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tv   Shef  NTV  January 23, 2024 8:00pm-11:36pm MSK

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oh, hello, we already thought something happened to you, we haven’t seen you for so many years, you can’t wait.
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what ratted me out? well, there’s no one else, only you , your owner, were you aware? faucet you are dear to you, wait, wait, let go, do you want me to give you money, well, do you want me to take you out of here? you can’t break through on your own, there are cops with launchers on every road, in general it’s a sound idea. maybe you can take it out, but you have something to eat, that there is a packed lunch in the cupboard, thank you, we didn’t send you to the city for this, you speak as if i personally shot the head administration, where you are always problems and troubles, i want to remind you that i didn’t want to go back, if i had my way, but it would be strange.
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veliminov, boris semyonovich, department for st. petersburg and the leningrad region, came to us for enough, everyone understands perfectly well why i came, let's get down to business, yesterday the court arrested alexander mitrofanov for 2 months. this became possible as a result of searches in zaretskaya’s apartment and her office. the documents we discovered allow us to say with confidence that the circle was sharply drawn.
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it seems to me that it’s likely, i ’m guessing, it seems to me, colleague, you don’t understand that we are talking about two fundamentally different criminal cases, theft of money from the budget and the murder of a person, the criminal code, remind you, i
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’m sure that mitrofanov is not involved in murder, as soon as his plans became known, he probably backed down and reversed the move, then who shot at zaretskaya , why according to the instructions, it could be anyone, but not mitrofanov, vitya, come on! he's been on all the news sites for the last couple of days, now it’s too late to talk about it, what do you want , listen, just do your job and do it well, isn’t that why you brought me back, it was my mistake, then let ’s go to the department now, sign a report for me, but we can do it right here on your knee, you think about yourself all the time, now too, but you can’t imagine what they’ll tell me in my life? they still can’t decide who their minister will be, here we are with our provincial freaks, i don’t care who’s there or what they say, i’ve long since learned not to to be afraid, to tell people to their faces what i think, you are not afraid for yourself, i understand, but the rest, everyone who is nearby, and maybe
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it’s time for them to learn this too, what not to be afraid of, i return... to st. petersburg, he wants to report to me personally, morning and evening, about the investigation, he reports personally, i repeat, today we have absolutely no evidence of mitrofanov’s involvement in the murder of zaretskaya, you’re lucky that you dug up at least some material on him, otherwise how would the committee go to court when making a decision?
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one more circumstance: according to the expert opinion, zaretskaya used drugs, traces of an injection in the blood were found on her body, remains of drug-containing drugs, get it straight, she was on the system, yes, i hope she was smart enough not to report this to journalists, measures have been taken, an undertaking not to disclose the preliminary investigation was taken, except for the pathologist and anatomist. even the orderlies of the organization who were present at the autopsy, in addition, explanatory conversations were held about how long ago, how long ago she had been using drugs, the experts' answer to this question is probabilistic in nature, but not less than a year, that is, at the time of death she was already addicted, that's for sure, but you determined from whom, where, how
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she purchased drugs, no, we haven't had time yet, we haven't had time, listen , what are you even doing here? let's go, let's go.
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hello, who are you, the new lawyer? why did you decide so? but when my father was killed, he stopped paying bills. they said that the new lawyer will be on assignment, the old one is like that, dude, colonel nekrasov, andrei petrovich, me means, so what do you want from me it’s necessary, listen, she said , they killed my father, and you definitely won’t get him through me , they didn’t even let him go to the funeral, but i asked, and you ’re not here at the resort, in the investigation room, it’s your own fault, listen, fuck you. who are you to read morals to me here? do you want to go out? in terms of? do you want to get out of here?
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why do you need this? what will i have to do for this? answer yes or no? but i want, one of these days you will be called in for questioning, you will tell the investigator exactly what i say, remember, is that right? it turns out that the head of your administration was drug addict , it turns out that we were tasked with establishing where she bought drugs from whom, yes, guys, i ’m new in town, i have no idea who ’s selling what to you, so i gave up, i’m afraid it’s not that simple, oh, misha , just don’t say that you are on your own, hucksters on your own, but we know who trades with us, dealers change, like everywhere else, we imprison them, they appear. new, that’s right, a holy place is never empty, yuri, you yourself moved to st. petersburg from tamilinskaya, you know how it happens in a provincial
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town, yes i know, i’d like to forget, i won’t forget no way, let me remind you, well, if you want to buy weed, where will you go, but behind every garage they sell this stuff, okay, synthetics, well, the acquisition mechanism is a little different, the dealers are different, the timing is different, and what about the hero? there wasn’t much of it in its pure form in tamillinsk, why? because the product is expensive, not everyone can afford it, by the way, this also applies to coke, that’s it, but now imagine that you are the head of the administration, every dog ​​knows your face, where will you go to buy, gerych?
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igor andreevich, are you home, this is the general. torgoev, the new head of the department of internal affairs. igor andreevich. and what was that now? what kind of performance? what performance? do you
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greet all your guests with a gun at your disposal? well, excuse me, strangers, as they say, don’t come here, if only they had come in a company car, i would have understood everything, but i don’t know the car, who knows? i ’m very sorry that our conversation started this way, but as far as i know, you didn’t have any problems with criminals in the city, with metrofanov and my people either, so why are you doing this?
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is building a new one, but it will only trade another team, because the old one will be demolished along with the club, in st. petersburg such a star can order a dose for himself and they will bring it to her with pizza, with fresh juice, and the cops will accompany him, saying that nothing happened on the way... happened, yes, guys, you peter, you know better than me, you spent too much time on the internet, or what? no, guys, everything is wrong, everything is wrong, guys, i ’m trying to explain to you that zaretskaya was in sight all the time, our city is like that, everyone sees each other, but she couldn’t come to the tavern to buy a dose there, and therefore more do it regularly, in 2 days the whole city would know about it, yes, okay, okay, i understand, just
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tell me, do you have really expensive taverns in your city, or just a canteen where they refused to feed me, just imagine, there is, well.. .. so show me, otherwise it’s very boring in the evenings, yur, yes, but you came here to work or hang around the taverns, i don’t need tourists, i’ll send you home in a moment, it’s not for you to decide, misha, i’m here general ratarguev brought it with him, of course, and it’s okay, what are you going to do to me, huh? in general, i i understood what you wanted to convey to me , i went to work, there will be a result, i’ll report right away, all the best, colleagues, what happened just now, i asked rastorgogov, maybe we didn’t
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report, is he really in some special position? the bright taste of instant coffee jardin gold and jardin deep dark the pleasure of feeling a new chief detective in st. petersburg, interesting, very interesting, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, and i wouldn’t see you for as long, and if it’s not a secret, you’ll be with us for a long time, i hope forever, new season of the famous series, and you are not afraid that you will be fired, i i’m no longer afraid of anything, do you want war? we just have to find him, he’s the key to everything that’s happening in the city, put on your armored armor , at least, andrey chubchenko, it’s been 2 weeks since you came back again, why are you doing this, i didn’t set up this prison, boss, new season, s with your arrival, viktor sergeevich, everything went
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wrong, the costs of the profession, from monday at 20:00, on ntv. bonanza. premiere. from monday at 22:15 on ntv. what is the pin code here? so it looks like you don't remember the correct answer. if a simple question turns into a quiz, it may help naapept. naapept helps improve brain function, restore memory and concentrate. appetite to get your head working. there are situations when only a big snow burger with chicken can save you, a big chicken burger with a large tender chicken breast fillet in a crispy breading, tomatoes, lettuce and special sauce, also try a new product, a big chicken burger with mushrooms in a delicious
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the category of large, tender, mushroom bichickenburger is already in a combo for 429 rubles. new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv, hello, great, are you so happy, yes, i spent the whole night again today, i don’t remember how i got to the hall, i thought i didn’t even get out of bed, listen, i don’t understand how it works out for you, i’ve already started to forget how it happens, well, what to buy, what’s there, as in... it’s called prostatricum, i remember, remember, it’s better to try once than 100 once you hear what you think works, nothing, i don’t think, i know. dark, of course , now i know my wife, how and what is there , how to take it, call, everything is simple, when you order, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second,
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order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatricum gold. meeting point, tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. in the middle of the night near the house. it was no longer possible to extinguish it manually, saving her six children, the woman was missing her daughter, i ran to my daughter’s bedroom, she wasn’t there, early in the morning she was found strangled with a nail in her stomach , strangulation, strangulation, he said over her over the dead, because checked to see if she was alive or not, who was to blame for the arson and brutal murder? home with tears and says: mom, what is he saying, what did i do, what did he say during the interrogation? ran, he says, after her, took her a lace from his pants, he began to say to sew it up, i’m not even sure that
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he really did it, he’ll dig someone else and everything will get away with it too, he ’ll walk, breathe, not a word can lift ours from the grave don’t hear anything, it’s abroad, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv, were you forced to resign from your job? who? i won't answer your questions. let’s just say i’ll use the first article of the constitution. you are not married, you have no children, you have one close relative and a cousin lives in germany. are you well prepared for meeting. a great honor for me. man , if you need help, don’t refuse when it’s offered to you , but it seems to me that this is not the point at all, well, tell me, if you were threatened, there
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would be no one to protect you, you would have left this long ago cities, hid so that you wouldn’t be found , seriously, how do you think, what kind of shit can i leave for, no, in your capitals, every general probably has a stash for a rainy day, just don’t judge by yourself. what did you think, misha koplevich didn’t will you tell me about the money you paid him every week? unlike you, misha trusts me, there was an unrealistically large amount of money, so forgive me, i don’t believe you, that you have nothing left, as you say, for a rainy day, koplevich will never testify against me, otherwise he will go to prison himself , or will be fired in disgrace, leave, talk. will!
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isn’t this a beauty with ours? or maybe you and i will try to start a family so that we can see each other on holidays, and even then we don’t always agree, there’s no reason, or maybe it’s without obligations? listen, u
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divided you. 105, yes, from monday the accused will begin to get acquainted with the case, i’m sure that everyone will get what they deserve, but i need the girl to be free, don’t ruin your life, natasha, nekrasov, have you even seen her, she’s already damaged, it won’t get any better , i will be obliged to you, to hell with your obligations, you can’t even sleep with me?
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“call her in for questioning again, she’ll say that she stood aside, didn’t lay a finger on the worker , and actually ended up there by accident, but how to get her friends to confirm her words, you yourself know, it’s not for me to teach you, the loan will be from a regional bank, we agreed, we agreed, that’s it, i was glad to see you.” listen, what do you really have to eat in the house other than dry rations, but i’m telling you, i haven’t been here for 100 years, yeah, where did you serve,
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what do you think time? you’ll go in all four directions, don’t worry , by the way, if i were you , i’d just go abroad, why would that be, that you really don’t understand, no, explain, but by and large you’re already the same corpse as although no, i didn’t punch a couple of cops in the face, they don’t give you much for that, you’re an old man, you’re another matter, you betrayed your master, not like a samurai, but you’ve already had enough... with your
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samurai, but a grandiose masterpiece for all times, this land is full of superstitions, every day the messiah, the master and margarita are waiting here, i want this project manage, i want to become your partner, and what will happen, there will be war, war, idiot, but you won’t be able to fight with him, you’re a businessman, and he’s been in politics for 20 years, dear friends, i didn’t come here as an enemy, i’m a shareholder, i want to work with you for the benefit of the company, my father made you a millionaire, and you are a creature, you killed him, business empire, which is about to collapse, but we lost three shareholders in a month, three, how did it happen, a huge inheritance for which we will have to fight, he will wash away your shares, for
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pennies, my half, relatives, and relatives who need to negotiate, dear grandchildren , we need to get together, if you want to lead the family, with health, you’ll have enough of steering all this so as not to end up at the bottom, you chose money, not family , i don’t care about the family, you know, there’s no more family, a bonanza, the premiere starts on monday 22:15 on ntv, boss, new season, from monday at 20:00 on ntv. the pain can vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if pintalgin is available. a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin. let's do without pain . the beginning of the year, time to make new plans. and the ktenkov loan will help you not to put them off for
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out of a mint, so he rushed to his old hut, and that he’s still there, they’re both one and the other, what the other one, for whom you used to bastard. so what's there? what, what is he talking about? what we are going to do? what teams? well , i can’t decide now, i need to talk to the owner. so, okay, i’m in pre-trial detention, be on the phone, as soon as i’m free, i’ll call you right away. more precisely, i will send an sms. if it's 0, yeah, water one, if it's 02 both, got it? and if it’s 03, that means you’ll shoot yourself. i think these passengers will not wait for your text message. listen, you're smart, yourself. you’ll figure out what to do, that’s why lawyers don’t like you, i’m telling you, you’re smart, you understand everything perfectly well, the team is waiting, if they decide
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to leave, bring them both down, i got it, we’ll do whatever it takes while we wait, i got it. will you allow me? yes, mish, come in. what's the news? nothing yet. sorry. well, it’s okay, this also happens. so , after all, can you answer my question, from whom did you receive kharitons in this city? i don’t know, don’t you know, or don’t want to answer? i don't know, right? okay, let's go the logical route. could kharitonov receive money from mitrofanov? well, as general patronage, well, if mitrofanov had nowhere to put the money, then he could. mitrofanov is still a bug, he can do it for a penny, but his position is... kharitonov would not
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look for a conflict with him. but then i don’t understand anything at all. zaretsky was killed by mitrofanov in pre-trial detention. so, in theory, kharitonov should start twitching, because who knows what testimony mitrofanov might give against him. but he sits at home and waits for something. what? just questions and no answers. i... also wanted to talk to you, come on, speak up, this one is yours, yura voskov, i do n’t even know how to say it, tell it like it is, he’s a werewolf , maybe not completely yet, but half sure, thank you, mish, i heard you, i just don’t understand how to behave with him , you are the boss, he is a subordinate, what can... option, such a subordinate can shoot
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the boss in the back and step over his corpse, even so, okay, i'll figure it out. you know him, you can’t see his face right away, whether you know him or not, no, i’ve never seen him, but this car. i didn’t
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see it, so i knew we’d be leaving soon, but shut up already, when it’s necessary, then let’s go, in general, alexander borisovich, you will have to spend 2 months here, there are no other options yet, and then, and then they will move on, if the police and the fsb don’t find anything new, then perhaps, i emphasize. it’s possible, they ’ll let you out on bail, 2 months, i’ll wait, work, that’s not all, he’s bothering me, do you understand why, what do you suggest? i am not suggesting anything, you must decide, and the sooner the better. i answered
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your question completely, but what about the second one, don’t worry about it, come on, alexander borisovich, i was thinking. if i were in their place, you would do it so easily too, if you don’t get me out of here, then yes, well, as i understand it, all the best, goodbye.
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sms 02, well, sit there, let's go, they won't let us into our apartment, what are you going to do, we'll sit in ambush on the street, they 'll be there sooner or later anyway, and if not, let's go. okay, i'm off, i think you 'll figure it out here, happily, guys, happily, if you need help, call me or, this is where, in theory, kharitonov should start to twitch, because who knows what
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evidence he might give against him petrofanov, testimony, i'm a fool. damn, damn, who called? yes, just one acquaintance. who called? cop, head of the local criminal department, surname koplevich, what did you want? but how do i know, lord, it was you who betrayed me to him? yes, let me go. looks like it's time for us.
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are you sitting down? come on, get up, let's go, let's go, let's go! you sit behind the wheel, i sit in the back, if the cops slow down, it will be strange, i’m not a taxi driver, you’d better sit in front, if they slow us down, it won’t matter, i’ll bring them down on you too, let’s go, it’s an ambush!
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stand police. damn, damn, that's it. my friend, why don't you give me a hundred whiskey, what do you want? normal, if you deceive me, i’ll punish you, and
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turn down the music, your head will crack, okay. great , buddy, good evening, vaskov, criminal investigation department, and i know all the cops in the city, no, not all, i recently transferred from st. petersburg, i came here with general rastorguev, to restore order here, but with us everything is fine, problems no, yes, of course, azskaya herself. i put a bullet in your heart, so girls, well, what do you want, let’s skip all the curtsies, we don’t care who you paid before, now you
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’ll pay the general, i’m terminating the deal, i intermediary, payments every week, fine for late payment, if you conceal it, we’ll put you in jail. believe me, you will never see freedom, i promise, are you dated or stubborn? i ’m seeing you for the first time, so it’s clear, if you want, we can go to the department right now, for what? who cares, we’ll find a reason, that’s not how things are done, believe me, my friend, that’s how things are done, you pay, we pay you.
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from whom in the city did gerych take it, what am i saying, gerych, from whom in the city did zaretskaya take it, but i’m not in the subject, maybe they know. it's my fault, i should have known that mitrofanov will begin to get rid of witnesses and the chief of security first of all, i was told that this is a quiet city, it was here. you also think that i bring with me only troubles, no, of course, you are like a surgeon who is called to cut out a tumor,
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if others can’t do it, okay, i’ll stop by the department, then home, okay, call me if anything happens. and they won’t look for him? i don’t care, i shut everyone’s mouths in the club and who cares where he
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is now, so we’ll bury him alive, that’s not the case, well, you idiot, i still need you you will set conditions, right? “you’ll have to go to church, light a candle, today the light was born for the second time, mm, let’s work, senior lieutenant rybin!” it’s my fault, comrade major general, i didn’t immediately recognize your car, but is it somehow fundamentally different from others? no way, no, the law
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is the same for everyone, well, that’s good, don’t forget about it, don’t forget, have a good trip, all the best, slowly, with two fingers, without sudden movements, take out the gun and give it to me. thank you, that's how i felt now the safest place is in the car of the main cop of this city, and what next, turn left, drive straight, you'll drive through all the checkpoints, and then we'll see, i said drive straight, chief, what are you doing, and i'm going to shoot, well so shoot, it's in vain to talk.
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i'm surprised, major general. well, sit down, i’ll take you home, why are you standing there, sit down.
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60 million euros, only i know the code to the safe , there’s a smell of big money, the game has begun, there are no winners and losers in this game, anton is dying the night, anton has a brother, some little creep, well, hello, my friend, uncles, who are you, everyone has their own interests, and you thought well, after all, this is war, until the chameleon comes into play, i will tell you the password to the safe, but with one thing... i want to take anton’s place, where, what is happening, maybe we put it in vain, but one word chameleon, we had other options, bee, which of you killed my brother? chameleon, whose side are you on, i'm for myself, premiere on sunday at 20:20
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on ntv, boss, new season. at 20:00 on ntv. this video lasts 20 seconds, it would seem so little, but not for sars viruses, once in organism, they begin to multiply, time works against us, but there is orbidol, it prevents the fusion of the virus with the cell, and the mechanism of virus reproduction is disrupted. orbidok is ready to fight influenza viruses and other acute respiratory infections. winter sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone. gold bracelet for 3.99. let's go, grandma matri's house should also be warm, like ours, we conduct a thorough inspection of the pipe, check the supports,
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speed coverage. lightberry releases. always tsenkov. do you get irritated or anxious about everything? novopasit double action against irritability and anxiety. order medicine with discounts at touch croc everywhere burger.
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votter. it tastes better on fire. mom, guess who started a new job today? there are many vacancies on avito, you will find not just a job, but your place. the pain can vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin. a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgen acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons it arose.
8:57 pm
well, am i a fool or is it money so openly extort, it was a legend, just to find out who is tough. how's the alcohol here, that's all, so what, did you find out? well, you can’t see it, you didn’t have time, come out, but i said, come out, well, did you
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come to treat me too? i wrote everything in detail in the rapport, i just wanted to get information about the dealer quickly, the committee also has no complaints against me, everything is fine, let me look at you, what, mish, mish? close the door, you're lucky, idiot, that normal people didn't get hurt because of you, otherwise i would have gotten you in this forest myself buried, but you know where to go, you don’t know how to work, you don’t know how to work, you’re still waving your hands, once again you show such initiative, you’ll run to st. petersburg ahead of your own squeal, and no deal will help you, understand? i came personally to say thank you for saving the life of our employee.
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i hope i don't regret it. as far as i know, the use of weapons will be considered legal, time will tell, but for some reason it seems to me that you were saving not only voysky. who else, maybe yourself, is yong. the money came, why is that so? for a long time, you understand, i don’t have time , my days are counting, as soon as they find out the truth, they will find out, i guarantee you, they will close me down, then that’s it, the money will forever hang in the accounts, and you won’t get your share either .
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come, come out, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, i can pay, right here, if you want , what, i don’t like you, you need to take a shower , it stinks of the isolation ward, here’s another thing, but your father... no, next time i’ll help you i can’t, so decide for yourself how to live, you’re already an adult, you hear me, cop,
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what the hell are you doing?
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viktor sergeevich, everything is fine , stop it, but i was still waiting for you to appear, i actually didn’t disappear anywhere, you understand what i’m talking about, or rather, who, uh, you already guessed, guesses are not for me, i you...
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i’m building versions, and the one i built explained a lot, well, let ’s agree, why did you decide that i would negotiate with you, you have already informed st. petersburg about your versions, but no, i first i decided to hear your explanations, control yourself, viktor sergeevich, i don’t have to explain anything to you, just my call to st. petersburg, and you will carry out any of my orders, but why not, call immediately moscow, the central office, because they authorized your operation, somehow we started the conversation wrong, it wasn’t me,
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wait, you, you are holding me by the throat, okay, let's forget our conversation, let's start all over again. i'm listening to you, boris semyonovich. where is he, where did he go? what, aruzh, who is he? detainee, i talked to him half an hour ago. oh, so they took him away? who took it, who gave the command? when? yes, yes, they just took it. listen, i don't even care i couldn't do it. you have to sort it out among yourselves first.
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i said, get out of here quickly, you're blocking the sun for me, you should calm down , you're clinking glasses, i'm mitrofanov, i don't care who you are, mitrofanov or karafanov, it's gray here, uncle , everyone here is equal, well, be equal, you what , mold, i know what i’ll make of you now, poor, you know that i’ll rule you now, ay, oh, it hurts, ah, ah,
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everything’s fine, alexander borisovich, anything can happen, the person just didn’t recognize you , no one else will bother you here, i answer, well if anything, can i pass, but thank you, where are you going, you bastard? initially, this was the development of the st. petersburg branch; we needed our own man surrounded by the criminal authority samsonov.
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also known as an acrobat, i doubt that there were no other approaches to him, well, in this particular case, a suitable candidate was not found, besides, our analysts recommended introducing a new person to the kokarabata, who is in no way connected with his team. an experienced employee from vladivostok was brought in specifically for this operation, however, you have already met. yeah, what went wrong? why not right away? so, viktor sergeevich, well, you know very well that introducing an employee into development takes not days, but months and even years. besides, no matter how much we were in a hurry, we had to play by the rules that were established.
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this could be another test, what if mitrofanov acted on the orders of the acrobat? well , now you understand that this is not so? now, yes, there is clearly a third party in the case who benefits from zaretskaya’s liquidation. and what are you going to do with taking into account new circumstances? but this game, viktor sergeevich, we need to play together. we can't do it without your help. you were just missing, why did you come here, and why did you fail the decision, it was necessary, whoever needed it, decided, this is not your problem, and you
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don’t tell me, they listened to you before, but now your power is gone in the city, do you really think so, but what’s wrong, in the cops the new general is in charge, the mitrofs in the pre-trial detention center are under him? and you live as you want, i ’m not telling you, you just said everything yourself, now in the city it’s every man for himself, in this situation the boys decided to ask you, but let them ask, i won’t go into my pocket for a word, you know me, you have to live, but i don’t know how long. “we discussed for a long time, of course, taking into account the latest circumstances, the most reasonable thing would be to remove our employee from development, information about him has been sent out to all
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cities and villages, of course, the acrobat is already aware that the guy is wanted, of course, why does he need a person who made so much noise, but on the other hand, all this hype"? the best works for his legend in a way that one can only dream of, but if he just takes the guy away, have you thought about that? thought, of course, so they left him to decide to interrupt the operation or continue to move on, he chose to stay in the game when you already understand that this is not a game, that there are living people around you, and not pawns who can easily be written off as. viktor sergeevich, our goal is the security of the state. this is what you need from an acrobat, what topic is he involved in? drugs, a large batch, or something else? as far as i understand,
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he was not noticed in political intrigues. i can't answer your question. understand. so what are we going to do? our man must return to st. petersburg and report to the acrobat about the completed task. you want? everything is correct. you must establish the identity of the killer and then our man will hand him over to the acropath, and what will happen then? well,
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yes, who can know, viktor sergeevich, everything is free, you know. whom, the bright taste of instant coffee jardin gold and jardin deep dark, the pleasure to feel, the issue of the unification of germany is up to us, not the germans who lost the war, and they lived so well, why this perestroika, your gorbachev will ruin our country, and stop reading these lights, in berlin there is now a scattered chaos, we need it. to the exit to a copy of the stasi archive , the archive of markus wolf, we know that you know where it is, we must be the first, are we
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going to make a movie, about spies, about love, you russians are such romantics, i just want to know what’s wrong my husband, he’s on a mission, today they tried to blow up my deputy minister, and tomorrow they’ll blow up the wall, sasha tazi, i'm seriously in trouble, maybe someone from the embassy leaked sasha, we have an informer. the main premiere of the year. in our business there cannot be half friends. a half friend is an enemy. gdr. coming soon to ntv. i feel good about these guys. mask. new season. february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. may be different. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pentalgin.
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a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgen acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons, it emergence. pentalgin. let's do without pain. kogacel already from the first day of administration begins to reduce the severity of symptoms of influenza and orv, regardless of the type of virus. therefore, kgcel is the highest antiviral measure. so , you need to pay for utilities, communications and internet and send money to your mother, if only you could pay for everything at once without a commission, honey, you’re already prepared, you’re thinking, there’s so much you need to pay for, also send money to your mother, don’t worry, let’s pay for tinko, get a card tinko black and make payments and transfers without commission always zinkov. does anything seem to have changed?
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chubchenko. i didn't arrange this fight. chief new season. are you staying with us for a long time? hopefully forever. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. it's him who wants to talk in person. “tell me, but everything didn’t go quite as i planned, and my business trip may drag on, i’ve heard a lot, and they even told you over the phone, like they’re looking for a particularly dangerous person, this is all nonsense, this hasn’t happened before, i’ll jump out at any moment, i i don’t care how you solve your personal problems, i’m interested in the one for
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which i paid you money, don’t be so nervous, i always finish what i started, i’m just warning you, it will be needed a little more time, you have a week, maximum two, then you don’t have to call, i don’t talk to dead people.
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and what he said, he reminded me who the customer is, who the performer is, yeah, it’s clear, we need to decide how to proceed next, what to decide, comrade colonel, every dog ​​in this city now knows my face, i’m tied hand and foot, let this does not bother you, in a couple of days we will inform our colleagues that, according to operational information, you have left the region and are located somewhere in some kind of roaming area, and at the same time there will always be some zealous meth who needs the most, well... we will have to trust the local police, general rastorguev, in the past a smart operative, is now a competent leader, and he has an appropriate team, and that we are now completely dependent on them, in many ways, but not in everything, i don’t like these dependencies, comrade colonel, why
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can’t our local fighters deal with this killer, they can . they just shouldn’t know why we need it, but what is it? don't trust leaks, are you afraid? i didn't say that, i just in this city, as you probably already noticed, everyone is tied to each other, the only one who has nothing to do with this swamp is general ratarguev, we will have to trust him. to be sure, when this voronin was taken from the cell, i immediately realized that the matter was dirty, but to such an extent, well, how can we look for this
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guy, i don’t know, mish, i don’t know, all we have is a marking machine and its license plate number i have already checked the car in the database, there are only three of them in the area, the numbers naturally do not match, but of course, the killer is not a fool to go to st. petersburg with we're going to go now, okay, i'll give the guys a task , let them get all three owners, names , passwords, appearances, then we'll see, i'm sure it won't do anything, why do you think so, because a professional worked in st. petersburg, he couldn't help but know that surveillance cameras, safe city systems, the flow will not lead us into the winds, of course he changed his number. he was also able to guess that the investigation would probably initiate a search for him here, on the spot, in vetrovo, which means he is too confident in himself, or in his cover, do you think it’s someone from current employees, i am increasingly inclined to this version, from ours or from subcontractors, it’s not for nothing that colonel velyeminov turned to us for help, if he doesn’t
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trust his own, then he has good reason for this, so good, let’s think more broadly, why did you decide that the shooter acts alone? and if it is not one person, but several, an organized group. no, i understand that there is only one person in the photographs, but maybe. the criminals were given a fake death in the zone, then they were provided with documents and given orders to kill, maybe we are now we are dealing with a similar scheme, well done, mish , this version is worth considering, and it is also necessary to establish a connection between the victims, yes, if there is one, but how could it be otherwise, two cold cops, one “
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will you work on the inner circle? we will, friends, girlfriends , driver, secretary, but maybe we are digging too deep, and the answer is on the surface, what do you mean? mitrofanov, is that what prevented him from personally supplying zaredskaya with drugs? for him this is not a problem at all, he snapped his fingers, they brought it to him, no, i doubt he needed zaretskaya for business, for his financial scams. and working with a drug addict is always a risk , you never know when he will break down and what he will do in the next minute,
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have dinner with us, alexander, borisovich, and thank you, no appetite, first time in the isolation ward, but it was when i was young, how- then a couple of times, i understand, when you’re young, everything seems simpler, and life is long. explain, i'm sorry, you're not a boy anymore, if they put a full load on you now
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, you'll be out in 10 years, that's a long time for you, nothing, we'll figure it out, who are you, i know everyone here in the city, this is the first time i've seen you, no, the cops grabbed me by chance, now i’m waiting for the stage to st. petersburg, i have rations in the refrigerator, it’s still disappearing, take it, from the heart, alexander borisovich, a crab catcher, a good person, treats me.
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man, everything is fine, yes, everything is fine,
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exactly, yes, exactly. yes, viktor sergeevich, listen, check another car for me, i’ll send you the data now, yes, of course, no problem, i’m waiting.
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i want to manage this project, i want to become your partner, and what will happen, there will be war, war, idiot, yes, you cannot fight with him, you are a businessman, and he has been in politics for 20 years. dear friends, i did not come here as an enemy, i am a shareholder, i want to work with you for the benefit of the company, my father made you a millionaire, and you created him, a business empire that is about to collapse, but we lost three shareholders in a month , three, how did this
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well, implementation specialist, are there any results? yes, but rather negative. report. this means that we proceeded from the fact that someone from her inner circle could have supplied the drugs. i remember where we came from, report back to the point. so it doesn't work out. this means that zaredskaya very rarely used a company car; she mostly drove it herself. yes. the driver she relied on for her position started working only 2 months ago. and... at that time, we believe, zaretskaya was already sitting on drugs, i’ll have to find the previous driver, find out where he is now, why he quit, i’ll do it, and her secretary has been in the position for 3 months, her previous one left for another job, so
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on, the housekeeper who cleaned her apartment quit a month ago, another zaretskaya was never hired, in general, i have a suspicion that this was some kind of purge of the old team for a new one, it will be necessary to convert and... i already understand, i’ll get to it tomorrow morning, or maybe it’s one of the old ones friends, college, school, classmates, well, so we are up to let's get to the housemates, no, misha, this should be such a contact, communication with whom does not arouse any suspicion in anyone, a housekeeper, a secretary, a driver, this is in color, everything else is somehow in doubt, i agree, but in the end , if...
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yur, do you understand what i mean? got it, hello, good evening, i’m calling based on an advertisement, yes, i really want love and affection, well, you can do without love, but affection is a must, yes, i’m recording it. mitrofanov with his things on the way out, why do you need to clean your ears? or something, they told me to leave with my things, it’s not clear what, they’re letting me go, yeah,
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they’ll let you go, they’ll catch up and they’ll let you go again , it also concerns you all, you’ll go in stages, 5 minutes of getting ready, which stage, we’ll go in one stage, and what, good company and the road to joy. hey, why aren’t you answering my calls, am i like a boy running after you, firstly, not you, but you, and secondly, you’re nobody to me, not even my client, are you just bastardizing for a broom? watch out, i'm not talking. what, can i be of some help to you? tell
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borisych that things won’t go on like this, there are a lot of questions in the city, they need to be solved, what, for example, you might think, you are not in the know, kharitonov failed trishalo, and his two boys, the issue with him needs to be resolved quickly, i will tell alexander borisovich your words, that’s all, i just started, while mitrofanov is on the side bunk it’s up to you, someone has to solve the issues, take care of business, unravel the issues, let him announce. then i will be for him, you, temporarily, and then we’ll see, that’s all, answer my calls next time, otherwise we’ll talk differently, people respect me, do you understand me?
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hello, hello, hello, girls, i would like to fill out the requirements , please sit down , prepare these documents too, okay, fill them out, yeah, who are you going to, mitrofanov, who else, but nothing will work out, i don’t understand. why won't it work? so, what's wrong with him? he's been transported away from us, but that's all i can say. wait, on what basis? this is a violation of the penal code. in the decision on choosing a preventive measure , the judge clearly indicated that my client should be kept in a pre-trial detention center. i say again, this is all the information, everything. it's kind of a mess. i i will immediately file a complaint with the prosecutor's office. so the head of the institution is at home? at home
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, yes, it’s great, in st. petersburg, if you have time, you should drop by the shopping center, i promised my daughter a new phone for her birthday, but what exactly in st. petersburg, but here, they don’t sell those, or what? no, there aren’t any, well , you can order it on the internet, but i don’t trust this internet, i want to choose it myself, so that they check everything in front of me and connect it. otherwise i’ll send it and it doesn’t work, so then maruki will return it with it, we’ll see if there’s time, let's drive, but i want to return home before light, so as not to walk along the highway in the dark, i have beer, but this is a different matter, i just had to start, but it’s fine, valery viktorovich, but what happened to my client, they didn’t tell you, it’s a disgrace , he was transported to st. petersburg to the crosses. not normal , but it was difficult for me to report this, and secondly
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, valera, with what, with what joy he was transported to st. petersburg, what did he forget there, don’t shout, i had nothing to do with it, the decision was made to transfer him to the second department of the main department for st. petersburg, i was surprised myself, but on the other hand on the other hand, this is a common practice, a well-known person, his article is serious, objectivity in the investigation is everything, valer, who specifically will deal with his case will contact you. russia, nothing is changing, yes, as agreed, now literally in a minute, it seems the track is clear, there is no one, who are you with? now he said, it doesn’t matter what happens
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in a minute, what does the route have to do with it. what was it? a shot, it seemed like it was actually a shot, calm down, sit down. what's happened? everything is clear,
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take these out, we go out, the car is in the forest, 300 meters from here, how we agreed, but okay, well, let's go? alexander borisovich, let's go, the bright taste of instant coffee jardin gold and jardin deep dark, the pleasure to feel, well, hello, st. petersburg, the boss is returning
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to st. petersburg, why weren't you in moscow, general, to restore order in your beloved city. wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentelgin, we can do without pain.
9:47 pm
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grandma matri’s house should also be warm, like ours. we conduct a thorough inspection of the pipe. checking the supports, hello!
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9:51 pm
what questions, guys, are you a girl today offended, she tried all night for you, you didn’t pay, you need to pay, it means she didn’t try hard, since she didn’t pay. the client is always right, the girl is upset, we are too, well , you console each other, we’ll solve the issue in an amicable way, or you’ll get all your belongings, and now listen to me carefully , i’ll see you again, i’ll shut it to hell, i understand, yes, eh. .. yes, yes, okay, no, now i’m driving my ex
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zaredskaya, and the other one was driving, come on, i’ll dial it, it’s time to get out, otherwise they’ll spot you, alexandrovich, well, let’s go, we can’t linger here it’s worth it, what do you need, a separate invitation. no , it won’t work like that, you can’t stay here , can i decide what to do myself, i’m afraid that this won’t work out, let’s go, we were paid very well for you, it’s because i look so kind, but if i have to, i’ll rip out your liver , got up and went. “you know who i am , you will be held accountable for this chaos, now you will get up and quickly and quickly walk with your feet where we
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tell you, otherwise i will break your fingers on your left hand, then on your right, then i will break your hand, then i'll drink all my teeth, well, i got up and went, stood up, i said where to go, to the forest"? i don’t want to talk about it, if anything happens, call for a subpoena, i’ll come with a lawyer, everyone is so competent, i haven’t driven a concrete mixer before, i was the personal driver of the head of the administration and some that i understand in life , apparently poorly, you see, since i left such a position to become a taxi driver, and this is my business, where to work, well, yes, well, a normal person will not leave the civil service, even if he is a driver, the main thing is whose, excuse me, on it's time for the route, which route? don't you understand who came to you? this is a criminal investigation. i'll take you to the department now i'll pick it up. don't scare me. i haven't started
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to scare you yet. now let's start over again. good afternoon, criminal investigation department. please tell me, did you yourself leave the driver’s position for a rare one, or did she ask you? well, speak, speak. they told me i left. there are people you shouldn't quarrel with. who? who said? yes, i can’t, he said, if i talk , he’ll kill me, you should be afraid of me now, and not someone, tell me, who? come on mish, what do you have? so, according to the cars we talked about, the first one belongs to ivan sukharev igorevich, a pensioner, worked all his life at a local factory. according to neighbors, the car has been in the garage for the last six months, sukharev rarely leaves the house, he is sick, the second belongs to alena sergeevna kuznetsova, an accountant, works in a local commercial organization, uses the car regularly , the third belongs to sergei
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stepanovich gorbel, 25 years old, unemployed, according to the local police officer is a drinker, friends, acquaintances, all that, a month ago he got into an accident, was intoxicated, the court deprived him of his license for a year and a half, the car needs to be repaired, is subject to repair, which means it’s not running , it seems like yes, or it’s a disguise, it’s hard to say, we need an examination, but in any case , any of these cars could be the one we need, well, in a sense, yes, sorry, dayur , and what does he say? so, take him to the detective, he will testify, you need to formalize everything. so what's there? voyskov talked to zaretskaya's former driver. it was mitrofanov who ordered him to resign. even so? i wonder why? good question. i think that mitrofanov, just as he was trying to figure out
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where zaretskaya got the dope from, is why. well, it’s time to interview mitrofanov, we need to play it open, his testimony can help the investigation. i think you should talk to him personally. yes, what article is this from? you are a general, the head of a department, he is also, in a sense, a general. it will be easier for you to find a common language, perhaps , yes rostorkuesh, when, okay, i understand, mitrofanov escaped while being transferred to st. petersburg, ufsin employees were killed, a volcano plan was introduced in the city, the morning of the village began,
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hello! excuse me, i decided that when given the current circumstances, it’s better for me to come to you right away, where are we going? what difference does it make where? it doesn’t matter where, but where? well, we ’re returning to the winds, let’s go without further questions, i didn’t ask to be released, the abyss, who arranged the escape? alexander borisovich, everything has its time, look out the window, there is beauty all around, right? i hope you understand the seriousness of the situation, if your client calls you, you are obliged, i repeat, you will be obliged to persuade him to surrender, i will make every effort so that alexander borisovich comes to the police, i in general, to be honest, i don’t understand why he
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needs this escape, now he only has an economic clause, yes, the term for it... is decent, but there are always options, especially since he hasn’t had a trial yet, but i, like him lawyer, there are still a couple of trump cards in stock. only a very influential person could organize such an escape, a person who has money, your client has it, so it would not be difficult for him to get new documents for himself and move abroad, and even change his appearance. well, you can't argue with that. we will need your permission to wiretapping your phone. wait. “i can’t, because of this status i will be deprived, you refuse, i am obliged to act in the interests of my client, if he gets in touch, i will try to persuade him to surrender, that’s all, sorry, goodbye.” the dubaki
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sent data on the passengers who fled with mitrofanov. the first is boris ramsov, nickname rams, the second is peter nezhdanov, nickname crab. both were convicted of robbery and extortion. they kidnapped commerce in the vladimir region, demanded a large sum of money, they threatened to kill him, but by some miracle he escaped from the house where he was kept and made it to the police. even so, who went to your place? sorukhanov with the military, i’m in touch with them. we also warned the border guards. what do you have to do with it, the escape was organized too clearly, they could have already laid a corridor to the finnish house, how much are they paying you? they pay me normally, i’ll give you more, sorry, alexander borisovich, but an agreement, as you know, is more expensive than money, crab, but there is, now let’s put up a tent, eat a little, it’s a pity there is no vodka, but
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that’s later, when we’ve done the job, what kind of tent, crab, handcuffs, i understand, even so, be patient, alexander borisovich, be patient, when escaping, any prisoner tries to break away from the chase as quickly as possible. we can go further, they are looking for us now on the road to st. petersburg, it won’t occur to anyone that we moved back into the winds, when everything calms down, we will calmly go to where they have already looked for us and have not found us, okay, everything has been thought out, so what kind of money? on kan, such luck comes once in a lifetime, in short, i went, you stay behind older, right? if anything happens, i'm on the phone, hang in there, that's it, good luck, and you too, be in touch, come on, get in touch,
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your senior is throwing it at me, i have to think about how to put him in his place, these are your graters, what do i care, when are you the crooked old lady's rat flew in, i could also say your grater, i pulled you out
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, set up another person, debts must be repaid, the spine, otherwise your own written testimony has not disappeared, if the bendu sees them, he will be happy, we'll talk. okay, there is one topic, i’m not particularly aware of, so briefly i heard, and you speak, speak, i ’m interested in everything, so, i’ll get to the committee, i need to talk to the investigator, if there is news about the fugitives, call right away. yes, okay, i'll call, i don't have time to talk, if. call tomorrow, i understand, the news has already announced the escape, especially since i served in this city for more than one year, there are people everywhere, maybe i can help, something tells me that you want to solve your
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problems at our expense, otherwise you wouldn’t have come, but you’ve also been serving for several years, so you must understand that today someone is helping you, tomorrow you will tell him, this is what all operational investigative activities are based on, isn’t it? by time they should have been here by now, come on, yes, there they are, where, come on, come on, come on, what the fuck? your time is over, sasha , i think it will be a shame if you spend the rest of your days in prison, your money will go to no one knows who,
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but who are you, a judge, a prosecutor, how do you know that i will be imprisoned, now it’s too late to talk about it, look into it in the scheme of things, you will be taken to an inconspicuous house near st. petersburg, they will feed you like a wild boar, and you and i... and i have nowhere to go? well then shoot yourself, we don’t have to write as many reports, let’s go!
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“i didn’t run, they forced me, yes, i’m aware, but the handcuffs, i’m sorry, i can’t take them off, i understand, dunk them, let’s get up, let’s go , let’s go forward, hello, hello, mish, what about my request , i managed to break through the car, i completely forgot, sorry, such cars do not exist, well, i mean with such numbers, it’s most likely. cyst
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stronger than the oath, the boy is now with us, we street, we are alone in this city, people. do you think your boys will be saved? yes, when you drown, stronger than fear, older, who? am i, are you immortal or what? it’s scary when your son is stronger than the pain, but what are we going to do when the batch starts, here you are like, yes, stronger than tears, you’re a bastard, you’re a bastard. you've driven your mother crazy , i'm sorry, the boys aren't apologizing, what are you doing , bitches, they're all in the ground, the boy's word, blood on the asphalt, come on guys, we'll give our word, the boy's word, the boy's word, the boy's word, the word
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boys, boy's word, the most anticipated television premiere of the year, soon on ntv. well, let's go somewhere to eat, you're like, no, i don't want to, i'm going home, you live a boring life, brother, but i sleep peacefully at night, yeah, the department of internal security, major koltakov, what can i do to help you, you'll have to come with us for testify, okay , let's not argue, captain, you received a statement from citizens dunaev and ramtsov, who they are, i don't know them, you beat them in the yard of your own house, please, have your weapons with you
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, handed over your weapons, then we'll pass, thank you. the music didn’t play for long, yura danced for a while, i’m listening to you, viktor sergeevich, is there any news? it seemed to me that when you and i agreed on joint actions, it was primarily about
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trust. i do not understand what do you mean. of course, i trust you completely. then why did you put me under surveillance? your car has been an eyesore for me for several days now. sergeevich, i assure you, i did not give the order to put your feet behind you, our employees have absolutely nothing to do with this, hello, viktor sergeevich, hello, can you hear me? get out of the car, get out of the car, i said
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, i didn’t know that your fishing meant... drinking vodka from morning to evening, again, what did you do, it was the gentlemen who drank the light, and i caught fish, and my girlfriends they are the same, drunks, listen, i work like a bob without a day off for weeks, can i spend time with friends once every... year the way i love, oh, for god's sake, do what you want, only i'm with you more i’m not going, by the way, boris said he’s doubling my salary, seriously, yes, so look for an apartment, now at the purchase is enough for repairs, if necessary, oh, it ’s wonderfully simple, but quiet, quiet, quiet, and i want curtains, so green, bright with flowers, i really want them. listen, well, it’s
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true about the apartment, i said, yes, it’s true, go, i ’ll grab your things.
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why the swing door? laris? laris! larisa. viktor sergeevich, i’ll be honest, i’m very
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upset by your attitude to the matter. an attack by an employee of your level is always an emergency. i'm sure your minister thinks the same. and the murder of the head of administration is not chip. let's not compare. well why, we are people in shoulder straps i am obliged to give my life for the life of an ordinary person. is not it? of course, you are right in some ways. colleagues, i'm sure it is. the unfortunate incident is not directly related to my professional activity, i was driving home in a personal car, lost my mind, probably cut off the driver on the road, perhaps he was drunk and decided to teach me a lesson, i used my service weapon, shot at the wheels, after which the attacker disappeared, that’s actually everything that i stated in the report, and whatever the internal security department says, we will take all measures. to search for the attacker , but in the meantime you need protection, comrade general
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, we will assign our detectives to you, let them go with you for a couple of days, in the next 2 days i will not be in vetrovo, i must go to st. petersburg, where mitrofanov has been transferred, the investigator gave permission for meeting, but if you have nothing more to add, well, go to st. petersburg or moscow, thank you, but what about? not detained, but brought in for a conversation. agree, there is a difference. and what happened? why is the investigative committee not aware? because citizens applied to our division. an investigation is currently underway.
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you know him well, let’s say, until recently everything was fine with us, is he one of ours or a seconded one, ours? tell me, are you really not? did you remember the license plate number of the missing car? misha, we have more important things to do now. if the person who was sitting in the car wants to meet me, i will be ready for this. i do not understand. you're not the first to say this lately. well, maybe it's time to listen to us? better tell me what happened to the military man, what did he get himself into again? you know, if it were my man, i would answer you, but you brought him here in a good way,
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i have to ask you, what ’s happening to him? i'm going to st. petersburg now. “keep the situation under control, you will report on its development by phone, now give me a ride home, i obey, comrade general, let’s go, well, guys, we will resolve the issue, but we apologized, we didn’t know that you were a cop, how simple it is with you, we bumped into you, then apologized, we..."
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so, five from each and we’ll consider that i added you as a friend and i forgave, uh-huh, for a fiver of something , well, not rubles, let it be in dollars, that’s right, 10 pieces of greenback, where do we get that much from, we’re not in moscow, not even st. petersburg, well, you’re in my position, come in , you ran into me, caused moral and material damage, well, you need to understand this. guys, listen, you're completely frostbitten, uh-huh, do you want war, yes , i froze in place, so you can think better, watch your language better, quietly, yes, yes,
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send me the address, i'll give it to you now, deadline you have 3 days. yeah, then the interest will come, okay, i’m going to work, we have a murder, you’ll pay for the table, the guys there will pay for everything, okay, thank you, goodbye. businessman alexander mitrofanov, who
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is also called the godfather of the city of vetrova, was today taken to one of the pre-trial detention centers in st. petersburg. let me remind you, sir. mitrafanov is accused of embezzling an astronomical sum of several hundred million rubles from the city budget; according to our sources, this is far from the limit. now the investigation is trying to establish how long the money from the city budget was deposited on accounts of commercial companies controlled by mr. mitrofanov. we may be talking about the period of time when the post of head of the administration of the city of vetrovo was occupied by olga zaretskaya, who was killed a few days ago. alexander kirichik, our tv channel. hello, alone, were you waiting for someone else? well, yes, where are the authorities? they don’t report to me, i’ll come in, come in, i brought food for 5 days, for how long? for five, maybe a week, how
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will it go? if you're missing something, call me and i'll bring it. are you even normal there? no, but do you really think that i’ll be here five sit for days without going out? the question is not for me, for whom? you can’t find just one car in the city, how can we even work with you? i say again, three cars are wanted, or rather two, one of them is not running , this is known for certain, the license plates were taken from it at least six months ago, this is an expert opinion, two cars remain, each of them could have visited st. petersburg and returned back , we are working on the owners, the cops are in our line, we are in our line, where did you get the idea that this car is registered in this region, maybe he actually drove it from varkuta, right? that is why the cops work on local cars, and the rest of us, slowly, very slowly, can you even
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imagine how many such cars there are in the country, but such things are not done so quickly, my friend, it only seems so to you, my friend, teach me more , forgive me for teaching me more, i ’ve been in the office on a business trip for several years, and if you pretend to be smart, you might get into trouble, okay? let's try, what? well, let's try to run into it, what's the matter with you? quiet and now you're great, now you're angry, you're in this wonderful state, now go find me this damn car, quickly, oh you!
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well, what do you have here, who's cold? guzhevs, husband, wife. what did you breathe? air, like everyone else. why are you so gloomy, there’s a pimple under your lip. why are you sour? not enough sleep? otherwise i look painfully joyful. well, why should i be sad? i'm fine. people were killed here, okay? well , it’s not just you and me that’s a reason to rejoice, no? you really have some problems, right? no, i just think that enjoying life is quite normal. don't you think so? no , that’s not what i meant, well, that’s exactly what i’m talking about, how difficult it is with you all, okay, let’s work , who will go on the floors, i sent a district police officer
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, now he’ll take a look, maybe there are cameras somewhere outside, yeah, now the owner of the apartment should come, i don’t understand who the tenants are in the house, it’s a rented apartment, but yeah, well, i understand, i’ll go and have a look, go ahead. what a stroke of luck, seryozh, seryozh, oh, mishanya
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, that’s great, and how are you here, well, i’m a local security guard, for three days, yes, okay, for retirement, a raise, yes, it won’t work out soon, on pensions are clear, you’ll stretch your legs, vovo, and i keep saying this, but... but i see, you ’re here for a reason, yes, yes, for a reason, yeah, we had one accident, the car seemed to light up , this, yeah, this is kuznetsova ’s machine, name is al alena, i don’t remember my middle name, accountant, her office has an office, over there on the second floor, and she always parks the car here, well, i think so, but somehow we’re not really in favor we are following this. yeah, are camera recordings stored for a long time? month, but that’s not my thing, you can talk to the guys, i’ll send you the dates
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they are interested, you say the dates, that is , there was not just one accident, but several, well, something like that, but are you interested in alena or this guy, what kind of guy? yes, i have no idea, so the conversation just took place in our canteen, well, like alena found a guy for herself, the girls were discussing what he could look like, what he was like, if no one had ever seen him, what did she is he hiding something? well, it turns out that it’s interesting, yeah, the company is a family in our unity. strength, everything should have been agreed with me before, but now it’s too late. in our company there are vulnerable points where kudryavtsev can attack us. daddy dima won't get anything, and it
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won't even be forgiven. and the family is a damn zoo of amazing creatures, everyone will lose from this war, well, give up, igor gordin, there is a family, there are more of them, but i’m smarter, yulia sneger, you know how your family humiliated me, alexey guskov, some kind of santa barbara, bonanza, today the assholes, these are my assholes, premieres on monday. 22:15 on ntv. chief new season. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu. fever, runny nose, headache. and for the treatment of a sore throat, maxicold lore spray not only helps relieve a sore throat, but fights its causes. to stop with cold symptoms. well,
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any child wants to spend more time there with his mother, nastya’s mother, she didn’t mind nastya living with me, did kayumetov manage to make a fortune from gold hits? but really, how much money does 177 million owe you and how is he coping with the loss of his mother? she was sure that she would live for a long time. kaymetov and his million-dollar secret. on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. so, that means the situation is like this. guzhev was there. deputy commercial director of the baltner company, which is noteworthy, the company was part of a holding owned by alexander mitrofanov, not an argument, mitrofanov owns half of the district and then, who is mitrofanov, who is
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guzhev, i’m sure they don’t even know each other, well, it’s my job to report, it means that my wife and i rented the apartment for 4 years, there were no complaints from the owners, guzhev always paid on time, from the neighbors there have also been no complaints, so yes? saved for his own apartment, yeah, where he kept his savings, at home, it was cash, well , i think a normal person wouldn’t store that kind of money at home, he needs to check the banks , we’ll check, i’ll send a request, only at work positive characteristics , well, actually, i’ve outlined everything in detail here , but it’s clear, there is something concrete , there are no witnesses to the murder, for example, this is deaf, comrade may
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, you only need to ask yourself one question: how did the killer get into the apartment? it’s just that, judging by the situation at the scene of the incident, no one opened the door for him, and it seems that the horse-drawn people returned home from fishing, where they had been for 2 days, found the killer in the apartment, wait, no signs of forced entry were found on the lock, that’s right, that’s it no argument, the killer could have gotten through into the apartment along with the victims, this simply means that he... knew them, logically, what am i getting at, the owner of the apartment, he knew his tenants, he had spare keys to the house, just in case, you see , a man has been serving us for a week without help,
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but he thinks correctly, according to the search, uh-huh, shake the owner of the apartment, the thought is correct, there is a touch-major. yes, you can terminate it, but it changes, if not everything, then almost everything, okay, i understand, i’ll call you back, let’s finish it,
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let’s go through. take a seat, alexander borisevich, you look good, would you like to see a degraded person, don’t get your hopes up, i value and respect myself, before our meeting i sent you a parcel with food, you will receive it after checking according to the inventory. sausage, condensed milk, tea, well, yes, and some other little things, listen, well done, you made me laugh, but i
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thought you were serious, completely serious, why did you decide that i was joking, viktor sergeevich, you know that i am not a poor person. yes, yes, of course, i know, and your cameras are elite, and your food is brought to you from the best restaurants, that’s exactly why i don’t need your handouts, but are you in vain? “i’m now the only person you can trust, believe me, i don’t need your death, what death, who knows, what kind of poison will be thrown into your restaurant food, a different composition, even an examination won’t stop it right away, the person’s heart just stopped , well, anything can happen, do you know
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what you’re talking about? alexander boris, you apparently don’t know, new circumstances have appeared in your case. i ’m listening to you carefully. but i’ve already told you everything, i don’t have any conflicts with the guys it was, they paid regularly, everyone would have such tenants. so, you had the keys to the apartment, of course, but what if there was some kind of leak or something? well, where are these keys? at home, probably, well, at home or probably, but in fact i haven’t seen them since i rented out the apartment, as i said, they were great guys, yeah, not like last time, that means it’s like that now we are going to your house and we will look for the keys, on the way you will tell me how many people could have used them, as you say, stop, wait, what did you just say, what did i say, something about last time, what did you mean? i’m talking about the guy who rented an apartment from me before the cartage, i was unlucky with him,
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from now on, let’s take a closer look at what was wrong with him, why i was unlucky, remember the last time you checked your accounts, concepts i don’t, i have many accounts in different banks, i mean those accounts to which funds from the city budget were transferred, but i understand, a police trick? i declare that i did not steal any city budget money, if you have everything, let them take me to the cell, the money did not arrive invoices companies controlled by you , false documents were used during the transfer, the names of the companies only coincided with yours, the accounts were completely different, having nothing to do with you, you were deceived, or simply... they cheated, why should i believe you, well, i
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think that the investigation will inform you tomorrow about its discoveries, your lawyer too, well, if this is so, then why am i not free? well, this question is not for me, but rather for the court or the investigators, but i think that this will happen, in a day or two you will be free, you should not smile, i will throw you away. for several hundred million rubles, and the one who did this does not need you alive, remember zaretskaya, she has already been removed, you are next in line, they will choke, you were aware that zaretskaya was using drugs, or you know, yes, just like what you tried find the person who supplied her with this crap. my hands were tied, i tried
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to put her in the clinic, but i understood perfectly well that everyone would find out and in her position this would be a resignation, if zaretskaya had been removed from her position, who would have signed the documents that you palmed off on her, i loved her, i tried something do it, but you won’t understand who planted zaredska? on drugs, do you have any thoughts on this? no, so, the one who did this was the one who came up with this whole combination, for the next dose of zaretskaya she changed her documents and sent money to completely different people, find them, i will be in your debt, find them for me. “i will find them, but not because you want it, but because
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this is my job, let me go, lieutenant colonel, come in. here he is, evgeniy klopnikov, nickname bedbug, received 3 years for robbery, recently got out, was detained in a rented apartment, that is, the same one where the guzhevs were later killed, he rented an apartment before them. so, this is already interesting, continue, well, i ’m not a dreamer, but from that robbery the bug got 30,000 dollars, 20 were found in the apartment, a dozen disappeared somewhere, were not found during the search, most likely yes, so our hero returned to the old apartment to take what was theirs, and that no one
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has found this money in 3 years? well, apparently not, well, you never know where he hid them under the bathtub, ventilation, on the balcony in the end, and in the apartment. at all there are a lot of places where people haven’t looked for years, well, this is all unnecessary, we have a suspect, he has a motive, and now all that remains is to find him, well , come on, why are you wasting time, the lieutenant colonel understood, let me go, go, there is. so, oh, hello, i wish you, tavarich , major general, hello, zhen, sit down, not at the parade, oh, yes, not at the parade, we’re just talking to the leadership, with all due respect, by the way, regarding the leadership, i’m not i can’t get through to you this morning, did he change his number, but yes, uh, he’s not there, i don’t know, andryukha went to moscow
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a business trip, something serious, no idea, but they pulled him right out of the house, he didn’t even have time to go to the department, clearly, clearly. tell me, do you have your own people wearing crosses in the operational unit? and it depends on what it’s for? why do you need it? do you need to convey something? is this how you communicate with all the generals? no, well, only with a select few, you are your own general, so andryukha says: your general. sorry, i'm on duty today. yes, girl, i explained it to you. no, nekrasova, she won’t be there today. i’m listening to you, now there is a certain mitrofanov sitting in the crosses, do you know him? yes, we're watching the news, it's godfather father of the windy city. so, new circumstances have come to light in his case and something tells me that even in the isolation ward he is alive and no one needs him. can you talk to the locals about taking him under their wing? well, yes, let's resolve the issue. thank you bye. yes,
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girl, i don’t understand, do i look like a chinese? i told you in russian, no, nekrasov won’t be, why on earth should i give you his phone number, who are you to him anyway? zhen, wait a second, if a girl asks so persistently, maybe she needs help? why did you decide that? but he's not wrong as you know, the one who does nothing. hello, my last name is rastorgoev, i am a friend of andrei petrovich, maybe i can help you with something? he told me that if there were problems, i could call him, to croak, in short, calm down, don’t worry, but damn calmness itself, i can’t hear it. come to the main department of the ministry of internal affairs and we will try to resolve your issue, i promise, no, no, i can’t come to you, no, i can’t come to you, they might recognize me, in general, okay, i shouldn’t have called you, okay, i understand, tell me, where are you, i’ll come to you myself, griboyadova 11 , embankment, yes, i know where it is, i’ll be there in half an hour, are you really going, it’s our
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job, to help people, well, yes, so maybe i’m with you, you you don’t know her at all, you never know, you’re on duty today, it’s okay , i can handle it myself, and don’t forget to call your... friend from the crosses, yes, call your friend from the crosses, well, hello, st. petersburg, what are you doing? you want war, andrei chubchenko, i didn’t organize this massacre, boss, new season, you will be with us for a long time, i hope forever, with monday at 20:00 on ntv. chameleon, premiere, xenier at 20:20 on ntv. anxiety can be treated. new - afobazol retard. gradual release of the active substance. just one tablet per day. afazon anxiety can and should be treated. once processes are in place, you have time to think about how to grow your business. you are creating it here now. and tinkof business creates tools
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was ruzil minikaev, soon there will be war lion kemstach in the area i see i’ll bury nikita kolorivy, don’t you understand that they will now catch us all one by one, we are now under new management. well, lech? yes, i checked the hotel, it's klopovnik, i checked out a couple of hours ago, he's on
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car, there is data, i don’t know, like on my own , well, where could he go or go , now nothing is holding him in the city , anywhere, even in st. petersburg, well, that’s right, we need to block the highway, well, you’re the only one so smart, directions have already been sent out, yes, in short , these cops of yours came at me with... like a check, i was sitting in the detention center, then i unexpectedly came out, then ober lay in wait in the yard and said what the boys with whom i was involved in the case evil in nature, and that i am free, and they are facing time, then, and some kind of horror caught up, so that like me they sentenced you, they’ll kill you not today, tomorrow, well, wait, let me guess, they promised to solve your problem, in return they asked for a favor, the only question is what kind, to transfer a package from one district to another, it’s clear, but what do you understand, well, first of all, you don’t need to poke me, i’ll skin you like this. and secondly, there are either weapons or drugs , depending on which department the operative who spoke to you works in, i understand this, in
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the cell they already told me about such setups and the courier will be detained and the one to whom he was delivering the goods. and what to do now, what to do, if i refuse, they will plant something anyway, well , there is only one way out, i won’t write a statement, how many meetings do you have, in 2 hours, okay, i’ll go with you i’ll explain to these people that it’s not good to do this, they don’t need to contact you with such requests anymore, now let’s go somewhere to have a bite, we still have time. are you from the police? yes, was it you who called? that's right, it was i who called based on your reference. where is he? number twenty, this is the second floor. are there a lot of people in the building? the rooms are empty, only
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servant. yeah. hands, hands, run it, okay, great, you’re here , i’ll go call the investigator and find the raised ones, uh-huh, put it in its place, yeah, yeah, it’s not 10, it ’s all 30,000 bucks, fuck you, go yourself, if you open your mouth again, i’ll shoot you, and nothing will happen to me for it, legal, put it in its place, now the witnesses will come, what, yes, sorry, it’s your share, i won’t take it, but then why are you showing off, the investigator doesn’t care how much we seized , and now i desperately need money, i
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say, put it in its place, i told you not to... bother me, are you sick, i won’t fight with you, that’s right, and come on, you just didn’t see anything, so, no, not like that, mish, the barrel is on the floor, with your foot towards me, but i can’t, so the barrel is on the ground with your foot towards me, the next one will be defeated . take it, the money is on the table, do you feel sorry for it, or what? i desperately need money now, i have to pay the oesb officers, i promised, otherwise they will close it, but maybe it’s for the best, as you think, but you really have nothing but problems. we'll go there,
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don't worry, everything will be fine, yeah, you always say things, and then do as you please convenient, why do you think so , i don’t think so, i know, but how do you know this, my father told me who your father is, it doesn’t matter, he was killed, and how do you know anything, but he pulled me out of jail, like he helped, that’s i understand, but do you know where he is from? yes , and i only saw him twice, the first time when he came to me in the pre-trial detention center, the second time when he accompanied me home, it’s clear that you understand again, the man did a good thing, what’s bad about that, i asked him about it i didn’t ask, i would have stayed in the season, what’s the difference, you think i’m a fool is it him, yes, it’s him, i’m sure, well , let’s go, don’t be afraid. good evening
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dear, who else is this? why did you bring him? my last name, here is my id. comrade general, we have an implementation planned here, report in the form and present your id. it's my fault, comrade general. i said, report in the form. what are you doing? are you completely crazy? i know him, he is a former boss. him, why? don't you understand who it is? he’ll bury you alive, let’s all take him into the car and take him to the base before he comes to his senses, let’s handcuff him, i’ll do everything myself guilty, you’ll come with us, well, here are the protocols, the broadcasts, and sergei pavlovich, if i’m not
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mistaken, vladimirovich was not hovering, yes, at least. take it and give it back to the gistapov, where did this come from? for you, this is for the department, they will close you, we will all have problems, well, it’s logical, he’ll come back, cancel the deal, we’ll decide what to do with you, no, mine and why such generosity, and this is not but you won’t serve with me anymore you will, misha, you are so honest and correct. tell me, where did an honest search chief like you get that kind of money, but he earned it, yeah, maybe take me for a share, i’m an understanding person,
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you’re a fool, yura, i’ve gone completely crazy, what? things to do now, but there are no options, they are witnesses, we’ll take the little ones to the region, then we’ll drown them to hell, so it was necessary right away then, why lead here, they would have started shooting, the whole area would have already been put on hold, it’s quiet here, no one will hear, and the main thing is that they won’t be found at all, plus we will have alebi , the boys will confirm any of our words, lord, why do i need all this, but nothing, everything will work out, quietly, quietly, these are our own, that rudakov, where is he from? i found out, i told him, idiot , what are you doing, and yesterday you were supposed to take a girl with drugs, what’s going on in general, i’m sorry for pulling, this is the case,
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i’m a police general, i order the handcuffs to be removed from us immediately. yeah, yes, now, just a minute, now, someone saw you, they shouldn’t, but this is your base, everything is clean, there was no one, i’m sure, but there’s definitely no one here, only if they’re in the city, but that’s unlikely, that means. let’s do this,
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major, you don’t understand, i know you, comrade general, you are the former head of the main headquarters, sorry, i didn't know you were back in service again. look, let's agree here now. i used to be suspicious of the guys, that’s how i found out that you were here, but i didn’t inform the css and decided to check the information personally, so in the end i had to use the report card for defeat, well, to be honest, it’s a so- so version, well, there won’t be another one , listen, who is more likely to be believed, you or me, of course, the general, not the major, well, think about it, after all, i just saved your life, you too, okay, we agreed,
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for completeness. yes, i’m sure,
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why, what, why, why did you do it, you agreed with him about everything. i'm just tired of the deal. he was a policeman, no, he was a bandit and a murderer, they all were, you, you are a terrible person. no, this is
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a terrible life around us, 6 years ago, while you were lounging on your bunk, a redistribution of drug sales territories took place in the southern region. very interesting, of course, everything is just like in the movies, from me - whatever you want, we introduced our man into the syndicate, yesterday this guy died. no, no, no, no, what are you guys saying, i won’t go there, you do you want to beat your brother, your girlfriend, and get 20 million euros? i will tell you the password to the safe, but on one condition, i want to take anton’s place, he is bluffing, he will bring his brother’s mission to the end, maybe we put him in vain, well , one word chameleon, we had other options, dmitry pchela, i must take a risk, chameleon, premiere, sunday at 20:20 on ntv, chief. season from monday at 20:00 on
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stop cold symptoms. new season. new costumes, new stars, who are you, mask? mask february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. mishanya, hello, did you find out anything? well,
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a little bit. the license plate of the car of her mysterious boyfriend. okay, thanks. i'll call. oh hello, it's me, i'll give you my number now, give it to me via askad, urgently, yes, urgently, i’ll do it now, i’ll call you back, no, no need, i ’ll drop by myself, yeah. “seryozha, let’s be honest with you, don’t you think that the number of corpses around your rastorgoev is starting to go off scale, he and i had a conversation on this topic, but i want to remind you that the decision on his return to service was made
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collectively, you don’t want to take yourself personal responsibility, my contract ends in a year, so what are you going to renew, no one offered me, and i don’t want to, that’s enough, i’ve served”? will be, i will you i’m not judging, seryozha, but still, something needs to be done about the dissolution, he was on his own before , but now, it seems to me, he imagines himself to be a sheriff, a judge and a prosecutor rolled into one , i understand what you’re talking about , tell me, when he was registered for service, he passed the pfl, the mark of passage is there, it ’s clear, i hope you don’t think that he has any problems, i told you the beginning of the conversation, the number of corpses is starting to go off scale, you want to detain him, why ? there is a more reliable way, he used a weapon, we’ll send him for another test to a psychologist who won’t pass the notice, and then we’ll fire him for
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health reasons, you’re serious now, maybe we ’ll give him a disability, seryozha, for the first time in my life it seems to me that i don’t know what to do, according to the law or according to... justice , there is a difference, well, what is there, i printed it out on the table , yeah, so, the car is registered in st. petersburg, so, the owner, why is there no photograph of the owner, everything that was, well, okay, then, ivanitsky sergey romanovich is registered by stable 39, this we have a center, yes. not much, uh-huh, you know that i got through this ivanitsky, who, where, everything you can find, uh-huh , i understand, i’ll get to it now, come on, i’m at my place.
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may i allow you, comrade colonel? come in, sit down. what do you have? our watchdog worked. half an hour ago, from the vetrovsky district ministry of internal affairs, ivanitsky’s cars were pierced, then his cars. who, whom? ivanitsky, but faust. faust. so it seems like he’s on our special list. i would even say in the top ten. u... be specific about who sent the request, send the winds of people, let them figure it out on the spot, who is their boss there now, in my opinion, someone new, just a second. olenka, quickly tell the head of the ministry of internal affairs who is in vetrovo.
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yes. thank you. major general rastarguev. rastorguev? yes, viktor sergeevich rastorguev. what's the matter? now you and i have big problems, sasha. i know, rastorgueva, this is a person who doesn’t deserve anything. under circumstances it was impossible to be caught in the wind and ruined. yes, i understand, i'll be there soon.
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what an unexpected meeting, yes, indeed, you have been free for a long time, before you addressed me as you, respected the chain of command, well, yes. and then i was imprisoned at your instigation, deprived of title, state awards,
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there is no need for subordination here, do you think that you were treated unfairly? no, everything is according to the law, he has been free for so long, since last year. and i’ll call it a citizen-boss who was injured, who do you have here? mom, i’m sorry, if you need my help, please contact me, it’s unlikely?
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finally we’ve arrived, ugh, now let’s sit down, sit like normal people, talk, yeah, ugh, okay, keys, wait. i don’t understand, damn it, yes, what is it, i told you, let’s go to me, where to you, your wife will be moralizing, she can, ugh, found it, come in, adequately, hold it, come in, come in, i’ll turn on the light now. the package here, come into the room , but don’t take off your shoes, it’s fine, i’m going
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, i’m going, you at least wash the dishes sometimes, but what about washing them, of course , i see, no, if you don’t like something, go wash it, listen, i’m the window i’ll open it, it stinks , your little one doesn’t stink of anything, it stinks of sausage, i’m telling you, you should get yourself some kind of woman, or what? to do the cleaning? what kind of woman are you talking about? from them, from these women, there are only problems, you remember my former horse that i there wasn’t enough, what she didn’t like, stupid fool , come on, come on, come on, give me a glass, give it here, so, come on, come on, come on, if it’s more, ugh, come on, and toast, i can’t live without toast. no
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, who are they, well, like who, woman, who else - come on, let’s repeat it right away, kolpaskizh, where does your son live, with his mother-in-law, she really won’t give him to me, she’s an old witch, she’s such a fool, and aninka- then yours, right there, what difference does it make to you? well , that’s interesting, i don’t understand, wait a minute, why are you interested in my wife? so she's an ex- wife, so what? did i just ask? and i i’m just telling you too, what happened to you or something i don’t understand? i mean , literally, i slept with nino, with mine, yes love,
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carrots, catcher, what are you really doing, and what, i ask you, did i sleep? sit, i'll be right back.
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sorry, buddy, but for some reason i don’t believe you, i haven’t seen you for a long time. igor andreevich , i’m sitting at home, now i have nothing to do in the city, and our security guard has quit again, maybe talk to the director, what will i tell him to raise his salary, i’m not for myself, i’m for the security, that’s why they they walk around for pennies they pay, you know, nin, do you have anything to do with them, hello, we’ve arrived, i have to sit here all night, you know how scary it can be, oh,
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but your director won’t listen to me, i was the boss before, now... just a pensioner, as they say, if you’re scared , take it and transfer to the daytime , they pay more for the night, then don’t complain, yes, like your ex, oh, he drinks, he was fired from his job again, i was told here , doesn’t like scandals anymore, hasn’t come for 3 weeks, now i need money, cash will come card, card, card, well, apply it so that he dies from his vodka, lord, forgive me, check? well, happily, thank you, all the best , come in, yes , i happened to be passing by, practically, we would like to talk to you, andrevich, but i need this, i
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need this, well, go ahead, we say, you’ve served in the city for so many years, did you start out as a district police officer yet? and you decided to remind me of my biography? what the hell is going on now? and where in the world? it is known that there is no stability, but there is no need, you understand perfectly well, oh what am i saying, i have no idea what you need? you were doing all the drugs in the city, quietly, quietly, are you crazy, or what? yes, i’m pure, pure, everyone says so, you paid me and i didn’t ask questions, and now everything has changed, what? it is rastorguev who is my friend , and he knows, i told him myself, what a fool, and i have nothing else to talk to you about, if you want to continue the conversation in my office, please come on, what do you show me, i just i just want to know who supplied zaretskaya with drugs, listen here, puppy, you owe me, if i hadn’t taken you to my place at one time,
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you would now be sitting in a pre-trial detention center along with all your customs officers, this is my word for you, i said, they let you jump off, nonsense, i was not involved, the investigation did not find that i show it, but no one would understand, misha , you would be locked up along with everyone else, in short, if you come near me again, i will arrange it in such a way that i will complicate your life, but you can’t, by the way, mishanya, i didn’t pay you any money. yes, viktor sergeevich, yes, mish, hello, how are things, what’s going on with yura vaskov? the situation is normal, otherwise i would have called right away.
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i managed to stop him and he is registered in st. petersburg, tomorrow i will send someone to sorukhanov’s address, most likely, let him interview the person. mish, listen, you don’t need to send anyone anywhere, i’ll spend the night at home today, and tomorrow morning i’ll go to the address myself, send it to me in messenger. viktor sergeevich, well, it’s not a general’s job, it’s a matter of interviewing people, a general is a rank, and i’m first and foremost an operator, so there’s no point in sending a person there . send me the address, i’ll do everything myself, there’s a new chief detective in st. petersburg, interesting, very interesting, haven’t seen each other for a long time, but i would i haven’t seen as many myself yet, and if it’s not a secret, you’ll be with us for a long time, i hope forever, the new season of the famous series, and you’re not afraid that you’ll be fired, i’m already... i’m not afraid of anything. what, do you want war? we simply have to find him. he is the key to everything that happens in the city. at least wear armor.
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andrey chubchenko. two weeks since you returned again. why are you doing it? i didn't start this mess. boss, new season. with your arrival , viktor sergeevich, everything went wrong. costs of the profession. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. mask: new season, february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. with a credit card, everything will be as you want. everything will be as you want, there will be peace on yours, they will spend the night shorter, that’s all.
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