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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 25, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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maria ivanovna, well, turning the edging inside out, how does it happen, the moral law is above our heads, and the starry sky is inside us, it was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 weekday broadcast on ntv, goodbye. they are stalling for time, why france blocked the un safbiz meeting on the russian il-76 shot down by ukraine. agricultural protest, european farmers block roads and fill government buildings with sewage. how do the authorities react to this? bankruptcy marathon, blogger elena bolinovskaya will not be able to pay damage to the state. details in business news. about the main thing for this minute in the studio
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ilya fedorovtsev. hello. the crash of the ill-76 military transport aircraft over the belogorodsk region was commented on today in the kremlin. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov called the destruction of the plane with ukrainian prisoners a monstrous act. according to him, investigators are now studying the wreckage of the plane. at the same time , peskov emphasized that what happened - quote, does not raise questions. against this background, france, which is currently acting chairman of the un sophbiz, refused. hold an emergency meeting in connection with the disaster. previously , moscow requested such a meeting. a russian aerospace forces plane with ukrainian prisoners on board was shot down during landing the day before. according to the russian ministry of defense, the ukrainian armed forces fired two missiles at him from an anti-aircraft complex located in the kharkov region. according to the first deputy permanent representative of russia at the organization, dmitry polyansky, paris abused its powers, and is now trying to shield the kiev regime by giving it time to prepare an explanation for your decision p.
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troops advanced in the donetsk direction, improving their tactical position. six attacks by the ukrainian armed forces were repulsed in the kupinsky and krasno-limansky directions. in other areas of the special operation, our troops carry out preemptive strikes with artillery, aviation and drones. as a result, concentrations of enemy manpower and equipment were destroyed in 109 regions. two ammunition depots and an electronic warfare station were also hit. in the zaporozhye direction, units of the russian group of troops with the support of aviation and artillery was defeated. accumulation of manpower and equipment, thirty-third, sixty-fifth mechanized, 128 mountain assault brigades and 112 territorial defense brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the rabotina, yurkovka and verbovaya areas. the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 130 servicemen killed and wounded. a tank, four pickup trucks, a 155-mm self-propelled artillery mount crab, a 122-mm combat vehicle rszzo rm-70 vampire, made in the czech republic. 122mm self-propelled.
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these ships were escorting two american commercial vessels, as a result of direct hit a warship, they had to retreat. the yemeni armed forces fired several ballistic missiles, some of which reached their target despite attempts to intercept them. the battle lasted more than 2 hours. washington is making a statement about verification; the pentagon says that all the missiles fired by the houthis were shot down by air defense systems. the americans and allies intend to hastily formulate a naval coalition. to establish
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the safety of navigation in the red sea, but so far it has not been possible. another large company, this time kuwaiti, reported that its tankers will no longer sail through the red sea, the routes will be rebuilt, which will result in the fracturing of ships. insurance will become more expensive. french farmers began stopping trucks with foreign license plates and unloading their products. the country's television reported this. most of the vegetables and fruits were donated to a charity organization; the remainder was simply thrown away and burned. farmer protests have already captured several eu countries. not only the french, but also the germans, poles, and austrians block the roads. demonstrators demand that the authorities return government subsidies, without which they face bankruptcy. france's leading trade union already. announced an indefinite extension of the action, the scale of the protests was assessed by elizaveta gerson. the rise of machines in europe, not against people, but for people. the french, like strong older brothers, used tractors as an argument in a dispute with the government; they blocked the routes to lyon, bordeaux, toulouse, and they are threatening to take
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paris. it is not farmers who should pay the bills for inflation; it is not farmers who should pay the bills for the war in ukraine. if you don't have money to send to ukraine, look for it, where? police protesters fight on the road to spain. and there was damage. a famous canadian eatery was filled with hay and manure. the farmers were clearly inspired by the work of environmental activists, who are hated because the green agenda is destroying their economy. but the greens have navangog soup, and the farmers have cow patties
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instead of beef burgers. to the town of augen. farmers also brought some, which is not a pity. tattered tires, old barrels, boards, rags, i relieved myself heartily at the gate.
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funeral in germany of the former finance minister schäuble with his ideas of franco-german friendship, there monsieur macron spoke german and became heir macron. macron is afraid that the tractor fever that has arisen in germany will reach paris, and the sinizer will come to the elysee palace and roll out his tank of claims to it. to avoid this, macron is now trying to find a new candidate, more focused on agriculture, for the elections to the european parliament. but these elections will be held in june in brussels, this is far away and not soon, but the representative of the yellow working machines, like the yellow vests once, a decision is needed here now, and not so much political, how much economic, money. in brussels , the tractor riot was discussed by the ministers of agriculture, the european commissioner claims that
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he heard an alarm bell. we listen to the voice of farmers and will take their voice into account in our work. this is what bells or drums sound like. cover expenses since the conflict began in ukraine, we have been working at a loss; farmers cannot even because of rising prices for raw materials. in poland, calling from tractors is not from an armored car.
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railway workers with freight and passenger cars joined with seeders and winnowers compositions. the longer this strike continues, the higher the costs. the strikes have been going on for so long that the damage to the economy has been... significant. strikes in different countries come with similar demands: increase wages, improve the quality of life. the main thing that unites the countries of the european union today is not the euro, but the shortage of euros among those circles of the population that are far from the defense industry. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, polina timofeeva and alexander gusev, ntv television company. vladimir putin today in kaliningrad got acquainted with the prospects development of the baltic federal university. the rector of the university showed the president a model of the future campus. the total area of ​​the created objects is almost 110,000
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m2, of which about a third is housing. the cost of building the campus is estimated at more than 17.5 billion rubles. according to the plan, the facilities should be put into operation in the fourth quarter of 2025. and today vladimir putin met with university students. the head of state congratulated them on tatyana’s day, analysis of what is now. this is 1755, yes, the twenty-fifth. january, when it was, when elizaveta petrovna signed a decree on the creation of a moscow university, then this date, as you know, was already transformed much later into the day of russian students, this means what it says, that in our country we have constantly, over the centuries, paid great attention and attached great importance to the development of education. because, of course
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, the future of the state depends on the level of education, on the level of application of the technologies used, on what ambitions arise in each individual person in the region or the entire country, that is why, especially today, when knowledge has not acquired some ephemeral, speculative character, on the contrary, it has become part of... economic growth, part of increasing the country's defense capability, preserving the statehood of our traditions and the ethnic groups of the russian federation themselves, today everything is exactly like that, and from education depends on the success and future of our state, also during communication with students , the president said that the transition to a new education system will be smooth, head of state. noted that people with any diplomas, there is no need to fear discrimination when hiring. the united states has banned
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bowing from increasing production of 737 max aircraft. previously , part of the fuselage of an aircraft of this model was torn off during flight. next on the air is business news, denis talalaev is with us. denis, will these planes be used or not? yes, of course, in general this aircraft is called the workhorse of world aviation, and in america its operation should begin tomorrow. the boeing company learned two pieces of news the day before, as expected: one good, one bad. let's start with the bad. the federal aviation administration and the united states have prohibited boeing from increasing production of 737 max family aircraft. the regulator explains that it will lift the ban only after ensuring that all quality control problems have been eliminated. this is a serious blow for boeing. the 737 max is its best- selling aircraft; it is on them that the company is betting in its pursuit of airbus, which is already assembling 50 of them. per month, here's the good
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news from the american aircraft regulator: that he approved the mechanism for checking the 737 max-9 aircraft, that is, he actually allowed them to fly again. alaska airlines plans to return the first max9 to the skies tomorrow, united airlines expects to do this on sunday. on january 5, the boeing 737 max-9 of alaska airlines. in flight at an altitude of 5 km, part of the fuselage came off, the door plug in the place of the emergency exit. none of the passengers were seriously injured. the next day, the us federal aviation administration temporarily suspended operation of these aircraft. blogger elena blinovskaya will not be able to repay the damage to the state and will probably be forced to declare bankruptcy. her husband and parents can do the same. this was stated today by elena blinovskaya’s lawyer natalya salnikova. according to her.
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courses and marathons, and at the same time used a business splitting scheme in order to pay tax under a simplified scheme with a lower rate. elena blinovskaya was detained in april 1923 on the border with belarus. this week. she was transferred to a pre-trial detention center because violation of the terms of house arrest. the court found that elena blinovskaya communicated with witnesses in her case at the new year's party. the russian stock market, in conditions of a very sparse news background, continues to move in a narrow corridor, sometimes up a little, sometimes down a little. the current decline is slowing down due to oil, which is
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now rising in price by half a dollar and the ruble, which has become cheaper, a little more actively. the dollar is now 88. euro 9693. a liquor store has opened in saudi arabia for the first time in 72 years. it is located in the diplomatic quarter of riyadh and will serve exclusively non-muslim diplomats. according to the op agency, one of the first visitors. the store has strong alcohol and wine, but it’s true that there are only two types of beer so far. the store itself is like duty free at a big airport. here, of course, you will have to take your word for it, because, as reported, photography is prohibited inside the store, and indeed in general. mobile phones must be put into special bags at the entrance, and you can only enter the store by presenting a diplomatic passport. also there is a system in place that limits the amount of alcohol that can be purchased. each person is given 240 points for a month, for example, a liter of strong alcohol is 6 points, and a liter of beer is one point. prohibition
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has been in effect in saudi arabia since 1952 after one of the king's sons shot and killed a british diplomat while drunk. foreigners can be deported for drinking alcohol in public, but for selling alcohol they can be imprisoned. the easing is obviously a continuation of the crown prince's policy mohammed bin salman, who is now leading the country from strict religious prohibitions to becoming a center of trade, finance and tourism. ilya, i have everything. thank you, denis talalaev with his economic review. ntv viewer in the capital. next up is the release of the program today. moscow, we will continue our broadcast for other regions of the central part of the country. almost half a million questions asked by special operation veterans and their loved ones were resolved by the staff of the fatherland defenders foundation, this is the result of just six months of work. the organization was created in june last year on the initiative of the president. as
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the head of the fund, anna tseveleva, said in an exclusive interview with ntv. most often, these are complex tasks that require interaction with a variety of areas. social, medical, among the fund’s employees there are many participants in the special operation and members of their families, the coordinators work with full dedication to everyone, an individual approach, anaveleva told what topics concern her the most, first of all at this stage these are social support measures, these are payments, this privileges for utility bills, this is obtaining veteran’s certificates themselves, this is obtaining certificates confirming... that a person received a military injury, issues of rehabilitation and obtaining prostheses are also the most in demand, now among those veterans who have all this, they come out on top issues of retraining, employment training, because we understand that the guys are young,
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the guys have families, have small children, it’s very important for them even if they have disabilities as a result... not in clinics, but in what is called locally a full medical examination, employees will be able to undergo work. more than a dozen specialists can be visited in just a few hours, and if necessary, receive high-tech help. vlada kopolovskaya saw how the center was organized. the health center
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of the defense plant, where rocket and space technology is produced, operates around the clock and rarely when. here they conduct initial medical examinations, monitor which employees are due for revaccination, sometimes work in emergency mode, it became bad, well, he had a headache, he can come here, if there is something more serious, we definitely go to the unit, from this year the medical center works in conjunction with the center of industrial medicine of the federal medical and biological agency of russia in krasnoyarsk and is switching to a new digital format, in fact it means that the results of electrocardiography just carried out at the factory can be seen by the profile almost immediately. specialist digital health centers are equipped with remote medical equipment, accordingly, an employee of the enterprise can receive advice a doctor, specialist or specialist, or undergo a diagnostic examination. directly at the health center, all information is transmitted via secure electronic communication channels to the center of industrial medicine; this year alone, more than twenty industrial medicine centers will open in russia, their
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task is to make the medical care system more effective for workers of strategic industries. in the krasnoyarsk territory, for example, these are nuclear scientists, rocket and mechanical engineers, and river workers. in the seventies in our country there were 37,000 factory health centers and approximately 1,500 medical and sanitary units, but by the mid-nineties there were two times less of them... all this led to an increase in the number of occupational diseases, in some regions they were detected during examinations in every second person. usually a medical examination is a whole quest for several days. now doctors promise that a few hours will be enough to go through about 12 doctors, do a fluorography and even more than one ultrasound. it’s much faster and easier than where we went before, that is, all the specialists are in one place, that is, you don’t need to travel to three clinics. your conclusion the professional pathologist also gives information, and not only the physical condition is important.
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for those suffering from chronic diseases, in order to independently monitor these parameters, the information will flow into a single processing center and will be available
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to the shop therapist; he will be able to monitor these indicators in real time. there will also be hardware systems for pre-trip and pre-shift examinations, which will allow assessing a person’s condition and issuing permission to work without the participation of medical workers. vlada koplovskaya, victor melnik, svetlana zakharova, evgeny matveev, ntv television company. krasnoyarsk region. today , the state duma adopted for the first time bills to combat trash streams, this is a provocative online broadcast during which the organizers mock the participants, fulfilling even the wildest wishes of the audience for money. fueled by their subscribers, bloggers have more than once crossed all imaginable boundaries. a number of such inclusions ended in the death of participants from cold alcohol overdose injuries. the documents reviewed today suggest a ban on the distribution of such photos and videos, several fines hundreds of thousands of rubles. and
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... no matter how marginal such a stream, that is, a live broadcast on the internet, looks like, it has its own viewer, including in the state duma, but deputies disliked such content, it only inspired them to create a bill banning trash streams. we are introducing a new type of prohibited information and the relevant authorities, roskomnadzor, rosmolodezh, must block it after a court decision. and also social networks, according to our law, will be required to monitor and... and preventively also carry out work to block this content on their websites, the streamer himself faces a fine of up to 700,000, confiscation
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of equipment and even a ban on using the internet, while if a blogger does something criminally punishable on air, then the presence of a camera on at that moment becomes an aggravating circumstance. if a person, for example, beats on camera, then he will receive a longer sentence than if he beat up outside the camera. because the camera and live broadcast, it increases the audience of the so-called negative effect, which means that if the negative effect increases, then responsibility must also be increased. the bill provides for a number of exceptions, in particular for war correspondents and authors of content of artistic value, such as film directors, that is, in essence, for a situation where demonstrations of cruelty are justified. such a demonstration, according to the deputies, is difficult to justify; the authors, like... content , will have to look for other income or try to create a more meaningful product. compared to other internet content , it looks quite simple in the picture,
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by content. its importance for the audience is explained differently: the viewer of trash streams is their active participant, that is, for small donations, or rather donations, viewers can ask the author to do something like that on a webcam, for example, for 500 rubles to hit a companion if he unlucky to be in the same frame with the author, and tens, sometimes even hundreds of thousands of spectators gather, many of them willingly transfer money, which provides the author with a serious income without much effort, except for the fact that for this have to forget.
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nature, psychologists note that people have always had a need for such a spectacle, it’s not offensive, but it’s human, they used to watch gladiatorial fights, then public executions in city squares, this is how the human brain works, and this does not mean mental. the fact is that in the human psyche there is a structure that carl gustow jung called a shadow, and this is like our dark country, there is nothing wrong with its existence, it is organic, but it is precisely this that allows this connection to be made prohibited content that we watch on the internet or on television is, in principle , about the same thing, and accordingly the brain reacts positively to such stimuli, the
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more a person watches them, the greater... the level of cruelty, the greater the level of some kind of ... then he needs immersion in the content of the stream, so such content can cause addiction, and also imitators from among minors, but the bill can reduce the number of people who want to make immoral or cruel content, because under the ban includes not only what is broadcast live, but also pre -prepared videos and pictures, and those who, no matter what, want to create controversial content, can be advised to go to school.
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this is moscow, this is moscow, new moscow, so, you need to pay for utilities, communications and internet and send money to your mother, if only you could pay for everything at once. no commission, honey, you ’ve already got ready, you’re thinking, there’s so much you need to pay, you also need to send money to your mom, don’t worry, let’s pay for tinkov, get a tinkov black card and make payments and transfers without commission are always timkov, who is such a great guy, she washed and wrung everything herself, all that remains is to dilute it, the point is,
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it will dry it, everything is fine. liran drying machine for 4990. liran makes comfort affordable! just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts? can! connect for a maximum of 399 rubles and receive a superbox as a gift! can! yota! choosing a professional? exactly! amylatex gel acts precisely at the source of pain with care for those closest to you! the exact solution is free movement! winter clothes sale and beauty products on ozone. baby shark dress for 599, small cakes, rex protein - great joy. playite is an unusual service that allows you to pay in installments. you don't need to apply for a new card to look for a list of stores. playite is available everywhere. playite divides the price into six parts and works with a card from any bank. and there are no interest rates. go to playtrough. in january
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we are raffling off houses, cars, million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million. hurry up for tickets, vidafer helps support. iron levels are normal, vitofer, everything will come true iron. touch the krok star burger kings. votter, on fire, tastes better. hey, what are you doing here? we make comfort accessible. so a microwave oven with a volume of 20 liters for 4,890 rbt makes comfort affordable. once processes are in place, you have time to think about how to grow your business. you are creating it here
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now, and tinkov’s business is creating tools to solve your problems. tinkov is a business and the job is done. dna today at 17:50 on ntv. you. it would always be like this, but here it’s like this every day, it’s profitable on the price tag, which means low price, cheesecakes cottage cheese curds for 27.99, pyaterochka helps out, in the sportsmaster app there is a drawing of cool gifts, the main prize is an apartment , download the app, spin the ball for prizes, complete tasks to get more gifts, each of us had our own star, we gave it to our for children, asterisk, it is not our tradition to get sick, it’s just space when you feel the real taste of smoked meat from cherkizov’s own farms! enjoy the moment with the fantastic taste of salchichon! cosmically
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delicious! cherkizova! meteosensitivity, dizziness, sleep disturbances, weakness, increased anxiety, all these may be signs of vsd. eltacin is an assistant in the fight against vsd. bottom: premiere from monday at 22:15 on ntv. this is the program today, we continue our release. now there is a story from the island of sakhalin, where employees of the ministry of emergency situations rescued a driver who was stuck in a car for 2 days in the middle of a snowy road. the victim said that he fell into a ditch during a snowstorm and was unable to get out on his own. there was no food or water in the car, but he could not abandon the car for valuable ones. the things he was carrying, and getting to the nearest populated area was not easy due to a severe snow storm. the man spoke about what happened on social networks, and our colleagues from arti noticed his publication. they published the story on their telegram channel and attracted the attention of the ministry of emergency situations. rescuers who arrived at the scene pulled the car out of the snowdrift
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using special equipment. well, that's it, the rotor arrived and pulled it out. that's it, we got out. by the way, men. he is currently at a gas station and will be heading home soon. in antarctica is entering the final stage of construction of a grandiose complex that has no analogues in the world of the vostok scientific station. it provides a strategically important russian presence at the south pole. a project without involving a historical scale. and people of special character and skill are working on its implementation. alexey kvashenkin, about how polar explorers prepare to go on shift and what the station looks like from the inside. never before have so many people been here at once; in antarctica, especially in the east, at such an altitude, in such conditions, no one else i didn’t build it, these are superhumans, ordinary, but
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superhumans, this is a station, of course, this is something out of the ordinary, even in the sketches, the new wintering complex of the vostok station looked like a spaceship landing in the middle of the desert. not only in its futuristic design, its construction in the very heart of antarctica at the pole of cold is compared in complexity to the construction of an orbital station, well , at least in that cargo in such a volume has never been delivered here before in such a short period of time. over the course of 3 years , several thousand tons of building materials were delivered here, equipment, equipment, all this is a toboggan trip that takes two to three weeks each way, depending on the weather, when you go on a trip, you worry about it, people leave... the most difficult route in the world, elevation changes , lack of oxygen, huge negative temperatures that reach 55-60°, and you constantly worry about them. vostok station was founded in the depths of the continents
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in 1957, there is 3.5 km of pure ice beneath it, an endless white field around it, and several meters of snow above it. we arrived in an open field, where there was absolutely nothing, and the old vostok station, it was also under construction. under a snowdrift, well, actually, like now , that’s why, well, it was unexpected and a bit wild , here are some of the harshest natural conditions on the planet, in the east a cold record was registered for... in winter , a dark polar night, almost zero humidity and an altitude of 35 m above sea level, the lack of oxygen is felt very strongly, that is, somewhere you exceeded the speed, somewhere you climb the stairs, all this is immediately felt on the ground, you don’t even think about it you think that somewhere the mechanisms can’t withstand it, somewhere it’s frosty, where the equipment gives in, people have no right to break down, most of the station’s builders already had experience working in extreme conditions, people were gathered all over russia. and yes, the main backbone is, of course
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, zazprom workers who have been working with us for many years, who have gone through all the harsh parts of the north and have now come with us, but even they needed special training to be ready to work in antarctica, despite symptoms of mountain sickness, migraine, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, weakness. ski resort, where our athletes are trained in skiing and biathlon, so we were there, we also lived in these rooms. where there was artificial hypoxia. the new east itself was tested for strength. it was completely assembled on the mainland to check the reliability and coherence of all systems, then it was disassembled and delivered to the other side of the world. this is not just a house in the middle of the snow, it is a complex autonomous complex that must save the lives of its inhabitants in conditions of limited resources. in a buiding there are a lot of engineering systems that are tied specifically to the electrical part. according to estimates , there are approximately 90 kilometers of cables here for the entire station, in my opinion, although
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it is about 150 m long, a little smaller, all systems are at least duplicated, except for the four main diesel generators, there is also an auxiliary and backup one, and also in the warehouse, itself the complex is similar to a thermos, the inner body, then a layer of insulation almost a meter thick, aluminum panels on the outside, aluminum so that it deteriorates, as if very it takes a lot of time, so the panels are generally unique, they are easy to install. well, from the outside it looks beautiful, it may seem that this 17-meter-high colossus will not be noticeable, but this is not so, so the complex stands on thirty-six supports equipped with jacks so that the snow can freely sweep under the station. antarctica is also a country of terrible snowstorms, it happened that we even climbed out through the window, the electrician dug us out, we started cleaning through the window and then started cleaning, well, for the first time i kind of encountered these conditions, that really, when you go out everything... you don’t see anything, you’re 10 meters away from the lamp
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and you don’t see it, well, the most, well , there were big winds, we recorded the biggest one on a crane installation, which is 56 m /with the wind, this project was fantastic in form and daring in essence, to assemble such a station it took people of rare character, what difference does it make to us what to build, we will be whatever he says, even on the moon, even in antarctica, but i i think this is a very important event for our country, we still need more build in antarctica. definitely not everyone will end up here, so in any case, we are in history, when in the center of the icy desert there is such beauty with our russian flag, well, this is cool, this is certainly cool, very, very proud. alexey kvashenkin, evgeny chekhachev, olga stefanova, mikhail gorabchuk, ilya mesyuchenko and vladimir sharykin, ntv television company. well, now the yellow warning level has been extended for the weather in the capital region due to icy conditions. he will tell you what will happen in the near future. what is the forecast:
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will there be frosts? there will be, but not as severe as at the beginning of the month. details in a few seconds. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rivmoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. rivmoflex evalar - movement without pain. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take jealousy. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. so, january finally spent all its energy. in central russia , the weather is atypical for the current month, without heavy snowfalls, extreme frosts, and most importantly, without sudden changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure, it will gradually increase. tomorrow there will still be snow in most areas, but again, i emphasize, it will not be heavy. day there is already little precipitation and the temperature will also gradually decrease, but will remain at
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gentle values, which are also higher than normal, in the center in the northwest and even in the north it’s only about 5° below zero, in the volga region it’s down to -10, that’s all it’s cold. in the south in the coming days the heat will be less than expected, maximum +10 in the sochi area, there is still a lot of precipitation. by the weekend they will become sporadic. and about the weather in capitals in st. petersburg during the day -3. clearances and precipitation are unlikely in clouds. it's still cloudy and lightly snowing in moscow. -2 in the daytime, then mainly night frosts will get stronger, and during the day the cooling will be barely noticeable. thank you, this was the weather forecast from evgenia neronskaya. that's all we have for now, go to ntv. .ru see you later. it is profitable to retire in the new year with sberbank. for pensioners, a free sber card, a favorable deposit rate, to
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more profitable. get a supercake every month for free. withdraw cash from any atm throughout the country, not just profitable, alpha profitable, beyond the bounds, she was expecting twins, but left the maternity hospital with only one child in her arms, a premature patient. ksenia baymurzina in the studio. ksenia, hello, how old is your baby now? my daughter is now 3 years and 11 months old, well, soon she will be 4 years old. i was supposed to have twins, two girls, in the end i went home with one child. what happened?


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