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tv   Ya - Angina  NTV  January 13, 2024 12:30am-3:36am MSK

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is the fire department here? no, you’re wrong, no, no, no, what have you got, she ’s joking, we’re here, please come in, and we ’re listening to you, i need fire protection at home, and you’re at the address, can we put an emergency alarm button? who are you kidding , you can’t find my button, the button is very difficult, i need a fireman who will live in my house, i’m constantly on fire, i agree, let’s go, i understand correctly, cat, that you wanted to light up with her, kitty, i wanted to hang out with her, so tell me, by the way, what is the reason for your burning? i
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constantly forget to turn off the curling iron, i’ve already had a fire twice, and i thought it was your self-tanning, she’s joking, you ’ve just come to the right address, please, coffee, tea, coffee, and my dear, please prepare some coffee , i’m actually not a secretary, but a commercial director, please forgive me, the coffee, no , it’s over, i don’t need anything, but then i really don’t need anything, my dear, you can be free, i think i’ll stay. i want to tell you, as a commercial director, that we, unfortunately , cannot help you in any way, this is how i usually answer in other companies, but i, as the general director , can say that we will definitely help you, we will ensure complete fire safety of your home, we have very flexible tariffs, flexible , like a fire hose, and it’s true, they are very flexible, yes, but we have very firm foundations, three tariffs: economy, standard and business,
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and what is included in economy? and we go out and put out the client’s cigarettes? good joke, yes, your signal comes to our control panel and we urgently send firefighters to you, but what about mine? doesn't the signal reach you that quickly? and we urgently send firefighters to you, but due to the fact that this tariff is economical, they travel by public transport, so there is a deadline for submission. crew, oh, three hours, oh, no, that's too long, yes, but if you take the standard fare, a car comes to you, but if you take the business fare, then a helicopter flies out to you , red, oh, great, let's do business, red helicopter, the business includes some more options, what kind of water would you like to extinguish the fire, and what is there, well, there is plain, there is carbonated, there is lemon flavored, there is thermal water from the deep-sea...
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springs of the klyazma river, let's have thermal water, i have leather furniture at home, they wrote it down, then, wait, but last time they pushed me not with water, but with foam, you have foam, and we have foam, of course, there it is pouring out of your mouth, and what kind of foam would you like to extinguish the fire, well, with aloe extract, i have very delicate skin, who has furniture or you, both of us? you know, i do not recommend you - foam with aloe extract, some people simply experience irritation with aloe, which is up to is still pronounced today. so, i recommend you a foam with jojoba extract. i won’t give you my own, you can buy it separately, but it will be more expensive. well, even if it’s more expensive, you can’t save on yourself. don't you want to see the fire extinguishing facility? i don’t want to, but i’ve already seen some of it, but i’ll be happy to go with you to have a look. fire fighting facility with things, and
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we can go in a fire truck, and we can fly in a helicopter, and we can fly in a helicopter, unfortunately, we can’t fly in a helicopter, because at the moment at the moment, our helicopter is extinguishing the chicken coop, there is no way for the chicken to scatter without a helicopter, and we cannot sacrifice the entire chicken coop for the sake of one chicken, but we can, unfortunately, a helicopter is impossible now, there is a very big fire. but let's go back to our agreement, you just need to sign it, like everyone else, that's all you can offer me, i thought you had a serious company, of course, of course, we have a very serious company, we have additional services, of course, ritualistic, she's a joke, so i'd like to clarify, you if you live in a house or apartment in a castle, castles are wonderful, so imagine a castle, and the outbuilding next to it is on fire. only from especially valuable
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types of wood, but don’t waste coal, and we call an excellent cook who will cook a barbecue on coals, excellent, only with vegetables, yes, write down, with vegetables. and there is an amazing option, the grushinsky festival , a bard guitarist comes to you, creates a cozy atmosphere of a quiet musical soulful evening by the fire, great, i’ll take it, and besides that, we have seasonal options, for example, in the summer ivan’s night bathed, you would i fantasized so much at night. and in the winter, or rather in the spring, seeing off the russian winter and maslenitsa , let’s make a scarecrow, somehow presumptuous , she jokes, but if you take this option, then both the cook and the bard-guitarist will come to you absolutely free of charge, let’s not touch my
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dad and mom, they have blood pressure, then i'll take it away, that's all, yes, yes, well, the deal, "please, please, thank you, pen, please, and please tell all your friends about us, yes, but not only to your friends, to all your neighbors, it was very pleasant for us to communicate with you, and we will be very we’re happy to help you in case of a fire , thank you, i’ll tell everyone, all the best!” we pass, we pass, and what, the helicopter is free, maybe we’ll fly by helicopter, unfortunately, we only fly once a month, but if you understand what we’re talking about i say, well, it happens
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more often, but unfortunately, today the helicopter has already flown its life, please, it’s a pity. are we now a helicopter company? yes, we will be soon, this is how we should work, comrade commercial director, everyone here, hello , the pigsty is burning, oh, stand, son, no need to rush, why, pa, because, son, does pork take longer to cook? being happy is a very difficult task,
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you know, we have no other alternatives, we’ll make it out of black and white. and the negative will turn into a positive, if it’s heavy ignorance, smile and alda, sphepolis come, we are always glad to see you, we will sing and dance, we can’t be bothered with jokes, we hope to see you.
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milka, milka, where did you go, darling, come here, poddralata podnikina, darling. milka, wait, come here, oh, here he is, pushing me, masha, don’t go too far, eat grandma here, come on, she’s lying here, uh-huh, it’s become good, she’s eating. i’m good, i say, here, here, here it is, again, look, there’s an infection, what’s up, petrovich, a sore throat, from my husband, from vaska. yes, what kind of husband is he to her, and what kind of husband is he not, guys, it’s a sin, this letter needs
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to be delivered quickly, yes, otherwise we won’t end up with a sin, who will bear it, aunties, and damn the letter from vaska, from her husband, oh, lord, where yourself? as where? at work? where else could she be? oh, it will be noisy! oh well, what do you need, your marusya, good woman! oh, well, good is good, but scandalous! listen, maybe you can give the letter yourself and give it to her in the evening? well, will you go yourself? no, if we say a telegram or a registered one, it is, as expected, against receipt, here we have an ordinary letter, alas, without me! what are we going to do, huh? listen, maybe we can hit the door? yeah, screw it already! it would be better to demolish it right away, well, who will bear it? savelich,
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savelich, letter! savelich, savelich, letter, savelich, savelich, letter, okay, i’ll go and take it if all the work is done again. kani, you will answer me to the fullest, to the fullest, don’t spoil me, yeah, i’d rather answer to you than in front of our beauty, what she found in this vaska, and you would marry her, and a dream, yes, just such a dream, you know, a dream and a dream, you don’t always have to make a fairy tale happen, otherwise you yourself know how it happens, okay, i’ll go and take it, well...
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men, men, they’re like little children, only even worse, what? yes, yes, he writes , he got a job, he will soon become a rich man, and he writes to me,
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he will send me money so that i don’t worry, well , it’s still good, it seems, yes, well, it’s good with you guys, like you as long as you complain, it means nothing is tolerable, but as soon as you boast if you start, then that’s it, it’s all over , my wasichka thundered, i don’t want to, so okay, ladies, i ’ll be back in the city in a week, i won’t manage it before, what are we looking at, i said, i’ll be back in a week, i promise, i’ll manage, save i need a man , i’ll catch up on whoever will plow, you know me
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, she said she’ll catch up, it’s a dream, so, satin or crebbushin, okay, i’ll take both, where are you going to look for him, there’s no need for a husband, you’ll find one, the main thing is to look , unmarried husband, unregistered. then he gave up on you for a better share, you water the flowers, maybe vaska is bad, but it’s understandable when... no, babush, i heard, water the flowers, where will he go, as long as he doesn’t bend for nothing, water the flowers, he ’s gullible, he doesn’t know how to lie at all, it’s immediately obvious that anyone can
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fool him , so spit it out, the little boy will wrap it around his finger, but what is it that you took for yourself, but why is it a simpleton, and what kind of guy among us is not a simpleton? no, they’re like little children, only worse, and then growth means reliable, honest means , they’re all masters at cunning, that’s good, oh, and the singer, you can’t imagine, she’s like that clean but not strong. do you know how our men at the base respect him, and why? because vaska is good, hard-working, oh, and he’s so literate , he has a notebook, he writes everything down there, he learns some amazing facts, hop, he wrote it down right away , can you imagine, uh-huh, he’s walking, what are you doing?
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you say something like that, she’s walking, you know, i have a friend. the conversation is short, it’s easier to get on the road than under my left hand, he’s walking, you’ll say the same, no, vaska is the right guy for me, that’s why i fell in love with you, he’s yours he must be a big guy, so why is he big, what am i like, no, normal height, man, what kind of man do we need, a good one?
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12:53 am
oh, lord, hello, i’m grigorievna, byrzhanskaya, i’m her niece,
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she’s my aunt, you don’t know, she’s at home, no, i don’t know, and i don’t want to know, the witch is old, thank you, put your hand down, the witch herself is old, what do you need, hello, i’m marusya , your niece has come, why, how why, to visit you, what else, my husband just disappeared, but what about your niece, i’m marusya petrova, your sister’s ani, daughter, i’m me a relative found it, went, yes, nothing, i’m not in the gift department either. well, petrovich, another 4 meters for beer, uh-huh, great,
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guys, listen, give me the ladder, otherwise, they took the ladder, so, hold it, guys, whoever peeks, i’ll kill. where are you going? and where to? since the hosts weren’t hospitable and weren’t allowed in the door, shall we go in? i'll come in for you, i 'll come in for you, but get back out, you fools! well, how are you going to kick me out of here, but get out of here, get out, i’m telling you, let’s go, i don’t understand, we’re going to fight or we’re going to recognize our niece, as it seems. on anka, such a fool, impudent, well, that’s it, i’m calm, the process of recognition has begun, but you know, go ahead, fool.
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i don’t know you, and i don’t want to know your family, and do what you want, get out of here, get out, you arrogant fool, why are you driving me out of the house, auntie, am i not your relative, or have i offended you in some way, you she never saw me. what do you think, i don’t know that you and your mother quarreled so much that you didn’t want to see her until your death, i know, but i ’ll tell you this, that i came out of it all like that,
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“i know, you think it’s your mother , yours she took the groom away, but this is not so, he chose her himself, you, of course, were a prominent girl, you are now prominent, but your mother was 10 years younger than you , well, he went over to her, and why are you too, across the whole country , it was necessary to bring the bridegroom to the house before the wedding to show his sister"? the younger one, so he ran away, come on , oh, she swore at you, scolded you, what is the point of the world, why did you pin him to her, what do you think, he’s honey i was, but it’s not like that, they said thank you to me, and then i started drinking, going for walks, beating her up, and then in general
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ran away. well, i went there before school, when the first grade showed up, what did he want , i don’t know, about three weeks after smoking lesel disappeared again, my mother ended up in the hospital, and i’m little, oh beta, and then i went to prison, took my mother’s letter , wrote: anya, i can’t live without you, i love you.
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why are they afraid of me? she loved you so much, and she was afraid to offend you somehow again, she loved you, she loved you very much, she had no one but you, but then she died alone in the hospital, and why on earth didn’t she call me , i was angry with you, i was young, i blamed you for everything , i didn’t want to see that now they would kill me for this , but i came, i have no one but you, my dad will show up, i ’ll come with his own hands, why don’t you let me into the house, you you don’t know anything about me, i’m good
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, i have no one to tell... i’m alone with anyone, come to me , come, lord, come to me, lord, girl, untrained, she was so happy, my friend, heartless. i guarded my love, took away his unfaithful one, in front of everyone who is happy , oh my immeasurable sadness. to whom
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i’ll complain to whom, oh, what, i brought potatoes from the village, ours, real ones, i’m in charge. i’m singing songs, well, what a fool , oh my god, what a fool, but can you imagine , i’m coming from the store, he snatches the bags and says, you don’t need to carry them, when i come back from work, i’ll screw around on my tractor, and it’s in my basin he heats up the water and washes my feet; it costs a lot to wash my feet. this is my vaska, vaska, you’re lucky, wow, zin grigorievna, well, help me, well, i need to find
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vaska, i need to, i need help, but where to look, well, you judge for yourself, it’s not... you can’t count one people here , well, this vaska is for you, but i love him very much, argument, let’s do it for love, come on, you understand, i personally am very much in the male tribe i see little sense. but you’re right in only one thing: if a man writes that everything has worked out for him, it means things are bad, but the fact of the matter is that my heart sank to my feet, when i read this letter, well, zina grigorievna , well, you’re my accountant, well, you
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know a lot of people in the city, well , somehow i can turn to someone to help, and i chief accountant, i’ll help you, it’s late today, we’ll start tomorrow morning, i’ll think about it. who can be involved in this matter, let's do it a little more, yeah, a little bit, mom, i bought it, grigorievich is sick, good morning, yes, dobzhanskaya, how are you, oh, you're in the hospital, oh, just not tell me your symptoms, otherwise they are exactly the same, yes , you think so, but it’s better, well, thank god , thank god, get well, get well for sure, well, all the best to you, goodbye, goodbye, cross it off, that
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’s right, let’s look who else is holding on to their own two? why are you, my onion grief, what are you thinking of doing? yes , i was thinking, he wrote a letter to me and says that he will wait for work when, well, when they take him, but he is waiting at the third construction site, well, there is one further down, well, i’ll go there and find out everything, stupid idea, well ok, if there is nothing better, get out of here. just what do you find out there, like from whom? i'll ask someone. well, okay, go ahead, go ahead, if that’s what you want, and i’ll sit on the phone for now. yeah, so, well, konstantin, let’s go ahead and
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try it. well, not how are your eyes today, hibiscus, tea, excuse me, please, can i ask you?
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now this lady will be left without a bag, but just drive by with your croco, without you here, oh well, i don’t want to argue, now bear the days of the work are approaching, but what kind of fans am i not interested in? it’s nothing about my husband missing, she has a husband too disappeared, yes, you 're a brute at home sleeping so that he's healthy, i just oh, i wanted to find out, listen, get out of here, finder, you know, how many such finders go around, finders, interrogators, cops all sorts of things, you just have to find out , and then i won’t have any life from your recognizers, listen , i beg you, get out of here, go, ladies, yes, why are you so evil, yes, yes, how evil we are, get out of here already , that he’s gone crazy, or something, completely crazy, but oh, lucky, yes
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, oh, ladies, he broke his nose, he’s eating green stuff, what a pint, come on, are you going to have a mint, or something, go, already run quickly, run, run, but where did he run, the fool, he’ll get into trouble somewhere, he’s hunting here, and the idiot, listen, gozy, our gift, perhaps, can be yours snitch? that means, listen here, but
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i didn’t tell you anything, yeah, you just came to drink tea, i didn’t see anything, that means we often have these goons, it comes to hangover, that they are there, that they are not, but we have malofeev here vadim, uh-huh, sometimes he employs them, you listen, listen, yes, yes, yes , i’m listening, i’ll show you his cell, over there behind the fan, you see, you see, this is white, or what? yes, but i don’t know anything else, so you go up to him, talk to him, well , maybe you’ll find out something, just walkers these guys never show up here a second time, well , go, that's it, don't listen to her, that's it, go, that's it, come on, with god, yes, come on, malofeev, vadim is an idiot.
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ofima, tobacco today, tobacco, tobacco , listen, hey, get out of here, get away, just quietly, why is this, get away, i say, you ’re ruining my operation, are you a surgeon, or something , i’m disrupting his operation, now, oper i. “ okay, go away, i say, i won’t wait until malofeev, i won’t go
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anywhere, it’s clear to you, you fool, it’s clear, he’s sitting there inside, and we’re herding him, so why are you silent, he’s sitting inside, and there to me i need to talk to him, without hands, i ask, well, catch the oper, uh, come on, what are you worth, i ’m for you, you damn it, auntie, and i’m not an auntie, but a woman, you’re too much, a woman, grepach, you the operation was ruined, you understand , not an operation, better yet, i would have patched it up right now with great pleasure, well, really, and you’re not afraid that the surgeon, but i’ll also patch it up for you with pleasure, you understand that i’m here on a mission, really, on task, i see how you carry out this task, who will pay for it, get out of here, i see how you are, what are you here for me? got into a conversation, i can’t understand, let’s go somewhere to the side. we'll talk there, you fool, woman, well, you're an aunt
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, honestly, by the way, i'm not an aunt or a woman, i'm a girl, it's not for nothing that people don't like you, do you hear, people, we spent 3 weeks trying to achieve this? idiot to come out, and you stuck with this mass of your people and ruined everything, chubar, what are you talking about, we wanted to make sure that the sleazebag would show up, he showed up. listen, girl, everyone has their own business, we deal with stolen foreign cars, we have no idea where your man is disappeared, if he disappeared somewhere at all, and not drinking vodka behind the station, watch your lips, we are not looking for people. we’re looking for cars, everything is clear, clear , uh-huh, it’s not for nothing that people don’t like you, it ’s for nothing that it’s like this, we’re definitely at the wrong place here , but i’ll paste it to you properly, and hello marusya, what a marusya, i’m marusya, you know , as they call me in the village, tonsillitis, only a sore throat can be cured, i make you laugh all over the village, i understand, here you go, you smeared your dad with a sausage, don’t let
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the pub there, that’s it, stop, stop, stop, where, yes i just need these two, just that we just ran through, we don’t need them. well , they warned me not to let you in under any pretext, citizen, order , order, that’s okay, i’ll come see you again, what a fool, no, well, you know, he’s also good, he came in the morning not himself, he’s irritated on a girl, and you know how many people in this market will remember her, oh, she’s a noble woman, but... okay, let’s go to work, let’s go, listen, igor, well, you’re kind of yourself, really, no, i’m of course i understand everything, family matters, but since, don’t, don’t, don’t touch, the whole department, of course, understands, this is my life,
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my family, why does everyone need, hi, auntie, so what’s the black cloud? yes, no, well , of course i messed up, well, i just messed up, but i have to tell you, these cops are also wrong. so, come on, tell me, come on, come on, tell me, has anyone been found? no, i found one, i had one admirer, a lieutenant, now he’s a colonel, you’ll go to him, colonel, well, a general would be better, yes, enough of a colonel, he’s also a big shot, he’s private. is already waiting, so you keep quiet, after two houses you turn, like this just behind this, around the corner.
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hello, roman gavrilovich, hello, i’m angina, marusya, they called me, come in, yeah. this is my vaska, vasilishche, oh, he always speaks the truth and is not afraid of anyone, so he disappeared, this is how vaska disappeared,
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yeah, ah... when did he disappear? well, about five days ago, why do you think he disappeared? that’s what i feel in my heart, girl, don’t you muddy my waters? i feel it in my heart, this is not evidence, do you have evidence, corpse? well, testimony? no, what should i do? so are you a colonel? you can do anything, kings can do anything, but as one song says, there are things that no king can do, and i , in general, am not a king, but it’s clear, but i
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was just thinking, and zin grigorievno told me the same thing, excuse me, really, thank you, wait, sit down. by the way, i can do something too. yes. do you have any information? eat. i have it, but it won't be enough for you. i have a letter, it is from the street of builders. there is a third construction worker there, and some guy works there, either as a salesman or something, but it was only me who scared him. i scared him, well, i scared him so much, i just need to know the address where he is, let’s try. scared, their name is like angina, well
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, marusya, i mean, angina, it’s funny, not you, the man, you little syranka, but malofeev, vadim, malofeev, vadim, yeah. dmitry anatolyevich, yes, comrade colonel, who is involved in the construction markets there? kazarinov stepan ivanovich. find out for me, there is one person there, malofeev, vadim, a merchant, it seems, we need his coordinates, we’ll do it, i’ll call you back, commissary colonel. i’m listening, stepan ivanovich, and dmitry anatoevich, hello, the miners called me and asked me to find out the address of someone. malofeeva is the third builder from the market, let’s find it quickly, you can, of course , thank you dear, we’ll do it right away
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, yeah, they’ll call back in a minute, yeah, thank you, angina , you say, well, what’s so funny, angina, yes, this is our bucket, i always stood in his throat as a child, well, that’s what he called me, and it stuck. across the throat, yes, across the throat - it’s a sore throat, i’m listening, yes, ilya, and what did he say again, boss, it’s not good. ok i say okay, something let's try, angina, there
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's a black sheep in the herd, you know what will happen, yeah, the whole herd will become scabby, sit, sit, well, they called from the mountain, the majors. personally, yours is interested in malofeev, but how do they know about him? the question is, how did they know about it, and what will we get for it, and what do we have for it? they were selling spare parts from stolen cars. wait, i think we are developing a channel from germany, where they interrupt numbers for twins. yes. maybe the multi-machine operators, yeah, those who are kicked out here are used for spare parts, and those through belarus, on doubles, well, we
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didn’t initially take this little guy into development at all, and then the source said that he was in contact with this, with the klepach, with the klepach, so, this is one of ours, today there was an attempt at a meeting was recorded, which means an attempt , but there was no meeting itself, but they stopped us, there was one woman pushing into the market, stepan ivanovich, we need... to shake malofe, we need to find out the place where they work, and then we’ll figure it out, well then shake, shake him, and shake the apple tree, otherwise he’s already calling from above, well, that’s how things will go, you look from moscow, they will call, god forbid, but i understood, i understood, yes, it ’s in my throat, as they say here, like this, and you say, kings can do anything, it’s not me, it’s you
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who said it, that’s true , and what are you looking at, as if to say what you want, no, nothing, no, you speak, speak, if you have something to say, but what are you afraid of, what am i afraid of? that i’m afraid, what am i afraid of, what makes you think that i’m afraid of something? i’m not afraid of anything, i’m only afraid, so what are you afraid of, what do you care, i just feel sorry for who you feel sorry for, i feel sorry for you, what do you think, i don’t understand, or what, that means there is also a person who is ruining your life and business, this is not good, in this way he will ruin everything for you, all your work, he is the son-in-law of the deputy minister, you understand? they sent his last name to my head, what am i telling you? so why not tell me, it’s okay for me, i’m a stranger, it’s not dangerous,
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that’s true, this guy was nobody and there was no way to call him... as you understand, yeah, he became the son-in-law of a big man, well it started, that you don’t understand how it’s done, it’s impossible to raise a person in one place in a short time, so they throw him from place to place, and hang stars, he doesn’t care, today he’s calling and he’s not there, people are drawn up to him, corresponding, so is he hooking you up or something? no, should i retire in 2 years, in my place?
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thank you dear, thank you. here's the girl, your address, yeah, oh, that's it, shut up, you've already said enough, yeah, okay, it seems to me that you should still tell the truth, well then you won't be afraid, well, i mean be afraid, well, right, right - it’s true, just go, go, girl, well, it’s true, and it’s bad for business, student yours will burn out, why? because you are afraid, well, i mean, you are afraid , in truth, oh, well, in truth, in accordance with the law, thank you, you have a plan, at least, yes,
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there is, there is, sooner or later he will return home. then we line up, the door will open, we enter on our shoulders with shouts, we immediately present the klepach as an accomplice, the main thing is noisy and fast, malofeev is a nervous little man , he will give himself up in any way, then we work technically, well, what should i teach you, or something, well, as usual, maybe he'll pass, listen, dear, i can help you with anything, but what can i do? help, my mother told me, don’t marry her, son, don’t marry, you regret that you got married, listen, don’t start, i’m not in the mood today, okay, okay, okay, oops, here’s our client, igor, i think it’s for you you won’t like this very much, but i advise you to look over there, dear mother, where is she from, listen, i have no idea, but now there will be a continuation of the broadcast of the unrest in the market , how does she know the address, and so, kolya, we ’re going to take it now, why, but take it in order to remove it unnoticed, we need to find out that it’s
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rubbing around the molopeev, let’s work, will you disappear, or i will disappear by force, i wonder what method, marusya , take her away from here, where to take her, take her to the department , and then we’ll figure it out, that’s it, okay, go, come on, hello, marusya, we’ve already said hello, well, you
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what? like that, let's go, come on, well, where is your car, hush, hush, marusya, hush, let's go, there she is, wait, wait, i say,
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uh, what happened? everything has already happened. what could have happened, i’ve had enough, that’s enough, light, hello, let’s talk, i wanted to talk to you, yesterday, i was lying there, waiting for you to come with your idiotic work, i didn’t i slept all night, i wanted to talk calmly , you didn’t let me, you showed up at 4:00 in the morning, i... you’re like a thief, you didn’t even take off your shoes in the living room, i heard that’s it, the talk is over, i’ll live
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with my mother, where there won’t be an apartment, we ’ll exchange it, hold it, oh, my mother gave it to me, and you live at your job with your ghouls, they are more precious to you than your wife, you don’t need women at all, if only you would go out, i i wish i understood at least something masculine, and you , what did you marry, what are you looking at, just don’t lie to me about love, there is no love, there are normal human feelings, like mine, and i’m going to die, i’m already dead, i want to live , i want to go to the theater, i want to go abroad, yes , i want money, who doesn’t want it, that’s it, the conversation is over,
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i can’t see you, i’ll pick up your things tomorrow, when you ’re gone, goodbye , hello igor, how are you? okay, how's the weather? great, great, great, chubar, we're having fun here today. do you hear what is this? this is a song from the movie trifuel on the peck and i think i know who sings it, hello, hello, he sings well, igorush, igorush, igorush,
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igorush, let's go, let's go, wait, it seems to me, or is this a familiar voice, don't you think so , let's go, wait, wait, this is our woman, eyes, eyes, you can explain what's the matter, huh? yesterday i let out of the cell, who, who , marusya, angina, that’s her nickname, you came to work yesterday evening, you saw the note that i left for you on the table, what other note, you didn’t see the note, did you close it or something? , you yourself told me on the phone, close it, so i didn’t ask you to close it in the cell, but somewhere, well, i don’t know, in the office, okay, let’s agree. that you and i both screwed up, could you at least tell me call, but they pulled me into the third department, i was wrapped up, teeth , come to me, good morning, so to speak, well
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, report how you got to this life, just don’t open your mouth until you understand exactly what point you’ve reached , you know what’s going on here, tell the guys, yes, yes , denisov handed over your detainee to me this morning, detained, without a single document, yes, i was also surprised myself, i think i’ll wait for you , behaves exemplary, but only sings, intermittently, in in general, she behaves well, however, she called me about 40 minutes ago, but i approached, she and lays it out, she lays it out, and he lays it out. further, well, i, in general, says that she only has an aunt in the city, hush, hush , yeah, another acquaintance, i’m the only one, an acquaintance, you know, what’s the last name, tell me, korchakov, yeah,
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colonel gorchakov, gave me the phone number, he says call him to get me out of here. what are you, what are you, what are you, did you call? no, he rushed to me, well done, here you are, the soups have arrived, i have one request for you, a convincing request, from... very convincing, you brought her here, you are sorting it out, give them the keys, yes cool, guys, all the cards are in your hands, but if something happens, you know who lost, let’s go, let’s not interfere with the professionals, but we’ve got our eyes peeled.
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it was just as empty on the ground when he was flying, but this same exupery, that antoine desintes exupery, the french pilot and writer, in the movies it was different, the leaves were also falling in the gardens and... and i couldn’t imagine, by the way, no one is keeping you here, i know, well, come out, i won’t go, yesterday they didn’t let me see you, but today you came to me yourself, it’s true what they say, what kind of cops are from
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people, maybe it’s just that i don’t like this word with m, but i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to, but why didn’t i say about gorchakov yesterday, why? as i understand it, he is your big boss here, you will get a big stick for this, and the longer i sit here, the more sticks there will be, right, and you are a provocateur, just like that, a priest in a skirt, one woman made such a mess, only i don’t like this b-word, well, okay , let’s say, girl, well done, good boy, marusya, yes, marusya, marusya, marusya, let’s tie it up with special language and calmly discuss everything, yeah, i promise you, i’ll do everything i can, well, regarding your husband, well, i’m sorry about yesterday, honestly. let's go, but
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they never called gorchakov, right? no, but it’s not me , it’s the head of the department, well, it’s clear, what are you looking at, he’s the boss, not crazy, well, let’s go, let’s go, great, bad day, hello, marus, marus, marus, listen, well, i’m sorry . that this happened, we were really scared, well, don’t, don’t attack us, we are people too, so come on, let’s go to the market, look at malafeykin, maybe he will appear, if anything happens, whistle, and we’ll have breakfast, come on, you see, literally we start with your vasily, vaska, he, vaska, let's go, yeah.
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i wish you good health. “i wish you good health, roman gavrilovich, and i’ve been waiting for you for 7 minutes, and i didn’t seem to call you, no, no, i myself, myself, then i’ll wait a minute, excuse me, sit, sit, what do i need”?
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fuck you, roman gavrilovich, control yourself , why are you scared, why are you scared? i won’t give it to him, i won’t give it to him. this is just what i promise, master, although yesterday one, interesting girl told me to tell the truth,
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so that everything is according to the law, or i, but it’s interesting, the truth, and according to the law, it’s interesting. as you say, it’s true, come on, but yesterday i stayed up until the night, working on documents, i’m ready to listen to you, that’s how he is. my vaska, oh, he’s such a great guy, everyone respects him at work, he manages everything, and he loves me, i feel so good with him, you choose,
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he won’t poison you here, yeah, what happened to you, it’s not with your wife okay? where did you get it from? you came hungry, didn’t have breakfast, your wife didn’t let you go without a sandwich, and then you had a ring yesterday, but today you don’t have an engagement ring, it’s normal, okay, right , i forgot, i probably left it in the bathroom, yeah, i slept alone and not on a pillow , listen, you, girl, how should you know, but what do you know, your hair is wrinkled on one side and is not straightened, and the shower must be taken in the morning. that's it, that's enough, i'm the only one , i didn't take a shower, it wasn't time for you to foam, just like you were eating, come here, insult you, i definitely didn't want to, petrovna, i 'll bring you in later, okay, take a napkin,
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well done, champion. well, tell me what happened to your wife, your wife left, oh, forgive me, i definitely didn’t mean to hurt you, really, let's eat, eat, that's it, silently, let's chew everything. so, it turns out that the duty department registered 2,795 statements, reports of other information about violations, which
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gives an increase of 115 pieces. 495 criminal cases were initiated against them, an increase of 40%. solution of hot crimes. ladies accounted for 42.7%. in compliance with the deadlines for reviewing reports of crimes, yes, up to three days, 793 + 161 were reviewed, up to 10 days - 598, up to 30 days - 22 materials. roman gavrilovich, are you listening to me? yes, yes, i'm listening. so, according to the indicators, look, here, here, 26% and a quarter, and here, you
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sit down, well, yes, well, yes, and here, when summed up, only 25%. the percentage and a quarter are clearly overestimated. for reporting, that’s actually what i wanted to report to you, i think that you need to take a closer look at this, well, alexey efimovich, now tell me, what did you want to tell me? roman gavrilych, you can’t be fooled, how can a person with such experience, from a simple investigator to such a position, that’s all. so, you wanted to say, and you yourself
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probably know, your deputy, balandin, is closely connected with the criminal environment, and so that everything is according to the law, that about...
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you can get away from her somewhere, you know, she plays with you as she wants, she is sure that you won’t get away from her anywhere, you understand, yeah, what you guess, it would have occurred to you, to be honest, no, well, well, you would have been some kind of goat, hit him in the face and walked away, no, you sit, worry, suffer from something, you’re ashamed, here’s your sketch, don’t worry, i ’ll come up with something now. chubar, what, hello, hello, hello, hello, here it is
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the thing is, lyusya asked me to talk to you quickly, nothing, in front of her you can, go ahead, do you hear, lyusya said, svetka left you, nothing, but what about today’s anniversary, what anniversary? kozararin, the head of our department, is 40 years old, so you’ll come, otherwise sveta said , he personally invited her, she’ll definitely come, there’s a scandal at such an event, i wouldn’t want to, you eat, eat, you don’t seem to be a bastard, yeah, no bastard, whoever, and his wife, my girlfriend, and 150. so, so this is what it all means, they ’re really looking forward to you at your anniversary, or what? yes i can feel it
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they’ll smear all over the parquet, bitches, what are you, we’re all women bitches and why, calmly, i ’ll come up with something, we won’t show it, then so, alexey efimovich, if everything you just said is true, we must act quickly and decide . i ask you to immediately draw up a memo addressed to the head of the internal security department, lieutenant colonel silin , stating absolutely everything that you just told me. i am sure that in the shortest possible time, what you have stated will be subjected to thorough verification, the person you indicated, if, of course, this turns out to be true, he will be arrested. i regard connections with the criminal world as betrayal. i cannot and will not condone this, for my part
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i would like to add that i will be sincerely grateful to you, grateful, alexey efimovich, if you firmly bring the matter to the end, i do not dare to detain you any longer, and as my grandfather said, i have the honor. ilya, come to me. okay, raman gavrilovich. so come on quickly, the foreman will come quickly and tell you everything, come on, come on, come on, come on,
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come on! yes, ours was lucky, let's go to the market, i’m on my way, well, marus, your low-life has erupted, to be honest, i wouldn’t take you, quietly, quietly, i already know what’s going to happen, let’s go together , yeah, but i’ll be the eldest, okay, yeah, and you ’ll follow the commands senior, my, yes, okay, that's it, let's go, yeah, oh, and your colleague.
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come on, trample the gazulka, he’s coming, wait, listen carefully, or not, better, better sit down, sit down, listen, colonel gorchakov, please , lieutenant colonel selina, ahead of schedule, good afternoon,
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valery ivanovich. ruth informed me that he has specific information that major balandin, my deputy, has strong connections in the criminal world. i believe that these data require immediate investigation and ask you to officially request from major rudy what data he has that indicates major balandin’s involvement in the criminal environment and to accept the most decisive results based on the results. measures, thank you, but i, roman gavrilovich, calm down, ilya, i know everything about you, it’s he who is casting a shadow there, so let him get out of it himself, and we ’ll wait, a sore throat is when it’s across.
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hello, yes, yes, yes, yes, that's it, we've arrived, yes, yeah, hello, what, hello, damn it, the phone died , hello, don't go anywhere, yeah, we'll shake him, we'll find out something, okay, damn it, i sat down at the wrong time, but why? great! hello, partisan! well, did you catch a nice catch? yeah, there are two, now! the third crawled under a snag! two soldiers from a construction battalion. great, guys!
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meet the guys! this is your new prop! sergei ivanovich! ready to get to work? well, what about some work? are there any things? lord, i didn’t close the door, let’s close it later, so guys, he’s sitting there, so we’ll smoke him out of there, take him here so, here you go, yeah, we take the money, everything is ready, we act, it’s clear, come on, come on.
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lazir, i’m sorry, i can’t do it now, meet the guests, ho, boys, come to me, yes, to you, to you! oh, great, guys, let's load up, come on guys, marus, okay? yeah, oh, killed, oh, mommies,
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well, loaded, that's it, let's go, well, thank you, frost, yeah, right away, why, we're standing, we're acting,
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malofey, get in, come on!
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don’t answer the question, i’ll never get married, otherwise i’ll be like a chubar, yeah, yeah, a wife-hater, and a woman-hater, and you know why, because
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that you haven’t met the right woman yet, when you do, you’ll fall in love, hello, servants of the people, salya, you found it, what are you talking about, paska, for now there’s a place where he can be, frosting, exercises, well, why are you silent, speak up , see? i’m calling, uh-huh, yes, i’m going to an anniversary with a lady , igor, don’t joke like that, with which one, with this one,
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shut your mouth, trin, hello, sorry, i didn’t call, i’m not from where, well, how did you sleep, how did you get up, i didn’t worry about me, why should i worry about you, i slept soundly. that’s good, but i need it here, in general, to dress up for an anniversary with a policeman iduh. what a romance, where did you find the policeman? no, no, this is to help me, he just needs it, you tell me, there’s some fashionable store nearby, down the street, you’ll see a sign like this, yeah, come on, that’s it, i’m off, god, he’s fooling me , girl,
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oh, hello, hello! it’s beautiful, i’m sorry, to help you , who do you choose, for your daughter, for your granddaughter, no, for yourself, sorry, but there’s nothing for you,
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we have a glamorous clothing store. we have a maximum of 42, 44, but you have 56, 58, excuse me, you understand, i understand. the main thing is looking
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two fifas openly mock me at me, i’d take it as if i’d kill it, okay, that’s it, you’re still going to roar at me, uh-huh, why the hell did you go there to see them in the first place, you fool, and where can i get a beautiful dress, in is this going to happen, well, i’ll have to take everything into my own hands, in what hands, who are you my accountant? i was the chief accountant of the city fashion house , when i was, nothing, nothing, there were still some of the old guard left, our old ladies , you knew right away, no need, no need,
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about your health, i’m not asking you. zoya, we need to help dress my niece for the banquet, will you help, i really need her to open her mouth, let’s go. here , open up, you’ll be standing for a long time, no, where did you bring me, shut up, these two
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will be... tsets, shut up, don’t open your mouth in front of them, old masters, there are no such people anymore, soon they’ll be in the museum, girls, hello, kapochka, my respect, zoenka , my bows, kapochka, like a liver, zina, baby, you also... ask about my teeth, i don’t have a lot of things anymore, what are we going to sew or chatter, if we chatter, then i’ll go at all, who is the model, after all, here. hello, zoya, the girl is complex, her waist is three drops below ideal. where did you see the ideal? pushkin museum in greek
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version. nothing, nothing, everything is solvable except death. baby, you can put on your heels, little one. i can, very well, so we do this, take off your clothes, what , oh, what can you take off that i haven’t seen, that’s what you can put on, that’s the question, so completely? you asked for documents, igor valeryanovich.
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well, there is news, there is, there is, listen, there is, but not very good, there are guys from the city department went to this one. 8 months ago they don’t talk about some of their business and that’s nothing , listen, i’m grieving, and you’re serious about the morus, yes, i’m serious, and stop mocking me, without you, about five people have already come to sympathize, man, i’m lying in the end ends or not, eh? and kapochka, eat an apple , i saved it especially for you, i don’t eat pink anymore, kapochka, you’re not sick, you’ve only eaten
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pink ones all your life, and now i eat green ones, and what if, i painted the kitchen in green tones, pink and green , this is somehow vulgar, capochka, we don’t in your kitchen, well, my stomach has gotten used to it, it’s high time,
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but my, why are you so worried, igor? well, well, back and forth, you know what i’ll say, be quiet, one head is good, but two is already ugly, well, what do i want to tell the girl about this dress, and shiny, as always, girls, k are you ready for makeup? soma, roman gavrilovich, well, did you ask to find out what rud is doing? he locked himself in his office for 3 hours and didn’t come out. very good.
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hello, good afternoon, zenadya grigorievna, gorchakov, roman gavrilovich, your niece interesting girl, well, tell her thank you, it doesn’t matter, my husband and i will help, thank you, thank you, that’s it, yes, yes, bye, yeah, and that i will. when you die, oh, don’t fool me, where would i go without you, so i’ll take it with me, is it me? you, you are my berry,
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you girls, come on, come on, come on, oh guys,
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“hello, congratulations to you, congratulations, thank you, oh, what am i worth, this is for you, birthday boy, health to you and everything all the best, thank you, and i’m a father, and i guessed, you look very similar to armaniya, i don’t know who it is.
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what a disaster, what a disaster, your chubar, what a chubar, he came with a woman, what will you drink, maybe just coffee, right? “please, coffee, american, and it’s been a long time since you met our chubar, but no, i’m in the city recently, i’m here on business, you look like a metropolitan thing, oh, no, i live much further away, with igor, fate brought you together, an amazing girl , introduce yourself, everything is like ours
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, i see, go outside, sveta asked , by the way, where did you buy this outfit, in what store, but this was not bought in a store, that is, a special order was made directly for you, well yes you are cool, igor , can you hear me, and i’ll stay, although no
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, i’ll go with you, we’ll have a good talk, can you hear me, i brought a girl, and i’m now responsible for her, you should be responsible for me, you forgot, oh what did you vow to me, you must be responsible for me, shut up, otherwise for the first time in your life i will hit you, rewind the tape recorder, remember what you shouted to me in the morning? i don’t know what you think, but i think i have the right, clearly, for... i started living from tomorrow, stops
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feeding me upside down cube for the first time in my life once i see that. my beloved dacha, she said that she came on business, which means she has a business, and most likely not in russia, she said that she lives much further from moscow, europe at least, but something like that, we don’t sew like that, these are definitely girls, this is that little bird, kolya, what did you
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dig up there with the guy, otherwise his wife called him, but he didn’t tell me. no, drizzle , no, no, no, no, drizzle, well, okay, drizzle, frost, frost, now, well, please wait, now, now, now, if i have no time, marus, nothing special , well, an industrial zone, bandits with guns, you know , something, yeah, an angel plus is called, zau, and what kind of zau, the devil knows, you can’t get there anyway, unless of course you count the most crazy way, then anyway, what option delusional, marus, well , even you won’t agree to this, understand?
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i say, forgive me, forgive me, i’m stupid, i forget myself sometimes, but you know, my mother is like that, remember how much you loved me at the institute, because i was a complete rundown then. and you raised me with your love, saved me, remember how you saved me from the punks, how you he fought for me, fought straight, let’s go home,
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fate gave us a chance, perhaps the most important chance in our lives. i'll tell you how we can continue to live, we will change, really, really, hello, fifth kilometer of the southern tractor, you want to pick up a girl, well, yes, how will it turn out, well, come on, yeah, let's go!
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hello, what do you need, forgive me , please, who is your eldest, aunt clara, yeah, that is, ask aunt clara, yes, yes, thank you, thank you very much, come on, quickly, quickly, beauties, come on, come on , we are working, we're working, girls, girls, let's put on smiles, girls. working, working, smiling, hi, hi, well , come on, look, choose, all the new ones have just started, yes, girls, i want this one, which one, well, this one, but this is not mine, which means not
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yours, what derklar, go figure it out, listen, it’s not mine. some one has arrived, she ’s kind of a newcomer, look at them, look, there’s a big one, there’s a big one too , you see, over there, come on, uh, the devil, where are you going? assistant, strong, whatever you need, come on, say you’re in trouble, get to work want? nelka, is it you, mommies, angina, oh, maruska, is it you, venchik, yes, give me a command, okay, i’ll do it now, go, girls, rest! just quickly go home, sit down, sit down, just like you found me, sit down
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, like you found me, you fool, are you really already or something, i wasn’t looking for you, i actually ended up here by accident, honestly, it’s not the time for a sore throat, marusya , why are you here in the middle of the night wearing this? “well, i know, we were happy in the whole village when you went to college, then got married, you have a business, he’s a handsome man, though you never came to the village.”
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i brought it, well, yes, since you believed, maybe he is, yes, no, of course, i’ll give a discount, this is my business, and you have a discount of 2 seconds, as for you, as a brother , that’s for an hour, this is a young lady, it ’s true, i can give this one away cheaper, nelka, lord, how normal you are here, marus, like everyone else, a good option, lord, then.
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why should you, man, confess? nel, what do you mean, what does this guy have to do with it? why do you think he comes here? for sex? no, i beg you. well, well, maybe bandits are like that, sometimes, mostly too, just a friend show off in front of a friend. and most men cry. come on, what? is it true? i myself, when i worked full-time in the salon, i had one regular client,
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so he said that we here perform a very important social and psychotherapeutic function, wow, i really didn’t understand anything about the function, oh well, maruska, my masik, how old we haven’t seen each other and what are you listening to, why are you so interested? oh, what can i tell you about them, marus, in general, most of them were just rash, but you can understand them, we’re women, we can cry to each other, work on it, well, yes, but there’s no one for a simple peasant to cry to, five years of stupid family life, and what kind of woman would think of listening to a man, so they come here, sex, sex is the tenth thing, believe me professional. “it’s only the wives , i’ll give it to you, i won’t give you a headache, they have nothing else to trade, no, good
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sex is of course an important thing, yeah , but wives don’t know how to do that, you know why, because in our business the main thing is not to lie, don’t lie, the main thing, you know, don’t lie, well, i understand, yeah, well, forgive me, i’m a fool, what’s wrong with me take it, the blonde is driving, i’m different, a woman should be different, otherwise it will be boring with us. well, it’s over, here he is, my vaska, well, you say, what , vaska and i will talk in the bed, no, vaska and i have no time to talk in the bed, at all, yeah, i’m looking at you. either you
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’re a complete fool, or some kind of goddess, oh well, it’s stupid to talk to you, stupidity , let’s see, what kind of miracle is this, this is your vaska, what is this, and i was flooding the balls, i decided to look at the beauty. .. looked at us i looked, and it broke off here and there , the turkey was getting up in arms, i also need to understand, he showed up with such a beauty, tell me, tell me, where did you get her, tell me, where, where did you get her, where is this friend, well , just don't say it's for work, i mean, well, tell me, talk, talk, talk,
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to me... what cares, well, tell me, do you love me, tell me, love me, well, talk, tell me, you do you love me, well, no, wait, well, well, i love you, and, in short, the cops, oh, really, i promised never to call them that again, yes whatever you call them, well, yes, they sort of established a place where vaska could be. you know, but they themselves don’t really know anything, but they need an investigation, come quickly, the girl’s place, and as i understand it, this is a protracted case, so no, well, you shouldn’t talk about them like that, they ’re good guys, but just a little slow , well, they have work, and i need to relieve my boredom, so, listen, i showed up here, look, from the point where vaska comes here to your point, well, it seems like guys and
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girls, yes, well, do you understand my idea? here, no, they’re all here, look, what’s so special about it, i’ll pretend to be a night fairy, and they’ll take me straight to vaska, look where, you know how many of these vasiks travel through the night, kvastya, gorgeous, gorgeous , look, everyone is healthy
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, angel plus 15 minutes good, exactly as you say, stop calling me nelka , i’m aunty, that’s clear, so to speak, my creative one, give me your hand, here, come, mommy, what ’s going on, this girl is the best, look, come on, take it, i 'll tell you, girls, let's take a walk, let's go, let's go,
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let's move, sofa, tell your auntie how they took you to the hungry men, and you listen, i don't want to, sofa, come on, come on, she wants to get to them, that's it, she's strong, maybe she 'll pull it, maybe not, i still remember at first, then my head completely switched off. somewhere in the second ten, baby, tell her everything in detail.
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well, do you understand? well, if i put my childhood friend through this, no, don’t tell me anything, understand? no, nalya, i’ll tell you honestly, i couldn’t even imagine this, but i need to get in there, you know, but i’ll figure it out there, really, well, believe me, look, friend. “you yourself are meddling, that you are so silent , but something is spinning, somehow your soul is restless,
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well, why is your vaska worth getting into this, it’s worth it, i’m sorry, i don’t believe it, for me it can’t. man it costs so much, well, well, here they are, god, honestly, it would be better if they didn’t come today, well, who should we choose from, but what should you choose , no one is eager to come to you, and what have i done, i’m a scumbag , it’s your turn, no, well, let’s go, look, what a machine, what are you talking about, it’s a little old, old, that means experienced, climb, girls, the pipe is calling,
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the pipe is full, hello, little villages, how are you feeling, work, what am i doing? honestly, i’ll drop everything and go home. i want to get married, why? i want to get married, why? live for yourself. why do you need a wife, well, she wants affection, for me this is not freedom, you don’t have a wife, and that you are free, calm down, it’s normal
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, i do what i want, puff, oh, come out, girls, where is the industrial zone? no, klepach, a wife is like a neck , well, it’s impossible without a wife, first we’ll work with these guys, then they’ll take her hungry, that’s where you turn her, that’s where her thoughts will jump, the wife is a puffer, she’s like a stone on her neck, since lara didn’t say anything, she ’s going to tell everything, what are you doing, what are you up to, maybe they’ll pay you once? it’s too early for you, early , puff, think, you’re a complicated person, i’ll think
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about it, well, i don’t understand, come on, tell me what to tell, well... i don’t know, tell me, oh, about your hard life, wife, probably a bitch, yes, the children are nuts , it’s hard to get money, i understand, but no, that’s it, that’s it, yes, no wife, no children, and in order to get money out of me, you have to try, but whatever, you giver or who, or who, come on, come on, come on, come on, where are you going, i love you, go away, what are you doing? whore or what? i just, you know, i didn’t want to go here, and you didn’t want to go here, okay, now, what are you doing, huh? now, now i’m going, and what
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’s going on here, here’s a girl caught, this, what are you, yeah, flow, give me your hand, now, now we’re going to deprive you, you’re here, you’re... what were you going to rape with this , well, well done, you just killed him, idiot, come here, blind man, blind man,
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yes, zinait grigorievna, roman gavrilovich, my marusya is missing, what does that mean? gone missing well, the devil knows, she left in the evening and is still not there, where did she go, you know where, i ’ll be there now, thank you, well, and you say, well, i didn’t... listened to you, mommy, why did i
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i didn’t listen to you, mom, masha, go home , your eyes light up, it’s great, you’re bitter, look what’s going on here, they asked you to call this number, who asked, handed over the kozarin, interviewed the gorchakov, colonel, what...
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yeah, oh my, oh you know that the girl didn’t show up yesterday, you last saw her yesterday, before sveta dragged me away, our girl was shaking me about the industrial zone, glaze, if it’s on the spot, you talked to her, then you’re a grated collab, roman gavrilovich, you know, he cast such a shadow on my deputy that you can immediately take it to the extreme, i ’m of course not a layman either, straight away to my own security service , and not the facts were reported to him from there, he back and forth and like anna karenina under the train, gorchukov immediately says, the old fool, he didn’t understand anything, he got everything mixed up, wait, they believed him, they believed the deputy minister, he’ll take it. deputy minister,
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just like that, the fighter was blown away, well wait, you won after all, what else do you need, but for me it’s a shame about the service, they kept saying , we’ll rebuild, we’ll rebuild , we have to protect our homeland from bandits and thieves, now what’s happening is we’re protecting them, businessmen are trying to take the place of good people, they’re covering for them from above, well, that ’s clear to me, yeah, my, let’s open it, come in, i wish you good health, take pictures , let's go, hello, well, report, well, first of all, marusya said that your name is zenaida grigorievna, yes, well...
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but it means that your granddaughter had a complete sensation yesterday, you give me teeth don't talk, talk, talk, it seems that things are bad, be quiet, konstantin, grish, well, you go, grish, and why couldn’t you just break in there, i was the one playing the fool, i said that we are interested in this point, in general... i lit up, wait, wait, guys, i don’t understand anything, to whom i showed up, i ’ll explain everything now, these bandits have a cover, it’s called a roof, oh, well , i know what a roof is, he’s on tv, every night watching instead of a lullaby,
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well, so with this roof we need to figure it out, it’s not so simple, judging by what comrade igor just said, the ends lead to management, now there is a roof in the management , yes, it’s a shame, it’s a shame, in what sense, in the sense of service, it’s a shame, so what are you going to do, where are we going, the southern highway, the fifth km, roman gavrilovich, it’s not dangerous, but it's dangerous to sleep on the fifth floor. during an earthquake, the house could collapse, your granddaughter awakened something in me, niece, i’m tired of being afraid, when i started, i had a case, three people shot at me, and i was the only one without cover and survived nothing, fear
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only came later , well, i'm off, well, with god, go, go, go, hello, where is this, what, there, why, there, by the boxes, they ran, god, chugay, stand, why are you running, stupid, but a habit, a habitual feeling of guilt, so, who
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was in command at the point tonight, and what? well , clark, clark, if necessary, i’ll show you where he lives, there’s a rental nearby. to the bear, it’s another matter , here, but show me, well, here she lives, in this house at the end of the corridor, the room to the right, but i’m the one who went , come on, come on, come on, well, eye, go away, rose, what are you thinking of marrying? the cops came, how do you know that we are cops?
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hello, hello , who are you to, men, klarushka, we are mother, klarushka, lord, what is this loss , what is needed, hello, now, now, ober, or something, marus told me, handsome, yes, he’s cute, let’s get to the point, which means that she got in there, i have nothing to do with it. i tried to dissuade her , she wasn’t in any way, you know, if she decided to do something, then you can’t beat her, but how do you know her, so we, fellow countrymen, we, well, what else, where did she go, in angel plus she went, i
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think she went straight there, you know for sure lord, where did you come from, how do i know, i’ve been there or something, i ’ve never been there. and the rose knows, the little rose , so she went, so you need to ask her, let's go, uh, listen, let's do it without hands, okay, come on, come on, yeah, come on, come on, come on, oh, no, let's do it without hands too, lord , where did this come from, from the crap earlier , well, i wouldn’t have asked you, of course, oh , she didn’t ask, yesterday i begged for information, where they take it, first to the hut, they call it a cottage, it’s beautiful, they’ll dig around, they’ll let you sleep off, they just don’t feed me, they don’t feed me, and no one tells me anything, but in general, you know, it ’s quiet and quiet. professional showdown then the hut where i know how i can show you i ’ve only been there twice let’s go look for it’s clear
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what’s wrong with my mother and let’s take the girl for a ride , just find maruska alive and’. what is it, they brought the girls again, i said not to, you see, there is such a story here, the girl was offended by the klepota, she barricaded herself there, and he ordered nothing to be done until his arrival.
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i have other problems, i blinded him from what happened, and then what happened, i fell in love with, and then what happened... listen, these idiots left, you can open it, but who are you? grigory seems to be the owner, so is he the owner or what? well, today is the boss, and tomorrow is zilch. listen, why are you being so dark there, grigory, i’ll tell you this, they promised to get me drunk tonight. i completely understand this, they promised me too, but you can open it calmly, you and i both
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got ourselves into deep trouble, is it true, is it true, is it true, well, you’ll let me in as long as no one touches you with me, well so let's say, while i'm at work, you're serious about this, right? it couldn’t be more serious, but oh well, come in, i’m not a bandit, but a little boy, they wrote me off, i rushed into business, first i drove, and then they drove me. i had to go to these people, but the request was a pittance, so why didn’t you
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give it, or what? you understand how thieves work, you can pay them, but you can’t pay them, you rivet, rivet slowly, you can’t get out, there is no way out, you understand how there is no way out, there is always a way out, well, at least two for sure, well, which ones? back and forth, you were sitting here in the bathhouse, and you had a way out, well, you came, you can’t argue, you know, for the last 2 days i’ve had some kind of bad feeling, as if everything had suddenly become boring, or maybe you should run away, where, the earth is round, you can’t jump from it. what is this? this is what it is. what is this
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here? yes, grigory locked himself in there with some woman. i don’t know what ’s going on there further. guys, let's check it out. so let's do something? what? well, i don’t know, do you have any kind of gun, machine gun, machine gun, oh you, little medicine, little medicine. hello straw. you’re not happy, but what’s there to be happy about? that's right, oh, you're here, i'll sleep it off on you, but where's your cart, come here, what? come here , i said, she wanted to talk to me , a psychologist, ira klepach, oh, what are you doing, stop, stop, i ’m telling you, move away, let him go,
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oh, it seems the geese have flown away here.
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300 per eye in addition, come on, thank you, thank you, go for a walk, hmm, cops, cops, it’s not for nothing that people don’t like you, what you came up with, it seems empty, let’s take a walk around the reserve, come on.
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have you seen anyone else besides him? no, just one, fire, fire! he's the one looking for us
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for sure, he's the only one here. so you're in the first and second. she was here, so what?
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hello, hello, who is this, no one, what is needed, nothing, you need to feel sorry for people, what are you doing, like this, like this, who sees, oops, like this, this little thing is on... get ready, madam, with your things on the way out . who are you? sore throat, you can only get rid of it, you can’t get rid of me, understand?
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guys, take away this infection, come on, go, go, and i need to talk to grigory sebastian about how you, grigory sebanovich, have come to your senses from dancing, be careful that you got up, let’s walk, faster, stand, come on, come on, come on, go ahead, well, here you go, get the tomatoes from me.
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marina, where are the keys to the security guard, that i’m getting ready to go to bed, and if rubik shows up, i won’t sleep, oh, where, here... excuse me, how did you show me here, yeah, yeah, yeah,
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yeah, nothing, so belly. but i think that rud is a thief and a scoundrel, that is, a general, i’ll grant it, i have the honor, it’s been a long time since my superiors yelled at me, i don’t even remember the last time. here’s what ilya, i don’t like gossip, but if this is how it turned out, tell me about rudy. rud is going up, i would say, he’s galloping
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, but he doesn’t live according to his salary, now it happens , i agree, the guys from their own security have tracked something, apparently, but the matter hasn’t progressed yet, now this is interesting. this is already a sore throat, wait, oh , what a bitch you are, i understand, oh, light, light, you’re home, listen, grab the car and come to my store, quickly, now let’s drop by the computer beauty.
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just don’t tell anyone, okay, i swear, i know how you swear, don’t swear, but better shut up, stop the bastard, but he told me today it’s going to be a blast, oh well, hello, katyukh, listen.
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what are you doing? i’m writing a letter, who should i write letters to? there will always be an addressee. you're an amazing woman. and because of a man you got yourself into such nonsense. well, vaska is probably an outstanding man. what is he outstanding? what am i going to do with him? i’ll go with the outstanding one? he's a normal man for me. i'd like to see, he's a big guy, he's probably normal, you and i have been ordered to forget about this matter until they sort it out up there, they'll deal with the case or with us, it's not clear to me, i'm so i understand that yesterday you broke through to the guys in the city, yes, well, there someone knocked on someone and the goats knocked on the head. so what
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are we going to do? where did our girl go? that's what i'm thinking about. we can't leave her. i ’ll walk to the beautiful marina myself, and you, glazy, i can’t risk you, you’re not in business. igor, where are you going without me? no you can not. this is what i am ordering you to do. if it’s not at all in magata, i’ll ring. roman gavrilovich, hello. hello. i wish you hello. why are you looking at me like that, roman gavrilovich. so-so, but i haven’t gone crazy yet, and i have documents, but i can’t show them to you. now, if you
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have something accumulated there, it’s better not to show it to you, yes, but you won’t bother me either, i won’t, that’s good, well, as my grandfather said, we’ll take the language, good luck , whatever with a girl, there are traces, there is no girl, but i found something here, now i’m going to a specialist, i’ll call later. yes, by the way, the department suspended me, what are you doing, it’s necessary , for now, well, what’s next, i have no idea, well, i’m tired of waiting, you’re not talkative igor
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chubarek. well, it’s okay, i’ll talk, let’s go, just come in, my apartment is small but cozy, yeah, feel at home, i ’ll change clothes in 2 minutes, come in, of course , you’re just standing there, why are you so shy, you idiot, on your anniversary he was such a brutal
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man. no, i’m normal, well, let’s go to work, igor, a storage device, yes. well, what are you, honestly, your wife intimidated you so much, don’t be afraid, you’re afraid of me, don’t worry, we’ll find your beauty, you’ll go with her on anniversaries, i’m not a wife, i appreciate beauty and strength, she’s strong, even envious.
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it’s okay, we’ll find everyone, igor, sit down, yeah. good afternoon, grigorievna, once again , call every 20 minutes, well, there is some news, but rest assured, we are working, we are working, as soon as i find out, i will call you, okay, all the best, well, excuse me.
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zhurva, zhurba, read it up.
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how many years have we not seen each other? 10-15 more . well, who are we going to sprinkle the ashes on? on our own. yes. what did you bring me anyway? it could , of course, be a crime, although it’s unlikely; i don’t know what we’re looking for at all. are you very stuck at work? marin, i’m normal, and that’s good , who was it in the cafe, just an acquaintance
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, i’ve only known her for 3 days, i came to look for my husband, disappeared, and i help her with this, and she helps me, and i’m grateful to her for that, everything we do now is for her. the answer is fine, stop, so rewind a little, yeah, now let's move forward, slowly, i can't understand what kind of lottery, you pay 1,500 they'll call you, they'll call me, they'll call you and tell you what's next...
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stop , and this needs to be called, hello, comrade colonel, i’m listening, these are the chubari that are bothering you, we here with dried apricots we look at an interesting material, here, in my opinion, there is ore in a bathhouse with girls, what do you mean, well, i don’t know, the image is of poor quality. you definitely can’t figure out what it means you can’t figure it out, there’s a dozen things to do here, but you can’t figure it out, i collected my material in a pub in a standing room in 2 hours , i understand, i understand, that’s right, that means in 2 hours,
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well, what are we going to do? , why are you so scared all the time, how did she intimidate a guy so much, what? we’ll do it for 2 hours together, marin, i’ve made peace with my wife, you’re faithful. this characterizes you well, you know, i also have excellent characteristics, in every sense, you are free, but in the sense of choice, you are wonderful, you, you are amazing, you are very beautiful, i like you madly, but you must understand me.
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i understand, well, actually, but i have no doubt that this is rud, but rud will say, i’m not me, and the hut is not mine, you know why they call us garbage, before our circuit was called the moscow criminal investigation, abbreviated mus, so there were no lies there, no trash, no thieves. now it’s not that, in general, i need hard ones for this video evidence that it is the ore that protects these banyugans, comrade colonel, while we are digging here for each other, a girl is sitting there, i have one idea, i walked around there, you can climb in, if at your own peril and risk i climb in on the sly, fumble around, pull out how something, put it aside, wait until tomorrow. “i’ll find out about one guy, and then we’ll decide whether to climb in or not.
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okay, yes, from what block did you drag this stupid grimy cow out of, you know what will happen now, now the whole city will be talking about me, this is lyuska the viper , she will destroy everyone, so good girl, get out and get me out of the house. put it out, come in,
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he will never take anything that belongs to others. this is my vaska, i care about your perfect husband vaska like i care about the moon, that he is perfect, he is good. let's go, honey, the bridegrooms have been waiting, sit, walk, walk, come on,
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walk, walk, come on, walk. guys, i demand a lot, i give a lot, here’s a woman, here’s a bed, let’s go, an hour for everything, huh? are you vaska
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svonarya zhenar? i'm a zhurba, my last name is trygin, this petka, and this is a toad, i'm marusya, you can call me angina, well, hello, that means, marusya, your husband, vaska is the bell ringer, right? man, we respect you, you have boots, your feet can stand, it’s cold. you stupid girl, they have a closed cycle here , they have everything, they even bury them here , they throw the corpses into the sea, no one has ever left here,
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but for some reason i don’t see it in you, maybe you were eager to be free, and what’s smeared with honey? , at will, yes, you can. i'm sick, toad , pussy, talk some sense into the idiot, what are you guys, oh, shout something, shout, come on, no, you understand, no, you understand, work, horse, stunned, ah, ah! vaska where is the bell man correct, but he behaves stupidly , he runs into trouble, he’s born to climb, he won’t last that long, although man, i asked where he is, the cages are upstairs , where they don’t crawl out, but what have you done, they don’t crawl out, they don’t come out, but i’ll crawl out and i’ll go out and drag vaska out with me, and you sit here, if
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you want, i don’t want to do that, in short, there’s not enough time, quickly tell me how everything works here. he plows, be healthy, for two, and the girl pretended to stop hitting him all the time, it’s he, the toad, who got us in there, listen, he’s a toad, and who are you? it turns out that it’s not humane, that’s it, let ’s stop, how to get vaska out, damn it, i don’t know. there's a grate there, you can just take it with a crowbar, but there will be noise, there's security , you can't avoid it, but what can you do, but what do i know , a platoon of soldiers is possible, shoot these freaks down to the last, get out there, so time is up, now they'll come, i'll go i’ll take a look,
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petka, so it means that you promised to run to the ladies, you are the connection, but you sit by the window until the very morning, and not to sleep? yes, okay, it’s okay, i won’t give up, okay, i’m somehow we need to marfet so that it looks like, buddy, what are we going to do, what kind of woman is she, amazing, the bell ringer is lucky, the processing has already begun, here is the woman pasha with three. well, guys, i was jumping, well, you won’t please, let’s go, baby, tomorrow is the second shift, come on, come on, come on, come on! faster,
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that butanna has outworked me, let's walk forward, come on, let's go. that, no, guys, it’s none of our business, but what about hanging around all your life, you don’t want to be free, but what ’s up to me, back to the station, no, well, the
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dump hasn’t gone anywhere yet, it’s good, and maybe i want to, though? no, it’s good for you, you have a house somewhere in the wild, no, i lied, that’s it, everyone lies, this sore throat doesn’t lie, who knows, maybe it’ll burn out, okay, you guys, decide how, and i’ll tell her i’ll help, why are you helping her, she’s alone, yap. i'll at least try, angina. eh, men, men, small children, what are they writing?
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tomorrow you will find out, listen, have you been here, well , if you meet with the hard workers, what will happen, they will beat you, i think so, i have sinned, that means, well, it’s okay, tomorrow i’ll get out of here, and you try to sneak away under the noise. i won’t bother you , but i won’t help you either.
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well, well, one, one, great, boris nikolaevich. oh, great, roman , what a wind it blew, beauty, my father had one like that, well, yes, not like a mercedes, a fascist car, not to the point, to the point, to the point, confused, who was driving our krasnodar, yes, us in the city. everything is quiet, but kolya salikamsky has been living for three years already, what, you really knew, you knew,
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you’re a strong thief, i imprisoned him, but he shouldn’t hold a grudge against me, where is he now, well, where is the first city guy in intensive care. hello, well, wake up, wake up, i’m listening, roman gavrilovich, i didn’t forget how i wanted to rummage around in the industrial zone, i give you the go-ahead, but just make sure you don’t get washed away there, as soon as i finish everything, i’ll come straight to you with support, there is. what is petka? zhurba
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there are two and there are also two. what are we doing? we wait. look look. just like that. op. and now like this, bro, there’s someone hiding there, where is it, behind the cars, behind the cars, come on, let’s go, yes, over there, he ran, guys, here, he’s on barkat, here, here he is, hold him, hold the mint, both of you, what are you,
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hello, mich, we have this cop again. what are you doing, guys, mich, in the cars, run, come on, stand, yes, listen, we have problems here, what problems we will resolve, but how can i resolve them here, and you try. okay, but i 'll call you if anything happens, that's it, if anything happens.
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let's go, let's go, come on, what is this? calm down, it’s the men breaking down the door, it started, he’s hiding here in the corner, maybe he won’t notice. marusya, everything is clear, let's go!
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well, valeria mikhailovich, my mother is coming to see me today. men, freedom, freedom, men, freedom, freedom! freedom, freedom, freedom, guys,
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do you hear, freedom, i think, don’t think, it’s still a tag on your leg, here you go, i’m here for you warming up the ladies, you are not two by two mints. you have the concept, ilya ifinovich, gather the guys , i obey, comrade colonel, can you imagine, i was changing a light bulb, climbed and collapsed, that’s it, my legs were gone, but he’s always, he’s got me, i’ve been carrying him for the second day already. what are you doing? mentyara
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, kill the cop, come on, guys , come on, come on, come on, guys, freedom, freedom, freedom,
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do you want to go back to the basement, we will fight, we will fight, what are you doing, guys, you want to go back home to you want to go to the children, to the women, why are you scared, and we will fight.
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3:33 am
an obvious misunderstanding, what are you doing, please, work, lie down, marusya, where are you, marusya? tina, i said, i’m here alone, here i am, an oruchnik, what are you doing again, she’s a hero, a hero,
3:34 am
well, a chubar, alive, i said, aunts, you could have called, aunts, you should have called. how are you in general? nothing, okay. vaska, how are you alive? yes, alive, alive, take me out, i’ll come out now, what kind of shooting was there? damon has arrived, what have you done, marusya, marusya, you, huh? vasya, my vaska, vasenka,
3:35 am
my vaska, will catch a cold, at most, mow, russia, well, how did you get there? fine, well done, marus, i am, i was thinking about you, i know, i know, maybe really, what really? not all women are bastards, look igor, maybe i’ll get married too, but we were waiting for this, should you come by more often?


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