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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  January 4, 2024 7:05am-8:01am MSK

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hello, georgievich. well, as cherdyntsev says, we have a murder. good morning. good morning beauty. listen, are there any krasnodar strawberries yet? no unfortunately. what about apples? yes, to my right.
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and excuse me, where did you run, girl, i understood you here earlier, so come on, stand there, fuck off you chicken, okay, not a chicken, but the senior ladynant potapinka, interdistrict homicide department, i don’t care, i said fuck off , oh , you’re an infection, and i understand, come on, come here, what are you doing, why did you go, let me go, what are you doing, but you unbuttoned it? i said, unfastened her bracelets and went to catch the criminal, i already caught one, i said , unfastened it, so let’s get acquainted, sheep , labanov boris petrovich, can you hear me, take off the bracelets, please, tatyana is your name, i correctly understood that these are family matters, we ourselves, you must, please, what are these bracelets, you are crazy.
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take it off, come on , i’ve calmed down, i’ve calmed down, that you’re like that, why should i be reassured, take off the bracelet, you me, i won’t take off your bracelets , you understand me, you’ve calmed down, you’ve calmed down, once again, you ’ve calmed down, yes, that’s it, in car, in the car, what are you standing, goat? sheep, tatyan, think , write a statement, what a family, oh, igor, listen to what was killed, so, mokshin, born in the seventy-first year,
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born in izhevsk, registered in this apartment, november 1, 209, here you go! lyosh, what do we have about the corpse there? death occurred about an hour and a half ago, as a result of a stab wound to the stomach and large loss of blood. so, what did they kill with? i think it's a kitchen knife for cutting meat. well, look, the wound is 4 centimeters long, and the depth is 12 centimeters, no less, the rest is after the autopsy. so, citizen dremov, give me once again, now in detail, in order, how it all happened. i was going downstairs to my girl, then this one flew out of his door, wheezing all in blood, rushed at me, grabbed me with his hands, and passed out, then i left. was there anyone else in the apartment at that moment? yes, i was scared, i don’t know, maybe someone was, maybe not, but he didn’t have time to tell you anything before he died, he was wheezing, i didn’t understand anything. so,
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then you claim that before he died, he jumped out onto the stairs, at that moment you were passing by, yes, he hit you grabbed it, stained your clothes, well, that’s how it was, but why are your hands covered in blood? so he’s covered in blood, he fell on me, i say , somehow dremov is not convincing, that we completely examined the girl’s apartment, there ’s nothing suspicious there, especially since there’s no murder weapon, the attic is closed, so this way the killer definitely didn’t i could have left, so it’s clear, so why separate? ella, you go door-to-door, pasha, and you go to the courtyards, look for witnesses , there are, where are you, what are you kidding or something, look for witnesses, there is an elevator, i didn’t think of something, thank you, well, you, dremov, you’ll go with us to the department, sergeant, take it away,
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what do we have next door or something? stand, stand, police, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, it was i who called you, who did you call, the police, you’re from the police, i don’t understand, are you the owner of the apartment? or something, well, who, passport, quickly, wait, why did you call the police? well, i returned from my shift about 30 minutes ago, the frame was broken, the door was open, and
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the main thing is that nothing was missing from the apartment, this surprises me very much, but it just doesn’t surprise me, you knew the neighbor who was... lived, no, personally no, we have balconies nearby, and the front ones are different, and what happened , well, nothing, they killed him, so don’t touch anything here yet, the task force will arrive now , we’ll work, i’ve collected almost everything , there are a lot of prints, yeah, we need to punch it, by the way, the question is, if he was killed here, why are there so few traces of blood in the apartment, yes, strange. yes, pash, lech, but go out to the balcony, why? well, come out, come out, i’m coming, in a state of passion, by the way, i could go out onto the landing, this happens, yeah, wait, why isn’t pashka calling me? yes,
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i'll never get through to you, by the way, you i studied the phone number of the murderer, what’s interesting there, yes, there’s a lot of interesting stuff there, a lot of all kinds of contacts, incoming and outgoing, sent by nikiten, i hope they’ll call by the time we return. hello, oh, pasha, hello, how are you here? let's move to the next front door, apparently, he climbed onto this balcony and left through the apartment. it seems so. well, is it accepted? that's it, i'm waiting. pasha found out that the killer left through the neighboring apartment. how is this possible? well, i climbed from balcony to balcony. the stuntman for me too. so it's better than jump on the fourth. floor onto the sidewalk, by the way, he most likely wanted to leave the door, but he heard that someone was on the landing, so he jumped, well, that’s right, there was a napper there, unless of course he’s lying, i want to praise you for an excellent job, we went out first
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place in the city for arrests, well done, well done! thank you for this, comrade general. i think that next month the main part of the group will receive a good bonus. you know, i ’ll be glad if ella gets something too, but even though we’ve only recently had her, she’s a good girl, she quickly joins the team, i am pleased with her, but this is all at your discretion. who is her teacher? who is the teacher? no, no, no, you, you, comrade general, you. by the way, i wanted to talk about bella, oleg georgievich, what happened? she talks a lot with my wife, yeah, she talks a lot about operational work, detention, how she interrogates killers, well, she’s interested in this,
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well, it’s wonderful that she likes her profession, well, but my wife is just my brain takes it out, remove her from the homicide department.
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good morning, not for everyone, it’s kind, you mean. i can say, oleg georgievich, i can say one thing:
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i didn’t give this citizen, excuse me, labanov a reason to complain about himself and write this complaint, i give you my word, but can you imagine, he beat his wife on the street, how could i pass by , well, i gave him a good one for the crack, honestly, i really wanted to, but i restrained myself, well, apparently this was enough for him to contact the osb, he has some friends there at the management level, in general, i have no idea how to resolve this i’ll attach it, listen, yes, oleg georgievich, i promise you, everything it will be good, but i’ll go crazy with you, van
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, look at how beautiful it is, and the killer is ours, apparently, he didn’t go far for the murder weapon, he used mokshen’s own kitchen knife, and i know such a set, by the way, he most likely killed by being absent like that... so the murder could well have been spontaneous, it’s strange why there is no murder weapon anywhere, why did he take it with him, well, how should i know, an examination will show what you have, well, everyone i interviewed the neighbors, no one saw or heard anything, the residents of the apartments adjacent to the apartment mokshena, at the time of the murder, was not at home , well, that’s what they say, he was especially unsociable, didn’t communicate with anyone, well, at most, hello, goodbye, they say some suspicious friends visited him, but no one spoke to him personally familiar. that's it, okay, we rushed to the meeting, georgivich was already waiting
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for something to please him with, the main thing was not to upset the old man, so we have some clues about the identity of the murdered man, what kind of kindergarten is this , but excuse me, excuse me , nikita, come on a little, well... i’m waiting for your thoughts, well, mokshin, eh mokshin, yes, our murdered man, 3 years ago he was convicted of fraud, well, this explains a lot, well, for example, where in the apartment of the murdered man are there fingerprints of those previously convicted, citizens of lavrov, nickname lavrik, durova, nickname durik, and cat’s nickname, nickname kotik, jackal, well, yes, they came to visit him. what do we have with the suspect dremov? are there his prints in mokshin’s apartment? no, there are no fingerprints.
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yes, by the way, contacts between dremov and moksheny have not been previously established. oleg georgievich, it seems to me that the guy is not lying, but which accomplice is the murderer? we checked his biography and nothing dark were found in it. works as a cashier in a hypermarket. i spoke on the phone with his superiors, they describe him well. several times dremov even jumped out and helped the guards detain the thieves. yes. and his girlfriend really lives in the same building as mokshen, she confirmed. we don’t have, we won’t let him go, that with mokshen’s criminal contacts, with kotov, lavrov and durov, mokshin often called on his mobile phone, he also called yakov kopeikin, his nickname in the criminal world is yashka kopeck, i established that the mobile phones of kotov, lavrov and durov at the time of the murder were in the area of ​​the cossack baths, but this is quite far from... mogshin’s house , so they decided to take a steam bath, but theoretically this is an alibi, so what about kopeikin ?
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it was not possible to localize, the phone was turned off. yes. well, georgievich, here is your candidate. this often happens among acquaintances, especially if the acquaintances have criminal tendencies. so, we need to take care of kopeikin, igor. fine. who else did mokshin call on the phone, do you have any information? yes, he often i called up my sister, nina , from the city of izhevsk. have you contacted her? i’ll put it on, let’s enjoy the long bottles, come on, hello, nina, yes, hello, major krymov is worried about st. petersburg, the police, the inter-district homicide department, i’m talking about your brother, what happened, did he get into some kind of crime again? nina, unfortunately, i have bad news for you, your brother was killed, god, how can this be, only a person got
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a normal job, just came to his senses, and what kind of job did he have? he didn't really talk what kind of life is this, my brother was killed, i’m in the hospital, i broke my leg, you broke your leg , but i fell 3 days ago, some guy unscrewed the light bulbs, i was returning home with a fracture, well, then get well, take it again our condolences, we will try to find your brother's killer, goodbye, goodbye, it's a pity, such a gorgeous version fell off, i mean, what version, well, pash, well, what's incomprehensible here, mokshin has his own apartment in st. petersburg, for such a... well, everything is clear to everyone, and you, young lady, will take care of the important clerical work on department reporting. how did it happen? uncle says this is real opera? this is not only a shooting
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i can handle it , listen, let ’s go to him together, to whom, to labanov, we’ll talk to him, we’ll persuade him to take the application, no, seryozha, no, i said, and don’t ask me, please, i won’t make any deals with this, forgive me, god, man, i won’t go, hello, somehow i just have to no, seryozha. i am begging you, listen, maybe i should go see his wife one more time, i’d like to talk to her, that’s an option , yes, that’s right, hello, nikitosik, great, my dear, listen, not for service, for friendship, please help me break through one person. 33 34 35 35 if from left to right it turns out this is uh-huh, well, we’re calling, i’m on the street, maybe
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i’m on the street for a change, no, korok, this is my topic , who needs it, kopeikin yakov lives here, yes, but he’s not here, and you who, i’m a neighbor, and yasha went to the store, it’s from the police, open the door, please, i don’t have the keys, kopeikin, stop fooling around, open the door, i told you, hello, why are you so careless?
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was to open and i thought again the bag with my police, thank god the cops that the door is not fate, the bondos are looking for what kind of bag are you carrying? tell me, let’s go in order, well, yesterday the bandos came to me, but not the ones in the nineties in adidas sports, but such a decent suit , tie, trousers, everything , faces in pain... they were looking, he staged some kind of grandiose scam, so they are looking for him, but why do you need me, also because of seryoga, well in general, yes, they killed him, i didn’t hear , it’s his bag with his freaks, sure, i ’m telling you, sure, yeah, that means a bag, why did you turn off the phone so that the bandits wouldn’t bother me, i’m actually...
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here’s the thing for 2014 for 2015 they are waiting for your close attention, lieutenant dmitrieva , coffee, if you want it, i want it, oleg georgievich, sit, don’t be distracted, i’ll bring it to you myself, oleg georgievich, or maybe another pie, listen, you impudent girl, okay, there will be a pie for you ,
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work. how did you find me? we have our own methods. what do you want? talk to you i want to protect you. well, now myself at the same time. this way you protect yourself, but you don’t need me. listen, how often does he do this? what is he doing? well, your blues are clearly not due to lack of sleep. don't you think this is all abnormal? what's abnormal? well, for example, enduring a beating from your husband. it's good if you don't care about yourself, but he cares about your life. but now not only for you, but also for me. so it’s your own fault, you shouldn’t have interfered. listen, why? you
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protect, i love, her love is an infection. paw, what are you doing? milk again? on in the arrow, you would have been a corpse long ago, you are no better, look!
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good afternoon, hello, yeah, gentlemen , you’re a little early, we still have half an hour of paid time, and we’re behind you, citizen of the bags, so, calmly, paw, kefir, guns to the floor, i always said, you can’t point weapons at people in a shooting range , gentlemen, police officers, there is some kind of misunderstanding here. we are peaceful, law-abiding people, did the murdered mokshin think so too? that's what tzimis means, this idiot was killed after all, and otherwise we wouldn't have had a reason to meet, so we'll have to come to our department, of course, of course, you are right, gentlemen, policemen, here among the weapons there is no place for intimate conversations.
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ku-ku, hello, reed, how are you, i've heard a lot about your problems, the best one, oh, will fire me, and everything is fine, listen, let me call uncle lyosha and he will talk to georgivich, oh, stop it, with oleg georgivich has already talked to him, so if he burns out, he’ll already burn out, well, no, if i talk, everything will be different, he’s never refused me before, listen, well, it’s really not worth it, stop it, no, well, no need, really, hello, roesch, i ’m talking about rita, potapinka, and my little bunny, i promised colonel solovets that i would delay the trial of potapinka’s case as long as possible, but that’s all i can do for margarita , with all due respect to her, well, try, you’ve always been fair, okay, okay, tell me how you are, how i am, i’m bad, generally disgusting,
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what is it, but they don’t take me on any tasks. well, comrade lieutenant, you understand everything, that ’s right, the conversation is over, i understand, how can i this is all familiar, why are they like this, and why, why, because, don’t you understand, because your uncle loves you very, very much, he worries about you, look at it from the other side, your uncle, as no one understands, is all the risk of our work, you know how to calm down, right here... you’re right, you don’t want to invite a lawyer , mr. mishkov, but why, mr. colonel, if i were guilty, then of course, but otherwise i’m
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clean, and ki is a baby’s tear, not ugly, i know your past very well, i have already served time for my past, in my present no crime, well, at least according to your homicide department, that is... the murder of mogshin was not your doing, not mine, okay, but why were you looking for him then with your henchmen, were you looking because mokshen cheated me, 12 lyamov, this is like, well, here’s the motive for reprisals, no, this is a reason to blow away specks of dust from him until he pays off for his scam, i don’t need this swindler’s pipes, he’s nothing but problems, you see, i a business man, eh... no problems needed, but you looked for him, looked for him and found him, but when we they came to him, your people were already there, and mogshina was loaded into a corpse truck, but you can look at the video recorder on my car, everything is visible there, by the way, the date and time
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are set, at the time of the murder we were all in a cafe, a lot of people saw us, ok, we 'll check, what kind of scam did mokshin pull on you? he showed me all the project documentation, we arrived on the shore, here is the watchman, here is the barrier, here is the marking for construction, everything is fine, well, i paid, by the way, here
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are the contracts, here are the expenditure orders, well, for the first look, it’s not even bad, the second one didn’t really stand up. make inquiries: the land has not been reclaimed as agricultural land, and the district administration knows nothing about the construction of cottages, so what about the company? the company told us that lavrentiev had gone abroad for 2 months to rest, and then i realized that it was all a scam, so we asked around, without self-harm, carefully, and what did we find out? did you find out what? oleg georgievich, i’m not asking
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how you found out where the guys and i trained in shooting, we also have our own methods, citizen lobanov. by lt. col. austin osb. and i came to talk to you about the criminal investigation officer potapenko. yes. come on in. pasha, i don’t understand anything anymore. help? well, come on, i won’t refuse. so what is it? so, this, this here. and this here, in general, everything is as i expected, nikita punched through the documents that mokhshin used, supposedly businessman lavrentyev, they turned out to be fake, passports with that number and series simply do not exist, which means you need to go to this company, communicate personally , maybe some interesting
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the information will come out, well, let's go, wait, and i hope it's not very dangerous, no , everything is fine there, i think, without incident, maybe i'll go with you then, that is , you're worried about... comrades, well, yes , well, in principle, i intended to take you with me, pash, let’s do this, you will go to the district administration, talk with plotkin, who is involved in the land issue. is engaged, and ella and i will go to mokshen’s office, so well, well, unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, i don’t know either mokshen or lavrentiev, so this one person, can you imagine, he just used two different surnames, now i’ll show you a photo, look, the face is not familiar, oh my god. murder, so who is he? well, he, this dead man of yours, he
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contacted me 2 months ago, you’re not mistaken, it’s definitely him who ambushed me after work right at the exit from the administration, can you imagine, he offered me money, what are you saying, yes, and for what? wanted me to sell them the original forms of documents on land allotments and construction permits, can you imagine? in general, i sent it, i didn’t even doubt that that’s what you did. thank you, you know, it’s just a shock for our entire office that the boss was killed, i understand, they lost their job, although i don’t know whether this will console you or not, sooner or later you would still have to look for a new job, your boss is a swindler, he deceived people , difficult people, sometimes, like mr. mishkov. sooner or later he would have dumped you
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, what a bastard, i thought we had everything, i’m sorry that you, yes, nothing, darling, as i understand it, you had something with your boss, well, yes, but what, he’s masculine with money, who knew that he was a swindler, lyuba, but in this case i have an intimate question for you, you understand, we are interested in finding him as quickly as possible. wait, did you tell mishkov that the boss went on vacation? well, yes, the boss himself asked to tell clients, although in fact he never went anywhere and even showed up in the office, khlub, excuse me, please, but where was your date? at my house, i live alone, and you know, everything happened somehow quickly, he didn’t even stay the night, although i offered him, he i called a taxi and left. and he didn’t say where
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he was in such a hurry from a pretty woman, no, but he said some important business meeting, well , maybe you remembered the address or the name when he ordered a taxi, a bar with such a funny name, berry-profit, that well, thank you for your help in the investigation, you are always welcome, and special thanks for your civic position, there are few such honest people, please contact me, all the best. all the best, all the best, great, igor, yes, i talked, i talked, well, he’s kind of muddy, of course, this plotkin, although nikita says that he did not communicate with mokshen on the phone, that the face, the face is there, we’ll do it now, now.
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transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch. turned out to be a rare scumbag, i had to explain everything differently, well, seryozha, but now you will have problems because of me, lobanov already snitched on rizhsky, so i now i’ll fire you after you. “well, no, no one will fire you and me, seryozha won’t fire us anywhere, so i went to labanov, his wife is probably already at home, and it’s okay, i’ll take the conversation on record, and then to hell with him, as soon as the cards fall, i’m with you then,
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they stabbed him hard, yes, i know, of course, he’s always with us”? uh-huh, so what, he was alone or with a friend, usually with his friend, what kind of friend, so fidgety, and he also called him yashka, she said that look carefully, not this one, yes he, but nothing when was this mokshin last here, the day before yesterday, with this same yashka, no, i saw that one for the first time, a sort of bun. in a very nice suit, your surveillance camera is working, yes, would you like to take a look? yes, if possible , yes, of course, that’s how plotkin is, it turns out he lied to potap that he didn’t know the mokshany,
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it turns out he lied, and judging by the fact that they didn’t communicate on regular phones, they hid their acquaintance, which means it turns out that it is plotkin who is that same unknown partner of mokhshin, of course, it’s strange that... he hid his acquaintance with mokshen, but the fact that he is the killer is not at all a fact; at a minimum, he was his partner in fraud, but this proves his involvement only indirectly. listen, georgivich, what if we encourage citizen plotkin, so to speak, to take active action, for example, what? well, i don’t know yet, let’s think. but plotkin hardly knows nina’s sister from izhevsk. what are you leaning towards now? what if, under the guise of nina , i call him and tell him that i know everything about him.
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no one will bother us, wait for the call, okay well done, great, but rita will meet you halfway
7:54 am
, oleg georgievich, well, this is not fair at all, i’ve already learned how to shift papers and that’s not why i went to the police at all, weren’t you a young opera yourself and forgot everything, no, i didn’t forget, but if something happens to you, your uncle will rip my head off, and the old colonel will be abruptly kicked out of retirement, then i’ll be like the old colonel... help, well, he threw the knife, get out of here , you’re dead, lie down, don’t twitch,
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it hurts, calmly, next time he will kill you, there won’t be a next time, what are you doing? you’re doing it, now you can call, igor, but he can’t get it past the bulletproof vest, but don’t worry, georgich, everything will be fine. this plotkin is in the sniper's sights, he will twitch and get a bullet in the forehead. or are you worried that if something goes wrong, the bastard won’t forgive us? i won't forgive myself if something happens. are you nina? i'm nina. i thought you were older. i'm well preserved. money, envelope. i hope i
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never see you again. very mutual. phew. capture. stand with your hands on the car. plutkina. moreover, these same prints this citizen's fingerprints were found on the balcony of a neighboring apartment. well,
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that is, the killer left the crime scene through a neighboring apartment. well, plotkin, that’s great, yes, that means you’re talking about a casual acquaintance, plotkin, we’ll still prove your guilt in murder, in fraud, but a purely heartfelt confession, well, you probably know, reduces your sentence and eases your conscience, well so, okay, in general, i really did come up with the cottage scam. mokshen came up with a scheme to raise money, well, i fell for it, handed him the necessary papers, only with fake seals and signatures , well, so that they wouldn’t be able to undermine me , but why did you kill him, it became so scary, it really became scary, mogshin said that the people of the bag were looking for him, i thought that he would rat me out and
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decided to play it safe , so... that is, it turns out that you constantly communicated, but did not call each other, no, mokshen told me that in this way the police would not calculate our connection in any way, it’s just that at each meeting we set a date and the next time, smart, you can’t say anything, well ok, where's the knife you used? they stabbed mokshin to death, in the neva, in the next apartment, why did they trample, i wanted to get out. through the entrance, and mokshen managed to open the door, there was someone on the stairs, i put the knife in my shirt through the window, the next balcony, and what if there were neighbors at home, but i didn’t realize anything , i don’t kill people every day, eh,
7:59 am
hello, i'll just be there for a second, may i? yes , of course, you probably won’t take the money, oh, well, that shouldn’t have been done either, but i wrote a statement, you did the right thing, you know, i talked to rizhsky, it turns out he and didn’t know about what was happening at our house, but now you and your colleague will be fine, please take it and excuse me, please, love sometimes does terrible things to us. it’s just driving me crazy, i understand, this is if you fall in love with the wrong topic, reska, you would like me soon, hello, wait for me, let’s do this with you, this is how you will celebrate the beginning of a new life, we agreed.
8:00 am
hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the yulia bekhtereva studio. russian military, whom released from ukrainian captivity and taken to moscow the day before, on their way home, they will be able to celebrate christmas with their own people. some of the soldiers who needed help were transferred to doctors. in total, 248 military personnel returned to their homeland, 173 of them were exchanged for the same number of ukrainians, and another 75 russians were exchanged for five members of azov, banned in russia, whom ukraine took from turkey last summer, in violation of all agreements. the current exchange was made possible through persistent work.


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