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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  January 9, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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medical facility, arriving with gunshot wounds. a short time later he died in hospital from his injuries. investigators and criminologists conducted inspections, seized a bullet, shell casings, objects, and clothing of the deceased, and ordered a forensic medical examination. later it turned out that the deceased was forty-four-year-old karen airiyan, a native of the vladimir region. according to eyewitnesses, there was a verbal conflict between his attackers, while karen, apparently, was sober, but his killers had been drinking for a long time in a nearby cafe. it's clear, that the women who were nearby could not somehow prevent the brawl, we heard this, but you didn’t come out, well, damn it, there are often fights over something, well, there’s no point in going out, it’s like people are fighting, why should a girl do this, well, plus i have an even smaller girl, my colleague, well, why am i going out, now everyone who became an eyewitness is building their own versions, some are sure that it was a typical gang fight, others believe that it an ordinary everyday conflict, many even assume that the investigation has little chance of finding the one who shot, the injury is already very difficult to find, because it is not registered, the popul cannot
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be identified, but apparently they shot from nearby rastov. it is known that on the day of his death, karen was going to meet his family; in fact, he was heading there. according to some reports , his sister was in the car with him, the condition she was in is still unknown, but according to the doctors who tried to save the man, the same attackers also tried to enter the hospital, apparently to finish what they started, so establish all participants brawls, including the owner of a pistol, will not be difficult. the relatives of the murdered man found out about everything only today and do not yet have the information. in full, he was going to go to his parents, he called, congratulated us , went to his father, or rather, he doesn’t have a mother, he and his sister were supposed to go to their father , we only found out now, it’s a shock for us, we’re just now we found out the details, well, i don’t know, they killed my son , he was a good guy, he didn’t drink, didn’t smoke, he was kind, everyone knew him here, he was friends with many people, condolences will not change anything, according to a lawsuit near moscow, most of the participants... in the conflict have been detained, they are now
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being interrogated, as for the man with the pistol, he has already been put on the wanted list. ilya usheninin, natalya popova, erika avadyan, larisa kapinskaya, sergey boganov, ntv television company. rescuers urge drivers who find themselves on the don federal highway in the rostov region today to be especially attentive and careful; due to the snowstorm, motorists spent more than 10 hours in miles-long traffic jams. now the situation better, but point. it was decided not to close the heating, pavel kuznetsov found out why. perhaps the most popular phrase this morning among rostov drivers who survived a powerful snowstorm sounds like this. it looks like we’ve set off towards donkova, the interchange is in 800 m. but the joy is very short-lived. we drove a kilometer and stopped. however, these traffic jams cannot be compared with the night saturation; due to the heavy snowfall, the m4 don toll highway came to a standstill. hundreds of motorists were stuck in the middle. without edge margins, the situation
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is hopeless, someone was running out of gas, food and water, we had to walk to the nearest gas station with canisters in our hands, the temperature outside dropped to sub-zero levels, this is what a multi-kilometer traffic jam looked like from the train driver’s cabin , the traffic jam to moscow is wild, there are two rows of them, in short they are standing, three rows of them , this is in moscow, you can see there is so much snow in podkamensky that in short the traffic jam has accumulated up to here.
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heating points were returned, here you could also have a snack and wait out the bad weather more comfortably; many people took advantage of this shelter, because all the rooms are in roadside hotels sold out immediately , the hotel even allowed pets, someone was lucky, well, the picture is the same, he ate, comrade, drank from the toilet, in the middle of the night the traffic police inspectors had to urgently make their way into the thick of the traffic jam, they learned that a bus with children was stuck there they were returning to the new year tree, the fuel was running out, the schoolchildren were being taken out of the trap to the nearest ones. this is a traffic jam in the direction of rostov, and this is opposite the highway after the bump stops, everything is also, in short, a dead weight. now employees of various departments have managed to relieve congestion on rostov highways so that to avoid a repeat of the situation, restrictions were introduced on the movement of public and passenger transport. traffic on certain sections of the don highway is difficult due to the accident and a large flow of cars, however. there are no dead traffic jams, but
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the snowfall continues, a storm warning has been declared in the region until the end of the day, which means that nothing is over yet. in addition , bad weather will cover the krasnodar territory and crimea in the coming hours, where operational services are located. prepares for any scenario. pavel kuznetsov, daniila baklanova, oksana gonchurenko and alexander tutarinov, ntv, rostov region. residents of the moscow region, who were freezing during the holidays, received warmth, and we are not talking about the weather forecast outside the window. the heating started working in many houses. in the city of klimovsk, heat supply has returned to 110 houses. those whose batteries have not yet warmed up expect this in the coming hours. daria visaya will tell you what the situation is at this moment. every morning for all residents of klimovsk begins in approximately the same way with a brief overview of the weather forecast in the house. for the first time in several days, while there was no heat or hot water, it was favorable. well warm up, of course, everything doesn’t warm up right away, we waited, but at the moment the pipes are already hot, everything
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is fine. anna’s apartment finally has heating, like the residents of another 110 houses in klimovsko near moscow; the rest are promised to get better in the near future. after the accident on the heating main, i had to use my imagination to... at least somehow to warm up, several layers of clothing, blankets and a towel on the windows, which, due to the low temperature outside, at night it dropped to -30, instantly turned into ice, ice here, that is, ice here, that’s right , that is, here, well, you understand that we are constantly changing this, yes, because it all gets wet, everything is covered in ice, because of the heaters, which instantly increased the voltage in the electrical network, in some houses the transformers could not stand it, many were left not only without heat for a while. but even without electricity , tatyana melnikova, like others, her neighbors turned on the gas stove and oven at full power, but this was during the day, she began to leave the gas dangerously, so the pensioner had to sleep in street clothes under several blankets, now i have 14 , we already have it the oven was on for about an hour and a half, i
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turned it off now because my head was a bit heavy, elderly people and children suffered more than others from the cold, and pets, of course, svetlana militsa, her hedgehog , had to do everything. the boiler room did not inform anyone about the accident for a day, and then for a long time there was no contact at all. now he, as well as the general director of the plant, have been detained as part of a criminal case regarding the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. i announce to you that you have been detained on suspicion of unlawful actions that led to disruption of the electricity supply to the population of the urban district of podolsk.
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the investigators' questions will have to be answered by the deputy head of the city district administration, roman ryazantsev, who was supposed to supervise the preparations for the heating season and was aware that there was a defect in the equipment. as investigators believe, he still signed the inspection report and issued the plant with a so-called readiness passport. the investigator opened a criminal case on the fact of exceeding official powers, which resulted in grave consequences and the deputy head was detained administration of the urban district of podolsk. to date , searches and seizures have been carried out at the workplaces of the detainees, and interrogations continue. as soon as the utility workers began to eliminate the consequences, declaring a local state of emergency, they were opened.
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acquaintance with one lawyer, at least everyone who considers themselves victims, calls the same name, the same zero result from working with a lawyer, it is also considered that they got off with a slight fright, and there are also stories where the lives of clients changed in the worst side, our correspondent, stanislav kostikov, went to these people and asked them his questions: after a long wait in line for adoption, taking courses for adoptive parents and long trials, they are finally together. 2 years ago, maria and andrey adopted a girl, katya, the idyll did not last long, when the baby had already found a new family, her biological mother suddenly decided to fight for her, whose parental rights were limited due to her wild lifestyle, then a lawyer appeared on the horizon, acquaintance with whom could cost the spouses a child, show me the bird, here’s the typewriter,
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where is the typewriter, katyun, and show valikov, the lawyer promised to help. registration of guardianship in the shortest possible time, took money for his services and disappeared, because of this, the adoptive spouses almost lost such a long-awaited, already beloved baby. it seems to me that we probably would not have been able to live then. this considers the same thing as, well, god forbid, if your child died there, we quickly had to look for a new lawyer, of course, he the latter, as they say, i don’t know what he did there with the documents, he voiced these various arguments there, they left the child with us, another client of valikov met him on the day of her mother’s death, having heard a telephone conversation of a crying woman in the elevator, the lawyer immediately suggested help in registering an inheritance, and then began to show and... “i’m a lawyer, you have to trust me, i
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won’t do anything bad to you, i won’t offend you, i hinted at a relationship, yes, i gave you gifts, underwear , it’s not just underwear limited, the persistent suitor offered marina to buy a house and cover the expenses himself, but he took out a mortgage specifically for the woman, as a result she ended up with a huge debt and an empty apartment, which, as marina assures, the lawyer deceitfully took away from another friend yulia shchedinina. "the previous owner did not was able to survive the loss of property, she didn’t have time to turn on the faucet, she fell here, she couldn’t stand this stress, she didn’t give up the apartment. as a result , more than ten former clients of the lawyer contacted the serpukhov police without an agreement. the majority claim that vadim valikov took possession of their apartments. having united in a chat, the applicants came to the conclusion that this was the main lawyer's request. people lost their apartments when he met them, the one who... people drink, so in some mysterious way he became the owner, but i think that
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he also found out before that whether there were any heirs or not, so, and then people died, or maybe he added something, maybe from nerves, while the police are looking for a lawyer, as part of checking the information, the clients decided not to either sit still, one might say, they are on duty at the door, the lawyer’s apartment, open it, there is a house... whether a criminal case will be initiated is still a big question: the lawyer did not enter into written cooperation agreements with the majority of now dissatisfied clients, he accepted payments only in cash and without witnesses, so his involvement, and even more so his guilt , still needs to be proven; perhaps investigators and prosecutors, to whom the lawyers in charge have already addressed a collective statement, will clarify things. stanislav kostikov, alexey ermakov, nadezhda zybkina and vladimir tolyzin, ntv television company, moscow region. that's not all, see below. what's wrong with the face?
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it was as if the doctor at a private clinic had lost the power of speech after an unsuccessful operation and had stopped communicating with the patient, which is what a woman who has changed beyond recognition intends to do. watch after the commercial. the holidays are over. nothing is over yet, everything is just beginning for us, there’s no balabol, warm up, cool down, relax, you know, here we continue to hurt, hurray, hurray, hurray, because who are we, police partners, a gang, that’s it we are like a fist, like the fingers of a three-thawed hand, movement began. today 14:00 on ntv.
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i think my grandfather is hiding something. bustle. fireworks, turn on the new year's light. lights the lights. a magic staff, grandpa, and we have something tasty at home , we can conjure something, he can do magic, the snowman is a courier, it’s proven, my grandpa, santa claus. on new year's eve , everyone can create miracles, from the bottom of their hearts, for those around them.
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an emergency. stopped answering calls, as the woman assures, but there is something to talk about; as a result of surgical intervention, the facial nerve was damaged and elena became simply unrecognizable. our correspondent dayana shlyubkina met with the victim and found out all the details. to a new face elena demidova will obviously not get used to it soon. every approach to the mirror ends in tears for her, this reflection used to suit her, until she had a planned diagnostic operation, now all that remains is to be glad that she is still alive at all, my eye doesn’t close, it just doesn’t move, i can’t move the closed one, now i don’t know how to sleep with one eye closed, or close my eyes
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at all, only this part moves, my mouth opens like this, i have severe pain and every day i lose worse and worse consciousness, not at all in order to become even more attractive, she went to the doctors , says elena, but in order to get rid of severe pain that constantly bothered her on the left side of her face and neck, she found a specialist through friends with more than 20 years of experience in maxillofacial surgery , they bribed the woman even more, everything was official and high-quality, after i recovered from anesthesia, i immediately felt a violation of facial expressions, as it later turned out that... he said that he had closed the vessel, he was tightening, or tightening, either he burned it because he testimony, but there is an official statement that it is damaged. nerve , the woman spent a week in the hospital, trying to get an answer from the doctors about what exactly happened to her, but instead of at least some explanation, she was suddenly sent home due to suspicions of the flu,
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although she did not feel symptoms of the disease, meanwhile georgy gevorkov, who performed the operation, communicated and gave advice exclusively over the phone, well, you need to call a therapist and deal with this, don’t you urgently need to call the person you operated on? now with this figure it out, because it’s on your conscience, georgy levey, it’s your conscience to write complaints and georgy levonovich, it’s not on your conscience that a person is maimed, who did the maiming, it’s the operating room, but after the victim began to solve her problem from the legal side, the doctor stopped answering, explaining this by the fact that the hospital management forbade him to communicate with the patient is difficult. or whether complications really became such a sad result of the operation, now lawyers will have to figure it out. elena dimidova will have a long rehabilitation and treatment in the near future, not
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it is excluded that additional operations on the face will have to be performed. meanwhile , the woman wrote a statement to law enforcement agencies and intends to punish to the fullest extent of the law those through whose fault she has changed so much. deana shlyubkin, nadezhda zybkina, anton kuzmin, ntv television company. where did fifty-year-old rapper sergei bulavintsev go? did he decide to disappear for a while or did he get help ? the artist’s fans, relatives and friends are now discussing. the last time the artist, who stood at the origins of russian rap culture, was seen by another 30 december, this day is also remembered by the neighbors, the men in the country house, then some screams were heard, and then the firefighters arrived, ivan gubin also visited the scene of the events, i don’t know, but...
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he wrote about this to his colleagues on stage, with whom he went to kaliningrad to give a concert, as well as his ex-wife, with whom he maintained a good relationship, we corresponded with him at night somewhere after 12. so he simply wrote that he was in kaliningrad and that we have always been in touch with him , when we communicated with him, he was as adequate as possible. versions of what could have happened
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are now being built by sergey’s fans, who help in the search and send out photographs of the rapper; some, without losing hope, write that the grandfather of russian rap, and bulavintsev was one of the first who began to develop the rap industry in the country , just remembered his youth, and what is called a spree and the connection will soon come out, while others are making darker guesses about the involvement of third parties. during the last tours he didn’t talk about any problems in life at all, they were quite positive, charged, as if everything was cool, it was also my birthday, they arrived on december 26, so we met them, we went as if to celebrate the meeting, and there were some... what
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actually happened, police researchers are finding out, volunteers joined the search . all the nearby streets are dotted with such landmarks with a photograph of sergei, including a leaflet hanging in the artist’s burned-out house, where he was last seen , where he went after is still unknown for certain. according to one version, sergei sent. is that the fishermen on the lake are changeable they block a country road with their cars, which because of this, not only an ambulance, a car cannot pass, this is
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one of the few... attributes of civilization among the residents of the remote village of lesnoye on sakhalin, but what kind of traffic jams cannot be found in the regional center, you have to look in a metropolis, a dead traffic jam, in the middle of a remote taiga, the picture here is familiar and the local residents are not at all happy. that's it, we're going, we're going, my husband is taking me to the doctor with acute pain, i don't know how we'll get there, i'm already all confused, everyone is up, 47 km in such conditions you can drive for 3 or 4 hours, or not at all. you can’t get there, the slightest accident and traffic comes to a standstill, and the point is not that the village of lesnoye is such a popular place, less than 100 people live there, all these cars belong to ice fishing enthusiasts, the places here are fishing, and pink salmon crabs are caught very well, so it turns out that for some it’s fun and for others it’s torment, we haven’t had a fisherman in our village for almost 2 months now, we can’t constantly call an ambulance either, because there are also these fishermen there, too, there are a lot of fishermen,
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place along. it’s simply unrealistic for every owner to come and ask not to do this, but the locals no longer have the strength to live in such conditions , patience is running out, our schoolchildren don’t go to school, a felcher can’t get to us, when a girl worked for us, it was very difficult to get through, now we don’t have a felcher at all, we can’t help but get home when we drive from the city,
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right under the prohibitory signs, the fishermen know this more, that’s why they park their cars nowhere. the small parking lot does not accommodate all the cars of fishing enthusiasts. district the administration promises to involve tow trucks in the case, but this also clearly will not solve the problem, after all, at least a couple of hundred of them will be needed, at a minimum. the problems could be solved by reconstructing this small
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area, widening the roadway, making... pockets to stop, but locals believe that they are unlikely to do this for the sake of 100 residents , so in the coming days they plan to collectively appeal to the prosecutor’s office in court. dinar usmanov, ildus slavatrin, alexey birulev and radu gordis, ntv television company, sakhalin region. and by this time everything thank you for being with us. oh, who brought the line so early, 9 o’clock, yes, i’m coming, well... did you expect
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to see anyone else? yes, there is no one, now the free artist is suspended from service, so he slept like a groundhog, and why did you come back? what was not necessary? no, i'm sorry, i'm a fool, it's just that last time we parted so strangely? masha called and told me what was going on here, so she went there, and i went here. dad left yesterday, i’m all alone here, you shouldn’t have come either, you should have, i should be there, if of course you’re here i haven’t hooked anyone yet, wow, what strange hints i hear, why don’t you wash your face, brush your teeth , why don’t you clean up all day long, listen,
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my love.
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listen, where is yakubovskaya, i can’t get through on the phone, i need an urgent file from the archives, please go. yes, yes, now it’s 5 minutes, nikolai nikolaevich, lieutenant karandyshev, what 5 more minutes, i’m your immediate superior, by the way , i just gave an unambiguous order, i’m busy with something interesting, i’m looking for information for a follower, yes, and what did i find? , well, look, 3 years ago, the case about an underground casino at... a paint factory, it seemed like they caught everyone red-handed, and then it fell apart in a strange way, i remember, well, also, former district police officer ustyugov , he spoiled a lot of blood for the local criminals, i remember ustyugov, he was imprisoned for a strange story with drugs, supposedly they were found in his car,
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but he has three children, a disabled wife, what kind of drugs, his ala case was handled by nifontov again, what else, well, in my opinion, it was here, last year, an assistant to a deputy during a raid on... .from prostitution , the little mermaid with two young children was caught in a sauna, the case was closed, nifatov was in charge of the case, there’s a lot more here nikolai nikolaevich, listen, vasya, you conduct your unofficial investigation, but quietly and carefully, so that no one knows, and no inclinations towards nifontov, you found something, print it out, show me, and no initiative , zoe, you can show it, you can, although
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i know... yes, boss, like the first day of freedom, well , i haven’t realized it yet, your mother-in-law sent him to the store for household chemicals and other brushes, in general, the boss of washbasins and the commander of scrubbers . yes, and here i got carried away by adventures your nifontov. vaska, be careful, don’t put your head too far, and don’t drag the mushroom guy into this. he ’s already old and has enough trouble, okay, adyo, i’m off, i still have to get a job today, where, where, where, i won’t say so as not to jinx it, so far,
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everything is going according to plan, fields, then suspension, signing up not leaving, no, well, in principle , they could have put him in a cell today, but i didn’t tell him, why? and there may be more than one, but we won’t allow anyone to pull on them, so we ourselves will be brother.


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