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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 19, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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orthodox believers celebrate one of the main holidays of baptism.
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the destruction of an entire legion in kharkov. pentagon chief lloyd austin was summoned to congress as european media draw conclusions after high-profile testimony about his secret hospitalization. new english seasickness, a deficiency not of vitamin c, but of sailors, and its consequence is not scurvy, decommissioned ships. about the news of the ex-mistress.
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in the morning it will freeze even more, although hardly any of the parishioners gathered here are afraid of frost at all; the fonts are equipped even with in the north of the region in the arctic, where the temperature approaches -40. in the capital of the region there are two permitted places for epiphany bathing, on the right and on the left.
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rescuers and police quickly plunged into the heating point. from the yanisey coast i propose to move to the black sea coast, where my crimean colleague now works. rastislav, how is your epiphany night going, is the atmosphere warm? yes, vlada, in crimea, they only learn about such frosts from the news. in sevastopol, light summer rain is -10, and the temperature anti-record is -22, which has been held since 1929. holiday swimming are taking place in the black sea, the water has warmed up today. up to +8°, ​​but even siberians
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who moved to sevastopol, by the way, from krasnoyarsk, note that it’s still cool when you swim, you have water +5 on the street -45, this is one thing, when you’re on the street +10, water, well, it’s literally +9 there, well, it’s a slightly different feeling, night swimming under the supervision of doctors from rescue services takes place today only in one sevastopol cossack bay, most of the believers will celebrate the epiphany during the day, the most widespread. blizzard, will it interfere with the residents of voronezh everyone from the heart, here is central russia covered to join the folk tradition? my colleague olga chernova will tell you. despite the unfavorable weather conditions, preparations were made for epiphany bathing in the capital of the black earth region; according to the ministry of emergency situations, more than 120 people were specially prepared in the voronezh region. after midnight, hundreds
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of believers gather at the mitrofan's church at the source to not only draw holy epiphany water, but also, as they say, to arrange a feast of soul and body, to wash, douse themselves or plunge into... fonts with miraculous water from a spring that has been revered for over 300 years. according to legend, the spring was sanctified by the prayers of st. mithraphanes, the first voronezh bishop and wonderworker; he often prayed at this spring. our church even keeps such a record, a special notebook, where people write down the miracles of healing that they receive from this source. parishioners of the mitrofan church believe that new cases of healing will be recorded even after this epiphany night, fervent prayer, icy holy water and a good deed can. create miracles, happy holiday russians! olga chernova, rastislav skidan and vlada kopylovskaya, ntv television company. we took a dip that night on the front line in the northern military district zone. our soldiers equipped special military field baths. pavel rybalchenko, more details. looking at this font,
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you wouldn’t say that it is only a few tens of kilometers from the front line. leds, planted decorative pine trees, and an orthodox cross above the font. wooden, ice would quickly melt, on epiphany night, the temperature in the southern donetsk direction is above zero. the distance is relatively safe to remove the armor and plunge into illuminated water, but first a festive maleben. happy holiday, orthodox christians. while our soldiers are holding the front today, while they are slowly marching and liberating holy russia, then on our rear we must... waste this precious time, christ is with us, victory will be ours, because without christ there will be no victory, without faith there will be victory it won’t, russia has always united, we remember all our historical moments. despite the fact that immersion in the font is not a sacrament, it is a tradition, orthodox christians do it with prayer, at the front, with
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prayer to the image of the kazan icon of the mother of god, patroness of the defenders of the fatherland. many pages of the military history of our country are connected with this image of the mother of god. from the reign of ivan the terrible to the great patriotic war. according to legend, during the battle of moscow, this particular icon was loaded onto a plane with it on board, an attack aircraft flew around the capital before the counter-offensive. today, the kazan icon of the mother of god protects and gives faith to soldiers fighting for their homeland already in the new century. vigor of spirit, freshness of grace for victory. when you come out directly from bought you.
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creating what happens here, what you see in this place, is not a problem, we have specialized units, engineering units, for which it is a matter of one hour. the importance of this event is enormous, because every soldier, every officer, in general, all the armed forces of the russian federation are going to victory with god in... the orthodox holiday of epiphany is celebrated on different sections of the front, at the combined engineering mine clearance squad troops, for example, a font under a closed sky for security reasons; soldiers meet epiphany night a few kilometers from the front line. pavel rybalchenko, stanislav
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skripnik, ntv television company from the donetsk people's republic. and now about the combat missions that our military successfully completed in the northern military district zone. in the donetsk direction , su-25 attack aircraft eliminated new militant targets. in the forest belt, reconnaissance found camouflaged strongholds of the nationalists. the su-25 pilots fired unguided missiles at them. all shells hit the target, i reported it. forward aircraft gunner, and the pilots , after performing an evasive maneuver, returned to the airfield as usual. the kostroma paratroopers also successfully completed the task. the artillerymen cleared another strong point, which was found by reconnaissance drones in the vicinity of artyomovsk. to knock out
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enemy personnel from the trenches, the fighters used a hail rocket launcher. and these are shots taken in the rear in the kupinsky direction. military personnel from engineering units are at the training ground.
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but netanyahu is confident that such a policy will not prevent israel from building relations with arab countries. the prime minister of the jewish
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state also noted that the operation in the gas sector will continue until the complete victory over hamas, even if it takes months. complete victory requires the elimination of terrorist leaders and the destruction of hamas' military and government capabilities. complete victory requires the return of the hostages home. complete victory is required. so that gas would be demilitarized and would be under the full control of israel. this concerns the sphere security and supply of goods to the gas sector. in israel's view of palestine. there will be no security and stability in jerusalem. our
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country stands for the preservation of palestine. russian authorities have repeatedly stated that israel's position is contrary to international law. the interlocutors noted that new provocations should not be allowed in the region, in particular in syria itself, as well as in lebanon and yemen. however, while the situation in the red sea is only getting worse, the houthis have attacked their third merchant ship in 3 days. militants launched ballistic missiles at american tanker. according to the pentagon , the shells fell into the water in a row. the crew was not injured with the ship; after the incident, the ship moved on. as arab media write, the yemeni armed forces said that this was a response to aggression from the united states and great britain. they added that they will continue to fire at the fleets of these countries after attacks on the territory of the republic. previously, the houthis warned the international community of their intention to attack those ships that are associated
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with israel. the movement added that the shelling will continue until the situation in the gas sector will not change. according to media reports, arab and muslim countries have repeatedly warned washington that supporting the actions of the jewish state will only worsen the situation in the region. meanwhile, the uk is unable to send additional crews to the shores of yemen due to a shortage of military specialists. as local media write, the situation in the fleet is now critical. amid a personnel shortage , the kingdom’s ministry of defense even plans to disable two ships. the department took such a step to staff the crews other ships, some of them have been docked for several years, as the country tries to deal with the shortage of military personnel, elizaveta gerson learned. inspired by the popular 19th century british song shanti, what should we do with a drunken sailor? kutsiy, such as shaving his belly
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with a dull razor, a new and simple answer was found: leave him alone, because the english sailor is now in short supply and even in a drunken state is valuable. it turned out this way: britain, in company with the united states, got involved in a campaign against the kussites in the red sea. rishi sunok promised continue to take measures, that is, strike new blows. against the backdrop of these strike threats, it turned out that british aircraft carriers could not be sent to the red sea. due to personnel shortages in the british navy, as reported by the telegram newspaper, the £3 billion aircraft carrier queen elizabeth cannot sail to the region due to a crew shortage. this aircraft carrier , the largest ship ever built in britain, developed a leak 2 weeks after the ceremonial launch and went from its premiere for repairs, now
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a new leak has appeared, not innovative and not complex technological, personnel flow. we see this in the us and australia. australia, trying to increase the size of its armed forces, came to the only conclusion: it needs to pay more for service. this is a common problem: the current generation of youth does not want to sit in isolation at sea because they do not want to be separated from friends and social networks. the tide in personnel is so large that commanders of a nuclear submarine are looking through social networks among the expected skills ; the announcement mentions conducting secret and elite operations. personnel. the journal of the british defense industry accompanies the drought with the following graph: over the past 13 years, the gap between desired and actual has grown to almost 30%. recruits are scared away from the fleet not only by boredom, but by a change in the traditional foundations of attitudes. sea ​​wolves are being replaced by sea wolves and fur seals and sea urchins, whoever
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positions themselves, such complete inclusivity. there is one more reason. reduction in the number of sailors. a strict medical board does not allow asthmatics and allergy sufferers. newspapers demand let them serve, since there are not enough healthy ones. guys with tattoos on their arms on their necks above the collar are also considered unfit. the military moral police are not asleep either. the air carrier prince of wales was sacked for taking nude photos from his workplace, for which he received £2.0 a month, a nice boost to his pension. so the question is, what to do with a drunk? melei, the new far-right leader, nicknamed the madman. miley is already threatening britain with negotiations over the future of the molvinsky, or as they are called in england, the falkland islands. on such in conflict negotiations, it would be nice for britain
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to have at hand a capable fleet with washed and sober sailors in the required quantity, but what is not there is not there. it remains for the former mistress mary to rely on america. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin and alexander dzekin. ntv television company. london. that's it for us. we say goodbye to the viewers of central russia, see you soon, with a credit card, everything will be as you want, everything will be as you want, the world will be yours, they will spend the night no shorter, only in us.
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