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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 13, 2024 8:00am-8:20am MSK

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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is a program today in the dmitry zavoisty studio. a new escalation in the middle east is gaining momentum . the united states and britain are launching massive strikes on yemen for the second night in a row, explosions again occurred in the capital, shelling. came literally a couple of hours after an emergency meeting of the un security council, which moscow requested to find out on what basis washington and london were acting, because the security council did not give the right to use force. president biden, who was responsible for the decision to attack yemen, said that he would strike again if he considered it necessary, after which he flew off on another vacation. how issues of war and peace are resolved today on the capitalist hill, our us special corps alexey vasilovsky looked into it. war is war, but lunch is according to schedule. told a pennsylvania coffee shop
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mango smoothie, president biden decided to comment on the us missile strikes on yemen on thursday. according to the american president, the attack was successful. i don't think anyone is peaceful residents were injured, so this is another reason to consider the operation a success. the us president was probably not aware, otherwise he would hardly have said such a thing. according to reports from yemen , at least five residents were killed and more than thirty were injured as a result of the strikes.
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they say if they continue to act in the same spirit, we will answer them. but the bellicose attitude of the american president was criticized even in the united states itself. many congressmen and conservatives and biden's allies in the democratic party believe that he is playing with fire, fanning another conflict. moreover biden did not even seek congressional authorization for the attack. the resolution on the use of military force states: the president has the right to take immediate action in self-defense if one of our own is attacked. ships, but he cannot do anything to prevent any possible future attacks without obtaining congressional approval. here is the opinion of cori bush, congresswoman from missouri. the us president cannot strike yemen without the approval of congress; this illegally violates the first article of the constitution. the people do not want to see more of our dollars spent on endless wars of killing civilians. stop the bombing. un security, where
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diplomats gathered for an emergency meeting on yemen, the united states made excuses. the houthis are attacking ships in the red sea, and the attack is a necessary measure for their actions. we carried out the operation in accordance with article 51. it is simply about freedom of navigation, freedom of trade. yes, for the united states, but also for the more than 50 countries affected by these attacks. ships are forced to choose other routes, walking thousands of miles to escape violence. the crews of the ships are taken hostage, some are now being held, and fire is opened on the ships. the situation in the red sea has become unbearable for every country affected by these attacks. russia also believes that the seizure of ships is unacceptable, but attacking for this sovereign country, knocking it into the stone age, as russian postpret vasily nebendya put it, is unacceptable and criminal. what we are seeing in yemen, unfortunately, is painfully familiar to us. exactly the same picture of destruction. already 3
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month observed in the gas sector. now long-suffering yemen has again become a hotbed of hostilities in the region. the war spreads to the red sea and the gulf of ada. at the same time, washington is clearly not going to stop there. the white house said it reserves the right to resume military action if it perceives new threats. you don't have to be insightful to understand these. threats and measures to respond to them. the united states will be determined arbitrarily without the slightest regard for international law. for 5 years, washington supported the saudi arabia-led coalition fighting the kussites in yemen with weapons, while turning a blind eye to the carpet bombing of cities, including hundreds of thousands of dead from american bombs, the horrific humanitarian situation, refugees, famine, all so that the houthis, whom , as they believe in washington, supports iran, they have lost power in the country, but. in the last year
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, saudi arabia and hushito began peace negotiations, the situation seemed to be normalizing, but now direct american strikes are threatening new big conflicts. the situation in the middle east is critical. situation, the point is no longer even that by their actions the westerners are destroying the results of many years of efforts of the uon regional mediation on intra-emeni regulation. the problems are much broader; such reckless and short-sighted steps destabilize the security situation and undermine the emerging normalization of the regional situation. if the escalation continues, the entire middle east region could face a disaster, compared from which everything that happened before will seem like flowers. barely meetings. the un ended, as reports of a new attack on yemen arrived, the united states air force struck a houthi radar station. alexey vitelovsky, natalia markevich, alexander gusev, ntv, usa. today, taiwan is determining future relations with both china and the united states. elections are taking place on the island for heads
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of administration and parliamentary deputies; 19.5 million people vote. three candidates supporting independence from the island are competing for the post of head of administration, chairman of the democratic china, the reunification of taiwan with the mainland is declared in the chinese constitution as a sacred duty of the people of the prc and a historical inevitability; they intend to achieve this by peaceful means, while a day before the start of the elections, the island’s armed forces recorded the approach of two eight balloons to taiwan. aircraft and six ships of the chinese navy. ntv conquered the east. the operator of our television company reached the legendary russian station in antarctica. we have already talked about the first part of this adventure, how the participants of the sixty-ninth russian expedition reached the coast of the icy continent.
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and here is the final stage - a journey of almost 1,500 km in the harshest conditions on the planet, which, however, did not stop the russians from celebrating the new year along the way. from the very ends of the earth. report by evgeny chikhachev. and alexey kvashenkin. we are now at the vostok antarctic research station. honestly speaking, even when they told us how and what kind of transport we would get here, we they had a rather vague idea of ​​what kind of journey it would be and how difficult it would be. after the flight from moscow, we boarded the scientific expedition vessel akademik fedorov and sailed for 3 weeks in southern latitudes, among ice and icebergs. we talked about this in detail in the previous story. if you haven't seen it. be sure to see your destination - progress station. here, on the antarctic coast , intense work has been going on for several days from academician fedorov to the station , about 2.0 tons of cargo need to be transferred, but for us progress - this is just an intermediate point on our path. there are several ways to get to the east.
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if on the ground, or more precisely, on ice and snow, there are two options: fast and slow. fast - this is on such a miracle of engineering called burlak. a powerful six-axle all-terrain vehicle, adapted to work in the most severe conditions. in the conditions of antarctica, few equipment are comfortable, because these are low temperatures, diesel engines generally do not warm up very well, and here it is very difficult to heat them, so it works, the most important thing is that it works, i asked to board it, i really regretted it, already in the new year, two days on the road, almost non-stop, cramped, shaking and rocking, so we tried to eat and drink as little as possible, there was another reason for this, which is usually mentioned... it’s not customary to say, there are no amenities on barge haulers, the street is flat and severely minus, almost like being on board an airplane, but we saved a lot of time. the transition from progress to the east takes us about three days, its length is 1,450 km, we rise to a height of 3,650, if i don’t
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i’m mistaken, the other part of our film crew went on a hike, so to speak, on piss. good luck to everyone, have a nice journey. good weather , movement without breakdowns, well, so that everyone is alive and well, let's all have a new year, well, we'll see you in the new year, thank you, all the best to you, our first hike was the most difficult after the winter, it's just tough, no this happens every year, all the roads are covered with these, not hummocks, the skids there are also called skids, and hard ones, they literally drove around two meters there, jumped from them. then for about 200 kilometers , it was probably constantly blowing, we literally followed the navigator, there was no visibility at all, out the window, there’s such a hole from the fan, visibility, you look where what’s who, you still can’t see anything, in general, now i i laugh,
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once upon a time there was no time for this, this is a sleigh-caterpillar train, the main way of delivering large cargo deep into the continent, 13 days on the road, but in relative comfort. there is an eight-seater bar, of course, there is a kitchen, everything necessary for cooking, for eating, plates, spoons, everything necessary utensils, also a table, chair and bedding, everything you need, that is, is available. on the way, our guys, together with members of the sixty-ninth russian antarctic expedition, celebrated the new year. happy new year, instead of a christmas tree, they put up this installation, instead of fireworks, traditional entertainment for bloggers, boiling water in the air. well , the names of my colleagues, participants in the transition, olga stefanova and mikhail gorabchuk, are inscribed on the memorial plaque. i'm a little jealous of this... compared to them, my new year's eve
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at the station was pretty standard, i they entrusted us to collect and decorate the new year tree , the guys prepared traditional salads for this occasion, without herring under a fur coat and olivier and the holiday is not a holiday, 10, 11, 12, before that i was afraid that my health would not allow me to join the gala dinner due to the peculiarity. above sea level, imagine as if you ran a hundred meters, after that there is not enough air for hours, but you gradually adapt to this state. so, i met the year 2024 here, at vostok station, about how they live here and in general in antarctica and work, how the southernmost airfields on the planet receive planes, how a new wintering complex is being built, and in general...
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in a mining town near krasnoyarsk, the driver of the largest excavator in russia weighing seyfel tower, decided to become a manicurist, but the man did not give up his main job , and now gives the country not only coal, but beautiful nails, and says that he gets joy from both professions. vlada kopylovskaya met with the jack of all trades. a man who does a manicure, who would be surprised by this in the capital? but if you you live in a mining town with a population of 50,000, this is a historical precedent. the news that nazarovo had its own manicurist spread quickly, it was even discussed in the nazarovo coal mine, you
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say, you heard, like there’s a guy doing nails in the city, they say, what did they hear, he says he works at the dump, egor ivanov is the only manicurist in russia who works on a rotary excavator, also the only one of its kind, a mountain giant weighing a seifile tower, egor helps keep it in working order, a small part like a roller, weighs 30 kg , you can’t unwind the cable with your own hands, with it you only need a special unit with...
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the very first manicure took 8 hours of egor ’s life, then it’s easier for her husband to get better at it quickly, anna put her hands to work. at first , women came to the beauty masters to see how it was on the deck. then the family posted an advertisement on social networks and a flood of popular humor began. yegor does not react to negative comments; he developed an immunity to them at work. a conversation with clients in the office often begins with a discussion gender stereotypes. what difference does it make who decorates the nails? it’s more difficult when they ask for something feminine, ripe cherries, marsala, burgundy, then the palette helps out. most often , this is the color, very often these are these gels, transfusions.
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