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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  January 18, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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in the traffic police, then those few hours that preceded this, the detectives will have to study minute by minute what happened at that time, how sergei kinyov ended up on the road, why he could not stand on his feet, he literally crawled across the canvas, tamara simonova understood this. the moment a car hits thirty-six-year-old sergei kinyov was captured on a video recorder ; a man appeared from the darkness and was crossing the road on all fours; the driver... didn’t have time to notice; at the last second he tried to turn, but it was too late; those who arrived the doctors could only ascertain death. a driver born in the ninety-third year, driving a suparu car, moving from the city of krasnofimsk in the direction of the village of ochit, hit a pedestrian on the roadway without the purpose of crossing it. the initial version that the police began to consider was that the man was probably drunk and crawled along the road, but as soon as his identity was established, the details of that evening became clear. clear up. shortly before
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the accident, sergei kinyov was taken by ambulance to district hospital with high fever. the patient was taken by ambulance to the emergency room of the krasnoufimsk regional hospital. after the necessary research and diagnosis not related to pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and mental disorders, the ural resident was prescribed outpatient treatment. there were no indications for hospitalization. therefore, the ambulance crew, heading to another call in the same area, decided to give the man a lift and dropped him off nearby. from the village, one can only guess what happened next, perhaps sergei kinyov simply slipped while crossing the road, or maybe he felt ill again, he himself worked as a nurse in one of the hospitals in yekaterinburg, according to his friends , he understood when to seek help, he was sent there at speed, why did not these doctors accept him, why was he sent home with a temperature of 40, with his legs unable to walk , he was a very good person, as a doctor he was very... good, no one can
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say anything bad about him, so what? sergei kinyov raised a child with his wife from his first marriage, loved sports, travel and his profession. dedicated to his work, he always came to the rescue; that evening, sergei’s relatives believe, the doctors should have insisted on his hospitalization. he didn’t say that he felt bad, he’s a doctor, he treated himself. i am a doctor myself, i myself work in a medical organization, that is, he should have been hospitalized in any case, they will not let him go in this condition. at least put a drip in order to remove this. the actions of the doctors will be assessed by the investigators who have begun their investigation. during the inspection, a set of measures is carried out to find out everything circumstances of the incident, measures are being taken to interview eyewitnesses, employees and managers of the hospital, requiring documentation of interest to the investigation. based on the results of the inspection , the investigative committee will give a proper objective legal assessment of what happened. it will be decided what responsibility the driver of the foreign car will bear under the wheels that sergei kinyov hit. still, the accident happened. on
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an unlit section of the road, the pedestrian was without reflective elements on his clothing and was below eye level, notice a man it was most likely almost impossible for the driver to brake or swerve in advance to avoid a collision, so the relatives of the deceased can only wait for the outcome of the proceedings; they have already said goodbye to sergei kinyov. tamara simonova, oksana goncharenko and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. alexander murashkin, who even 5 years after breaking up with his wife could not forgive her for this, was sentenced. murashkin dealt with anastasia in front of passersby, he did not try to escape, before committing a crime, he repeatedly spoke about the fact that he was preparing a murder, sent messages to his ex- wife’s acquaintances and friends, where he openly talked about this, why his threats were not taken seriously, and what sentence the jealous man received, ivan gubin will tell.
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he was initially ready to do anything so that no one would get his ex-wife, neither manic thoughts about killing her, nor prison frightened alexander murashkin, which he openly declared to anastasia herself and her friends, and the six months spent in pretrial detention, it seems, it hasn't been changed at all. murashkina alexander viktorovich was found guilty of committing a crime, the main evidence of murashkin’s guilt is these shots, his ex-wife, he did not keep watch at her work. legs, the second, but already stabbed him in the heart with a knife, however, this was not enough for him. after the woman fell, he kicked her twice in the head. murashkin's actions were stopped by eyewitnesses to the crime, and then he was detained. the woman died from her injuries at the scene. and this is enough to understand how much jealousy blinded murashkin. this feeling. and
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was his main motive. alexander and anastasia lived together for more than 15 years, raised a common son and, as many believed, were happy, but at some point murashkin became tired of such family life. after this video message, murashkin went on a killing spree. it must be said about his intentions ; he did not only tell his relatives, but while he was drunk, he sent threats to all of anastasia’s colleagues and friends. i will achieve results, even if a year or two or three passes, she will die like an animal, i will kill her, the knife and pistol are already
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ready. and anastasia knew about these messages and she even showed caution, began leaving work through the back door, self-defense equipment appeared in her purse, but she did not fully believe that she would have to.
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it turned out that vegetables were not grown in a specially equipped greenhouse; all the necessary conditions were created for the cultivation of prohibited substances, there were irrigation and heating systems for ventilation, and jars of finished products were stored on the shelves in the pantry. in a nearby outbuilding there were metal pallets with dry leaves, stems, as well as glass jars with chopped plant matter.
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according to... the business is mostly craftsmen, their main problem was the sale of jewelry, but beresen was just offering his services, and for some time he actually sold earrings, rings and bracelets, there were more clients, the swindler realized why take a percentage, if you can get everything, gold, gems, pearls and girls’ best friends, diamonds meant a lot to vladimir berezin, who looked like an unremarkable, modest man more than just... precious jewelry in the eyes of the average person, they attracted him with the possibility of quick and easy enrichment. the scheme was this: pretend to be a jewelry seller to receive the goods, and then disappear. in a short period of time, he cleaned out the wallets of customer manufacturers in an amount of half a billion rubles. at the stage of the investigation, he
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wrote a statement to spavin and admitted that he committed abuse of office by not fulfilling official duties, and caused harm, is ready to bear responsibility for this, but... i completely disagree that this theft. tens of kilograms of elite jewelry simply disappeared, where did he hide such capital? the question was asked by investigators and deceived partners with whom berezin collaborated as the head of the company. he looked for suppliers at exhibitions, offered favorable terms of the transaction, took the goods supposedly for sale, he was mainly interested in rings, earrings, pendants, with inserts from feonites and pearls. elena believed in a large order, her company transferred the jewelry to...
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not to pay, came up with various excuses, then is sick, then he has an important meeting, when the deceived clients went to the police in a crowd, they raided the office with an inspection, then the businessman skillfully covered his tracks, hid the accounting books and... hired a staff of lawyers, he destroyed the 1c database there and at his place, that is there were not enough accounting documents, plus a large number of victims who are located all over russia, the last year of his company’s activity, apparently, he completely lost control, as soon as he received jewelry, he melted it in a muffle furnace and handed it over to a pawnshop, so he sent 30 kg into the fire at a time products, and their told employees that the goods were supposedly defective and were being written off. when natalya found out what happened to her valuables, she was horrified. the owner of a small company lost about 2 million rubles, but this is not the main thing, there was her first
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gold author’s collection with cabochons, very dear to her heart, she assembled each product by hand, i had my last conversation with berezin, when i began to tell him that, well how can this be, well , damn it, conscience, yes, what a conscience, you have children, how is it even possible, to which he told me that i’m impudent, hobalka and to talk to me in i don’t intend to continue, did i hang up? yes, i hung up. did the company employees know what berezin did? we guessed it, that's for sure. many of his colleagues themselves went to meetings with clients to select jewelry for sale. now they are testifying in court against their former boss, who, according to the lawyer , is extremely sensitive to criticism, and for this reason allegedly refuses to communicate. he says that there is nothing to take from him, he spent all the gold, as they say, to save the office from bankruptcy, that is, sold it cheaply, when and how? beresen also prefers not to answer these questions, adjusts the mask covering his face,
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lowers his eyes, demonstrating offended dignity with his entire appearance. aleftina marchenko, dmitry panov, alena kryukova and daniela baklanova, ntv television company. and then the hurricane woman, what a hungry, aggressive lady is capable of, the residents of verishchagin now know well, why she attacked supermarkets and for what reason they did not interfere with her, you will find out in a few minutes. hello, beautiful signora, come in, captain climo, just don’t go anywhere, i’m scared here alone, i ’ll pay you, slow down, this is after you sat there and drank our beer, it’s all him, you can’t do this, finish it. so bim the new season today at 20:00 on ntv. so,
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you need to pay for utilities, communications and internet, and send money to your mother. i wish i could pay everything at once without commission. honey, are you ready yet? i thought about it. there is so much to pay, and also money for mom. send, don’t worry, let’s pay for tinkov, get a tenko black card and make payments and transfers without commission always zinkov. winter sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone. children's dress shark for 599, women's jacket finf for 4,499. five percent acos gelac in a package with a man. the gold standard for pain relief in maximum concentration. and 5% trust of millions. the legendary
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get a free sberbank credit card at 120 days without interest, win with the best credit card in the country. dna today at 17:50 on ntv. as we age, we all experience a decline in memory and intelligence. why does the body fail, is it possible to stop these harmful changes? it’s possible, our body has it. the main computer is the brain, it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is a system; it consists of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. as we age , changes occur in the brain; brain cells age and are damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azumopectinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains
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unique components that promote brain recovery. all of them belong to the class of phosphopides; there are more than 100 names of them. this is how a product was created from highly concentrated phospholipids from the japanese clam. extend the youth of your brain. 8 800 100 exactly 1985. 8 800 100 exactly 19 85. the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the work of each of our organs. however, as we age, we all do. we feel a deterioration in memory and intelligence, a disruption in the functioning of our organs. this year, a russian distributor purchased a batch of japanese brain therapy; it contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan. the aging of the brain can be reversed and it will serve you faithfully again.
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extend the youth of your brain. 8 800 100 exactly 1985 800. 100 exactly 1985 learn more about the japanese product brain therapy. bim, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. she gave birth to her beloved four children, believing that he had never been married and had no other children. i looked at his passport, according to the family, it was a blank sheet, but his ex-wife showed her the divorce certificate and demanded alimony for her official daughter. we definitely weren’t married, no, maybe she and her mother forged a document, the man owes his ex almost 400,000, he’s not going to pay them, we support him ourselves with our four children, so how many children does a father with many children have? v makhka, we married him , i gave birth to my first son, he restored paternity to his second daughter, too, i’m shocked, he never
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told me anything, you have three children, you want to write on me, or something, hen, why is my son’s new chosen one about.. .they never told me that my son had a family, as i never had to, i open the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. there is another emergency on the air, we continue our broadcast. vereshchagina is near perm, in the local supermarket there are sellers and workers. put things in order, put shelves in place and they are laying out food in a city with a population of 22,000 people, many know each other, but no one even knew about the abilities of one quiet resident of the hostel, what a hungry woman is capable of in anger, daria vyazovaya will tell. from the first frames it becomes
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obvious that this grocery store visitor clearly did not come for bread, she began to sweep off the shelves everything that came to hand, witness. and in the dairy department i tasted cakes and kefir. what the client was so dissatisfied with remained a mystery, whether it was the quality she was not satisfied with the goods, or there was no promotion on her favorite product, but she did not express any complaints. however, this behavior was surprising.
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the outraged ones didn’t even try to stop the angry woman, they say that the people who work here are most often experienced and have seen so many things in their careers, especially after the new year holidays, there are different clients, but this evening has clearly ceased to be languid for them, so they decide not to interfere , the mowers immediately pressed the panic button, but there was no security guard, we press the button, call the state security service, why didn’t the gbr come then , why didn’t they come, after all, they arrived, they took her, to the hostel, where like you... there was no such thing, you go, i say, go for a walk, go for a walk, don’t sit at home, take your chopsticks , park, walk, walk. i must say the visitor
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, the store employees, as they say, recognized this person by sight, she had already visited them before, then , taking ice cream from the refrigerator, she also effectively, although without destruction, left, this time she returned, obviously with more serious intentions, arriving at the place police officers detained a woman and taken to the duty station due to damage to someone else's property. developed a whole scheme to take away real estate from pensioners, but ended up in jail, he managed to persuade an elderly woman to register an apartment or a dacha in his name in the moscow region, while
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the eighty-year-old pensioner was not alone, but the relatives could not convince valentina khakhlova that he was a swindler, on the contrary, zlabinsky turned her against her loved ones, diana kovando will continue. it is a rare case in judicial practice when a psychologist at a meeting is not an expert, rather, but a real one. a spiritual healer, and not even for the defendant himself, who is preparing to hear the verdict, but for his lawyer nadezhda popova, apparently, so as not to lash out at the journalists again, like at the last hearing, i can ruin your equipment, put away the camera, i ’m telling you, here the black realtor himself, with a mathematical mindset, was surprisingly calm, looking over heads, a thoughtful expression on his face, as if even at the moment when he was listening to the verdict, computational schemes were spinning in his head. pavel, what did you want to do with the apartment of the deceased idiots?
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something else, that’s it, she warmed up to him, protecting her from all her relatives, including her only grandson, the future heir, and slipped her a will for signature, according to
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which all her property, the otryoshka in strogino and the dacha in the moscow suburbs, would also go to he , zlabinsky, having secured the trust of the pensioner, placed strangers with her , soon the woman died, her relatives found packages of antipsychotics in her personal belongings, later he, reliably knowing that the pensioner had no debt obligations to him, filed a statement of claim in court, which subsequently led to a court decision to recover funds from the woman in favor of zlabinsky in the amount of more than 10 million rubles. afterwards, he did not hesitate to sue khakhlova’s minor grandson in order to deprive him of his share in the apartment, but after opening a criminal case , he immediately refused all demands, apparently counting on the court’s leniency. the fact that she has such a son, zlabinsky’s mother says, she had no idea what a successful metropolitan realtor actually does, she only found out in...
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will. izbera and an apartment in moscow can be yours. the credit card is the best in the country. live on ntv again an emergency incident. we continue our release. cool narav, the boguslavsky family was experienced by a salesperson at a department store in nizhny novgorod. father and son spent a long time choosing
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a knife, and when asked, will they? to buy something, there was a lightning-fast reaction, this is not the first time that the boguslavskys get into strange stories, they beat up the chairmen of snt, threw a smoke bomb at journalists who went into the store to replenish their collection of bladed weapons. there was a set of the second visitor alexey boguslavsky, beautiful knives, we think, look, i’m wearing these
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black glasses, i can’t see well, i say, show me what kind of knife, she shows, i say, here’s a telescopic baton next to me, show me, should i show you everything, or what?
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then the boguslavskys appeared in the story of black diggers destroying an industrial zone, then the head of the family launched a smoke bomb towards the journalists, and gave an interview with a pistol on his knees, well, why did you leave, to hide traces of the crime, well, who hired you, we can contact these people do you understand what to submit? his comrades, this is wrong, one of the latest scandals erupted after the bohuslav elder locked disinspectors in his apartment, waved an object similar to a grenade launcher in front of them and accused them of throwing cockroaches into the entrance. you can’t stand it, don’t you just throw out this
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comment now. new family adventures ended at the police station, a conversation was held with the father, and the son was fined for petty hooliganism. the store owners estimate the damage caused at several tens of thousands. rubles, but boguslavsky. they have already stated that without a trial the victims will not receive money from them. stanislav kostikov, oksana goncharenko and alexandra ermakova, ntv television company. and that’s all for today, more news on our website in the chpntv telegram channel. let me remind you that feedback also works there. if you have witnessed something unusual, if you have seen someone’s rights being violated, or you yourself have encountered injustice, write to us, leave your contact information, and we will try. to help you, i’m marad siddikov, thank you for your attention, all the best, see you on ntv.
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today in our program, we don’t abandon our own. latvia is getting ready.


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