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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 25, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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extreme slowness, why does the west need an extra day before the un council meetings on the downed ukraine l76 near belgorod, where to start?
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refused to hold an emergency meeting in connection with the tragedy with the il-76 plane. moscow requested the meeting. after a russian transport aircraft was shot down during landing in the belgorod region. according to our ministry of defense, the ukrainian armed forces fired two missiles from an anti-aircraft complex installed in the kharkov region. according to the first deputy spreader of russia under the organization of dmitry polyansky, paris abused its powers and is now trying to shield the kiev regime. having given time to prepare an explanation for his decision to shoot down the plane, it will no longer be possible to call it a russian provocation, given that immediately after the disaster, ukrainian publications began publishing messages where they proudly called the crash of the il-76 the work of the ukrainian armed forces. however, then, when it became clear that ukrainian prisoners of war had died in the disaster, journalists began to delete or clean up their messages. time kiev’s main ally, washington, also needs those who supply ukraine with weapons.
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including anti-aircraft systems are now pretending that they have nothing to do with it and don’t know anything. we simply do not have enough information to comment on this plane crash. we 've seen the reports, we're trying to get more data, it would just be wrong if i started speculating. i just don't know the veracity of these messages. you know, ukrainians say one thing, russians say another, but we just don’t know enough to comment on this topic. as a result, the meeting will take place only on friday night. the yemeni houthis announced a military operation against the american fleet in the gulf of adon. a representative of the ansar allah movement, which controls most of the yemen coast, said that several american warships were attacked at the entrance to the red sea , and one was knocked out. these ships were accompanied by two american commercial vessels. as a result of a direct hit on a warship.
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the company, this time kuwaiti, reported that its tankers will no longer sail through the red sea, routes will be rebuilt, but ship freight and insurance will become more expensive. the british parliament seriously doubted the fairness of support for israel, the reason being video footage from the gaza strip, which included the shooting of palestinian civilians. the report from the sector was made by journalists from the british tv channel it. the cameraman was filming a group of palestinians, they were dressed. in civilian
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clothes they walked down the street with a white flag and raised hands, despite this, fire was opened on them, one person was killed on the spot, who the shooter has not yet been officially established, but the footage received a great response and now the british opposition is asking uncomfortable questions in parliament to the current head of government, who has supported israel’s actions since the first days of the operation in gaza. prime minister, such an act is a war crime, isn't it? to say that international humanitarian law is absolutely consistent and that the law must be respected and civilians in war must be protected, i said this very clearly to the prime minister personally i spoke to netanyahu, as well as to foreign ministers in the region, about exactly this. i don't think it's strange to expect the prime minister of the united kingdom to stand on this podium and tell people in our islands beyond that shooting an unarmed man marching under a white flag is a war crime. the question is this. prime minister rishi sunok never called
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this episode a war crime in our country. remained unconvinced. london is committed to establishing peace between israelis and palestinians, but on israel's terms. tear gas did not help the greek police to pacify the angry farmers who had blocked a major highway with tractors the day before. they were dispersed, but the peasants did not give up and today they promise to block the highway again. farmer protests have already captured several eu countries. the roads are blocked by the french, germans, poles, austrians and other europeans. the farmer demands. authorities to return state subsidies without which they face bankruptcy, the leading trade union in france has already announced an indefinite extension of the shares, the scale was assessed by elizaveta gerson. rise of the machines europe, not against the people, but for the people. tractors, like strong older brothers, were cited
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by the french as an argument in a dispute with the government, they blocked the routes to lyon, bordeaux, toulouse, and they are threatening to take paris. it's not farmers who have to foot the bill for inflation. we want people to be well-fed, i love my job, but i want it to feed me, for this, tractors came out of the arable land onto the highway, before the peasants went to the masters with pitchforks, now farmers go to the authorities with buckets, we have no plans for power disperse demonstrations, these are my instructions to the prefect and the gendarmerie. because no damage was caused by the protesters. there were no instructions, but there was a fight. police protesters fight on the road to spain. and there was damage. a famous canadian eatery was filled with hay and manure. the farmers were clearly inspired by the work of environmental activists, who are hated because the green agenda
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is destroying their economy. but the greens have navangog soup, and the farmers have cow patty instead of a beef burger. to the town of agen. farmers also brought some, which is not a pity. tattered tires, old barrels, boards, rags , the sinizer relieved himself heartily at the gates of the french prefect, however , the same working people, not farmers, but city janitors, who just recently went on strike, demanding an increase in wages, turning paris to the city of miasmov. how long do we have to fight, how many more people will die before we are heard. early monday morning, protesters blocked the area with bales of lard.
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his ideas of franco-german friendship, there her husband stands aside, he is buried, buried in germany's former finance minister schäuble, spoke to monsieur macron in german and became a dick, macron. macron is afraid that the tractor fever that has arisen in germany will reach paris, and the sinizer will come to the elysee palace and roll out his tank of claims to it. to avoid this, macron is now trying to find. a new candidate more focused on agriculture for the elections to the european parliament, but these elections will be held in june in brussels, this is far away and not soon, and representatives of the yellow working machines, like the yellow vests once, need a decision here now, and not so much politically
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as economically, money. in brussels , the tractor riot was discussed by the ministers of agriculture, the european commissioner claims that he heard an alarm bell. we listen to the voice.
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in the united states, boeing was prohibited from increasing production of 703737 max9 aircraft. previously
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, the company’s aircraft had an incident with a torn off hatch. business news marina piminova. marin, so these planes won’t fly? it will be possible very soon, when all checks are completed. federal the us civil aviation administration has imposed restrictions on the production of boeing 737 max aircraft. the regulator explains that it will not allow the american corporation. expand production of this model until aviation authorities are satisfied that quality control problems have been corrected. plus, the regulator approved a thorough technical inspection of each of the existing 171 boeing 7379 max. and it is reported that when the check is completed, the planes will be able to resume flights. alaska airlines plans to bring back its first , bloomberg reports. max9 starts flying tomorrow. checking one aircraft takes 12 hours or more. at the same time, research of the entire park. 65 aircraft will be completed by february 2. united airlines plans to return the max 9 on the january 28 flight.
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on the night of january 6 , a part of the fuselage (door plug) came off from a boeing 737 max-9, which was flying to california in mid-flight at an altitude of 5 km. none of the passengers were seriously injured. following the incident, the us federal aviation administration suspended operations of the boeing 737 max9, and two us carriers, alaska airlines and united airlines reported detection on some planes. fastened parts. in the case of united airlines, these were loose bolts, just on the door plugs. the russian stock market starts the day with a fall. the financial times wrote the day before that nothing fundamentally new is expected in the new package of eu sanctions. most likely, the lists of individuals and companies whose assets will be frozen will be expanded. but apparently there will be no ban on the import of russian aluminum. the ruble is slowly rising in price, the dollar is 88.49, the euro is 96.47. in russian industry set a new record for the shortage of workers; 47% of enterprises complained about a lack of personnel. this was shown by
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a survey conducted by the gaidar institute of economic policy. rbc writes about him. the previous high was in july last year. then 45% of enterprises rated their employment as insufficient. the central bank indicates the labor shortage in the country in almost every decision on the key rate, starting in october of twenty-two . as b says, this is one of the reasons for rising prices. demand for goods is growing faster how their production can increase. in november , unemployment in russia dropped to 2.9% - this is the minimum in the country's history since the early nineties. due to a shortage of personnel, russian enterprises have to lure them away from each other, raising salaries, and this increases costs. true, already in december, experts interviewed by rbc said that the salary race in russia is over, because companies have run out of resources for this. dima, that 's all for me. thank you. with business news, then a short advertisement, after which we will tell you why cloves and self
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-propelled artillery are valued in the northern military district zone, about the first industrial medical centers in siberia, how they work, go for a walk, drink, but only mead, in russia they celebrate student’s day, as well as exclusive ntv material from antarctica, about the construction of the vostok complex about people of special temperament. whatever you want to do when you get enough sleep, go to sports, finish the countdown, finish repairs, with welson you can fall asleep in 20 minutes and sleep soundly at night to enter the new day full of strength and energy. the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever. it just got even more profitable! get a supercake every month
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and withdraw cash for free from any atm across the country. not just profitable, alpha profitable! the peculiarity of desherak is in the fermentation technology, so my choice is dosherak. what about my chan ramen and your recipes? what a broth. the secret of taste is in the broth. if hemorrhoids, three active components at once. gepotrombin g relieves pain for one time, for two burning sensations, for three itching, capable of action immediately after use, hepotrombin d treatment of hemorrhoids for one, two, three, coming to us.
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against prostatitis. in the sportsmaster app there is a drawing of cool gifts. the main prize is an apartment. download the application, spin the ball for prizes, complete tasks to get more gifts. it’s just space when you feel the real taste of smoked meat from cherkizov’s own farms. enjoy the moment with the fantastic taste of salcin. cosmically delicious. cherkizovo! we take cherkizovo, cut it, bake until the chicken is delicious. cherkizovo from meat from our own farms. every morning i start with taking aquade trim, with it i feel a surge of strength and joy from every day. aquadetrim is absorbed better than other forms of vitamin d. we will repeat aquadetrim tomorrow. this winter , repeat to your advantage. aquadetrim drops three for the price of two. weather sensitivity, dizziness, sleep disturbance, weakness,
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increased anxiety. all these may be signs of vsd. eltocin is an assistant in the fight against vsd. meeting point today at 14:00 on ntv. you are watching ntv. we continue the release. in the zone during a special operation on the right bank of the dnieper in the kerson region, russian artillery destroyed the positions of militants of the kiev regime. fortifications built in dilapidated houses became a target for our d-20 howitzers. how did the nationalists lose a well-defended stronghold in the southern donetsk direction? pavel rybalchenko, our special correspondent for the dpr, did not see him; he went to the front line along with the crew of the gvozdik self-propelled gun. delivered ready. a russian self-propelled howitzer fires a series of shots in a matter of seconds. didn't make it out the last shell is fired from the carnation, and the target -
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the strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces soldiers - is already shattered into pieces. the combat mission does not end there. his comrades, mobilized from transbaikalia, admits that he was waiting for the summons, he wanted to go to defend the country, even thousands of kilometers
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from home, to defend his homeland, his loved ones and relatives, who besides us, how did our relatives react, who? waiting, what do they say? mom, brother, wife, well, of course, they are worried and proud. in battle, the carnation crew is supported by reconnaissance, teamed up with fighters from different branches of the military, vostok factions work in complete mutual understanding, some detect the target, others hit it. as the head of reconnaissance, i carry out adjustments, identify the target and adjust the fire of the guns; from receiving the command to the start of opening fire, it takes no more than 15-20 minutes, that is, this is moving to the firing position. position oriented guns and opening fire. in the south-donetsk direction, the carnation crews work without interruption. artillery was and remains the main cover and best friend of the infantry. pavel was fishing. special operations veterans and their loved ones, the employees of the foundation decided
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, they are defenders of the fatherland, and this is the result of just six months of work. the organization was created in june 2023 on the initiative of the president, as the head of the foundation, anna tsivileva, said in an exclusive interview with ntv. most often these are complex tasks that require interaction with a variety of areas .
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krasnoyarsk industrial medicine centers were the first in siberia to begin accepting patients; they will be employees of local strategic enterprises, for example, the rocket and space
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industry. now it's much easier to get high-tech assistance or undergo a medical examination, without even leaving the factory premises. vlada kopyllovskaya saw how the doctors’ work was organized. the health center of the defense plant, where rocket and space technology is produced, works around the clock and is rarely, as if... yes, empty , they conduct primary medical examinations, monitor which of the employees is due for revaccination, and sometimes work in ambulance mode . the man felt bad, well , he had a headache, he can come here, if there is something more serious, we will definitely go to division, from this year the medical center works in conjunction with the center for industrial medicine of the federal medical and biological agency of russia in krasnoyarsk and is switching to a new digital format. in practice, this means that the results of an electrocardiogram just carried out at the factory can be seen almost immediately. specialized specialist; digital health centers are equipped with remote medical equipment; accordingly, an employee of the enterprise can receive advice from a medical specialist or a
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specialist, or undergo a diagnostic test directly at the health center; all information is transmitted via secure electronic communication channels to the center of industrial medicine. this year alone , more than twenty industrial medicine centers will open in russia; their task is to make the medical care system more effective for workers in strategic industries. in the krasnoyarsk territory, for example, these are nuclear scientists, rocket and mechanical engineers, and river workers. in the seventies , there were 37,000 factory health centers and approximately 1,500 medical units in our country, but by the mid- nineties there were half as many of them, all this led to an increase in the number of occupational diseases. in some regions, they were identified during examinations of every second person. usually a medical examination is a whole quest that takes several days to complete; now doctors promise that a few hours will be enough to go through about 12 doctors, do a fluorography, and even. much faster and easier than where we used to go, that is, all the specialists are in one place, that is, there is no need to travel to three clinics, the professional pathologist also gives his opinion, and not only
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the physical condition of the employee is important, but also the psychophysiological laboratory uses special tests to evaluate the state of the nervous system, reaction speed, and even personality profile. this study makes it possible to reveal how well a person is adapted to working conditions, including emotionally stressful ones, how...he can effectively cope with the challenges and tasks that production poses to him. vladimir vasiliev, a captain of a ship with more than forty years of experience , only goes to the hospital when he’s really sick, but a medical examination is mandatory, and doctors from there we went to the hospital for treatment for hypertension, because the work is responsible, and the sixty-two-year-old captain is in no hurry to retire. i’m a mechanic captain, we still go into the car, check everything, noises, and noises have a big impact, that’s all. this is an occupational disease. in the coming months, the fmba will purchase devices for remote monitoring of workers’ health. these are mobile glucometers, tonometers
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, and pulse oximeters that will be issued. co-workers suffering from chronic diseases for independent monitoring of these parameters, and information will flock to a single processing center and will be available to the workshop physician; he will be able to monitor these indicators in real time. hardware systems will appear for pre-trip and pre-shift examinations, allowing one to assess a person’s condition and issue permission to work without the participation of medical workers. vlada koplovskaya, victor melnik, svetlana zakharova, evgeny matveev, ntv television company, krasnoyarsk region. promotions, flash mobs, quests, and of course, folk festivals in russia celebrate student's day. initially it was exclusively moscow holiday, inextricably linked with lomanosov university. the decree on its establishment was signed by empress elizaveta petrovna on january 25, the day of the great martyr tatiana. since then, the saint has been considered the patroness of students. now the date coincides with the end of the session, which, of course , can also be considered a student holiday. at
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seychinovsky university today.
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the countdown to the 270th anniversary of moscow state university will become one of the main official events of today's holiday; the country's leading university will celebrate the anniversary exactly in a year. the construction of a grandiose complex, which has no analogue in the world , of the vostok scientific station in the very heart of antarctica is entering its final stage. the high-tech structure ensures a strategically important russian presence at the south pole. without exaggeration, the project is of historical scale and people are working on its implementation. before being sent on watch and what the station looks like from the inside, unique footage right now, never before have so many people been here at once, in antarctica, especially in the east, in such no one has ever
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built at a height in such conditions. these are superhumans, ordinary ones, but superhumans, this is a station, of course, this is something out of the ordinary. even in the sketches, the new wintering complex of the vostok station looked like a spaceship landing in the middle of the desert; it is not only a matter of futuristic design, its construction in the very heart of antarctica at the pole of cold is compared in complexity to the construction of an orbital station. at least because cargo in such a volume has never been delivered here before in such a short period of time. 3 years here they delivered several thousand tons of building materials, equipment, and machinery, all by sleigh rides, a two- to three-week journey each way, depending on the weather. when you go on a hike, you worry about it, people go on the most difficult route in the world, elevation changes, lack of oxygen, huge negative temperatures that reach 55-60°, and you constantly worry about them. vostok station was founded in the depths of
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the thousand continents. 957, under it there is 3.5 km of pure ice, around there is an endless white field, above it there are several meters of snow. we we arrived in an open field, where there was absolutely nothing, and the old vostok station, it was also under a snowdrift, well, actually, like now, that’s why, well, it was unexpected and a little wild. here are some of the harshest natural conditions on the planet, in the east there is a record cold of almost -90°, in winter without... clear polar night, almost zero humidity and an altitude of 3,500 m above sea level. the lack of oxygen is felt very strongly, that is, somewhere you exceeded the speed, somewhere you climb the stairs, you can feel it all at once. on the ground you don't even think about it. in some places the mechanisms cannot withstand the frost, in others. where technology fails, people have no right to break down. most station builders already had experience working in extreme conditions. people were gathered all over russia, yes, the main backbone,
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of course. to be prepared to work in antarctica, despite the symptoms of altitude sickness, migraine, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, weakness. the ski resort, where our athletes are trained in skiing and biathlon, that’s where we were, we also lived in these rooms where there was hypoxia, artificial. the new east itself was tested for strength; it was completely assembled on the mainland to check the reliability and coherence of all systems, then it was disassembled and delivered to the other side of the world. it is not simple. in the middle of the snow is a complex autonomous complex that must preserve the lives of its inhabitants in conditions of limited resources. there are a lot of engineering systems in buildings that are tied specifically to the electrical part. according to estimates, there are approximately 90 kilometers of cables for the entire station, in my opinion, although it
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about 150 m long, a little smaller. all systems are at least duplicated, except for the four main diesel generators, there is also an auxiliary and backup one, and also in the warehouse. the complex itself. similar to a thermos, the inner body is then a layer of insulation almost a meter thick, aluminum panels are on the outside. aluminum takes a lot of time to deteriorate, so the panels are generally unique, they are easy to install, and they look beautiful from the outside. it may seem that this 17 m tall colossus will not be noticed, but this is not so, that’s why the complex stands on thirty-six supports equipped with jacks so that the snow can be swept freely by the substation. antarctica. this is also a country of terrible snowstorms, it happened that we even climbed out through the window, the electrician dug us out, we started cleaning through the window and then started cleaning, well, for the first time i kind of came across these conditions, that really when you go out everything is nothing
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you don’t see, you’re 10 meters away from the lantern and you don’t see it, well, the winds were the biggest, we caught the biggest one at installation on a crane, which has a wind speed of 56 m per second, this project was fantastic in form and... in fact, to assemble such a station it took people of rare character, what difference does it make to us what to build, we will do what he says, even though on the moon, even in antarctica, but i think this is a very important event for our country, we still need to build more in antarctica, definitely not everyone will get here, so in any case, we made history when there is such beauty in the center of the icy desert with our russian flag, well this cool, this is certainly cool, very very proud. alexey kvashenkin, evgeny chekhachev, olga stefanova, mikhail gorabchuk, ilya mesyuchenko and vladimir sharykin, ntv television company. the first photo from the surface of the moon was received by japanese scientists as part of their space mission, the image was presented at a special press conference last
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week on the earth’s natural satellite, two robotic lunar rovers began their journey, they were delivered by a special module, here it is just in the picture, the yellow object golden color. photo allows you to see the gray one. loose surface, this is a regalite layer of lunar dust, one of the tasks that japanese specialists faced was to land the module as accurately as possible, as a result, the error from a given point was only 50 m. for comparison, the spread during the landing of the american apollo lunar module was 20 km. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, all the best and see you later, how do you feel about joint pain without harming your stomach? rivmoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, but also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain. if
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your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels. movement without pain in any weather. about the weather for tomorrow in this issue the european territory of russia and a new level of our relations with the atlantic cyclone, they are becoming cooler, but this is only his choice: the cyclone will move to the black earth tomorrow, it will delay more cold air, that is, after the thaw , frosts will return, but in the smolensk region there will be enough mild thaw for tomorrow, minus for sure on saturday, and the north-west will try to free itself from precipitation, for them mainly the north, the center of the volga region, and not very intense ones remain, but the weather there is cloudy without it.


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