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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 3, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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we will have our own, even the standard of time, which, by the way, has already been recognized at the international level. russian standardization also covers new regions, the head of the federal agency reported to the head of government. in technical regulation and metrology, nikita korson also started working in the world of state standards. president biden is unfit for a second term and is so unpopular and old that even his party members doubt his chances of winning the presidential election. alexey vasilovsky, about a likely candidate to replace biden. good shopping project. as volunteers help blind residents of kazan follow trends and create images. russian
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housewives? tasted by rastislav skidan. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today. in the studio of elmira effendieva. the ministry of defense has released new data on attacks on military infrastructure facilities of the kiev regime. within 24 hours, missile forces, artillery, strike drones hit the hangar with aviation ammunition and the radar station of the ukrainian armed forces, as well as the deployment points of foreign mercenaries of the national formation of the kharkov region in the city. our military department also
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reported that nationalist air attacks were repelled; air defense systems intercepted eight ballistic missiles in one day. u, as well as 34 rockets with that salvo, alpaire. the heads of press centers of the ministry of defense in all directions also spoke about the actions of our troops, in particular, representatives of the west group reported the destruction of the polish self-propelled gun krab, the most noticeable damage personally. enemy composition and equipment per day carried in the donetsk direction. the ssu lost more than 300 troops, a tank, two american bradley infantry fighting vehicles, artillery pieces and an electronic warfare station were destroyed. and besides, the poddonetsk crew of su-25 attack aircraft hit strong points and concentrations of enemy personnel. the pilots struck with unguided missiles, the plane approached targets outside the air defense access zone and worked. at
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an extremely low altitude of 25 m. carried out the launch, reached the mission area in advance, worked on the target, performed pro-ticket maneuvering, return airfield, approached, landed. here, in the kupinsky direction, the half-crest of the armed forces of the armed forces worked out the artillery of the group of forces to the west, and the crews of howitzers up to 30 launched precise strikes on enemy positions and objects with high-explosive fragmentation and armor-piercing shells. more than 100 people were killed and about 200 injured as a result of a terrorist attack on a cemetery in the iranian city of kerman. a series of explosions occurred during the day at mourning events dedicated to the third anniversary of the death of general suleiman, one of commanders of an elite unit of the iranian revolutionary guard corps. he was killed in 2020 during a us special operation. it is reported that today is a terrorist attack. was carried out with the help of
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remote-controlled bombs, which were hidden at the entrance to the cemetery, through which a crowded process was going on. in total, eyewitnesses counted four powerful explosions, among the dead were several employees of the red crescent society who arrived to help the wounded. it is still unknown who is behind the bloody events in iran. condolences to the iranian authorities, already sent vladimir putin, in his words, is the murder of civilians in a cemetery. more than 100 new state regulations have been approved in russia, promoting the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare, in transport in a number of other areas. this and more was discussed today at the government house at a meeting between mikhail mishustin and the head of rosstandart anton shalaev. he reported to the prime minister about his activities. this includes the improvement
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of standards, and the development of rules regulating the work of innovative areas, the fight against counterfeiting, how successfully it is going, nikita korzun found out. dear anton pavlovich, first of all i want to congratulate you on the upcoming new year and the upcoming christmas of christ. the lyrical introduction with which mikhail mishustin began a conversation with the head of rosstandart did not deviate from the topic of standardization, because this is a purely national rule, to share good wishes these days, well, one’s own standards are the basis of technological sovereignty, which russia is moving towards with the inflexibility of an icebreaker, to take it though would be new regions, lugansk, donetsk people's republics, kherson zaporozhye region now.
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a set of measures regulating such an innovative area as hydrogen fuel vehicles. another example is the first national standard establishing uniform requirements for solar power plants. work on creating gosts in such areas as smart manufacturing, the internet of things, digital twins is extremely active; we were the first in the country to have gost networks, mathematical modeling technologies and others. moreover, artificial intelligence here no one will allow them to grow like mushrooms after the rain. development of these technologies. will occur in strict accordance with hundreds of new guests, as will their applications from transport to healthcare, and these standards are deliberately made public to stimulate development in the right direction at an early stage. another reason for admiration is the development of primary standards, a complete set of seven units
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of the c system, that is, meter, kilogram, second, ampere, and so on, can be seen at vdnkh at the russia exhibition. yes, absolutely right, that’s right there a wall is presented showing how it began. what are these standards now? by the way, regarding improvement, i’ll make one more small comment on the results of improving our state primary standard of time and purity; the international bureau of the world of libra recognized the contribution of the russian standard as the highest in the international utc time scale. 20 years ago, we borrowed foreign standards, anton shalaev specified, and over the past two years, 10 russian gosts became international, in particular in aircraft manufacturing and the creation of rocket and space technology, mikhail mishustin tried to bring the conversation back to earth into an area understandable to everyone. practice sets the standard, all changes to this , feedback are very important, and this applies to everything, well, probably the most significant things are the weight in the products, the packaging should contain exactly as much as
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people care about according to the state standard. the fight against counterfeiting is another area where rosstandart is putting things in order. it is no secret that the product of the honey bee's crop is often counterfeited and diluted. the department is struggling now. the purity of honey is very correct , because it is necessary, first of all, to check compliance with standards in those products that interest people, i would say to make such a prioritization of what people care about , compliance with standards , as a one-to-one correspondence, say , with the priorities of your department, and i remember , you reported to me a year ago about a fourfold reduction in, in fact, counterfeit products at gas stations, just for fuel, the civil service is under the jurisdiction of rosstandart time and there they prepared changes to the law. moscow time. nikita korzun, denis of the kherson region officially live in dubovikov, ivan ozerov and nikolai saprykin, ntv. the lebanese prime minister accused israel of trying
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to drag his country into an armed conflict. this is how he reacted to the strike by israeli disembodied forces on the outskirts of berut, as a result of which one of the leaders of the politburo of the palestinian hamas movement was killed. arab. continues to rise, drawing heated condemnation from even israel's allies about the number of civilian casualties. victims escalation in the middle east since the beginning of october , according to the latest data, there are more than 22 thousand palestinians, more than 57 thousand injured. us secretary of state antony blinken, who was planning to visit israel this friday, postponed his visit next week,
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writes the times of israel, citing sources. the newspaper claims that the postponement of the trip is not related to the attack on beirut, but it is possible that the head of the state department was detained at home. and news, the fact is that the us national debt has set another anti-record - $34 trillion, national survey show that more americans believe joe bayton's presidency is not. and the rating of the current owner of the white house is rapidly falling, which calls into question his ability to win the upcoming elections at the end of this year, and democrats are now hastily thinking about the bench. alexey veselovsky will continue the topic. the more problems joe biden has, the lower his ratings, and hence the prospect of remaining in the white house for a second term, the more often it is assumed that the democrats may nominate a completely different candidate for the us presidential election. running away from joe biden, i 've been saying this for months, they'll find someone else, biden won't be on the ballot, by next summer, by
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the convention they'll find someone, one way or another the democrats will replace joe biden. but who can replace, if vice president kamala haris 's popularity matches biden, below the plinth, for the party primaryist against biden, only a little-known in the country congressman from minnesota, dean phillips, put forward his candidacy, which is why in america the name of california governor gavin is being increasingly called out loud newsema. we have goals, we have ambitions, newson , however, prefers not to talk about his personal ambitions in public, saying that he is a loyal supporter of biden and is not at all going to bait his boss. i think it's time to move on, i won't run, president biden is running for a second term. it seems to me that this topic about me has been talked about too much in recent months, and we are already in the midst of an election campaign. but such statements by the californian politician are more like a distracting maneuver, because...
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employees, as reported in the ministry defense, this is the result of a complex negotiation process, in which the united arab emirates acted as a mediator. it is noted that all those released are now being provided with the necessary medical and psychological assistance by military transport aircraft of the russian aerospace forces; they will be delivered for further treatment and rehabilitation to medical institutions of the russian ministry of defense. now a short advertisement, later in our issue. project. happy shopping. how volunteers help blind residents of kazan follow the trend, create images of buying things,
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alexander tankikh will tell you. cacti are being harvested in crimea. what do russian housewives cook from apuntia? tasted by rastislavsky dan. to put together a bouquet, the florist does not need to know. you can be a father, not an entrepreneur. you are creating your own business. and tenkov businesses create simple and convenient tools to solve your problems. tinkov is a business and the job is done. i always miss you very much. warm your loved ones with warm words,
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a delicious winter combo, period. you know me, and this is picador ketchup, just as bright, spicy. language and indispensable in the kitchen, like me, picador, unexpectedly piquant ketchup, hello!
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everything for new year's plans in the vk video application, bloggers to spend the holidays in pleasant company, a download function to watch everything without the internet, sveka videos, cooking shows to prepare mountains of dishes, sveka videos, and even a fireplace to create romance, sveka video, download one app for a million ideas. vk video - everything for new year's plans. well, are the credit card debts still hanging and interest draining? need a holwa. you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to a halva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, make purchases or get rid of
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credit card debts, it’s easy to halva. what are men silent about, that life is out of control? and pain, fears of ceasing to be a man are symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. langitaza against prostatitis. millions of russians choose the warmth and comfort of rihau windows. in the feeder, all the crustaceans are perfectionists, they eat only grain feed, never use harmful growth hormone supplements. petelinke's high standards. petelinka - pure products without harmful additives. to the delicious spot of scandinavia. scandinavian burger with cheese patty, cheese rings , warming pong. scandinavian delicious, period . this year, tink of mobile shares moments of happiness with everyone. love, joy.
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we also want to share the benefits of paying for mobile communications with our clients, order a sim card for a mobile phone and get 25 gb and 1200 minutes at half the price, this is the program today, we continue our release: in kazan there are people who love to go... shopping and turned their hobby into a charity project. now they help the blind to choose clothes and shoes, both for everyday life and for special occasions, for example, stage performances. as it turned out, this kind of shopping support is very popular, alexander tankikh was convinced of this. mikhail menshikov works in the call center of a charitable foundation, accepts applications, and
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helps residents of kazan in difficult situations. we are still collecting humanitarian aid for the donbass, this is both... for military personnel and for civilians, he uses public transport every day to go about his business, mikhail also does orienteering, but even with such training, going to a large store is a big problem. how do you feel in the shopping center? well, in fact, if you leave me here now, i ’ll get lost, because i have no idea where the exit is, where anything is. find a department consultant ... find out the composition of the fabric, the price of the product, get to the fitting room or cash register, volunteers help the blind so that shopping is not stress, but pleasure, i, probably, like many girls, like to go shopping, of course. asking mom or friends to accompany
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her to the shops is not always convenient; everyone has their own business. sasha is a regular participant in the good shopping project, because girls are such girls. oh, there's a lot there, i spent a lot of money. volunteers are taught the rules of special shopping and are asked to describe in detail.
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for purchases and support in choosing. alexander tankikh, igor akimov, vladimir khazov, ekaterina kostyukevich. ntv. kazan. in crimea it's time to harvest the apuntia cacti. in general, this plant comes from latin america and is even one of the main national symbols of mexico. however , over almost two centuries, the plant has perfectly adapted to our climate; apuntia not only pleases the eye during the flowering period. local housewives actively use its fruits in cooking, add it to omelettes, cook it with whatever...
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presumably, it was brought by italian soldiers during the crimean war. at home in modern mexico, apuntia is one of the main state symbols. by according to legend, the first city from the stacks, now the bayou of mexico city, was founded on a place described by the god of the sun and war, an eagle on a cactus holds prey in its claws. this scene is depicted on the state coat of arms. of course, there is no apuntia in crimean heraldry, but this does not prevent it from being the main star of the winter season in the botanical garden. cactuses. there are more than twenty species of puncture in the nikitsky botanical garden, but closer to winter , this particular one with a difficult-to-pronounce latin name begins to bear fruit. the fruits are bright red, literally attracting attention, but touch
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they are dangerous, the needles may not be as large as the cactus itself, but they are very brittle and corrosive, once you touch your entire finger is covered in needles. for this invisible protection, aponia is considered the most prickly cactus in the world, and its nutritional properties are also the most popular. in mexico, the succulent occupies 3 million hectares of agricultural land. steaks, salads, rogues, omelettes, drinks are prepared from it; everything is edible except the thorns. the cactus found a place in russian cuisine, in the form of twists that are more familiar to our housewives. yes indeed it tastes like jelly, but it’s very difficult to say which one, or kiwi mixed with blackberries, for example, i have the following associations: it blooms, constantly blooms, blooms, and his daughter-in-law is a blogger, she constantly takes pictures, films. the pearl of the winter garden, as lyubov-polyanskaya calls her cactus, the owner did not even think about hiding from the neighbors’ eyes. but they still advise you to stay a little further away. it turned out that apuntia can greet strangers with a volley of needles. the cactus aggressively defends itself not only on the ground, but also underground, next to it,
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flowers, daffodils and tulips used to grow, but they fell under the pressure of the root system of apuntia. the cactus grew to this size from one ear in 8 years. every winter there is a stable harvest of at least 50 fruits. and only this year lyubov polyanskaya decided to prepare apuntia for the first time, she was afraid of the notorious needles. after the next harvest we will have a spin. there will be a twist, but i think that the berries are still good, there was no frost, there was no snow, we need to collect them and make jam, and even more, about five kilograms, if it weren’t for your program , i might never have tried it. rastislav skidan, alexander solovenko, dmitry mezintsev and oleg shalya, ntv television company. republic of crimea. today , several more russian children's new year's dreams came true. members of the government helped as part of the wish tree campaign. deputy prime minister alexander novak gave thirteen-year-old kiril from moscow a tennis table and played pinfon with the boy against a couple of
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professional athletes. pink bike from another deputy prime minister tatyana seven-year-old sophia from yekaterinburg received golikova today. golikova talked to her via video link, the girl said that she was the daughter of a participant in the special operation, that she had four brothers. twelve-year-old dimit from kazan, as he wanted, was able to visit the nizhnekamsk hs with his mother. an excursion was organized for them.
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he sent a toy dinosaur, roman izodygei received an electric car, a tractor with a trailer, here is a schoolgirl anastasia and sevastopol, an invitation to the sirius educational center, where she is going to study in depth study mathematics. during these holidays , preparations for the world youth festival on the federal territory of sirius do not stop; it will be held from march 1st to march 7th; now the russian organizers of the festival are constantly calling the national organizing committees. in order to resolve the issue of paperwork, reception and accommodation of participants, they all admit that they are looking forward to the trip to sochi and send video greetings to the russians for the new year. i wish you a happy new year, a happy new holiday, so that you have happiness. i would like to congratulate everyone on the upcoming new year and wish everyone love, happiness and
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prosperity. i want to say that this festival is a platform for our relationships, for strengthening them and , accordingly, for our further friendship in building a new world order, happy new year to all my russian friends, i wish you health, let’s work instead for a better world, muhammad from iraq, congratulations on new year, may it be calm and to russian foreign young leaders from various fields from business and media to sports and volunteerism movements. well, this is the news at this time. i am elmira ifendieva, i say goodbye to you, see you later.
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five everything is good. ay, think correctly, you 're throwing me out of rhythm, kick, bravo, thank you, come on! how are you okay?
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so, what are we going to have for dinner, pizza, pizza or pizza? you know, i’m tired of pizza, let’s make a beer with you, it was a great shot, thank you. we did, well, just a little bit, but what exactly is aikido, we all learned a little bit, which you shouldn’t be somehow, makar, nadya, martial arts coach, it’s very nice, come to us for training, i promise not to hit him painfully, and it looks like he won’t give the owner offense, well, yesfound, this is lansir, bansir, what a cool guy!


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