i’ll send an x-ray, no, oh, doctor, doctor , what did i remember, i didn’t close the flap on the first floor, the door is swinging open, all the wires are exposed, yes, any passerby will accidentally touch her to death, lord, i’ll go close the flap you have to, go, sit, i myself, where you say, below on the right, yes, on the first floor, as you go up the stairs, on the right, with diego, really everything is in order, well , like a cucumber, he is recovering just before our eyes,
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here asked about you? i told him everything, it seems to me that he’s better, yeah, but you don’t tell me you’re lying, well, when i lied to you, yes always , you lied to me about the polar explorers, you also lied about your mother , well, so as not to worry you in vain, now also yes, well, now it’s like in spirit, what are you, what did he ask about me ? well, i asked about your health, asked what you do, whether you study spanish, yes. i said such a stupid thing to him last time in spanish, i’m still ashamed, well , i’m too young to say stupid things, the main thing is not to do them, but what else did he say? he said
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that he loves himself, really, he said so, yes, well then tell him that i love him very much. and you write to him, because suddenly they won’t let me in to see him a second time, and you’re eating strawberries, hold on, when i can see him, the doctor says it’ll be soon, but what are you and the fable doing now? yes, it’s the same, i’m on fish, fables on the farm, you’re lying to me, that i’m your character, i don’t know, you probably fit in for me, but where did your father clip my wings
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, he’s threatening me with an article, and that will stop you, you can slowly, without showing off, and i ’ll be your assistant, i’ll find out from my father that the investigation is going on, by the way, as an intern... i have the right, but you’d better get treatment, slavik, without us he’ll catch everyone with you, i can’t calmly get treatment here when these bastards are free, okay, listen, here, remember. so again, when will you calm down?
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please pass this on to diego, from palina, why? what do you mean why? well, he’s still unconscious, so what if he’s unconscious, read it to him, i give him permission, when, maybe, such words will make him come to his senses. apparently the whole family is like this, if you want something inappropriately, of course, if we are talking about a person’s life, just one way and no other way, here you go, take it, okay, let’s do it.
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hello, slavik, what are you doing now, i’m fishing, and what’s that strange noise, a motorboat is passing by, do you remember what you promised me?
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you come up with ideas out of nowhere , not out of nowhere, without punctures it becomes dangerous here, but forever, out of nowhere, i met an old acquaintance here, what an acquaintance, listen, bass, while i’m at polina’s, you’re scouting out where the chicken might have gone. and thank you for the strawberries, this thank you should be said to maria linichna, well , be careful here, don’t flash it, i was lying.
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i lied once when i said i don’t know diamond, and i know him, i know, well , he’s a chicken here, no , there are electronic cards for each patient, i got into the chief physician’s computer, there’s no such thing, but by another name, there’s a photo for everyone, the hacker made a mistake ... .the location is spot on, you need to get the diamond out of here at waltz’s pace, look for other clues, he suffered very much because of him, he is my enemy, sworn enemy, he has aged, changed, i barely copied him, in short, valerik, you are his granddaughter with a lute they were free to, oh well, that’s all right for you, why can’t we cope with this old man, what are these old men?
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yes, now he will dig on blood until the end, he is a very dangerous thief, a very dangerous thief, everything needs to be thought out to the smallest detail so that the mosquito does not undermine his nose, diamond, well, where to look for this nit now, polina thought, i’ll help. and now she herself needs help, that’s it, fuck our souls, exactly, where did we go during working hours, to the city for spare parts, with you, no matter what the day is, that’s later, but here in our assembly hall the lights were turned off, and there was a rehearsal.
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it doesn’t bother me, yes, we hit a diamond, i shouldn’t have missed the electrician, now he would be very came in handy, oh, my leytyk is always with me, keep it! tell me, he will understand everything, how will this crap understand me? i don’t know, but he understands everything , say, the electrical panel for lighting the stage does not work, the fuse is 32 and needs to be replaced, but what is he, well, he thinks, yes , he sleeps on the move, a manner from the french manner for a person receiving a depera. in artistic
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creativity, distinctive features that reflect the individuality of the artist, his style, examples, mannered speaking, good manners, listen, well, he’s your fool, but it’s easier to type. well, now, now, that’s another matter, but what to press, come on, why isn’t the electrical panel working, right? fuses in 32a have been replaced and are intact, there is no damage in the wires , the mode switch is normal, the electronic module is in order, well, who
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fills out requests like that, google’s brain will explode from your writings, but why did you write thank you, kind words, i’m glad, it’s him, who, where, chicken, exactly, exactly, he, bass, don’t follow them. eh, yoko male, well, it won’t start, hello, hello, he’s a goat, he’s a goat, what’s wrong with my swallow, no, you
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in vain, it’s a good car, hardy, stable, cross-country ability, you never dreamed of it, it’s just that to each their own time. let me take a look, don’t worry, i ’ll figure it out, well, look, oh , you’ll have to tinker with the repairs, the carburetor needs to be washed , the gaskets need to be changed for sure, absolutely , look, their ends have soured, the contacts, i say, have soured. the hose is leaking, no, you can’t drive it, you can’t, i’m looking at you , that car over there is of interest, but not so much the car, rather, who’s in it, and this is our client, constantly, you know, he’s a private guest here,
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he’ll probably be back soon, but why do you need him , yes, he looks, very much like one of my old... korish, so i’m wondering whether he’s his son or not, when karifanets’ son was still running under the table, that’s true what they say, big moscow, small city, you'll definitely run into someone, by the way, and eduard vladimirovich, dmitry alekseevich, very nice, very nice, not a bad guy, you know, decent, honest, i would say the soul of the company, but what's his name, pyotr andreevich . for sure he, well, you see, will come back to meet you, i think he will be pleased to find out that you and his father were friends, but as for repairs, i’m ready to take it on, if
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you allow it, thank you, if only i had a penny, i’d figure it out myself, but uazs are a dark forest for me, come on, stop it, everything is fine here. it’s all simple, what are you doing here, i clearly said, it’s an important rehearsal, we need stage light, since albertovich said that he can cope without me, it means he can cope there without you, and you’re chilling here, let’s quickly to the assembly hall, tamara, hello, eduard vladimirovich, hello, hello, hello, you go, mind your own business , don’t worry, i did everything here , i know these machines like the back of my hand, we not only have patrons and philanthropists, he also has golden hands, stop it, tamara, stop it, i’m with you i say with all my responsibility, as a director, okay, okay, so let’s quickly go to the assembly hall, okay , i’ll be there now, how much is it from me, stop it, stop it, i told you, this is a hobby for me, i’ll be happy to put
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your car in order , well, if you have anything, here you go, for spare parts, okay, take as much as you need, well, let's do it this way, that's quite enough. thank you in advance, you're welcome, bye, bye, thank you, see you, goodbye, see you. you were burned, sit in our village, wait for me there, don’t stick your head out , i’ll deal with the old man myself, well, how is your day going, okay, everything’s fine, no one except khristoforova came into the room, maybe you just yawned,
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that’s impossible , this is an intensive care unit, i’m on duty all the time, even telephones are prohibited here so that the equipment does not malfunction, that no one uses it, no, of course not, but what is this this is my fiancé, on silent mode, he just lost me, but you see, i don’t take it. let's go to the video surveillance room, maybe we'll find something there, let's go, wait, wait, wait, she, no, she's on duty here, go ahead, stop, go back a little, let's go, stop, it looks like.
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so let's now look at the intensive care cameras, i'll save this one, it's definitely her, but what we indicate in the orientation, glasses, bandage, cap, the face is almost invisible, but the figure, height, hair color, he... that strand sticks out, i i think it was she who attacked your operatives, they are in they saw her face, yeah, they can identify her, let them draw up directions, send it out to all the posts, but i don’t think that the facial recognition program will copy it , it’s just that it hasn’t been implemented yet, well, what the hell isn’t it funny, where should we put this crap? , why didn’t you leave? the car didn’t start, it just started, well now it won’t start, the fuel hose was leaking, and
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the headmistress came along, okay, don’t boil, diamond, look, photo, what kind of stain is that, you can’t see the region, damn, it probably got in with your finger , you won’t understand whether it’s moscow or moscow region, but the number is clearly visible. show him yourself, i promised not to interfere, okay, grandfather, i found it, excuse me, please, but
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you haven’t seen my father, he’s at the security post, why are you running around again, you’re on strict bed rest, about your behavior, i i’ll tell the doctor right now, dad, well... i just came to my senses at the hospital, yes, everything is fine, it’s very urgent, and my classmate, who was now in practice in the police identified by kuritsyn’s orientation, as he gets into the car , i have a photo, look here, big premiere only on kinopoisk , trigger, film, where is his mother, mother sunshine, lie, do you want me to tell you further, trigger, film already in subscription, kinopoisk, premieres today, tomorrow, always, glorious new year's concert tomorrow at 22: 40 on ntv. our avatars even have lifelines.
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judging by your hand, you are very talented. avatar show. the final. today at 20:20 on ntv. on new year's eve, santa claus comes to those who behaved well, oh, grandfather! to those who behaved badly, they ordered you, grandfather, nothing personal, this is our job, the dog comes, and what it’s happening here, we’re having a stupid new year, new year’s dog, happy new year, today immediately after the finale of the avatar show on ntv. volodya,
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announce the transition plan. well, everything seems to be fine, come on, with god, oh, oh!
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no strawberries, i promised you, if anyone hasn’t noticed, we’re having a rehearsal, please, but outsider, i’ll ask you to leave with the rehearsal, let’s continue, diamond, i have a date today, i’m thinking about buying flowers
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or picking them from a flowerbed, what are you, a lantern , we have a date with the chicken today, and before... he returns, we need to find out where he lives for who is he giving out to himself, the computer will teach me , a week isn’t enough for this diamond, you ’re a dinosaur among us, well, at least write a cheat sheet, okay, it’s covered, well, he’s ripe, for what, for recognition, for what, your brother has already shown everything , your brother turned out to be smarter , he gave all his testimony at once, about his intelligence, this is a moot point, how many cases have you screwed up, and it’s already been dragging on for 10 years, why, tell me, i
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demand a lawyer, do you think it will help, after that ? what did gregory show? i don’t know what grigory showed you, he climbs all the time and it comes out like toothpaste from a tube, but did styopa tell you something? yes, he told me, it’s important for me that you yourself, you know, sincerely, yes, to take into account your own deprivation, eh? i'm here for your questions. i won’t chat, it’s okay, i’m not in a hurry , we’ll see how you start singing in a day, but you don’t know, no, you know her, but this is the first time i’ve seen her, well, you’re stupid, grigory, here’s your brother,
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he recognized her right away everything is fine, he will go on subscription, and you will go to the pre-trial detention center. mudgar, well, well, you know her, you know, yes, who is she to you, lover, wife, sister, who, yes, what you’ve been picking on me, but she’s not my sister, she ’s not my sister, beat me, i’ve got one fruit that i’ve identified. according to the suspect's orientation, it looks like a sister, yes, come. well, you can’t believe it, i somehow arrive at one address,
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walk into, well, you won’t believe it, a brothel, well, i change the switches, hang the chandelier, suddenly the door swings open, a crowd of cops bursts in, a raid, can you imagine? seryozha, masked cops with machine guns, well, in general, a raid, a test purchase, but already everything, all the business, is looking at me, and i’m standing in the streamer’s arms hugging a chandelier,
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so click the start button, there is, click on the documents folder, what is it? i don’t understand anything, here’s another funny one. to tell the story, ksyusha , one person named corpse fell ill, well , they brought him to the hospital, yes, the silver dew sanatorium, ksyusha, i can’t find a patient in the database, apparently the program is buggy , please check, oh, things are going well, right? open the medical service folder. he has a last name. yes,
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i'll take a look now. funny story with a corpse like that. dmitry alekseevich, sorry, there’s no time for corpses now. strange, it seemed to be closed. so what happened to the corpse, with whom? yes, yes, all documents ready and signed, but where? well, i don’t know, what’s next with the dead man, oh, what a bad time!
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okay , the lawyer will enlighten you about the measure of responsibility, here is a bastard bastard, so as not
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to wither his tongue, shut up, shut up, that ’s all she is, in short, she was always vile, greedy and corrupt, she forced him to help in her affairs, shut up, i say, in what affairs, well, this is an assassination of employees, morons, where is she, to answer? well, you caught her, what an idiot, where is she, i’ll tell you everything now, but that means she told us to get quiet, not to get in touch, contact us herself, but she hasn’t contacted us yet, we really don’t know where she is, she will still be with the owner of the mile, that’s for sure, yes, that’s good. i am taking these away due to the particular danger and gravity of the crimes. well
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, there is brusnikin, well, they put him in the department, and the nurse screams throughout the entire corridor, masha, which ward to transport the body to, she’s gone crazy, screw him, screw him. what a bad time, hello, having saved the dead, i understood, i understood, yeah, what's next, well, with the dead man, well, well, when he heard it, he jumped up to run away screaming, i'm alive, i'm alive!
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be careful, seryozh, help, oh , i’m sorry, i’m so awkward, you know, let me help you, but i’ve been wanting to tell you for a long time, you have very beautiful eyes, yes, i’ve put everything together, all in one place, thank you, seryozh, what’s up with the corpse, that’s it, he ran away, now. excuse me, it’s time for me to order , doctor, doctor, please, i
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beg you very much, let me in, where is he... just for a minute, just for one, he really, really needs me, that’s what i told you about, the rudest violation of the regime, i ordered you to bed, wait, wait, how are you doing? you feel great, it’s still too early to run, first the nurse will change the iv, then give you a vitamin, which means you can, let’s agree this way: it will look as if you did it without permission. of course, and no more than 5 minutes, yes , generally without permission, it doesn’t matter for me to ask, that’s right, sciatica, damn it , i arrived at the wrong time, be patient, be patient, now it will become easier, in general you
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need bed rest until the attack passes. irast albertovich, maybe you should just lie down for a day? what are you talking about electrically, we have with you so much work, the wiring is old, every day something burns, either the stove or the short one. oh, really, marinochka, the work is not going well. or maybe, marinochka, or maybe you ’ll present me with ointments, and i’ll get him back on his feet myself. dmitry alekseevich, yes. oh, oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, exactly 5 minutes , deyaga, i’m here, i’m close, i’m with you, come on, get better already and come to your senses as soon as possible. “i
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’m very worried about you, you can’t even imagine how dear you are to me, you listen to me, okay, if you want, i’ll tell you
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where you need to look at the wiring, shields check, it shorted out twice in a day, and you have a vip building, god forbid, where it gets locked up, you should be the first and follow me, right? yeah, i understand, yes, we are here for a long time,
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the machines need to be changed, at least an hour, okay, but i’m nearby, well, there is a service, a service. consumer loan from rosselkhozbank with love for its people. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think. in the new year, we all wish happiness and that luck chooses us on the first day. 2024 we are guaranteed to give away 1 billion rubles. in total, more than 2 billion are played out. again, intrigue, again mystery, who is he?
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new year's billion draw from russian lotto on january 1 at 15:30 moscow time live on ntv. hello, gavar! uh, hello, dear. it is something? what a movie, igor zhizhikin, you didn’t get sick by chance, dmitry nagiyev, you’re saving a cat, that’s it, the viewer is yours, natalya bochkareva, look, you ’re the main character, emmanuil vetargan, this is a brilliant text, oscar, no less, mikhail evlanov, you need a sponsor look, sergey ostakov, i think that cinema is just a cover, he says, that... mikhail borechenko, this is how it will go, blockbuster, movie about bandits, premiere, new year's premiere, today at 17:00 on ntv.
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so what do we have here? we were working, there seemed to be two of you, so my partner went to get the machine guns, but we need to change, okay, war, as it speaks to war, lunch is on schedule, that’s for sure.
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what should your mother do?
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the machines have been changed, so there should be no more problems, okay, sit, sit, sit, bon appetit, thank you, yeah. it looks like an internal document, well, this is a pyramid scheme, not just any one. of course, but in principle it is clear how kuritsin withdrew most of the money and pinned everyone, so this is proof, at that time, so there is a package, well, a thin one with holes, a file , or something, well, at least,
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you can send it by mail to the investigative committee by express delivery personally to khristoforov, and i ’ll call you, i’ll warn you, just make sure you don’t lose a single piece, you’ll offend me, i’ll do everything, in its purest form, but what? i’ll tell slavik , when he asks where you got all this, that it’s not on the stove, not for the first time, that means you can go out through it to the chicken, if the brothers aren’t lying , they’re not lying, i probably didn’t know what they were wearing participated in something not, but bluffed, they split. they have no way back, the question
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now is when lyudmila will come out to them, but no one knows, so what, we will wait at sea for weather, but if we provoke her into committing another crime and catch her red-handed, it is unlikely that she will want to drag out the same problem how will you do this, i’m listening, investigator golovin, senior inspector of the twelfth separate battalion.
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the mark number matches yours, yes, i wish you, investigator goloven, investigator khristoforov, to the chickens, boys, let me go, for god’s sake, and as much as necessary, i don’t need it, the investigative committee, please, i won’t drink anymore, let me go, don’t take me, i’ll go now and get coded, i won’t drink anymore, please don’t take me, that’s it, dummy, the color and brand numbers must match they missed the region in the photo, where the region is, oh, yes , father, slavik, i sent you something there, today is better, you got back to the old stuff, look, carefully, you understand,
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boss yeah. well, everything is quiet here, everything is fine, boss, the mice will slip through.
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greetings, oh hello, hello, well, how come my little bean hasn’t started yet, how fast you are, only a cat is fast. don’t worry, don’t worry, i bought the spare parts, all that’s left to do is put them in, they’re far away, but they’re going to the post office, but to receive the parcel, but no, there’s something urgently needed to be sent, oh, now rarely anyone uses the post office, so instead of telegram letters,
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well, i’ll do it the old fashioned way, maybe you can drop me a line, i’d love to, you know, i’m going through these procedures now. skip, massage, electroforest, god knows, yes, without a car, it’s like without hands, i understand you, i myself have been driving for 50 years, oh, now a service bus will go to the city, this is it, yes, thank you, thank you, good luck, good luck, people, where are you? urgent , now a service bus is leaving from us, there is one idiot with a mustache with a bag, and the old idiot in a cap, we need to break it, we will leave soon , we will leave in 5 minutes
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, you are german, i am russian, russian, russian, ibn from the sanatorium, and you’re from a sanatorium, but you’re from a village, but
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a village, a village, well, how do you like our russia, and i’m good? thank you, thank you very much, auf-auf, hey,
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i thought i was going to die, and my grandfather pulled me out, i discovered something i could never open, can you imagine? not generally the coolest, when you get better, we’ll definitely go to the cinema, but just like last time to a comedy. and you and i will laugh, tiego,
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tiego, diego, god, girl, can you hurry up, my child already wants to eat, no, what does that have to do with me, i’m already working without lunch, do you want to come tomorrow, no, let’s do it today , girl, fill in at the table, please. fill out the form, slavik is waiting, don’t worry, i’m already at the post office, your fee is 315 rubles. and i don’t have any dachas, thank you, the next one, yes, what do you have, me registered letter, if possible, express mail envelope, envelope, uh-huh, fill out the form, man, here's a pen, man, now, now, man, what are you waiting for, don't delay. now one second , we’re filling out the form, you see what you want, one minute, what are you doing so slowly, man,
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fill out the form, you see what a queue , what are you, one second, what’s the difference, you also have your own business, it’s very dangerous, goal posts, shot and post, great scoring situation, zero result, hello, score. cases will be decided, i was on the bus , i didn’t let my bag out of my ruble, well, a shermach
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would get into my pocket, you wouldn’t even smell it, and you don’t even know the bag, there weren’t many people on the bus, i was sitting alone, and then a german woman really sat down with me, tourist, she’s so pretty, i ’ll tell you, but you immediately forgot everything, developed it, but no, i put her at a distance. village, village , well, there was one moment, really like this, at the post office, at the post office there was one woman with a child in her arms, the other with a box in her hands, she is german, this is fraun, exactly, why didn’t you draw her right away... didn’t you draw her , i'm going crazy, but she's so funny, pretty, naughty with a camera
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, a tourist, in a word, it didn't even occur to me, but now let's realize that you 're wearing it without a tip, she grabbed it, i think, under the light it was needed specifically, do you remember who you talked to in front of the bus, who you showered in front of? yes, not in front of anyone, not in front of anyone , natol did not burn, i answer, well, they don’t waste the bag, she needed it for the little guy , he rubbed it with a pensioner, well, who repairs our car, i told you, but i didn’t miss a word, why is he such a good fellow, but why a good fellow, a good fellow, someone like us, for the concept, for honor, for justice, saw that i helped by urinating. well, it won't start? i understand, don’t worry, this is a hobby, but as for repairs, i’m ready to take it on, i’ll do it for my
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pleasure. i gave him money for spare parts, but who? maybe kuritsin put someone on our watch and didn’t notice anyone? no, maybe he has cameras in his room, like you have in your lamps? maybe forgive me, i screwed up, well, your head, your head, i’m for the sake of polina, for justice, as you said, so what, we’re empty, with when we get to the check, we’ll look you in the eye, wait, wait. i drove this bus, he only takes his own people from the sanatorium , we’ll leave soon, we’ll leave in 5 minutes, yeah, and
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i picked her up on the way, so i know... i’ll find him , i’ll find out who’s up to what, where he dropped her off, i’ll find out, while you fetch the chicken, let's go. damn, those are the keys of a pensioner, even that old bastard was carried away? “hello, slavik,
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i’m upset about the documents, i don’t have a damn thing, i’m now, so, well, let’s continue, where did you get the weapons for the assassinations of the investigative committee employees, and the weapons i was working on what kind of document it was and what happened to it, you know, the bass doesn’t babble, what’s there..." well, there was something like a diagram, according to which the chicken built his pyramid, a handwritten document, well, yes, if it was written by kuritsin’s hand, this is a very important document for the evidence base, much more important than the black accounting, which most likely was not kept by him, the scheme proves direct intent in organizing the crime, so i don’t have a damn thing, the document was burnt into pieces, dropped
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and... crumbled into ashes, and that there is nothing left at all, that’s the point, to collect nothing it didn’t work, well, father, forgive me, old man, that’s it, let’s do it. i hope we remembered all the episodes, everything against it, the court will definitely take it into account, but this is not enough, we need to find your sister as soon as possible before she does anything new, well, well, they threw out the sim cards, she herself said that
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social networks will find us? no, we don't do that kind of bullshit. grinya plays online games, and there you can send a message to your opponent, well, when will this happen again, and we will find out where she is. come on, remember everything that concerns your sister, details, little things, conversations, it happens some trifle leads the investigation to a pony. well, we can’t do that right away. we need to think. yes, eldest.
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due to the lack of evidence, he has a highlight, he will find out about it, yes , it is unlikely that he will go here, but unless he has a strong motive, all connections must be worked out, senior investigator khristoforov, investigator for particularly important cases, golovin, what i owe,
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in addition to the family that has been living abroad for a long time... here in russia my first love has remained since school, i myself have witnessed these egyptian passions, vladik her to this day from time to time he adores, in love affections, he is generally very constant. kristoforov , we need urgent punching, i dictate by letter: semyon , ulyana, semyon, lyudmila, olga, vladimir , andrey, yes, suslova, angelina vasilievna, born in 1972. hello, it’s me, little bunny, hello, sweetie, dear, me i need your help, but help me, what happened, i’m shocked, i don’t know what to do. vladik, dear, i
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have terrible problems, little belly, i got caught in business, they want to sue me, there is a very big lawsuit, can you defend me? not, baby, you know, there is no way for me to appear in russia now. but don’t worry , i’ll give you the phone number of a good lawyer, he ’ll help, that’s how you love me, that means yes, and i said day and night, just call me at any second, well, honey, you know, well , i, well, you you understand, that’s it, i wanted to start everything over again with you, you yourself begged me about it, well, since you don’t want anything else, let’s gilya. gelya, you didn’t overact too much, you won’t get off the hook, you don’t know male psychology, yes, a movie about
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bandits, premiere today at 17:00 on ntv, i in your eyes i saw snow in the ocean, this snow with you. degas, well, you haven’t eaten anything at all, i need to eat, the chevot is poured, i can’t take it anymore, even for me, for you, and what about one,
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one more.
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2:12 pm
i need to talk to my mother, please, but you actually asked me for permission, set up a passage for me here from the room, 5 minutes, please, okay, negotiate with the doctor, please call him, and what are you outside of ours? soul mate, i love you,
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hello, oh, hello, hello, i checked everywhere in all databases, yes i checked, but not in all databases, and you search through all, all databases, including your own, closed ones, are you on the wanted list or investigative developments as a person involved, are you small or what? so what's there? already, already, wait, well, it’ll be there soon, vlad, what’s wrong with you all of a sudden? angelina showed up again, uh-huh. you've lost your temper, apparently you've had this
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forever, so what, you're not listed anywhere, but the case is miles away, i say nowhere, wanted, also catch a screenshot, it means no one leaked me. yes, what? yes i say, thank you. vladik, will you invite your wedding? yeah, twice.
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bride, you didn’t find out that he was for you feels like you’re just in over your head, i don’t need to find out anything, i already see everything, let’s finish now and stop the hearing. eduard vladimerovich, i’m looking for you everywhere , i had to go to the city again, the gasket turned out to be wrong, by the time i found it, you know, your car is unpopular, well, now it’s on the move, but 5 minutes is all, you can drive, that’s the car
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and maybe you’re not driving, but there’s no other way, you need to go to the city, well then, the key to the start. please, let's try, but how's the clock? well, well, as they say, neither
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a nail nor a rod, and most importantly, don’t get out of the way get lost, i’m at the base... but what is it?
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that's right, you went to the wrong place, what next? is the subscriber temporarily unavailable? hello, the subscriber is temporarily unavailable! damn it, now the table is not a swallow, you are a crow,
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but your mother, come on, my dear! bachka, well, oh,
2:23 pm
damn it, avatar, avatar show, finale, today at 20:20 on ntv. we all wish for happiness in the new year and for luck to choose us on the first day. from 2024 we are guaranteed to give away 1 billion rubles. in total, more than 2 billion are played out. again, intrigue, again mystery, who is he? new year's billion draw from russian lotto january 1 at 15:30 moscow time live on ntv. i'm so sorry, you 're an actor, come on. we are going to make a movie. what about us, i was once in america, yes, on
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the first day of the new year, i didn’t come up with anything, mikhail porechenkov, completely off his head, announced a casting for the main role, there is one time, and he didn’t forget about me, well in general, we are also not social, and who can i play there, the main character’s girlfriend, it’s easy, the fee is decent, half a lem a day, holy crap, cinema is a serious matter, an offer from which it’s impossible to refuse, i’m sorry to fly past oscar, but you fucking kidnapped him, you knew too much, what a cruel thing, let him, let him lie, it’s beautiful, a movie about bandits, new year’s premiere, today is 17:00 on ntv, stop, it’s filmed.
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well, we broke up with alesya 2 years ago, nothing more. clinus, honor seven.
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how easily you swear on your honor, so i believed you, keep your pocket wider. my mother was looking for profitable matches and wanted to arrange my fate, but i told her: “no.” i myself will swim out with my heart and so i kicked you out, damn it, what happened, that’s all it was so good, you know that i no longer believe a single word you say, khristoforova, i ’ll discharge you, today, understand? bunny,
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hello, you are my christmas, my girl, what is it, citizen, what’s the matter, let’s go to a secluded place, on what grounds, you have no right, this is arbitrariness, we have a court order on the preventive measure. evidence, you don’t have it, and you can’t have it, because it doesn’t exist in nature,
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there is, records of your telephone conversations, your correspondence with udkin. obedience without court approval is a crime, you don’t you know, in this case no , utkin’s actions led to especially serious crimes, in such cases no court decisions are required, how serious are you, what are you carrying, he is a lawyer and acted within the law, giving a bribe to an official is in your opinion the framework of the law, and the theft of documents from a criminal case, are all the perpetrators currently in sizu ready to testify? against your friend, i ’ll tell you everything now, an assassination attempt by employees, she’s still messing with the owner of the mile, yes, utkin’s participation has been proven, yes, you see what it can do such a friendship will, at best, lead to resignation, okay, i... am ready to help you, but
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with certain guarantees, oh you little bunny, well, forgive me, little belly, what a creature you are, you betrayed me, but they forced me, put pressure on you, you know, yes , you caved in, you liked it, enough of the tv show, you will cooperate , you will cooperate, i will, uh,
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slavik, about the piece of paper, i lied to you, the girl stole it from us. get out of there, don't disturb me now, son, listen, it took off, be afraid the sun was eclipsed, here's what's going on, in room 221 the light bulb burned out, the girl asked for it screw it in, she left in the morning, and what to do now, well, if she asked, of course, she
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usually said for a long time. there will be seryozha, but what’s next, i would disappear into the shadows, and i would be nice and a little scared, i’m numb from separation, forgive me for my love, i love as best i can, something like that. ludo, it's urgent, leave.
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fought off does not take by geolocation. let's go, yes, come on right now, operational duty officer, khristoforov, send
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a rapid response team to the silver dew sanatorium to apprehend especially dangerous criminals. oh, old friend, hello, like a granddaughter, she liked strawberries, and strawberries, just like strawberries! but she’s getting better, yes , you know, i have a request for you, when you’re free , come to me, i have an outlet here, it’s sparkling,
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but all the electrics are here, to hell, in soviet times everything was fine, except for the electrics .
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oh, please, come in, i’ll show you now, it ’s here in the bedroom, this is a canal, you know how i’ll put it in a fork, now look, maybe some cognac, huh? to disperse the blood, don’t drink at work, i believed you, at work, well, i’ll drink for courage.
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she's a killer, it's dangerous, get out of there, hang up, i figured it out myself,
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oh you mayfly, oh you scumbag, oh you mayfly, scumbag, watch my boy.
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damn heavy snake, okay, me!
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the main thing is not to go astray, we’ll be leaving soon, we’ll be leaving in 5 minutes. this is
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a nit, it hurts, the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, call back later, i’m learning, i’m learning, gadget. use everything to no avail ah ainii zazus, fuck you!
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fell down.
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hey, anyone?
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yes, i know, i went out in the wrong place. can you tell me in russian, you bastard, where to go, tell me, do you understand?
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where to go, bastard! cuckoo! félicitations, vous etes arrivés à votre destination, saisissez votre recherche. silver rosane
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don, o.
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who's a fable, what a fable, they're chasing me like this, well, get up,
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driver, put the gun down, otherwise, god forbid, your finger will tremble, it won't tremble, a damn homeless person, but not a homeless person, i'm in kind, not homeless man, you see, what a hand, everyone has a hand. and people like you took out half the house for me, and i have a credit tv, i walk around, now i’m trying to kill the insurance, instead of taking care of the forest, i understand, disappointment, lack of possession in kind, in kind, not good, just i have a question, i need a bus to the city, what kind of buses, what are you carrying, there are no stops here, this is a forestry department. yeah, and bobrovka is far away, bobrovka, yes, in a completely different direction, this navigator took me somewhere around 40. you need to know the forest, where
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, what, to what, where is the north, where is the south, here is the sand movement, your machine, that the part burned out and everything, where it was stolen, i took it off the car, but you say, i’m not a thief, but i’m not a thief, i’m in by nature, not a thief, on the contrary.
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“they told me we’ll transfer you to a hooligan, although she’s under guard, she must keep order be observed, i have to make sure you don’t look like a hooligan, i’ve been in hospitals for six months now, i’ve told a lot of people, the grandmother from 302 loves mineral water, she’s so cheerful, then we understood. grandfather pours vodka into her mineral water, if you follow me, follow me , i don’t care, it doesn’t matter, it’s your apathy, that means you need to take vitamins, eat more fruits, greens, sea fish, okay, write to your boyfriend, let him bring it, but he betrayed me, is the subscriber’s device connected or?
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just tell me, how did he manage to combine you and his fiancée? bride in spain, and he explains it all , there’s a bride in every city, and she would also tell me that i’m just a toy for him, that ’s what my friends told me about my first husband, and then about the second, about the third, well now i’m already on my fifth , sergey alekseevich, 212. and cardiology,
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he proposed to me, i’m getting ready for a date, i understand, that’s it, excuse me, i need to talk to you guys, but i’m not a thief, i’m telling you, not a thief, there’s a phone number, dial it. i saw that the phone was stamped right there, where was the business card, and are you married? no, what? well, that's what i thought, so what? why? yes, you’re too mistrustful, when they carry you halfway through the house, i’ll see how you begin to trust, oh my god, how many times have i pulled him out, ugh! and he only wiped his feet on me, used me, specifically
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, how he used me, well, how, he offered me to bribe you, i tell him, this is an article, but he just laughs, and also threatens me, now all the blame is on me, no, the chicken is a scary person, dad, i’m worried, my grandfather has been inaccessible to me for a long time, suddenly something happened, don’t worry, the sanatorium has its own people, they will take care of my father, nothing threatens him, that means you know everything, about the investigation and about your conspiracy, i know, i already know, calm down and go to bed, it’s easy to say why you treated my polina like that, what are you talking about, i don’t understand, there’s no smoke without fire. you always meddled in my personal life, it’s not hard
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to guess who turned polina against me, i was honest with her, and you, and your polina, she herself abandoned you. well, in general, let ’s do it this way, mom, either you correct the situation and return polina, or i renounce our family and give up russian citizenship, so you know that here in russia i’m living nowhere better than in our nest of snakes, my boy, what happened to you, you always hated russia, you said that only homeless guards live here. “i was blind, i didn’t know anything, but now i see, and you’ll have to take me into account if you don’t want to lose me, there’s
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a second phone number on the business card below, this is the number of my friend, he’s been around for a long time.” before the rank, i ’m afraid i’m in big trouble, but now you believe me, throw it at the sanatorium, you’ll get a 20% discount, okay, so be it, i’ll give it to you, you still need to buy groceries in the morning. come on, get up, ah, ah, it hurts, here, here, here, ah, let's go, let's go,
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bright taste of instant coffee jardin gold and jardin deep dark, pleasure to feel, consumer loan from rosselkhozbank. with love for its people rosselkhozbank is more than you think, a movie about bandits premieres today at 17:00 on ntv. the best, the brightest, the most beautiful. wonderful , simply beautiful number of the avatar show finale today at 20:20 on ntv. i’m listening,
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khristoforov’s dachas, your father is nowhere to be found, we searched everything, the security says that he did not leave the territory of the sanatorium. carry out identification kuritsyn from a photograph. if the staff recognizes him, let him indicate the number where he lived, search him. a sanction is needed, there will be a sanction, an expert will bring it, interview the staff, take it away. keep in mind, chicken is not as easy as you think. father is nowhere to be found, the phone is out of service. listen, if there is no geolocation, you can use the hundredth operator, try, for sure, polina, it’s very good that you are not sleeping, we need to talk, investigator khristoforov,
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investigative committee, we need geolocation by number, urgently needed, say number 86. wait, thank you for waiting, the thing is that the sim card is currently removed from the phone and we cannot determine the location of the subscriber, i can be of assistance in some way, no, thank you, he could not remove the sim card. doesn’t know how to do this, listen, locations can also be found by their names, this one, how is he, well, here’s a unique phone code, the box is just needed with documents, i hope he didn’t throw it away.
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here, yeah, like that, thank you. i have a 20% discount. and wait a minute, a present from our company, hello , donzhuh, paris. diamond diamond diamond.
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xivo is in place, but the tool is missing, where did he put this box? look there, did he really throw it away? it seems there are, and the documents are in place, lucky.
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i don’t understand, who are you? cavalry, i am his father, what are you driving, the boss would have warned us, come here.
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i told you who i am in russian, i said , but i didn’t admit it, what are you, scum, uh, head, how are you, good morning, ksenia, good morning, seryozh. i learned a new verse yesterday, what is it about? about love? tell me, have you seen the electrician? the police are looking for him, what did your sidekick do? i don’t know, well, nothing, we’ll have to figure it out with you such a beautiful bag, almost the color of your eyes, seriously, seryozha, i didn’t see the electrician again, the key was sticking out in the door, and... the room was empty, that is, you didn’t see him leave? no, where did he go? and he could go out through
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the back door at that end. there are a lot of people here, of course not, this is an elite building, very expensive, did you clean the hallway or the rooms here? i wanted to, but they forbade me, that’s right, they forbade me, we won’t trample our footprints either, so i’ll ask everyone to take a side, we won’t be beautiful with our legs here to stomp, crayfish, flashlight, yeah. yeah, yeah, there are traces of dragging, they go to the back entrance, and where, from here, who lives here? eduard vladimirovich buskon, our old guest, was he in contact with this, with brusnikin? yes, enemies.
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hello, dad, hello , you can’t complete anything, you wanted to throw away the klab, in vain, the diamond, in vain, you break the bears ’ training, and i oblige people, here’s your thing...
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eduard vladimirovich, it looks like blood, everything is back in aside, aside, we need all the data on this busko, now, i now. ramashov’s suitcase, ramashev, ramashev, ramashev, what time did you start your shift, 6 am, today, who was doing yesterday, the other girl, what ’s her name, ivanova, elizaveta, i don’t remember.
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can you please forgive me for yelling, i was wrong, next time you sculpt gorbatov, i said correctly, yeah, when you sculpt, i know how to put up with you. i read everything here, you need to be fed some jellied meat, but what, what? hello, malina, grandfather is in
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serious trouble, i’m coming to you, be ready, i’m ready, in an hour at the main gate, uh-huh, i need to go, no, no, you’re injured, this is impossible, what’s this all about, what’s going on, my grandfather is missing and i have to find him, this could be dangerous, so what? so what? well, i don’t even have a phone off the grid, it’s impossible, as we will , through your mother, don’t worry, through your mother, your mother, your mother, your, your mother, it looks like this is a village, right behind this house,
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only it’s not clear that there are no markings there. is this a kindergarten? vanya, let me play on the phone? this is not a phone, this is a cosmic punch, as soon as i press it, i decide to kidnap you. boy, please give me your space remote control. it's them, i don't know anything. mom, yes, this is my father’s, where did you get it? he was walking there with his mother to the kindergarten, he found it on the road, on the road he saw it, you see, uh-huh, where right there, there’s polina, where are you? did you run away from the hospital, come back immediately , that’s an order, dad, what a hospital, grandfather always risked himself for us, and now we’re leaving him, no, okay, just don’t
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risk it, just stay in touch. “ don’t turn off your phone under any circumstances, it’s okay, don’t take risks, don’t take risks, it’s clear, it’s easy with her it’s impossible to talk, so stubborn, all in grandfather, uncle, give me my space remote control, i would give it to you, but this is the cosmic pulse of our ship, let’s go show you where you found it, olga sergeevna, vanya, they’re kidnapping!” so yours, then, a diamond?
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not an authority, just an old fart, as they say, your place is near the bucket? how could you leave half-burnt papers in the room? burn, means burn to the ground, scatter the ashes, how did i know, what will they do? i must know, i must know 100 moves ahead, it’s good that we kept an eye on them and people took away the papers, they knew all our cards, sorry, about the ashes, i didn’t get it, i didn’t get it, we need to grow up, we’ve grown up. i won't wipe your mess for the rest of my life. avatar show. the final. today
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at 20:20 on ntv. we all wish happiness in the new year and so that luck chooses us on the first day of 2024, we are guaranteed to give away 1 billion rubles. in total more than 2 billion are played out again intrigue, again mystery, who is he? drawing of the new year's billion from the russian lotto on january 1 at 15:30 moscow time live on ntv. look what is this? i took this during a search for miles, i think that these points on the map are for a reason, perhaps these are some important places for these freaks. i don't think. that he's going to poke his head in there, well, what the hell isn't he kidding, suddenly somewhere out there, now, hello, dad, i got it, we're moving out, polite people, on our way out
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, first to go, oh, boys, strippers, clear, guys, let's leave, oh , excuse me, comrade christopher, here it’s all zeros, i understand, you have a vision, yes, but it’s fake, mine are fake.
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clean clean i'm very sorry clean. comrade kristoforov, here it’s zero, eh, valerik, valerik, okay, dad, what are you, everything is fine, isn’t it?
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what about you, father son, even i didn’t finish it right away, and don’t you remember me, diamond? no, of course, where should i go, i’m such a small thing for you , this medical record was found by operatives in a boarding house, there is a possibility that this person is related to the disappearance of my grandmother. i saw this face somewhere, let's go to the archives.
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come on, compare, oh, it’s him, for sure, oh, i remembered, we sorted out his cases at the academy of sciences, swindler, legend, here, here he is, here he is, a lover of reincarnation, he could gain the trust of anyone, from rich widows to party bosses from the highest echelon, what a dinosaur he is, he made an unreal fortune from these scams, now it’s clear in what footsteps valerik followed, so well, after all have you deprived me of everything, diamond?
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you didn’t notice, you broke my secret safe , you could say i lost my family , i lost my son, but you are talent and i am talent, your talent is in your fingers, and i have it here, my father not only rose himself, but and me i taught you everything, not everything yet, thanks to my buddies. they helped, they are now over the hill, we will also leave, and just as you were a jerk, you will remain one, until your grave, with your idiotic concepts, i feel sorry for you, diamond , by god, i feel sorry for you, no, my boy, what
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happened to you? you always hated russia, you said that only homeless guards live here. this is mortally dangerous, the equipment may malfunction, and you were barely pumped out anyway. this is a matter of life and death, and my son must finish. i didn’t understand anything at all, but phones are prohibited here, you know? you understand me, life death. dego, what's going on there? i can not hear you. they are not homeless people, they are security guards. they are guarding this place.
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i’ll give you a thug, ugh, dad, i sent you the point of the village, this is a very strange place, check it out, i got it, we’re moving out, it looks like this is our last chance, but before we leave, we ’re going to do one small business here, absolutely. and i promise you that this will happen very soon, you will answer before the law, before the people who gave their blood.
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grandmas in front of the people you shamelessly deceived, you must answer someday for my sins, don’t worry , i’ve been scared a hundred times, and you won’t cover me with your panama hat, i won’t sign a single piece of paper, even if you decide, timotich, my dear, you’ve already signed everything, remember yours? an employment contract with a sanatorium, luda is smart, i took out the last page with your signature, well , they tweaked it a little, it turned out just beautiful, so you’ll roll into your home like an egg into a nest, you’re smart, look what i signed there, organicha khrenov rosenkran rast albertovich. rosonka, the
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creeping serpent. you will answer, you will answer for everything, with blood answer, i got it, i got it, i got it, i got it, i got it, stop, stop, stop , me, what did you say, in vain a thousand is doing this to me, i’m sorry, no way, you’re alone here, don’t be sad, but listen to me, i listened to you, now it's your turn,
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did you make the old man beat up? and you also strangled the accountant, and these, what’s-their -name investigators, idiot, yes, you too, we should have
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strangled you back in childhood, morons, you understand, huh? in general, well, we caught the customers and perpetrators of the assassination attempts, but you know, this is only one tentacle of this octopus, they are they will continue to build pyramids and organize these multi-billion dollar scams, so as they say, there is still so much work ahead, i understand that, huh, a dangerous hunt for accomplices or families awaits us ahead? go chicken, what does it sound like? how are you feeling? well, if you were kicked out of the hospital, then it’s fine, after all, give us a service, a bet, i’ll beat you out, i’ve already talked to my father, huh? and he doesn’t mind, it can’t be,
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maybe, maybe, i mean. russian easy language. i can do it too. forgive me, polina. i thought you wanted it to your advantage.
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now i see that you sincerely love my diego. and she’s ready for anything, just like me. mom, we agreed. casazate conmigo, laura que sí.
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oh! what, come on, now, come on, it’s not working, that’s it, she’ll fit, olya, they’ve come, now, she should fit, she’ll fit, they’ve come, they’re good. wait, come on, and if so, work, mom said, you have here, uncle, diego, my dear, i congratulate you, you have a life sentence, you!
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3:27 pm
zinochka, what is this? dmitry alekseevich, boldly forward, run, here are the keys to your new car, neat squad, everyone tried, ok, that's enough, come on, it's mine, okay, that's enough, come on, get in the car, well, well, well, well, well
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, yes, i'm starting it, it's started, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on !
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fish for execution, watch tomorrow, the adrenaline is off the charts, we'll blow up the internet , so, our new episode, welcome to the show, oh, give me your bag, they robbed me, there are already six similar episodes, which means one of the criminals is recording all this, remember the face the guy who filmed you on his phone, no, bitch, damn her, we're some boys they just stuffed them into a trash can, but three of them are young
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, it looks like i know who you need, captain, i saw how they took a crazy briefcase, well, whatever, it’s already started, it’s almost here, let’s run to the studio, come on, girls , we pass the baton of the new year's billion to you, may everything go grandly, thank you, thank you, dear ones, happy new year to you, and happy new year to you. and don’t forget to rub the presenter’s nose for good luck, but this is a must, that’s all for now! where is everyone? as where? everything is already in the new year.


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