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tv   Zvezdi soshlis  NTV  January 22, 2024 12:00am-1:36am MSK

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so, well, come on, come on, take your seats, well, come on, well, well, let’s see you through, yes, old man, are you waiting for someone, yes and no, but we are always happy to open for guests. happy new year.
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happy new year, happy new year, cheers, happy new year. watch tomorrow! only in russia can a talented foreigner have freedom, creativity, fame and money! benkendor received a secret encryption, the german engineer otto von gersner is coming to us. we’ll finish the railway, we ’ll go straight to the circus, but is anything possible in this country? be why? you can’t protect yourself like that
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, you can’t help it, you won’t go, russia, what would have happened if we had left 10 minutes earlier, an internet star threw her newborn son into a snowdrift, a factory owner gave birth in the toilet, mikhail efremov became the owner of a multimillion-dollar inheritance, who has a new year began with unexpected joys, and who has new problems, we will discuss today, who put it down? the multi-million dollar inheritance of mikhail efremov is public. 59 m2, about 30 million. the will can be canceled, count how many children misha has. as a former factory owner arina ryzhenkova managed to give birth to her first child in a public toilet? what an ambulance, it’s inadequate, let’s call the police. this is scary. i didn't even notice that she was pregnant. lera kudrevtseva, frankly about personal things: is her marriage really over? what's going on with your divorce? i never quarrel with anyone at all. chilling. he should be publicly
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punished; we’ll find out right now what grief awaits his father for cruelly treating his newborn son. lera, remind me what you wanted to do with this blogger, and i would gladly throw off my very own shame, i can honor you say, because after such a video, i honestly couldn’t sleep, alright. these are your emotions when you saw such a video, when i saw this video, well, of course mine, i was, i’m such an angry person, i get excited very quickly, so of course, being an obbudsman, i would just immediately deprive of parental rights, i understand, that the child, of course, the father is there, he can then realize, well, it’s just, well, there are no words, it’s just that the child’s crown is not yet overgrown for a month, well, that is, for me in general, i just looked at me again. as you say, a star
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need to be checked in a psychiatric clinic , because this is a normal person , he could never do this, this is a two-month old baby who needs to be hugged, pressed, kissed, loved, instead they throw him, vic, why did sergei kasenko do this, do you think i have suspicion that sergei thinks little about anything around him, with the exception of some ratings, likes,
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and he probably didn’t even know what was inside the snowdrift, and if he had been there, i would have killed him, no, oh well, dad, yes, dads don’t think much there, but where was mom and wife at that time? i was filming, and my mother was filming it. well, everything is clear, it was the mother who was filming, you can imagine how terrible it is, lera, the mother says that she never even changed this child’s diapers, so apparently, along with the lack of diapers, the maternal instinct is also absent, i can’t even imagine the mother very well, who has never changed her child’s diapers, i really feel sorry for the child, because i think that this person will not grow up to be a normal person, in principle, so i think now, yes, this is unambiguous, because i now i’m reading... one psychologist famous all over the world, so he talks about how when our grandmother is pregnant with our mother or father, well, in this case, mother, our eggs are already there and remember everything, so sometimes we experience psychological trauma, we don’t understand where it comes from, but it
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comes from there from the subconscious, you know, before a star could be called someone who has achieved something in his profession, that’s right, here’s a star in this or that profession, i still don’t... i can understand what a star is internet, this is a star of what, the worse it is, money, you know, that’s where it comes from, these are so idiotic, this hasn’t happened yet, so i ’ll do this, yes, i don’t think he even had thoughts about a child, and the only thing that happened was that the snow was fluffy, and the child was dressed, i put his feet in this snowball, well, how would he fit in neatly like that, i think that was the only thing, but they are idiots, right. during the new year holidays in tatarstan , a child died; his father threw a toss while playing ; he suffered a hemorrhage in the spinal cord just from the fact that the baby was thrown , yes, horror, she said correctly, aunt lina, lina, i wanted, but anglina mikhailovna, really,
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just to hold, hug, blow off the dust from the baby, we are different, we are just, but this is such a defenseless creature at this moment, of course, very fragile, then we are afraid to sneeze, afraid to cough, when i was walking with a newborn baby with a stroller in the elevator, i asked for an epidemic, i asked, i beg you, please let me in, let me i and the child will go up twenty in the elevator sixth, i was even afraid with a stranger that he would actually be a person, wait, the child is 2 months old, there are still bones there, the spine trap can be some kind of sign, anything can happen because of an accident.
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in this case, in my opinion , cruel treatment of a child, the article does not sound like that, but the meaning boils down to the fact that irresponsible attitude towards parents without installing the consequences of this or that action, since the minor is not able to regulate and control the actions of guardians in this case parents, entails criminal liability under article 156, what is the maximum punishment, up to 3 years in prison, but is it realistic to imprison him? it all depends on where he is in order to deprive that child of his father or something because no one cheated on us, they didn’t cheat on you , they cheated on me, they cheated on me, they cheated on me, and i was bullied , i was in general how you share this general opinion, general indignation with all due respect but i feel like i ended up in some kind of
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chicken coop because everyone was chuffing the only argument i have, i may have children, how do you know, well, let’s speak out give me an opinion, yes, this is wrong, i didn’t throw it at my child, to be honest. but nothing like that, oh, criminal, i’m a mother, that’s why everyone beats themselves, women of 8 billion people were born on this earth, all mothers, if with a child, then he does this to a multimillion-dollar public, that’s all, and little girls will think, but it means it’s normal to throw, here and now, and then at the child’s and you kind of know. being rich does not mean you will be raised well, you can make such a moral monster in wealth, but you know, there are people, i have examples in an orphanage normal, decent, well-mannered guys , including now defending their homeland, you know , honestly an active mother, god forbid such
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an active mother, thank god, it seems to me that you are looking after your child, that’s all there, but i still think you you underestimate age, i won’t pay attention to my children. that one of the main functions of parents is to protect their child, right? that a person didn’t think about the consequences, didn’t think, when you give birth to children, you have to grow up a little, i partly agree with everyone, i still can’t forgive myself, dashka is one year old was, we went to father-in-law, fergana, and my stroller once moved, a year old, a child in a stroller, suddenly the stroller tilted, fell, and dasha broke it. blood, he almost killed me, he just almost killed me, and my hands are still
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trembling, green stuff, and i also broke the green stuff on the parquet, can you imagine what happened to that, then he forgot the sale, began to scold me for the parquet, i still can’t forgive how i could have missed this stroller, i still have a conscience, i still apologize to dasha, there’s nothing unnatural about her scratch. but the fact itself, this is how one should treat it, well, really , the spine, and how many cases, and something else , well, it’s impossible, good in comparison, because you understand, he publicly exposed it, why are we now publicly talking and talking about lynching in this case, in order for everyone else who doesn’t understand to be disgraced , that’s right, that is, he showed it publicly, he should be publicly punished, everyone else should say, i won’t do that. we have a blogger in our studio, ekaterin, are you a
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blogger, tell me, such videos are really add popularity, such popularity is not needed, because when we watch a film where there is violence, it says 18 plus, but here a person with an audience of seven million for his entire audience shows that this is a great watch, and now let’s see that children are watching it, and some little child, whom his mother left with a stroller near the store, will say, now i’ll remove the trend. rolls-royces and a rich life, that the main value of a person in life is that let's
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now show some chaos and chaos in life, let’s show our children that there is no need to study, that there is no need to be human, that quit school, quit college, you said it right, successful success, that’s the person he was before this video, he remained that way both after the video and before video, at the time of the video, people don’t change, let’s see what other crazy things this blogger did for the sake of views and likes, kosenko is ready to forget about laws and morals, so in the center of moscow he tied a girl to the roof of a car and sealed her mouth with tape. the most important thing is safety. and it’s he who pushes models sitting in chairs pool. sergey kosenko created noise on the paradise island of bali. the blogger accelerated on a motorcycle and jumped into the ocean with another model. even the enlightened cheerleaders did not appreciate the eccentric trick and deported the internet star from the island to...
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this dude should be in prison for this, not because he threw a child into the snow, he
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is a hoaxer, an air seller, he scammed such a colossal number of people, sell the idea of ​​how today you are a loser who has no money, tomorrow, he sold light pickles on a franchise, sold grandma’s mittens, sold blankets with sleeves, this is a franchise. cost a million, buy from me , tomorrow you will start earning a million, people are idiots, masta, they mortgaged apartments, cars, took out loans, his last but... in turkey , on-site training by appointment reels 15 million per person 80 people, but with this person paid taxes exactly 3 rubles 3 kopecks. the last payment was on january 14 after the scandal, in relation to his income
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, a penny, i ask the investigative committee to conduct an inspection, but how to attract a person to criminal? well, first you need to initiate a criminal case, this will be the basis for extradition through interpol , applications are made, america is included in the same way as russia is part of the countries that support international treaty functions, but taking into account that now the americans are solely out of a desire to just spoil us they will patronize any cannibal and say that no, no, no, russia is a country of barbarians, we will not give it to you, they are doing it for political reasons.
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who died in the hospital from heart failure on new year's holidays, mother, mom, yes, so that in my life, natalya sturm is open with fans and in sorrow in joy, she does not part with her phone either in the gym, or in bed, or after another plastic surgery. here are the last days of my mother’s life, natalya
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recorded the assault on camera, here they are together in the hospital room, i am my mother, i have this... natasha, well, first of all, of course, condolences, of course, i don’t need condolences, thank you, but do you think that your... subscribers should know everything about you, normal, adequate my subscribers, their a large number, these are very smart, decent and sensitive people , there are single-celled, so to speak, rednecks who throw out all sorts of stupid thoughts from zero accounts, this is a completely different category
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of subscribers, we will not talk about them, so as not to overshadow the conversation about my great and... then i’m not afraid of this word mom, mom is a completely different person, she’s not me, she called it all vanity fair, because i’ve never met a person smarter than her, i’m unlikely to meet her, but still less i am an integral part of this fair cheslavia, i was born this way, my grandfather is an opera singer, and thanks to my work, thanks to the positive happiness with which the funeral is held. lie, i live , i lived, thanks to this, my mother lived well, i worked from the age of 17 so that my mother would not read manuscripts , she worked in a publishing house as an editor, i remember how she, bending over this lamp, we lived in a one-room apartment in moscow, she was bending over this lamp, and i
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was sleeping next to her on a folding bed, i put notes in her manuscripts, ler, so that she ... she had an incentive to continue working, she she always complained to me, she says how tired i am of reading this scientific communism, these articles, so i promised myself that when i learn, and i learned on a typewriter, my mother will not work, and so it happened 17 years old, my mother didn’t work, by the way, the doctors, the doctors said what a wonderful condition my mother’s body was in, so i ’m really proud of this, that my mother was healthy in excellent condition, i don’t even understand why she left,
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how maybe this is how she copes with stress, but now i’m in natasha’s defense, at natasha’s perhaps there was no one, here is this phone and people who feel, she
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needed to speak out, because they always say that stress needs to be reprimanded if someone is feeling well, and if not, then natasha in this case is her audience, to me it seems that in this situation, a person who lives a fairly active, so to speak, life, communicating with... with a large number of people and so on and so forth, there was no personal personal in this, well, how to say, pay attention to that what 's going on, she's just experiencing her own painful emotion, like everyone does when they leave parents, she couldn’t hold back, she, well, well, it’s natural, for her it’s a natural world, maybe for me it wouldn’t be like that, to experience grief, well, today. well, i don’t know, i think that for many years she
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will watch these footage and her mother will be a little closer to her, she’ll just be a little closer, distant, thank you very much, i’m sorry that i once wrote something bad, it was stop, don’t be upset about your mother’s earth fluff, thank you, thank you, she’s still with us, it hasn’t been 40 days yet. there were graters all my life, mom wanted something from me, but i still didn’t understand what exactly, if you knew what she was picking on, guys, you’re sitting here now, each of you, yes, everyone has mothers, this is such nonsense, and the main thing is that this nonsense, i understand that now, if she were suddenly alive, everything would be the same, you understand, nothing would change, i would call her again, she would say, hi, natul , yes, mommy, hello, two two rhinestones immediately begins, why don’t you pay your utilities on time, why do you i still haven’t fixed the battery, and i was crawling with a tangential cut, mom,
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it will be hard for me to lift all this luxurious parquet flooring, you live in the cold, you are paying completely in vain, lena, like lena, but i ’m not interested in you, like lena , i say , mom, let me tell you about myself, everything is fine with you, like lenochka, where is she, what’s wrong with her, this is where it begins to spiral, spiral, and you cannot break through this... mother’s habit of doing of me, i don't know, control, no, she, you understand, i’ll tell you the main thing now , i asked her, and this is the main thing, ler, this is the main thing, when i already realized that she was leaving, i bent low and low to her ear, because she couldn’t hear, i said: mom, i love you very much, she tells me, turning away: me, she says, i have always loved you too, in just such a voice, without any snot, she has always been like this, she would
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now say, why are you crying? yes, i left, continue further, assault, bear your name proudly, as you, as you can, by virtue of your mental abilities, naturally, mom would have added, because she always called me all sorts of unpleasant words, once again we bring you our condolences, hang in there, thank you, thank you very much, she gave birth in the toilet and tried to escape, who stopped the former factory owner at the door of a coffee shop with a newborn in her hands, and what’s wrong with her child, how soon, she’s inadequate, let’s call the police, married women don’t give birth in toilets, with whom does mikhail efremov share an apartment in the center of moscow?
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actually, this is mine, but for you ... i’m dripping drops of volimedin with valerian, motherwort, hawthorn and mint, drops of volimedin - calm, only calm, boss, return, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, pay less, butter sticks charlis 1990, delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes using the code in the app pyaterochka, pyaterochka helps out, every morning i start by taking aquadrim, with it i feel a surge of strength and joy from every day. three for the price of two in the sportmaster app, a drawing of cool gifts, main the prize is an apartment, download the application, spin the ball for prizes and complete tasks to get more gifts, it would always be profitable like this, but with us it’s like this every day, it’s profitable on the price tags, which means a low price, condensed milk milk station 129,999 pyaterochka helps out. star. getting sick is not
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on the night of january 3 in one of the cafes in the southwest moscow, a participant in the star factory arina ryzhenkova entered this toilet, she came out of it with a newborn child wrapped in a jacket. skora was standing right here, yes, she was standing here soon. why the factory owner decided to give birth not in a hospital, but in a cafe, and how she managed not to make a sound during childbirth, we’ll find out right now. prokhor, i understand correctly that you are from the same factory, but what do you know about
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arina, well, there was arina. a very bright participant and despite the fact that she was the first to leave our project, she was remembered by everyone - our co-producers, how long did she last a week with us, and the first nomination and arina left the project, we voted, but the thing is... that she was a peculiar girl, well , that’s what made her unique, that’s what i remembered on i remembered it all my life, that is, we lived for a week, i remembered arina rozhenkova for the rest of my life , so we have a beauty salon in the project, that means this hair washer, well, where is the hair, yes, she washed her feet there, we say, and in the same place there is a special shower for well, for us, she’s in the shower bad. from this starry house to the concert , she jumps up, runs, which means we’re driving to church, lord, forgive me, i’m a believer,
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but in general she waves, hello, hello, we’re like, lord, did you see someone you know, he says, arinochka, who did you see there, she says, i’m saying hello to jesus, well, in general, she was such a peculiar person, but at the same time she always smiled. no, she didn’t play, she was just like that, on her own, some kind of peculiar hippie, i don’t know, well, when i read this news, yes, of course, i was terrified, because , of course, you’re thinking about the safety of the child, yes, of course, you’re thinking about the safety of the child, but still, a toilet in a coffee shop is not a snowdrift, okay, i understand, well, it’s kind of a pain there terrible, but i can’t imagine if i was giving birth, oh i was giving birth, well, if it were my child. there in the toilet, yes, it’s scary, the only thing, i just want to say that arina, if you need any support, you should contact us, we will support you with the whole factory, we will collect money there, she doesn’t answer, yes, we, by the way, i i tried to call her, she’s not alya, i think she’s not the only one, you think, ruslan, you’re also
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a factory owner, but i didn’t meet arina at the factory, yes, not at the factory, yes, she came to interview me from my group , since the studio was not far from her house, it coincided , i say, let me take you, actually... we started an affair, this is not your child, no, we haven’t been together for a long time, we dated for a year, some- either i noticed something strange about arina, or she’s just such a unique, cheerful girl, well , i guess i agree with prokhor that hippie suits her, since i'm a rocker, it didn't bother me, it was fun for me, uh, but unfortunately, uh, we broke up because - well, we had our own quarrels, and the children talked to her? they said she has a sister , she loves children very much, she, and i always liked this about her, that she is so very kind, why didn’t they get married, and well, they didn’t get along in character, let’s say, when did you last see her, i i saw her at my concert
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in november, she came very beautiful, in a wine glass, in such a beautiful dress, i didn’t even noticed that she was pregnant, she came, maybe to tell me about it, yes, she was specific. not specifically, but i didn’t notice , she was so dazzling that if she gave birth to you on stage, it would be trash, what kind of pr, you can probably imagine, what kind of pr, ruslan, you know who the father of the child is, she’s married in general , i don’t know who the child’s father is, but i saw a photo of some guy, unfortunately, i don’t know, probably not, and i was shocked, because in moscow there is still good medical care, even if there is no due date. no , guys, the idea here is not about money, i think it will happen soon , this happens, rarely, but it happens, this happens, i believe that she wanted to give birth in the water herself,
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as there is a belief that it’s easier this way and child, this is just pr, guys, she is not that kind of person, because in our studio there is a person who is a visitor to that very coffee shop. maxim, if you remember that very day, you can tell me what you saw, what happened there, when it happened, i was also sitting at the table, yes, she was sitting opposite, that’s when she turned to herself she came up to me and said, could you please order me coffee, i say, yes... what was it at night, yes, it was 3-4 nights, exactly at that time, and i constantly saw her there, well pregnant women have different quirks, wait , maxim, it was night, you were sitting - opposite , yes, what she looked like, what she was wearing,
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well, the first thing he noticed was that she was in some kind of home ritual , well , not inconspicuous, i would even say, i didn’t notice at first that she was pregnant, because she was dozing, but...
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she wanted to, yes, she wanted to leave, and i unnoticedly walked to the exit, she left , i said stop, i said where are you going, i said that you gave birth and i wasn’t too lazy, i stood up, i said with a jacket like that, i look like that, she looked like that, and there’s a baby so small, everything is as beautiful as you we realized that she had given birth , i noticed that when she came out of the toilet there were bloody, well, traces, there was blood, just blood, well, a lot of blood, i say, the umbilical cord as you cut, that is, well , she didn’t take any additional items with her, that she might have something with her, she said something, she she didn’t remain silent, i said, did you give birth , i said, i asked her, she said yes, i said, well, i’m asking for adequacy, she ’s normal, she understands everything adequately, everything is adequate, she deliberately understood clearly and clearly she wasn’t in shock . and walked through, went to the exit, closed, and the child was screaming, not
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screaming, but the child was alive, but the child was alive, the child was alive, well, he should scream, the staff, what, he has a ler, well, if the mother doesn’t screams during childbirth, then maybe the child, as if by inheritance, the child must definitely scream, maxim, someone from the staff helped, came up, called an ambulance, no, first of all, we first raised it, i raised the alarm accordingly, well, that’s it. what an ambulance, it’s inadequate, let’s call the police, there, i say, at least an ambulance , she’s with the child now, she came out, she’s leaving the cafe, i say, it’s frosty there, and just at that time there was a very severe frost, and you they stopped her, can i shake her hand, yes , practically godfather, listen, it turns out yes, and the child was breathing, breathing, breathing, how do you know what? looking at her, her pupils are all fine
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it was okay, yes, i’m just working on people, well, also psychological work, and i looked first at the pupils, that is, everything is fine there , that is, as if she didn’t have any, even when a woman also gives birth, she has there are capillaries there, that's all she didn't have, ler , can you explain how to give birth without screaming, without making a sound, am i right? it turned out that when i gave birth to the first, there was no epidural anesthesia, this is the second one, that here in the toilet of the coffee shop there was anesthesia, i can’t even imagine how this is possible in 15 minutes, without screams, conscience or money, what will mikhail efremov choose in the dispute over his uncle’s multimillion-dollar inheritance, i sympathize with this couple, but it doesn’t matter that mikhail efremov has children, grandchildren, and what lera kudryavtseva will answer the question about divorce, i do. i don't argue with anyone. we'll find out right after the ad. mask:
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internet and send money to your mother, if only you could pay for everything at once without commission, honey, you ’ve already got ready, you’ve thought about it, there’s so much to do you need to pay, and also send money to your mother, don’t worry, let’s pay in tinkov, get a tinkov black card and make payments and transfers without commission always timkov. discomfort and turbidity, poisoning is swirling, everything is seething and diarrhea, you need filtrumsti as soon as possible, filtrumsti, a sorbent in a convenient tablet form, helps eliminate the symptoms of poisoning and diarrhea. at an average price of 115 rubles for 10 tablets. revenge filter to bring order to your stomach. enjoy your favorite dishes with the taste of classic provençal from the brand i love to cook. he will turn the good the dish is fantastic. i like to cook.
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mom comes to us for all occasions. fix price - low price for everything. what do you want to do when you get some sleep? go to. sport finish the countdown, finish the repair, with welson you can fall asleep in 20 minutes and sleep soundly at night to enter the new day full of strength and energy. winter sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone. women's jumpers from arina up to 999. blessbox sandals up to 799. when the processes are established, you have time to think about how to grow your business. you create it here now, and the teen. business creates tools to solve your problems. tinkov is a business and the job is done. genferon light spray is a green light, a green light for my goals and plans, a red light for viruses that can interfere with them. genferon light, thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component, prevents the proliferation of
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influenza viruses and their penetration. gemperon light spray - the power of green light with mint aroma. beyond the new season with timur eremeev. tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. thick walls, high floor, signal interference, in order to have good mobile communications in the house, you must first get the cat running. with wifi technology, use mobile communications even where there is signal interference. belaine is on your side. at sportmaster, prices are half the price, but global and sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. every morning i start by taking aquadrim. with him i feel a surge of strength and joy from every day. aquadrim is absorbed. apartment in moscow count five, only five purchases from 1. rub. on any sberbank credit card until january 31, apartment in moscow can become yours, and if you don’t have a card yet, get
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a free credit card for 120 days without interest, win with the best credit card in the country. star. getting sick is not our tradition. chief return. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. the stars have aligned to find out whether it is possible to give birth quietly in a coffee shop bathroom? allah, could you give birth in silence? i have had three last caesareans. but the first birth was independent and normal. and so i, when i watched this... story, i immediately remember, even though it was 24 years ago, it can never be forgotten, and i prepared very hard consciously for this birth, i went and did special breathing exercises, because i read that if you breathe correctly during childbirth, it helps you
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overcome the pain, you relax correctly, and accordingly it is easier for the baby to come out, it helped me, moreover, i also watched all sorts of things. without shouting, listen, but not standing , sitting on my knees, it turns out, on the bed, she, ah, i was breathing at that moment, i was breathing out and i caught myself remembering seventeen moments of spring and thinking why kat was screaming in russian, now i could do it in german, i control myself, i didn’t
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scream, i mean, i was breathing on purpose , let’s get back to the topic, that is, in theory, you ’ll tell me now. i’m without a screamer , well, this is wrong, what i’m saying is that when you breathe correctly, you don’t have to scream, you concentrate, they went on for 9 hours, at first i had contractions, like everyone else, then there were pushings, i have a friend who gave birth to her first child normally, like we all do in normal births, suddenly she seems to have an absolutely second child 8 years later light, suddenly she calls me and says: can you imagine, i gave birth in a taxi, i say how? an hour and a half passed, she gave birth in an hour and a half, no one expected the taxi driver to deliver the baby. vika, do you think it’s possible to be born without a cry? i was held up as an example in
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my maternity hospital because i gave birth to my daughter with a huge smile, but because i had epidural anesthesia, i can’t imagine, i basically realized in the middle of contractions that i was not ready to endure this pain under any circumstances , when there is an opportunity to stop it, i’m not one of those who loves everything like...
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all possible, and i said that no more at all, so that he wouldn’t be close, i was screaming wildly, it was incredibly painful, i was torn all over, they stitched me up, this was 50 years ago, no anesthesia, no it was, everything was real, i think that i will never give birth again in my life and in general i don’t need all this, because there is nothing worse than childbirth, and this girl, god, god bless her with health and happiness, but i have one an acquaintance... ran into the maternity home, said they are giving birth to you somewhere, she rushed over, well, where they are giving birth, she lay down right there i gave birth and a good boy, the most important
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thing is to give birth, and where it doesn’t matter, it’s called assault or rapid birth, oh well, yes, yes , there are pregnancies, there are pregnancies , it’s not always good and ends well, first of all, it’s bad for the child, who does not have time to adapt to those conditions.
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in this case, specifically about her, i think that there are some, excuse me, mental disorders, childbirth should take place under control, of course, weather forecasters have already called this winter a climate nightmare, there will be knee-deep snow, there will be changes pressure. and temperature swings , let's see the plot: record -30 at the beginning of the year spoiled not only the mood, but the property: as soon as lera kudryavtseva flew to the sea, her apartment in the center of moscow floated, the extreme cold froze the radiator, now it’s starting to get warmer, actress irina lind every day i met him with a shovel to the advantage, i normally like it, so i can warm up in the morning and breathe some air, but not only is the yard covered with snow, but the drain is also frozen, is winter a disaster? this winter is breaking all records, the amount of snow has already fallen almost three times above normal, and there will be more, weather forecasters say, then we are waiting for the arrival of the next
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atlantic cyclone of snowfall, we are waiting for which other stars are caught in the snow, frozen and left without light due to broken wires, we will find out right now when this warming began before the new year, before that there was a lot of snow, naturally, all this snow that was lying on the roof froze, you can actually see some of it there. this is a country house, yes, all this at some point, well, the length of this drain is somewhere more than 6 m, that’s all it fell in one lump right in front of the house , of course you call the companies first so that there is some kind of guarantee, yes, so that if something goes wrong, you can ask someone, they told me for less than 200,000 we don’t come at all, 2000, yes we don’t take such a small order , they say, either pay the minimum wage, or that means... we don’t travel on such orders, well, you didn’t end up paying 2000, well, no, less, as a result i paid 50, which is
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also a lot, i think. but but but the result is quite left done good no to me it seems to me that i will have to redo it in the spring, because even i, not being a roofer, understand that the drain must be on a slope so that the water flows and you generally look after the house yourself, you understand where everything is, well now, in general, yes, i understand a little, well of course, i don’t do everything, but i more or less somehow understand this, that is, i usually ask, someone i know can advise i’ve never thought about moving into an apartment, less hassle and... well, here are all sorts of thoughts, well, of course, well, of course, don’t compare it with the feeling of home when you’re at home, when there is a lot of space, when there are no neighbors , above, below, you don’t disturb anyone, no one bothers you, fresh air, silence, of course, you don’t want to give it up , the separation of the year or the darlings are making reservations, just amusing themselves that lera kudryavtseva will answer the question about the most personal things, and what’s going on with your divorce, don’t
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water on fire tastes better four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu, fever, runny nose, headache, and for the treatment of a sore throat, maxicold lore spray does not just help relieve a sore throat, but fights its causes, returning to stop the symptom.
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for 45 rubles at a tasty point. russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. the stars have aligned tell how they suffered from frosty snowfalls. ler, what happened to your batteries? i wasn’t in moscow, the day before i arrived in moscow, they called me from tzzh and said: ler, your apartment is flooding, someone is flooding, i say, no, it can’t be, i ’m not in moscow, all the pipes are closed, that’s it
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blocked, everything is blocked, it can’t be, no , you’re definitely flooding with cold or hot, hot, oh, yes, and, well, that’s all, i rested, i didn’t rest, i naturally, thank god, i found the keys, which, well, people brought, opened an apartment, and the first entry into mo
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... i never quarrel with anyone, i do the right thing, let's go back, let's go back to another weather element, vic, where did the blizzard find you, i was caught by the blizzard on the way to minsk
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on the way to moscow, somehow it happened that we decided to plan a vacation, and we wanted to go by car together, with my daughter, with my boyfriend, and we looked at the forecast that a blizzard was starting in the morning, we decided it... get ahead of leaving earlier in the night, we found a blizzard already at the entrance to minsk, then, when we were driving back to moscow, too all the way, we split up, in fact, i really like to drive a car, and since i am a controller by nature, i don’t trust myself or my child to anyone, so i know that i will do better, listen, well, you’re driving along the road, probably accident, i was just driving to yaroslavl around the same time and every kilometer of the accident was not serious. someone drove off, someone got used to it, on the way only from moscow i saw that one truck, well, from the oncoming traffic , rammed a little, well, it’s like this dividing fence, yes, and so the accident, no matter how
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strange, there weren’t any, on the way to moscow, thank god, your car starts normally in these frosts, in general, yes, my car lives in an underground parking lot, and it ’s warm there, thank god, so... yes, but i once had a situation when my child and i were also freezing on christmas day in moscow, thank god she was about a little over a year old, we decided to clean the car, but first i started her and put her on the strongest heat, closed the door and the rain next to me was clearing the snow, and the car was locked from the inside with everyone things, keys, money, phones, in general, i was lucky that at that moment there was a housewife at home.
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but he is not the only one laying claim to expensive square meters. who will share the inheritance with the actor by what right? let's find out right now. natalia and alexey gromov in our studio.
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course of my studies, she said: you and as she told me, she came to the third , she captivated me because you so wanted to study, learn creativity, academic singing, you absorbed me so much, you are my favorite student, so let's say, how did it turn out. that you have achieved such closeness with your teacher that she bequeathed an apartment to you? and we are very similar in character, she saw a daughter in me, i saw her children, she didn’t have her own children, i treated her like a mother, when we studied, we studied at her home, and i said, there are so many people walking around your place, let me quickly clean it up for you, because it’s somehow ugly there for you to have. somehow she says: no,
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no, well, in general, i somehow insisted, she i saw that i wasn’t going anywhere, i wasn’t looking anywhere, and i quickly did it, left, didn’t force myself, was respectful, strived to learn about creativity, they helped her around the house , it turns out they helped around the house, then yes, that’s why they helped we, uh, helped 10 , we know each other for 19 years, and what were your duties, well, it’s even - how can i say, everyday stuff, well, there was such a moment, my light bulb burned out, it’s blinking, blinking, i say, nin viktorov, let me do this, i’ll call lyoshka, and we’ll quickly tell you everything let’s do it, well , well, let’s do it, nina viktorovna, our tank is leaking, let ’s do it now, how often did you come to her, well , while she could take care of herself, once a week, twice, but well, they did the work for free, well, of course, how about we sit, do everything, then sit with him, drink tea, eat, but where did you live?
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he lived in his apartment, and nina viktorovna lived in hers, so sometimes they came to each other together, rested together, well, well, in general, a guest marriage, we had friendly relations, when we even sat and drank tea, they say, you have already become like relatives to us, she was afraid that her apartment would be torn to pieces, because she was with her parents, well, just well, she would go to the state and say where are my claviers, where are my sheet music, the state would not care didn't reach the seventh.
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and she says: natasha, it seems to me that you are very dear to me, i don’t have anyone else, find a notary, i found a notary on the street closer to where she lives, we went there together, signed everything, we were warned that this is 1 /10 there will be a wife, i say, yes i am very depressing, and if he showed up, we were sort of warned, i say, yes, i was generally shocked that nina viktorovna was giving me like this, actually giving me. no, no, no, these are completely different things, absolutely, bequeathed, bequeathed, different things, but still, it doesn’t matter that she chose me, so i say, i never.
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will hang. for 10 years, natalya and alexey gromov started running the household of mikhail efremov’s aunt. they scrubbed floors, watered flowers, paid utility bills, and even did minor repairs. the crane was redone, communications went through. but despite the will, after the death of the pensioner, her husband, mikhail efremov’s uncle, declared his rights to the inheritance. and since the legislation changed, he got not 10% of the marital share, but 50, that is, half.
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this is natural, although we have never seen them and did not know them in this path, well, somehow it was natural that they would take away half of your apartment, the fact is that there was no talk about taking away the apartment, about redistributing the apartment, this
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was not the first question, she said that now he should show up as heir, to claim his rights, now... when he comes into inheritance, this is in july in six months, so we sign a life annuity, then they will be sure that he will remain with us, that is, sofia kruglikova, the wife of mikhail efremov wanted thus, to ensure that you take care of your uncle until the end of his days, and after that the apartment would go to you, why didn’t everything happen as she planned, it turned out that he... in the month of june, that’s rent, rent had to be signed, when he joins us in july, on the seventh, literally a month apart, and it turned out that this half of our
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apartment, it remained, since he declared his rights, uncle efremov, remained with mikhail, and we received only half, because... he declared his uncle’s rights to this apartment , even at his insistence, yes, he didn’t want to, he negotiated with his wife according to the law, he declared, well, he declared, and now what are you afraid of, well, of course we are afraid now, what form they will present his rights to the second half of the apartment, well, misha never had a mercantile person, and i think that he will look at all this very soberly. well, tell me, do you doubt that they will give you this half of the apartment , of course, of course, we doubt it, because we have a basis for doubt, the wife of mikhail efremov, well, the fact is that when at first they promised not to join when they receive
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the inheritance from their uncle, they said that they would not enter into the inheritance, claim this share, or even enter into this share of the inheritance. however, they entered alexander borisovich, sofia came up to us she said: we need to remember somehow, to formalize all this, to give it all to you, that is, you were in contact about this when there was a funeral, she still told us that she would give it to us, and this is it’s as if there will be an agreement between us, but after joining in six months, we asked the question, did you enter into the inheritance, so that we could begin to re-register it so that it would be returned to us. the second one came back, and then it became clear that we didn’t have time, or - well, we changed our minds, in fact, we can split in half. no, you
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know, six months ago, in the month of august, when we tried to resolve this issue , we said, well, somehow it’s possible, she has a general power of attorney, there are no problems with registration, she told us in black and white, as they say, that she will not formalize anything, and your help in taking care of uncle. viktorovna and alexander borisovich, that i treated them very respectfully , i simply told the whole story, because
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for 19 years i had never seen him in my life, i did not answer anything, in general i say, please help me with this situation, we basically have nothing from you we ask, but somehow nina viktorovna always counted on me, when we were sitting in the kitchen, i say, nina viktorovna, you don’t have anyone, but from alexander borisovich’s side you do, she says, but what, what, who they tell me, i say, well, that’s it. it turned out like, well, in principle , i had a presentiment of this, we sympathize with you; it’s clear that you are good, decent people . the thirteenth year of the will is still not 2 years, but excuse me, no one will give up their share and i, unfortunately, the darkness of low truths, unfortunately you they said there was a marriage guest and uncle, respectively , lived in some other apartment, she too, after his death, someone should get it. you don’t lay claim to that apartment, no, alexander borisovich had his own apartment on tverskaya, and tell me what kind of apartment it is? a five-room apartment, which he inherited from alexander pokrovsky, the director of the bolshoi
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theater, a five-room apartment, don’t envy, well , it’s impossible to envy here, if the wife had outlived her husband, it turns out that the wife would have inherited that apartment, now you would have, this is a five-room apartment would have received, margarita, what can be done in this situation, the first thing i want to focus on was the will of the expression of your beneficence, and that she did not make a gift to you, why a will, that ’s what i said. well, it lies on the surface, this is the only 13%. the appraisal is done by a notary, the same thing and the same thing always nina viktorovna said that it’s better to pay you so much than a will and so good and so good, i know that we have normal laws, rent, before rent we somehow we were all the time speak more expressively.
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they had a good relationship, so somehow go find out, and how to formalize it, well, such a moment, yes, you think that they themselves are to blame for screwing up this moment, yes, of course, there are no such conceptual relations when it comes to some kind of financial... then tools , here you can only blame yourself and either wait for mikha, always papers, everything, well, it ’s natural, we knew everything, i couldn’t help but come up and say at all what...
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on my own, single-handedly, when he has a family, when always, i just, i have a big family, and we always have everything, but we have family council, we make all serious decisions at the family council, so there is always, he has his own heirs, so i think that when he comes out, they will make this decision together, purely humanly, they helped
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for a long time time his uncle, his wife, received 15, for this they can get today.
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that you are looking after us, of course, she was only counting on this, in principle, yes, sell it to new moscow, if mikhail, for example, does not give you the other half, what will you do, i will live there, well, we will live then, you will fight, i won’t fight, if according to the law, i have nina viktorovna’s memory there, everything is there, where i have always been for 20 years, it’s just my life, don’t agree to exchange, that is, it will work out communal apartment , of course, but there are a million such examples, when they are at enmity, you know , here... those who own half an apartment are a million, no, just a minute natasha , your position is very strange, but this is my opinion now, yes, if you were relatives, well, yes, it’s natural, but since you succeed, well, they just gave it to you, and even this is not enough for you, well, who said to themselves that this
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woman, she appreciated it and gave her an apartment, but the fact that the law is the law and that the heir has the right, but this cannot be canceled, unfortunately, so they will have to pass this test, even if these heirs were not heard or seen during their lifetime.
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together with lena, with her mother’s granddaughter, and my mother at the last moment copied the will from me to lena, for the apartment,
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apartment in moscow, here comes the notary completely unexpectedly, we didn’t know these new laws at all, and we were never interested, she said: so it’s clear, the will is 06 for you, you know, but that means, and you are 03, that is, according to the degree kinship 03 - does this mean? i have more rights to this apartment than my daughter, well, i’m a daughter, and this is a granddaughter, yes, it ’s classified like that, so she said: you will claim rights to this...
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this position, there’s nothing here, like people they don’t take it away anyway, they just keep what they have according to the law, len, your opinion, i must tell you that when you do good, and you certainly did good for this family, you should never expect a reward, much less fight for its value, you are already rewarded, first of all that you are kind
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people, that you have done this in your life. well, since you are a church-going person, then show up, whatever they decide, that’s how it will be, that’s all , be glad that you are like that, either hope, or contact mikhail efremov right now, you have this opportunity, sooner or later he will see these shots , expensive mikhail olegovich, i would, of course, like to meet you and talk just like... people who were close to nina viktorovna alexander borisovich, i certainly hope that you will do as you promised us, i hope so, well, let me god, everything is god’s will, it was a program, the stars aligned, see you on the ntv channel.
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graceful, swift, airy, noble and courageous. it is not surprising that women from the highest fell to the strong legs of the best dancer in the world, the soloist of the bolshoi theater, the brilliant maris lieppa. flight. maris blindly in ballet circles was known as a real lavilas, as many novels as maris had during his lifetime, well, i don’t know who else can boast of so many. the first marriage with the legendary maya plesetskaya lasted only 3 months; it turned out to be cramped for two geniuses in one cell of society. he also had
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a short marriage with may. it lasted several months, and galina brezhneva, who dreamed of seeing herself as his wife, was obsessed with him, but somehow it didn’t work out for them. people's artist of the soviet union maris lieppa - superstar world ballet, his first wife was the great maya plesetskaya, the second russian merlin monroe, margarita zhiganova. leepp's family life was never calm; he had too many fans, including uncontrollable ones.
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very like that, after which she practically broke down leonid ilivich did not give the go-ahead for this child she really wanted, but maris already had children, she obeyed her father’s will, and without further ado, after the tour, maris went not to galina, but home, to his official family . we set the table, waited, he didn’t even call, 3 days later he returned to his family and children. that’s it, we understood, she told me, masik, born to crawl, cannot fly, she said this about maris, he then called, but galya...
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i didn’t know how, now i understand it, before i didn’t understand it. young evgenia shultz had just joined the bolshoi theater and immediately received a responsible task - to prepare costumes for the ballet spartacus. and spartak immediately abandoned me. and there is such a versaladze, you understand what versaladze is, a magnitude. and accordingly, i cut it out by eye, as i think it should be raincoat on a suit. versoladze arrived. what's this? i say cape. who did it? me: i need to study. and left. well, i, of course, are in tears. and at this time mariaardovich enters. come on, don’t be upset, now we’ll do everything. and he
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helped me there, what, how? maris liepov came to the defense of a nineteen-year-old girl. his authority reliably sheltered the young costume designer from the wrath of the chief designer of the bolshoi theater , simon versailles. he paid attention to me, then he raised me, maybe he has children there, i’m like another child to him it would seem, and he raised me precisely in the creative sense, since he always raised his partners, well, i fell under this. evgenia nikolaevna swears, she was with maris for almost 10 years, simply. colleagues and just friends, without any nonsense, i came, everyone there was adults, and i was the only one who came, 19 years old, as you understand, and he immediately paid attention to me, and i...


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