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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  January 15, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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i recorded everything, before that people complained about this group, but for some reason there was no reaction. stanislav kostikov will continue. the shocking event was captured in its cruelty by an intercom camera. a young man leaving the entrance is surrounded by three hooligans. after a couple of short remarks, a guy in a white jacket knocks him down and begins brutally beating him with a rubber truncheon. one friend of the attacker watches what is happening, the other directs the process and advises where exactly to strike. on the head. on the head, on an already lying victim the blows continue to fall, heartbreaking screams and pleas to stop the brutal beating do not stop, they only inflame the aggressors, they give out advice to the sound of approving laughter. the adviser in a black jacket can no longer stand aside, in a frenzy he attacks the victim, now with a telescopic metal baton, and begins to literally jump on the person, showering him with sharp blows. and under a hail of blows
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, the orphan who received an apartment in this building, according to the guy’s friends, decided to commit reprisals against him because he allegedly stole an item from one of the attackers. the beating stopped only when the victim had stopped moving. hearing screams under the windows , kristina antyukhova called the police. the woman says this is not the first incident involving a group of hooligans. they walk with weapons, they walk with knives, they walk with bats, they have traumatic weapons, they robbed a man behind the house. they shot from the balcony, they drink alcohol, use drugs, they threaten all the neighbors, we don’t know, just where to run, the company keeps the entrance at bay, where it creates constant brawls, residents say that the nightmare has been going on for several years, multiple complaints to the police have so far brought no visible effect, and the intercom was changed, and oh, they smashed it, and broke it, they broke glass, glass beat, say, here they
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felt like full-fledged owners, appeared in balaclavas, walked around shot down and were not at all embarrassed by the surveillance cameras. we are afraid, we worry about the children, we accompany them to school, although the school is across the road, we cannot go out, i am afraid, because that they threaten, come, threaten me under the windows, that they will beat me there with these bats, catch me, rape me, in the arches, anywhere, the injured young man was hospitalized.
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from the city of the mine, vladislav nebabchenko, he decided to shoot his videos in the subway, risking his life, running on the roofs of houses, unscrewing the roofs of cars, unscrewing light bulbs from chandeliers, now nebabchenko has been detained, like two of his comrades who participated in these filmings, today they are expected in court, what punishment they face, diana kovando found out. he, of course, i dreamed of becoming a star of the silver screen, but i never thought that after just 3 weeks of zealous attempts to firmly gain a foothold in the top moscow bloggers, i would end up in the lens.
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the roof of a subway car for the sake of a couple of light bulbs, or this next deadly trick that he pulled out of a chandelier at one of the stations. it’s unlikely that at that moment nebabchenko understood that his inappropriate antics were only bringing his arrest closer? did you take a light bulb from the subway? why as a filming location for short videos on borderline reasonable? chose the capital ’s metro, it remains a mystery, the place, the strength he has, or something there, even his native mines, he left it in the rostov region for the sake of fame, in order to conquer moscow and surpass the local millionaire bloggers. friends, congratulate me, i was put on the news again, i got into the moscow news, immediately decided on the theme of the trash video, so that i was sure to get to the top, i started a channel and began to involve my comrades in the filming, including minors, not at all disdaining to ...
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now, together with vladislav nebabchenko, two more will have to answer before the law for these unreasonable antics, maxim grishin, nicknamed mos the hooligan, he also ran on the roof of the subway train, their underage friend, everyone is accused of violating transport safety requirements, because if something irreparable happens to them during the filming of the video, the metro workers would still have to answer. they ran on the roof of the cars, staged a fight, one of the defendants unscrewed the light bulbs from the chandelier and kicked a passing train, their attraction to responsibility established by law under control in the prosecutor's office, given that the article is administrative , they did not detain their comrades for a long time, they were released home on the obligation to appear in court, but the punishment for them under this article does not promise them such a severe one, either a fine of up to 30 thousand or arrest for 10 days , in
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any case, now the police will monitor the telegram channels of these novice bloggers especially carefully so that the administrative charge does not develop into a criminal one, because these young people are having their moment of glory. begins a high-profile trial in the case of hostage-taking in the center of moscow in february last year, two men, andrei safronov and alexey gryunkov with weapons, burst into a flower shop on tagankas, took two women hostage and began to make demands, it all ended in an assault, special forces neutralized the criminals. ivan gubin works in court, he comes out. contact us directly, ivan, the trial of gurenkov has already ended, he went to the colony, well, safronov is just beginning to be judged, as he himself explains what happened, as far as we know, in his there were a lot of strange things in his behavior; he drove an armored car and carried weapons with him. marat, well
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, still a year after the raid on the flower shop, andrei safronov considers himself innocent ... he declares this much more confidently and calmly at the first meeting, it will take place today, and he came with several written notebooks, what's inside a statement of his innocence, which he is ready to present to the court, or something else is unclear, as well as the actual motives for the crime, which, together with an accomplice andrei safronov committed it in february 2023, all this was caught on surveillance cameras, you can see andrei safronov, together with alexey gryunkov, entering the flower. stores immediately go to two sellers, take them hostage, threatening them with a pistol and supposedly explosives that could explode at any moment, they put forward their insane demands, a little later, when the crime became known, a
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capture group arrived at the scene, they wounded one of law enforcement officers, but they never received their demands, let's just say they were very... crazy, when he took my girl, he started screaming , they're not killing my child, he's a sick child, i need a green corridor, she said, i didn't touch your girl, they obviously came to the wrong address with exactly these demands, let me remind you that in addition to the green departure corridor for... they asked for 5 million dollars, but naturally they received nothing, and in general they initially believed that this was some kind of tactic, they put forward such crazy demands so that later possible capture, they could simply refer to their insanity, that they were not aware
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of their actions, the words of safronov during his arrest spoke in the same favor, and you did not control your actions at that moment, but they poisoned me. what they poisoned you with, they poisoned you, a newbie, i guess, i’m all out of my depth , i’m still in this state, i’ve already started to rot, but as it turned out, safronov was not pretending, the investigators, upon closer examination, when studying the case, a little more learned about his life, safronov worked as a plumber, lived in a small village near moscow in a bathhouse, and judging apparently, he has been suffering from mania lately. and also carried a pistol with him, it was also used during the raid; the specialists who conducted psychiatric examinations came to the same conclusion.
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according to the conclusions of the expert commission, the man suffers from a mental disorder, which deprives him of the ability to realize the actual nature and social danger of his actions. stray dogs almost killed a child, a schoolboy was saved by a passer-by, now a criminal case has been opened, well, that’s why
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they didn’t pay attention to people’s complaints before, we’ll find out in a few minutes, a young mother of two children was sitting with a friend, when her husband arrived home, they asked me to leave, asked who her husband was, i went outside, how long were you not in the apartment, about 20-15 minutes, when the friend returned, the mistress of the house was dead, he rushed with a knife at his wife and son. you think that she could provoke her husband to
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murder, the social network posted a photo, this is beyond the bounds. today at 16:45 on ntv. once processes are in place, you have time to think about how to grow your business. you create it here now, tink of business creates tools to solve your problems. tenkov’s business and the job is done, for me cystitis is pain and frequent urges or fear that it will come back again? unique fetolysin capsules help relieve pain and urges and reduce the risk of new exacerbations. capsules are a double blow to cystitis. rbtru reduces prices to make comfort affordable. the peculiarity of doshirak is fermentation technology. therefore, my choice is doshirak. and my chanram and my own recipes. what a broth. lezhirak is the secret of taste in the broth. so. you need to pay
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tenkov’s loan will help you not put them off until later. apply for a loan in the tenki app with a decision in one minute. deferment of the first payment up to 90 days. tinkov. dna today at 17:50 on ntv. as we age, we all experience a decline in memory and intelligence. why does the body fail? can these harmful changes be stopped? can. our body has a main computer - the brain. it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep also regulates the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system. it consists of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. with age , changes occur in the brain, brain cells age, according to... scientists from kyoto university found that the japanese eat
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a unique shellfish, it is called azektinida. it turns out that azumopectenide contains unique components that promote brain recovery. all of them belong to the class of phospholipids; there are more than 100 of them names. this is how a product was created from highly concentrated phospholipids of the japanese mollusk. prolong the youth of your brain. mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, a disruption in the functioning of our organs. this year, the russian distributor purchased a batch of the japanese product moy, which contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan. brain aging can
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be reversed and it will serve you again faithfully. prolong your youth. your brain 8800 100 exactly 1985 800 100 exactly 1985 learn more about the japanese product braintherapy bm new episodes today at 20:00 on ntv live again an emergency we continue our release. and a criminal case was opened in omsk after an attack by a pack of stray dogs on a schoolchild, the residents of the house wrote complaints to the service many times from lova, but no one did anything, and people filmed the attack on video, what evidence was still needed, only after the dogs almost killed him child, the problem was taken care of, the boy was saved by a neighbor, he drove the animals away. before leaving
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the entrance, as seen in the surveillance camera footage, eight-year-old misha looked around several times. this is what his mother taught, because a pack of aggressive dogs could appear at any moment, the boy managed to walk only a couple of meters when the stray animals attacked him and threw him to the ground. it’s scary to imagine what could have happened if a passerby had not been nearby. the man drove the dogs away and walked the child to school; a deep wound was found on the boy’s leg. misha's mom natalya says that just the day before the fishing service called, but no action was taken. i left a complaint about dogs running around attacking passers-by. here the whole house was already on edge, they told me that we would accept the application, i said, so maybe we will do something concrete, and not wait for someone, or wait for someone to be mauled or bitten, they told me, yes , we’ll wait, now natala has to take time off from work every day to walk her son to school, it’s about 8 minutes on foot, meet him after classes, the child is so scared that
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he refuses to go outside without the accompaniment of his relatives, and what can we say about children, even adults, every time you look around you... this is what i want to say, it’s very scary, locals say that dogs have taken a fancy to there were more of them in the yard in the fall, gradually there were more of them, now they completely feel like they are the owners of the territory, people say that they have contacted the city administration and the shelter many times, which is engaged in catching stray animals, but they have given up every time, supposedly specialists went to the site and worked out all the requests, however, the results
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of such work can be judged from these amateur shots, dogs run past, the car is parked, accordingly, no one gets out and no measures are taken. the second video, a dog runs across the road, the car is parked, so no one catches the dog. only after the case of the attack on the boy was discovered, the catching service officers reported, they managed to catch two dogs on the same day. however, the management will have to, now in the investigators’ office, answer the question of why this could not have been done earlier; a criminal case was opened in iska under the article “negligence.” information about what is being verified. residents of this house have repeatedly contacted the competent authorities with a report that there are aggressive animals on the street, but no measures have been taken to catch these stray dogs. however, some animals have not yet been caught, so local residents admit that they are still not allowed to go out alone. they are afraid and intend to make sure that not a single individual from this aggressive flock
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walks the streets again. daria vezova and daniela baklanova and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. the case of evgeniy barannikov, who killed a man and paid 300 rubles for 300 rubles, came to court; this happened in the name of barannikov’s wife, a realtor. she came to a meeting with clients who were dissatisfied with her work, but it was not possible to come to an agreement peacefully; at some point, barannikov began beating her opponent. every time, remembering the details of death father, crying, what was it, an absurd accident or premeditated murder of the strength to understand. no, but beat a person to death for 3.00 rubles. wildly inhumane. now all that remains as a memory of a loved one is a photograph in a gold frame with a mourning ribbon; dad always smiled. but he really has a very beautiful smile. diana lives in sochi, far from myas, as soon as she was informed that her father was in trouble, she got behind the wheel and drove 3.00 km to figure it out.
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vladimir kirdzyakin and his wife were looking for apartment for moving. it didn't work out with the first agent. taking an advance of 5.00 rubles. he disappeared. then the couple tried their luck again. based on an ad we saw on the internet, we called svetlana barannikova’s office. we signed the contract, paid, and moved in. the next day, a married couple was asked, they demanded that they hand over the keys, to move out right at the entrance, and an aggressive man came along with the kind lady of the real estate agent. the man wearing a knitted hat began to insult vladimir, then grabbed him by the jacket and pulled him off steps hit him in the head with his fist. dad staggered, he was holding him at that time , changed his hand in the same place , hit with his second hand, he didn’t even have time to take his hands out of his pockets, well, that is, first of all, he didn’t... waited, didn’t understand what was happening, but -secondly, he was physically weak, in the summer, well , he actually had two operations in 3 years. evgeniy barannikov, the husband of svetlana reltor,
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a comrade well known in the area, thanks to his violent behavior, as his neighbors say, a drug addict, he constantly needed money, in these footage he takes valuable things out of the house, drags a tv to take it to a pawnshop, but his father, a man, i must say, of status, a former director of a large industrial enterprise, stands in the way. svetlana, who still continues her activities as if nothing had happened, i believe that there was malicious intent in her actions, she
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called her husband to meet her, knowing about his hot-tempered character, knowing about his past, their intent was and in order not to give them money for a service not provided, but to take the keys , well, there are these unfortunate 3.00 rubles yourself, especially since svetlana. the realtor helped hide what happened, dragged the beaten vladimir back into the house, abandoned him and did not try to call an ambulance or apologize, like her husband-accomplice, she was also in no hurry and did not contact the relatives, who also plan to seek moral damages. aleftina marchenko, oksana goncharenko, ntv television company. but that ’s not all, look further, it’s time to clean up the christmas trees in ovsyunin’s moscow region, the driver at full speed demolished the new year’s symbols installed. the vandal disappeared into the square, now the police are looking for him; we’ll find out in a few minutes what could have caused this act. the holidays are over,
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such an information bomb has arrived, such an insight, the meeting place is returning, batman is returning to his place, i’m fanning the flames a little. annoying everyone here it goes, don’t provoke me here , i don’t want to continue this conversation with these heartless blockheads, he has a chainsaw, the meeting place, the place where everything becomes clear, today at 14:00 on ntv. azon, when you need something, come to our weekly promotion.
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department employees have thousands of criminal cases in their proceedings, including the most complex, high-profile ones, but no matter how complicated these cases are, punishment is inevitable, despite the fact that sometimes decades have passed since the crime, yulia blitsova will continue, from his attentive gaze not a single detail escapes, the investigator for especially important cases pavel demchenko meticulously delves into everything, this is the only way to get to the truth, the detective shows
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footage of the inspection. in place of participants in one of the most bloodthirsty groups of our time, seversky, with dozens of murders on their account, brutal criminals and sergiev posad formed a group back in the late nineties, but interestingly, they operated for almost two decades, until 2019, this case was brought to court and almost all members of the gang were identified. the victims of the crimes were businessmen, against whom the gang members committed extortion, those who refused to pay money, the gang members killed, conveying to the others, thus... their positions, the businessmen were made offers, from who literally could not be refused, those who disagreed were shot or beaten to death with metal sticks. the members of the gang were mainly athletes, strong guys from the street, the severskys very quickly gained authority, drove expensive cars, the leaders led a luxurious life, had great influence, money connections. volkov is one of the group members who is now awaiting a court verdict. some bandits died in shootouts with other criminal organizations, or
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were killed by their own comrades. so happened to one of the oldest members of the organized crime group, who often criticized the leader viktor lazovsky, the killers, disguised as workers , climbed to the window of the apartment on the second floor using a ladder and shot the man. the next day i... met with the carpenter, who told me: i need to prepare all the necessary details and commit the murder of sokorich. to do this , a folding ladder was needed. in addition to carrying out criminal activities, gang members led ordinary lives, often their families had no idea that they were in a gang. by investigators in arkhangelsk are finally ready to put an end to a high-profile case that has remained unsolved for many years. completed in 2005.
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a member of one of the organized crime groups, on his account were contract killings related to the limit of spheres of influence, after the failed murder of nikolai shtanikov in 2004, it again means his murder was organized , 2.0 us dollars were paid for this service. on goryashin’s instructions, in 2003, criminals committed an explosion with a grenade in the entrance of a residential building, as the investigator says, not preserved no evidence, years later. the detective managed to find a witness and physical evidence, a fragment that was removed from the body of one of the participants in those events, almost 20 years later. we installed one of the guards on the person who was being attacked. during questioning, he explained
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that, you know, he was present at the explosion, that since then he had a slight swelling in the area of ​​his head, after that we admitted him to the hospital, he underwent the appropriate operation and, accordingly, his head was examined . i decided that it was time to remove the christmas tree of a motorist from the moscow region. the footage shows how the car takes a turn and, without slowing down, knocks down the decorative frame of a festive spruce tree. a car was parked nearby, which reckless miraculously did not hit;
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after the collision, he backed up and promptly disappeared from the spot. it is unknown what condition the driver was in; in any case, he will have to answer for the accident with the injured symbol of the new year. currently the driver's identity. the suv has been found, the inspection continues. according to the code of administrative offenses, leaving the scene of an accident entails deprivation of a driver’s license for a period of one to one and a half years, or arrest for up to 15 days. the final decision will be made after the person who did not fit into the turn is interviewed. more news on our website in the cpntv telegram channel. that's all for today, thank you for your attention.
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today on our program: thank you for defending taiwanese democracy, the choice has been made, an american protege has come to power in taiwan, how beijing will now be... an island to his native harbor. sea battle. washington on an american ship. is the white house ready to accuse iran of involvement in the houthi attacks in open conflict with tehran? and a precarious position. the united states demands a clear action plan from kiev and is reproached for wasting military aid. how western leaders decide the fate of...


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