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tv   Bim-2  NTV  January 4, 2024 8:30pm-9:30pm MSK

8:30 pm
aida, my girl, what is it? what happened to you? she ate something, it might die, semyon bogdanovich, what are you talking about, what's wrong with your tongue? aida, what, my girl, can i take her to the vet? what? yes, we'll take it now. doctor, what's going on? your dog swallowed something that looked like a necklace. god, this is my necklace. it was probably when this bandit grabbed me that it fell into the kormaids. doctor, what should we do now? there are two ways, the first is surgical intervention, oh, the second is to wait until the necklace leaves the body in a natural way.
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what are you? that's exactly what you're thinking right now. seryozha, i, seryozha, am a bastard, but, stop, seryozha, lyosha, no, no, stop. stop, don’t come close to me anymore , that’s it, you’re fired, so you won’t be here tomorrow, let me go, so what am i going to do here, i don’t know what you want, if your husband sees you, i’ll say that you’re a thief. yes, i didn’t steal anything, well, well
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, a rapist, a true friend, skiers, no need for company, oh, damn, these are our clients, stand, stand, whoever was told, stand. mim, look, do you know what this is, you know, come on, let's go back, now, wait , i'll tie the string, this is the road, this is a carrot grater, someone...
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perhaps so, but when they tied him, he was still alive, and the wound was bleeding heavily until they were dragging him, they just identified him as alexey kudrin, born in 77, a professor at a local university, they are excavating 5-6 kilometers away, well, archaeologically.
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why are you rubbing it in with me here, beard, he didn’t have any enemies, your kudrin, well, it’s hard to say, he was all about science, that’s all that’s interesting, beard, how he approached you treated, but well
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, one case turned out to be not very good, what are you doing here, you decided to return to reality or something, or the beaver forced you, but now you came to breathe antique dust, well, breathe, breathe, a fighter of the virtual front, do something that needs to be done, what will the expert tell us, huh? locked from the inside, we come out with our hands raised,
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give me an injection, what are you for? he slipped you such a blow, said: “and then you decided to take revenge, because you are a terrible evil spirit, then i immediately see that you got him bedalao drunk in a semi-married state, tied him up, which means he’s a thief in a car, and let’s
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dragging him back and forth along all these roads of the inquisition, please tell me everything you saw, i was choosing a vase for my mother. over there behind the shelves and nothing , nothing, what, nothing, well, how they entered, how you hit the saleswoman, how you emptied the dishes from the safe, what kind of dishes, antique, like that, yes, and you already caught them, you can describe them in detail , but i’m telling you, i didn’t see them, they came in.
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lyosh, write down her details, and i can go, you can, i was seryozha’s girlfriend, he is the administrator of the expedition, and then we have... somehow it all started with alexey viktorovich. seryoga found out that they didn’t fight yesterday. oh, and that means one another, yes, no, they fought, yelled at each other and went their separate ways. they yelled at you, of course they yelled at you, i even know that they were yelling there, they would kill each other, they said, right? well, seryoga yelled a little. oh, and kudrin? and kudrin fired him, the cockroach , the main thing is that he stole the girl from him, and the main thing is that it doesn’t matter, should you leave today? he lies,
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he opens it. nearby, are you following me? no, we admire you, mash, you’ll tell me anyway, are you talking about these robber or not, only they will look for you, let's try to do it together so that... we found them first, i scratched the face of one of them, wow, he
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grabbed me like that, and i grabbed the mask, the mask came off and i hit him right in the face like that with my nails, well, quietly, quietly, quietly, well , they scratched his face with something, i’ll go wash my hands, no need, wait, let’s go to our laboratory, if you don’t mind, here he is , resting, before this was our place, yeah, and now it’s his, rise, where i was, yeah, but nowhere, took a bottle after the fight, and went to he was cold, then fell asleep, if they hadn’t woken him up, he would have continued to sleep. yeah, oh, what a gorgeous car you have, seryoga, and a pickup truck is not a car, it
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’s a friend, oh, you reason intelligently, well done, so, you and your friend, gray, will go along the crooked path of a criminal conspiracy, what, that, sat down, what is this we have here, and bye, it’s a rope, and what kind of rope is it? whatever you say is wrong, i’ll say, oh,
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what a good guy, and the main thing is that he didn’t show the rope to my eyes, i didn’t see that rope in my eyes, oh , he’s handsome, and the main thing is that he didn’t give it away i tied it to the car, it’s true that someone tied it to me, well, you’re cool, but the car is his, it’s not hers, but the robber was unlucky, with such nails you can dig the ground without an excavator. i’m afraid, i’m afraid to ask where you work, i’m an archaeologist, and you ’ll soon catch these robbers, comparative analyzes will be in two or three days, i advise you not to leave the house alone for now, but it’s better to leave the city, i’m returning to expedition, leave today, it won’t work, today is mom’s birthday, i came because of her, comrade major, and i can take the witness is under protection, right? take it, mash,
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sit down, come here, come to me, the cavalry has arrived, so, masha, masha, masha, it’s not me, tell them that i didn’t do it. that you didn’t kill anyone, come on, come on in the monkey barn, he didn’t peck him, well, think about it, that’s what kind of people they went, makar, here’s a kid’s gun, the main thing is that he dragged that guy all over this very road back and forth, peace here it’s not that i didn’t close my eyes, i closed my eyes, well, i went crazy, in short, what kind of guy is this, it’s like their professor, bless you, well, i swam, come on, come on, this is impossible, then it’s impossible, the earring couldn’t kill kudrin, why? it’s all
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an inca, she’s fooled both of them, she doesn’t love either one or the other, and the earring is so jealous, you see, the earring is jealous, which means he could kill your professor, yes, it turns out he could, well, but that’s impossible, go sit down, nastenka , and you?
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baltika 3 is non-alcoholic, try the revived taste. the morning begins with mysteries, and every day brings new questions. new threats, if every time they threatened me i would be paid 5 rubles. i would probably be a millionaire. new tasks and new things to do.
8:47 pm
8:48 pm
at 20:00 on ntv, hello, great, why are you so happy? oh, yes, i spent the whole night again today, i don’t remember how i got to the hall, i thought, i didn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i’ve already started to forget how it happens, maybe i should buy it too, what is it called growing there? do you remember trikum? also remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times. what do you think works? what, i don’t think, i know, you’re dark, of course, now i’m my wife, you know how, and what’s there, how accept something? call, everything is simple there, when you order, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second,
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wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying. “that’s it, i’m done, keep it, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay , i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what can i think, call , be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once than to think 100 times, come on, meet the new golden prostatricum , prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostatricum gold. nobody should be disappointed. by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves,
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and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try.
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a colleague of that red-haired devil, he came to prick me , like a kind investigator, why should i prick you, you’ll fall apart, now, and you open the door, and
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let's see who will split first, quietly, quietly, you, guy, let's stop with crime on tv, otherwise psychiatry is already crying for you. it’s not my dog’s fault, you hear, it’s not my fault, you can’t tell mom about the robbery, if he realizes that you ’re protecting me, he’ll be scared of death and we ’ll ruin the whole birthday. you are absolutely right, masha, in general you need to tell your mother less, let’s say that i am your old friend, whom i invited to my mother’s birthday, don’t tell me, she will immediately think that you are my
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fiancé, okay, there is another option, in general not going to any birthday party, going to my house, this is not an option, this is some kind of crap, masha, you know such words, i am a lingua archaeologist, i know such... words even in several languages, even in dead ones, so, come on, say something in the dead, imr, it’s in ancient aramaic, well, what does that mean, you’d better not know, a very interesting girl, huh... watchmen here, hello, mom,
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hello, this is makar , my colleague, makar - this is my mother, it’s very nice, lyudmila aleksandrovna, you are also an expert in dead languages, emr, not really, he’s more in dead languages human remains. well, yes, makar flew in from another city, tomorrow morning we will go to the excavations together, of course, makar will spend the night with us, okay, come in. i've had a busy day today, i'll go to bed.
8:56 pm
don’t mind, happy birthday, mommy , thank you, well, i guess i’ll go too, wait, makar, sit down, i know everything, what are you talking about, i repeat, i know everything about you and masha, and how did you guess, in there have been enough men in my life, so you... the book is open to me, well, that means you must understand how serious everything is, that’s exactly what i’m talking about and i wanted to talk to you, i’m ready , you have a difficult task ahead of you, even a dangerous one, no, no, believe me, there is no danger, everything is under control, it just seems so to you, but believe me, i have a lot of experience, i have no doubt, admit it, you have always been attracted to emotionally immature fanatics, but excuse me,
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what are we talking about now? and masha, of course, because she is first of all in love with her archeology, and then with you, with her fiancé, just please, without stupid objections, i see everything, but a blind man will not pay attention to her marked coldness towards you, if you want to guess, you haven’t slept together yet, that’s right, you are amazingly perceptive, i have strict morals. but your abstinence, you can rest assured, will be fully satisfied after the wedding. i'll make your bed here. yes, of course. can you help me wash the dishes? yes.
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what? nothing? what's happened? i have a good news. your
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mom thinks we're the bride and groom. but it’s clear, and she also said that you are an emotionally unbalanced hysterical, and a fanatic, well, it doesn’t matter, but i don’t agree either, she doesn’t she said that i have a strict disposition , i don’t remember that, you didn’t listen to her very carefully, good night, wait, wait, wait, i still saved it from the closet, it wasn’t you who saved me, who?
9:00 pm
are you upset about yesterday? why be offended? why are we walking in silence then? and no one ever told you that men in the evening and men in the morning are two different people. the evening one was okay, but the morning one was kind of boring. the bore is now thinking about your sergei. he is not guilty. well, yes, repeat this mantra a thousand times, perhaps with his charges will be dropped. but i’m wondering how to get into yours? this gang, well, in the sense of an expedition in order to unravel this case, if seryozha is arrested, he is detained, which means that an administrator vacancy has appeared on the expedition, you need to bring food, water, solve logistical issues, what did you have at school on grocery delivery? at school, i stole cigarettes from my dad and sold them to my classmates, let’s jump, let’s go!
9:01 pm
are you working somewhere now, on sabbatical, huh? are you looking for yourself, and how did you find yourself? yes, i became interested in dead languages, and why studied before dead languages? army, then supplies, worked as a freight forwarder, and as an administrator, yeah, where did you serve? seventy- sixth airborne division, pskov, sabotage training instructor. you can’t live in supply without such training, i agree, little dog, it’s with me, well, i can take you on a probationary period, that’ll do, yeah,
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start today, you need to go to the neighboring village for supplies, i ’ll send you a list by sms, but go straight now, um, you can have the keys to the pickup truck, but they are always in the lock, what if someone needs it urgently? with car, well done, assistant, carry it, carry it, carry it, carry it, well done, thank you, four-legged , inna, this is makar, makar is inna, i heard about your grief, i sympathize, nothing, i’m already leaving, and you... cute , you too, makar, if anything, my fiancé, you have a handsome fiancé, girls, there is an idea to celebrate my first day at work, and that means you both believe that seryoga
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is not guilty, yeah, yeah, but someone killed professors, who, who could it be? let the police deal with this, oh well, let's go to the other side, come on, who is your kudrin, well, what secrets or vices did he have, he was a real man, he was looking for an ancient khazars settlement, a huge people had all disappeared, there was no trace of him, he had an ancient map, he spent a year working on it in the archives.
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was anyone interested? of course, here you are, for example, what are you doing here? i figured out where you’re asking from, or maybe you’re a bandit yourself, an element, what do you want,
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me, a beautiful girl, a handsome young man, what could they want from each other, are you cute, you yourself are like that with... well, she said , i knew it, it’s impossible for a minute leave it, just without the nails, sorry, mashka, it happened that way, mash, it’s me for disguise, she almost exposed me, that too, just for disguise.
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what do you need that you came? thank you.
9:07 pm
well, what, what, what are you doing here, god, what have you done here, and we're talking, what are you doing here, but i don't know, he came running, started digging, this...
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and what, are we going somewhere? can you tell me where to go? understood, that means straight. well, what did you say, what did you say, what did you find there? what did you find there? well, what, what, what, what, what happened, what happened, what did you find? where, what happened here, nothing here, nothing here, what? here, go, i know, it’s not our car, what’s there, what’s ours, the tire is punctured, what happened, what? happened, well , where, listen, well, you're just great, well done, and
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what do we have there, let's go, well done, oh, don't you... some kind of passage,
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and where does it come out?
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almost everything is true, it’s like walking through a minefield, but you know what else it says, that something valuable may be stored here.
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on a silver horse and we were met by dancers, a trumpet, we are listening to you, the conductor, one gray-haired creaking, happy new year delta into a dream. vtb, everything will work out, my heart is on the line, stand up in your war, vicha, i ask you to come back, i saw in my eyes, snow in the ocean, you and i will never
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become this snow, i can’t shake my brains. bim new episodes from january 10 at 20:00 on ntv. discomfort and nausea, poisoning swirls, everything is seething and diarrhea. we need filters, quickly! the msti filter is a sorbent in a convenient tablet form that helps eliminate symptoms of poisoning and diarrhea. at an average price - 115
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9:15 pm
music, i'm turning it on, we can't find your house. new yandex station dumax, new year is where alice is. a snack is a pleasant break in business, but it doesn’t matter if you have a stomach ache. almagel fights heartburn and pain in the stomach, carefully enveloping its walls. almagel a knows his stuff for heartburn and stomach pain. order medicine with discounts at apartment in moscow count five. only five purchases from 1.0 rub. with any credit card from ber until january 31, an apartment in moscow. can become yours, and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest, win with the best credit card in the country, you know me, and this is picador ketchup, as bright, sharp-tongued and indispensable in the kitchen as i, picador, unexpectedly piquant ketchup, i have all the
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best that life can give, but i’m not happy, you don’t have your own apartment, there’s no food in the refrigerator, so why are you like this... joy, i ’m hiring you as my personal coach, successful, you’re ready for an explosive brain boost, i’m already on my way to you, look now only at kion. what do you want to do when you get some sleep? go to sports, do a report, finish repairs. with welson, you can fall asleep within 20 minutes and sleep soundly at night so that you can enter the new day full of strength and energy. fall asleep, why didn’t you start wandering earlier? it was a musical piece for me, ruzil minikaev, although there will be war soon, leon kemstach, in the area i see, i’ll bury you, nikita the kologrivy, don’t you understand that they’re taking us all one by one?
9:17 pm
this is just the beginning. the most anticipated television premiere of the year. coming soon to ntv. the legend is back. the same one made from 100% malt. baltika 3 non-alcoholic.
9:18 pm
hello, girls, hello , masha has news for you, are you pregnant, is it a miracle, no, she decided to break up with you, for what reason, she thinks that you are cheating on her, with whom, with me, well, you’re not she said it wasn’t so, she said, but stop it. play the fool, i told inny everything that we didn’t sleep with you, that you’re a cop, that you came here to investigate a murder, that you don’t do a damn thing, just have fun with women, aymar, ancient aramaic, yeah, girls, so as not to completely fall in your eyes, i’ll say what i found. map, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, yes,
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we make human faces, human faces, still human, so, and now, in the rhythm of the dance , we slowly walk and secretly tell everyone this in great confidence. i don’t know ancient aramaic, yes, this happens with archaeologists, but there are only a hundred words, learn and
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make peace, yes, try, i’m here by chance i found out, you found some kind of map, yes, well, something like a map, i don’t understand anything, can you show me? yes, of course, as soon as the investigator gives permission, i will definitely show you which investigator? well, who is involved in the murder of the professor, i’ll call him tomorrow, let him come, it ’s somehow connected, they say that it seems like the professor was killed for this card, so the card can be important evidence. yes, by the way, you can call me tomorrow on a business call. thank you. good night, good night. good
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night. so good. no, you, you don't come here. you now you’ll go, you’ll go and hide behind the tent, understand? “if i did everything right, if our plan works, then a fun night awaits you and me, but it all depends on your endurance, that’s it, go, hide, come on, go, go,
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do you know why they killed the professor? no, it’s you
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me is that why they woke me up? and he didn’t want to say where he was hiding the map, okay, i can go, they decided to give him a ride on a trailer, well, the guy hit his head with a stone, and we were so worried that we took into account all our mistakes. you don’t want to tell me anything, will start fighting again, no, so to maintain your shape, while you remain silent, we will roll you slowly , carefully, and we will roll you until your skin wears off, should i approve of this or what? apparently i didn’t get through.
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help, help! got lost, come here, here,
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here, here, remember the way, come on, come on!
9:26 pm
but there was no need to threaten the officer while on duty, come on, come here, come with me, see him off, why do you feel sorry for him? okay, go and rescue me, don’t call the police, don’t give them your card, no one there will be able to read it, whoever can will steal it right away, you know how much evidence disappears in the police, i know, the policeman himself, the policeman, then even
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more so leave it. yourself, and i’ll help you, how can i help you, well, you’re not boom-boom in this matter, you won’t understand the map yourself, you’ll still have to hire someone to search, is that better than me? better, well, firstly, i’m a good cover for any black excavations, and secondly, if you want to sell something, then i’ll put you in touch with the right people, yeah, you’ve already put me in touch with the right people, i was barely alive last night , and i’ll give you the card, you’re the one closest to me you’ll bury yourself in a tomb, barely alive, oh, otherwise you don’t know, so let’s go out, stand, hands!
9:28 pm
i decided everything with the customers , with the customers, yes bim, come here, look, look, let's go, yeah, enteros gel, enteros gel, enteros gel, the right choice for adults and children, so that the tummy does not hurt, there is no hangover , take enters-gel, anti-poisoning gel, how do celebrities raise their heirs... do they learn from the mistakes of youth and what secrets do the children of stars hide? vova always really wanted a girl, i don’t want it now, i don’t want it, i mean, whatever you do, the main thing is don’t injure him, pick up, pick up the phone when i call you, your
9:29 pm
friends, everyone knows that who is your dad? i don’t think it’s necessary to say when meeting someone: hello, i’m lioneda yaakubovich’s daughter, have you read all my mother’s books? i’ll answer honestly, not a single one, i’m not his literature, how much did you have to pay your ex? daughters-in-law for the happiness of seeing their grandchildren, everything moved forward in buying apartments for the children here in moscow. secret children of the stars. secret in a million, the loudest secrets. for me, this is a very sore subject in the general relationship with my mother, it’s very painful. today at 0:55 on ntv. bim, new episodes from january 10 at 20:00 on ntv. i'm helping. and liver problems, i essential forte nн, tested and ready for action in 24 hours, available on the yandex market. hello!
9:30 pm
by myself!


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