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tv   DNK  NTV  January 15, 2024 5:50pm-7:00pm MSK

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neck, head, there was a lung, the second lung was simple, you just showed it with your hand, it’s just scary, he twisted it all, the first lung, he just, the second lung, he just twisted it, there are pressure wounds , the fact that he was poking her there in the arms, in the legs, it’s not like that, he cut her face, it’s... her face was cut on the left side, her head was pierced, her legs, he just poked her, well, some kind of sadist , what mom is saying now is that with a twist, this is it, this just means that there is no there was no effect, that is, this sadist deliberately caused torture to another person, he didn’t just poke him anywhere, but knew where and what he was doing, when he hit his neck, he hit his nose, he had a handle.
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the knife fell, the blade remained, the blade remained in the neck, she only managed to get to the bathtub, between the bathtub and the toilet, and he simply took her, already went into the kitchen, there were knives hanging there, he took the knife, not so weak, as they say, for cutting meat, he took exactly that knife, what kind of punishment do you now want for... your daughter's killer for the one who did this it’s a terrible crime for him not to leave there. gregory, can you help this family achieve as if, i consider it my duty to help you, here, of course, there should be a life sentence, i will do everything possible for my part so that this particular punishment, deserved, as i completely believe, will convince so that this bastard receives some kind of moral compensation, the family can receive, it is clear that nothing can compensate and return the daughter, but nevertheless, timur, of course, cannot be compensated, but then,
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that these are the incomes that he will have, he will still work there, these are the incomes he should naturally transfer to you so that you can raise, excuse me, you need to raise your grandchildren, there’s no getting around it. evgeniy, can you help this family survive this situation, help them psychologically? yes, here, it's just very important to get therapy now, so of course yes. maria, andrey, are you ready to accept the help of evgenia grigorya? yes, i hope that the culprit will definitely receive the most severe punishment possible. once again, please accept our condolences. remember that with any problem you can turn to our program for help. we will continue tomorrow, a new dna test right now. watch tomorrow in the program beyond. his own mother abandoned him in the maternity hospital because... instead of
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arms, the baby had only hands, my disease is called, it is bilateral fucomelia, i don’t have, well, the shoulder itself and the arms themselves, but i only have a hand. now he is 20 years old, and he decided to take up photography professionally and has already won several competitions. i work in street photography, street photography. i i'm amazed at his courage, it will work out. a unique photographer to surprise the whole country with his works, watch tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. in a fit of quarrel, the woman shouted to her daughter that she was not her own and that her biological mother abandoned her because she had many children. anna kuzmina contacted us for a dna test.
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“hello, what did your mother’s confession mean to you? well, it was a shock, a surprise that i was not my family, how it was, tell me, there was a quarrel, a domestic quarrel, she said, well, she screamed that i was not my family, i didn’t believe it, well, what- that time, of course, but then she, we sat down normally, talked, she said that this way and that, dad and i couldn’t. and they decided to take the child , well, they arrived, where they took me, they saw me, and my mother said that this is mine, that’s it, your name was anna, well, my mother said that they called me olga, well, where are the nurses, who took birth, they adopted you immediately after birth, i had about six months, what condition you were in, my mother told me, well, my mother said that yes, that i wasn’t... there and
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that i had a scar on my butt, well, the doctors, apparently some kind of infection was brought in or something , i don’t know, but your mother took you from the same city where she lived, well, yes... she lived in a village, so it turns out in the city they took you in the nearest one, well, yes, yes, in the nearest one ishim, did your adoptive mother know why your biological mother abandoned you? no, well, i just wrote a refusal, well, as my mother told me, maybe something was known about your biological family? well, as my mother told me that my sister was 4 years older than me, her name was masha, how true is this, when i was born, to my brother i was 17 years old, and my brother’s name was known, sergei. where were these children? well, mom said that they stayed with her, as i understand it. do you know the names of the biological parents? i don't know. just a surname, bull. your name was olga byshok at birth. and it turns out that your mother
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changed your last name. yes, name, yes. what about your date of birth? no, i left it as is. 09.25.98. before your mother’s confession, you have it yourself. have you ever had any doubts that you were not growing up in your own family, no, there were no doubts, outwardly you were similar to your adopted ones there are no parents at all, it doesn’t look like it at all, but my grandfather’s ear sticks out, so do i, and everyone told me that it’s like my grandfather, so, well , i had no doubt that it couldn’t be like that, yes, that my grandfather’s ear is sticking out, you were happy in the foster family, and you were completely comfortable with these people, mm, everything was enough, as if i didn’t need anything. tell us about your warm memories, what was good? yes, i basically have all the warm memories of how we went, walked to the park, to the zoo. tell us about your reception
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father? dad, then he and mom separated , somehow we don’t communicate with dad, well, we don’t really communicate. and when he left the family, how old were you? well years? five then my mother met my stepfather, he has been raising me all my life, my relationship with my stepfather is excellent, he was able to replace your father, after learning the truth, did you immediately want to find your blood family? well, yes, i wanted to look, i tried on social networks, searched by last name, but i didn’t find anything that seemed suitable, communicate with biological relatives, would you like? i would like, well, of course, i’m imposing. i won’t, if they want, then i would like to, but what if they don’t want, well, that’s it, then.
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do you think your brother and sister remember you, perhaps, well, maybe the little ones don’t, but the older ones up to 17 years old, for example, he understood. does your mother approve of your quest? well, she has a neutral attitude, as if it doesn’t matter that this is my family, and i need to know who they are, would you prefer that your mother still tell you the truth? or not know anything, didn’t tell me anything so that i wouldn’t know, it’s better, that is, you would like to remain your family, yes, now your relationship with your mother is good, yes, your mother is worried that blood relatives may not be entirely decent people, in the studio marina
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brudnikova, hello marina, where do you get such worries from, she is my only one, my little lump, i’m afraid so that they don’t take her away, it ’s still just blood, she’s still drawn, probably, to her own people, but she’s a very, you know, trusting person, after all , as they think, they live in the north, that means a lot of money, that means wealth, like they say they bathe, but that’s not really how people are, that... i just heard it myself, when we took the girl, it was anyutka herself , that the family was not prosperous, they just gave me a notebook, it was written there that the family was not prosperous, that she had a woman, these are 10 children, seven of them are living, i only know
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that according to the description, the boy was seventeen years old at that time, he did not want to work anywhere, he still did not want to work in the village. work and in front of her i know a girl who is 4 years old, her eldest mashenka, that’s who the hearts are all these, i don’t know who they are, boys, girls and what’s wrong with them and where did they grow up? do you know anything?
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i love you, yeah, i'm afraid that i'll lose her, just. marina, tell us how exactly anna became your daughter? oh, you know, this is such a touching moment in general, when my husband and i arrived, there was a little girl in the house, just a girl, they named her olenka at the maternity hospital, olya the bull arrived, she was all wrapped up in vazhori, so pretty, small, we they gave it, here’s your dad, here’s your mom, i
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wasn’t afraid to take something, but maybe he says, oh, i’m afraid, or an arm or a leg, i’ll cut something, she was a premature girl, that’s the thing, they told us, she ’s alone, she says, when we came before, there were twins, there were girls, there were boys, well, they sorted it out, well, we’re for literally a week to pick up this lump for... the man from whom the child is from anyutka he was listed as the father and his last name was written babayan or something like that, that is, presumably anna's own father armenin and the name, well, it's her patronymic nikolaevna nikolai was so we didn’t change her middle name because our dad is also nikolai and you didn’t change your date of birth either. they left everything, they were afraid that the relatives would want to find the child they had once left,
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i wasn’t worried about that, i knew that they wouldn’t look for her anymore, but to leave we left the village, everyone there knows, this is the village village, she is, the girl then told her that this is not your mother, father and that’s how you do something wrong, right away, well, that’s right, she is not your daughter, people are evil, you said that there was a refusal, yes there was in this very... treasury did not indicate the reason why from girls refuse? they themselves told me, here in the malyutkovs’ house, that the family was not prosperous , if not prosperous, maybe in fact there was not enough money, it was hard, yes, we don’t know in what conditions, boris, what do you think about this, that could force a woman to give up one child, a premature baby was born, this is a problem, he needs to be nursed, but they could have been deceived, does it look like the family is bad? it’s not going well, lord, here’s this baby, and he’s premature, they’ll kill him, let’s get him here instead
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let's leave him, we'll go out and give him a home , this could also be an option, with the best intentions, absolutely, or maybe there were some kinds, maybe someone asked for a child, there's an option, svetlana, it's really difficult to deliver a premature baby, seven-month-olds survive , it’s easier for them to get out, they almost always die, but by the age of eight months the nervous system is already formed, there it is due to the respiratory system, because the child is connected to a vl , that is, he is forced to learn to breathe, there to maintain the temperature, that is, here clean hygiene and nursing conditions must be strictly observed before the child is born. premature, this could scare the biological mother into giving up
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the child, it could, and then you know, if the family is dysfunctional, if there is a large family, there could also be a lack of nutrition, maybe the mother was afraid that she, as they say, those children do not have enough to eat , and the mother understood that she would lose him, and it would be a trauma not only for her, but for... the children whom she, as they say, would see her. anna, you resentful of your biological mother? probably when i was 14 years old, yes, and maybe there was resentment, but now i’m done. marina, let’s list once again what is known about your daughter’s biological family, what lives, she, oh, now she lives with me,
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oh, yurginsky district, we were from kazansky ourselves, she’s from yurginsky, ervetish dogs are brought from all areas. yes, we’ll tell you, there’s one orphanage there from maryutka, and the mother’s last name is bull, and the fact is that his last name sounds like nikolai babayan, in my opinion, or something like that, well , ian, the last one, i was still surprised, your daughter’s name was, like olenka bull nikolaevna, ninety -eight, september 25, several years ago , her mother admitted to her that she had another daughter, olya, who died a month after birth, studio... tatyana politaeva. hello tatyana, tell us about yourself. my name is tatyana, 29 years old, i have a small child, i am a housewife. she grew up in the village of changina - temensky region, until she was 12 years old. after 12 years, i left, well, to live, moved in with my brother,
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leonid. what is your family? big, seven children. lena, she died from... 10 years ago, then sergei, brother, eldest, evgeniy, leonid, olesya, sister, vera, sister and i, the smallest, how did you live in such a big family? well, usually, in the village, an ordinary family, only we grew up without a dad, i was 6 years old, he went to work in moscow, and never came again, abandoned you, it turns out, yes, and no alimony, didn’t help anything, just left everything, and how many children were there in the family at that time, well , they were all already big, i and...
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and my mother was very worried? yes, well, of course, we didn’t see how worried she was, we tried to pretend that everything was fine, since there are a lot of children, so, being left alone with so many children, she coped, coped, her older brothers helped, they were already working at that time, zhenya, sergei
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was working, leonid, he then went to his sister in omsk, to her elder, when she was still living. since the eldest always helped, everything was enough , as if it were like this, but they didn’t live richly, but they lived , they planted a vegetable garden, tended the house , there was enough of everything, there was enough, and they weren’t hungry, no, they were always dressed, they were always dressed, and mother’s attention there was enough for everyone, there was enough for everyone, she loved everyone equally, if she was at work, she once worked there as a milkmaid in the village, then the elders... put her to bed, put her to bed, feed her , dress her, since i was the little one, something like this, tell me about your mother, tatyana, but an ordinary mother, nothing like that i know, even as an ordinary person, but what is her name? alexandra pavlovna, she is 67 years old now, her surname is like a bull, well, it’s from her first marriage
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that she still has a butch, that is, all her life she goes by the surname from her first marriage, but what surnames did you all have at birth? she also signed us all up, only with her brother, with leni, gabirkorn, dad just gave him his last name, and why, well, yes, they planned to transport him to germany, and somehow something didn’t work out, or something, and he left at that moment, that’s all, there were never any problems with my mother’s care, when everyone grew up and moved away, i was left alone, then she didn’t drink so much, but she did drink, well, since i was little, i was 10 years old. i was constantly investigating from my brother ; parental rights, well, me, and there’s a small village there, the village of mutinskoye, everything , my brother and my mother went and talked about what was best so that they wouldn’t take me somewhere to some family there,
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and he took me under his guardianship, formalized everything officially, yes, yes, everything is official, mom paid child support, she agreed that if it was better, then that’s what she did, and mom was deprived of parental rights only for you, yes, only for me, how is your relationship now, good, she lives with me, helps with my grandson, what a... very good grandmother, always takes you to kindergarten , always dresses you up, feeds you, goes for a walk, goes out with your brothers and sisters, what kind of relationship do you have now, yes , it’s good, we never quarrel, we only communicate on social networks, rarely, vera came to visit last year, and lenya, i’m in march, i go to tyumen once, then also on business , he lives in tyumen, we also saw zhenya, we don’t communicate at all, he has his own family, he somehow left and so on... not we communicate, but how did you find out about your sister, whom you have never seen? 3 years ago mom, well, we were talking,
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they started talking, i said, she said , i had another one, but she was born 800 in the year ninety-nine, and the mother gave the name of this girl, the mother said olya, then they discharged her mother, as she was in the story, but they left her in a pressure chamber or whatever everything is correctly called. they said to come in a month, but they came a month later, my mother came , my father was there, well, my own father, they were told that she died, and they didn’t give any documents, not a death certificate, nothing, something like that, well but the body, they didn’t give anything, and there’s nothing to bury, she said that it’s possible, maybe she survived , that is, you admit this, yes, that well , i have a friend in 1999, a 600 g girl was born in 1999, she’s so good now . but an ordinary child, without any deviations, you can assume that your mother herself abandoned her daughter, she didn’t, but they could have forced her, she didn’t refuse me,
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she didn’t refuse the others either, but how to force them, they said, why do you need a disabled person? , there will be a child or a premature one, it will always be the same, this is a village, and you and your brothers and sisters are similar in appearance, with brother lenya, yes, but with everyone else, no, it doesn’t look like it at all, no, but... bull, at birth she was named olga, this girl anna is now in our studio, she’s probably sitting crying, most likely she , do you think
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you felt something familiar? i don’t, i can’t explain this feeling, to be honest, god forbid that she’s alive, that the doctors came out of her, that ’s very good, look now at them more closely, the nose is straight... moms are just one on one, anna, what do you say, it doesn’t seem like it, it doesn’t seem like it at all, but it seems to me that there is resemblance, i looked like that, looked out, sat, something like anyudkina and the same quiet, calm character, that’s how i look, i even look at the face, they have the same facial features, i don’t see the similarity, so i think that these are the people outside. they do not complement each other in any way and do not intersect, their views are the same, although the shape of their eyes is different, but their views
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are the same. i don’t find any external resemblance, but the manner of behavior, presentation, gestures and the way they speak is similar to my opinion. the tattoo is on my leg. you are my sore point because i remember when i was a child, my dad had a stuffed woman here, so beautiful, and i always wanted to. tattoo, i will only remember him, that he had a tattoo and i don’t remember him anymore. anna, tell tatyana why you are in the dna program studio? well, my mother told me that i was not my own, and i wanted to find my relatives so that i could communicate. tatyana, anna’s adoptive mother, marina, is very worried that her relatives and her daughters may not be the most decent people, i’m a bad person. i don’t lead a life, i have a sister in omsk too the same, we don’t have people like that there, well olesya, she separates herself from everyone, she has seven children there, she abandoned them all, here’s
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one for. in general, we communicate with her like this, so hello, while her life is becoming more and more interesting to me, and where are they in orphanages, in the family, according to your mother, olga, it turns out she died a month after birth, yes, they told her directly, that she died, you can’t go through here and the like, i saw the refusal certificate myself, your mother’s last name was there, such a bull, i know another thing that, well, that she was born premature. and the doctors there also made a mistake, they became, well, like a baby, they probably gave injections , they hurt her, she had a scar on her butt that lasted her whole life, so they didn’t want to give her up for adoption at all, since she was born as a little girl, they most likely forced her , immediately after the advertisement, anna will meet with the woman who may have given her life, and then
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wrote a refusal letter from her in her own hand: how will the meeting go and will a dna test confirm the relationship? let's continue from minute to minute. consumer loan from rosselkhozbank with love for your family of people. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think. you are under arrest. old acquaintances, like the blanket pulls me off in the morning, you’re not afraid. as soon as a girl approaches, we have you right away. elina left bobrov, the end of everything , the question is, no, why did you hit my head, my face is corrupt, everything, mine, bim, new season, today at 20:00, beyond, new season with timur eremeev, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv.
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in the dna program studio, anna met her supposed biological sister, whom she had never seen in her life. she claims that doctors forced her to give up her daughter, who weighs only 800 g. in the studio of alexandra bychok. hello, alexander,
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that living girl who. october 30 , october 30, no at all, year 1999, i had to give up my daughter , but they forced me, and you wrote a refusal letter for your daughter, yes she wrote, they forced me to write a refusal letter, well, a month later we went with tanya’s father nikolai, we got her they didn’t give it back, she said that the girl died, you have a lot of children, you raise them, in general , we completely forget about her, we said everything, but what was the number? your daughter? eighth, yes i was seventh, this is eighth, you only have eight children, how can you explain the fact that you they forced me to give up the child, they said that you have so many children, you can’t cope with her, the girl was in serious condition, yes
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she was in serious condition, she was in a long cell, but you really couldn’t take out a severe child, i have lena was born first, i was 200 kilograms, my mother and i brought her out. our conditions were in a small house, we lived, and olya, olya, 800 g, was born to me, remember something about the moment of her birth, she screamed, they immediately took her away from me, they didn’t show her at all, only everyone let me down, myself the moment of childbirth, do you remember how... everything was normal during the birth i was at what stage of pregnancy up to 7 months i was pregnant yet and wasn’t supposed to give birth i couldn’t give birth i was still born, well, i was born when you saw your olya for the last time never again i didn’t
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see it then when we arrived they told us that she had already died as a child, they brought everything with him, they wanted to take the girl away, they told you that she died, you asked for the body, there were no documents, she said we won’t show you anything, and we won’t give you documents. well, you didn't say that you want to bury your daughter, if she really died, she would have wanted to, that ’s all they told me. it is obvious that anna was not born at eight months, yes, but much earlier, a premature baby, well, just 8 months, 36 weeks, a child cannot be born in 800. most likely, it was much earlier, that is, even, probably, before 30 weeks the birth took place.
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well, i believed them, and then i thought that i think
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she’s alive, and if they believed, why did they decide to tell tatyana about olga, well, so that they would also know about her sister, my children, especially with vera, just knew that they could have sister, yes, of course i regretted it, that she was abandoned by all this, tatyana, tell your mother who you met. here is the girl anya , here is anya, i guess this is my sister, well, she was born not in ninety-nine, but ninety -eight, ninety-eight, well, i didn’t miss it in ninety, we’re sure, we’re sure, anna, tell me when you were born 2509, does this date mean anything to you? no , maybe you had one more child, no,
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i didn’t have any more, i had eight children, and eight births, yes, i remember all the children, but take a closer look, do you think there is something in common with you, maybe our eyes, nose, mine, probably, nose, 100%, well, if you see alexandra’s resemblance, how can this be, she was born. in ninety-eight , on september 25, how come i made a mistake, and my adoptive mother, marina, is sitting next to me, she didn’t change the date of birth, which was originally, yeah, well, i’ll be glad that her mother raised her, gave her life, i gave life, her mother raised her, she considered her mother to be her mother, but you admit that in front of you may be your daughter date... i understand, i understand, but i
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remember all these children when i gave birth to them. marina, tell us when you adopted your anna? we took her in february, ninety -nine, she was about 7 months old, we took her from the baby’s home already, yes, from the baby’s home, right away we had a trial and then a trial took place, what about the deprivation of mother’s parental rights and appropriation right... for us, parents, we had two documents, one document, olga nikolaevna bull, the second document, anna nikolaevna prudnikova, in the refusal form, what was written, in refusal, there it is somehow, how to say, it’s not that everything is written directly by hand, everything is signed there, from the words of the mother who was born, well , the whole fate, as they say, how many children are alive, how many in general, i have living children, only lena died. here are 10 children
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, but seven are alive, go away, i didn’t give birth to 10, it was all written in the paper, no, i didn’t give birth, i didn’t give birth to 10, i had tanya the seventh, this girl was the eighth, i called her olya, i what will i take for you, why 10, yeah, you can go crazy, these are your words, i don’t say such words i never wrote, i also see that maybe seryozha was the eldest son. yes , i have seryozha, i’ll tell you, you can tell me how many children i have, yes, of course, nazimkova , lena, 75 years old, october 10, sergey buchok, october 25, 79, zhenya, october 26 , eighty-one, lenya, february 11 , eighty-five. olesya march 22
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, eighty-eight, vera sixth, march 6 , ninety-one, and tanya, september 5 , ninety-four, and i gave birth to this girl, yes, i know that for four years, but they said the name masha alexander, you no longer got pregnant. no, no, no, no, well, that ’s how i gave birth to a girl here, i didn’t give birth to any more, i only have seven children, so i had two abortions, i got 10 more, and you had seven.
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the answer is in the envelope with the dna test result. don't miss out on the fun. a reliable and large-scale bank knows. you can do more than you think. when your dreams are not an imaginary world, but reality. when relationships can
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abandoned all her younger children there, and why is it so important for you to find a godfather, absolutely an outsider, decided to take part in... fate, i want to thank such a person, wait for me on friday at 17:55 on ntv. bim, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. pain can be different, but the mechanism of pain development is the same. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain, if you have pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgen acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of... the gold standard of pain relief in a maximum concentration of 5% for a pronounced effect against back and joint pain declofinacas gel with
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reagan and kohl planned everything in advance. they are confident that perestroika will destroy the ussr. we work within the rules. the enemy is not playing by the rules, we need to act according to the instructions. stay with him until he leads you to the archive. you won't go against me. kill everyone you know.
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this is the dna program. at 7 months old, the girl olya, abandoned by her biological mother, adopted by foster parents and named anna. today, for the first time in her life, anna met a woman who may have written a refusal letter. alexandra, your son remembers very well how you mourned your daughter olya. in the studio of leonid gabbercourt. hello. hello leonit. how did you find out that you might have another sister? i was also told by one of my relatives,
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i don’t remember exactly now, it surprised you, of course it surprised you, because i knew that she supposedly died, the doctors said so, then i knew that she somewhere that someone adopted her, this is where the information came from, rumors from neighbors, and all sorts of neighbors told me this. do you remember your pregnant mother? yes, of course i remember. how old were you then? i was about 13 years old. there were many times in our family, well, we were waiting for another one to be born. well, we were waiting, too. do you remember how mom was taken to the maternity hospital? yes, of course, they called an ambulance because there was a risk of miscarriage. and she was taken there. premature birth, as it were, and mom after the hospital? i returned alone, alone, i was worried that i returned without a child, of course, she was in shock, she cried, of course, and we were also in shock, as your mother explained to you that
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she returned without the child, she said how it turns out that she was born small, weighing about 800 g, they removed her camera, they put her there for, well, like children are taken away for growing up, that’s all, they said to come in a month, a month later they came with my dad, they wanted to take her. but the doctors told them that she died, well , no one gave up the documents and the body, you believed in your sister’s death, well, the little one, of course, believed it, i grew older, i realized that this is not so, that these doctors could either give or sell somewhere, it was there, there were such cases before, but they didn’t think about the fact that your mother could abandon the child herself, no, i i didn’t think, for sure, no, lyunya, i wouldn’t refuse her, because somehow this has never happened, and for her to refuse, i won’t believe it either.
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tatyana, tell leonid, with whom? met anna here today, born in 1998, supposed sister, this is her mother, who raised marina, looks like there are four faces on mother, we have such a situ, leonid, anna , whose name at birth was olya, was adopted at six months, it turns out that either your mother was really deceived, or your mother deceived you, but no , it’s better, most likely, that it was the doctors who did this, with what purpose? well, the fact that there are many children, supposedly, maybe because of this they could only really give it to someone who could not have children. olga, which story would you say you believe in more? i think the doctors still played the main role here, they put pressure on her and deceived her, that’s what i think personally. it’s very difficult to believe that she deliberately
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came up with this story, to pull off something like this...
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the collective farms collapsed , everyone survives on their own farm as best they can, well, too, and i have the opportunity, that is, i used to work as a guide when i took tanya into myself, well, if i had to, if there was someone else after the younger tanya, i would have done the same, i would have taken them for myself, that is, i had opportunities and still do, both financial and physical, everything, but what do you have?
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average, right now i’m busy with my grandson, with my beloved. alexander, why so don't you communicate with your older children? well, they live, they don’t need a mother. how are you living? i ’m at my daughter’s, everything has fallen apart in shanga, there are only people there, no one at all there, three stories live. 3 years ago, alexandra came to tatyana to help with her grandson, but it remains that way. we have a plot, let's see. sixty-seven-year-old alexandra. he loves his grandson madly and does not deny him anything, if the grandmother is cooking in the kitchen, adam is the first to get something tasty, he loves pizza, pizza with rags, he loves pizza, yes, and then tatyana hands her son a sponge, they are friendly they're washing the dishes, you'll help mom, help, come on, come on, now i'll give you a glass, you 'll help me wash the dishes, yes, you're wearing
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a glass, are you great? take or pick up a child from kindergarten, go with adam to the clinic or to the zoo, the grandmother copes with these tasks with a bang. well, since kim arrived since she was two months old, i’ve been busy with him, he’s my little only grandson, i love him, and even if my grandson ’s favorite car breaks down, grandma is always there, half of everything has already been thrown away, still typewriter he has a pear here, even his dad bought him a scooter from her that doesn’t play , the whole family already lives in a rented apartment in ufa, although tatyana has her own in the tyumen region, her husband was offered a job in bashkiria, the woman says, she, her mother and child
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followed behind it, here everything is almost ours, we brought everything with us, and... what are we renting here, it was like it was a renovation, so everything here is nothing special, an ordinary apartment since we are constantly moving, we move everything, i have my own apartment in amutinka, what i'm renting it out.
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well, if we manage to communicate, why no, i will always be glad, i will be glad too, and you, you have children, yes, i have a daughter, marina, what do you think the result of the dna test will we hear today, my heart skips a beat, i feel that these are ours batyan, what result are you expecting, positive, 99. also feels, alexandra, do you think your relationship will be confirmed by dna? yes, yes, i think so. anna, are you ready to find out the results? yes. i invite daria popova, our
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dna specialist, to the studio. surviving daughter or completely. not a person, we will find out the result of the dna test immediately after the advertisement. watch today at 19:00. berlin is under siege, the city center is under siege. german farmers are expanding their protest against subsidy cuts. truckers, railway workers and fishermen joined the week-long protests. government. how not to suffer for other people's debts, what to do if you receive other people's fines because the real debtor is your complete cramp for documents, how to avoid computer confusion, about this in our
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special report. hot lava has approached residential villages; a volcanic eruption continues in iceland 30 km from capital cities. watch tonight at 19:00, on the website and app now. new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. for 37 years, desharak has been preparing the stock base using a fermentation technology that lasts more than 100 days. dogerac is the secret of taste in the broth. lif 52 cleanses, restores and protects the liver. lif 52 is an expert in liver cleansing and restoration. this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children. clean air, they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not just that: methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer , the basting engine works perfectly, installation of equipment as part of
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head on, corrupt face, that's it, mine, bim, new season, today at 20:00, this is a tnk program, the alleged mother and daughter, who met in the studio for the first time in 25 years, underwent genetic testing. daria, you have the floor. a positive dna test result will mean that they have grown up. in a foster family , twenty-five-year-old anna kuzmina saw her biological mother, alexandra bychok, as well as her brother and sister, leonid gabberkorn and tatyana politaeva, for the first time in her life today. alexandra wrote a refusal to give up her newborn daughter olga, who, according to her, was only 800 happy at birth . the woman assures that she will give up the child.
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the doctors forced her, convincing her that the girl would not survive anyway. when alexandra decided to return for her daughter a month later, she they said the baby died. alexandra’s words are not believed by anna’s adoptive mother, marina prudnikova, who adopted olga, calling her anna, when she was already 7 months old. anna and alexandra underwent genetic testing. the result of which is in this envelope. alexandra, do you agree to find out if you met your natural daughter today? yes. anna, are you ready? yes. attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, the supposed natural daughter, anna kuzmina. on the other hand, her supposed biological mother, alexandra goby. probability of blood kinships. between you is 99.99.
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myself, my older brother, well, my sister too , it’s a pleasant feeling, i’m glad that, well, i’m glad that everything turned out this way, now i know the truth , everything, alexandra, i have something to say, yes, i’m leading myself for it. thank you very much for everything, god bless you, thank you for my daughter , i don’t hold a grudge, i don’t, well, you see, as it turned out, they forced me there, well, that is
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, i have nothing to be angry with her for, to be offended, so everything is fine, everyone has the right to know the truth about their birth if you need it. examination, contact us, and we will help you, tomorrow on ntv, novyka, dna, me, this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they are talking about converting transport to methane, about protecting nature, but the matter not only this. methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, engine. throwing works great, installation of equipment as part of the national fuel project, i converted my car to methane without investment, be practical, beneficial for nature and for you, choose eco-gas, refuel at stations gazprom.
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what measures to support the participants in the special operation, as well as their loved ones, are already in place, and how this assistance needs to be supplemented, this is being discussed today at the let’s win together forum. anton talpa visited patriot park and talked with veterans. to take a position, work on the enemy, and retreat to a safe place, it takes no more than 10 minutes, rather than the simple work of tank crews firing from indirect firing positions. omar magomedov. what has israel managed to achieve, what is left of the gas sector, who else is following yemen will be drawn into the palestinian-israeli confrontation? nikita korzun is monitoring developments in the middle east.


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