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tv   Politseiskoe bratstvo  NTV  January 15, 2024 5:15am-6:11am MSK

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yes, but if you wish in my ear, not faith, yes, even if the game is not by the rules, yes, and if tomorrow is cooler than yesterday, we will break through, the opening, you are surrounded, resistance.
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we have a corpse, maybe a crime, calm down, let's go for a drive, what a corpse, what a crime, look at your watch, moron, i have a plan , a plan to intercept, let's go, we'll intercept, what a detention, they're killing, they're killing, vasilich, well, what's going on? day and night there is no peace, hello! hello!
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oh! ivan vasilyevich, this is already crossing all boundaries, you promised that it won’t happen again no crime, no, promised, yes, you know, since you moved here, we have been repeatedly drowned, set on fire and blown up, yes , by your mercy. i’ve already
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done renovations twice, and you know that it seems to me that it’s high time for you to retire, but i’m retired, i ’m already in my second year of retirement. let's go, good night, you asshole, they say correctly, all the cops are assholes, they're retired, especially yegor fedorovich.
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hold it, ivan vasilyevich, of course. well, you understand, i come to you with all my heart, but in this case your request is impossible, well it’s just, well, it’s an everyday matter , well, what an everyday thing, before this garin was chased by several crews last night, it’s fortunate that no one was hurt, especially civilians, well, you’re doing a bad job, why is that
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bad, they didn’t catch up with him, he stopped on his own, i wish you good health, and before for such things you know what would have happened, okay, let’s not do it, now not earlier, now... times, that’s it, so let’s release this handsome guy, or do you want the head of the headquarters to call you back personally about him, look, look, wait, garin is still upstairs, oh, what connections, well, vasily ivanovich, well...
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wake up, harry, we wake up on the way out, still in the mussarna, but it’s easier. what are you staring at? they didn’t recognize me, yegor fedorovich, clean the coffee. shurik is pure, he admitted, article 161, part two, the grave was composed of an organized group by prior conspiracy, exactly, wow, you have memory, citizen, boss, and i
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came specially today, the local targets told me that you are being released, don’t think , i’m not doing this for fun, in our country you can’t swear off money or prison. and i won't charge you any money take it, i’m yegor fedorovich, i remember well, if it weren’t for you, then i would have had to spend a full sentence, but according to the lower limit they gave me and there were no problems with the trial, in ryazan, as i ended up, you won’t believe it, purely out of love, i was wondering got free, met one girl , we moved here, we’ve been living for a year now, a son was born, a daughter just recently... egor fetrovich, i’ve tied the knot with the old one, well, really , well, on the road, let’s look, don’t drive away the parts, i i still have to live.
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great, great, great, why the fuck explain to me when they take off your laces, that's so you're in i didn’t jerk up in the camera, i forgot or something, these are the rules, i’ll be there now.
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yegor fedorich, thank you so much for everything, i owe you the grooming of my life, honestly, but you still have the phone numbers of the day laborers, yegorievich. i really tied up the grove of children, it’s really necessary, well, unless alek bobrov or zheka brake stir up some topics, kolya, where have you been? vasilvich, tells how i could be left alone? alexey yuryevich, you escaped from the office via the fire escape. they closed the door and ran away, we broke it for now, so you’ve already left the trail, well done, they broke the door, why
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i’m paying you money, kudikule, vasilvich , come with me, now we’ll grab a beer, have breakfast, you somehow decide, either we’ll grab a beer or we’ll have breakfast, so don’t interfere with one another, let’s go, no, no, no, no to the doctor. i’m having a procedure, are you sick, who am i, no, there’s just something in my side lately , you know, it’s been tingling, a little, just a little, but it’s unpleasant, you know, i’ve also been tingling sometimes lately, but i’m not complaining , i’ll cure you now, let’s go, we’ll go to the bathhouse with you now, then let's pour some vodka, everything will go away for you, no , no, no, you're crazy, what a bathhouse, my heart has been playing around with it lately, blood pressure, no bathhouse, i'm having a procedure, how everything
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is neglected, well, look, you have to live , you have to live, thank you for once again, that’s it, get me out, go, call, if anything happens, yes, okay, bye, no, go. yes, mr. shavirin, ivan vasilyevich, who is saying this? this is bavaeva, calling from the yunost plus clinic. we have received the results of your tests, we need to talk to you very urgently and seriously.
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stand, what did i tell you? stand, i said. for the last time i say my, uh, what are you doing, stop!
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jumped, police, lieutenant yanvarev, you are detained, i understand, you have the right to remain silent, where did this come from? january and your last name is stupid, shut up with the kangaroo , it’s fine, i have a better last name than some, i turned my face to the ground, quickly, like this, how long do i still have left, ivan vasilyevich, not a single doctor will tell you this,
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which means not for long, yes, i sketched out a small plan here. your treatment, well what now you need to do it at the initial stage, and what is this phone number below, this is not a phone number, this is the amount for your treatment, the amount is not final, but i guarantee you , it definitely won’t be more expensive, how much more expensive, i have that kind of money in my hands i didn’t hold it at all, we have for patients like you who find themselves in a similar situation... “a special affiliate program, check it out, we cooperate with the bank, this is a very small percentage, and also interest, sorry, uncle, you have the lace came undone, the cord came undone,
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thank you, boy, what are you talking about, you were completely blown into the tower, what are you doing anyway? i’m not doing anything, by the way, i detained a dangerous criminal, what dangerous criminal? gopnik, well , yes, everything is set out in detail in the report: i was going to work, i saw a young man of suspicious appearance who pulled out a bag from the back seat of a car parked on the street, in response to my legitimate request to show documents, the suspect tried to escape, and i had to pursue him , suspicious appearance, you say, to hide very much,
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you say, he tried, do you even know what was in that package, and in january, half a kilo of sausages? two processed cheeses, bottles of kefir, half a loaf. so what, it’s still a fact of theft. lord, in january, half a kilo of sausages, for these half a kilo of sausages you didn’t demolish almost half the city while you were catching up with this idiot. four cars got into an accident, by your grace, you broke two front windows, three, you scared people on the street, thank god, you didn’t shoot anyone, otherwise you would have explained things to the committee in the cell. by the way, i wanted to. what did you want? into the camera? use service weapons to kill. it’s just that this criminal was running so fast, he was still jumping, he was ordering, i didn’t have time to aim properly, but you’re really a crazy january, why do i need all this? do you even remember how difficult it was for me to hire you to the department? m? remember? you understand
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that i vouched for you, if anything happens, then i’ll be damned, well, uncle! what kind of uncle vasya am i to you, what kind of uncle vasya am i to you, comrade colonel, it’s my fault, comrade colonel, but i acted as i was taught according to all the rules, i approached, introduced myself, saluted, explained the reason appeals, come on, get out of here, get out of here so i don’t see you, words in general, if the owners of vehicles sue you, you will pay every penny, and hand over the barrel to the gunsmith, before special... order, no i can’t do it because you can’t, what kind of policeman am i without a gun, but you really don’t only have a gun, you need to take away your id, where can i buy these? please, nikitos, please go away, but out of sin, there is,
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oh, well, that's it, let's go, please, oh, don't close it! please, yes, please, thank you.
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who else is there carrying, just in time, right now i should have come, yes, yes, i ’m coming, i’m coming, i’ll open it now, dad, are you all right? nastya, hello, daughter, why are you coughing? yes,
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i caught a little cold, why did i put on my uniform? what form, and just check what to check? well, how it sits on me, the shape, it’s clear. well, are we going to stand like this, or will you let me into the apartment? oh, of course. come on in, what was that noise just now? where, when now, and this, this is with the neighbors, they are doing renovations there, you can’t imagine, from morning to evening, they saw something, break something, throw it, in general, quiet horror, at least climb into a noose, but what is this? it was me, it was i who changed the light bulb, i mean, i wanted
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to fix the chandelier, but then you, unexpectedly, here nastya, what kind of person are you, you could have called, warned, i would have met you at the station, why the rope, this ... for insurance, so as not to fall, it’s clear , something seems to me, i arrived on time, come on, tell me, maybe i won’t testify against myself, i’ll use the fifty-first article, call my mom, mom, no, no, mom no need, young mother i was sitting with a friend for two children when... her husband arrived home, they asked me to go out , they asked who her husband was, i went outside, how long were you not in the apartment, for about 20-15 minutes,
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when the friend returned, the owner of the house was dead , a three-month-old child was choking on the blood of his own son, he wanted to pierce his heart, i ran away, i was very scared, he inflicted 19 stab wounds on her, the three-year-old daughter of the murdered woman witnessed the brutal massacre. which the stepfather simply did not notice, she says: uncle, mother, uh, uncle, lyalya, uh, that’s it, that’s it, that’s all she showed us, why a loving husband attacked his wife and son with a knife, do you think that she could provoke her husband to murder, she posted a photo on the social network, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv.
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raise up the specialists, sergei sergeevich, there are no other bandits left in the city, their turn will come too, boss, today at 22:15 on ntv, what are you sitting there, follow me? ladies and gentlemen, only today in our restaurant is one of the most famous writers of st. petersburg, whose books are published millions of copies, andrei ivanovich kutuzov will personally sign each of you his new novel, which is called “outlaw cop.”
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please sign for olya, olya, tell me, what you tell in your novels, is it all true, of course, i write about what really happened to me, your heroes, they are so... real, well, because behind them are real prototypes, my friends, like me, former cops, a famous opera in narrow circles, tell me, and the main character of the operas andrei, it’s you, really, well, collective image, want champagne, yes, i am now, well, to be honest, between us, the main character has a lot of things from me, for example,
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he is two meters tall. only my books or heroes, and not what happened to me, please pass, life can be so unfair, right? well, of course, you know, i will leave you my best wishes, please, thank you, andrei ivanovich, please come to us, i’m now, yeah, you’re asking me out on a date, yes, i’ll be free in half an hour, i’ll be
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waiting for you, andrey ivanovich, for you it’s simple like, andrei, hey, writer, i’ll be there soon, come on, everyone ran away, yes, yes, yes, why didn’t someone catch up? well, writer, we love you, but, of course, we’ll talk to you, who you are, i , who am, yes, i’m an elephant, an unusual surname, elephant, do you hear, what are you doing, what’s your surname, wait, wait, wait. this is what drove me through life, so what? you have it written here on page six that in 1993 , foreman tambovsky chopped up the stray guest performers into cabbage. guess what his name is? and what's his name? his name is elephant. brigandier tambovsky drove the elephant. this is me. mr. elephant, i’ll explain everything to you now. you see, these are my
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fantasies, this. a figment of my imagination , do you hear, a figment, you have it written here on page thirty that i spent all my evenings in the sauna with a masseuse, and sometimes with several, this is my wife, it’s very pleasant, and i have never, not once, i didn’t change her life, you’re just a hero, i’ll fix everything now, stand. it was the same delay in planting tlons, writer, but just
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stand there. lina, i ’ll get you anyway, that’s how things are, daughters, and i’ve really been in good health lately, something is wrong, you need to drink less, no, well, well, why are you doing it now, well, well, why right away, i haven’t had much of this at all lately. i mean, i don’t drink, yeah, well, just out of boredom , well, that’s okay, you won’t have to be bored anymore , i promise you that, i mean, wait, wait, why did you come, everything is fine at home,
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everything is fine with mom, the general’s mother i got it, what is it, uh-huh, why did i come, i ’ll work here, dad, the transfer has already been processed. this is in vain, here in moscow, i would have made a career faster, of course, yes, i just want everything to achieve it myself, without discounts for my mother, general , and not a career, i need my dad, i want to help people, i’ll start with this sharashka office, what the... hello, hello, nikita yegorich, such a thing, horror, what a deal , petrovich , don’t stuff things with valuables, say what you wanted, i’ll decide for myself, horror or not horror, horror, horror, believe me, petrovich, what do you have, you, tarasov,
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yegor fedorovich, remember who isn’t him he remembers, he’s a legend, he’s currently in prison in prison , he’s no longer in prison, he’s out. already in st. petersburg, conspiracy? so where is the horror here? and the horror is that he is looking for a whip. but why? question. what other whip? yes, not sadomas, a whip, well, i mean, a pistol. now this is interesting. they tell who said, who whispered. i don't give away my sources. you don’t want me to end up in...
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economics, it should be effective. no more, have you lost your bonus this month? oh-oh-oh, okay, let's do what they will, return it. thank you, petrovich. nikhita egorovich, what about the nesting doll? yes, this is life. just cops. they keep billions in fake money, and you have to help others,
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do you need some valyn, well, he brought me some dough, come on here. first the gun, then the money, uncle, do what you're told, then kiss. well, why are you looking at the floor, you can look at me, don’t argue, girls, tanya, go to work, hello, hello, what are you
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doing, yes, how are we doing , but we don’t have many visitors, well, we’re still in the black , well, of course, we are always in the black, they are waiting for you there, the man has been waiting for 2 hours, sitting at the counter. worried, very worried, very, stepik, forget-me-not, hello! well, i asked you don’t call me stepan in front of people, i’m andrei kutuzov, well, a phony before selling books, that’s what you call me. when an elephant pulls your eye into one place, then you will be kutuzov. come on, make me some whiskey, what do you already know? yes, not only me, the whole city knows, as soon as the elephant’s wife read yours. a story about how he had fun with the masseuses, she
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immediately filed for divorce for division of property, the elephant really doesn’t like it when they start giving it to him, so you’re in trouble, i sympathize, sit down, i didn’t do it on purpose, i didn’t i knew, i came up with this nickname from a fool, well , an elephant, it sounds cool, it sounds cool, yes, but the elephant himself doesn’t think so, i don’t know, i don’t know, it ’s very difficult, well, i don’t know, when i started here on the land plot , you and i became friends from the first day, it was a long time ago, there wasn’t even a casino here yet, let alone a strip club, yes, yes, we were selling turkish clothes here then, the triggers were good, and you came to us to offer your roof? the tailbone has passed, what kind of old are you again, well, you
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misunderstood me then, you got me, what you want me to solve the problem with the elephant, yes, i don’t know, i don’t know, it’s difficult, but he’ll just kill me, so it ’s good for you, and your publishers liked it, i mean, free advertising, circulation right away they’ll jump up, you know how, lord, uncle vasya, well, just think about it yourself, why does he need a gun? for what purpose? yes, no longer in order to shoot himself. egor is not one of those people, not one of those klupiks. yes, that's what i think. i think so, as far as i know, tarasova. he will never forget, will never forgive, when
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they found money in his car, people immediately they said fedorovich could not have taken a bribe, he spoke about this in court during the investigation, but never confessed, so this means, this means he knows who gave him the money and wants to personally pay off with this person, but he will pay off, only he’ll be imprisoned again later, but he’s not thinking about that at all now. what should i do, uncle vasya? if we give the matter an official move, it will only get worse, then we won’t win back, we have to do it ourselves , somehow, van, hello, this is estomen speaking, listen, we need to meet and talk, but i your brains are very needed.
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there were underground casinos with vodka, lyosha garin was closely focused on this topic, so if he was going to bring down someone, it was an engineer.
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great turon, well, great, what are we going to talk about, you seem to have moved away from the department, moved away from the department, moved away, retired, it hurts here, it hurts here, doctors, procedures, this. push, bro, from the heart, guys, give it a shot, i ’ll knock this deer’s brains out, but wait, wait, wait. there is one nuance, what other nuance? well, the thing is, this is, as they say, my cow, and i give it to you. which cow? who are you eating? in general, i want to do you a favor. the whole city is already aware of your
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showdown with this, especially the cops. as soon as you kill him, they will immediately put bracelets on you. they'll put on the bracelets, that's it. if they find him, but they don’t find him, but there is still one option that will suit everyone, well, put it, in short, this kutuzov is writing a new novel, it will be called a cop against the foreman, and they will make you the main character in it, this time , and secondly, he will write there that you... found out that your wife, back in the nineties, cheated on you with a personal hairdresser, so what? well, you present it to her in court as an argument not to pay the money, well, yes, listen, it’s nice, it’s a normal
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move, well, also consult him about our boys’ affairs, yeah, so that everything in the book is reliable, and not as usual. he’s the one who whistles to everyone that he was an operative, he was a local police officer for six months until he was transferred to their duty room, this is when drunks threw him out of the window upside down at a roadstead, so he doesn’t know our life at all, he’s only from window of my duty room and saw what i could consult, don’t be afraid. everything will be fine, bro, excuse me, well, it was just a finger, eh?
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oh, yeah, now the money, yes, yes, uh-huh, advance , uh-huh, okay, tomorrow we’ll start treatment, oh , tomorrow i’m afraid it won’t work out, why, you ’ll be very busy tomorrow, uh-huh, i wonder what this is, giving testimony. lieutenant of justice shavirina, investigative committee, you will now be detained in accordance with the ninety-first article, your rights need to be explained, so everyone is free for today, okay, good night. andrey
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ivanovich, tell me, the police have already established who shot at you? no , but i think it was a professional killer, most likely this is a greeting from my past police life, he was aiming straight at my heart, but my professionalism saved me, by the way, dear viewers, buy my book, which is selling successfully. please note that andrei ivanovich has begun the continuation of this amazing novel and the new bestseller will be called cop against the brigadier.
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hello, ulyosha, oh, yegor fedorovich, hello, did you run away, why did you run away, turned away when the bell rang, well done, well, there’s no reason if you don’t have a drink, sit down and have a drink, i won’t be with you, so why? you have a last drink, lastly, they beat your head off in the colony, what are they presenting to me, you ruined my life and i came. how do you judge, no, dad , don’t, please, wait, son, this is your son,
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or something, nikita, he grew up like, oh, you don’t know yet that it was he who set me up, it was he who ordered me to put money in the car they threw it in, why , who needed you to throw money at you, shut up, you bastard, don’t shake your gun, one of his fingers has already trembled today, you know that you’re my teeth, don’t speak, or better yet, pray if you can, lyosha, dad, i beg you, don’t shoot , please, you’ll be in jail again for a long time, son, listen, he’s telling the truth, no, nikita, i promised myself that i would kill this bastard , nikita, move away, oh, ivan vasilyevich, are you all going to judge me, great, egor, oh, are you here, are you? put away the weapon, let's talk,
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come on, but i'll shoot him first, and then i'll talk to you with pleasure, but it's as if you were brainwashed in the colony, there's something you really don't understand, and i didn't care about all your investigations, my city prosecutor played in a casino and even won, so he would have wrapped up all your cases, period, zhor, he’s right, everything has been like this for a long time... it’s being decided, this is the time, and i’m from a different time, before they lived by the law, and not according to concepts, dad, what about me, but uncle vasya stomina took me into the police under personal guarantee, if you shoot now, they will fire me, but i always dreamed of becoming a policeman, like you, you fool, i would become better a doctor, like a mother, and seems to help people too, but... neat in white in dressing gowns, listen, taras, do you really want to know the whole truth, do you want
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to know who set you up? well, i’m a bit of a fan of him, by the way, i already gave orders to naroz killer, who almost deprived us, dear general shizov, of andrei’s deputy chief.
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your coffee, yours, that i didn’t understand, your coffee, not your coffee, but there is a difference, against the backdrop of ongoing attacks on young people in st. petersburg.
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no, what’s immediately obvious is that he’s a real man, there’s a lot of you here, yeah, it’s like the streetlights are broken , well, you’ve got nothing with me scary, not with you.
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why are you pockets, pockets, here, that’s it, look, it’s time to put an end to this, get him out. “we got him, comrade colonel, pick him up, dad, hello, son, and a big hello to you, vasya, long time no see, morons,
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yeah!” what did i think? either she's an enticement, or she's a clown. then i see that she didn’t seem to have added anything, and she also asked me to take her home. well, that means she’s an enticement, which means her friends must meet me somewhere along the way. yes, and you, apparently, are full of wood grouse, since the girl is still hunting. so i decided. shake it, well done one has a concussion, another has a broken rib, they persuaded the committee not to open a case against you, you know what, don’t persecute me, vasya, but what’s wrong with me, and these are your boys, they didn’t introduce themselves, they didn’t sanction them badly,
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but they immediately started fighting, you should say thank you to me, i should thank you, right? that i didn’t write a counter statement against you, go ahead, thank you, listen, well, wait, i don’t mean it like that, so go or don’t go, well go, i mean i’m not holding you back, but just wait, i just want to explain to you, we are especially dangerous we're looking for some bastard, some eighth episode in the area, the girls are all handpicked.' teeth from the ears, in the sense of the legs, as tall as a column , a real beauty, and he smacks them in the face, bloody, in a word, and i have nothing to do with it, but in general, nothing to do with it, but this reptile is somewhat similar to you , what exactly,
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face, age, hairstyle. in general, no one specifically remembered him, alas, so i went, go, stop, egor, how are you in general, well, well, normal, but for me it’s not clear what ’s normal, yes, go, oh , dad, hi, yes, sort of we saw each other, and where did you go, where do you even live, explained the bunk, went crazy, what kind of beds is the hostel, you have a house, they are waiting for you there, who, who lived there, well, me, and my mother, and i’m alone i live, my mother moved into my grandmother’s apartment, you see, everyone has their own
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apartment, my mother and i are divorced.


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