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tv   Balabol-3  NTV  January 4, 2024 4:20pm-7:01pm MSK

4:20 pm
mostly it’s snow, it will break through from the south into the black earth region and even to the north-west, but where there is snow, it is always warmer in winter, now in kursk it’s only minus 3, in voronezh -6, in velikiye luki it’s quite mild -12. next we expect snow and a weakening of the frost in the center, but this will happen on friday, although tomorrow it will not be as severe here as it was before -20. in smolinsk it is only -10 c with snow. there is less precipitation on the middle and upper volga. the core of the cold is shifting there, as well as to the kirov region. the frosts will try. to achieve justice in the north, where until now it was warmer than in the center. in arkhangelsk is already -22 during the day, while it is sunny, but in naryan the snow is only -12, about the weather in the capitals, in st. petersburg the coming night -23 without precipitation, snow and -17 during the day. in moscow there is also no significant precipitation, down to -25 at night, -18 during the day, by the way, this is 15° below normal. saturday night temperatures will rise, slowing things down.
4:21 pm
oh, wait, wait, it’s great that i found you, what happened, your brother is back, no, no, no, i came with someone else, i just don’t want anything to happen to this woman, so here’s the ticket. your brother, yes, thank you, thank you very much, nicholson , there are two sanatoriums on the road, a workers ’ village, turn there, look for a stolen car, most likely yes, what happened, drop by another cherry, you’ll find a car, call me right away, tell me, what happened?
4:22 pm
the kidnapper len is in the fourth zone, there is kirovets, the working village of arktika, two sanatoriums and four villages, we need to comb through everything, varvara, connect the resources, wait , i’ll go with you, i’ll organize everything along the way, i’m with you, hello, san, in general, we have nothing. well of course they looked good, but there’s even nowhere to hide a car, in general, we’re now going to kerowitz, to vasily, okay, you should also keep us informed, well, the last village remains jammed, well, yes, it remains, how do we get to it? we’ll be from the pushkovsky highway,
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it seems closer there, well, if we don’t find anything there, okay, okay, let’s keep our eyes on the road, come on!
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it’s not just that there are no cars or people in sight, but the road hasn’t ended yet, we have to look further, but what remains for us? kolya, look, it seems vasily stopped the car by car.
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well, nikolai? let's go look for vaska, so, here's the car we're looking for, we need to call sana, here, quickly, what scared him, and be quiet, come on, come on, come on, hurry up. elena andreevna is here, she’s being held by some crazy person, sergei rugov, this is the thing, he has my gun, and i’m not sure that he won’t use it, what, well, how, how , it’s a long story, so, it’s necessary call, but
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the connection here is useless, i’ll still try, okay, according to the pike’s command, watch it with the whole family on kinopoisk, i’ll do it. any of your desires, yes i need to spit out the road, well, any three wishes, and you are impudent, at the behest of a pike, already in the subscription, kinopoisk, premieres today, tomorrow, always film the rut, what happened here, i called, screamed like a victim, who is the victim, i have this plan, kolya, run, but you have a plan b, here it is, plan b, did you eat it or something ? you hit the deep end i said in 15 years you will come out beautiful without teeth there will be nothing to breathe like a wrinkle bim can you help and bim and you ran out of habit today at 19:30 on
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ntv disco superstar on january thirteenth at 21:30 on ntv. i have all the best that life can give. but i’m not happy, you don’t have your own apartment, there’s no food in the refrigerator, so why are you so joyful, i’m hiring you as my personal coach, successful, you ’re ready for an explosive brain boost, i’m already on my way to you, just look now , i’m always looking for something new, exciting, interesting, and i don’t need to look for books that interest me, if with a subscription, i always know what to read next, there are more than half a million books and podcasts in catalog, which... read listen for free for the first month i read vascular disorders, blood clots, valicosis, the cause of these health problems can be bad blood vessels, the drug angion helps improve microcirculation,
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reduce the risk of blood clots, relieve inflammation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angionm, keep your blood vessels normal, new year's discounts in the magnet. cheese delster 1999 i’m a foreigner and i don’t want to revolve around technology, let it revolve around me, and khar knows how to do it, let the technologists revolve around us, and we use them and enjoy them. hair is a technique inspired by life. in the new year of the dragon 2024 with wildgress. the first sale of the year, maximum discounts on... jewelry and falcon watches, snow-friendly prices on new items and hits from your favorite brand, celebrate the new year with your loved ones, not with viruses, kogacel! beam, new episodes from january 10 at 20:00 on ntv.
4:29 pm
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4:32 pm
come out, it’s frozen, go to the kitchen, come on, come on, come on, we’re leaving, where, someone is lying in the basement, you don’t have to answer, policeman, and since he found you, it means others can too, you’ll give birth in another place, late? everything is barbarian, we’ve arrived,
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yes nicholson, sanya, lena are here, it’s clear where you are, we’ll arrive now, okay, we’re waiting, i ’ll send you the coordinates now, come on. where is mikhail ivanovich? mikhail ivanovich? why are you standing here now? well, should we talk about this? well, come in, let's talk.
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well, that's it, i'm calling, amon, call me, i'll wait for him there, and what, where, where are you going, and there, san, san, stop it , damn it, well, old man, you wanted to talk, let's talk , who are you? who am i? well, what’s incomprehensible here? i'm a negotiator.
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well, well, why are you holding a pregnant woman? you’re a negotiator, sit down, sergei, let’s talk calmly, without nerves. come on, you kidnapped a pregnant woman, she’s about to give birth, but... why do you need her, let her go yourself and then you ’ll have almost nothing, what are you, old man, thinking, i i'm scared of the new line, bad now? good advice, but i won’t use it, let’s talk calmly, without a heart, without a heart, well, let’s try, you know who i was, i was a doctor, a good doctor, then
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one day a drunken boor comes to our emergency room , who beat him half to death. okay, i, of course, did this rudely, i confess, i went too far, they took me to the prison with a cranial brain injury, so for this your cop balabin treated me like the last scum, like some kind of recidivist murderer, and for what, for what, old man, for the fact that... i stood up for a colleague, and you know who i am now, i’m an orderly, so why steal pregnant women now because of this, my wife was also pregnant when i was imprisoned, she suffered a miscarriage,
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and a week later she swallowed sleeping pills. answer me, old man, who is to blame for the fact that i lost a child with my wife, only you , seryozha, no, no, no, “i want him to experience the same thing that i experience, her child will be born dead or alive, it doesn’t matter, balabin will never see him, if he’s alive, okay, okay, i’ll see him i’ll bring him up, i’ll bring him up to hate you
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if his woman turns out to be natural. wonderful, and the most wonderful thing, you know, what will happen is that i won’t dirty my hands in their death, everything is clear, that’s why you’re old, you’d better shut up, otherwise you’re not equal, now i ’ll pull the trigger, oh, semyonovna, where are you going? on your hooves, get out of sight, talk to me again, you will command vaska. lena, is there? yes, your father too. hello, varvara semyonovich. hello. varvara, what are you going to do when you get hurt? i would ask.
4:39 pm
how many mints have arrived? it's just too late. it’s too late, hey, they saved us, they arrived late, call the corpse truck, oh, semyonovna, can you still do it, otherwise, grasshopper, were you catching flies, my gun is with the criminal, are you? what's serious now? vaska, is there an entrance through the veranda? there, that's it, i'm off, where, where, where, should you stand, cover back.
4:40 pm
don’t go crazy, sanya, my wife is there, dad, alive, lie here, weapons on the floor, huh? well, what are you going to do now, wait,
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you think that i am to blame for the death of your wife, so kill me, she has nothing to do with it, shoot me. well, tape like a barbarian, give me a towel, you'll live in prison semyon, didn’t it make it easier to put the armored shirt on top? i’m not tired, oh, my whole chest hurts, the bruise will be huge, lenochka
4:42 pm
, how are you, hush, hush, lenochka, now everything is fine, yes of course, now get into the car, in half an hour you’ll be home, hugging your little girl, mikhail ivanovich, kolya, little thief semyon, yes. oh, i knew that you would look for me, i, oh, almost went crazy, no need, everything is fine, but why do i need a crazy wife, like cool, for communication with space, balabin, well, come here , well, hold me , yes, why did you take me so long you were looking, huh? ay, i promise that you will never leave me again, i promise, len,
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are you in pain, lena, lena, lena, everything is fine, what is it, she’s having contractions, and what should i do, let’s get in the car, in the car, in the car, in the car, lenochka, in the car, alexander mikhailovich, if you don’t go, i’ll go. hello, masha, everything is fine with us, we’re going to the family home, but now she’s limp, then you’ll talk, and vasechka is with you, everything ’s fine with him, vaska, well, in general, yes, well, he’s whole, only his head was torn off . what are you saying? yes, it’s in the bag next to it, cannot speak, but twitches his ear. dad,
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dad, it seems my water has broken. the water masks have receded, what should i do? well, let's call an ambulance, it's warm, huh? manya, beckoning, beckoning, hold on, we will call you soon. yeah, listen up! you guys give a consumer loan from rosselkhozbank with love for your people. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think. the very heart is on the threshold, stay in your war of the sword, and i ask you to return. i saw snow in the ocean in your eyes, we will never become this snow with you, i can remain silent, i
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i can’t be silent, i can’t, because i love and it ’s crazy, your love is so beautiful, this show is made with great love for the viewer, and this is a show about love. january at 20:00 on ntv. texonal in a large red package rushes to your aid at the moment when the pain forces you to climb the wall. texonal is charged against pain, the leader in the category. i have all the best that life can give, but i’m not happy, you don’t have your own apartment, there’s no food in the refrigerator, so why are you so joyful, i’m hiring you
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4:47 pm
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4:48 pm
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4:49 pm
are you planning something? no, honestly , i’m a pioneer, mom, wow, what a beautiful beard, who are you like, bah, maybe it ’s like you, wow, i dream of such a chew, i need to pull the feather out of the rooster, make it myself, something needs to be pulled out , i’m ready, the new season of the manyunya series is already in okka’s subscription. grebanov, let’s give it a go, vasily is delayed for some reason, don’t worry, he’ll be there soon, he’ll be there soon, okay, sasha, i wanted to tell you later, but i think now is the time. what is it?
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demoted? was it you who pushed the cart against me, varora semyonovna, or gribanov? what are you talking about, war invalid? no, you weren’t demoted, i submitted papers to award you the rank of major. oh, this is the thing, it ’s time to wear larger ones, for reasons that allow you to do so. well, we can have more stars, and lieutenant colonel postoshev has a service holiday, and varora semyonovna, malaben, i’ll tell you now, oh, how lovely, oh! well, go, dad, well, oh, what a delight, oh, in general, dad, what are we worth, accept your sons, just as handsome as me, it’s better, i agree, sasha, give it, give it, give it, yes, let me hold it, oh, how cute,
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the second one. why didn't you come? why am i so invisible? well, masha, show me the heir. man, who are you? i, a roommate, live either with my mother or with her daughter. we have one like this. dad, stop scaring decent people, where is vasechka? oh, he wanted to say something nasty, but he managed to do it.
4:52 pm
well, let's celebrate? ay, in my repertoire.
4:53 pm
i’m listening to you, alexander mikhailovich, yes, of course, just a minute, i’ll pass the phone.
4:54 pm
watch it right now, open it up, arnela, where? you have no idea whose interests were involved here? he has some documents in the house, i’ll check for my sister, bengo, he’s in the right place, in the berry fire, do you recognize his signature? yes, i signed the conclusion, who gave the order? oh, here is our valiant police, excuse me, a very important question, so that means you walk for an hour and a half, don’t go far.
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you know, mom, if you need help with executions, i’m always ready. oh, you see what kind of daughter you raised, kind, attentive, vaska, you’re lucky. that's it, stop fussing. masha, let's go to. well, dryun, we were forbidden to drink beer, no one spoke about you. okay, let's go look for diapers. forward. thank you, you can finally relax, thank you, my god, it’s so good, well, i’ll go then, well, let’s spank,
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just not for long, oh my, i’m going. back from where they were shooting, balavin, grab
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the kid, come on quickly, let the child go, let him go. come here and what was that? balanin, vaska, call the duty officer, len, everything is fine, everything is under control. that i haven’t shot everyone yet,
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listen, you realize what you’re doing, someone is shooting, and you are standing here as children, well, i removed them from the line of fire, put the gun away, get out. get out, i don’t want to see you, so that your spirit, okay, i’ll get out, man, no, dad, no sound, where is my husband, at least don’t touch vaska, he’s not in business at all, he went to get diapers. yes, okay, i understand, we’re waiting,
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called, they’re on their way, trendy, vasily stepanovich, come on, run, catch up with your wife, maybe it’s for you, but for me it’s a big deal, let’s go for a walk.
5:00 pm
yes, be careful, sorry, the ground is heavy, it’s not easy to get it, viktorich, it’s somehow light, maybe there’s nothing there, what are you you are weaving, completely stunned, as if empty.
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open it up. some people are simply dropped on enemies, but here the air drops, it’s a big tent.
5:02 pm
hello, hello, my dear, are you karabeinikov? petrovich, i’m karabeinikov, and who will forgive you? but i need to talk to you, talk, please come in, thank you, you’re welcome, sit down here, would
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you like some tea? no, thank you, good, chinese, lapsang, souchong, strawberry jam. i did it myself, another time, well, another time, so another time, so what did you want to talk about, you were the director of an orphanage, right? yes , i was, i served until my retirement, first as a director , and then as a teacher, the work is not easy, the children are all different, many have broken destinies, so they are good guys , they still call, write, guests come, and you about did you want anyone in particular? find out you had a girl, such a little one, arnela knyazeva, remember this one, but what about knyazeva? well, do you remember her? well, yes, she was, that’s how she died, yes, yes,
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i know, i was at her grave, but i don’t remember her, she was so small. and the baby is absolutely, but i wanted to rebury her, but the coffin turned out to be empty, who are you? arnela, where? maybe she’s alive, but go away, i won’t leave until i find out the truth, you have no idea whose interest is here? were involved, nothing, interests can wait , whether she’s alive or not, she’s alive, you have documentary evidence of this, listen, go away, i ’ve already been living in fear all my life, let me live in peace, i need these documents, pavel
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petrovich, they have them you, so the documents, i thought they would protect me, here you are... and i’m sticky with fear, they won’t protect me, but go away, she has some documents in her house, mine sister.
5:06 pm
i am sure that perestroika will destroy the ussr , we work within the rules, the enemy does not play by the rules, we need to act according to the instructions, be with him until he leads you to the archive, attack me, kill everyone you know. i will find you and kill you. gdr. the main premiere of the year. misha could not turn it off, i have a good attitude towards these guys, bim today at 19:30
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on ntv. what mood are you in today, light and airy, romantic and sensual, relaxed and sublime. find the vernelle scent to suit your mood. start years, time to build. plans, a loan in tenenki will help you not to put them off until later, in order to rush towards your goals at full speed, so that everything turns out as planned, and even better, let all your plans come true, and you can postpone the first loan payment, apply for a loan in the tenenki application with a decision in one minute, deferment of the first payment up to 90 days. tinkov, couple scandinavian burger scandinavian burger with chicken. at a bargain price only in a tasty spot. bim. new episodes from january 10 at 20:00 on ntv. breaking the blockade
5:08 pm
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5:13 pm
so no, what do we have? nobody,
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nobody, ingo, who are you, give it back, yes, fuck you! put it in its place, put it in its place, what are you doing, dad, calm down, take it away, since you’re so nervous that you froze, take it away, daddy got pecked, huh?
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damn you old fool! i heard a shot, was it you who shot? no, well, there is practically zero information here, you need to talk to the old man. that’s all, he said, his grandfather, i mean, it was you who slapped him,
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and he was pointing at me with a gun. jumped out, vitya, so here’s the death certificate, you’ll need to find it talk to patalaganatov, who signed it. go. hello, balavin, why are you coming in so boldly? so what, we now have access only
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by passes? and... they don’t issue a pass for you anymore, so that’s it, you’re free, len, you’re not going too far, i’m going too far, i’m going too far, mom, be quiet, the children are sleeping, you know, you’re with yours...
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and on thank you for this. why are you silent, son-in-law, you are as headless as your boss, mash, drive him to hell, elena andreevna, mash, i was in the pharmacy, i got involved in all this when the shooting had already started, so what? i have to look at all this from behind the window, after all, alexander mikhailovich was alone against three bandits, by the way, he saved a child from kidnappers, but there’s no need to justify him, elena andreevna, the children are sleeping. wouldn’t it be easier for you if you were now in the morgue for identification, mom, well, really, well, this boy also has parents,
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don’t wash your hands right now. what about no one? well, what did they suffer from, at least they didn’t remove your skin? elena andreevna, of course , tried, but it didn’t work out, you were left without lunch, masha collected something here, oh, thank you, i'm painting. with astronomical demands, your inner pindy, what kind of quiet,
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unfamiliar words did you hear, in the berry fire, you bastard vaska, and what should you answer in such cases, that you have the wrong number, here is a treasure trove of wisdom. hi, that's great, oh, so what?
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and if so, then who did grandpa annoy so much, did you just ask me a question, or are you simply reasoning, you ask vaska, maybe he ’ll answer, there’s an osko standing at the door, that he went for milk and spanked himself, thank you, little fable, that means so, comrades, we are looking for answers, step-by-step examination, sanya, hey, look, what is this? so,
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an extract from the resolutions of the gagarinsky district council, to place prince arnela , born in the 7th year, in orphanage number 4 of the gagarinsky district. so what is this piece of paper doing here? and nicholson? maybe there are more such papers here? so, nik nikovich, vaska and i will still be searching a little, and you, well, since you’ve already found this paper-thin shura in the orphanage, yes, you’ll find out what kind of prince she is. as you say, her name is arnela, oh, well, the name, forgive me, lord, given, hello, hello, oh, boy, girl, son, i also have a boyfriend, noisy, just like me, big already, 4 months old. well, no
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, i’m older, and you’re also from the police, yes, yes, yes , okay, no, i see you have a quiet street here, probably not many people walking around, we didn’t see anyone outside, i went out for a walk at 2 o’clock, a woman just came to see pavel petrovich , but i didn’t see who the woman was, young, brunette, good figure, and she stayed with karabennikov for a long time, i don’t know, i went to the store, but... 20 minutes later, maybe a little more, i heard a shot, my child woke up and barely rocked, we actually don’t have many hunters in the village, but pavel petrovich has one, but on the way back i stopped by to tell him what it is, and why at least he was a quiet guy, harmless, well, if i knew everything, i would n’t value him, thank you, thank you. consumer
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loan from rosselkhozbank with love for its people. rosselkhozbank: more than you think. for my heart on the alert. stay in your sword war. i ask you to come back. i'm in i saw snow in the ocean before my eyes. it became this snow.
5:25 pm
bim new episodes from january 10 at 20:00 on ntv. what is the cause of hemorrhoids? the problem may be a vein. venarus helps to increase the tone of the veins, and vinoproctalium suppositories have local effects. venarus and vinoproctalium together against hemorrhoids. does it seem like something has changed, but no, everything is as we love, kfc, now rostix, but the legendary taste is still the same, whole chicken meat that you love so much, yes, exactly, everything is as we love, yes.
5:26 pm
5:27 pm
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5:29 pm
at 19:30 on ntv. well, you know, the search will most likely take a long time. we don’t have a library catalog; our personal files are compiled not alphabetically, but by the year the children entered the orphanage. she came to you in the seventy -fifth year, and very well, then let ’s look for the seventy-fifth, knyazeva, yes, arnela,
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well, your girl really came to us in the seventy-fifth year. well, you know, she died that same year, here is a certificate from the city cemetery with the number of the place of storage. knyazeva, knyazeva. who are her parents? georgiy vladimirovich and natalya grigorievna knyaziev. the girl was transferred to an orphanage due to the conviction of her parents in the same seventy-fifth year. why were they convicted? well... you know, usually such data is not entered into children's personal files. well, thank you. so, citizens of opera, what do we have with goose? the corpse of the former director of an orphanage with a technological hole. the examination confirmed that the korabeinik was killed. further? the witness
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saw the ship's woman entering. young citizen arnela knyazeva died at the age of 2 years. the question is why there was an extract on this same ornelo lying on the floor? maybe so? accidentally dropped it, then it turns out that besides this piece of paper, there may have been others, someone came for them, why, oh, the dog knows, why the caravan needed to keep papers for a child who is considered dead, and who needed them, so much so that the grandfather was reassured that there was something interesting there, well, in my opinion, there is only one clue here so far, the parents of a young deceased girl. they were convicted in seventy-five, so let’s go in a full circle. vaska go to the morgue archives, check all the information about the death of arnel knyazeva. nicholson has complete information on the girl’s parents, but i’ll go through unofficial sources, go ahead, alexander mikhailovich.
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well, alexander mikhailovich, i’m a busy person, well, i can’t waste time waiting. dean, are you scaring citizens? by virtue of your profession, are you supposed to speak with your tongue at all? alexander mikhailovich, okay, would you like me to buy you some ice cream? i don’t eat ice cream, let’s quickly tell you what business you have with me, i was sent to collect information, and i’m here with i'm wasting my time with you. listen, well, i can send it to you myself, but the choice will be small, most likely traumatizing the psyche. well, my hasty friend, you are an informed person among us, one might say, an encyclopedic one. knowledge, because so , talk, talk, talk, in general, i came across one last name, princes, i remember something, there was such a character in our city, and i remember something, as if he was there for a reason, that... .you say, so princes, princes, yes, but he was a serious man, at one time, he served a long term on economic charges, was released in
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eighty-nine, and i remember, i was still getting acquainted with him, he had some kind of business with filimonov, i don’t remember the details, that such a businessman deals with everything that brings in big money, mostly within the framework of the law, yeah, continue, well , in 2005, knyazev was imprisoned again, and six months before that he got involved with... and colorblind, and mikhei was directly in charge of dealing with him, then, by the way, the first deputy, filimonov was a witness, but as they said, it was he who imprisoned knyazev, micah was also under investigation, but by some miracle he got away with it, that’s all, well, in general terms, yes, i can clarify, but it will take time, no , i can do without you, alexander mikhailovich, well, how , well, but thank me, zdynin, we all serve something not for the sake of gratitude and privilege. bonuses, but for what? and in order for our imperfect world to become a little better, yes,
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alexander mikhailovich, alexander mikhailovich, it’s like you’ve broken the chain, huh? the death of arnella knyazeva was not registered in the morgue, imagine, i already imagined, there is one old man working in the morgue, so he remembered who in the seventy-fifth year he was a potolagananat, who signed the death certificate? hmm, you are starting to rise in my eyes, let’s not stop, vladimir olegovich solovyov, he is now a pensioner, but there is one very interesting fact, in the same seventy-fifth year.
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“eat, bunny, eat, you deserve it, oh, damn, it’s so good that balabin didn’t come to spend the night today, even though i slept normally, why are you looking at me like that, oh, i brought something difficult, but should i call you?” " we didn’t teach you in advance, mashechka, lenochka, good afternoon,
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i was walking next to you, i think, let me visit you, and you will forgive me, please, forgive me, i need to go to the store, here is masha, you and her , please talk, okay, bye-bye, goodbye, goodbye, oh, no it’s necessary, not only, mashenka, i wanted to talk to... with you, about what? about your mom, what's wrong with my mom? no, well, everything is fine with elena andreevna, you and vasechka need to move in with us, i’ve agreed on everything with vasechka, but what does this have to do with my mother? you see, your parents need to be given the opportunity to make peace. no witnesses, i know mine very well mom, and if she wants, she will hold
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on like a brezian fortress, i understand, but when she is left alone, completely alone, without an assistant, maybe she will want to return your dad as soon as possible, you know, okay, i’ll think about it, that ’s good. mr. solovyov, are you also from the police? what do you need? one persistent young man has already come to see me today. i have only one question for you, vladimir olegovich. okay, what are you saying? in 1975, you signed a fictitious conclusion about the death of arnela knyazeva. remember, lady, crazy, what a fictitious conclusion? you recognize your signature, and the diagnosis is also yours,
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one moment, arnella turned out to be alive, that’s my question, how could this happen, vladimir. so are you from the police or not , why did you carry out the fraud, who gave you the order, after all, someone gave the order, and you didn’t really break, otherwise you would have disembowelled the dead before retirement, and would not have lived a happy life in chocolate, that’s what lady, there is no need to delve into the past, you will regret it very much, let's get out of the way, i don't mean anything to you i’ll say, get out of the way, don’t rush , vladimir olegovich, i’m not from the police, but believe me... in order to get the information i need from you, i will go to extreme measures, who gave the order, why, help,
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yes, i signed the conclusion, moreover, i saw this girl and i know that she was adopted, who adopted her? say his name postyshev, then he was a state security major , now a retired lieutenant general, why did the major scare you so much, you don’t understand, his father was the first secretary of the regional party committee, you can’t argue with such a family, shipmen, director grandfather's home, at first he resisted, then he still did what was demanded of him, he also lost his position, and you, therefore, voluntarily assisted, and what if you order me to sew a wall with my forehead, but you assisted. and he lived his life in prosperity, you are very to blame, vladimir alegovich, people do worse things, in any case, the girl’s life turned out quite successfully, it’s not for you to judge, well, not for you, she’s a police lieutenant colonel, everything is great with her, where
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-here, vaska, why the hell did you drag me into the park when you were ordered to have witnesses? fell into the department. mister policeman, excuse me, can i talk to you for a minute, mister policeman, listen, excuse me, a very important question, paska, call the doctors.
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valim. i told her everything that they told, to whom, it was because of the girl, she didn’t die, so where do you live, the doctors are already on their way, she was adopted. damn,
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okay, i'll go, yeah, i've got so many things to do, by the way, should i expect you today, wait, where? well, where are we? wait, vasya didn’t tell you anything? no, he didn’t say anything, stepan ignatich has a date, where? years by positions and so we decided to celebrate this with our family circle, hmm, we invite dad too, well, of course, mom won’t agree, oh, mashenka, well, we ’re here for the sake of your parents making peace, we ’ll shade all this with styopushka, that is don’t tell mom about dad, of course, let it be
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a surprise, i’ll go, bye, it’s not torture to try. so that’s how a woman came to korabeinikov in the park. not alone, with a partner, a well-aimed bastard, i don’t understand, did she decide to kill all the pensioners in the city, well, maybe not all of them, only those who are somehow connected with the girl arnella, who is alive, and by the way i told you this, oh, somewhere along the line something smart froze, so what do you think, why did i resurrect? with a strange name, maybe she’s her relative, brilliant , nicholson, find out everything about knyazevo and his family, about children, about granddaughters, about bugs,
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so that tomorrow i have a complete picture, i’ll do it, well done, by the way, alexander mikhailovich, i forgot to tell you, you are invited to dad’s gala dinner, thank you, and what about the events, vassenka, yes,
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so, well, how lovely, syushenka, how well you cook, thank you, you ’ve been spoiling me all my life, dear. here we are, stepan ignadievich, ksenia dmitrievna, manya, well, we’ve been waiting for you, so, let’s join , sasha, sit down with lena, sit down, hello, len, that’s how it felt, something is wrong here , well, finally, everyone is assembled , so to speak, our entire common family, i propose a toast to the family, to the most precious thing in life... that's right, stepushka, well, sash, len, well , join us, len, champagne, drink to what is not there , and it can’t be, don’t get involved,
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balabina, did you think that you would come like this, and i would throw myself on your neck, elena andreevna, alexander mikhailovich, saved the child, yeah, and almost killed his own, yours, by the way, vasily too, or do you think, it's normal, mom, really. and why did you suddenly become such an intercessor that it’s easier, you want to echo, but i don’t want, you know, i don’t want, len, why do you have to sweep away all your marks, and then you’ll be happy, somehow you shaved poorly, lenochka ...where are you going, len? helen, let's talk, let's talk, let's talk, let's talk, we've already talked, thanks for the dinner, the chicken, by the way, was excellent, and sorry for
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ruining the evening, well, what do you say, for the family? bim today at 19:30 on ntv, have they planned something or have already done it, no, honest pioneer mother, wow, what a beautiful beard, who are you like, bah, maybe it’s like you, the new season of the series manyunya is already in okko’s subscription , well, credit card debts? 50% drops, you need a credit card, you take out credit cards, transfer debts to a credit card, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or
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hello, say, i'm listening, hello, arnella, you have the wrong number, my name is angelica, and i am your sister, girl, this is complete nonsense, i repeat again, you have the wrong number. please don't disconnect, you got the photo, who are you? i told you
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i am your sister, your own sister, angelika knyazva, what kind of photographs are these? they show you, your parents, our parents, some kind of idiotic scam. this is not so, just come to the cemetery, the rest when you meet, girl, you are a swindler, hello?
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hello, can you please, you can’t find the place, tell me, the plot number, no, i found a grave, i’m just wondering if anyone has visited it lately, what are you, a relative, yes. dalnya, ask him, yes, excuse me, please, but can i have a minute with you, you’re the only one having problems with this grave, hello, hello, i’m listening to you,
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i’m interested in this burial, now the police are interested in this grave, and what was someone already interested in before me, two weeks ago... a woman came with permission for exhumation, yes, well, what kind of woman is this and do you have any information about her? but the kupshai was not in the coffin, that is, the coffin was empty, she did not write a statement, she took the documents and left, i did not remember her last name, well, yes, what did this woman look like, was she young?
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good morning, hello, oh, i'm looking here. finally settled down, come on, no distract yourself from what you dug up there, now, that means, georgy vladimirovich knyazev, aka
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the zhora-prince, was arrested in the seventy-fifth year, was a shop worker. his wife, natalya grigorievna knyazeva, a senior merchandiser at the central city department store, sold goods through the department store and its branches. production was carried out widely and the products were distributed throughout the country. natalia knyazeva was arrested along with her husband, both were given prison terms with confiscation. when were you released? uh, natalya knyazeva was released in the eighty-first year, in the eighty-sixth, after a meeting with she gave birth to a daughter, angelica, as her husband, but she died during childbirth and her heart could not stand it. knyazev came out in 1989. yeah, in 2005 i got hooked again. yes. how long? so no more. a week after his sentencing, he died in prison under mysterious circumstances. it's clear. and what is the younger prince? so
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now, in 2002 at the age of 16, i went to study abroad and have not returned since then. nicholson, couldn’t the younger dacha start a showdown for her dad? well, she’s actually already an adult girl, and under certain circumstances she can. "to me i need her photo, where can i get it for you, where, let me think about it, where, where, where, where, where, in the passport office, genius, detective, uh-huh, allow me, please, you promised to tell me your
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name, angelica , make yourself comfortable, angelica, have breakfast with me, maybe coffee, no, thank you, i won’t take it from you. i’m listening to you, dear, greetings to you, from georgiy vladimirovich knyazev, whom you first imprisoned and then robbed completely, all that remains is to find out a small detail, who gave the command to paint him in the zone, who is i, i’m his daughter, well and what do you need from... daughter of the prince, you have a duty, in the sense that you
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are enjoying the fruits of the labors of my late father, i sympathize with you very much, but i don’t need your sympathy, you are guilty before my family, and at least somehow only one thing can rehabilitate your guilt, a full return of everything taken from the princely family. that's it, darling, get up your delicious ass and get out of my house before she is rudely thrown out into the street. well, as i understand it, our joint breakfast is cancelled. valerera, please escort our guest.
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don’t look there, he’s also sleeping, well, as i understand it, you’re no longer laughing, igor mikhailovich.
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i sent you 5 million euros as a discount. “grandfather, let’s talk like reasonable people, you and i both know very well who your father was, he was a very, very powerful man, people like him, as a rule, have enemies, even more powerful than himself, you you understand what i want to say, i understand, and you thank me for this.
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great, hello, here is all the photography, i wrote it down from the profile. nicholson, what about the witnesses, no one nothing, the guards were knocked out so quickly that they didn’t have time to understand anything, they were taken to the hospital, then we’ll interrogate, there vaska is questioning the young lady in the kitchen, and this is a house worker, and brumel, what do you have, oh,
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there’s a lot of prints, the question is, will they the necessary ones, well the unnecessary ones, i can pick you up myself, you find them, by the way, there are no traces around the table, everything has been wiped. okay, hello, well, as i understand it, you were not there at the time of the murder, no, i went for a walk with the owner’s dog, only igor mikhailovich and his guards, valera and nikita remained in the house, your owner was waiting someone, yes, a woman was supposed to come, oh, what a surprise, what kind of woman? i don’t know, they have a video camera installed in front of the gate, but it hasn’t been working for 2 days, it’s a coincidence, i don’t think so, vaska, catch up, nothing for now, which one of you is major balabin, well, i’m major
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balabin, for what purpose are you interested, and you’re always like that are you talking? with a senior rank, colonel semenov, what is going on here? murder, touch colonel, as usual, i was already reported about it, and also reported about the murder of citizen solovyov in the city park and citizen karabeinikov, who went to the crime scene? i, point colonel, what’s going on? someone shoots prominent citizens of the city with impunity. it suits you? no, we are not satisfied with this, touch colonel, we will work tirelessly, let us go, i am taking this investigation under my personal control, all the case materials are on my desk, you can be free, oh, guys, if we are
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the colonel himself semyonov became interested, it's a pipe, who the hell knows, okay, let's go! filimonov is nothing interesting for law enforcement agencies represented, the business is legal , there is no connection with crime, taxes are paid , no offshore accounts were found, nothing more from the lady, the district police officer interviewed filimonov’s witnesses, from the house opposite, they saw that a woman came to him, but they saw her only from the back, of course. so, wait, what are you doing? dininin said that filimonov had affairs with the prince and micah. here's your version, comrade, detectives. and what kind of version do you have? good
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version, vaska, come on, take the outfit to drag mikhia here. understood. first tranche. oh little boy, have you come to harass me? this is just an invitation to a conversation, you won’t
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refuse, mikhi? i won’t refuse, i’ll finish it now. oh, why are you playing staring contest here? okay, now it's my turn. mikhailovich, what kind of joke is this? why did you bring klemenya here? well, you probably know that today filimonov was killed, well, i heard, and you and filimonov were sitting on the same feeding trough, the same princely one. captain, you understand perfectly well that it wasn’t me who failed filimonov, but firstly, not the captain, major, that’s it, and secondly, aren’t you scared at all, why on earth, well , perhaps you’re next in line for... not scare me, i’m a fart, well, if you don’t want to talk, okay, go, micah, what kind of flowers do you like, that
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i want to order you some wine, thank you for your concern, major, if you think about talking, come, be sure. for some reason i can’t catch it, if solovyov and korabeinikov can be connected by one motive, then filemonov and solovyov are not connected at all. so, vaska, i have a case for you, tomorrow morning you will go to the guardianship department and try to find out who could adopt arnela as a prince, i will do it.
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what frisky employees you have, varya, well, is this what you were looking for? yes that's what i am i was looking, var, you seem out of your mind, no, everything is fine, it’s just, don’t show this to mine yet, of course. don’t worry, that’s it, thanks again, come on, bye, come on, oh,
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you’ll pick me up in an hour. vladimir nikolaevich, wait, yes, we need to talk, i’m listening carefully, you stole money from the well-known georgy vladimirovich, and where does such unverified information come from? yes, the information has been verified, and if you return the money to the account i specified, you will have the opportunity to die in your own bed. that's it, friend, just
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no need to scare me. well, i had no such intention. i'm just describing the situation to you. i offer you an alternative. either you return the money, continue your activities, robbing citizens, or you will face a premature funeral. please note, there will be no more conversation warnings, you need to make a decision here now. so, answer what you choose, go ahead, otherwise take it with you. there will be a great misfortune, i accept your choice.
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and hi, hi.
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what's here? the shot was fired from a rifle, they shot presumably from the direction of the park, or from some kind of car. broomil is already there with his team. what do you have? the restaurant security guard says that when the deceased got out of the car, a young woman approached him. there was a conversation. difficult, then the woman left, and the dead man, his comrade, went to the restaurant, where he was shot, again a woman, not yet alone with an assistant, a sniper, that’s all we were missing, where is yours or the woman, okay, poke around, i’ll go chat with mikhei . come on, mermaids, take a walk for now,
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salaam alaikum, mikhalovich, after all, kreimer came to me, well, i already understood that, well, come on, micah, tell you about the prince, well, well, we had business with him. how are things, i’m more in the wings, i played like an adult, he and filimon with a creymer, they twisted well, satisfyingly, and then they decided to drain the prince, felemon came up with a plan, he drowned him, and shod him with a full creamer, all the prince’s money through his bank was coming, here i am, i could
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have helped, but i didn’t want to, of course, now it means i’m itching, what suddenly? yes, because i'm next, yeah, that means you too to the prince i had a hand in it, but i didn’t have anything to do with it, but now i had business with kramer, big business, and to the one who screwed it up, it’s like he’s holding it against me, as if i, too , was stirring up trouble against the prince, now - i understand, i understand, i, micah , i understand, maybe i shouldn’t have let you out, but if you want , you’ll sit down for now, i can’t provide you with security, i’ll make do, well, master, don’t you sit in front of the windows?
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well, i’m sad, now we’ll have a snack, life will immediately become more fun, but all these murders have a common ground, who could be interested in the death of filimunov and kreimer, it seems only princes, princes. sanya died, yes, i heard, after all, if this youngest daughter is trying to punish her father’s unscrupulous companions, which we don’t know, nothing. only that it is possible in the city, by the way, that’s what i managed to dig up in the passport office, anzhelika georgievna knyazeva, please,
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gentlemen, yeah, oh, life is getting better,
6:21 pm
varyukh, i didn’t expect it, i really didn’t, but i’m glad, hello, dad , hello, something happened, come in, come in. premiere at kinopoisk, how zahara’s friends got married, let’s cancel the wedding, i’m going to bring alyonka back, girls love flowers, sausages love hot sausages, this is the most amazing bouquet of my life, how zakha’s friends got married, already in the subscription, film belt, premiere today tomorrow always, shoot the rut, what happened here, the beaver called, screamed like a victim, who is the victim? that's the plan, kolya, run! do you have a plan b? here it is, plan b, did you eat it or something? you got it, but it wasn’t there. i've arrived, i said. damn,
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6:27 pm
allow me, come in. good morning, varora semyonovna, why did you take time off, we are so exhausted without you? no, really? what about the face? and this mug is cracked. balabina. i 'll kill you someday, come on, what do you have? well, firstly, we need the sanction of the prosecutor's office to obtain information about adoptions for the case of guardianship of dedomov's girl, prince arnela georgievna. what is it for? well, perhaps this will give impetus to the investigation of four murders that are somehow connected? well, maybe it has something to do with the wording, i’m definitely not going to the prosecutor’s office, do you have anything else? well, there is, again
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, perhaps, all these four murders are somehow connected with the princely family, so perhaps the youngest daughter is avenging her father for herself, gaining space from everyone who, in her opinion, is to blame for the family's troubles. well, let's say, so what? we have a fifth potential victim, micah. what do you suggest? work for live bait? yes, you already have a plan, of course, i drew up a rapport, only the details remain, well , please, okay, bring it, we’ll see, and then we’ll make a decision, well, thank you for that , colonel, excuse me, lieutenant colonel, oh, you ’re getting ahead of me, you'll get there.
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hello, say, i'm listening, hello, arnella, hello, say, i saw you in the cemetery, now you know a lot, now i don't have much, i know everything, and what do you mean? all this? masha, firstly, i think that we need to meet, secondly, i thought that you would come up to me at the cemetery, but you didn’t , yes, i was in a hurry with my promises, first i need to know your attitude towards everything what does this have to do with what’s happening, i’m shocked, hello? hello, say, in half an hour, i
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will send you the address. it seems like you're alone, it looks like, yes, go ahead, i'll be there.
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“you’re trying to find similarities, you’re just more like dad, and i’m more like mom, i was with my father yesterday, our father died in prison, yes, i talked to my uncle, he’s everything to me told me." "i feel sorry for you and myself , for the first time, i probably don’t know what to do with this knowledge now, nothing, it’s just that now
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you have a sister, arnela, you ’re kind of lifeless, or something, what’s bothering you? " " arnella, i am a barbarian, i was, am and will be a barbarian for 40 years, it’s true that you have four deaths, wow, i didn’t think that our police worked so well, well then no, i didn’t kill them, i i believe you, so i'm giving you a chance. tispavina, if it’s true that you are not to blame for anything, i promise you that i will do everything possible so that you are given the smallest term. you understand that i will not come anywhere, otherwise i will have to give you the man who was devoted to me to our father, and this is impossible, it is not clear, what are you going
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to do now? i have two more unfinished matters, well, one is mihi, okay, who is the second? second arnella, this is our uncle, he is more to blame than the rest, no, no, no, and no, i understand, let the old man live as long as he has, it’s decided. what? are you trying to arrest me? leave.
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come on, go away, well, go away. damn what.
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semyonovna, if you’re looking for rapport, he won’t do anything ready. for what kind of rapport? so we are in trouble, but rather i am, well , don’t pull the cat, i don’t even know how to tell you now, anzhelika is my sister, don’t tell me. well, tell me,
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why are you stressed? well, i was looking at our family photo album and for some reason i didn’t find any photographs of my children, well , in infancy, didn’t you... photograph me at all, why did you photograph me like all children, but they are somewhere else , these photographs, why are you interested in children’s photos, but now you found out that once in when i was a child, my name was arnella georgievna knyazeva, wow, who told you that, it’s just a woman, she also said that she was my sister, in my opinion, this is not a very kind, stupid joke, yes, i thought so too,
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but then i went to the opiki department, and there all my doubts were dispelled, and then i was at the cemetery, i saw the children’s grave of arnyla knyazeva, so there is an empty coffin, dad. come on , tell me everything, i always said, you will make a good detective, so, my sister, natalya, gave birth to you, she married... to prince georgy zhorzhik, this man will never i didn’t want to work honestly, i was constantly
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building some schemes, i wanted to get more money , to become rich, all at once, our whole family was against this marriage, you know, we had a difficult family, my mother, a deputy, a hero of socialist labor, my wife worked in foreign trade, i, too, was not the last person in the authorities, dad, dad, i know, but we could not allow that, you understand, this marriage was a dirty stain on the reputation of our family, and you imprisoned him, yes , which means i planted, he did everything for this, we just we didn’t turn a blind eye to his affairs, we didn’t pull him out, we didn’t defend him, well, yes, we had to save natalya, we talked and talked with her.
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died, we had a girl, varya, yes , my love, our daughter, you won’t argue that you had a happy childhood, me and my wife, your mother, we did everything so that you grew up, a beautiful, educated woman, and i really regret that she died early and does not see what kind of person you have become. so, varya, you probably don’t
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like me very much now, but it’s your right to love me or hate, your right. barbarian, you’re like a schoolgirl who has done something wrong, i’m cumming, sanya, what should i do, you think, what can i think, well, after all, my own sister. i need to decide something, i’ve already decided, prepare the operation, so make sure you don’t miss it, okay, now it’s our turn, okay.
6:41 pm
that's it, everyone is killed, micah , i see that you have decided to increase the security, only some of them are all wretched, by the time they turn their swollen bodies, they will compost you in several places, rubbish, and i am coming to you on business. what's the matter? yes, you were right, my sad friend, you a potential victim of the princely family, may still pick up others more quickly. yes, pick it up, it won't get any worse. well, micah, we must serve our homeland. what else did the major come up with? what kind of baby is this? this is the prince's daughter,
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younger, her name is angelica. this, this. is she trying to kill me? this is a good question, if you don’t want to crouch at every rustle, we need to answer it, we ’ll grab the killer, and you’ll get a sound , healthy sleep, you just need to let the killer get to you at arm’s length, i ’m not in a hurry to go to the cemetery, micah, well you already big boy, will you do as i say? you will still have a chance to continue your criminal activities, otherwise the next guy will be the lip, and he has been dreaming for a long time , choose, a big premiere only on kinopoisk, trigger, film, and where is his mother,
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now for free, find out how by phone. 8800 2009 456. all conversations are confidential. disco superstar. january 13 at 21:30 on ntv. well, when we meet with micah, they will be waiting for us, so maybe we’ll postpone everything, micah won’t go anywhere, why, we won’t violate either our own or other people’s plans. yes, hello, i am interested in a property in a former textile building factories. is she yours? yes, mine. it is for
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sale, i would like to buy it. can we talk? great. then i suggest you and i meet somewhere to discuss everything on the spot. when will you have time? i'll call you back. the object has arrived, we will take it, wait.
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and you always meet with the potential buyer of your property in the company of the omon police. no, only with those who want to kill me. if you can convince me that you are not to blame for the arrest of my father in his death, then not a single hair will fall from your bald head. something tells me that it will be very difficult for me to convince you. you are right, right, because it was you who could have helped him then,
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but you preferred to pretend that this did not concern you; cowardice in your world is punished very cruelly. hey, aren't you in london or something?
6:51 pm
6:52 pm
alive, micah, where, where is micah! michel: behe, where are you?
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don’t be a lip until the honor why i’m saying nothing , you’re a tenacious bastard, she won’t leave you so easily, it’s better for you to remain a blind man for a while.
6:54 pm
well, never mind, semyono, why the hell did you drive so many people there, you wanted her alone take it, or something, i would like to take it, yes, yes, but now that’s it, she’s gone, our guys combed through everything there, neither her nor the snipers, where to look for her now? lost and found, where did you go now, where to the valley of alcohol, don’t bother me until tomorrow, oh, a nightmare,
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yeah. thank you, taquila. hello, bunny, do you want to ask our loneliness, go to homework, do it, strain yourself, earn 300 bucks, creatures , listen, are you breaking down, sheep, are you stunned, fuck off, i said, uh, sheep, they told you, check the hoof , listen, old man, you should
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n’t creak the implant. otherwise it's fresh air let’s get some questions out, let’s go, let’s talk, everything’s fine. that’s it, you can rest, thank you, i didn’t count on such help, it’s just a bad mood, yes, i had a plan too,
6:57 pm
it’s done, okay, what’s your name? alexander, and i’m veronica, i’m giving you a treat, i liked you, sasha, you’ve decided, repeat! well, pretty girls shouldn't talk like that. why? because aging men immediately start to go crazy. don't be flirtatious, sasha. you and old age are far from each other. and i'm really beautiful.
6:58 pm
my eyes are popping. you won't believe it if you don't want to. in such in this case, i propose to cheer each other up, do you mind? well, i would like to see someone who could refuse. in different directions, apparently, i won’t call for you, i won’t call you by name. thank you and love you, i'm very sorry, forgive me,
6:59 pm
hello, i stink of time.
7:00 pm
cherished wishes and a sea of ​​emotions, government members fulfill the dreams of children who sent cards to the wish tree, about gifts and unforgettable meetings. mikhail chebanenko. from what area? about the new, sinister meaning of these words in the english interpretation, elizabeth gerson. on skates in moscow, novosibirsk,


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