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tv   Starie kadri  NTV  January 14, 2024 5:50am-6:56am MSK

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dead, it was you who killed my wife, that’s all, what a pathetic you are, perhaps, but unlike me, you will forget in the zone, you know, in the zone it’s better than flying off the bumper at a speed of 100 km/h, you should have seen, as her packages scattered, i’m sorry that you were left without dinner.
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that evening, did you think i would get rid of you? we’ll go on mine, wait, it’s my turn, wait, i have her bag, come on, whatever, it’s my turn, sit down already, that’s it.
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crazy women are driving, pages are flying after the page, from prologue to epilogue the decrepit is fighting with the mill. king, fallen angel
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is friends with god, somewhere our bookmark lies, in the middle of the autumn chapter, we read it secretly , but certainly not on sunday, somewhere our bookmark lies, in the middle of the autumn chapter, we read it furtively, but certainly not on sunday, what did mikhailovich do yesterday? mold bone fracture, cool, it was a buklov, right? vanya, vanya,
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who are you? we are angels, angels, hello, is it possible, yes, well, what did the doctor say, is it okay? find, well, that means they just want to free up this place, i’ll take you home, like boys, well, for now they’re only allowed in relatives, you had a serious accident, i found you a temporary assistant, well, you should take care of yourself, an assistant, yes, well, who knows when the boys will return. i
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need to change clothes, yes, of course. thank you, and how is the food, dear, magnificent, just like school lunches, why - the food is really so terrible, disgusting, like school lunches, that it hurts, very, very, not the right word, just some kind of nightmare, mephistopheles says hello to you , tell him the gaf, here’s the pillow, right? oh, thank you, your favorite one to lie down, it’s convenient, oh, good, then, i brought myself, that one, slippers, yes, then, the second one will be waiting for you at home, that’s for sure, your favorite kalinov juice, oh,
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thank you, thank you, the new magazine is a uniform of the russian army, dedicated to the crimean war , it’s great how georgy jr. is becoming more and more like you. well, how are things at home? it’s so quiet without you, ah, vanechka, how are you , dear, and you, oh, forgive me, oh, m, don’t remember anything, he didn’t recognize us, he thought we were angels, i wish i could hurry up, semyon buglov, last seen last night at the sports bar on lesnaya, okay? i'm coming, meet major lyudmila pushkina, it's very nice, i've heard so much about you about your department. lyudmila, a big
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fan of ovnp, i told her the situation, she is just eager to start working. sorry, i'll go put it on. yes. these are pictures. there was an accident at a sports bar, you were driving at a decent speed , so you won’t be able to notice the situation, it would be good if you remembered what happened there, then maybe you could avoid unnecessary questions, well, good news on the mri of the brain. thank you! georgiy, how are you feeling? i, well, how can i tell you, am of sober mind, with a sore throat, neck, i mean back, so
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yesterday my chest ached at night. perhaps it’s your atrial fibrillation, what’s mine? irregular heartbeat is common among your men. it’s simple, but just in case, we’ll connect you to a monitor and watch you for the next 48 hours, what’s two days? boris, why are you worried? she's bothering me, i want to know the exact composition of the pills that she's trying to push into me, but it won't give, okay, everything 's fine, give it here, it's a decongestant to speed up the healing of the eye, and thank you, then, thank you for holding we are in good shape. “i understand your distrust, especially considering what happened here 12 years ago, and what happened here? three men died in one night, in this very ward, don’t worry, not a retired investigator, what was it, clah,
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come on, come here, what was he saying about three guys who died here at the same time, well, they only killed one, as it turned out.” well, this was before me, well, in general, the nurse was fired, the cops, as usual, didn’t find anything, calmed down, oh, sorry, hello, hello, oh, hello, boss, sasha, ivan mikhailovich, how are you, sasha, hello, thank you, my memory is bad, but they recognized me. i’m sure everything will be fine, ivan mikhalovich, hang in there, you decided to check how it is in paradise, nothing, they’ll manage without us, gifts, but they brought them, i would actually prefer an orange, well, next time, yes, yes , how long have you been lying here,
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oh, look, she already misses you, raevsky sent us someone, and she, she, what, is a woman, a woman. in the office with you, he hinted that she might stay with us, that he couldn’t do that? ovnp should not stop. but, but we are working, we are already there. to one very serious matter, yes , yes, yes, exactly, yes, 12 years ago in this room, yes, a guy was killed, well, maybe they helped those two corpses, but they were all together on the same night in the same went to the room, i didn’t understand, here in this room, yes, we could be talking about a serial killer, it’s a pity, of course, that mikhailovich lost his memory, but maybe this will help him take a fresh look at things, huh? your opinion can be very valuable in this situation, yes, i
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cleaned up here a little, i see there’s no work yet no, tea, coffee, there is work, in 2008 a patient was murdered in a city hospital, you can find the case, but you know the name of the victim, no? i don’t know, okay, you work at night, i’m actually married, i ’ve been there three times too, maybe the fourth, something like that, what’s this for? fourth, hello , good morning, yes, hello, boss
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, where are the gifts, here is your hotel, here you go ivan mikhailovich, so let’s get started, andrey belyaev, 44 years old, married, stepdaughter was 16 years old, got here after an accident, on the night of june 21, 2008, died from an overdose of diomorphine, somehow everything very carefully - they did it themselves, almost, two more patients, vinokurov, roman, and dmitry oleshka, died in the same ward, that same night, ivan mikhailovich, yes, ah, fell asleep, obviously, i understood, both oleshka and vinokurov were terminally ill, that’s why... the death did not arouse suspicion, so belyaev was reclassified as murder, they discovered
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that something had been mixed into his iv at night, you couldn’t adjust the pillow under my leg a little, oh, yes, two main ones, carefully, suspect carefully, carefully, oh, sorry, please, for god’s sake, it’s normal , the nurse on duty was inaitova akhidova, doctor daniil nikonets, he was the last to examine the men the night before, the motive was: he’s fine as long as we’re here, yes, i don’t know, maybe i’m paranoid, of course, but i it seems
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that raevsky gave me an assistant for a reason, but to sniff out everything about the accident, and if she gets to the bottom of the truth, mikhailovich will not only be fired, he will be accused of attempted murder of bukly. alexander, like our eagles, great, getting better, good, good, i couldn’t call the widow of the murdered man, according to vakhidova, there is no news either, but there is the address of ksenia oleshko, this is the daughter of a man who died of cancer, maybe she will remember something. “information about a gang of killers is being confirmed, we don’t care about the edge, you
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’re not scared, viktor sergeevich, it’s very scary, kostya, it’s scary that we might not succeed, give testimony, tell the truth, raise the specialists, sergei sergeevich, that in there are no other bandits left in the city, their turn will come too, boss, tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv. new episodes, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. gather everyone. the main family hit. gorynnych, rusal, ghoul, werewolf and other fairy tales. get lost party! the magic plot, the whole season, is already in the oko subscription. the beginning of the year is the time to make new plans, a loan in tenenki will help you not to put them off until later, to rush towards your goals at full speed, so that everything turns out as planned, and even better,
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hello, hello, they’re talking about money, we’ll see. “thank you for agreeing to meet, let’s go, come here, i understand that you never found the killer, the man who lay next to my father, no, no, do you remember that night when, well, it’s hard to forget the night when your father died, my mother and i we arrived at the hospital around 8 pm, we visited him every day, but he no longer recognized us. there weren’t enough strong medications, but excuse me, i’ll interrupt, as i understand it, the mother is no longer alive, yes, she died 2 years later, but do you remember anything strange in prolyaev’s ward? about vinokurov, this is another person who died, well, vinokurov’s wife and daughter were also perplexed in a similar state, but
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when they told us that the man in the next bed was killed, then my mother and i didn’t even know what to think? i understand, thank you, if you remember anything else, let me know know, please, okay, thank you, thank you, so you’re still stretching your brains? our small but loud business. the problem is that we can't find some participants, but were you working then? fortunately, no, i was then improving my qualifications in germany. very nice. did you know daniel nikkans or the nurse who was fired. yes, naya, naya, uzbek. yes, sure. by the way, it was efficient. but he's weird. i could never trust him. tried to experience the patient’s pain on myself, so what’s wrong with that, this is a perversion, i have there is no desire to experience the patient’s pain, i want to save the patient from it, and
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where is he now, you don’t know, he doesn’t seem to be practicing anymore, no, i don’t know, thank god, yes, goshenka, dear, how are you feeling, more than, let me check the shaala myself. yours are very tasty, help yourself, thank you, yeah. oh, where are you going? so my working day is until six, well, we don’t seem to have a standardized
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working day. no, this is not for me, i have a schedule every evening, today is a quest, tomorrow is chinese tai chi gymnastics, then lectures at multimedia center, i also want to go to landscape design, make a twig for myself on the site, i don’t have children. what else should you spend time and money on? see you tomorrow, but how did they get into the ward unnoticed, that’s how it is, i’m a fool, damn it, twenty-one. june 2008, our russia reached the semi-finals of europe, euro, exactly, i remembered too, we
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then did and won the netherlands, 3:1, arsharev, pavlyuchenko, akinfeev, the whole country stood on its horns, the hospital also stood on its horns, everyone was around tv, nurses, all the sick, cleaners. of course, no one is anything didn't notice. well, that's it, there is room to move. i 'm proud of you, i'm glad you sold it all. ladies, office hours are over. that's it, dear. we leave you in good hands. oh, let's remove the wires. yes, the tests came back, everything is fine. well, great. sunny, i’ll do everything myself. it's so nice to see yours. don't pay attention to everyone who accuses you of wrongness, of depravity. i mean , well, you’re a polyamor, why, i’m talking about women, specifically women, in the plural, and i’m
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talking about men, well, maybe we’ll unite our desire, i myself, i will remove it myself, i’m talking about a man like you, not only would i remove the wires, well, you yourself know everything with such and such wives, with exes. uh-huh, i myself, okay, i’ll come back, don’t be bored, dear, bitter, ah, what is this tomato, polymor, polyamor - this is a man who loves many women at the same time, in my opinion, this is mainly determined to sit down with your wives , well, well, i don’t want this, physically. it’s clearly stronger, i want to go for landscaping and make a little pond on the property
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. oh, why not a hospital? i i'm bored, yes, well, it's too dangerous there, oh , i see, she's already marking the territory with flowers and ponds, yeah, but she can't get through to belyaeva, by the way, gosh, is it a surprise for you to hate belyaeva? conversation with women, this is your horse, oh great, good evening, victoria bilyaeva, yes. georgy
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barkhatov, investigative committee, department of newly discovered, unsolved crimes, something i haven’t even heard about, we have resumed the investigation into the death of your husband, i won’t talk about it, well, yes, i understand, yes you don’t understand, i won’t talk about this, i can’t, wait, victoria, your husband’s killer is still at large, please remember what happened that night, i can’t, get out. from my house, wait, victoria, you were with your daughter then, we need to talk to her, you can give your daughter’s address, leave, this is illegal entry, excuse me, please, please, of course,
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yeah. yes, ivan mikhailovich, where are you going? yes, yes, i understand, i, i will call you back, i will call you back, ivan mikhailovich, ivan mikhailovich, ivan mikhailovich, caught it. ahavai-makhavai, yeah, where am i, help, ivan mikhailovich, ivan mikhailovich, non-kanian, no, like that, yeah, non-kanian. oh,
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resignation letter, yes, i like this one, ivan mikhailovich, what are you doing here? who you are? nurse, oksana. come on, i'll take you to your room. let's go, let's go. you can't be here. let's go. and what was it, sister, i’m walking in the spring, sister, good morning, vakhidova’s address, i got it through the diaspora, just a guess, i can’t please ponicana yet, but i’m working on
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it. oh, sorry, gosh, barkha, lyudochka, what a meeting, hello, that’s where you’ve settled down, but i see that you’ve also already acquired your own characteristic details, yes, of course you would prefer beer taps on the walls, a layer of cigarette ash under your feet, i don’t drink or smoke, and you worked together , well, it was a long time ago, when i was drinking and smoking, gosha made it clear how welcome i was in the department, immediately trying to charm me. made everyone laugh, i was his boss, come to vakhidova, see you, go already, casanovas, go, a good start to the day, suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked, who sings like that, guys, this is the last century, that's all.
6:21 am
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a tenkov mobile sim card and get 25 gb and 1,200 minutes at half the price. tinkov, so that you remember your winter holiday with warmth, avito support works 24x7. if you have any questions regarding your booking, we... will resolve them around the clock, vita everything will go as planned, touch the croque to the burger kings star, taste it on fire, i have all the best that life can give, but i’m not happy, you don’t have your own apartment, there’s no food in the refrigerator, so why are you so joyful, i’m hiring you as my personal coach, successful, are you ready for an explosive brain boost, i’m already on my way to you, look now only at kiion, attention, polysorp
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is always with you, for poisoning, allergies, hangovers, it’s time to drink polysorp , gather everyone, the main family hit, mountain boy, mermaid, ghoul, werewolf, and other fairy-tale, crazy, party, magical plot, the whole season, already in the subscription eye. the beginning of the year is the time to make new plans, a loan in the shadows will help you not to put them off until you rush towards your goals at full speed, so that everything works out as planned, and even better, let all your plans come true, and let the first loan payment be made. live, apply for a loan in the tenki app with a decision in one minute, deferment of the first payment for up to 90 days. tinkov, a unique country with a unique destiny,
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unique culture unique people. original. and full of mysteries with a broad soul and rich traditions. a country that never stops. surprise! discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel! i told you the contract until the end of the month, i won’t move out before, go away, mrs.
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vakhidova, i’m not talking about the apartment, i’ll call the police now, go away, just one second, you open the door, right there, here, here, here, here, i'm sorry, can you please remove this, and you're cute, you too, you're even cuter, you can enter. kelen, is it possible? thank you very much, what is your name? grigory barkhatov, aka gosha. hi, gosha, i will answer all your questions. i would like to know what happened that night when belyaev died. where were you that night? at the nurses' station, next to the ward. all night long? yes, of course, all night. haven't you seen it? perhaps someone entered the room after the patients’ relatives had left? no. i don't want to be a scapegoat anymore , you know, they threw me out
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because i'm a nurse and an uzbek, this nikonets got away with his job i saved it, but i didn’t, yes , let’s calm down, i won’t calm down, i want to tell you, i’m a good nurse, now i can’t find a job, i work as a cleaner, and by the way, i could marry an uzbek millionaire and live in luxury, he will tell me the truth, your truth does not exist, understand? what if she's crazy? she could not be
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crazy, she cooperated with the investigation at that time and there was no evidence that she was normal, but now there is, so she is the main suspect, dr. nikonets was suspended for one month in 2011 for violating work ethics, what did he do? he had inappropriate conversations with relatives of terminally ill patients about euthanasia, and a year later he quit and started his own. how long? i don’t remember allowing you to enter?
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and i don’t remember asking, lieutenant colonel alexandra tokareva, and this is georgy barkhatov. and how can i help as a law enforcement officer? we have resumed the investigation into the death of andrei belyaev. yes. oh, bon voyage. wishes to those departing for the next world, for this reason it was impossible to be placed lower. we, as you have already noticed, a travel company , we organize trips from which no one returns, you at least take out insurance, you are fussing in vain, people themselves know what they are doing and choosing, this, i only help them, yeah, help or push, encourage, listen, i’m not killing anyone, i ’m just giving people the opportunity to leave for a country where they will be allowed to do this legally, andrei belyaeva, remember? i had nothing to do with his death, the hospital management
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did not share your views on euthanasia, yes i understand correctly, but when i learned that you were discussing all its joys with the relatives of the sick, i was dissatisfied, the families of the terminally ill, how they themselves find themselves in a hopeless situation, who knows how strong you will be when your time comes, perhaps you will be grateful to someone , like me, but as i already said, i have nothing to do with belyaev’s death. and naitola vakhidova said that you left her alone to peck, cool, where the legs grow from, it was she who said that i killed belyaev, the creature. i hope you are with yours clients, calm down, i have nothing more to say to you, goodbye, don’t go anywhere any time soon, good luck, okay, doctor,
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what happened? van, you wanted to kill buklov and move. alexandra bumped into you to stop you. borya, yes, he killed my masha, he killed me, calm down, vai, calm down, hush, hush,
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hush, what a beauty! handsome, yes, very dear, by the way, you know how to ride a horse , i, oh, no, what, i can only dream about it, it’s probably your whole family who rides, no, i don’t have a family, these are horses, my family , ksenia, did you remember anything about that night that i asked about, no, but do you happen to remember the nurse who was on duty then, yes, i remember, well, so eccentric, if you can say it, you can, both are nice, she and the doctor, doctor, doctor, no end, this means they were together in the ward, well, yes, they talked all the time, laughed, laughed, yes, no matter how strange it may sound, but they thereby lifted the mood, and she was magnificent, that’s it, romance ready, clean,
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novel, hello, hello, can i help you with anything? oh, sorry, sorry.
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it was possible to kill, yes, it’s good that the air is so heavy, hello, what
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happened yesterday? at one time, semyon buklov killed mikhailovich’s wife, maria, ran her over in a car, so mikhailovich decided to repay him, i wish you good health, i didn’t make the wrong door, the best of the best of the investigative committee work here, hello colleagues. i missed you, and you know, i almost killed buklav with this oxygen cylinder, well done mikhalich, that’s right, he had... probably a concussion, do n’t you really understand, buklav has been charged with attempted murder, colleagues they are asking him now, what do you think he
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will tell us, raevsky already suspects that something is wrong with the accident, so he planted an informer on us, we got caught, what do you mean? ivan mikhailovich, the three of us are in fact accomplices, raevsky can charge us with obstruction of the preliminary investigation, i did not ask to be stopped. joke, why did you arrange all this, he killed
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my wife, excuse me, nikonets called, apologized, said, you caught him by surprise, that’s what i found out about him, his company is clean, good luck, he has a house in the area, divorced, two daughters, of course, this is not much , but i only had half an hour, fathers, you, did you return from the war, yes, this is lyudmila pushkina, and ivan mikhailovich dolin, yes, a legend of the ugric people, i remember your lecture in ninety- four , the best of my life, thank you, memory named lane. just a genius, hello, it’s very nice, it’s a great honor for me, you’ll forgive me if i disturbed anything on your table, i just didn’t want
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you to breathe dust, that’s it, everything’s fine, thank you, i’m sorry, i need to go out, do you think she heard a lot, i said, she for... a cossack, or maybe it's a joke , it's a pity, listen, well, what will we do, let's work, but if we don't put buklovo in prison, alexandra yuryevna, i'll kill him , hello, nai tula, thank you for coming, you've come, because he's handsome. said that he would be here , hello, tuli, you are a very nice man,
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i heard it, i never thought i would hear this, i talked to your former colleagues, they say you were magnificent, well, i was, well, you are now tulya, beauty , yes, there was a little left, but then the men froze, no end? i don't want to talk about him. well they say that you liked him, he liked you, you were friends. either you are angry because only you were punished, but you took all the blame yourself. did you see nikons that night? no, he wasn't there, he wasn't there at all. it was euro night, maybe you were leaving the room to watch the game. they don't care about football, he wasn't there, they don't care about nikkans. true, well, he’s handsome, in those years he must have gone crazy, right? yes, and tula, you and nikans were lovers. he was
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a high flyer, locked in a cage country chickens. help, call, call an ambulance. come on, yeah. “everything is fine , rest, i’ll be back soon, what you just saw was a partial seizure, a type of epilepsy, they can range from short second incidents to quite long ones, and how often does this happen, appear, disappear, sometimes for a long time time, the patient may not even know that he had an attack, they are doing something at this time, yes, but only..." the tasks are not complicated, administering diomorphine, i very much doubt we can do it with her
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talk, yes, of course, but only for a short time and so that she doesn’t worry, yes, thank you. “hello, well, tuli, you scared me , i scared a lot of people, as far as i understand, i’m talking to you, i’m only talking to a friend, ask questions, tell me, my dear, you and nikons hid your relationship, he was married, you were together , that night when these three men died, i don't talk to you, i don't like you, you don't respect me, you, don't be angry, alexander wants to help you, i 'm telling you seriously, tell me, that night there was no end with you, no, he wasn’t there, we made love often, but that night no, when i went into the ward, i found three dead men, i raised the alarm, i was so scared when they said it was murder, i didn’t do it , no one was charged, only
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i was fired, i asked daniil to help. of the main suspect, it’s funny, if i had injected something, it would have been to two other men, they were mortally ill, not belyaev, i didn’t kill him, and i didn’t see vakhidov that night, i wasn’t there at all, where is you were, i was dating another woman, why didn’t
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they tell me about this 12 years ago, it could have ruined it? destroy my career, it means you were dating another woman at the same time you were dating vakhidova, she was married to a doctor, the doctor happened to be away at the time, in germany, by chance, yes, skin, what is it, georgiy when next time? do you want to take revenge on the one who sleeps with your wife? grow some balls and do it yourself and don't involve us in this shit! you are under arrest, old friend, how did you dress? it pulls me off in the morning, you’re not afraid to approach a girl, so you’re right there with us,
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stand there! elina left bobrov , the end of everything, the question is, no, why did you hit my head, my face is corrupt, everything is mine, new season, tomorrow at 20:00, beyond, new season with timur eremeev, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu, fever. a runny nose leads to a headache, and to treat a sore throat , maxicolt lore spray not only helps relieve a sore throat, but fights its causes. and are available at a price for return, maxicold to stop cold symptoms. this year tinkovmobile shares moments of joy and payment for mobile communications with everyone. order a teinkov mobile sim card and get 25 gb
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the article under which he wants to serve, blackmail, extortion, attempted murder of one or more persons, start, work, boss, tomorrow. nickens was not in the hospital that night, at that time he had shura mur from a woman named kotlyar, which means it was not him, alena andreevna belyaeva, daughter victoria, the address is not in the case materials, because. she doesn’t have one, i don’t understand, alena belyaeva doesn’t have an address because she died at the age of 17, look, oops, victoria, why
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didn’t you tell us about alena, because we would have found out anyway, it was a suicide, i found her in the old house, she hanged herself, did she leave a note? i tore it up, there was something about my stepfather in it, tell me, does alena have anything to do with what happened with your husband, she killed her stepfather, why don’t you, no, but could you tell me show a photograph of your husband, they are not there, we also destroyed them, tell me, you had no idea about anything before the death of alena, well, this is what happened to your husband and your daughter, no, it was in the note, yes, i tell you i understand,
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victor, i understand you perfectly, i led such cases, of course, can be stopped by the rapist, but this does not make the suffering of the victim any easier. andrei belyaev was a teacher, but now we know something more that was unknown to the initial investigation group, he was a pedophile, in...
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in the beryulyov schools, in marina roshcha, on sokol on mayakovskaya. on mayakovskaya? hello, ksenia, hello, sorry for interrupting, nothing, your work, i wanted to clarify what school you went to? in 1534, on the academic one, this is the senior class, and the dodugor, on maykovskaya, but we moved. why didn’t they say that they knew andrei belyaev, he was your teacher at mayakovskaya, you didn’t ask, but 12 years ago, you asked, no, his stepdaughter committed suicide in 2009, i know, it looks like she couldn’t live with what happened , she was raped by her own stepfather, this is very difficult to cope with, especially when her psyche is fragile. even if this happens at the age of 16,
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you need to be a very strong person to be able to continue living, and if you suddenly encounter a rapist, it’s difficult to resist the desire to kill him, and even more so if you are a veterinarian, do you know how to do this? do you have another question for me? horses are... the only thing i have left in life, i can go, no questions asked, let's go, quickly.
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sergey, i understand that this is not the best result, we know exactly everything that happened, but i think we don’t need to do anything, i agree, there’s a different situation, you understand, i, i said that, i agreed, that in a case like this it is better not to do anything, sometimes very...


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