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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  January 8, 2024 5:15am-6:11am MSK

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see tomorrow. somov, igor valentinovich. our task is to prove that it was he who killed dubrovskaya. at your disposal will be the most experienced employees of the investigative committee, that is, retirees. old, proven footage. i hope there are no women in our department. mihaloch. you're the one, yes, the mouse ran by, smelled its tail, whew, ah!
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congratulations ! to please, well, maybe i’ll be driving then, but excuse me, it’s just me out of habit, don’t worry. please, madam, mademoiselle. two shots, one of them to the head, a typical order. well, apparently, the cartridge case is from vaem, right? don’t touch, pash, and what’s not allowed
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, there are fingerprints on them, the joke was a success, well, why, what, dyatlov yuri mikhailovich, director of the bersex security company, i agree with lyosha, this is a typical order, and you don’t consider other versions, well, judge for yourself , car here, bank cards here, mobile phone here, purely professional activity, i would like your confidence, vanya, why do you rule out conflict on a personal basis, jealousy, for example, comrade pera, it ’s up to you to find out what’s wrong with door-to-door visits? nothing, there are no witnesses except the wife of the murdered man. since no one heard anything, it means the gun had a silencer. there 's a video surveillance camera there, i'll go find out where i can watch a movie. ella, i ’m finishing here now, and you go deal with the widow, run away and quickly. oh, bagel. a beautiful car roars like a beast
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and you can’t say that the girl owned it, well, by the way, women drive cars much better than men, and this is a generally accepted fact, yes, yes, and there is a catapult here, what a bastard, take our dogs nikola. “we understand that it’s very difficult for you now, but you can still talk to us, of course, it’s so scary, it’s absurd, that’s it, you need to control yourself, well , for starters, tell me, who do you work for, nobody, yura earned enough money”? he said that
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a wife should be a housewife and mother. where are your children? children. we haven't had children since jurassic. and now it won't happen anymore. or somehow, while others did your husband have any relatives? no, yuri ’s parents, they died , and he is the only child in the family, that is, you are the only heiress, yes, probably, lord, what are you talking about, they killed my husband in front of my eyes, did you happen to see the killer’s face, no, he was in mask, jumped out like a devil out of a snuffbox, started shooting, i was so scared, i thought he might shoot at me. killer, he was also aiming at me, i immediately jumped away from the window and began to call the police, i was already ready, get out my laptop, downloaded the material we were interested in, quality, of course, so-so, but you can see something, come on,
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well, i’m done, that’s it, happily, this is it, yeah, let’s see, i don’t know. irina nikolaevna, the murder of your husband may be somehow connected with his business, i didn’t meddle in my husband’s business, he didn’t talk too much about it either, so what’s going on in his company is something they need to know. ask, tell me, your husband didn’t receive any threats, maybe there was something strange in his behavior, depression, anxiety, it was, i even know who ordered yura’s murder, that’s how it is, but can you go into more detail from this point, i hate to remember, 5 years ago i
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met with a certain leon krasnov, maybe you heard, his full name is lionty, but everyone calls him lyon, well, of course they heard, a criminal authority, kidnapping, harassment, wait... so he’s sitting, sitting, he was released last month, after he was imprisoned , i almost immediately met yura and married him, and krasnov was jealous, and he broke loose, letters from him were regularly handed to me from the colony, they were thrown into my mailbox, he was terribly furious, demanded that i leave yura and wait until he was free, he is completely sick, shell-shocked, shell-shocked, yes, in the literal sense of the word, just in his nineties...
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“here, we’ll take them from you for now, of course, take them, i don’t need them anymore, tell me, your husband was are you aware of these letters? yes, i had no secrets from yura, well, except for purely female ones, if you understand, besides letters with threats, were there any real actions on leon’s part? yes, he came to us here 2 weeks ago , immediately got into a fight with yura, but yura is a former paratrooper, he regularly trained with his colleagues, so he broke nose. leona let him out of the stairs, he was still screaming that we were dead corpses. sorry, i have an important call. hello alloelka. i do not know what to do. at the local police station they turned me away. i was told that it was my own fault, i should have sold it officially not under a general power of attorney, but
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if that’s the case, then figure it out yourself. listen, don’t worry, in the draft of the territories that refused to accept the application, i ’ll tell my uncle, he’ll sort it all out. elka, come on, help me. both of you, that's what you said, the killer could easily return to complete started, yes, of course, and that you will put me in a cell, well, why in a cell, in a safe house under guard, until we find your husband’s killer, but what if you... catch him for a year, listen, who will do the funeral? just arrest lyon and i’ll be safe, but we’ll leave a couple of people in your apartment. well, how are you, the tambul with the expert has already finished. pasha, i think irina nikolaevna needs protection. well, am i
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all for it? well, first of all, we 'll stay with you, okay? yes. lki go to the department in orders from superiors. clear. bye bye. goodbye. goodbye, irina nikolaevna, but it won’t be difficult to make a seagull, i’m very cold, a black demon, yes, of course, of course. if you can, i’ll have a cup too, okay, no sugar , thank you, nikita, now, wait, wait, wait, now, oh, nikito, listen, well, wait, now, just another 5 seconds, okay, yes, well how, how are you? how did you overtake me? well, i have a pumped-up car, how do they do it? and dear nikita sergeevich,
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sorry for distracting you from such an important classes, but now i really need telephone contacts with dov dyatlov, have you contacted them? dyatlova? yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, here you go, nothing suspicious, so, a hairdresser, a dental clinic, a massage parlor, the usual calls, dyatlova, by the way, uses the services of one permanent driver. and not to the taxi service dispatcher, sorry,
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fellow police officers, but you don’t know the contacts of any decent funeral home, well , i definitely don’t, it’s strange, i thought you knew, this is good, you deal with it often with corpses, well, in general, of course we do, but it’s still a little different, a little bit, listen, we also have one question for you, it’s true that you...
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help, this is my school friend, hello, oksan, come in, uh-huh, come in, what happened? guys, this is the case here , please, sit down, sit down , oksana savina, tell me what happened , my car was stolen, or rather, kidnapped, i was thrown out, right out of it while driving, but it’s a stolen car, but mine , by the way, i have a friend there, we’ll talk now, it’s possible qualify as fraud and robbery , you see, i wanted to sell the car
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under a power of attorney, well, we went to the notary , signed all the documents there, then went to the car to pay, and he, he took away my documents, keys, i began to resist, he took me , hit, threw out, threw out of the car right on the move, please calm me down, the data on this buyer has been saved, yes, of course, now, i still have a copy of the power of attorney in my purse, here you go, okay, okay, don’t worry, we will find your offender, but unfortunately, it will take a little wait, we need to go to the suspect here, but as soon as we return, ella , please don’t do anything without us, we agreed, go to the technical department to nikita, you know what to do, bogdan. let's go to lyon , oh well, now elochka, you think
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i don't have enough work, then you need it, you need it, well , let me breathe out calmly, well, first of all, i asked you not to call me elochka, but - secondly, it’s better to invite the houses to sit down, otherwise i’ll fall apart like i don’t know who, how your girlfriend puts up with you, she doesn’t want me anymore endures, because we are separated like ships at sea, so now you are sulking at all the girls, mm, really? don’t you feel sorry, well, it’s a pity, yes, okay, come on, sit down, and coffee, tea, what’s your name? oksana. what are you complaining about? work first. yes. look, you need everything for this pepper. i think his passport is fake. okay, let's check it out. oksanochka. yes. so, uh-huh, uh-huh. so, well, the passport of the real mr. surikov has been listed as lost since september last year.
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so it turns out that tsurikov is an impostor. it turns out that this is what happens. oksanochka. so. "his name is not surik at all, but something else, so, wait , i’ll check something now, since september several numbers of different mobile operators were registered on this passport, great, we already have something, yes, for that i called the number we used to contact him, it’s already switched off , quickly, which means we’ll get through at least somehow, but where did you find this buyer of yours, on one of the sites on the internet, you fool, stop, girls, wait, i don’t understand anything, explain me, i’m helping you.”
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you’re not involved in dyatlov, you’re not involved, but i would express my respect to the randel who brought him down, he saved me a lot of money, that is, after all, you were preparing the murder of dyatlov, boss, why are you distorting , i just said that someone saved me a lot of money, that’s it, gentlemen cops , i have work to do, i have to go, and there’s no need for me
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to rub the grater here with you, a pretzel, that we ’ll just let him go, or something, of course not , i suggest we follow him, in case he leads us to the killer, what are you doing there? yes i i’m studying the site where our beautiful oksana found a buyer for her, and yes, this is just one of the numbers that was purchased with a lost passport, look, he posted a new ad, so you need to call urgently. well, yes, what do you tell him? do you think he will immediately drive my car to the station with an apology? what if i say that i am selling my car? well, yes, this is the topic, uh-huh, uh-huh, you studied art, can you sketch his portrait? as best i can, now i won’t forget this impudent face until death, there’s only one problem, well, for example, which one? during the arrest, we will need the help of one of the top guys,
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actually, i’m not one of the last guys, i’m not one of the last guys, when are you? the last time i held a pistol in my hand was at a shooting range in march, yes, yes, bogdan, it seems that it was not in vain that we went for a ride, and what did i say, well, makarych, i have bracelets, they drove me to stand, police, butt to the wall. to the wall, i said, hands to the mountains so that i can see, so i turned, svetlov, igor mikhailovich, it’s very nice to meet you, teska, that means it’s only me igor viktorovich, you understand, it’s a meaningful letter, let’s turn around, well,
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good citizens, we’ll still go to the department, and as for the european court of rights. come on, nikita, i'm a very mediocre drawer. well, you know, i would like to learn such a skill. but it's very easy to arrange, especially if you manage to get my car back. so, then we can set a meeting day right now, because consider that we have already found your car, so, when we meet, nikit, well, stop picking on my
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friend, well, well, what are you, well, i don’t mind, uh-huh, well, how is it going, yes, we have a very meaningful conversation, but i still don’t understand with whom, deaf and lazy, that with the examination of gunpowder, the wash did not show the presence of gunpowder gases on his hands on his clothes, science has done everything, that she could, well, that doesn’t mean anything, we’ll continue to play in silence, well, i went, and you continue, come on, of course you didn’t kill dyatlov, did you hire a killer? and we took both of you when transferring money, rams, they are in africa, rams, clear sea, what a noise, and igor,
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because he already got it, fixed the cops of the ram, sheep cops, well, it’s impossible ner, guard , you’ll see the detainee, sheep, well, but i don’t understand, we haven’t finished yet, come into my office, there’s a serious conversation, your milk is boiling, come in, meet the colonel of janitors from ubep, and this is viktor sanovich , the same major krymov who stole your defendants from under your nose, it’s very nice, sit down, but i’m not very happy, acquaintance, yes, this is an unpleasant occasion, you detained krasny and svetly today, well, yes, so exactly, to the murder case, like his dyatlova, a? it’s not relevant, at least svetlov is, but why? he is a financial consultant, not a killer, we have been keeping him under
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surveillance for the second week, and svetlov, all his clients whom he helped launder black cash. leon, krasnov is his client, you took them at the moment when krasnov was transferring money to svetlov for laundering, are you sure? 150%, our man was in the cafe, damn, in general , igor, give krasny and svetlov to our colleagues, now this is their topic, there is, well, excuse me, be there, please, damn, so, come out, well, i’m handing it over, so to speak, according to my jurisdiction, sign for receipt, thank you for catching these... soups red-handed. good luck to you, viktor alexandrovich. just keep in mind that they are not particularly talkative. nothing. we'll talk. well,
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all the best, goodbye. drive. passes. yes, boss. yes wait. regarding the murder of woodpecker, you should dig his co-founder, vasya palitsin. help me, i decided. i like your mustache. let's. fuck you! and one wounded witness who was in the hospital was assigned security, well under the witness protection program. so, these two guards fell in love with a nurse, and she had a husband and she sent them both. on the contrary, she was unmarried, she was such a hot girl and gave attention to each of them. then it turns out that the nurse fell in love with both of them. the guys found out about this and decided to duel. horror! and why did you go into the forest to shoot? i realized the duel right in, you, yes, of course, who else, the corridor took place, no, because i was in the hospital corridor on time, that’s it, yes, the duel
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was wiretapped, so, i reacted in time sent the operatives there, but of course, in the early nineties there was a similar story, but just one to one, but it’s true that nikitushka, our then half-junkito, comrade major, actually it was a different story, just similar, of course, of course. if it makes it difficult, call me right away, it won’t be difficult, i’ll report you, forgive me, but in my case, oksanochka, i remember you, but you see, murder comes first, yes,
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yeah, don’t worry, everything will be fine. let's free ourselves and, yeah, okay, thanks, i'll go, you'll find out everything anyway, so that i will tell everything as it was , without antics, without hiding, tell, tell, we had a shitty relationship with dyatlov, everyone here knows about it, both personal and official ones, yes, both of them, but what is the essence of the conflict , you know, there is no essence , it happens that we don’t agree on the characters and the concept of how things are done, well, let’s say this happens, why not just divide the business,
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that’s exactly what i wanted, motherfucker? no, but you can’t pin this murder on me, i have a solid alibi, i’ve been here since 8 morning, work is dark, the security guard saw me, the secretary saw me, the accountant saw me, all the office workers saw me, ask, they will confirm for you, we will check. "sorry, yes, nikita, hello, well, i missed the mark, well, no specific financial transactions were found indicating that he paid the hitman, yes, well, ordinary contacts, the same as everyone else, but nothing binding i didn’t find any information about the murder of dyatlov, well, come, i’ll give you a detailed printout, come on, really talented, i doubt
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his guilt, you turned him into your hands attention, or maybe a pro, maybe he had a motive for the murder, taking the business under his control, the widow is an heiress, well, in principle, taking over a woman is a piece of cake, especially since rina is in her husband’s business, as far as i understand, not a clue , not a snout, well, yes, especially since palitsin could easily hire a killer, you understand perfectly well that getting through all his contacts is a convention, in such cases he acts very... very carefully, well, yes, you ’re right, remove suspicion from finger it's too early, okay, i'll talk to georgivich, it may be possible to wiretap the phone , but we might lose time on this , we need to look for other versions, yes, yes, yes, i understand, yeah, then we’ll take care of all the formalities tomorrow, see you later, i’ve made an agreement with the funeral home for tomorrow,
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still not i don't know when you give me your body? well, forgive me, these are purely formalities , we need an expert opinion, i understand, listen, i ’m very tired, you know, i just need to be alone, it’s all so terrible, poor yura, i just can’t come to my senses, i can’t imagine that he no, i'm walking apartment, as if i see him, hear him everywhere, well, this is... not a joke, we are talking about your safety, listen, we have a metal door, three locks, yura took our safety very seriously during his life, i will not go near the window, i promise, girl , at least you understand me, please, it means so, irina, okay, just promise, you won’t leave the house, at the slightest threat you will immediately call us, of course, well, what do you say? well,
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she’s kind of strange, how did you so insistently send us away, right? listen, well, in general one can understand, but the person has a tragedy , strangers are working in the house all day long, a person can’t cry, don’t grieve , goodbye, listen, maybe we’ll go after her, quietly , let’s go, yeah, yeah, igor, and you ’ll be back soon , just me. oksana is sitting, what should i do with her, do i have to wait a long time for you? yeah, i got it, thank you, thank you. well, what did he say? oh, well, he said that we need to wait a little. yes, i understand, this is not a core matter, you don’t have to. okay, i'll go and think of something tomorrow. no, sit down, come on, come on today, no tomorrow, okay? yes. busy,
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yes, i'm buried here in paperwork, you come in, come in, sit down, everything is fine, yes, that is, not very good, come on, come here. oleg georgievich, there is a matter, tell me, do you want to break away from the paper lakita in favor of opera work, so to speak, breathe some fresh air on the street, breathe some fresh air on the street, well, continue, you won’t get out, no, listen, listen, listen, yes, what all. why do you need problems with the tax office? yes, well, do you have a lot of money, or what? well, i don't have one, yes? no, the method is completely legal, everything is legal, you just issue a general
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power of attorney for me, for the right to own a car, that’s all, i hand over the money when we meet, yes, yes, and we part ways, yes, okay, yes, goodbye, yes. listen, this is not the same taxi that our widow always orders for herself, but it looks like, huh, where ’s this interesting, she’s lathered up, yes, it’s really interesting, well, we’ll kiss so that she doesn’t notice, but that’s all already oh, ritka. let's go, did you like it? well,
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pashka, don’t you think all this is very it’s strange, what exactly, well, what can you talk about for so long with a taxi driver, well, yes, it’s a bit long. don't you want to punch it? come on, come on, nikitos to them, hello nikitos, great! yes, your help is needed, as usual. look, margosh, but this constant vadilov of dava dyatlov is none other than sergei volgin, he is a former active member of a criminal group, unknown to us leon the red. do you want to say? well , check it out yourself, oh well, i’ll call krymov now, come on, come on, good luck, come on, igor, can you imagine, wait, i’ll call you back,
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rare, oh, it seems to me that she is looking at us, let's kiss, it seems to me that someone is a bully. no, you were going to get married, who am i, well, not me, and you’re talking about that incident, and you were so happy, yes, you were there for what felt like a week or two whole, so tell me what happened, but nothing happened , she just happened to be married, oh well, she quarreled with her husband, then i fell under the hot hand and decided to settle things, oh, sorry, sorry, yes. now this is a very interesting movie, she got out of one taxi, into another village, that they went after her, they chased, they chased, this
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it was not long before i was locked up, i then assigned this volgin to the irka as a security guard. well, he worked for me for a long time , i trusted him, i didn’t know what kind of creature he was, and that your then girlfriend had an affair with volgin, who was the boss, yes, can you imagine what happened when you guessed everything, but nothing happened? it happened, i broke it a little, but threw it out into the street, so i forgave my whore, i was a fool, i loved her, it’s a pity, so... but i didn’t strangle this creature, yes, is it too late to say now? i'm afraid, of course, to upset you, but it looks like your ex the connection between my wife and volgin continues to this day, creatures, well, creatures, boss,
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my heart is still aching, yes, nikita, boss, listen, well, i’m talking about the fighter leon sergei volgin, so, so what? volgin just bought tickets for the talin bus, an excellent departure. when half an hour later, thank you, well done, for picking up the trail of the killer, yes, the main thing now is not to lose, stay happy, rush along the road, i’ll explain everything, happy, guys. yes, there is no need to rush anywhere, the police
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are the inter-district homicide department, major krymov, captain zolotov, what’s the matter, you are detained on suspicion of murder, okay, what’s in the purse, you’re like, okay, everything’s fine, come on.
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stay still, don't twitch, don't twitch, i said, weapons on the ground, slowly, weapons on the ground, facing the hay, bogdan, how are you? well, did you run away? if you move, you'll get left field, understand? i hate it! hand behind your back, dyatlov’s murder is not on this leaf, here is a similar fee from the person who ordered the murder.
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again, hello, hello, again, will you protect me again? no, we will no longer protect you, you will go to us in department, it’s safe there, listen, i’m not going anywhere, i beg you. leave me alone. will not work. we are forced to detain you on suspicion of murdering your husband. what? yes. are you crazy? i didn't kill him. i swear. 20 minutes is enough for you to change clothes. miraculously, we made it to the notary. i thought we wouldn’t make it in time. well, you see, we are clearly lucky today. well, shall we settle? eh, let's not here, let's go in the car. yes, of course, there are so many options now. or maybe i’ll be driving by then? yes, of course it is,
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please, madam, thank you, but it’s still crazy, well, here’s the power of attorney, the money, i hope they haven’t forgotten, yes, yes, of course, of course, of course, can i just start the car. i’ll listen, yes, of course, check , we sit, sit, don’t twitch, are you cops or what, how smart, come on, you won’t prove anything, this is a provocation , we’ll prove everything, i recorded the conversations, come on, what’s up, well, money of course no, but there are a lot of interesting things, come on, come on, hmm, well,
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do we have a real passport, or do we just exist part-time? yeah, everything is there, here shmyrin alexander petrovich, born in 1982, st. petersburg, why are you shmyrin disgracing the cultural capital like that? well, dear man, shall we remain silent or repent? anything will be better. listen shmyrin, this morning you stole my friend’s car. “you threw her out right on the go, she had bruises with a slight fright, what do you say? well, this can be classified as robbery, 12 years in prison, okay, okay, i ’ll compensate for everything, well, where is oksana’s car, they sold it, i sold the money at home, i'll show you everything, okay, only i will be driving, sit down, well , irina, you deceived us, i just
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can’t compensate for everything at home, i suffered moral damage too, i thought that nothing would happen to me in a crowded place, great, well that means... write an explanation addressed to the head of the inter-district homicide department, colonel oleg georgievich solovets, the homicide department, go, colonel oleg georgievich solovets.
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why didn’t woodpeckers like her that he was also jealous? no, irina and i haven’t had anything for a long time, i just shot him, well, the second one the owner of the berserker offered dyatlov good money for his share, but he didn’t want to sell, well, irina decided that she would become an heiress, sell her husband’s share to palitsin, and
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this money would be enough for her to live a comfortable life for her own pleasure, here you can also substitute lyon for you the murder of a husband, and this can all be formalized as an appearance. of course you can try, it’s not torture to try, i just can’t understand one thing, what are you going to do with a gun, talin, they would stop you at the border, i look like a moron, we would make a stop somewhere before the border, i would have drowned him in some kind of sovtir, well, the ends, as they say, are in shit, why did you, irina, act so cold-bloodedly with your own husband, why did he offend you so much, nothing? i was just tired of depending on him, i wanted to do what i wanted, and not what he said, he treated you rudely, i wouldn’t say, he was just irritable with me, when leon showed up, he tried to find confirmation of our romance, constantly touched me, although
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there was no longer any romance in pomino, in in general, i realized that our marriage was hanging by a thread, so i decided to act, i could not be left with anything after it. and volgin agreed almost immediately: he can’t say anything about money. why didn’t you get along with leon? would you have money? thank you, this goodness was enough for me, i don’t want any more. he loved and beat, equally. what can i say? i'm not lucky in love. i thought at least there would be money. i'll take a ticket and leave here forever. i'll go see the world. at sea, here's the money i received for oksana's car, let me go me, get twice as much , we don’t need anything extra, we will return to oksana only the amount
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that you owe her, well, everything else through the court, if she demands, of course, but that ’s the point, she won’t demand, probably you will jump with happiness... you promised to let me go, i returned all the money to you, guy, you didn’t get insolent, and we didn’t promise you anything, besides, the use of false documents is another article of the criminal code, so on the way out, month, let's go, thank you, oleg gorrievich, for helping, but not why, well, justice has risen, yes, i can’t even believe it . that you dealt with everything so quickly, well, i told you that our department has super professionals, and one of them tried very, very hard, are you asking for a kiss, what? he honestly deserved it, oksan, and i’m also ready to teach you how to draw , it’s time to agree, by the way, i
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’m absolutely free tonight, well, actually, that’s not very good, it’s not true, you’re very good, very capable, boy, we’re waiting for you , this is our hero, man, like
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let's name something, but wait, what, nothing, who? father should arrive soon, he was still missing, today was such a mess, in general, we thought we wouldn’t cope at all.
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damn, lesh, come on, diagnose it. the main person involved, please go around, was killed by two shots from a pem, one control shot to the head, so 100% ordered, ordered, the weapon was not thrown off, strange, well, yes, and this is his guard, killed by one shot and immediately felled that he left most likely through the fence, there is a forest belt about 50 meters away, then there are houses, there he got lost among the corpses, fogs, vitaly evgenevich, a native of the city of sverlovsk, now yekaterinburg, is registered there, this is his security guard. amelin fedor sergeevich, local. well, there’s his brother, igor sergeevich amelin. both
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brothers worked for tumanov as security guards. clear. guys, to whom the badge was carried, it is necessary to install it. well, let's figure it out. i’ll go and talk to my brother. was he also wearing a mask? in a black mask? no, medical. did your brother and you often get killed? infrequently. can you tell me who could have done this? i will find the killer, brother, i will find and kill, so sir
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amelin, i want to warn you that murder is a serious crime, and revenge is aggravating circumstances, so be more prudent, my advice, my brother! i don’t have anyone closer, who is this fog? there is little information about him yet, it is known that he is a military pensioner, a retired colonel, yeah, and the army was asked, asked, but so far there is silence, and tumanov has relatives, so no wife, no children? well, at least in the archives there is not a word about relatives, great, so, but what do we know about brothers, both chopovites specialize in personal security, it means
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that it is a fact that tumanov always came to st. petersburg for one day without an overnight stay, now he has a return ticket bought for an evening flight, but what was tumanov doing in our glorious city, what was he doing? nothing special, he visited cafes, restaurants, shopping centers, but at the same time he always left security in the car, so amelin does not know who he met, to the hospital, for whose soul he went, dmitrieva is now finding out, i left her, the staff is questioning and patients, and lyosha, what about igor, you guys have him, so let him come, i understand wait for you. so the expert says that he has a lot of interesting things for you, he is looking forward to you, have you ever seen this man, i don’t remember this, okay, thank you, oh, we have suffered horrors today from these murders, don’t bring it up, lord , we still have to go through something like this, oh, don’t tell me, we have
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two mothers who were in care and immediately gave birth out of fear, and one actually... ran away, ran away, ran away, the baby was the only one you saw, but where is her room, yes, but you can look at her map, okay, wait, i'll bring it now. here are the documents for the mother for the newborn , a medical card, a copy of the insurance policy, yeah, lidiya vitalievna stenina, she left without warning anyone, no one, her husband was visiting her when all this happened, our people ran into the yard to look, when they returned to the ward , no one, no baby, no parents, she’s nulliparous, we
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were preparing her just for discharge today, right after lunch, that’s how... yes, igor viktorovich, they asked me to tell you. so, great, can you imagine, my son has a day the day after tomorrow? birth, here's a gift. whose is this? do you recognize? i find out, but what do i find out? damn, what is it like, look, seven, but for my gleb the hulk, this is my favorite superhero from such a age, so he doesn’t play. so he’s brazilian , bor, listen, this gift seems to echo two themes: football and cartoon, brazilian and hollywood, you know, i understand, well, well, what , it echoes, that’s it, go, borya, the roll call is over, well what, bogdan, is our impasse in
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the case, and why the impasse, well, they boxed a little, boxed. hi, u, are you a tea person? and y i just ran out of tea, just in time , yes, of course, pour it, i’m talking about the scar on your tumanov’s shoulder, it turns out it was a tattoo, it was removed by excision of the skin, you know, but the paint penetrated so deeply that it completely i couldn’t destroy the tattoo, interesting, i marked it here and got this, oops, vtk, city of kolpino. educational labor colony, yeah, i think he was a juvenile, great, here 's a retired colonel for you, yes, georgivich, this is netumanov, his name is nichaev, vitaly alekseevich, born in sixty-eighth, native.


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