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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 11, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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a working trip during a visit to the far east, the president flew to khabarovsk. possible volga has a chance to live in the special operation zone . forcedly mobilized ukrainians to surrender and survive. from the ministry of agriculture, below is the forecast for egg prices. we will find out what numbers we are talking about in business news. illegal redevelopment, a new law that is being prepared to be considered by the state duma, will simplify access to illegally converted apartments. about the main thing, for this minute in the ilyarovtsev studio. hello. state university, where should he
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showed a project for the integrated development of far eastern cities. the plan is designed until 2030 and provides for the renewal of the housing stock, the construction of social facilities, landscaping, modernization of transport and utility infrastructure, and the development of resort areas. there, at the university , the president met with far eastern businessmen and entrepreneurs. we started the conversation with the situation in the russian economy in the conditions. china, usa, india, japan, russia, number one in europe.
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which the far east is traditionally famous for, a question from business representatives concerned the use of imported fish against this background of the high cost of delivering domestic products to the central region of russia. according to vladimir putin, the authorities keep the duty on imported goods low so as not to spend money from the budget on subsidizing transportation and to provide counters, and here it is dangerous to sharply increase the import duty. we will definitely do the calculations and i will ask the ministry of agriculture, the ministry of agriculture and the ministry of economic development to do this. we'll
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definitely look at everything, okay, but we just can't do it here not to make the wrong steps, because then you need these subsidies for transportation in order for them to work, and then the duty or at the same time synchronize the increase in duty, because well, the delivery of eggs , you see what happened to us, we just didn’t get our bearings in time, it’s just volume- then our production has not decreased, consumption has increased due to the real one. uh with the real with the real disposable income of the population a little, but still people’s incomes have increased a little, so they started to acquire more egg, meat, chicken, but they didn’t think about opening imports in time, boom and prices went up, so you need to be very careful, but in general you are absolutely right, be sure to work, after university vladimir putin visited the first animation studio in the far east dream .
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the studio's most famous work was an animated series about the adventures of backpacks back to back, which was released on russian tv channels, also in china, kazakhstan, belarus and thailand. the studio is currently working on a feature-length film by nevelskaya, about a long-distance explorer east, the founders of the nikolaev namur region gennady nevelskoy. and today vladimir putin met with the governor of the khabarovsk territory mikhail dekterev. he told the president about the socio-economic development of the region. one of the key issues in this direction is the development of the housing market. we are breaking records in terms of housing, this is of course due to stimulated demand, the far eastern mortgage is taking all the measures, we also showed up for rental housing, all our applications have been approved, 1,700 apartments have been confirmed to us by the house of the russian federation, this year the first houses will be delivered, this is of course khabarovsk, first of all, and komsomolsk on the amur region, where we have an op for employees. if in
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meters, then last year we passed 517, but for comparison, the twentieth year 220, de 280. well , again we exceeded the soviet indicators, now in general, well, socially. mikhail dekterev paid special attention to the development of small businesses; the number of self-employed in the khabarovsk territory, according to him, has tripled over the year ; they are entitled to a preferential tax rate of 4 to 6%. the head of the region also noted measures to support large families; over 2 years these measures were indexed in total by almost 19%. today the verkhovna rada will consider the scandalous bill on mobilization in the first reading. in ukraine, the document caused heated debate long before it was accepted into the draft law. experts believe that it not only contradicts the constitution of ukraine, but also violates human rights. meanwhile , more and more cases of so-called forced mobilization are becoming known. there are plenty of men of conscript age on the streets, in shops, gyms and public
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transport. those who have been driven into the ranks of militants are increasingly choosing to surrender. to do this on the russian military even allocated a special radio wave to the contact line. omar magomedov. about the last chance for survival. filming from a night vision device on a country road, by agreement with our fighters, military personnel of the ukrainian armed forces appear. in the hands of one of them is a piece of light fabric; the man periodically waves, signaling a desire to surrender. boxes of ammunition were brought to the soldier as a gesture of goodwill. to save lives and return home, forcibly mobilized residents of ukraine just need to communicate via an open radio frequency with call sign volga. the most common portable radio station, which is used by both our fighters and the enemy, just enter the required frequency 149.200 into the parameters and name the call sign volga, which will mean that the ukrainian military is ready to lay down their arms and
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surrender. in russian units there are signalmen on duty who monitor such requests, do you want to live, come out? cases have become almost daily, occurring along the entire front line. for ukrainian armed forces fighters, this is perhaps the only way to leave the combat zone actions safe and sound. footage taken by our drone operator. the ukrainian soldiers refused to surrender and preferred to flee into the toll trench, but instead of help and support, the fighters of the barrage detachment opened heavy fire on them. the commander of the control battery with the call sign kama serves in the donetsk direction. electronic warfare officer, one of the initiators of implementation on the line. special cleanliness front with the call sign volga, only since the beginning of the year dozens of military personnel have already taken advantage of this opportunity ukraine. basically, these are people who have gone against their grain, these are mobilized people, these are people who want to live. this picture can
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be seen on all the streets of ukrainian cities and towns. people with automatic weapons knock men to the ground, wring their hands and put handcuffs on them. moreover, more and more often raids occur in crowded places in front of our eyes. for families and children, the priority age of a candidate for attack aircraft or drivers of an american bradley armored personnel carrier is from 30 to 50 years. what are you doing? leave him alone. the male population is being saved from mobilization by everyone possible ways. they bribe the military commissar, reveal themselves in abandoned villages or hide at home. silicone masks made in china are in great demand, allowing you to transform your face. you can grow old or turn into a woman. you didn’t want to leak from the edge of the woman’s cloth, mom didn’t have enough pennies to pay for the swag, and the dads didn’t have the old bonds to help. in popular social networks, despite the blocking and a complaint from the kiev authorities, videos like these are gaining views, in which they call on
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forcibly mobilized ukrainians to lay down weapons and save lives for the sake of loved ones, well, we gave up, we weren’t going to fight, but we didn’t want anything, so we treated... actually very well. dmitry gordeev has been in captivity since october 4 last year. laying down your arms is a voluntary decision. a resident of the odessa region is married and has two children. tells. the summons was served right at the market. in case of failure to appear, the machine gunners threatened with prison. military affairs were taught by american instructors in germany. after three weeks of training, he served in the 82nd air assault brigade. in just a month battles, personnel losses exceeded 60%. and i regret that i joined the army, well , i didn’t understand the situation, now i understand that people just throw firewood into the stove so that the stove burns, the stove burns, it’s the wood that burns, they take new ones and throw firewood again, an ordinary guard
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was seriously wounded during captivity, the command of the armed forces of ukraine, having learned about the capture of the dugout , opened fire on their soldiers with artillery, the evacuation took 2 hours, hospital. dmitry dreams of returning home, however, the kiev regime is in no hurry to let its citizens from captivity, their number has already exceeded 10,000, the answer from... representatives of the armed forces of ukraine is the same, it was not possible to confirm the person’s identity. omar magomedov, rabadam bagomedov, ntv television company donetsk people's republic. the ministry of agriculture reported when to expect a reduction in egg prices. previously there was information that this would not happen. next on the air is business news with denis talalaev. denis, so what are they saying at the ministry? they promise to reduce prices in the near future. the ministry of agriculture had to. re-enter the discussion about when prices will fall in russia eggs. this happened after, in an interview with the parliamentary newspaper, the general director
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of the rosptitsa-union, galina babyleva, said: the egg will not become cheaper and named the current prices at 110-125 rubles. quote: absolutely normal, fair and adequate. she explained: for producers, the price of eggs under long-term contracts is approximately 95-105 rubles. everything else is the cost of retail chains and the inevitable trade markup. and the supply of eggs from abroad, according to them. galina babuleva will not lead to a reduction in prices, because purchase prices for eggs from turkey and azerbaijan is no lower than for domestic products. but later , deputy minister of agriculture maxim titov said that prices for eggs from producers over the last 2 weeks have already decreased, in the first category by 2.5%, in the second category by 4.2%, in the near future the ministry of agriculture, according to maxim titov, expects that prices will begin to decrease in stores. according to russtat, eggs were imitated by about 60% last year. today , vladimir putin, in a conversation with
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entrepreneurs of the far east , again explained the imitation of eggs in russia by the fact that demand increased in eggs, the authorities did not increase imports in time. deputy chairman of the board of the russian trade union association, dmitry leonov, previously explained the rise in egg prices also by the fact that production costs are rising. due to exchange rates , logistics, packaging, spare parts, vaccines become more expensive, and there is also a shortage of workers. the russian stock market is again between ... between rising oil prices on the one hand and the rising ruble on the other, and the rising ruble has a bad effect on the shares of exporters. the dollar is already less than 89, for the first time since december 29, exporters resumed selling foreign currency after the holidays, this is the demand for it on the part of importers, as expected, decreased. in addition, the central bank is now selling currency according to the budget rule. a turning point for the bitcoin market. an article was published today with these words. bloomberg, the us securities and exchange commission for the first time allowed the opening of spot exchange-traded funds for bitcoin.
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in fact, this all means that a huge mass of ordinary retail investors now have the opportunity to invest in bitcoin without the need to create crypto wallets and understand this market on their own. before that, there were only funds that held bitcoin futures, that is, investors could not buy shares that are directly tied to the real value of bitcoin, and not to the one that will be established there someday in the future. however , the us securities and exchange commission noted that they still do not approve of bitcoin as such, and investors should treat the risk with caution. bitcoin appeared in 2009, then it cost 1,300 bitcoins, costing a dollar. now the situation has changed a little, one bitcoin costs more than 46 thousand dollars, and according to the bank’s forecast standard charter, thanks to the emergence of spot exchange-traded funds on bitcoin, so much will now flow into this cryptocurrency.
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intelligence remotely, in the offices there are modern devices for ultrasound and radiation diagnostics, the center’s staff have already calculated the time for a full medical examination to be reduced from two days to one. the head of the federal medical and biological agency, veronika skvartsova, said that by 2030 more than sixty similar centers will operate in the country. actually a unified digital database has been formed that allows us to assess the dynamics of everyone’s condition. working and carry out a system of measures to prevent the development of professional pathology and any
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other somatic and not only somatic pathology, over the past year and a half we have formed a concept for the development of industrial medicine, both in the fmba system and on the instructions of the government of the russian federation, this concept will serve methodological basis for the development of industrial medicine in general in our country. today in russia there are 14 industrial medicine centers, and this year the authorities have planned to launch more than twenty more. home inspectors can make access easier. redesigned housing, if the owners refuse to let them in, now in this case a court permission is required, but in the meantime, the neighbors experience inconvenience in their own home, in the worst case, they may even be in danger. the state duma is preparing to consider amendments to the current law, what will happen if they are adopted, alina repina found out. this is konstantin, and he is showing us his new apartment, here layout from the developer, long narrow
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corridor, too big bedroom, too small kitchen, konstantin doesn’t like it. i always, when i come to an apartment, act according to an algorithm: i need to come, undress, which means i have a dressing room somewhere nearby, i always make a separate bedroom in some remote place, i even have one apartment coordinated with a window in ceiling. according to experts, every third apartment in the real estate market has been remodeled, while the lion's share is not approved, it looks like an iceberg almost completely hidden under water, on clean water. the housing inspectors are removed by the housing inspectors, usually with the help of vigilant citizens, 70% of inspections occur in response to complaints from our neighbors when they hear loud noise, someone is making repairs when they heard the sound of water above their room, someone, let’s say, made a bathroom out of neighbors, muscovites artyom , ianna, the neighbors
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downstairs literally seized it, they moved the kitchen to the place of the pantry, they took out this ventilation pipe from the window, from which shocking exhaust fumes of the boiler continuously rise upward, this is a quote from an appeal to the housing inspectorate. our appeal was like this quite emotional and funny, but it was no longer funny to us, these are onions fried in huge quantities, even the child already identified that they were onions. inspector dmitry already knows that there are violations , the pipe is visible from the street, but in order to draw up a report on the bad apartment, you need to go into it. dmitry goes up to the floor, but it is deaf, although the light in the apartment is on; now access will have to be obtained through the court. approval sometimes takes years before inspection; other houses do not survive. according to one version, the demolition of load-bearing walls became the cause of the recent tragedy in astrakhan. two entrances collapsed there, killing one person. and this is 2015. per, due to the redevelopment of an office on the first floor
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, the entrance collapsed, killing two. amendments are being prepared for consideration in the state duma on inspections without decisions. entry into the home is carried out only by court order, but in some cases, if there is a threat to life and health, you can enter together with representatives of law enforcement agencies. will the amendments be accepted and will they allow access to inspectors? the question is open. for now , one thing is clear: load-bearing walls cannot be demolished. necessary, but redevelopments must be coordinated when the inspector finally comes into the apartment. it will become more expensive to redo the repairs. alina repina, anna martynova and natalya okmaikina, ntv. now a word from my colleague, valery gavrilovsky, host of the emergency program . lera, what will happen today? ilya, today about the death of a three-year-old boy, whom the emergency situations ministry could not save because it was impossible to get to the burning house, the rescuers had to clear the snow for
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their immediate duties, they were able to start only half an hour later. costs should i explain? what is 30 minutes when we are talking about a flaring flame, the baby could have been saved by his grandparents, because he was visiting them, but the relatives went to the store, leaving their three-year-old grandson alone. there are too many fatal circumstances and human carelessness in this tragedy. about the consequences in our issue. ilya. thank you nalera, this is not only in the emergency program after a short pause. that's all we have for now. visit, see you. the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable, receive a supercake every month and withdraw cash for free from any atm across
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live. hello. a car accident in bashkiria claimed the life of the strongest child in russia, as the sixteen-year-old workout champion sergei batyaev was called. the famous young athlete, candidate for master of sports, was driving a domestic car. on the highway he lost control and flew into the oncoming lane and collided with another car. it was inevitable, now the police are conducting an investigation not only into the fatal accident, but also finding out who sold the car to the minor; the parents, as our correspondent dinar usmanov found out, did not know about the purchase of their son. in the small town of oktyabrsky in bashkartastan today there is national mourning. hundreds of people, despite the thirty-degree frost, came to say goodbye to the one whom everyone knew and were proud of. batyaev was not just the strongest boy russia, he was universal. favorite, many who could not hold back their tears today, not only relatives, everyone came because he deserves his success - this is his work since childhood, since childhood he tried to achieve good
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results with his work, so thank you all for your participation, for your sympathy parents, in these frames taken by the recorder the last seconds before the car accident in which an outstanding athlete died, the author of the video almost became the third participant in the tragic... accident, you can see how the truck urgently brakes and he is blown to the left. the reason becomes clear later, a car that drove into the oncoming lane crashed into him, and that’s all that was left of it. these images were taken after two victims with serious injuries were taken away in an ambulance. at that moment , both the driver and the passenger were still alive. eyewitnesses and doctors experienced a real shock when they realized that they were teenagers. 14 and 16 years old, and one of them was sergei batyaev, the absolute all-russian champion in workout, winner of many other awards and titles, he was driving,
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suffered the most and later died. in the hospital, how why did he end up in this car, why?


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