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tv   Starie kadri  NTV  January 9, 2024 5:10am-6:06am MSK

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judging by the statistics, he doesn’t throw punches just like that. come on, hit, hit, man, i put folders on you. sit, sit, okay, like this, like this, sit.
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well, until tomorrow she has 3 more days to sunbathe in greece, it says, she arrives on october 12, it says, i arrive at 12:00 on the tenth, and today we have, and today is already the ninth, the tenth today, guys, the tenth, 2 o’clock in the afternoon , come on, so, my, my, like pillars , the years fly by, past the train of our life, but it’s good, don’t chase fashion, without it you are much more beautiful, this is not the first time we’ve welcomed spring, for many years we see off autumn, sometimes drinking with doctors , we never ask for anything, it’s not the first
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time we’ve seen spring, we’ve been seeing off autumn for many years , sometimes drinking with doctors, we never ask for anything, guys, someone will have pizza, there’s still some left, but hello , boys. hello, oh, hello, hello , hello, hello, alexander yurina, what is that smell, and the rum lamp, yes, drinking, yes, lord, oh, afistofel, how, how did you end up there? and i
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was just thinking, we don’t have enough food, let me help you, i myself, what’s in the bags and what’s at work? suicide of an eighteen-year-old boy, march 2003, we don’t deal with suicide, i just can’t find the second one, i found it. according to yarov, his son committed suicide because he was accused of murdering zhenya spevakov, a fifteen-year-old boy, a player of the same club, they presented him with an official announcement, no, there were other suspects, no, there was no information about the case either. thank you, bon appetit,
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thank you, thank you too. the murdered spivakov could not be found for two days. as a result, on the territory of the training base, in kanawa, a body was found partially covered with earth. ask, are you going to eat this? no, you've got everything on, are you? what you eat, so , as far as i remember, the murder weapons did not arrive , the base is closed to outsiders, which means the killer was one of our own, i apologize, but you can eat this mold later, and preferably somewhere on street away, close your jar, this is an exquisite dish of french cuisine, you don’t understand anything, on the day of the murder there was a murder at the base. meeting
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the head of the club in which these two boys played, the moscow knight club, yes, and yarov became the main suspect , because
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he had already had a couple of meetings with catfish and the others were angels in the pigeon, he was simply made the last one, and after 2 weeks kostya hanged himself, you organized a hockey section for kostya, and i put kostya on skates at the age of 4, he i had long hair as a child. they interfered with the game, and we cut it off, my wife was buried with half a strand, if we resume the investigation, we can take her, konstantin’s dna analysis will help us a lot, okay, i just ask you,
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come back, what’s wrong with him? lung cancer, how old is he? left? a little, and that he has no one , mephistopheles, get out, everything is fine , well, little guy, what are you doing, and i’m trying to lure him out, gosh, this is a dog, not a champagne , please go, vitaly anatolyevich, greetings, how the english say, havayu , the spevakov case, please, yes , i remember, i remember, he was introduced by investigator tomrachev,
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by the way, a good investigator, absolutely, tomrachev pyotr igorevich, investigator from 1991 to 2001, was promoted from 2001 to 2008, senior investigator in the department for especially important affairs, he retired in 2012, thank you, yes, pay attention, everything is true, uh, everything is true, so when he closed this case, no one particularly objected, it made too much noise, thank you, yes, no problem, i got sick . i caught a cold, yes, given the investigation carried out, i am inclined to think that we will not learn anything new, but it’s worth a try, ok, ok, try, but be sensitive, this is a resonant matter,
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i wish you good health. forgive me, oh my god, i thought i ’d get lost here if you came to pick up the child from training, then you go to the first floor, no, i don’t have any vacancies, who even let you in here, i ’m here on a work issue, i... and ask me, i don’t like your volume, and i don’t like strangers on my territory, especially those who haven’t even held a pliers in their hands, you know, if i need to, i’ll go anywhere, anytime, that’s if you have a warrant, you have a warrant, no, all the best, timofey evgenievich, everything’s fine, that’s
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investigator from why no one warned me, sorry, my fault vyacheslav, club business manager, lieutenant colonel, very nice, let's go. you know, i even remember all these investigators and journalists. have you played for the club? yes, i was 15, i just switched to juniors then, and my father worked here as a coach, well... now the club bears his name, andrei shenin, remember him, olympic gold in 1988, we want to talk to everyone who was interrogated during the time of the first investigation. my father was just one of them, but he has already died, most of the old coaches too. well, that means we’ll meet those who are still alive. okay, but you can do something with them softer, you just understand the age. oh, yes, yes, of course. we have developed a method of gentle interrogation of witnesses, yes, i personally
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took part in this development, so you don’t worry, i have a difficult profession, it takes me a lot of time and sometimes it’s even difficult to switch, but i’m happy with my choice to be an investigator and excuse me, who is the investigator, i work in the investigative committee, so what can we learn about each other in these 2 minutes? i'm an investigator. so, what can you tell us about yourself? lyubomir,
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do you believe in our lord and the holy scriptures? a few words about myself: the mileage is 50 years old, however, there is a little rust on the body, and the discs need to be changed, but my hands are golden, but you understand what i mean, yes, yeah, well, what are you interested in, mikhail, milk. “i have my own farm, purebred cows , you know how to cow, tell yourself what you do, i work in the mayor’s office, yes, and i always thought that my three exes were much happier when they sat at home.” "yes, good morning,
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colleagues, good, hello, yes, i sent spevakov’s clothes for re-examination along with yarov’s hair samples and collected all the cases, publications on our case, so i told him that if he doesn’t work for us like papa carlo, we will fire him. boy, your coffee. yes thank you. and i also selected all the cases of murder at hockey matches over the past 20 years, and they also say that sport is good for health, georgy, and you will meet this gloom, with the investigator who led this case, he will no longer help us, he died from heart attack last friday, so in 20 years there have been... five people killed at hockey stadiums teenagers, not counting spevakov , there were three girls among them, yes, february 98 denis
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torshin, 16 years old, you were in charge of this case, no, we were sent to strengthen the homicide department, we caught this freak who did this, yes, they called from moscow knight, they are ready to meet, gosha, you can go for now. to get acquainted with the assistant investigator who was in charge of this case, well, i wo n’t put it off until this one also thunders into the next world, but it’s unlikely, 48 years retired, works in a bank, oh, another cunning ass scammer, found a warm place, ok, what's his name, pustova, daria pustova. my god, the legendary georgy barkhatov,
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the situation is impressive, yes, for the last 3 years in the insurance company i specialized in credit card fraud and for many of my employers i reduced losses from fraud by at least 40%. and they really liked it, even if they didn’t like it. what about spevakov’s case, the murder of a teenager in a hockey club? well, yes, you interrogated yarov then, did you think that he did it? no, i didn’t think so, but tomrachev decided that he had already found the killer very i was in a hurry to finish the investigation. have a seat. yes thank you. uh, but that means you doubted it. well, you see, the criminologists missed some very important details. and, firstly, the body was dragged, but carried. i assumed the killer was n't strong enough. yes. yarov was interrogated
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only because he had criminal records due to fights. well, the club complained about him. yes, and, young female investigator, do you have any idea what that meant? yes, yes, yes, then there were a lot of such unsympathetic louts hanging around you. i wanted to have a career, and if you are a woman, sometimes you do things you don't like. in that case , you should have kept your opinion to yourself. well
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, yes, it means that it was not in vain that we resumed this case. well, if this time it's an investigation. will be more thorough in what you are talking about, kisa, hello, hello, hello, thank you for immediately agreeing to meet, timofey evgenevich, president of our club, nice, fedor mikhailovich, retired lawyer, great friend of our club, dolin, ivan mikhailovich, retired investigator, sk consultant, i'll keep an eye on you. during interrogation, during interrogation, i didn’t come alone with a colleague, if you don’t mind, well , if this is not another greek woman, then no problem, leyin boris olegovich, hello, remember zhenya spevakova well,
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spevakov, yes, i remember, to be honest, he was quite disgusting. a boy, noisy , boorish, bullied his younger ones, but no one here, of course, will tell you that, this is a long-forgotten story, but what can you say about kostya yarov, a genius, the best young hockey player of all those i have seen, if if the guy were alive now, everyone would know his name world, yes, it’s impressive, but he had problems with behavior, you probably don’t know that on the day of spivakov’s murder we were deciding the issue of expelling yarov from the team. well, you yourself said that he was a genius, yes, but even a genius must obey the rules. then they decided to leave him. they gave him one more chance. tell me, what did you think when you found out that yarova was suspected of murder? what did the guy
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do? that is, you had no doubt that the killer was konstantin yarov, he hanged himself. isn't this proof, and these are fast dates, i looked at the confused women around, at this guy with his three exes, i think, god, what am i doing here, well, look at this as the result of your relationships with men, personally or professionally, decide for yourself, well, at work i’m fine, i have three men on my team, i ’m responsible for everyone, are you responsible or do you manage? do you remember zhenya spevakova well? yes, i remember him and his parents very well. the death of their son almost finished them off. where was kostya yarov's body found? his father found him. dmitry fedorovich
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discovered the body of his son. yes, and you know what is the most unfair thing in this whole story. but the fact that the criminal escaped punishment, thank you for the meeting, yeah, i’ll go, please tell me, what kind of person was andrei shenin? andrei became a legend during his lifetime, he won everything that could be won, and after finishing his career, he worked here as a senior coach and died. yes, but this is not sold in transitions, these are shenin sanaviami, here they are. good afternoon. stepan, brother of glory, ivan mikhailovich, let’s meet, you also work in club. well, i don’t work, i play for the club, which means i’m following in my father’s footsteps. well, how could it be otherwise, i am
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the son of the great shenin. what did you want to know about our father? do you remember him? yes, but not as good as slava. what was he like? he was a wonderful, loving father, respected man, strong, brave, a good friend, excellent. did your dad know the parents of the murdered man? well , he didn’t just know, they were very close acquaintances? were there any conflicts between them? oh no. are you asking questions like you suspect him? no, no, but your father was at the crime scene. mr. dolin, you are on the territory of the club, which bears the name of andrei. if you're going to get dirty. name, then keep in mind, we have enough friends with connections who don't have a lot of patience, i hope you understand me, you
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better slow down because you took a swing at their father, i understand, i understand, wow , yeah, they are all the same, listen, what did he wrap on them, beautiful for... report on a new examination: saliva was found on spevakov’s clothes, the brysk drawing indicates that it belonged to the person who dragged the body after death, the killer, does not match either spevakov, or his parents, or the genetic code from yarov’s hair. so, yarov is not to blame? by the way, i also doubted his guilt. yes, why isn't this in action? don't you understand? the yellow employee, almost a girl, points out to seasoned investigators their shortcomings, guess where they would send her, did you sleep with her? this is
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an incorrect question, and everything is clear, it’s disgusting, in general this has nothing to do with you, yarova, pustova, i wonder if she still has the etiography of the dolphin on ass, i thought. shark, i knew, i always knew that i didn’t kill kostya, i’m sorry, you ’ll forgive us, thank you, so, the motive, we don’t know, a weapon, a hockey stick, probably, but we don’t have one, we suspect. the entire coaching staff who met at the base at that time. they were at the meeting, except that one of them jumped out for 5 minutes in order to beat spevakov to death. they all said that
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no one left the meeting and the investigators believed them. dari said the same thing, with a delay of 17 years. i don’t understand why they are defending andrei shenin, a hero who does not need protection. i can’t understand why i became a victim. this kid, it means he did something, saw something, or found out , exactly, exactly, so that we can find out something about this case, we have dna, we have trainers, we’ll check them, they will refuse, then we let’s ask why , yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, it’s enough for one to agree, then the others will have to come up with a reason for the refusal, right, but first we definitely need to meet with the spivaks’ parents, warn that we have resumed their son’s case. hello, hi, hi, now, wait, excuse me, i have to go,
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biologists are right in saying that they have the ability to communicate with each other over a long distance, dolphins, she has a tattoo. but you didn’t dare to express them out of a feeling of your own inferiority, i, for example, wouldn’t have been scared, but i didn’t shoot a single
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ass, goodbye! you have called the office of the department of newly opened unsolved crimes, speak after the signal. hello, i’m journalist temur palyakov from severny vestnik, i want to talk about the murder of a shooter from a hockey club. i'm waiting on passable, thank you. well, if you want a continuation, just call me, of course , i will, we’ll see you again, tiger cub, at the zoo, as later as possible, for now, excuse me, i’m a journalist from the northern herald, i would like someone from
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the ovnp department, huh.. .. listen, you saw this, you saw, no, no, look how you can question the reputation of my husband, a hockey legend, a man who died while saving people, this is unthinkable, and this is done by former investigators with a far from flawless reputation, listen, she the widow of a famous hockey player and hero, there
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somebody? if you don’t find the killer, then tomorrow it won’t be the case that will be closed, but your entire department. i thought i explained to you the rules of entry into the territory of our club. why the hell did you contact the journalists? i did it, you dragged the club into a scandal with a re- investigation. i decided to make a statement, i am sure that such cases should be protected from scrutiny, at least for the sake of the peace of mind of relatives, but you didn’t succeed, our mother was very upset, i was talking about the victim’s family, you yourself upset them, because everyone knows, that their son was killed by yarov. new the examination showed that dna was found on spevakov’s clothes, not matching yarov’s dna, so it would be right if you, mr. president, come with us, publish samples of your dna, one of you. that you are sons,
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understand that your dna analysis must match your father’s, this is the only way we can exclude him from the list of suspects. if yarov did not kill spivakov, then why did he hang himself? he was detained on suspicion of murder. you were going to kick him out of the club, everyone turned their backs on him. he decided that life was over. sorry, but i'm giving up.
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yes, tell me, do you remember anything about the murder of spivakov? i remember my parents discussing this, everyone was shocked that this could happen in our club. well, what will happen then with our dna tests, when we are excluded from the circle of suspects, they will be destroyed. by law, the tests cannot be kept or used in other investigations. that ’s right, i’d really like to believe it, we never argue with lawyers, i assure you, your tests will not be used for other purposes, one frank person may ask you question: what time do you start drinking coffee in the morning, it won’t hurt, no, of course
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, hello, oops, look, i was surprised by my arrival, i’m sorry, and if the dna tests don’t give anything, well , let’s see what they give us. is this how you struggle with loneliness? no, i hum regularly. just kidding, oh, no, sasha, it’s impossible to cope with loneliness. alone. okay, i have to go, bye. yes. i'll find out now, i'll find out now. listen, ellya is inviting you to dinner today. everyone will come, everything is fine, yes, that’s it, kisses, and maybe you’ll give it away already
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do we need gifts that you brought from vacation? no, well, i hope you didn’t bring a gift to silivanova, yes, listen, well, you’re like children, by god. sokareva, right now, yes, the widows of kis sheinin, i feel unhappy for us, and i have to console her. boris, you will apologize, please, convey for me that i, i will not be able to have a dinner today, this will take a long time, why are you denigrating the memory of my husband, i assure you, we do not do this, you took a dna sample of my son, he is everyone else.
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professionals work in our laboratory, you have nothing to worry about, you are not ashamed, here you go you yourself are not ashamed to delve into other people’s lives , if the investigation had been carried out more carefully from the beginning, the innocent guy would not have hanged himself, and no, i’m not ashamed, i tell him what kind of vegetarian you are, if you eat caviar with spoons, these fish eggs, like chicken, but the chicken, by the way, is not
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comfortable... he hasn’t become calmer, thank you, god, that means everything is fine at work, i’m terribly afraid that he will stop being himself, thank you, thank you very much, so who else is to blame, fighting for you, yes, the same wine, yes, the same, the same, and today i visited... the museum hockey, um, we even have one, we know that the outstanding hockey player andrei sheinin 15 years ago, somewhere in the caucasus , died heroically saving people, on february 6, yes, but we
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didn’t ask ourselves the question of how he ended up in the mountains, well, he went skiing, he died saving people in a rescue operation. leaves for the caucasus, enlists as a rescuer in the military unit, and his widow kicked me today because we took dna from her son, she is very upset about this fact, well , maybe she is afraid that her husband, that he guilty? so he threw everything away and ran away, wait, wait, wait , don’t forget that the body was dragged to the ditch, and such a healthy man as chenin would have lifted it with one hand, then the body was only half buried, why could the killer have been scared away, or
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he was not adequate, or not strong enough, you are hinting at a woman, that is, you believe that shenina's widow is afraid that she may be a suspect based on a dna test. yes, good version, one problem, yes, the dna is male, it didn’t work. you're late, what are you, seryoga, i'm sorry i got scared, i i just thought it was someone else, and i called you, but i had to turn off the phone, come in, maybe some whiskey, some whiskey.
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rape of a girl 13 years ago in istra , oops, but that dna sample was obtained as part of another case and we cannot use it until we get another sample, exactly, be, be, you're fine, yes, everything's fine , or not? everything is good,
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honestly, definitely, sorry, sorry, buddy, great treat, thank you, fans are always a pleasure to deal with, you know, i still have, maybe.
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our women don’t play, send them to a dance club, good, good luck, good luck, aha, he left, what are you, 7 93 here is gosh’s sample, so, hello, vitariy anatolyevich, hello, hello, hello. yesterday evening , the traffic police crew, acting on a tip,
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detained citizen fyodor danatis, a lawyer for a hockey club, for drunk driving. immediately after the arrest , danatis said that his friend, former investigator barkhatov, could, quote, solve the problem. this morning, citizen danatis was detained on suspicion of rape the girl he committed. ivanov, your friend and colleague, you think he’s the smartest one here , yes, what do i care about you, boss, yeah, you achieved the result, but what methods, we shouldn’t engage in setups, the end justifies the means, boss, say thank you, that it’s not me, your immediate boss, thank you, boss. well done
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, oh, thank you very much, next, that means i contacted the control center of the ministry of emergency situations of kabordino-balkaria, spoke with the head of the detachment where sheinin served, the hockey legend refused his position and insisted that he taken as a private in the search and rescue squad. how did he die? he violated the order, during a storm warning, he went out onto the slope and was covered by an avalanche. among the employees there was an opinion that he deliberately took risks. word. was looking for death, yes, as if he was looking for death, for some reason, he wanted this, thank you alexandra yuryevna, the next one is a dna test, these
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numbers show the encoded dna sections of the club members who donated theirs. thank you, victoria dmitrievna, we can reassure you, stepan’s dna did not match the dna of spivakov’s killer, and it shouldn’t have coincidence, there is no need to reassure me, as if you are at all concerned about the reputation of my husband, well
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, excuse me, it was your concern about your husband’s reputation that forced us to take a closer look at all the materials that we received. especially the chromosome, those characteristics that your son inherited from his biological father, and we found that this part of his samples almost exactly matches the other sample. did your husband know that stepan was not his son? lord, you know, i absolutely don’t care what you did with who, but in fact... the dna we took from stepan is absolutely useless for determining whether your husband is guilty or innocent, so did he know the truth about his son? no, you know, when i read the biography of your famous husband, i realized that he was
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a very brave man, did the thought ever occur to you that he took risks deliberately, sought death? andrei was never an amazing person and he had nothing to do with the murder, but now we need another dna test from a more reliable source. vyacheslav really is your husband's son? “since you appeared in our club, you have been nothing but problems. fyodor is my friend, and he, of course, could not rape anyone, that fool whom he got drunk in the bar probably attacked him herself. we are friends "i've been with fedor for 40 years. for being friends with a rapist, the parents of your charges may well tear off
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your balls, which you are so proud of. tell me, what does your son stepan think about all this. just don't say that you don't know that it's yours." yes, i know, i always knew, rape, murder, suicide, what kind of club do you have? listen, what? hello, have you identified the killer? no, not yet, but we have eliminated all members of the coaching staff from the list of suspects, including my father. we need a sample of your dna so we can be absolutely sure. you have a sample of my brother, it gives us.
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stepan, you have different fathers. it's a little pleasure to tell you this, but it's true. you are lying, sprout from your mother. and it’s better to have a real father, stepan. but i’m also a bastard. it's not for you to call someone a bastard. be silent. let's go, let's go, let's go. like this, like this. here. thing, wanted to kill me, march 2003, you were 15 years old, right?
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and that his mother, his mother called my whore , he ran around me, laughed, shouted that styopa was not my brother, that styopa was a bastard, ran around laughing, and then said that he would tell everyone about it, what happened then, and then i hit with his club, and again, again, then i took his body, dumped it into a ditch, drainage, covered it with earth, went home as best i could, and my father was there, and i told him everything as it was, told him how spivakov called his mother and styopa said what he did, and that he told me to go wash
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, and that i should never tell anyone about this, not even my mother and brother, and i didn’t tell where the hockey stick that you killed from krovakov, i i don’t know where, my father took her away, and i never saw her again, did you ever discuss with your father what you did? “no, it really hit him hard, especially after yarov hanged himself, like a living dead man , he disappeared somewhere all the time, abandoned the club, came home drunk, and then ran away from us got a job as a lifeguard, then you found out that he died, yes. and it was terrible, after that i quit hockey and didn’t become anything i could, a professional, a star, and i always
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played better than styopa, yes, i noticed that you have a subtle psychological nature, fame , wait a minute, teenager, be careful, i even i didn’t think that... it could have been a boy, then no one guessed, and we couldn’t, but you were close, mikhalovich, it’s yours, you did something, saw something or found out something, but you forgot about what -he said, the main thing is that we solved the case, yes, hello, good job, thank you, vitaly anatolyevich, oh, excuse me, please, tokrevo, yes, i’m listening, a gift from my beloved boss, for good
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disclosure. let him be jealous, but she didn’t bring it for him. yarov, dmitry fevich, did you tell him? died this morning in the hospital. well, now his soul should be calm, he will meet his wife, son and tell them everything, i liked her, seriously, as a figure skater, yes, 1999, that year we beat the french,
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the current world football champions, to win i bought the best car in the world, oh, happy days, ellie and i bought a kitchen, she was sick for 3 days, elka, salmonella, the canteen at work, the police beating up the military airfield. a familiar face, well known, very well known, she is already an old woman, igor larin, 22
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years old, july 10, 1999, his body was found in the forest a few kilometers from the protest camp near the airfield, death was caused by a blow to the head. lieutenant colonel gennady ivanovich mukhin then headed this investigation. the body had been battered by animals, probably stray dogs, but interestingly, it had been moved. larin's clothes were. torn in addition, the blood accumulated on the wrong side of the body on which the body lay, and the murder weapon was never found. larin had just defended his diploma, he was the only child in the family, everyone loved him, he had no enemies. larin was in the camp with four friends, they lived in two tents, the main suspect, yes, exactly, but they didn’t talk to us, at first they were
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shocked, and then they openly hated us. claimed that they did not leave their tent, khazina almost went crazy when she heard it, screamed that the special services were involved, and now, that’s right, she attacked the captain eduard kravchenko, she was detained, but they always have the special services to blame for everything, which special services, these are environmentalists, who
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needs them anyway, but we still made a request, well, to no avail. they denied everything. so we have no weapon, no prints, no motive. listen, why was this case brought out of oblivion? what happened suddenly? fyodor loevsky, one of the suspects, 4 weeks ago, was found guilty of murdering a man; if he killed now, he could have killed then. so he's in prison now? no, somewhere else. you go, you want to look into the murder
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igor? this is very good, yes, it’s funny , of course, i’m on antidepressants, why was igor killed, who did it, you want to know, do you know why i’m here, i killed someone, really, yes, in the amusement park , he was sitting next to me, i stabbed him with a knife, do you know why? he pursued me, i became a target, a target whose secret services, he had the task of eliminating me, do you know what i mean?


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