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tv   Zhena politseiskogo  NTV  January 22, 2024 3:55am-4:50am MSK

3:55 am
okay, anything else? nothing , there are no witnesses, there is, however, a camera, but we haven’t checked it yet, i checked it myself, you and valetsky put him in jail, and that’s just what i remembered , by the way, the department praises you, they even want to mention you as the best criminal police officer within the framework of the fight against corruption, it means stupid. well, it’s still pleasant , you really don’t have much operational experience, but i think they’ll take credit for the 10 years that i spent in the archives, they’ll give it anyway, so let’s go, lupato was released from pretrial detention at the request of the investigators, they changed the measure suppression, what is the reason, eh?
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the case of the murder of his grandfather yegor likhov was reopened. lupatov helped the investigation. when was the case opened? and a month ago. who is the investigator? don't know. make a request. fine. listen, the guys are asking if they can call you chief. they are told, in fact, that this is how it is done here. yes, they couldn’t kill lupatov. no way, no way, it’s again because of the land. in my opinion, it could have been some kind of domestic disassembly. what kind of land? can you keep secrets? yes. likhov seized all the land in the region by raiding. likhov was killed all over the world moved to a new measure. to mayor dubrovinsky? yes. he killed likhov. the whole earth went to him like...
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“i decided to clean the house, mom, what happened , i’m divorcing your dad, i’m sorry, i can’t tell you everything now that i knew, i knew how...” she remained silent, mom, i’m sorry
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, i couldn’t tell you that it means she couldn’t tell me, am i crystal, or something, you locked me in this house, didn’t say anything, you all deceived me, forgive me, father, but this is yours, nothing works, who decorated you like that? it doesn't matter, let's talk, eh then tell me why your mother is divorcing you? she said so. dad, listen, son, you're sure i was a lousy father, and you know what i'm going to tell you. i was a worthless
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father, that’s enough, and i’m sorry that i quit boxing, but brazilian giudzica is really cooler, there are many fighters in the mix that no one can defeat, and even fedor emelianenko said that for self-defense it’s best, what are you saying, i i’m just glad, i thought you wouldn’t even talk to me, but here you are... arguing with me over all sorts of nonsense? do whatever you want, right? are you serious? yes, at least wrestling for nai boys? i was thinking, one promoter offered me to perform at a mixed fight tournament in nizhny novgorod. did you say you want to be a photographer? i tried to be different, well, it looks like i’m as bad a photographer as you are a father. give it to your mom, just don’t say it was
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me, say that you earned it yourself, okay. dad, see you, of course, yes, it's me, what? saistia blyakova, what's wrong? you have been detained on
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suspicion of the murder of igor lupatov. i didn't kill anyone. tasya, come with me. your fingerprints were found on the weapon murders, so you got it, girl. the reasons for the collapse of the wall are being clarified, it is known that among the victims there are three workers , a man, a man, where are you going, put on your ahila, bald man, how did you scare me, with you? everything is fine, i’ll live, death, brain , they say, a piece of concrete flew like crazy , you’re lucky, and it’s all a helmet, vin, they said,
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boobs without a helmet, that’s it, crap, you know what i thought, you lie down , lie down. i thought, if you had gone with me then, you would be lying in the face now, you’re a dude, you don’t wear a helmet, it turns out, you saved my life, yeah, you should sleep, uh-huh, so, about five minutes, everything is spinning, vetya, right? take care of yourself, fuck you, viktor valetsky, who are you, they asked me to tell you.
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so that’s it, of course, how could i not have guessed, it’s in your style, boss, you haven’t treated me like this for a long time... a failure, did you understand how i felt then when i found out that sensei betrayed you, hm? yes, i understand, only lera has anything to do with it, why involve her, when i was kicked out,
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my verka had her first attack, you thought about her then, it’s because of you, she’s almost in a mental hospital. didn’t please, but never recovered, because of me, really, hey, barinov, what did he catch you with, the fact that it was i who received the order, not you, but he’s always looking for a weak point, finds the main thing, and you know who actually gave you those pictures of your wife having fun with your boss. now you will listen to me, finger, i will never listen to you again, and you will never do what you want again. you're just a pathetic old man now, boss. likhov
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also said so, land with mupukh. i can understand that you took my place. "this is the law life, this is normal, but what you have turned into is disgusting, you have become a woman, “your wife is a bigger man than you, she defended her family, shoot the bastard who threatened her son, she is a beautiful, brave woman, but this freak found dead, she may not be guilty, but there is evidence, look here, here..." he was found dead, that means she's a murderer, it's all because of you, because
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you weren't there, what do you want? if you think about it, you will understand that no one in the whole world can or will want to help you, except for a pitiful old man. you won’t take it, i can’t, mom, you
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can’t just take it and cross him over, well, you forgave me, why don’t you just want to talk to him, what did he do , took bribes, well, he didn’t kill anyone, or he did, how do i know, well... talk to him, mom, you can’t just sit here and hide, life, it’s scary, you still can’t.
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chief, i heard about varia tuning, is lusaka okay? okay, these are your things, we put them in a box. smyslov, can you tell uncle seryozha that it was i who killed likhov, why stop? yes, vasilis, mom is getting a divorce, she’s done
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knows, and he, that he, he knows, knows that, that i, it doesn’t matter, can you hear me, i can’t find my father, it’s all very strange, what if he does something to himself if his mother divorces him, he definitely does stupid things, i saw him just now, did you talk to him? what will he do? i don’t know, what’s wrong with you? yes , captain, what do you want? we were waiting for a murder suspect, fingers on the gun, do you know who it is? we were detained, such a coincidence, i didn’t believe it, who told? who took it? where's she? she's in the investigative department now, damn it!
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how did it end up at the crime scene? it disappeared. disappeared? i was advised to get rid of it. i arrived at the bridge and it was no longer in my backpack. who advised? this guy is old, he's a thief in law or something. that second woman was an investigator, and you didn’t call , he helped me a lot, you told him everything, yes , i told him everything, because if it weren’t for him, i would have disappeared altogether, he knows the city, he solves problems, it was he who found out where lupatov was hiding, and it was he who gave me the gun, okay, what’s his name, now wait, he lives in a beautiful old house, he walks with a stick, where
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is this house, the address, i don’t remember, get it together, i don’t remember, don’t yell at me. wait, there are 12 astronauts, just like there are 12 astronauts, his kitten is still a thermoeater!
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if you didn’t take the money, take it for yourself, no, well, you know, i’m not allowed yet, listen, go with me to the fights in a week in moscow, of course, why not? viktor vladimirovich, well, the moment is not right now, there’s nowhere to get it, well, if you want
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, i’ll get teteshka tomorrow, woe is you, my onion, you’ve been doing things for so many years, you’re screwed. zero, but a sawn-off shotgun, what’s not useful, why do you need it? viktor ladevich, for me, you give me money, that’s a lot, consider that the nine has reached, did you say that you have a daughter in rostov? yeah, buy a ticket, go see her.
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why are you doing this here at night ? did you scare the little jumper? old man, the door was open, i completely forgot, i need to take the pills the shrink gave me. flew out of my head, you'll have tea,
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it's already failed, you forced lupatov to rewrite likhov's inheritance, and i had nothing else left, sooner or later it doesn't matter who didn't fail, inheritance disappeared, did you kill him? “lord , captain, his fate should worry you least of all, according to these papers, you now own all the land, you and dobrovinsky, are you at the same time with him, not really, a tobrovinsky stranger, stupid, greedy, upstart, when he came here in city, as a builder, i offered him my services, arikhova advised him." as a worker, but they ruined everything, likhov began to download his rights for no reason, dabovinsky became mayor, they forgot everything, they stopped listening to me, it was you who killed
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likhov, i made him, he was at the beck and call mogilevsky, when we decided on the general assembly , i gave him free rein, but he forgot everything, he forgot who is, who, what are you doing now... what 's next, you will kill the mayor and become the owner of the city, i defended this city and will to protect him from all these greedy freaks who don’t know how to do anything, but only want to grab, grab everything from this life, they destroy everything because they don’t think about tomorrow, how is this possible, you...
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that’s what got me charged in a bribe they gave the senior operatives vitak, and you also wanted to become the best employee of the criminal police, i wanted to have this stupid badge , tasya told me everything, why tasya, why her, she loves you with all her heart, this is a big weakness, which means lerov... it was necessary for this, yes, to keep valetsky on the hook, this is why he said that he killed dashing, he
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would take it all on himself, he came to the department for the left gun, so that they would send him to kill mara.
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what an idiot, if victor is a man and does everything as we agreed, he will save his wife, your tasya, too, then you will get everything you wanted, what will happen to him, but he won’t wants to go to prison, and this... must be respected, although you know, if lera hadn’t persuaded me then, i wouldn’t have taken his warrior, he ’s kind of sentimental, kind of
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romantic, a bald guy, a bald guy will understand everything, but a bald guy in the hospital, alive, still alive, and i, i know everything, but you are another matter, you, like me, are an idealist, you believe in the system, and not just in yourself, and that’s right, you will always make the right choice, you don’t you are probably sitting here, drinking your tea, you are looking out the window behind...
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"she knew that before you destroyed the gang, you led it, and then you forgot and decided, that this is your job, and i know, she probably told you: “pavlik, i’m proud of you, you’re great, you’re depriving people of their lives, their family’s property, but you’re teaching them fear and order, she’s dust, she ’s nothing to anyone else.” he'll tell you, you sentimental fool!"
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“comrade captain, i found out, you idiot, shut up, go to the hospital to see lasak, sit with him, there may be an attempt on his life, take a weapon and don’t tell anyone anything, i understand, i just found out who the investigator was, it’s barinov , can you imagine?
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“i will give these documents to uncle seryozha, he will will cover up, he won’t do anything for me , it was smirnov who got me off, and i killed him, killed an unarmed old man, i just couldn’t allow him to live on, you saved us all, i could have turned him in.” but i didn’t.
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, he would have gotten out of it anyway, i knew that for sure , you know, since 1999 i did everything he said, didn’t feel anything, didn’t think anything, didn’t care at all, but one day some shopkeeper started blackmailing me.
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he came back and went. straight to the prosecutor, they did not make it public. smerunov quietly resigned. i was waiting for dismissal, and the prosecutor said: go work, we need at least one hero, but what is happening, well, i thought, okay, now i think everything will be different, but nothing has changed, i haven’t changed, why are you telling me this? no reason, give me the gun, give it here, it’s mine,
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now you’ll go to your mother, stay with her, she’ll have to say goodbye to you, and then do what you want. comrade, investigator, what are you doing here, lieutenant? captain smyslov told me to guard lysok and there might be an attempt on his life. and who will make an attempt on him? i don’t know, he didn’t say, he was in a hurry , strange, okay, i’ll call and tell you to be replaced, he’s already asleep, but no, i’m fine,
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go home, go, that’s an order, no, i, let’s call captain smekhslov , lieutenant, go home, that's an order, run.
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i just wanted to punish valetsky, it’s not my fault, lysak, i have nothing against you at all, we worked together, but why did you choose his side, it was a mistake.
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and shubik, shubik, help, this is lera, your door was open, pavel pavlych, pavel pavlych, i have a very urgent matter, i wouldn’t be so late i came, but my friend is accused of murder, she is not guilty of anything, and he is dead, just don’t be afraid of me. you can't be afraid of me, not you, did you kill him? no, it's not me, but i had to, what? listen
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to me, we will call now 1:12, but first i have to tell you everything, and you have to listen to me. do you love me at least a little bit, who killed him? just listen and sit down, this is going to be a long conversation. and for the day gloves, where to start, okay. that order that i
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received, yes, this will be a long conversation, so i don’t deserve that order, hurry up, come on, the living, check the benefits of this, wait, my heart, the suitcase doesn’t fit, it’s breathing. can you hear me, can you hear me?
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tell me what you’re thinking about, even if it’s terrible, tell me why, why is all this for money? no, probably not, i was just afraid. that i couldn’t give you what you deserve, and then i decided that no one would ever say that i was a loser and that if you don’t have the world, then the world has you, and then, then i just didn’t know how to -to another, you were a good husband, maybe you were a very bad person, but all these 25 years of my life, i was so happy. thank you, but this is too high
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a price, you can’t be happy at such a price, i will pay for it, it’s my fault, no, i didn’t see anything because i didn’t want to see, my husband and wife were always behind, you are to blame for everything together, will you help me. “i need to do something to fix everything, no , please, please, i can’t do it without you, we have very little time, uncle seryozh, we can see each other, this is very important, okay, thank you. lep, you have did something happen?
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it's okay, mom, work. i can't do it. that's it, it will be fine, just gently pull the trigger. well , that's it, great, exhale, press, come on, kitten, you are the bravest girl in the world, come on, come on, kitten, fitya, fitenka, fite. oh, god, you, everything is fine, let
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me move you, you're in pain, you're covered in blood, no, no, no, you hit it very accurately, oh, lord, let's take the gun, put it in his hand, baby, come on quickly , we have no time. oh, oh, my god, my god, my god, vitya. vitya, that’s it, kitten, go, when you get to the stop , call the police, i, i’ll call an ambulance, please, is it possible, no, no, i promise you, i’m bleeding, okay, don’t cry, i love you, i love you very much, i
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will always love you, you know what i’ll tell you, klep, this is the bomb, just a bomb, a corrupt mayor and a former main opera, built a mafia nest right in...
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did you have a shootout or something? was it self-defense? no, he was not armed, i just shot him. yeah, what? yes, i understand. why this deadly drama played out in the suburban city is still unknown, as well as what exactly happened last evening between recently fired criminal investigation major viktor valetsky and his former boss pavel smirnov.
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valetsky has already confessed to the murder and is now giving evidence to the investigative committee. i killed him. yes, i don’t know what kind of love you have there with this boletsky, but he has a temper , of course, god forbid, what does this mean, i ’ll tell you what it means, he saved you, this is wrong, this is wrong, why , why, i owe something. i have to, i'll tell you what to do, get on the train, go outback, go to the department and never come back, so that the department of its own security will no longer hear about you, not about your department, so that a mouse doesn’t run through there, that’s how it’s done, yes, this
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is your triumph of the law, you know, that it is not for you... to judge the law, you son of a bitch, your valetsky sacrificed himself and you became a hero, now you will have to prove that he did not do it in vain, and you deserve it, you are free, lieutenant shubik, risking his life, ensured the detention... by decree of november 15 this year he was awarded the order of courage, congratulations, thank you, no, what good is
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the mayor’s woman to twirl her skirts while on duty, in a year we will be moscow. every month checks, i have 3 years until retirement, i didn’t interfere in anything, i really won’t live, i didn’t understand before what the definition in article 285 means, abuse of power in the form of inaction, meaning gleb vyacheslavovich, for developing the introduction of new methods of work, increasing the efficiency of activities, criminal police initiative. perseverance, thank you congratulations, thank you, i serve russia.
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what else can you tell me? yeah, now, hello, the linemen brought me to the bus station and caught me, i wanted the old woman’s wallet. and he’s talking all sorts of nonsense, his mouth closed, viktor gleb yacheslavich, well, remind them that
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i’m a secret employee of your department, he ’s really our informant, i understand, it’s 3 o’clock, theft, knee, move forward, yurik, well, he’s not a young man anymore, he’s become more humane b you? yes, i got it, i got it, i got it, congratulations on the award, and you look good here, viktor vladimirovich, and what a guy he was, yes, yes, strict, but fair, i’ve been with him since 1995, i let him down like a sledge broom, what did he want? so that i can go to rostov to see my daughter, and i’m like a bitch, like the last
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dry thing, yuri, what the hell, go home, and the salary, go, okay, yes, dear people , well, the owners of the shopping arcades, where the bookmakers are, the car wash, they really want to get to know you, they wanted to call you, but what?
4:46 am
thank you, i love you, dad, i 'll come on thursday, okay. what why don't you eat what?
4:47 am
i wanted to hug you, see you tomorrow. "i'm listening to you, my husband was killed, i just i saw this in an american film , you take me for a madman, yulia nikolaevna, under no circumstances, this is a serious matter, throw a stone, circles will go, yulia is heading to you, she filed an application for a review of the case of the death of peter, that i want to find out who killed peter, and i will find out, whether
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you want it or not? may know what’s going on in his head, now we’ll give a scheduled injection, everything will be fine, so help me, hold your hand, come on, hold it, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, grigory nikolaevich, quietly, quietly, quietly, now everything will be fine, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, and...
4:49 am
don't worry, everything is under control, will it pass? yes, of course, don't worry, let's hope everything, everything, everything, quiet, quiet, calm, calm, calm, quiet, quiet, quiet.


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