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tv   Legenda Ferrari  NTV  January 12, 2024 4:00am-5:06am MSK

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max , imagine , “here, you need strength, eat, you don’t like berlin, why, i don’t like it, i really like it, remember, you came here to my friend, the artist sieckfried, shortly before the death of your mother, this is not max , he let me leave. the ashtul man must be taken to italy,
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he is a fascist to the core, he will never cooperate with us, if you want to complete the operation, you must stick to my legend, i took care of the stoltz, the workshop was transferred to another place, the plates were changed right at his home, we installed surveillance, this is max himself personally, max is collaborating with the germans, listen , he brought me out, he covered me as a partner, it hurt him himself, i understand that we always acted paradoxically, but it was always only for the good of things, i’m not a traitor, you are.. .you know very well, i
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will never, never betray those i trust, feelings make people vulnerable, i am of course self-righteous for allowing you to get so involved in this, i should have removed him from the very beginning, i would have hated you. these are documents from poms petrenko, you will follow them the polish border, they will meet you there and lead you into the union, when now, immediately, this very second, they decided to remove you, they will not stop, far away.
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i will lead the operation, see you in moscow, if it works out, this is my operation, and i have to finish it, that everything i could, you have already done, name courage, just leave. what about the priest, while he is needed here.
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there are traitors all around, there are only traitors all around, replace the drawings, my drawings, where then, who, who, who, who, who? why am i always right? good afternoon, my name is grigory petrenka, here i am i brought you medicine, we have orders to leave immediately, please get ready, how old are you, 18, according to legend, i am your son and we must cross the border as a family. the train leaves
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in an hour, we have to go, just a minute, i 'll get ready. to gain time and transfer stolz with the team, we need to pretend that we are not aware of the substitution, we need to take the suitcase already, yes, only you can do this, yes, i understand, this is very, very dangerous, where should we go with our work? documents, we will take you through prague, then to poland, here i am i’ll finish it myself and ermler too, this is what i
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had to do, i’ll convey your wishes to him, she’s already left. i hope we said goodbye to him badly, nothing, there will be time, say goodbye, everything is fine, over there, please, thank you, come on. good afternoon, can i check your tickets and documents? of course, especially since traveling on your trains is a
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pleasure. are you heading to warsaw? yes. yes, my mother needs to see doctors, it’s cheaper in warsaw, you know, my god, it’s time to get embarrassed, excuse me, honestly, what are you, it’s okay, lately there have been scenes going on, god knows what, it’s true , something is wrong, could you lift the toilet, mrs. tsybulskaya, of course, with pleasure, in photographs we often turn out better than in life, yes? i would not say, moreover, your son can be mistaken
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for your brother, this is a compliment, have a nice trip, thank you, you are very kind. let's go, i'm attached, damn old, for the future, young man, try to control your emotions, i'm in the ladies' room.
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curtain! damn it, what's wrong? why are you here are you doing?
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guntar? yes it's me. where were you all night? i was worried. why, you couldn’t find a place for yourself, right? what happened to you? nothing happens to me, it will happen to you now. you still poke your nose into my affairs, right? i told rolf everything. what have you done? fool, help, they are killing, help, they are killing! damn it! mr. stolz, don't move, who is he? you are under arrest! gunther, get out of here, hold on! you leave through the backyard! there's a black car standing there, yeah,
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give up or something, you can't get away, i'm being stupid, gunter, what, what are you, what are you, me, me i don’t know how to do stupid things, please, what without yours?
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everything went as you planned, we boarded the train, i didn’t leave her side for a minute, even when she went to the women’s room, i followed her, although the train had already started moving, i couldn’t have expected her to jump off on the move. , she was injured, she is very smart, but nevertheless we know that she did not leave berlin, and will most likely meet with max. all i need is to catch them red-handed, sorry, i tried, now i have to keep my eyes on
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max, where he is, there she will be, it’s not for nothing that i cultivated this union for so many years, feelings make people vulnerable in elim, i will take this into account, uridsky is already in the city, very good news, now it’s clear to me who will... stolts, your idiots boiled everything down, they acted according to instructions, stolts obviously someone helped, they at least saw this man, those who survived, no, but i’m declaring a raid, i’m not going to wait for them to send all my people to the next world, yes, this is the right decision, i’ll turn the whole of berlin upside down, i i’ll shake all the fucking out of this stolt, at the same time the one for whom he works, give an urgent order to all posts and cordons, detain gunther stols, send photographs to
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all train stations, the airfield and bus stations, do not turn on the lights, we need to talk, i know what is happening. the house is being watched by the english and germans, only a madman could come here, we have always been distinguished by this, and i was so hoping not to see you again, hello, hello, sit down, please, we need to talk, please, please.
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i know what you did for me when you let me shoot you in the leg. thank you for being spot on you shoot, otherwise he became disabled with himself. life is amazing, inventive, yes, now yours want to kill you because of me. idiocy, but you have to live with it somehow. “these are tickets to america and documents in the name of john otson, real estate sales in the state of illinois, i don’t like this state, there are 47 more.”
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“listen, i don’t have to see you, i can do whatever i want, risk my life, yours, if necessary, but on one condition, if you live on this earth, i have to know about it. where you live, with whom, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is you live, you know, for everything this is the time that you and i experienced together. “i
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have to tell you, i believe you, i believe you, i believe you like no one else in the world, lord, for god’s sake, just geez!” don’t, i beg you very much, very much, and now tell me in human terms, why are you doing this, what
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to say, well, say this word for... but i need it, it will ruin everything, what an infection you are, not worth gratitude ,
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thank you, thank you, ala, that’s it, that’s it, we have to go. at a minimum, i have to help you, leave, at a minimum, i know where the back door is, by the way, i love you too.
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excellent thing, excellent, crazy, of course, with the warehouse of the idea, he almost ruined everything. he seemed to have fallen from the sky, i told him, to be quiet and not stick out, to be quiet is not about him. he locked our people there and burned them, apparently he decided , i don’t know that they are a traitor, i was late, but he
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is completely sick, we knew that he was a psychopath, the sverfe worked, he was kicked out for dangerous behavior, i also warned him, it ’s all our fault , you can’t fix anything, he later came to... finish him off, he brought the last batch of plates here, you you’ll have to hand it over to the northerner, understand? i’ll do everything in the best possible way, i’ll take this one myself, after you hand over the plates, that’s it, you go out, uh-huh, be careful.
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achtung, achtung, der zug aus bremen kommt eine halbe stunde später, achtung, achtung, der zug aus bremen kommt eine halbe stunde später. der zug richtung münchen fährt gleis ab.
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let's go, where to go, i'll tell you the address on the way. move on, let's go to another address, i changed my mind,
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this is probably what you were looking for, great. this looks like encryption keys, probably so that’s it, i think we’ll find something else, yeah, i think that’s more than enough.
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fireworks that we have here, where did you go, that’s how things were, but now i’m looking for where i can fall, yeah, well, now it’s clear, oh, this is it ? i shouldn't have contacted her, well , then let's go to me, i'm not far from the grozhtrassa, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, i'm with you, and i'll probably take a bottle, 16, something or 17, i'm done also a holder of the order of st. magda, an admirer of her angelic voice, i would now take care of vaselissa, by the way, like she did, where are you going vaselissa, now you’re going to hurt me,
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or what? that's what love does to a person, look, and you're rolling in the same direction, in the same place, why are you silent, the route is in the wrong direction, you 've passed, but what's your hurry, let's ride through berlin at night, let's keep it there, yay, everything will be fine , where we need to get to, like you there, in a black, crooked alley, the factrot sees and calls, it passes and is noisy and booming. cheerful night people, wonderful, this is wonderful, silent roar, night people, how wonderful it is, how wonderful it is, oh-oh-oh, what could be more beautiful than this freedom, here how amazing, maybe, maybe i ’ll still tell him where to go.
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drive around quickly, alone with me, come on, yes you will, he will leave, he will leave.
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please be quiet, love is dying, please be quiet, we need silence. but no one will know,
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no one will hear how much she is trembling and afraid, yes, circle, give up, love is dying, tell him to calm down, dad, stay, he’s crying quietly! yasha, don’t be stupid, if you hand over the resident’s agent, your life is guaranteed, yasha, come on, don’t ruin your talent, love dies, it’s so lonely, she got lost in empty darkness. love dies in pain before
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its time. she chose, but obviously the wrong ones, love is blind, love doesn’t see that there is little happiness, it is not for everyone.
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thank you, thank you, william, but you succeeded, everyone has their own downfall, but everyone
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has it, check everyone personally, if you want, forget it?
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gruvar is a very interesting turn of events, i think so too, no, thank you, i had breakfast today, see you soon,
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that’s it, yes, i’m free!
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what is this? what's the matter? what's happened?
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i liked yasha, he is a good poet, and this is true. i didn’t have time, i lost my gift, my favorite creation, a comfortable jacket, most of my soul. i haven’t told him so much, how
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can it be like this all my life, you think i’ll have time, i’ll tell him, i’ll hug him, i’ll apologize, i’m so guilty of him, we didn’t say goodbye. we didn't say goodbye, he loved you. and i knew that you loved him too , in your own way, of course, you love him, he was a great intelligence officer, a poet with a soul, everything,
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everything, everything, everything, everything, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, everything, everything, everything , everything, everything, everything, everything. why don’t we say nice things to each other during our lives, we just hand, it’s easier, yes, and then it’s too late , one second too late, and there’s nothing to return, nothing to rewind, he... was always with me, that’s enough, always, i already heard that, we didn’t talk, yes i got it, drink , hold on, we didn’t say goodbye, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, for safety
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reasons, he’s already started work, by the way, this is a tonara, somehow it suits him, strange, but probably , it’s even good that stalin is not here right now, they definitely wouldn’t get along. i can do more with him, it broke off. i'm everything in my mind i understand, believe me, i lost two of my most beloved people, they were my life, without them
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the engine would not start. it's time for me to leave.
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and hitler the national socialists understand this perfectly well, judging by the latest events, and you think these can be controlled, no, no, if people like you leave, definitely not, the world will definitely not be better and cleaner from this. these milkies will blow it away, they have strength and desire, can i just relax , peace. and has not recovered from the meat war,
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but he definitely doesn’t want a repeat, we are losing my own life in order to save them for others, but it was not for nothing that i believed in you so much, gruber is dead, max killed him, so i saved it for him.
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tous à rencontrer comme par asaard son de store.
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it's probably time to get acquainted, let
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's try. olga golubovskaya. hello. hello. look tomorrow, a letter to you from vasily, i’m in
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town, i need to save a man, marusya petrova is your niece, guests are coming to you, what else, my husband just disappeared, he wrote me a letter and writes that he is waiting for work, but he’s waiting he's at the third construction site, so am i i’ll go there, we’ll find out everything, my dear mother, where is she from here, if we’ll take her now, now she’ll be screaming, an elusive, ghostly... shadow on the dials of the st. petersburg sundial, but the constant feeling of falling in love with the city sharpens the receptors. with the help of sight, touch, taste,
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hearing and smell, we will experience our native st. petersburg in a new way. it is better to hunt for its main scents in the spring, but st. petersburg love is always a little contrary, and we opened the season at the height of the snowfalls. in one of the most beautiful suburbs of st. petersburg, tsarskoe selo, where even the part of the solar chronometer resembles a nose. "having passed the winged guards , it’s not a sin to take off, from the heights the greenhouse looks like a giant thermometer, inside +22 it smells of lilies of the valley and lilacs, the beauty of the french limoine variety was woken up several months ahead of schedule, for the sake of the most beloved actress in st. petersburg, we are making a bouquet for alisa brunovna, this is an alstrameric variety , called alice, i adore it, i simply adore it, especially i really..." i like the film, i am always ready to watch it, a film, an office romance. the trees are preening
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and sent to the palace, where alisa frendlich also stayed briefly at... a mirror in the chambers of mother-in-law alisa gesonskaya. in the empress's office, the smell of blooming lilacs even determined the color of the walls. there are generally 2.0 varieties of lilacs, did you know about this? 2.0 are completely different , amazing in inflorescences, in arrangement, in smell, even they are different. perfumer oksana chernyshova has been a member of the international lilac society for 7 years and has managed to become the creator of a dozen perfumes from imperial lilac to lilac ice cream. here's the dances to the rhythm of tango, also lilac, but there on beat 1 2 3 4 lilac blooms, it smells exactly like that, the main note of the first is black pepper, for example, morning lilac is a walk through pavlovsky park at 5:00 in the morning, when it is still very it’s cold, the sun is already rising , but it’s so cold that your teeth are chattering, well, how can alexandra fetrovna approach, well, the lilac, well, so
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spreading, like in the spring, of course, but this... and her appatheos in general of her life, she will never bloom again in winter, after it blooms, she will go to the park and be live there a happy retirement for the rest of your very long life, poor, poor is good, it always marks spring, spring is a time, so to speak, of expectations, and the end to the end of this dark time of our geographical point. all leningraders, leningraders and st. petersburgers have such tenderness, and such love that everyone is everywhere to themselves, we have completely sad gardens where dogs run around and shit, nevertheless, we have planted lilacs everywhere, it makes us happy, this lilac variety is called a sensation, of course, such delicate, delicate smell, she is somehow more
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it smells more delicate than white, this one smells like cherry blossoms. no, my runny nose is bothering me. the noses of the indigenous population are often stuffed and in most cases they are wrapped in a scarf. the cornice on the facade of st. petersburg and the ear, nose and throat also reminds of a slight runny nose. st. petersburg residents get sick two or three times a year. this is the statistics. we are exposed to the winds of the atlantic. we have high humidity. and undoubtedly, all this has an impact. to the sense of smell. and we have monuments to noses not only because of gogol. yuri yanov considers st. petersburg to be the capital of russian otolaryngology. the academician relies on local toponymy even when talking about the risks of operations to straighten nasal septums. there cannot be laminar movement in the nose. there should be turbulence in the nose. after the operation, the patient has an absolutely clear septum, he comes and
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says: “doctor, you know, it’s worse.” i have a sense of smell. the partition is not nevsky prospekt, but the partition is petrogradka, where there are a lot of narrow streets, where there are a lot of turns and twists. behind one of the turns on the petrograd side , robinsonson is hiding in the thicket of the office jungle, the subtle smell of antique binding is irreplaceable for a hereditary petersburger. this is the scent of adventure familiar from childhood. in almost all my novels there is a ramenzone circle. and the grandmother reads to her grandson in the novel the aviator by rabbison cruz, this is one of the most dear books to me. on his long journeys, the writer evgeny vodolazkin encountered cities similar to st. petersburg, but their smell never resembled his native shores. smells are very important, in st. petersburg, it ’s not so bright, this smell, a little faint, the smell of sea freshness, it’s here
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there is too, he’s just very good at it. moreover , the canals can be compared with venice; in venice , the canals, sometimes, sorry, they just stink. stink is an old russian smell, it’s just a concentrated smell of the sea, the sound of splashing waves, in venice it’s concentrated, and st. petersburg is a very temperate city, northern, so it gives off a certain smell of mild rot, as it should be in a canal. but it is a very mild scent. st. petersburg does not tolerate wide sweeping movements, smells, it gives everything to the separated sodium. let's go already along the sink, along the sink, crops of bread are cut in sight, swallowing foggy racks, gasoline, fumes on the go. under the windows of alexander pushkin,
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colleague alexander kushner suggests breathing into the cold wind. how few pedestrians there are on the embankment, all cars , in our youth it was customary to walk around the city, and we walked in the botanical garden , we’ll go to the tauride garden, in the summer garden, god, you go into the summer garden, and krylov sits there, the smell of st. petersburg, which for the poet they were not driven by reason stronger than wet hemp. heated fuel oil, the air in st. petersburg is connected with the cornfield, with wind, zaniva, and this is our main smell,
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let's add a little palm to our already existing pine, pine, in addition to needles, has a trunk, and we make this trunk with talvan balsam, for example, this is an extract, lavender, it also gives a sense of woodiness, and we already have needles, fresh air, a system there, and a person feels that he has arrived in an unusual city, where they will also teach you to read with your nose, for example, the 20th century literary museum offers to immerse yourself in the circumstances of the life
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of the writer zoshchenko with the help of compositions consisting not only of the pleasant smells. this is the bitterness of war, it is connected with the first world war, when mikhail goes to the front , he gets into a gas attack, and there is weapons lubricant and... from military leningrad, he left with a suitcase, not even a suitcase, yes, such a briefcase with manuscripts , of course, its aroma is a briefcase stuffed with papers, but it is also seasoned with humor, bitter humor, so the soshchenka begins with grapefruit, a distant relative of the bittersweet grapefruit, the courtier fortunello surrounds the famous guest with an exquisite aroma of the holiday.
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an outstanding artist cherkassy, ​​by the way, you see, he even took a photo with a cigarette, director averbakh, he smoked a pipe, his pipe was beautiful, he had a whole collection of pipes, i even saw them in his house,
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because his mother taught stage speech to me at the theater institute, she was a wonderful conversationalist, and you know, she was a graduate of the last institute of noble maidens, these are wonderful people, fantastic people. nature generally throws out poets, and composers, and playwrights, and actors, and directors, throws out bouquets of some kind, here is a bouquet , then there is a lull, just as the lilacs have bloomed and goodbye, the lilacs on isaac's square are buried in snow clusters, and not without aroma, the same ones bloomed in the besieged city devoid of the usual smells, but even they helped to live . there were moments when the whole of leningrad was painted white in winter, all the trunks of trees and bushes, since st. isaac's square was almost never
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bombed, because there, along the entire circumference, starting from the institute of plant growing, astoria , angliter, all the hotels were turned into hospitals, and i remember i went to school from this whiteness, from this absolutely incredible...
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although it was there. compared to an ordinary person, to whom vision provides 92% of the information, and only two to smell. polina smells much more keenly. here is her current collection - st. petersburg spring. beauty, spring. you can smell the smell of melting snow and thawing earth. the trees have a slight smell of cocoa, which is heated by the sun. perfumes reveal themselves differently, in a spring-like way, in a new way. here's a horse passing by, you can feel it too automobile. or the exhaust fumes
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also smell a little differently in spring than in winter, everything is somehow brighter, more lively, the iconic aroma for st. petersburg called smelt has gone, it’s also about spring awakening, not about fish at all, there can’t be any fried cucumbers here, no, this atmosphere, this feeling, this is icy air, this is icy air i needed to make, i put this diffuser in the hot air under the window, there are sticks, you have icy air coming out of the hot window, i really liked this effect. so, the favorite smells of st. petersburg: lilac, sea wind, fuel oil, hemp, canals, street traffic jams, the unforgotten aroma of linfilm pavilion corridors, the most spring smelts and the most delicious, of course, cannons at the big stable, in its honor they even composed such a special scent with a very realistic lid, but... it smells
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like a bag, a paper bag made from eaten crumpets. next, let's taste st. petersburg.


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