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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 22, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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on bloody sunday, ukrainian armed forces shelled the donetsk food market with artillery, dozens of dead and wounded, local authorities declared january 22 a day of mourning. read more omar magomedov. if ukraine stops fighting, hundreds of thousands of lives will be saved. sergei lavrov announced the russian position at the un meeting. afghan plane crash, chronology of the crash of an ambulance plane with russians on board, what do survivors say? you don't have fish scales. about how russia's goodwill gesture turned into a fig for the british about how they... now
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elizabeth gerson is furious from london. the mystery of the yaroslavl burial: can a person who died many centuries ago tell about his life to death. in the report by alexey kvashenko. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today, its presenter is aina nikolaeva and igor politaev. the head of the investigative committee , alexander bastrykin, ordered to identify those responsible for the shelling of the market in donetsk, including those who gave the order to commit a crime against civilians. the day before, ukrainian troops launched an artillery strike on the territory of a food market. 27 people became victims of the rocket attack.
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lyudmila was selling electronics at the market, the first explosion occurred near the sidewalk, where local pensioners usually carried on a brisk trade, a few minutes later the second was heard, the woman remembers only a bright flash, a ringing in her ears, the pungent smell of gunpowder and the groans of the wounded, she tried to get up, but her legs...
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.she doesn’t remember her saviors, but sincerely thanks for her second birthday, come on, come on, yes, straight to the market, oh, back, this the first seconds after the attack of the ukrainian artillery on the food market in the donetsk microdistrict, a textile worker, clouds of gray smoke rise in the territory, the surviving sellers and buyers come to their senses and try to provide first aid to the victims, the mirror saw smoke rising from behind, there is steam here. i don’t understand, i turned around here, i’m coming back, there were people already sitting under the trees, there were already dead people, women, men, at that time i saw a man here, he was crawling near the car, navrus, a local volunteer, a man delivers for free to elderly people in the kirov district of donetsk, drinking water was nearby when the first explosion occurred; the former militiaman always travels with a military first aid kit; he injected the wounded with painkillers and applied tourniquets right on the spot. basic. residents, their boxes
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and trays nearby, rare passers-by carefully walk around the site of shelling, there are traces of arrivals everywhere, metal fragments, pools of blood, which reminds people of yesterday’s tragedy. at the place where the ukrainian army fired at civilians in donetsk, concerned citizens organized such an improvised memorial, fresh flowers are brought here, many cannot restrain their emotions, well, i am a sexist myself, and these are my people, as it were, what can i say, this is a big tragedy.
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donetsk and cannon artillery. ukraine fired about 50 nato-style shells into city blocks. the kiev regime, in the absence of successes in the field, retreating, shoots civilians fighting, and in some places, as in yuzhnodonetsk . the shelling of a crowded market has become the bloodiest in recent years: 22. the shelling of the market in donetsk by ukrainian troops is one of central themes of the un meeting convened at russia's initiative.
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the organization's general secretary, antonijas, has already condemned this attack on civilians. at the same time , the osce leadership did not react in any way to the barbaric actions of kiev. the head spoke at a meeting of the un security council.
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we were forced to launch a military operation against a criminal regime that had exploded from a sense of impunity and that, despite our many, many years of efforts, did not want to give up the war against its own citizens. in the south and southeast of ukraine and from the policy
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of total discrimination against russian-speaking ukrainians, who are still the majority in this country, in place, president biden even called such a situation an excellent investment. 90% of the military budget allocated by the americans to the kiev regime remains in the united states and is spent on developing the country’s military-industrial sector and
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updating weapons. old junk is disposed of in ukraine. most large ukrainian factories and companies, including lithium production. sold by the same to the americans, the fertile lands were leased to them for an indefinite period, as we say, at a cheap price. one of the most striking examples.
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the west is presenting this situation now in ukraine, and i will quote him, we have heard theses that if russia stops the war, then the war itself will end, if ukraine ends the war, then ukraine will end, and russia supposedly should then attack europe, but of course, this is complete nonsense. russia cannot stop this war, because the ukrainian regime, according to lavrov, having healed its wounds, will again begin to destroy its territory.
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cattle on the streets, in bars , in churches, as cannon fodder, to leave to die for western geopolitical interests and, as they say, for democratic values, there were no interests of the ukrainian people in the war against russia, there are only the interests of the anglo-saxons, their henchmen and criminals, the rotten kiev elite, which is tied to the west by a circular couple that is afraid. such theses that all the plans of the platform
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that kiev and its western countries are promoting well, sergei lavrov summed up his speech curators, including at un sites, they are all unviable and even surreal, colleagues, we would like to be in direct contact with us from new york. roman sobol spoke about the speech about the un sub-bed on ukraine by the head of the russian ministry of foreign affairs , sergei lavrov. the russian parliamentary commission to investigate criminal acts against minors by kiev contacted the un committee on the rights of the child. this was announced today by its co-chairs inna svitenko and anna kuznetsova. the vice speaker of the state duma also said that in countries european union, russian consulates receive complaints from ukrainian families, whose children often fall under the influence of the local.
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other weapons. the kiev regime actively uses various methods of manipulation among teenagers. and we know that children are also weapons for terrorists in kiev. the sbu is trying to shake up the internal political situation in our country. the main theses of the parliamentary commission's investigation into the kiev regime's crimes against children will be presented to vladimir putin at the end of february. today the ministry of defense published footage of the assault ukrainian.
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we work day and night depending on how our assault groups are advancing. the shells are 3 mm, that is, fragmentation only works to inflict. there is more harm to the enemy, well, we are trying to work effectively , get to where we need to go, and the air did not just flow, and i think we are doing good damage , we have gained a foothold now and are waiting for further advancement, the tula paratroopers liberated the force last week, offensive actions
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allowed the russian troops improve the tactical position along the front line on donetsk direction of the special operation. the russian air defense system shot down a ukrainian su-25 attack aircraft in the kharkov region. according to the ministry of defense , 76 drones were destroyed in the special operation zone during the day, six storm shadow cruise missiles and five hymers missiles were intercepted. here's what the department said about the course of hostilities. a subdivision of the west group of forces in the kupyansk direction repelled nine attacks by assault groups with active actions and artillery fire. makeevka, senkovka, novoegorovka. losses of the ukrainian armed forces consisted of up to 180 military personnel, five tanks, two armored combat vehicles, two pickup trucks, an american -made 155mm m-777 howitzer, a 152mm 265
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mstab howitzer, a 122mm d-30 gun and a 100mm gun. lack of manpower on the battlefield. the head of ukrainian military intelligence, kirill budanov , said in an interview with the western edition of the financial times. quote: it is unthinkable to even think that we can do without mobilization. according to media reports, ukrainian units have been drained of blood. throws front sections, middle the age of military personnel reached 43 years. one of the commanders complained to reporters that people were running out, and the quality of reinforcements was getting worse. the law on new mobilization rules should make it easier for kiev to recruit ukrainians into the army. however, the draft document caused disagreements in the verkhovna rada and the cabinet of ministers. vladimir zelensky confirmed on british television that
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the authorities need this law, but at the same time he criticized the position of the ukrainian general staff by requesting it.
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the russian authorities intend to terminate the great britain fisheries agreement , the corresponding bill has been submitted to the state duma, and we are talking about a 1956 document, concluded by the ussr, according to which british fishing vessels were allowed to fish in certain areas of the barintsov sea along the coast of the kola peninsula; in great britain, fish, especially cod,
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is one of the main dishes, how the termination of the agreement could affect the market of the united kingdom found out. this is gerson. the horror of non- english cuisine is only english toast, said the writer heinrich gainey. and and today, most traditional english dishes cause consternation among tourists. there are at least a few of these dishes. this is wildness. what it is? it's definitely edible. after the second world war , britain suffered some of the world's worst culinary crimes, which remain to this day. along with delicacies such as a pig under a blanket and toads in holes, fish and chips, another highlight of the british cultural program, as some tourists say, a nail in the stomach, fish in batter. actually brought by portuguese jews as a shabbat dish. in the 19th century , the first fish and chip shops began to open in britain. the british self-critically called them not
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restaurants, but shops. the fish and potatoes were wrapped in newspaper. cheap and cheerful, 100 years ago there were 35,000 such edalins in britain. by the twenties of our century, due to the competition of foreign fast food, their number decreased by three, it seems that there will be a further decline in geometric progress. everyone who is to blame, from their point of view, this is clear to an english baby. putin threatens our fish and chips. putin is hitting where it hurts, our fish and chips stores, turning food into weapons, british fish and chips, under threat from russia and putin tearing up the old agreement. however, in the comments section for an article in the daily mail newspaper, the most popular one is that they are being separated miserably for a reason, why. the russian government, after london’s decision to terminate the maximum regime , russia generally allowed british trawlers into its territory, given how much money britain sends in arms to ukraine. it's strange that
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the russians haven't done this before. favored bilateral trade, approved the denunciation of the 1956 agreement with great britain on the right to engage in fishing in the waters of the barents sea. 70% of cod on the market. new, now, when the response from russia to their sanctions has arrived, they make round fish eyes and shout that this is unfair, the british, as always, want to eat the fish and
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not rip off the sides. in the far east with japan there has been the same agreement since 1858, which has absolutely no preferences, nothing he doesn’t give it to us at all, but he allows the japanese to fish around these kuril islands. in the spring of twenty-two , the british realized that the potatoes, sunflower oil and flour for klyara were made in russia, and because of the sanctions they were introducing, their favorite dish would become more expensive, which it did, but now it turned out that for the main ingredient, in fact, fish , the finish line has arrived. the writer oruil believed that fish and chips saved britain from revolution, the poor ate and calmed down. prime minister churchill believed that fishonchiip saved the war from hunger for fish. they didn’t even introduce cards, this is the food of the english humiliated and insulted, and the current british government obviously doesn’t care. following marie antoinette, rishi can exclaim: no
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fish and chips, so eat indian tikkamasala chicken, or some other migrant food, the variety of which will only increase in britain in the coming years. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, anastasia konarovskaya, yana fedarishcheva. telecomponent tv, london. vladimir. putin met with the head today federation of independent trade unions of russia. mikhail shmakov recalled that he has been in this post for 30 years since the founding of the federation. in turn, the president noted the importance of the state approach in the activities of trade unions. over these years of work, well, one might say, joint work, after all, you are often an inconvenient partner for the government.
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of course, first of all, based on the interests of the character from a state position, the workers, interests that you must protect by law, by the very meaning of the existence of trade unions, but in general the state approach is very important, i hope that... it will continue to be so in the activities of trade unions, the interests of the state, the interests of workers as a whole coincide, so there is, we are arguing about the details, i agree, i agree, tourism in russia is reaching a new level and is increasing its attractiveness, mikhail mishustin said today at a meeting with deputy prime ministers, the head of government noted that the flow of vacationers within the country is growing steadily, over the past new year holidays people very actively visited the regions, each of them has unique places, these are large cities with christmas markets, ice arenas, theaters, museums, natural attractions, resorts where you can
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exercise. dmitry nikolaevich, tell us in more detail what types of recreation and holiday regions our citizens have chosen, well, in general, i would like to hear a few words about the dynamics of development of this industry. according to preliminary data, the increase in the number of trips compared to last year’s new year holidays amounted to more than half a million people, which is about 19%. at the same time, the average load hotels more than 80%. it is important that the tourism industry and specialized services were prepared for peak loads, and most importantly, the new year holidays passed calmly, without serious incidents, and our citizens were able to enjoy their holidays in different parts of the country. dmitry chernoshenko also said that in addition to the traditional directions of moscow, st. petersburg and the krasnodar territory, new growth points have appeared, these are the caucasus, altai, the far east and the north-west. this is
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the first major event of the family year announced in the country by proposal president, it officially starts tomorrow, more than a thousand participants will discuss issues of demographic policy, measures to help families with children, as noted during the discussion, the government will have to develop a new strategic model to increase the birth rate, as well as support
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work during the year of the family and the start of the year of the family , this is, of course, an increase in the number of our citizens in our country, i want there to be more of us russians, not only based on the results of 24, but for many, many years. among the forum guests family dynasties, representatives of different generations, from grandchildren to grandparents, they will be able to participate in general competitive programs and show their talents. in addition, master classes, interactive lectures and an educational program are planned. today, the main election headquarters of vladimir putin sent signatures in his support to the central electoral commission for registration in the presidential election. the current head of state will participate as a self-nominated candidate. volunteers delivered 95 boxes with subscription sheets received from all russian regions, including new ones. putin's trusted representatives took part in the ceremony of handing over the documents. the head doctor of the fifty-second hospital maryana
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lysenko and... the candidate of the current president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin speaks of the colossal support for our candidate. at the next stage, the central election commission will select 60 thousand signatures to be verified using a random number generator. in accordance with the law , 10 days are allotted for checking the sheets. today, the identification of putin’s authorized representatives in several more people received gostiny dvor. among them are well-known
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people in the country. famous musicians and athletes, according to the law, there can be no more than 600 authorized representatives, now there are 346 of them. to date, tsyk has already registered three presidential candidates from parliamentary parties, leonid slutsky, nikolai kharitonov and vladislav davankov. today in orenburg , the ldpr presidential candidate held a meeting with local entrepreneurs and spoke about the need to support small businesses of domestic producers. during election campaign. visit about 30 regions, according to him, last year 60 legislative initiatives of the party became federal laws, as the politician said, quote: the government hears us: doctors, teachers, large families, demography, rural youth, many other megaprojects, including set by the president, and we certainly agree, for example, regarding
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equalization. living conditions, business conditions and the general situation of the regions, these are the most macro-task years we need to move intensively in this direction. another candidate for presidents, representative of the communist party of the russian federation. his immediate plans also include trips to russian regions, including the far east. the key to economic development, it lies today in the north, the arctic, and the far eastern federal district. the goal of my presidential candidate's program is, at least socio-economically. bring the state of the country to such a level, and we briefly, so i said that there should be bread and peace in every home, always only good, so that practically every citizen would have tables like this for breakfast. and the party's presidential candidate
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new people vladislav dvankov visited rybensk today, together with his supporters, he walked along the legendary cross street, founded more than 200 years ago, this is the historical center of the city and its calling card, after which donkov arranged. until march 17, this is the program today, further in our issue, the afghan plane crash, the chronology of the crash of an ambulance plane with russians on board, what survivors say, a marathon of reluctances, elena blinovskaya
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is sent from house arrest to a pre-trial detention center, which became the reason for the tightening of measures suppression. a bank for everyone , what it is, understanding my needs, guys , and for you, to be on the same wavelength with us, and what do you say, for the whole family, vtb is a bank for everyone, wilberis issues discounts, discover your style together with oshad, beautiful, comfortable, fashionable! new collections at competitive prices, choose with discounts at valtberries. temperature. paracetam olenival. effervescent tablet acetyl solicylic acidval. we trust renival, we choose renival. everything tastes better when there are two.
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pay for purchases with any credit card from bera , an apartment in moscow can be yours, a credit card is the best in the country, winter sale of clothes and beauty products on ozone. sweatshirts for men and women are yours up to 799. the boss returns today at 20:00 on ntv. sportsmaster application - a draw for cool gifts, the main prize is an apartment, download the application, spin the ball for prizes , complete tasks to get more gifts. this night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars. buddy, if you get up more than twice at night, you're apalaza. at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase. afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. for grandma, for the navigator in car, behind the gate in the garage, it’s dad
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who plays like that, it’s dad who has everything in the general balance, add different numbers to the general balance, top up only one, all the rest will be paid automatically, convenient, pay less, charlie 1990 butter sticks, delivery with a 25 discount % of 30 minutes using the code in the app pyaterochka, pyaterochka helps out, asterisk, it’s not our tradition to get sick. mask new season february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our release. four russians who survived the crash of a private falcon 10 plane in afghanistan were delivered to kabul. their health is reported to be good and they have been admitted to a military medical hospital. the victims were airplane pilots and doctors. the flight was an orderly. a business jet was grounded to deliver a sick russian woman from thailand. on
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the plane, the woman was on an iv device. the patient and her husband did not survive the disaster, the russian embassy reported. the facts known by this hour were collected by ilya usheninin. footage taken after a rescue helicopter landed in kabul, victims of a business jet crash leaving under their own power interior of the soviet mi-8. it is clear that everyone has damage. but most importantly, our citizens are now safe and under the supervision of doctors. and this footage was published almost immediately after the crash by the afghan radio hariyat, in which four survivors of the disaster in the province of badakhshan are in someone’s house waiting for help. private business jet falcon 10 crashed near the border with tajikistan. according to eyewitnesses, the plane suffered an engine failure and then crashed into a mountain. at first, specialized resources reported that everyone who was on board died, but within a few hours new data appeared. while in afghan airspace.
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the falcon 10 aircraft stopped communicating and disappeared from radar screens. this aircraft is registered in the state register of civil aircraft of russia. there were six people on board, and according to preliminary data four, four are alive, they have various injuries, and the fate of two people is being clarified. it is known that the flight was an ambulance; it flew from thailand with refueling in india. on board were spouses anatoly and anna ivsyukova from volgodonsk. it is reported that the couple was vacationing at the resort, but at some point the woman became ill, she was diagnosed with a serious infection of unknown origin, she spent several days in a local hospital, then a decision was made to transport her to her homeland; under insurance, a plane was sent for the spouses the doctors on board were resuscitator pavel popov and nurse igor syvorodkin, it was syvorodkin who, after the plane crash, was able to walk along the mountain slopes to the nearest village and ask with gestures for help, then returned to the crash site with a group of local residents, and then the russians were informed about the rescued... the russian embassy in afghanistan is
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in cooperation with the local country, contact was established immediately after receiving a corresponding request from the federal air transport agency, i am grateful to the afghan side for their assistance in search work. according to preliminary information, it is still unknown how the bodies of the victims will be transported, this is the evsyukovs’ spouses, but the afghan authorities promise full assistance. the son of an elderly couple flew to russia on a different plane; he did not have enough space on the falcon. he assures that he has minimal information so far, but judging by the reports, we need to prepare for the worst. i'm official. in addition to the federal air transport agency, the investigative committee became involved in determining the causes of the plane crash; it is clear that in addition to interrogating the surviving pilots, department employees will have to study data from the black boxes of the plane, which, by the way, was more than 40 years old. a criminal case was opened on the grounds of a crime provided for in part three of article 263 of the criminal code russian federation.
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russian truth, new year's parties need to be organized very carefully. today, blogger elena blinovskaya, who is accused of tax evasion, answered before the court for a new year's party. after 9 months of house arrest, the zamoskvarets court in moscow sent elena blinovskaya to a pre-trial detention center, considering
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that she had violated the terms of house arrest. a representative of the investigative committee said today at a meeting that elena blinovskaya quote:
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devilishness towards carrying out the activities of an organization recognized in russia unwanted. the state duma is going to consider this bill in the first reading on wednesday. today, the federal antimonopoly service announced that apple has paid a fine of one billion 200 million rubles. the money has already entered the russian budget,
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the department reports. faz began this case in the fall of twenty-one, and in the summer of twenty- two apple was found guilty of what the company, according to antimonopoly experts, was guilty of. prohibited russian application developers for the ios operating system from informing users that they could make purchases in the application and outside the app store using other payment methods. the fas said, for example, that apple requires developers to remove links to their sites. back in the twenty-second year, fas stated that similar claims were made against google; it removed the ban on the use of third-party payment systems. the russian stock market has not found any significant incentives today. at the end of the day, analysts call its growth the unconvincing word “sideways” ; the receipts of the qiwi company, which is going to separate its russian business from the rest. the ruble trembled today, the dollar at the end of the day was 8780, the euro 9581. the state duma committee
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on ecology said that tomorrow it will discuss changes to the rules for transporting animals due to what happened to the cat twix. he was traveling from... the leningrad region , he was accompanied, he had a ticket, he was traveling in a carriage where animals can be transported, but on the way he got out of the carrier, and the conductor, deciding that he was homeless, threw him out at a stop in kirov outside. the video shows someone throwing the animal out of the carriage. 300 volunteers were looking for twix, but a couple of days later he was found dead. on the same day, russian railways apologized to the owners of twix and announced that they would change the rules for transporting animals and ban conductors. to disembark the animals from the train, which is called nowhere, they will be handed over to employees at stops, and then representatives of animal protection organizations will be called. as for the conductor of this train, law enforcement agencies refused to initiate a criminal case under the article of arbitrariness. however, the petition for the dismissal of the conductor has already been signed by more than 300,000 man, today
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they promised to conduct an investigation into the fact of cruelty to animals at the investigative committee. that's all i wanted to say. thank you, denis. denis talalaev with an economic review of the day and don’t watch this program today after a short advertisement. the mystery of the yaroslavl burial. can a person who died many centuries ago tell about his life to death? in the report by alexey kvashenkin. just wasting gigabytes. minutes and receive gifts, but what is possible? you can, iota, connect for a maximum of 399 rubles and receive superboxes as a gift, you can iota. just find your place, dad , you'll be home soon, soon, i won't be late now, mom
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, guess who started a new job today, grandma, what a hat, 10 minutes until the new job, many new vacancies every day, avida there will be a job not just work, but its place, which from the first day of use begins to reduce the severity of symptoms of influenza and orv, regardless of... the type of virus, therefore kagacel is the highest antiviral measure, let's go, matra's grandmother should also be warm in the house, like us, we conduct a thorough inspection of the pipe, check the supports, hello, have a nice day.
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with the russian lotto the holidays continue, in january we are raffling off houses, cars, and also million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million, just some kind of holiday, buy tickets in branded stores on the website, stolato, win when you find a reason to get together, order. megamarket and scooter and win 10 million rubles. are there situations when only a big
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burger with tender chicken can save you? big chicken burger with large tender chicken breast fillet in crispy breading, tomatoes, lettuce and signature sauce. also try the new big chicken mushroom burger, it’s delicious. one of my friends. complex relationship with the internet, cool video, how high the speed is, and how wide the coverage is, where are we going, where no one has seen your videos yet, although the megaphone can pick up even there, the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage speed, what is the reason hemorrhoids, the problem may be in the vein, vinarrus helps to increase the tone of the veins, vinoproctallium suppositories have local effects, vinarus and vinoproctallium together against hemorrhoids. this is the program today, we continue our release. today, scientists are reconstructing bit by bit the details of the events in
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which all the inhabitants of yaroslavl died 800 years ago. archaeologists still find terrible traces of the mongol-tatar invasion of northeastern russia in different parts of the historical center of the city. then geneticists and forensic experts get to work. thanks to modern reconstruction methods, they recreated the image of a resident of that era, and then revived the virtual one. what language did he speak and what did he do before the tragedy of 1238 year, alexey kvashenkin will tell. in 2004, large-scale archaeological excavations were carried out here in yaroslavl on the spit. we are interested in the part of them that was near that yellow house. burials of people were discovered in this place, among which there was one very interesting individual. the bodies of people and animals were buried without observing rituals; it was sanitary.
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were of great value, they were removed from the dead first of all, but they disdained these boots, they were chewed so badly by mice, and the shape of this boot, not found before anywhere in yaroslavl , allowed us to assume that these were probably the shoes of a horseman, and therefore the shoes of the attacker, only excavations that began in 2004 showed that in february 1238 the entire population of yaroslavl, regardless of age, and this is about 500 . a person was destroyed by the mongol-tatars, you can see what our hero looked like thanks to the method developed by mikhail gerasim, when
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a person’s appearance is recreated from the bones of his skull, this... they agreed to do in the laboratory of plastic reconstruction. restoration of the skull is a painstaking process; whether the skull has been assembled accurately will only be clear at the final stage, when an expert removes the lower jaw into place. now we will try how much this is. everything fits very well. and we even see that the lower jaw is slightly shifted to the right. there were fragments of skulls from yaroslavl.
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a person works with metal, a person works with an excessively large amount of copper, that is , with metal, but the most interesting thing is that exactly next to this burial there was an estate in which there were clearly signs jewelry production. as the image of the invader crumbled, in its place was a jeweler from ancient yaroslavl. at our request, the expert will reconstruct the face from the skull. and here in front of you is the most accurate portrait of a person who actually lived in the 13th century; it is enough to put all the facts together and let him speak. the most important thing is why the ancient russian language is understandable to us. these are the roots of words,
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they have not gone away. and therefore...
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warm and snowy, the initiative in the weather is seized by the atlantic cyclone, it, like its predecessors, has decent reserves heat moisture. according to tradition, snowfalls will begin first in the north-west, in petrozavodsk and velikiye luki, with a thaw and snow. it's really raining in kaliningrad. then, the atmospheric front will reach the tver and smolinsk regions, but here the temperature does not exceed zero. and gradually, during the day , the snowfall zone will move east. at the same time... in vladimir -5, the middle volga remains in sunny winter weather, now it will never reach here, the cyclone will simply fizzle out along the way. in the south, in the mountains heavy snowfalls, avalanche conditions, in the lower reaches of the don and on the black sea coast it is sunny and cool. about the weather in the capitals in a few seconds. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it
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helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes. uric acid level. rheumoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. cleanse your liver with folk remedies. try replacing them with ovisol. only in it the oats of milky ripeness are enhanced with herbs and turmeric. ovesol evalar is number one for cleansing the liver. cleanse your liver with folk remedies. try replacing them with avisol. avisol is a modern natural remedy that promotes gentle cleansing of the liver. valar. how to reduce joint pain. harm to the stomach. rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain. in st. petersburg tomorrow there will be a thaw of +2 and sleet . in moscow it's still -2. light snow steamy wind. but then there are continuous slides and swings. wednesday will be the warmest
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day this week. and on thursday around zero. and serious snowfall. traditionally , it's getting colder for the weekend again, well, we're not used to it, thank you, this was the weather forecast over evgeniy neronskaya, these are the main news for this hour, today at 0:45 on our tv channel. watch the comedy crazy with your favorite artist in the title role, right now the action-packed series chef, return and aina nikolaeva, thank you for your attention, all the best to you. everything is fine, it doesn’t interfere, but
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you seem to be used to it, you behave naturally, he has no reason to suspect you of anything, and he doesn’t trust anyone at all, not even his loved ones, but you and him don’t care if he called you towards you, it means he needs you, not you, but you to him. and what we don’t promise, we either do it or don’t, but don’t refuse him right away, find a way to stall for time, let him, say, colonel, if i do everything the way you want, you will get my daughter out, i won’t judge, i will not announce the verdict, but i will do everything possible to the girl received a suspended sentence.
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don't you understand who you're talking to? listen to this remnant, if i say, you must do it right away. i’m giving you 3 days to resolve the issue, understand? that's it, excuse me, how are you, ringer, is everything in order? yes, well, shall we take a walk? what you live, what you breathe, how you live, that’s the main thing, yes.


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