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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 16, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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refuel at gazprom stations. the meaning of serving the homeland is to achieve the common good, to participate in the fate of the fatherland and to be ready to unite in moments of historical challenges. vladimir putin celebrated the first all-russian service award. omar magomedov watched the shooting. alexey prokin followed the return visit to the negotiations between sergei lavrov and the minister of foreign affairs of north korea, which took place in moscow. mikhail mishtin. visited
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the government coordination center at the russia exhibition at vdnkh and spoke at nakhit babayev will tell the plenary session of the finance day what the prime minister spoke about. trump easily wins in iowa and promises to continue in the same spirit alexey vasilovsky about the beginning of the republican fight for the nomination for us president. hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is the program today and its presenter elmira effendieva and vladimir chernyshov. the president today awarded the winners of the all-russian municipal service award, which is awarded for outstanding contribution to the development of local self-government for efforts that...
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support their families and especially noted municipal employees in the new regions where they work quote: strong, steely people who have proven that and...
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thank, show respect to the people serving in the country at the municipal level. there is probably nothing like this anywhere else in the world, but comparisons are pointless, recalled singer olga kormukhina. the performance of the honored artist became a powerful overture to the appearance of vladimir putin. the presence of the president at this ceremony underscores the significance.
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do as much as possible for our native places, for those places where you were born, where you spent your childhood, where your loved ones, your family, your friends, fellow countrymen now live, with the desire to contribute to the prosperity and development of your city, town, region, because this is so consonant with the words of the legendary song, which i am sure everyone here knows is where the homeland begins. municipal employees are closer to the people and determine the face of a large country. in this regard, the president noted the effectiveness of the competition for the best urban environment objects. a decision was made to extend it until 2030. i would also like to note that today a decree establishing an honorary title was signed. honored
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worker of local government of the russian federation, it is high time to do this. moreover, among local government employees. those who help the country solve the problems of a special military operation. along with words of gratitude, i can emphasize that this is a very good example of how people from your midst, from any level of government in general, do not sit in their offices, but share the fate of their homeland, they are together with the people, together with the army. if such people in the future have a desire to further express themselves in civil service, vladimir putin emphasized. they should be given every possible support. our municipal employees, employees of our regions located in close proximity to the combat zone, show perseverance and dedication; they often work under fire, help the elderly, children, fellow villagers and fellow countrymen, risking themselves. and,
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of course, i will note the workers of the local authorities of donbass and novorussia. it's really strong, one might say, steel people who have proven that they are nobody and nothing. can break. the meaning of serving the homeland, the president said, is when the highest value is the common good, involvement in the fate of the fatherland and the willingness to unite in moments of historical challenges. i would like to thank all my colleagues throughout our vast country who, at the local and municipal level, help the soldiers on the front line, and with attention and care support the families of our military personnel; this is the most important national task, which has a huge moral value.
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personally, dear vladimir vladimirovich, and on behalf of all colleagues of our huge country, thank you for your tireless work for the good of the fatherland, today all of russia has rallied around you, our soldiers who defend our homeland. the service award covers 10 nominations, including my land, my pride, direct conversation, trust in power, defense of the fatherland, common cause, the award is presented last. for helping the participants in the special operation, it went to kristina filipenko, head of the khantemansiysko municipal government institution, resource center, he united concerned residents of the district center, who received data from the commissariat at night, and in the morning collected parcels for the newly mobilized, you know, as if
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i was sleeping now, i don’t want to wake up, it is a great honor for me to stand on this stage now and hold such a high award , i... now want to dedicate this victory to my husband, who is on the front line, i think that he will be very proud of me. immediately after the ceremony, the president received the heads of municipalities at various levels, to talk in detail. employees of self-government bodies are still a valuable source of information about the situation on earth. first of all, vladimir putin called for help to the participants of the northern military district. of course, we must pay attention to the guys who are returning from the zone of a special military operation. these are, you know, people after all. when they decide to do this, yes, when this crucible passes, they return, yes, many life priorities are lined up differently, here you will no longer jump without pants at some events, you know, here at all people look at life differently, the priorities
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are different, the values ​​are different, such people, if they have an inclination for this kind of work, of course they need to be involved in this... work, we must not forget about the youth , they are the future, they feel better time, the president noted, for training personnel, the state has provided various programs, this is the school of mayors, this year two new streams and a digital university for municipalities will be launched. of course, all development programs and training of municipal personnel should be available to colleagues from donbass and novorussia. this goes without saying , we’ll probably talk about this too, they need to integrate into our legal system. the discussion that followed was mostly character-driven. gratitude to the head of state from municipalities. thus, the mayor of veliky novgorod , alexander rosbaum, noted that they themselves would not have been able to cope with the renovation of hospitals or the acquisition of public transport, but thanks to the presidential programs, the city is being transformed, and on january 20 they will celebrate the eightieth anniversary of liberation from fascist invaders. vladimir putin did not
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miss this topic. the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of novgorod is a great event. you are absolutely right, this contributed to the complete removal, complete removal of the lehning block. until january 20, 1944, and the enemy clung to this, to these places, in january 1944, and as we know, in may 1945, everything was already over for him; until january 1944, he clung to novgorod, not by chance , there were reasons for this, but nevertheless, thanks to the heroism of the red army to our people, and this... the problem was solved, the enemy was expelled from there. and in general, veliky novgorod is a reminder of the ancient russian traditions
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of local self-government. the president here recalled important historical facts. and, by the way, the veche was not only a form of government in veliky novgorod, but also in many other cities of medieval russia. so this is such a tradition, a tradition of making the most important decisions in a democratic way, in general, it was there. this is one of the basic ones on the territory of ancient russia, but of course, we must remember the past, take care of it, history to protect, this is our foundation for moving forward, for building on this foundation a strong building of russian statehood. and in the hall of the live arena, the celebration of the winners of the first all-russian service award continued, when they took the stage together with the lead singer of the group.
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municipalities, vladimir putin made a number of statements regarding the special operation, in particular, the head of state said that now the initiative in the northern military district zone is in the hands of the russian armed forces. if what now continues continues, what now has the place to be, now it is completely obvious, not only has their counter-offensive failed, but the initiative is completely in their hands. russian armed forces, if this continues, ukrainian statehood may suffer
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an irreparable, very serious blow, but this is their area of ​​​​responsibility, this will then be the result of their policy, their rule, putin spoke about the peaceful russian-ukrainian negotiations that took place in the spring of 202 years in istanbul and were disrupted due to the fault of ukraine’s western allies and... leader the negotiating group on the ukrainian side even put his signature on this , it’s signed, we have the document, they just told us, we need to give some kind of sign, that russia really intends to resolve these issues peacefully, we need to withdraw the troops. were taken away from kiev, a day later they threw all the agreements into the trash, now they said publicly, including
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the head of this very negotiation group, and he, by the way, the head of the ruling party in the parliament in rana, said, yes, we were ready, we are missed because the then prime minister of great britain arrived, mr. johnson persuaded us not to implement these agreements, well, no idiots.
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throwing russians outside the cordon directly affects the security of our country. today the spring session and the first plenary meeting opened in the state duma. traditionally , it began with a speech by speaker vyacheslav volodin. he noted that deputies will have to work on important bills, in particular, they will need to develop federal standards for large families.
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families with money, having children, raising children, in general, fortunately now technical means of rehabilitation allow this to be done. very good rehabilitation is sport, the paralympic movement, and i am pleased that more and more guys are getting involved in this movement. tsobileva noted that the defenders of the fatherland foundation itself employs northern military district veterans and family members of fallen soldiers;
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500 people have already been hired. in the south-donetsk direction. the offensive actions of russian units are supported by artillerymen, in particular geocinth crews, this is one of the most powerful in the world artillery pieces, which means that the military not only destroyed enemy fortifications, but also liquidated western equipment. it takes less than a minute to make an accurate shot. omar magomedov reports. in the south donetsk direction, together with the artillerymen, we walk along the path along the forest belt. all fighters are wearing a winter camouflage suit, which allows them to become invisible from a height... of their flight to the operators of kamikaze drones, remember how only old men go into battle, turn their heads 360°, the gape will be devoured, so here, everyone the methods are good, we listen and look, from here to the hostile position there are only four kilometers, the understanding of the artillerymen is just around the corner, the command to fire can come at any minute, while our scouts are identifying targets
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, preparations are underway for shooting, there is something to brag about, right? well, last week a bradley was destroyed by a direct hit, we have a target point where they go, this is the only point from which he can enter, reconnaissance discovered an unusually active enemy in enemy positions, most likely this is a rotation of personnel, moreover in an infantry fighting vehicle was spotted in a forest belt, it takes about 30 seconds to prepare the gun and fire, the shot, the first shot is a sighting shot, on the donetsk direction of the front they stand 15'.
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with an accurate hit , dugouts and strongholds turn into dust. on the twentieth shot , the enemy opened fire back, a counter-battery fight began, several shells exploded 100 meters from us, and the command to take cover was heard. the enemy fires from an american m-777 howitzer. on the battlefield, this weapon is perhaps the main competitor of our geocinth. there is almost a meter of earth above us and two rolls of logs will save us from fragments. or, unfortunately, she was driving very fast and the first sighting gun lay very close, she realized that it was starting to move away from her, well, in principle, the task of
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suppressing the target was completed. our neighboring battery joins the fight, there is a lull on the other side, artillery slang is called exchanging pleasantries, we hurry to go to the dugout, the soldiers remain on duty. we are waiting for proofreaders. the battery commander with the call sign mongoose came to the artillery from the militia and took up arms. after the tragic events of may 2 , 1914, when ukrainian nationalists burned protesters alive in the trade union building in odessa, since then he has been an active participant in the fighting for the liberation of donbass. why should i speak a language that is not native to me, why should i change my faith, again to my own, why should i change some of my customs and live, for some reason change my heroes, instill some other values ​​in me . over 10 years of fighting, the man was wounded several times, shell-shocked, and first the svo lost his right hand. thanks to caring people and volunteers from the skolkovo innovation center, the soldier was equipped with a modern bionic prosthesis, which
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allows him not to experience difficulties while serving. all holidays, the artillerymen greeted them with incessant cannonades. this dugout became home to two dozen fighters. the room is relatively warm and dry, the conditions include a place to sleep, a tv, a gas stove and kittens, while the fighters beat the enemy on the battlefield, the mustachioed ones successfully fight hordes of mice. omar magomedov, rabadam bagomedov, ntv television company, yuzhnodonetskoe direction of a special military operation. what happened in the german city of dresdon was called an act of historical vandalism today in the russian media, where the authorities quietly took the inscription on the memorial. to the dead residents of dresdon as a result of carpet bombing by the united states and great britain. 45, in february 1945
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, according to various estimates, from 100 to 300 thousand civilians became victims of allied air raids, and the city was in ruins. attempts to downplay the importance of this tragedy by german authorities in early 2000 underestimated the death toll to 25,000, which caused a wave of public discontent. now, apparently, a mention of...
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in order to sum up the preliminary results of the active work that was begun to implement the agreement reached during the september summit between president putin and chairman of state affairs kim chang-eun at the eastern cosmodrome, i warmly remember my visit to pyongyang last october and your excellent hospitality with which you surrounded our delegation. negotiations at all levels of the parties.
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will go to the masekrion ski resort, they will fly out from vladivostok, and russian-speaking guides will accompany the russians throughout the tour. however, north korea's relations
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with its neighbors are korean. the peninsula remains far from ideal, and this tension is now worrying pkhinyan residents and moscow. sergei lavrov confirmed the principled position in russia, which insists on a comprehensive , fair solution to the problems of the peninsula. we have always advocated establishing a negotiation process without any preliminary conditions in order to achieve lasting peace and stability throughout northeast asia, corresponding proposals from russia. and independently, together with the people's republic of china, submitted to the un security council, they are on the negotiating table. however , we have to admit that the policy of the united states and its regional satellites to create threats to the security of the democratic people's republic of korea does not at all contribute to progress in a positive direction. we will continue to call for
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refusal of any steps that. lead to an escalation of tension. the russian minister said that the state cooperates closely at the un and other international organizations, that russia always supports the dprk at the un and appreciates phil-lyan’s similar position, including on supporting a special military operation, and tsoisonghe thanked the russian minister for the rich cultural program. she managed to visit zaryadiya park and look at russia in 3d, and from here from the reception house of meade, the head of north korean foreign policy. together with sergei lavrov went to a meeting with vladimir putin. tsoisonkhi noted that traditional friendships have overcome all difficulties and adversity and are today on the rise thanks to the special attention of vladimir putin and kemchinin. alexey prokin, ruslan nakoev and dmitry altukhov, ntv television company. moscow. iran last night launched ballistic missile attacks on the city of airbil in neighboring iraq and idlib province in syria.
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purpose. so, as the iranian authorities report , israeli spy centers and places have become terrorist deployments. among the destroyed objects was the house of a major kurdish businessman, closely associated with israel; the businessman was killed during the shelling. in total, by this hour four victims and six wounded are known. in syria, the iranians targeted a camp of mercenaries of the banned terrorist group isis. tehran said the night strikes were a response to the recent bloody terrorist attack in iran. islamic revolution. iran's attack on iraq has already been publicly condemned by the us state department, which reports that the missiles hit close to american consulate, but none of the diplomats were injured, so the iraqi authorities called the incident an aggression against sovereignty, recalled their ambassador from tehran, and are also already preparing a complaint to the un security council. now a short advertisement.
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next in our issue. mikhail mishusin visited the government coordination center for russian exhibitions at vdnkh and spoke at the plenary session of the finance day. nakhit babayev will tell you what the prime minister talked about. trump easily defeats iowa and promises to continue in the same spirit. alexey vasilovsky about the beginning of the republican fight for the us presidential nomination. a bank for everyone , what it is, understanding my needs, guys , and for you, to be on the same wavelength with us, and what do you say, so that for the whole family, vtb is a bank for everyone, it’s like cats are scratching at the throat, a sore throat does not give rest, pain when
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smoked meat from cherkizov’s own farms. enjoy the moment with the fantastic taste of salchichon. cosmically delicious! cherkizovo! star! getting sick is not our tradition. in the sportsmaster app there is a drawing of cool gifts. the main prize is an apartment! download the app, spin the ball for prizes and complete tasks to get more gifts! as you age, your metabolism slows down, someone needs to take care of your body! dibecor helps normalize cholesterol and sugar, improving metabolism. dibikor, be in shape, let him. health will be fine. the format premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the program today.
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we continue our release. russia has managed to put its economy on a trajectory of sustainable growth. prime minister mikhail mishustin announced this today; he spoke at a plenary session as part of the finance day at the russian exhibition. government projects and programs, if an emergency situation arises during a flight, then there are businessmen, officials, and sociologists in constant contact who will help put the rocket into the desired orbit. this, of course, is not the original
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center, the real one is so easy to take a tour it’s impossible to get into vdnkh, in 44 days they created an exact copy, especially for visitors to the russian exhibition, from here you can get acquainted with our national projects. usually they are chosen either according to the national project itself, but more often they use the choice from the region, for example, i take the republic of adegea and i can choose any one, for example, tourism, hospitality, and here it is described what the national project does, what projects will be open, over 2.5 months the center was visited by more than 700 people, on excursions they are told about the tasks, functions,
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in the federal tax service in the treasury , he takes an active part in ensuring that everything is in order with our budget, and that everything is in order with russia’s budget and finances. at the plenary session of the finance day , the chairman of the government as evidence.
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will have basic knowledge that will help to understand how the financial market works, its essence, features, risks, develop the ability to minimize them, with the help of the basics of financial literacy people will be able to make informed decisions, correctly draw up their own budget, and, accordingly, achieve your own and family goals, as well as freely use modern services and... technologies, ignoring, let's say,
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the tricks of scammers. today's finance day is a new stage in the exhibition's work, which is dedicated to the successes of various sectors of the economy. in the coming month there will be days of industry, agriculture, healthcare, ecology, culture, sports, and tourism. russia, according to mikhail mishustin, has something to be proud of, and what is perhaps no less important, there is something to strive for. but the exhibition can be not just to show, but to inspire. nakhit babaev, vladislav dubovitsky, valery kiselev. preferential mortgages have become unprofitable for banks since the end of december, vtb bank announced today. further business news, denis talalaev is with us. denis, how do they propose to solve this problem? vtb proposes to the state to return the bank’s cut subsidies in december, and at the same time add a little more on top. today, the turn to speak out on the topic of what happened to preferential mortgages has again reached russian banks. at the bottom of finance
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exhibition russia, deputy chairman of the board of vtb georgy gorshkov announced that preferential mortgages have become unprofitable for banks. in december , the government tightened the conditions for issuing mortgages with state support. among other things, the same subsidies to banks that they receive conditionally for, for example, issuing mortgages at 8% instead of market rates of 16.5% were reduced by half a percentage point. the largest banks responded to this by beginning to approve preferential rates.
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crews of office employees, the kommersant newspaper writes about this, its interlocutors clarify, the reduction will affect 13-15% of the staff of the moscow office, the airline itself explains this: the route network has changed and... s7 has a hub in novosibirsk, and pilots
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are also offered to retrain on other aircraft, for example, on мrayer. some pilots and flight attendants are advised to simply move to other airlines, including international ones; for example, aeroflot has already expressed interest in a7 flight attendants. several industry interlocutors predict that other major russian companies may follow s7's example. airlines. their passenger traffic is now 18% less than in the pre-covid year. the russian stock market sank today, but there is no significant movement here, so we immediately quickly move on to the foreign exchange market, where today it was much more interesting, at approximately 5:00 pm moscow time the dollar exchange rate today. in one minute it soared by 5 rubles and reached a level of almost 93, and then also rapidly rolled down. analysts suggest that we may be talking about the so-called fat finger error, that is, the trader simply does not pressed there. in any case, by the end of the auction nothing reminds us of this incident. the dollar costs 87.85, the euro 95.64.
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state-owned banks in china have become tougher on russian clients, fearing secondary ones. american sanctions, reports bloomberg. according to him, at least two banks have ordered an audit of their russian business in recent weeks. next, bloomberg sources say, chinese banks will sever ties with clients on the sanctions list and will more carefully check the company’s beneficiaries for subject to connection with russia, will stop financial services in any currency if it turns out that companies are associated with the russian military industry. according to bloomberg sources, the check will ... apply to non-russian clients, but who will conduct business in russia or transport critical goods to russia through a third country. and although china does not support sanctions against russia and generally demonstrates that it maintains economic ties, chinese banks have previously reduced work with russian clients caught in western blacklists. for example, for
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russian banks that fell under american sanctions, the cards of the chinese payment system union pay stopped working abroad. apple for the first time became the largest smartphone supplier in the world at the end of the year, according to calculations by the analytical company idc. over the past 12 years , samsung has always been in first place; before it, the finnish nokia dynasty ruled the world market. now all that remains of it are legends. over the past year, apple shipped 234 million 600,000 smartphones, samsung has a result of 8 million units less. success at idc. explained by the fact that the share of premium smartphones on the market is increasing due to numerous trade-in interest-free installment plans. at a respectful distance from the apple pair , samsung, as always, are the ambitious chinese companies xiaomi, oppo and transion. the latter may not be heard very loudly in russia, but its brands tecno, infinix and itel
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were able to conquer the entire african market. everything about economics. thank you, denis. thank you. leo with economic review, now a short advertisement, that’s what we’ll talk about after it. trump easily wins iowa and promises to continue in the same spirit. alexey vasilovsky about the beginning of the republican fight for the nomination for us president. with a credit card , everything will be as you want.
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sovcombank, we take out loans, and good quickly , we are at sofcombank up to 5 million, loans that everyone knows, inflammation, sore throat makes it difficult to speak, pharyngosep helps fight pain in the throat, foringgosep, at the first signs of a sore throat, our answer to... start the year with profitable purchases at megamarket, have time to buy a smartphone for 1% of the price, apply the select thank you bonus and get a discount of up to 99%. once processes are in place, you have time to think about how to grow your business. you are creating it here now, tenkov’s business is creating tools to solve your problems. tinkov is a business and the job is done. this is the program today. we continue our release. two
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tu-95 ms strategic missile carriers of the long-range aviation carried out a planned flight in the airspace above the neutral entrances of the sea of ​​japan. as reported by the ministry defense, duration was about 7 hours. the missile carriers accompanied the fighter crews. the flight was carried out in strict accordance with international rules for the use of airspace, it was emphasized. russian presidential candidate from the communist party of the russian federation nikolai khritonov spoke at the far east development forum in khabarovsk. he said that the government will send 10 trillion rubles to the region to support key initiatives. large industrial enterprises have already received part of this money. proposed to develop new housing programs to attract young professionals to the region.
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we consider the creation of 143,000 new jobs to be one of the most important results of our work. it is important to note that the average salary at new enterprises of residents of the priority development territory of the free port of vladivostok is 38% higher than the russian average. i've arrived. presidential candidate from the new people and rostov parties vladislav davankov today visited a rehabilitation center for sled dogs in the moscow region. together with activists of the zoo patrol project, he got acquainted with the conditions of keeping the huskies, fed the dogs, and also made a number of statements about the problem of homeless animals. according to davankov, for such shelters to operate , it is necessary to simplify the system of donations from businesses. today we already have about a thousand.
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in st. petersburg, signatures are now being collected in support of the candidate from the communists of russia party, sergei malinkovich, according to tradition, the largest point is at the lenin monument on an armored car near the finland station. signatures are collected daily from all such points in st. petersburg and the region's flax has been opened by nine and notarized by 25 collectors. in the us, donald trump became the absolute leader in the first republican primary votes in iowa. party activist in all but one. districts of the state voted specifically for trump, who is considered the most worthy republican, in order to drive biden out of the white house in the presidential election in november.
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more than 50% of voters voted for trump, and his closest competitors received almost three times less, but one of the candidates was so upset results that he decided to leave the election race early. alexey vasilovsky, reporting from the usa. in the coldest election in iowa's history, temperatures dropped to -30 in some parts of the state.
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we waited 11 months for this moment , 11 months fought for our voices to be heard, 11 months shook hands, answered all the questions to convey our ideas to voters, it didn’t help much, and for haley, whose chances before the caucuses of coming in second looked somewhat preferable, now there is reason to think, she was counting confidently beat desantis in order to gain a foothold as trump’s main competitor in the fight
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for the republican nomination, but lost to the governor of florida and... it’s spoiled ahead, but ron desantis celebrated like that, another 49, but helly is probably in the mood as if he had won, and not trump. thank you, thank you very much. we had obituaries written months ago, they even announced the winners before people had even finished voting, but thanks to you, we got a good name in iowa. second place for the landing party is a chance to continue the fight further, albeit without any special prospects. trump dominates, this is an absolute victory for him, whether he gets 50% of the vote or not, it doesn’t matter at all that they probably won’t continue to make him a competitor, but today trump caught the wind in his sails, they are so far behind him that if this continues, then after north carolina they will have to think about leaving the race, and the first one has already left, the wevikvami businessman, when he became fourth,
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he announced that he was giving up the fight for... for the weather in our metia irina polikova. irina, this morning, when we were going to work, the weather swings went up, almost to zero. now it is very interesting to know where this swing will swing tomorrow. true, this is already more reminiscent of some kind of horse racing. well, yes, then we will have news from our weather hippodrome. indeed, the weather on the european territory of russia simply jumps , changes so quickly and so dramatically that it’s already a pilaf in the head, especially in the head
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of those who consider themselves weather dependent, and of course, these are... serious tests for forecasting models, here what they agreed on at the moment: tomorrow's portion warm air from the center flies away from the volgovyatsky region and the northern ones, along with snowfalls, they reach the middle volga, in the center there is a change of cyclones without snowfalls, but it will get colder, and the wind will get stronger, this will exacerbate the feeling of cold, so in the northwest, but a new cyclone is already on the way , with it comes new warming, for now, but only for the kaliningrad region. the south is still at a cold stage tomorrow, with the main precipitation moving to... the republics of the northern caucasus, but there will be a fierce wind for everyone, especially the black sea coast. about the capitals after pauses. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels. ariumoflexovolar - movement without pain in any weather. do you cleanse your liver with folk remedies? try replacing them with avisol, only in it the milky
7:56 pm
ripeness of oats is enhanced with herbs and turmeric. avisol and volar number. one for cleansing the liver: clean the liver with folk remedies, try replacing them with avisol. avisol - modern natural remedies, promotes gentle cleansing of the liver. apisol and valar. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. rivmoflex evalar - movement without pain in st. petersburg. at night it can freeze to -18, tomorrow afternoon -12, in moscow it will get colder to -8-10, and it is especially noticeable during the day, snow, if only light in places, on thursday evening, when the temperature rises again, heavy snow will begin, the snowstorm will fall asleep thoroughly , and then it will be frosty again, in general, you won’t get bored and place your bets on our weather races, no, well, we don’t play gambling, especially with the weather,
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it’s useless, no, well, if you don’t have money, then i i bet that until the end of winter we will... the snow will remain snow until the end , you can bet on it, yes thank you, thank you irina polikova with the weather forecast, these are the main news for this hour and myradieva and... we say goodbye to you, see you , goodbye, i have a question, this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not just that. methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the engine runs on methane. works perfectly, installation of equipment within the framework of the national fuel project, i also converted my car to methane without investment, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose eco-gas, refuel at
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gazprom stations. “aphrodite, you are simply a sorceress, now i understand why you have an appointment a month in advance, i will always find time for you, dear, let even this early, thank you. now he’ll add his own magic elixir and it’ll be a fairy tale, it’s over, wait, honey, i’ll be right back.
7:59 pm
aphrodite, aphrodite, what happened? aphrodite? my friends are all going abroad, but i’ll probably stay, laugh, get drunk, if there’s nothing to play for, i’ll get married, my friends write to me how are you here, but i’m fine, super year, super, super, super
8:00 pm
year, i’m fine, super good, super, super, super good, i'm fine, super good, super, super, super good, i'm fine, super gut, super, super, super gut. yes okay, great year, kick, look what girls are in trouble, fuck, wow, bro, sorry, yours is married,
8:01 pm
you're talking, yeah, what?


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