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tv   Kvartirnik NTV u Margulisa  NTV  January 21, 2024 12:45am-2:15am MSK

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in this very soviet and, as is now generally accepted, bloody past, but what struck me most when i learned about one fact: in 1970 , he came to us in the village of kamenskoye, which is a good two thousand kilometers from the capital. performance by black artist bob tsimba. can you imagine that nowadays an artist would come to such a remote outback as ours. i have a hard time imagining this. selach vasily chup also came, and there was also a huge library that was working. from dawn to dusk, from dark to dark, there was a two-story clinic with wards for 20 beds, it had its own dentist, now someone will say what an incredible dentist, what an incredible thing that these days you can’t even get to the district clinic to see a dentist, because there are no specialists, they have moved away in the north, there was also a red banner school with the honored director of the rsfsr, headed by the yugov museum - this is our fellow countryman, free clubs, a huge hockey court, agricultural... equipment is the same as a plant for
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the production of spare parts for cars, and more armenians, ossetians and chechens came, who organized their own production of cinder blocks and built houses for the collective farm, this is to the question that there was no private initiative, and there were also shops that sold everything they needed, from matches and salt to televisions, refrigerators and wedding rings, now look in the villages that there are supermarkets beyond the urals, there was also a club with 500 seats, where they showed movies every day, and for children cartoons for pennies, and also a bus six times a day... messages and a couple once a month flights, what’s wrong with this very socialism, i won’t talk about the situation in the village in glubinki now, but i, born in 1995, have never watched a movie in a full hall with 500 seats, and also to the question of that you can’t be a socialist and a deeply religious person at the same time, it’s possible, my grandmothers were not pious, but in their house they always had an icon of the square, the one on which the face was already worn out, but the strict one was imbued with...
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the spirit of the times, so, isn’t it they, those who rebuilt the country, enduring deprivation, were not deeply believers, they were, only they did not always understand this, but they were capable of demonstrating this highest degree of love that christ bequeathed, to sacrifice for the sake of another, they sacrificed, sacrificed their lives and health, so that i could live, others would live, and i’m sorry just one, lost time, which stuffed us with all this obscenity, and how many of us were born in 1995, end of quote: this is what the letter is about, what do you think, about the soviet union? yes, but this is also a letter about lenin, this is a letter to him. to me they will say: well, okay, your soviet union succeeded in something, but for the future, what does all this mean? we answer: what is socialism in the modern world? this is , first of all, a bet on the priority of the state, and not, so to speak, international institutions, on state independence, on sovereignty, and as a consequence.
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anti-americanism to the unconditional desire to subordinate the work of business to the interests of the state, and not to develop the seven banking industry here and not to live under the dictation of the imf. ultimately it is the ability to live in practice sovereign in politics, in culture , which was demonstrated in the past decades, by the way, by all the most prominent socialist players, from china and north korea, yes, to cuba, and which, as you and i recently noticed, is completely incapable. .. to demonstrate that europe has fallen into insignificance, one way or another, socialism returned in its best features will force us not to consider market instruments as a priority, where market instruments are not needed, culture according to socialism is not a market, culture not only earns socialism, first of all, works for a high level of spirituality of self-awareness of the people, folk crafts are not a market, the preservation of the rural way of life. national
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cultures are not a market, sports are not a market and, of course, education is not a market. socialism is insurance against what our government has been doing for 25 years since 1991, insurance against the fact that they won’t even think of optimizing, as they call it, our education, for example. and, by the way, no more yachts for a billion from our trillionaires, so that these yachts will later be owned by ours the jaded cretins were selected by the british and yankees. this is a shame. however, i'll stop. i hope the direction of thought is clear. the task of russian socialism of the 21st century is not to lose what has been achieved and to carefully expand the space of the possible. and you, my huge world is falling. your
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consciousness and live the most ordinary day in it, in order to understand who we will become for each other, to drown in the stream of your people, i know. i know it will help me, i feel you are half of me, i believe you feel the same in your skin as i do, blats, give me my huge world, don’t be afraid,
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turn off the conceit of boring, so fall and call me and ask extra, fall, fall, fall, fall, let’s land together, how to look at the world with your eyes, to understand where there is a place for me in it, how to hear everything that you didn’t tell me , recognize that you are not ready
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to accept, i know it will help me. i feel you are half of me, i believe, you feel the same, the same way that i do, fall, fall, my huge world, don’t be afraid, turn off your consciousness to the world, fall, fall, and me.
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it will help me, i feel, you are half of me, i believe you feel, no, the same as i, fall, fall, my love, we are afraid, disconnect with inaccurate,
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city 312 this year released a new album called here now, why not show it right here now on the apartment building, city 312. again, i didn’t hear the first one, i probably found a bad translator, well done, like ours, i forgot, well done, azamats, azamats , thank you, well, what can i tell you, a new album, in fact, people always perceive new things with difficulty, no matter what songs there are, here you are...
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new, here, but we believe that after listening to even a number of these songs , even if not all, you will have a desire to hear all the rest, believe me, they are also made from the heart. the song that we will now perform, it was one of the first written, it was that very platform, the foundation for the new album, in general the songs of the city 312, almost all of them, they are about love, now the song is part of you, here for example, it’s about that love that someone remembers, someone doesn’t know, it’s when
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you are ready to give everything for your loved one to give you the opportunity to be such a small part of him. the song is your part, svetka, and tell me about the song in russian, you explained it like that, well, as if, you know, as if you made a translation, so is your fate. somewhere the rain is playing on a discordant guitar, it’s faint in the mirror, it’s like you ’ve been coming to me for an eternity, it’s much warmer here at
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dusk, they’re squeezing the sticky clouds and you can’t see from afar. what is hidden from us for now, the stars are endlessly ordered in the vastness of the years, who combines them, falling in the palm of your hand, the comet will leave the light, as if there were no golden one, sleeping carriages fell asleep at the red light, the wind will blow shreds of newspapers, the city is wet asphalt. my love , money, can be measured by time and the universe, i will open all my doors here and for you , the endless cosmos will certainly answer us, if you believe in happiness and you can sacrifice everything in the world in order for me to become your happiness, an article
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of your happiness. noisy neighbors won't let me in again falling asleep, this is a matter of habit, then, who through the night flows his sword path, hoping for matches, maybe you won’t get lost, you hurry to me, through the orbits of alien planets and... yes , there is no doubt, somewhere the rain is playing on a discordant guitar serkal maleria, it seems like you’ve been coming to me for an eternity, it’s much warmer here, the dark clouds are compressing the dark clouds, and it’s not visible from afar what hides
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us for now. my love for you cannot be measured; from time to time we will open us to the universe and all its doors will certainly be answered for you and the endless cosmos will answer us, but if you believe in happiness and you can sacrifice everything in the world in order for me to become your fate, for me to become your part. i will already reveal my love for you, miselli, my
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dares, the endless space will answer us, but if you believe. everything that you can sacrifice everything in the world, that becoming not your happiness, becoming your honor for me, i know what i wanted to ask you, do you still think about, say, albums, not like new-fangled teams that release tracks, how many years have you been in your group? 21 21 correctly, that is, line up and, as i understand it, your composition practically does not change in general, it practically doesn’t change
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, the only thing with us is that the drummers change, but in principle, alexey has also been with us for a very long time, as well as nikonov, lenya, he has also been with us for a long time, it just happened like this today, you have drummers are flyers, or something, there’s a lot of junk, the question already begs itself, the history of the project website, did you suddenly conceive of some kind of solo project there , dimko with mania, with lenka sometimes, yes, yeah, tell me, when the project website, you still attract someone - from the team or not, but i didn’t understand what a project website is, a website project, what you do in the country, what is called solo work, tell me, here is our duet, which will be included in my solo album, is this a website project, collaboration? barasiya yes, but it’s on your solo album, well, what’s wrong with that, we ’re just trying to be busy at the same time, each in his own way, that’s why i,
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for example, have my own songs, because there is a certain general direction of our collective, the main thing so that what we sing about is very close, and this is so cool, because each of our team is close to what we show you, and it’s honest, but i don’t change, anyway. they know that i will not lower the level of the city 312, that is, they can’t persuade you to sing chanson, why chanson, too, any style can be of high quality, in the end i took part in the project three chords and sang chanson there, light on the light, no, not on the light , i was, but i sang songs of other artists, give me yours, now we have our own song from the new album, too, naturally, it’s called forgive, i won’t tell anything about it, but... because will laugh again, i won’t say a word , but you will talk, i know you, well, at least give a hint about what, forgive me,
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who can be the first... to turn around, while we are still two steps away from the edge of the abyss, when the bridges are cracking and to bend and blur the roll, to say sorry, and what is in each of us, the desire is wild and naked, words are like shots in the air, who we are to each other. now and what our heads are powered by, which we have not been able to grow until now, it is easy to break, but if fate,
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the planet is big to let go of grievances, i give you my pride, take something that doesn’t interfere sorry. not everything in the world is healed by time, how to get out of the trap, guide the captive, take off the shackle and it will become easier, push through yourself and everything will change, and what is it in each of us, a quiet desire? and bare words, like a shot and a rebuke, who we are to each other now, and what our heads are filled with, that we still haven’t been able
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to forgive, a light word, but if you’re alive , offend the big planet, let me go, i’m your cat. i give, take everything that doesn’t interfere with posting, it’s easy to say something, but if it’s alive, the planet is big enough to forgive insults, i’m worth my time i’m giving it to you, take everything that doesn’t interfere here.
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and what is it in each of us, who we are to each other now and what our heads are filled with, that we have not yet been able to easily forgive the words, but if we are alive, they are abundant. but don’t let me go, i say i’m giving you mine, take everything, something doesn’t interfere, forgive me, forgive me, i’m giving you mine, take everything.
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your old interview, i was interested in one phrase that as a child you wanted to become a singer and a little bit of a stewardess, that’s what a little bit of ardessa is? well, it seemed to me that the most beautiful women work there, it seemed to me that artists, singers, actors there , they can be different, because they have a different image in the end, they really should all be so beautiful and they were recruited there, that’s why a little bit, well
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because which apparently i read a little bit. well, you retold such an easy story of the remake of the film mimeno, yes, yes, almost, to be honest, i never liked flying, now it’s just a habit, my body is used to it, but in general i’m a person with a bad vestibular system, we also have another one in the group such a person it’s behind the key, if we’re driving with it somewhere far away, somewhere in dzhubgad, past the black sea, everything is khan. in general, they bring you in green, they take you away in green , we hug all the road signs, we go out, probably online concerts would suit you without leaving your home, but no, we’re used to it, we’re already flying, it’s already like that, i can even fall asleep on the plane, tell me, you sang in the children’s choir from the age of seven, i was already a soloist in the choir, i became like this, kaitar salute, no, that’s not, that’s it, that’s drubs, they’re blowing, i sang like that, and how long have you been
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i sang there, well, in the choir at the same time. you are studying the accordion at the same time, four classes, then she said that i don’t want me to have a long neck, because i look at the keys all the time, why? well, it seemed to me that i would never be able to play in my life without looking at the keys, i always had to watch where i was putting my fingers and i threw the accordion and said: mom, if you want me to know some kind of instrument, buy it piano, because then there will be long fingers, it’s beautiful, i have short ones fingers, you see, well, accordion ones are normal , accordion ones are normal, no, that’s it, no, and there’s no neck, no fingers, by the way, i haven’t seen the girls who play, no, i’ve seen one, lanka sh, which garik sukachev has, she’s here i just wanted to say, me too, how crazy i was with her, what she does on stage, you saw, yes, but can you imagine, if you are a blonde on the button accordion, no, it won’t work, this part gets in the way, for me it was very far away, svetka, i
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remembered, i think, a picasso drawing, a dove of peace, remember, by the way, i have a child, it means that my husband made such a picture, hung it in the kitchen, where a woman is turned like this, in front like this, like this, face, like this, well, somehow very strange, katya came up to me , standing like this, looking at her like that her , he says, mom, dad, why didn’t my uncle love my aunt so much, to be honest, this is very similar to what you are talking about about the button accordion class, now i can imagine how great it would be, well, you’re a girl, young, i think that everything is in your hands, let’s sing, because somehow the spine is no longer the same, even to carry your own it’s hard, and so we got distracted, a song that i love very much, we generally perform basically all our songs, this is an exception, now we ’ll sing a song, it’s called people who
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are not, dima, imagine... people who are not, wanderers from invisible planets, and there would be a goal to get confused about
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betrayal, loneliness, it’s so easy if you really want it, he has thousands of reasons, the soul is locked in a lock to lose the keys, you won’t recognize it from a thousand, speechless from you secretly, in silence from other twins , in, there is no happiness, secretly from oneself, and from others to war, but... happiness dot no, time is on the wire, boiler water is digging, only one
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problem, too much, no one to give, give. imprisonment, no idea, about forgiveness and acceptance, how to find yourself, how to hug her, forget about a cold, a few words, a cold, well, your eyes are empty, frozen in the dark, what are you doing, what are you doing? from oneself secretly in the family and others in one’s own way, in the throat of one’s daughter, there is no point of happiness from oneself , but of others in the background, in the stern,
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there is no point of happiness. there is definitely no happiness, in cramped conditions far from oneself, in silence from others there is pain, there is a point in the throat, there is no point of happiness. and, happiness dots,
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city 312 on apartment building, little test, do you remember what 312 is, right? whose code is 812? when we were filming the new year, there was a duet with alexander yakovich rosenbaum, as a joke , we shied away that the city 312 meets the city 812. sanya says this in character, some kind of bullshit, a strange set of numbers, what does that mean? he didn’t even think, and then you explained to him, yes, then, then he moved in, in this regard, i want to ask you. you have a wild number of duets, why don’t you publish them? record of duets? the city is always the main one, always in first place, what we each do separately, yes, it’s just a desire to simply realize oneself, you
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understand that i’m mad, you understand, i ’m mad, i’m mad in life, that’s if i’m not i produce something, i need this energy somewhere, i start feeding everyone, for example, all the fat people around are already swearing at me. and i need to put this energy somewhere, i ’d rather be creative, that’s all, but no, then tell me, a lot of duets have been sung, yes, you can’t publish something, it’s time we always have duet songs are included in each of our albums. as far as i know, there is a bonus with tracks, you know that there are two songs, for example, with the marshal, no, you don’t know , there are, and these are the ones, we even recorded a duet with batarkhan shukenov at one time, the kingdom of heaven, but we didn’t release it, for a number of reasons, there are a lot of some things, they are simply not born on purpose, like with basta, for example, when vasya and i met at the battle of rap against rock, or as against rock, so we sang his song , he is ours, and he is on our song on oberni. did the text is eight minutes
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long, there was nothing special, let’s do something like fitnam, so that it is, it means everything is in trends, so that it is all hit, everything is cool, we are not talking about that story , we will not force anything on purpose, and if we talk about how i will release, most likely there will be singles, but what are being written, and we show, right, well, show us something, city 312, the song white crow, once we thought that our the album will be called that's what we've always been told you 're like a hair on a bald head, you seem to be for the rock parts are too complex, and too heavy for the pope, all the time you are somehow different, you are like white crows, and we thought, well, the song was born a white crow, now of course it sounds completely different, now i i personally perceive it, you know, what, that now it’s very important to remain yourself, it’s great that we are all different from each other, the song white crow from the album from the new group city 312.
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we are on the series, everything around is crazy day after day, and you born to push without noticing any obstacle or wall, and let the white people shout to you people, don’t tense up and hold the defense until you are strong and they won’t touch you, but take care of your cartridges, white people don’t tense up. and defense, while you are strong, i definitely won’t
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touch you, but fire your cartridges, take care of your cartridges, and not the spit of illusions, it’s so important to change your judgement, the night’s undermining. they carry anonymous letters in their bags, while here everything is inclusive to receive terpe and not, the definitely known force of friction carries you away and let the white defense shout to you, don’t strain and hold the defense, so the not strong will definitely not touch you, but overextend your cartridges. dear ornona, don’t strain yourself, and be patient, as long as
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you’re strong, i’m definitely not going to touch you, but bend your arms, bend your arms.
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i was also surprised to learn that at the first stage of your move to moscow , igor dzha helped you.
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that’s it, my heart is beating, i think that’s it, i’ll die , now in general, cedren, nothing will happen, as a result we recorded two songs and he called us back late in the evening, the producer already called us back, when we arrived home, we rented one small apartment for all of us, says: today you did perhaps one of the most important things in the creative life of the city 312 , he tells me, igor dzhevadze called and said that you are magnificent and he wants to play with you as a full-time drummer at all your concerts and will share with you what you have earned. igor dzhevada and those groups that he played , because they said, well, if igor plays for them, then they are really worth something , we need to see it, so my deepest
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bow to him, thank you for remembering him, now let’s go, she is incredibly beautiful , she was already in the cinema in the film new year's tariff, yes no, why am i always getting confused, a toy salesman or what? yes, no, new year's tariff , no, it doesn't matter, toy seller, yes, fire me from the team, i'm gone, it's just that today the city has 312, 18, even 19, songs related to cinema, so of course, forgive me, that's it we remember movies, but which songs are in which? i’m confused, so it was in such a very different version, we made it for this album, for the new one in the style of the city 312, so, the song is an envelope,
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everything is in your hands, rivers and... bereks, but why can’t you find your road bye, whoever he told me how to look into your eyes to find and open the gates straight to heaven, right at you, i will send empty chocolates. like a random dove, i will believe that it will return overflowing, left us alone with my prayer, i will tell you how everything that i
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experience without you, i experience, the world that is drunk in me is a big one, i know in the same rhythm as you, my heart will beat what is condemned forever will not be retold with her, i want to stay next to you. just alone, just alone, i send an empty cutlet by a random pigeon, i will believe that i will return, it is full of smoke, i have a day left with my
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prayer, i will tell you how... there is, what i experience without you, i am tested according to you. i will believe that it will return overcrowded, if i tell you with my prayer,
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announce, dimka, let's start with you, our keyboardist, one of the songwriters, just 99% , he is also responsible for the music, mostly he struggles with the arrangements and, as you noticed, he also does backing vocals, dmitry pritula, masha, we won’t say, yes, who does what, to whom like, yes, well, in short, she is his wife. masha came to our team exactly when, at the very initial stage , the guitarist simply ran away from us, and we have a concert in something like 2 weeks or three, and we tell masha, let’s do it, she, she taught, she taught everything until her nails bled, and we still played this concert, maria pritula, guitar,
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alexey dubtsov. well, you could see him not only here, yes, he really is in different groups, groups, here he is our drummer, one might say, they now replace each other with our leonid nikonov, thank you for being with us, alexander ilchuk, sanka, his main advantage is that when he is very drunk, it is not visible, no, now he is sober, although if he were drunk, you still would not understand. in fact, sasha appeared with us how many years ago, 12 or something, 2011 when masha was waiting for our little doll, so we took sasha, and then when masha had already arrived, they couldn’t leave sasha from the team, as they say, let alone kick him out, but we said: sashka, stay with us, and he stayed, thank you very much, guitar, alexander elchuk, lenya, leonid pritula, as you already understood, this is the brother of
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dmitry pritula, yes, we have such three pritula in the team. he is a bass player, he was with us from the very beginning, together with us, just like dimka, mashka, i am our sound engineer lesha, we are all from bishkek, we came from there, together we fought for the city to 312 existed, and i also want to say thank you to him for the fact that at the very beginning, when i first arrived and i hated it, it’s scary, but he forced me to go jogging in the morning so that i wouldn’t get fat, only he could tell me where you eat these buns, i cried , complained to dimka and masha, said: why is he humiliating me, but i stopped eating buns, and i got up in the morning and went for a run, our sound engineer alexey lesnyakov, our permanent one, mixed 213 roads in his studio, actually with this album we have already reached to our producer andrei lukinov, that ’s all, thank you for having us, this is the city 312, listen, it seemed to me from your speech that
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there was some kind of nepotism in the team, well, just some kind. just like that, yes, that is, it won’t be possible to kick us out one by one, if anything, because maybe together, you know, someone there starts everything, these sidekicks have settled down well, city 312, oh, i didn’t say that, most importantly, sorry about lenya , he is responsible for the words, or wait, or lenya for the music, you for the words, well in short, they actually do it together, words and music, leonid pritula and dmitry pritula, that ’s it, damn it, huh? sometimes lyonka loses his bass guitar, i support him, but in general he has an amazing ability to sleep anywhere, i saw this, anywhere, sitting on his head, standing, lying down, in general, a brilliant person. dim, a question for you, show me your very first song that you wrote for the city, the first one we probably sang, kipnoz, you and i, would you play, in my opinion, to the city
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in some kind of vocal-instrumental ensemble, ayan, no, but this was our first. we are together, we sang a duet, well, it’s like a platform, and for all the songs of the city, 312 probably came from there, after all , it’s probably already sung, the coolest thing is that when they showed it in moscow, noskova, remember, they showed it, and socks such a marshak sings or something, and he calls the marshal marshak, yes, marshak sings, but no, this is dima from the group, then marshal sang it in a duet, yes, we have a song with him, on this album, there is one, you will hear it as a bonus, well, show me piece, start right away, sing the first verse and i’ll join you in singing. why did you become clear to me that night, i was drunk , you were the only one i soared on the wings of dreams, your
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desires were with me like lightning. it’s so impossible to understand this with reason, a star falls from above to lift the two of us into the sky, not an earthly one. not earthly, not earthly, hypnosis of your body, your gaze, your voice and nose, your body, your body, your voice, flesh, my voice, flesh, his voice. that 's enough, my hands are hot, i hyped it up, had
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fun, now give me a song from the album, the song is called lonely. a strange fate and cruel, embracing the light, a strict silhouette, the night flows down,
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like gutters, everything is as usual, the price was too high, can wait until spring comes knocking. can believe that love is wandering somewhere around, if you understand that you are not the only one, girl, sun in hands, lonely, crying, but for sure, and will say why, girl with sun in hands, lonely, just doesn’t believe anyone yet , it’s not a day before sleep, you’re freezing by the window, the flow of time is endless,
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let your star not always shine, no reasons for tears. and despair, everything is as usual, the price was too high, you can wait for spring to knock, you can believe that love is wandering somewhere around, if you understand that you are not the only one, girl sunshine. the lonely one is crying, but she probably won’t say why, the girl is the sun in her hands, lonely, she just doesn’t
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believe it yet, it’s not for anyone. everything is as usual, the price was too high, can wait until spring comes knocking. or he can believe that love is wandering somewhere , died, and if you understand that you are not the only one, the girl is the sun in your hands, lonely, he cries
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she will probably tell you why, the girl is the sun in her hands, lonely. she just doesn’t believe anyone yet , no one, the girl holding the sun in her hands, she’s crying, but for sure, and she’ll say why, the girl is the sun, one of the other ones, she just doesn’t believe it yet, no one, no one, question with a human face.
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the history of popularity, when you are already famous, the first thing you do is invite you to the cinema. i saw some part of you a long time ago in sitcoms where you played some kind of unpleasant people, yes, which i don’t remember. it was a cameo, that is, you played yourself, and we played everywhere themselves. some were whims, some were paradise. yes, they gave us such a text, they said, this is all wrong with what you brought us, this is how we behaved, well, of course it didn’t look like it, although to be honest, sometimes this happens, and you didn’t fight it off, you it’s not like that or like that, but i’ll tell you, sometimes it’s like that, it happens that they invite you, but they themselves are freeloaders, so you think, we can’t work at half capacity, we can’t, why do they allow themselves to do this, sitcoms don’t last long, in cinema , memory is significantly up to... well, we have cinema
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also a lot, i generally think it’s wrong when a non-professional artist actually plays in a movie, it’s very rare when a really talented person gets in, but in general, you have to learn everything, if you’re a director, he needs someone so fast, fast hype, yes, then of course they take you, oh damn, they took us on us, except us, no one will play us, in the film, for example, the dark world, we are city 12
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there. here now at the apartment building, now we will perform a song for you , it’s called melodrama, in fact the name itself is cinematic, and it really looks like a movie story, a melodrama. it’s not tears anymore, if the feelings are frozen by the light, it’s just a word for closed eyes, it’s a pity they didn’t draw prose, someone tired, someone gave up everything, or maybe it’s not about us?
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not good for us, or maybe it’s not about us, dear, drama, sad movie, even if it’s made by great people and everything seems to be in order, but i can’t get you out of my head, sweet drama, friendly movie, even if it’s made for a great day, everything seems to be fine movies, they won’t get you out of your head. i won’t get you out of my head, i won’t get you out of my head, lie, doesn’t it matter anymore if you once betrayed the pain, it’s when you are unable to change something, a storm in the five-story waves, a sailboat is sinking, the paper i’m walking that you built for me, i am me. what have you built for me
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, sweet brana, sad movie , even if it’s made to be great and everything seems to be the same, i can’t get you out of my head, sweet drama, friendly movie, even where you’re made great and everything seems to be fine, but i won’t get you out of my head , it’s not you from your head... here are the pictures, pictures like this, he says stuff, something like that is changing, friend friend. people, people, people, people, people, cars, cars, out of my head, out of my head,
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incredibly, out of my head. “it was a heavy movie, even if i sat on the great ones and everything seems to be in order, well, i won’t get you out of my head, here ’s a takus movie, i even sat down on the great ones and everything seems to be in order, but i won’t get you out of my head, out of my head, out of my head i won’t throw you out, i won’t throw you out. you know, i wanted to ask about the history of the profession, because, let’s say, mash is a philologist, with honors, from the kyrgyz-russian university, and after
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graduating from this institution you taught ballroom dancing and shaping, that is, i have never worked by profession, so i’m interested in who did what. just like with sanya, the music school , the gnessin academy, and with dimka, by the way, i also studied music since childhood, i graduated from the conducting and choral department of the music school, by the way, i have a very famous colleague, we somehow talked to him and understood that choir conductors are forever, his
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name is basta, here he is too, he really, really is a choir conductor, just think about it, svetka, and you, everything is very interesting for me too, for me red diploma institute. arts, also a choir singer, conductor, as we call it, yes, but in the class of pop vocals. manya, it’s hard for you with them, and you can imagine how much she took on herself then, manya, take care of yourself, group city 312. by the way, our sound engineer is also educated, he also has a diploma with honors and even two state awards. advice, you reminded me, you know how a jew sits at the ballet, evgeny anegin. so, tell me, but tatiana the evreika, no, don’t interfere, and olga, too, no, and anegin, well, they told you, no, but nanny, nanny jewish, bravo, nanny, bravo,
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beckoning, we sing, in fact, we got to the title song of our album, the song zis, as we call it here, now, it has almost come to us. album, and we decided to change the name, in fact it became the title song, and it came to us completely by accident, igor igorevich matvienko came up and said, he says, i have a song similar to you, we have never sung matvienko’s songs, we listened to ours, and most importantly , the meaning is the same that i wanted for all of you, especially today to convey, here now. just stay with me, just kiss,
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fatigue, quietly, wave after wave, a few days left on the horizon. look, feel this wind, just, please answer, just please answer me, here, now, there will be no more of us, there will be no more words, i am here now, there will be no more of us, only love will remain.
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do you feel this, we are now atoms, in the sea, in space years, we are leaving the light. light, and take me away, well, just kiss i’m tired, time, start everything from scratch, just a little remained here, now, because there will be no more of us, there will be no more tears,
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for the next song, of course, you need to invite royals from the audience, you will speak or i will speak, i saw familiar eyes in the hall, it happened, i swear to you, this is not just a piano, but an elegant instrument in the bushes, not just a good person, first of all, thank you for coming to my concert, let's go downstairs... let's sing together, let's go, irina surina, she came unexpectedly, so take a rest , you have a soul, and everything else, especially let’s start with slow, yes, everything just works out, the pendulum world swings, the light... switches to sound, maybe you, from a distance
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, it’s pointless to count on what will come out of your hands , and the endless circle won’t break, but now let’s do it together, and you do it slowly, access is below, it is not at all necessary to wait for rescuers, two
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steps are indicative upward, the door of life is reached, and until exhaustion, hide the location from everyone, the patches of your victories are invisible.
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irina sturina, city 312, tell me, what beshteiks were assigned to you? title of honored artist of bishkek, we are honorary residents of beshkek, who were born, we just get boys who are not from kyrgyzstan, here i am, an honored artist of kyrgyzstan, at one time, even before arriving in moscow, there was still a series, i was a congress of women, it was a long time ago who else, a congress of women, just women ,
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you see, i don’t understand, they give it for singing, for creativity, for contribution to the cultural life of the country, huh? tell me, do you have any medals? and i have a dank medal, this is a medal of glory issued by the president of kyrgyzstan, do you have any medal? chocolate, oh well in principle , you still have something in you with beshkek, you come there , you will win concerts, i still have my own social life there, i have a friend who is a very responsible social activist, plus i have a teacher, also an honored figure of the country, so i’m lucky, i just have very good teachers who i look up to, so everything is very interesting, to be honest, it’s really interesting, 312 is coming soon, now we ’ll just sing for you what you’ve already heard many times, lanterns or it means you’ve already big steam.
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velenitsa in dim lanterns fry down the sidewalk with sleepy eyes.
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i’m still impressive, where are you, it’s very good, no restrictions and no trampling over the soul, if you want an apartment, a big one, oh, well done, you’ll sing with me, na-na-nay, like that, and
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again, clever girl. we calculate years. glasses are even good, but no delusions.
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thank you, city, city, city, city, city, enlarging, city, city, city, city, so what? from the bottom of our hearts, from our entire team, we say thank you, thank you that you have lively eyes, that we sing and understand,
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for whom we sing, thank you very much, zhenya , to everyone who works at the apartment building, to all our friends, you know, it seems to me that it’s impossible for you to gather here, it’s so cool, it ’s great to work with you, wonderful musicians, city 312, just be louder , sole on dry leaves
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at the end of the tunnel, bright light, blind stars, will leave traces, the pulse is still beating under the skin, we must live, i may not come back again, or maybe i will stay with you. remain the sky, remain a flame in the voices in your hands, the breath of the wind remains snow on your cheek, i will remain light forever, i will remain a light for you, then on you.
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don’t cry, i’m no longer afraid, it’s poisonous to me, i may never come back, or maybe i’ll stay with you, i’ll remain ashes on my lips, i’ll remain a flame in my eyes, in your hands, a breath of wind, i’ll become our snow.
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eh, kuborgusa! i will remain in the warmth, i will remain in my eyes, in your hands, far from the sky! and you remember, we say this at every concert, let’s say here at margulis’s apartments, no matter what happens, always
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stay for yourself. for family, loved ones, for friends, for those who live in the same place as you yard, in the same city, in the same country, stay whatever, dima! for you today , dmitry pritula played in the apartments at margulits keyboards, maria pritula, kitara, alexander ilchuk, guitar, leonid pritula, bass guitar, alexey govtsov, drums, our sound director alexey
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lesnikov at the controls. thank you for being here, thank you to margulis’ apartment owner, zhenya, thank you so much to all of you guys, thank you from our team, from the city 300 group, thank you, city 312, here now.


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