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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 15, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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10 minutes to successfully attack the difficult work of tank crews firing from indirect firing positions. a new protest in berlin, what is demanded ? what went wrong? german farmers cook from the local government. the taiwanese elections are fueling the confrontation between the united states and china, what does semiconductors have to do with it and how this will affect the global economy, nikita korabenkov looked into it. hello, you are greeted by
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the information service of the ntv television company, in the studio of yulia bekhtareva. let's start with the latest reports from the front lines. russian units carried out targeted strikes on the trenches of the nationalists in the zaporozhye direction of the special operation. artillerymen of the southern military district destroyed powerful enemy fortifications. the fighters fired at the ammunition depot from a large-caliber mstab howitzer. here is a 152 mm, 2.65, sniper rifle in the world of artillery, so it is considered, a shot is fired, every real warrior has three mothers, this is the mother, the homeland, the mother who gave birth to you, the mother who gave birth or will give birth to you children, this is what we are fighting for, for our homeland, for our small homeland, for our family, for ours the future of our children. and this is footage of a combat
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mission of russian su-25 attack aircraft in the donetsk direction. aviation fired missiles at ukrainian strongholds. the pilots then deceived the enemy air defense system using heat decoys. the enemy suffered significant losses and also lost several pieces of military equipment. and the most protected objects in the ssu become easy targets for our missilemen. one of these fortifications was destroyed in the kupinsky direction. a salvo of...
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seconds, but the agility of the russian fighter surpassed the maneuverability of a drone. as a result, the ukrainian drone exploded unsuccessfully when it hit the ground. in the southern donetsk direction , tank crews provided powerful support to the russian infantry offensive. in order to successfully complete their tasks, the crews adjusted their combat work and began to more often use a tactic called a tank carousel. what is its effectiveness - omar magomedov found out. during a special military operation, russian tank crews partially changed their battle tactics; now they fire from closed positions, and all this happens in communication with drone operators. right now the crew is supporting an infantry advance on enemy positions. the footage shows an attack on the positions of the ukrainian armed forces dug in in the forest belt. our fighters are accompanied by tanks, the task of the crew firing from closed positions is to be proactive. the target is dugouts, infantry and equipment. everything went well, there was a hit
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, the package was delivered to the recipients, i think they really liked it, it’s not safe to stay in one place for a long time, now the tank crew will change their firing position, but we, although we are standing quite far away, also need leave, because the response can arrive at any minute, while the first tank finishes firing, the second crew takes a new position, waits for the command, at this time the tank crews of the third vehicle load ammunition, in military slang this is called a tank carousel, it is aimed at the enemy continuously, and most importantly, the sight on fire, one shot every 10 seconds, due to the fact that they now do not have enough ammunition, artillery, etc., they also don’t have much anti-tank weapons, as i understand it, they compensate for all this fpv hit, there was a hit by an fpv drone, a shaped charge. pierced the armor, this t-86
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was dive-bombed by kamikaze drones, during the battle the iron visor was blown apart by explosions, all the optics cracked, the vehicle was lost. and you think how did you do all this, a mechanic-driver with the call sign lala, himself an infantryman, served as a machine gunner, was wounded as part of a tank crew , was treated for a long time, recently returned to duty, could not speak to stay in the country when his comrades were fighting for life or death, i'm from here. they won't go anywhere, this is my home, mine the ground, the crews of armored vehicles have become a real headache for the ukrainian armed forces in the southern donetsk direction , the enemy snaps back, but suffers losses and retreats. omar magomedov, rabatam bagomedov, ntv television company. south donetsk direction
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of the special military operation. kiev does not have enough soldiers. the situation with personnel is critical. local media write about this with reference to the commander of the assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. according to him. according to him, there are especially few young fighters at the front; on the front line there are mainly elderly men who have problems with health. the average age of soldiers is more than 40 years. the officer noted that many troops are urgently awaiting reinforcements, but the mobilization process is being hampered by bureaucratic delays and attempts at sabotage. at the same time, ukrainians themselves are in no hurry to go to military registration and enlistment offices and, moreover, are leaving the country en masse. this was reported to the local border service, where they noted that the men were conscripts.
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unsuccessfully, ukraine was never able to secure bloomberg concluded that the meeting was a success. south africa and brazil, like switzerland, support their plan among all countries declared the need to take into account the interests of russia, and china refused to participate in the discussion altogether. the germans are frightened by a possible armed conflict with russia. a new conspiracy theory was published by bilt. the journalists said that they had discovered a certain secret document, according to which our military would inflict a crushing defeat on the ukrainian armed forces in the spring, followed by a possible escalation of the conflict between russia and nato. bilt assures that because of this, the alliance will send 300,000 troops to the eastern flank. a tenth of whom are bundeswehr soldiers, according to forecast this will happen in 2025, but in the meantime, ordinary germans are trying to solve their daily problems. today, local farmers promise to hold the largest strike of the entire protest movement. people are
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opposed to being deprived of subsidy benefits. the authorities claim that this measure will save the budget almost 500 million euros a year and will also allow money to be used to support the kiev regime. or romania, where protesters are blocking roads with equipment. people are dissatisfied with high prices for insurance, fuel, fertilizers, and also because cheap ukrainian grain poured into the country. as a result, local producers were on the verge of bankruptcy. they even tried to block the checkpoint on the border
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with ukraine to prevent agricultural products from being imported into the country. the rumunian ministry of finance tried to resolve the situation and held negotiations with the demonstrators the day before, but the meeting lasted three hours. the results did not come to fruition. bulgaria came up with a loud anti-russian initiative. he called on the minister of defense of the republic to remove references from the school history course. about a common past with ours country, the statement was made by a local politician who adheres to a pro-western course during his visit to the united states. he suggested not mentioning in textbooks, but facts that, by quotations, could generate appreciation for russia. according to media reports, such events include the liberation of the balkan state from the ottoman yoke at the end of the 19th century and from the nazis in 1944. the minister noted that during the great patriotic war, moscow and sofia. allegedly advocated for different sides of the conflict, that is, then bulgaria supported nazi germany. however, not
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everyone in the republic shared this proposal. a number of politicians accused the head of the ministry of defense of trying to rewrite history. vladimir putin congratulated the employees and veterans of the investigative committee on the day of the establishment of the department. the telegram was published on the kremlin website. the president emphasized that the investigative committee is one of. key links in the country's law enforcement system, service employees fight crime and corruption, firmly defend the interests of the state, and protect the rights and freedoms of citizens. separately, vladimir putin noted the work of investigators in new regions of russia. specialists investigate crimes of neo-nazis against civilians and ensure law and order in the returned territories. the president noted the professionalism, courage and dedication of the committee staff and wished them further success. success. the investigative committee of russia was formed as an independent government agency in the eleventh year, all this time,
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the chairman of the department is alexander bastykin. taiwan's elected chief executive has issued a statement aimed at intensifying confrontation with beijing. leitz announced plans with the us. quote: promote democracy in the indo-pacific region. there's a new round of political tension surrounding...
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dozens or hundreds of chips, tsmc produces 90% of the most advanced chips in the world, and china is spending a lot of money to buy chips from taiwan. taiwan's leading position in this market did not appear on its own, but thanks to western investments; chips are not developed on the island, but they are assembled perfectly; the best equipment and advanced production facilities have been brought here for years semiconductors. as a result, taiwan supplies almost the entire world, including china, with chips, but the pace of deliveries to beijing depends on western partners, and
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what we have been doing for the last couple of years, they say that we have equipment, firstly, to prevent them from getting technology needed to make chips, we are not going to give it to you, secondly, we are trying to deprive the chinese private sector of the hiring market by discouraging people from working with chinese companies. in washington they offered to comrades from the middle kingdom not suffer with production, buy ready-made chips from...
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all sellers whose goods were damaged by a fire in a warehouse in st. petersburg. next is business news, marina pimenova joins us, marina, what else are they saying about what happened? the most important thing is that the company still cannot find the people who were in that warehouse. marketplace wildberries reported that it could not yet establish the whereabouts of 16 people who were in a warehouse in shushary near st. petersburg. it caught fire on the morning of january 13, indicating that open burning
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liquidated, the ministry of emergency situations was informed only on the afternoon of the fourteenth. the area of ​​the fire was 70 m. in emergency services. clarified that a collapse occurred on an area of ​​40,000 m2. the investigative committee opened a criminal case for abuse of power by unidentified persons. late yesterday evening , wildberries clarified that it could not establish the whereabouts of the sixteen people who were in the warehouse at the time of the fire. previously , the company explained that employees left their personal belongings in the warehouse so that they could leave it faster. valbury also reports, that it plans to begin paying compensation to sellers today. in the all-russian union , an insurer. forb was previously told that the damage could amount to 10-20 billion rubles. but there is an important nuance. the state construction supervision authority says that wildbri did not have permission to put this warehouse into operation. if this is so, continue the lawyers interviewed by forbes, then the warehouse could only be insured with great restrictions. the russian stock market remembered the tradition of last year to grow on mondays, but obviously to gain a foothold
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above the 3,200 point mark on the index moscow exchange, investors will have to find a serious reason for this. the dollar continues to rise in price to 87.78, the euro to 9635. in russia, for the first time in 10 years , the number of people with alcohol addiction began to increase, rosstat data is reported by the kommersant newspaper. thus, from 2010 to 21, the number of newly diagnosed patients with alcohol dependence fell almost three times, to 53,000 people. however, in the twenty-second year, doctors already identified more than 54 thousand such patients. as psychiatrist ruslan isaev explains, in the pre-covid period russians consumed less alcohol.
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they started withdrawing money from cards , loans, traffic police fines, housing and communal services, for everything that can be withdrawn, i withdraw it for that, 50,000 was immediately withdrawn, they sort of returned it, but there are minor
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situations, it still hangs somewhere around 1.2 -3 still doesn’t return them, and i don’t even understand how to return them. the complexity of the situation is that dmitry and his double have the same last name, first name and patronymic, but also their date of birth. i tried to contact the person, but i didn’t succeed, but in the end i managed to find out what he had bad story, my double was deprived of his driver’s license the first time for alcohol, the second time he was deprived of it for narcotic substances, apioids, now he... is being treated at a dispensary in the city of pushkin. while dmitry viktorovich from pushkin is restoring his health, dmitry viktorovich from the bryansk region has to restore justice and explain to traffic police officers that it is not he, but his mother-in-law who has been deprived of a driver’s license. a year and a half ago, amendments to the federal law came into force, obliging all
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executive documents indicate not only the last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth of the debtor, but also an additional personal identifier.
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in such situations, they are advised to be patient and prove in every way that you are not involved in your double’s debts, go to court and the prosecutor’s office, but under no circumstances let everything take its course. in any case , you will have to restore your good name yourself and not hope that the debtor double will do it. dmitry from the bryansk region, who has gone through this a lot already once again, he hopes that he will no longer hear about his son from pushkin . the necessary changes have been made to the traffic police database, but the most expensive time spent on all the proceedings has already...
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man, schoolchildren have been temporarily transferred to distance learning. the new year's tree, which adorned the central square of the village of troitskaya near yuzhno-sakhalinsk, could not withstand the wind and collapsed under another gust. and the long-awaited warming has arrived in central russia. according to weather forecasters, today the air temperature will warm up to -3, which is 20° more than what was recorded last weekend. and this weather will continue until the end of the week. for baptism in the european part of the country.
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piyalskaya - locals notice that the village is piyal. the dome of the upper point of the cross moved 2 m away from the vertical. this wooden giant still remembers patriarch nikon. in 1652, on his way from the solovetsky monastery to moscow, he held a service in this church. there is nothing in the area older than these walls and nothing higher. 44 m. this is the height of a fifteen-story building. sprouts, pines and larches. the weight of the structure is 500 tons, the year of construction is 1651. since 1651, the temple has not been rebuilt, that is, with a log at the base
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the log house is almost four hundred years old, please note, it’s smooth, it looks like new, just like you said, it’s a rounded log. services have not been held here for 64 years; a complete restoration will require correction of the kren, according to various estimates. from 80 to 100 million rubles. with questions, we first turned to the owner of the property. the territorial administration of the federal property management agency, responding to a request from our television company, confirmed that the temple is indeed in federal ownership, that the russian orthodox church abandoned it due to lack of money for reconstruction, and also that all activities related to the financing of cultural heritage sites are under the jurisdiction of the ministry of culture. the ministry of culture, answering the question of who is responsible for preserving the object,
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closed its mind, although in fact, here it is, a valid state contract for emergency work, under which the contractor has already received almost 6 million rubles from the ministry of culture. this year he will receive another one and a half. the work was indeed carried out, but this is a drop in the bucket, they did not decide on the issue of preserving the log house , whether to start work without delaying it even for a year, or especially two, otherwise suddenly unexpectedly... i don’t even want to say what could happen, a collapse, a collapse, the leaning tower of pisa will either become a pial tower again
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or disappear. andrey shamin, alexander stefanyuk, anna ivanova, ilya fedosov, evgeny anisimov and sofia lesovets, ntv, st. petersburg, arkhangelsk region. now we’ll take a break for a short advertisement, and in a couple of minutes we’ll talk about why the demand for sinologists is actively growing in russia. don't switch. is the general education system in russia ready to satisfy increased demand for specialists with knowledge of chinese, and how the border our region set a record for the number of students studying the confudian language. about this in the report by sergei antsidin. it is profitable to retire in the new year with a savings bank. for pensioners , a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. transfer your pension to sberbank, online
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a guarantee. meeting point today at 14:00 on ntv. this is the program today. we continue release. residents of an entire city in iceland may be left without homes due to a volcanic eruption, which has already been called the most serious in the last 50 years. the lava flow broke through protective dams and headed towards residential buildings. several buildings are already on fire. all residents - 400 people, as well as tourists from the local spa resort were evacuated. the volcano, which is located just 30 km from the capital avika river, has recently erupted. in december, lava rose from a fault 3 km deep, but did not bring destructive consequences then. now the situation is so serious that the authorities have declared a state of emergency . russia has recorded an unprecedented
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demand for chinese language experts. such specialists are especially needed in regions that border the middle kingdom. they are welcome in logistics and trading companies, as well as in the field of education. moreover, in schools in the far east they study. many of our graduates, i know, still live in china, some have returned, some work in administration, some work as teachers, teachers in private schools. wansui, long live russian-chinese friendship.
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the governor of the amur region, vasily orlov, speaks fluent chinese; on his instructions, a project of unprecedented scale was launched in the region. the eastern language is now studied in 40 secondary schools, in most of them classes are conducted in the format. elective, but the difficulties of the most difficult language in the world do not frighten russian students. about 5,000 children are studying chinese today, the program is working, we’ll see how it develops, but i think that our geography obliges us to pay maximum attention to this area. the russian city of blagoveshchensk and the chinese city of haihe are located on opposite banks of the amur river and hospitably greet each other with evening lights. the bridge between the two cultures has been laid for a long time, now it remains to strengthen the transport one. communications, in addition to the existing road crossing, a cable car is being built in the future and a railway bridge will be built. danya is an eleventh grader from vladivostok, daniil pyshny, and he is the first russian who won the world competition in beijing among
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chinese schoolchildren. the winner has the right to study for free at any university in china, and danil has already made his choice and will study economics at nanjing university. knowing chinese as a native speaker and russian as a native speaker. chinese language specialist. data from russian recruitment agencies also motivates one to master eastern literacy, despite one’s age. the demand for specialists with knowledge of the chinese language is growing every year, especially in the far east. many similar ones vacancies in the fields of transport logistics,
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sales and production, while classic professions are also in the top. work is readily offered to translators and chinese teachers. sergey ansydin, maxim mintsev, ntv far eastern bureau. and that's all by this time. stay on ntv. clean your liver with folk remedies, try replacing them with avisol. avisol is a modern natural remedy that promotes gentle cleansing of the liver. avisol evolar. clean your liver with folk remedies, try replacing them with avesol. only it contains oats of milky ripeness, enhanced with herbs and turmeric. oaty valar is number one for cleansing the liver. good morning, about the weather for tomorrow. the european territory will finally experience a slight warming; throughout the middle zone the temperature will come very close to zero, but alas not for long, the cold air mass is hovering over the baltic and scandinavia and is preparing to break through to the east. in the north-west, as well as
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in the tver and smolensk regions, we are expecting an anomalous temperature rise tomorrow. during the day the frost will increase from zero to -10-15. sharp the weather in the volga region is changing. after a cold monday, we are expecting a real rise in temperature. in saratov up to +2, in sarai around zero, it will also become warmer in the arkhangelsk region in karelia in the south, in the crimea in the kuban the air will warm up to 10-13°, but the colors of the southern winter will be blurred by rains, without precipitation in the republics of the north caucasus. in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be -12, light snow, frosts will subside only by the middle of the week. it will also snow in moscow tomorrow, but during the day it will only be -2. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, adopt the rheumoflex. he helps reduce joint pain. damaging the stomach, and also normalize uric acid levels. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rivmoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach.


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