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tv   DNK  NTV  January 25, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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the first and only ultrasound photo of our culprits? yes, of course, my son. now anastasia goes to the cemetery to visit her baby. she never knew the joy of motherhood - the woman cries. our son is now, well, next to his grandfather, his grandfather is looking after him. anastasia, you intend to achieve justice, punishment for my story. i opened my eyes and began to receive a huge number of responses from other affected women, all these girls who wrote to you, are they in the same perinatal center where you gave birth? yes, love, ksenia, marina, oksana, and you gave birth in the same perinatal center, that is, these are all cases of one maternity hospital, yes, we have more than 23 people at the moment. we
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began to write collectively to bastrykin on the website, as i understand it, the chairman of the investigative committee took up this case, yes, we each filed a lawsuit on our own, if the investigative committee , as part of carrying out one case or another, reveals these facts, it will itself unite, and unite, then the most stringent measures will be taken against specific doctors. yuri, you can help to all these women? unfortunately, it is impossible to return the children, but what we must do is prevent, there should not be a single case where the mother says, i feel, she is not moving, i am in the perinatal center, help, in the perinatal center... no
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help, but that’s not why we built this three-stage routing system, that’s not why we built perinatal centers, which are equipped with the most modern equipment, but whatever the equipment is, the main thing is people, and how the doctor is with the patient in soul, that’s exactly then everything is fine. tatyana, for your part, can you also help these women ? special attention to this, of course, yes, immediately after the program, ksenia boymurzina , together with her daughter arina, undergoes examination by a pediatrician, orthopedist and neurologist. the same specialists are also examining veronica, the daughter of marina kirova. doctors give mothers their recommendations. what is needed is physical education, yes, communication with peers, therapy with animals, yes, this is what will work, exercises in the pool, yes, it will strengthen. back muscles.
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at this time, anastasia lukinykh goes to gynecologist. a woman wants to know if she can get pregnant again and give birth to a healthy baby? i see no obstacles for the next pregnancy to occur and be completed safely. then the doctor examines love igisheva, who dreams of becoming a mother for the fourth time. there is a reduction in emergency reserve. an alternative method of overcoming infertility after the age of 43 is this. oksana mishkova is examined by specialists during the procedure with donor eggs to make sure that nothing threatens the health of her unborn baby. here somewhere as for the fetus, everything is fine, you really have a shortened cervix, installation of an unloading scribe is indicated. the doctor performed the necessary procedures and wrote out her prescriptions. thank you to the program beyond, for not passing by our stories from...
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how old are you now? i am now 69 years old. but in all these years you have never had a passport? there was a ussr passport. i was born and raised in georgia, received a passport, but at the moment i don’t have any passport. but there is no nationality or nationality. when i came here, we had a war there between abkhazia and georgia. period the town had just
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collapsed, i came to my brother to wait out this whole system, i traded at the market while i was getting ready to go back, they had already... closed the border, there was already another state, georgia and russia, that is, the soviet union collapsed, yes collapsed, in what year did you come from georgia to russia, i know this for sure, in ninety-three , on march 7, the union collapsed, i didn’t know about that, we didn’t even have a clue, when i came here, we lived at home in georgia , we had no light, there was such looting, light did not have. we went to get bread from another bed, yes, now several kilometers away, but by the time
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you get there, you tempt him, we heated ourselves with wood. something like that, and you really didn't even know that the soviet union had collapsed? well, yes, we didn’t have a tv, they gave us the light for the new year, at 5:12 and 10 minutes past midnight they turned it off, that’s how we lived, but we lived in a town, i worked in a town as a dispatcher in our airfield, wasn’t my brother he did not say that the documents need to be changed because the soviet union collapsed. there wasn't even a conversation with him, i came here and did what i could do, this is what i could work with, i had to live somehow , getting a job was not a problem, at the market, no documents needed, go out, trade, got a job, worked as a cleaner for 3 years, that is,
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you worked without documents, without documents, using someone else’s passport, using a strange one, using what kind, i don’t know, this happened three times, did you mention that you worked as an aircraft dispatcher? yes, i was finishing my courses, i thought that i would come, but i arrived with one handbag, i looked closely, that’s it, i met, well, i’ll go home now, again, when it was still closed, there was no border, i’ll take documents, take some things with me, and come here, that is, you had a plan, you didn’t go for long, but it didn’t come true. alla, when did you find out that the soviet passport was no longer valid? i went to the migration service, and they told me that i needed to change it, not that, in my opinion,
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change it, yes, when i arrived, they said, it’s no longer valid, the passport is no longer valid, you can’t do anything with it, they tell me, give testimony. i don’t have it, then i went to the police, then there was police or something, they tell me, you need to go to moscow, in moscow, there was no georgian embassy at that time, there were conflicts between georgia and russia, go to the swiss embassy, ​​it is located there, but i can’t go . so what stopped you at that moment was that you didn’t have the money to go? yes, there was absolutely no way to go if they weren’t there, maybe you tried to contact your relatives in georgia to have them send you a birth certificate, it’s possible, i probably wrote, i didn’t write, i called, well
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part of the connection is via the internet, i have a girlfriend there, i wrote to her, and before in georgia you could do anything for money, any certificate yes... everything could be done, i sent her 100 dollars, but since there is power there now, all this has changed, completely different laws, she sent them back to me, she says, now it doesn’t work here anymore, it doesn’t work, yes, so she says she sent them back to me, that is, they could get a birth certificate only i couldn’t in any way no way and... she can’t do anything there, they said i have to do it myself i personally participated there, but how can i come if i don’t have a passport, neither soviet nor foreign, but you said that you had a ussr passport, my passport disappears, how, i don’t know, but in the police i have
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something was seen in room 110, i know that you had a passport, that is, it turns out that you lost your passport, you lost your passport, that’s all. that i could have made a photocopy even before this, that’s the only thing i was able to make a photocopy of, that is, you still have a photocopy of your passport and there was one personally one. thing, why was it? because he’s not there, i fell for a scammer, as they were, a woman came who had worked somewhere before, she had a replacement, a new girl came, they started a conversation, supposedly this second woman, uh, worked in the police and said that she she will help me, they called me, naturally she came, of course, i need to get a passport any way... i came, she told me that i needed money, i needed
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a photograph, i believe people, i agreed to everything , i went, i took a photo, borrowed money, 40 thousand in the end. in short, she took the money from me, took your only photocopy of my passport, no, she
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then asked for another 5,000, another 5,00 for the purpose of registering me somewhere, and kolya sent my brother 5,000 more, she took this money and said, that’s all , right here, right here, there will be a passport, but like a smart girl, beckoning, i was waiting for all this, waiting and hoping for the best. i directly trusted, i think the woman works in the police, how can you not believe it, how long have you been waiting for the promised passport, i’ve been waiting for the promised one, about a year and a half or two, at the moment you don’t have any document to somehow confirm your identity, i only have, if my brother confirms my dna, then the only thing left is, in the end, a dna test turns out to be your only hope to confirm yours. this is the only, last hope, there are no more options, at least this way, at least
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this way, there are no more options, hello, where do you live now? i live with a woman, i ’ve been living with her for 15 years, i lived with her son, he died, he was your roommate, yes, and they had a relative there, they consulted about something with mine, like mother-in-law, not mother-in-law, but women, she took her in, she has a three-room apartment, and we kind of help each other, she’s a little older than me , we always have lunch and dinner together, and the relationship is good, absolutely, that’s when i have the opportunity, for electricity, for water, that’s what i pay her, and not always, i don’t always have some kind of income, that is, she refers to you. very well, at the family council they decided to help you, because
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you have become practically a relative to them. in the studio svetlana lukashova with mother olga. svetlana, olga, hello, hello, hello, how long have you known alla? for a long time, for about 15 years, we have been communicating testily. we are very friends, ever since she lived at the table, since then we have been communicating, we go to visit each other, she comes to us, stays overnight, yes, we celebrate all the holidays together, sometimes we don’t see each other for a long time, we miss each other, svetlana has already become as close as family, but i understand that alla and your relative lived in an unofficial marriage? yes, they lived at the table, well, relationships
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they couldn’t get it because she doesn’t have a passport, yes, they loved each other, yes, how long they lived together, they didn’t live that long, he just died, more or less died, still very young, and what happened, well, he i got sick and died, so after the death of anatoly, alla was left without jelly. yeah, yes, we sat at the family council, talked, and tolik’s mother took the christmas tree to her, they helped each other. who goes to the store, well, she also helped around the house, she’s generally a very hardworking little girl of ours, she can do everything, even at home she also did everything there, go to the store to clean, do laundry and wash the dishes, something else, all the household chores. olga, you know
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that alla gave the money to the scammer, yes, she fell for scammers more than once, the first time...
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she just lost everything, and of course, she has already generally fallen into such a state that it’s like she’s going to the official bodies she applied somewhere, which means nothing worked out for her, allah, tell me how you were deceived the first time when you gave 9,000, it was like that, i knew this family, perhaps he he says, yes, give me 9,000, he asked for 10, but i didn’t have it, they gave me nine, and then i didn’t have any at all, i borrowed this money, gave it back and ended up with it, and then when i saw him, he’s just good, good he had a family, his wife later kicked him out, he became a homeless person, what
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can i take from a homeless person, i saw him walking around the trash cans, olga, but because of the lack of documents? alla often finds herself in difficult life situations, yes, of course, the fact that, for example, she won’t turn anywhere, she doesn’t receive a pension, although she is already far from retirement age, now she can’t go to the clinic, her age is already showing, she has developed age-related sores, let’s just say, her eyesight is deteriorating, her vision is deteriorating very much. so she started complaining to me that she couldn’t see at all in one eye, well, what could i do, i went and made an appointment with her eye doctor using my card, so the doctor looked at her and said that she had cataracts and that she needed to have surgery , but
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there is no money for the operation, and there are no documents, everything is the same again. then it flowed away a lot she had a lot of problems, she now has problems with this, her legs started to hurt a lot, her legs started to swell, she started complaining to me that i couldn’t even walk, they were swollen, red, so what should i do again, i say, well let’s at least go to the doctor, at least somehow, well, how to go to the doctor, again using my card, i made an appointment for her to see the doctor, took her, which means the doctor prescribed her medicine there. she advised that she recommended that she should be treated as needed, so she received treatment, it seemed to be easier, well , let’s say the problem didn’t go away, she i was treated , relief came for a while, well, the doctor didn’t understand that it was not you, but another woman, well then there were no photographs in the card , it wasn’t entered into the computer, now it’s already, now
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it’ll work out, yes, that’s it now it won’t work out, so she is now without help at all. remained at all, no one will help her at all, she cannot apply for a fee, because she has no money, she has no job, now, now she can no longer work, as she worked before, she grabbed at everything, she nurse at the clinic and there to wash up, and i don’t know who she didn’t work for, just for any job, but low-paying, naturally, not official, she always grabbed any job, yes, now she can’t, her health doesn’t allow it anymore. she doesn’t have this pension, and life is very difficult for her. alla, these are your problems with vision, it came with age, maybe, maybe it’s... heredity, my dad was born blind, and then 2 years old, it seems to have matured, according to my grandmother, well,
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until the eighth grade he saw it very badly i didn’t see him well, and then he went with his mother to have an operation, and then he had a pension. third group, when i was already in the eighth grade at school, he was given the first group of disability, he could not see at all, and that’s how he and we lived, received a pension, my mother worked, i worked, we lived neither poor nor rich, you didn’t need anything at that time, ekaterina, well, do i understand correctly that the problem... maturation cannot be neglected, if there is the possibility of some kind of medical intervention, and an operation, then this of course it must be done, because without this
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a person will go completely blind and will not be able to care for himself, this eye does not see at all, and this one is already on the way, you urgently need to have an operation, everything is relying, well, there is no way, no, who is to blame that now you are you in such a situation, olga, what do you think? well, of course, of course, there is also her fault, but it’s just that all people are different and not everyone can tenaciously grasp the situation like this and fix something. she may have initially thought that she would still be able to return home there in georgia to her place, she probably didn’t intend to come here. forever, until all these situations pass, she will return home, then somehow she was specifically faced with the fact that
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the ussr had collapsed, her passport was invalid, she began to make some attempts, but officially nothing worked for her, because she was forced there to go to a consulate somewhere, to an embassy somewhere, but when she goes, she won’t buy a ticket or anything. you think, well, probably, all this could have been done much earlier, of course, it was possible and necessary, but the fact that alla now she said that she blames herself for all this, this somewhat, how can i say, prevents me from saying what i wanted, i wanted to say, just maybe cruelly, that of course, in fact, of course, you are to blame, in my opinion, i would object, you know why, because it doesn’t matter to us... she said that she made a lot of attempts, namely to get a passport, i would say that she did not sit and was not inactive, because she really walked, she tried
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to do something, well, probably due to the fact that she legally illiterate, that there was no lawyer next to her, and there was no person , let’s say, well, probably more literate, but she made attempts to get a passport, yes, of course, you can’t blame someone, of course, you need to do it first. asking you why this happened, but ala really has an amazing set of circumstances, the person really didn’t sit idle, he really does everything in order to get documents, but circumstances, a series of circumstances, some kind of bad luck, these scammers, it turns out that's not on it’s 100% alla’s fault, i think that alla simply doesn’t know the algorithm for correct behavior, what she needed... was exactly to do, let’s say, first, you filed a statement with the ministry of internal affairs to establish your identity, i didn’t apply once, not always, directly
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with a written statement, no one asked me to write a statement, i was only asked to write my autobiography, i wrote to them, they said, wait, i wrote my address, where i live here, wait, answer will come, i can’t even understand why, well i can’t even imagine how i didn’t want to be my own sister, but did he really never tell you: let’s go, sister,
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let’s get you some documents? and the fact that you are now living with strangers, allah, brother in general, how do you feel about this? i don’t know, and he didn’t agree to help you conduct a genetic examination between you, my second brother, the youngest, the youngest, who lives in st. petersburg, helped me, but the other brother refused, refused, i couldn’t even think that he could refuse. i won't talk about this topic with him impose, let's communicate , let's be friends, no i don't know how i'll continue with him wants, don't, don't want, don't, it's all my fault, it's my fault, that is, it turns out that he abandoned you, how from my sister,
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it seems so, it seems so.
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there is no particular need for everyone, for example , when it comes to finding a twin, lyudmila was separated from her twin sister at birth, it is impossible to understand and accept that a mother would give away her child, but she found out about it years later, i think i was born alone, it turns out there were two of us born when mom she was dying, she told her secret, a cinematic situation, absolutely, yes, and also a continuation of the story...
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or on the website medalallengrad.rf. chef new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. it's impossible to live. or not, i want her to look me in the eyes, behind this door there is a person who is waiting for your forgiveness, the decision to open the door behind you, and this decision must be made right
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now, please forgive me, the premiere of the new show with nadezhda babkina, february 2 at 16:50 on ntv. this is the dna program. alla has been living in saratov without citizenship and documents. sixty-nine-year-old allazunova can barely hold back her tears. she herself is to blame for her own troubles and adversity. all her life she only had a soviet passport, but she lost it, and now she cannot confirm her identity. became impossible. there is no pension, but i’m not getting younger, i’m getting old, but i have to live. as if it were necessary, and medicine, in the hospital, and one cannot see the eye at all, there are no teeth, alla says that she was born in georgia and lived in a remote area, where the light was on once a day for an hour, and there was no television at all,
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therefore, when in march 1993 she came to her brother in saratov, she did not even realize that the soviet union had collapsed, and her passport was no longer valid, so she went to the authorities. in saratov, alla went to the zaks, to the migration service, to passport office, everywhere she was sent to moscow, to the georgian consulate, but she had no money for travel, the woman complains, where i go to the police, i go to moscow, and i go to moscow , what do i have in moscow, my salary is minimal, what am i doing, having a special certificate in my hands, it is in its soviet way i could buy a train ticket with my passport, says allah, but in one of the...
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problems, in short, that’s it, after that i can’t hear her, nor my spirit, for the sake of it, in such a situation it’s possible to deceive a person who needs everything. now alla lives with the mother of her former partner, she has vision problems, she can no longer work as before, and her last hope to change her life for the better is a dna test. first of all , i’ll go and apply for a pension, the clinic is also nearby and the pension pound clinic is nearby, i’ll go and do all this and i’ll be happy. let no matter what, but yours. unlike his older
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sister, he took care of receiving the documents on time. alla's brother, nikolai mozgunov, is in the studio. hello. hello, nikolay. they don't cry. did you miss your sister? yes. i’ve seen you for more than a year, but what about you , despite the fact that your younger brother didn’t make sure that your older sister completed her documents on time, well, at that time i lived, when we separated, she left georgia for russia to saratov before my brother, and my mother went to join me in ukraine, when we started again, well, the union... broke up, it turns out that we we lost contact, and until we
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arrived in russia again today, we established contact , and since that time we have been communicating, well, closely, we call each other every day, i ask, do you now also live in russia, yes, i am a citizen that’s all to russia , yes, but have you ever told your sister that it’s wrong to delay with the documents, yes, we had a conversation about this and have had it more than once, of course, it’s her fault that it all turned out this way, she allowed it to... delayed, then, when she came to russia, she could apply as a refugee and get it all, i i even told her, turn to your brother , he’s russian, let something help , well, for some reason your brother refused, but you and your brother communicate, no, we don’t communicate with him in general and for a very long time, how do you live now, family, work , yes, i have a family, a wife, a son, a grandson, all russians live in st. petersburg, how often do you communicate with your sister? yes , we talk on the phone every day, well, that means you know about your sister’s problems, of course, you know
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that your sister ran into scammers twice, twice not, once for sure, she asked for money so that they promised to help her citizenship, she needed money, i sent her 40,000, well, it turned out that when i then call her every day, well, i say , well, there’s some kind of process going on, i say, there were some people at the police station, i wrote a statement or something, she says no, well then i say, give me a phone number, women, i want to talk to her, she gave me this number, but called her, said that i would call her, so that she would pick up the phone, that’s it, she answered the phone didn’t take it, i didn’t even talk to her, but i realized that that’s all, collars, that’s it it doesn’t bother you that your sister lives with someone else ’s woman, well, of course it does, but she doesn’t have documents, she doesn’t travel abroad, she hasn’t traveled anywhere for 30 years, allah, what are you living on now, i have orders,
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this is it my room, you can see the tv here, a refrigerator, which is no good, the furniture is old, but there is a freezer, the women get along in the kitchen, they both have signature recipes that they willingly share with each other , i fry very tasty potatoes, we got along, we love mine potatoes with onions, crispy, beautiful, this is the kitchen where i cook,
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i cook food, so our kitchen is big, beautiful, good, we live well, so everything is fine, on this dining table alla vasilievna makes dumplings for sale, she usually makes them herself, but she doesn’t refuse help either. our granddaughter galina stepanovna dasha came to us, she loves dumplings very much, she always loves helping me make them, and loves to eat very well, she loves them well, like... the first batch is ready, the woman invites you to a tasting. go, put the saucepan down, take the saucepan and fill it with water. alla vasilievna often remembers her homeland, distant sunny georgia. she dreams of seeing the places of her childhood and youth again, but for now she can’t even buy a plane ticket. he asks for a serial number for my passport, but i
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don’t have one, neither citizenship, nor passport, in general i have no documents, no birth certificate of any kind. medical. a woman can’t get help without a passport either, i can make an appointment with a doctor, kamina metina, mozgunova alla vasilievna, for some reason i can’t find you, but i don’t have it in the database, probably you do, i don’t i don’t have documents, i just want to get to the doctor, i don’t have a passport, my passport is lost, what kind of passport do you have, there are none at all, none at all, naturally you have no medical benefits, of course not, well, i can’t write you down like that at all. we need something, at least for you to come with something. igor, it’s hard to imagine how to live for so many years without the opportunity to receive some of the simplest, most basic things necessary for life. yes, of course, this situation evokes sympathy and i can’t imagine how you’ve managed it for 30 years, and even in such a situation, it’s certainly very
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it’s hard, well, it’s good that there are still people next to you who, to the best of their ability, somehow help you, yes, but what if they weren’t there yet. it’s completely impossible to imagine, to be honest, i was in such a situation, but not to that extent, i had a passport, i also have a difficult relationship with my brother, at some point i found myself without registration, and i found out about this during the divorce, by that time i had already been living for 5 years under an invalid registration, and there were still 4 years ahead without a registration, but you know, i was also lucky with the people, i was there registered, here i didn’t have mm... a compulsory medical insurance policy for a long time, and i also became very seriously ill, that is, my tumor was growing, it stayed and i was without registration, without compulsory medical insurance, and i didn’t know that to do, my mother got sick, had a stroke, in general , for several years i teetered on the brink, either here or there, it was in my life,
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the army did not leave me in trouble, my father is a military pilot, they gave me a dormitory, an officer’s dormitory , somewhere... i had such a life when my mother had already died, i then entered into inheritance, registered, have already received the ums, and by the way, i lost my birth certificate, i have it in nizhny tagil, and i ordered it twice and they sent it by mail, in general it’s very strange that you didn’t get this access to the certificate about the birth, very strange, i just had to get everyone up to send it, because it was a woman who sent it to me. can order her birth certificate from georgia, she is obliged to send it, she is obliged, but how will they know what the woman whose birth certificate is asking for? but in general the official bodies must request it, either the legislative office or the migration service department of the ministry of internal affairs, she personally cannot request it herself,
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because her identity has not been established. ilona, ​​here’s a question: if alya suddenly needs urgent medical care, will she be provided with it? she doesn’t have a leak, you know, if somewhere she, let’s say, i don’t know, god forbid, of course, faints on the street, of course, an ambulance will be called for her, she will be taken by ambulance to the hospital, but we will collide again about lack of a passport and insurance policy and they will not be able to there is no way to formalize it, blindness , severe swelling in the legs, without a passport alla cannot receive any medical care. but will she be able to prove her identity by undergoing genetic testing with one of her brothers? new season, new costumes,
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new stars, who are you mask, mask february 11 at 20:20, on ntv. chief new season. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. five percent gel diclofinak acos in a package with a man. the gold standard for pain relief is a maximum concentration of 5%. trust of millions. rather than watching it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once. order with avito delivery from one ruble. check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. the peculiarity of doshirak is technology. therefore, my choice is deshrak, and my chan ramyeon and my own recipes, what kind of broth, dezherak is the secret of taste in the broth, the holidays continue with russian lotto, we are playing in january. houses, cars, and also million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million, just
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the apartments are not locked, so that at any moment, well, i’m in i know what’s going on with allo vasilyevna, what’s going on with alochka, how, so, well, we’re close. how did you find out that your neighbor has no documents? when the houses were built, i received a new apartment, the owner was galina stepanovna, she told me that she would live with me. alochka, her story is not very good, sad, she lives without a passport, i was very surprised when i started asking alla vasilievna alochka a question, i said, how is this possible, god, how could this even happen, you without rights? she says: ira, i beg you very much, it’s so hard for me, i i’m trying, i’m doing everything possible, but i have some kind of vicious circle, it’s not in the database, unfortunately, there was no way out of this dead point, i was generally amazed that in our time how
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can one live without a passport? did you help in any way? yes, i immediately began to think about this issue, but since i taught at school and was a teacher, i had no acquaintances in this area, i turned to my children, because they are much younger, they began to try, they found an employee. i gave myself the phones alla is strong, they called each other, but again, again the same vicious circle is not in the database, if we talk about russia, then this is a different state, it was previously the ussr, now it’s russia, and as i understand it, alla has never officially worked , was not registered anywhere, and was not registered with medical organizations either, irina, how else did you try to help your neighbor? recently alochka felt very, very bad, when i saw that she had a high temperature and severe swelling, out of hopelessness i started
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call your... friend, she's a doctor , i took a picture of alla, i made a video , to which she answered me, irina, your neighbor has heart failure, against this background she develops severe edema, edema, which water has already entered the lungs, but we couldn’t call an ambulance, because they wouldn’t take her, she doesn’t have a passport, she doesn’t have an insurance policy, she doesn’t have anything, i started begging her, people, please, i beg you, tell me what to buy, what medications, how to give her this first aid? well, they lowered the temperature, gave she had pressure and they gave her medicine on the advice of my friend for edema, and you know, thank god, and after that, my doctor friend just said, be sure to take the medicine
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when she started taking the medicine every morning. but the result was completely different, that is, her body already understood that some kind of relief was coming, you tried to help somehow with the work, it turned out at work that i found out about the vacancy, well, a security person was needed in the yard, in the courtyard of a house rich enough to open the gates, let in and to release the transport, i talked and explained everything that the person did not have a passport, i just begged. i told the whole story , i said that it was very difficult for her, they met her halfway, they took her, you can’t imagine how they loved her there, it was summer, she was, you know, the mistress of the yard, she looked after the children who were playing , because their mothers
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were happy to let them go into the yard, the yard was closed, they couldn’t go anywhere. a sympathetic person, very kind, and you know, i believe that no matter what, alovasimna is a strong person, you know when i had moments of some kind of despondency, and i remembered and said, well, how can it be, she lives, and i believe that a strong person is the person who fell and
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stumbled, but she moves on, and we try. we can help with this as much as we can. alla, we met with another of your neighbors, this is what she told us: everyone who knows alla mozgunova in one way or another could not remain indifferent to her difficult situation; among those who help the woman cope with her problems is neighbor olga mishneva. in hospital she couldn’t go, now she still has problems, well, we’re already getting old, her eyes can’t see, she, of course, would need it. help and very well, such serious help and maybe material, maybe she can be placed somewhere so that she can have an eye operation , insert teeth there, well, somehow she needs to survive, the neighbors are trying to help alla vasilyevna not only with words, but also business, you feel very close and there is a person in this state when they tell you: i
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haven’t eaten anything, i have nothing, so what?
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to approve some requests there, yes , i know that i may not have seen them with my own eyes, but i knew about it, here, but nevertheless. you have, these are people who come to programs, sometimes, well, they say that we can help this, that, that, that’s why
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i say, there are no teeth, the eye can’t see, one, and the other too already well, we talk when we share our sores, so we’ve always been surrounded by good people. always, i saw it for the first time, it’s olga viktorovna, yes, yes, well, thank her very much for being this is what bothered her, that we started this movement with her, that is, it was olga viktorovna who advised her to contact us, yes nikolai, well, it still turns out that strangers are helping your sister, not relatives, well, she lives, well just transfer her to your place in st. petersburg. she has no documents, she is there, how can i say, well, she lived there, it would be possible to somehow, well, make some kind of movement so that she would live there for 30 years, and if i bring her to st. petersburg, they will tell me where from you brought her, how can you
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explain to me what to do, where, and the city for you a stranger, yes, if he receives a passport, if, god willing , he receives a passport, he will come to visit, yes to visit , there are no questions about this, on my part there are no questions, there is a desire, please, a positive result of the dna test between alla and nikolai will help alla confirm her identity ? of course, firstly, it will be established that she has such and such a surname, the same as her brother, and the same patronymic as her brother, including in the future it will even be very helpful in obtaining citizenship, getting it in simplified procedure due to the fact that there is a blood relative who has lived since the times of the ussr, firstly, she will initially be given an id. a stateless person, after receiving this certificate, she can receive, without even receiving citizenship and a passport through the compulsory medical insurance policy, she can carry out work activities, she is already
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legally located on the territory of the russian federation. how long will alya have to wait to receive the document? if we talk about passports, then it depends on the fact that this is how proof will be accepted that a blood relative lives, maybe it will be... but if the migration service does not make a decision that a simplified procedure is possible, then this will, of course, take many years, but again, with a temporary certificate , many rights will already be formed that alla can use. allah, are you ready to find out the result of the dna test? certainly. i want to have a passport too. i invite yulia sivertseva, our expert in forensic medicine, candidate of medical sciences, to the studio.
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will a dna test confirm the relationship between alla and nikolai, who from birth consider themselves brother and sister? we'll find out the answer. with minute by minute. mask: new season. february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. pentalgin extract against pain in muscles and joints, it contains the highest dosage of a substance against pain and inflammation. and a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel was created to combat pain and inflammation. in muscles and joints, convenient packaging at an affordable price! lyberries releases skits! winter discounts on vasilisa bed linen and other home textiles. with you and your home in mind, find
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i enter the address first, then you will reach out further. viktor sergeevich, this is dangerous. the bad guy here is the general who hides behind his soldiers. chief, we're back. i said stop. today 20:00 on ntv. this is the dna program. a resident of saratov underwent a genetic examination with her brother to confirm her identity. over to you. contacting the dna program became the last hope for alla mozgunova to confirm her identity. the woman is 69 years old, but she has no passport, no citizenship, no medical insurance, all because she did not bother in time to replace the soviet passport that she received while living in georgia. for more than 30 years , alla lived in saratov in...
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on the one hand, the alleged sister alla mozgunova, on the other, the alleged brother, nikolai mozgunov. the probability of blood relationship between you is 99.9%.
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alla, congratulations, thank you very much, i can’t leave my sister, nikolai. no, of course, i couldn’t solve this question, i had to give someone an impetus, thank you all, thank you very much, allah, are you ready now promise everyone that you will definitely bring the matter to the end, definitely , now i’ll go for a break, i’m sure that everything will be fine with you, god, thank god
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, we’re carrying out a thorough inspection of the pipe, checking the supports, hello to the fool, i don’t want to, maybe we’ll go secret passage, it’s not time to light my light.
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guilty of preparing and committing a terrorist attack, daria trepova, who brought a bomb in a figurine to the recital of military correspondent vladlen tatarsky, listened to the verdict, what the term was, the court from st. petersburg appointed, with details, nikolai bulkin, who shot down why russian il-76, why the meeting of the un security council was postponed, and the western reaction to the story of the plane crash was shot down.


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