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tv   Shef  NTV  January 25, 2024 8:00pm-11:36pm MSK

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well, what is there in the fund, we managed to find out something , it’s a shady office, it’s not like you can’t figure it out without a bottle, without a box, so that means i wasn’t mistaken, this is exactly what we need, but what should i tell people what people, i don’t know, let’s call them patient, as soon as it turned out that the fund had a new boss , calls began, but what about those who made contributions? what will happen next, how will we work? well , say so, the management is new, the task is the same, bring your money. okay, what if there’s a check? bone, calm down, no checking it won’t, you are not on your own, we are your roof. and if a real situation arises, intervene and sort things out. believe me, if something happens, you will be the first to know about it. and tikhomirov, second. oh, i'm afraid it will be too late for him. let's do better.
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first and so be it, i’ll wait in line , hold it, this is for you, that this is a freelance consultant for the search department, thank you, and that’s not all, is it heavy, well , open it, look, what is it? the real one, the award, a copy of the order there in the box, and what the minister signed as an advance for your participation in the operation, well, of course, that is, if i can’t handle it, they’ll take it away, or in the event of death, for example, spit it out and don’t joke like that anymore , toot-too-too, it’s my fault, logtev is listening, i understand.
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“i’ll be there now, in an emergency situation , i need to go, i need help , i can send my hoppers, but no, i can handle it, all the best, good luck, i’ll go inside, while you’re there, look around, so what will the case be handed over to us? as the prosecutor decides , i wish you good health, great, greetings, listen to what the player fits here. “you see, i should have
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arrived half an hour earlier, hello, great, you are present, i am listening to you , continue, lord, it’s some kind of happiness that i am always late for everything, but since childhood i have never been able to do anything on time, understand, if i had arrived on time, this bastard would have shot me too, great, oh, great, glory, how..." life, normal, listen, your department always gets everything on the fly, in what sense? well, the case will be handed over to you, listen, nothing will change in your life from this for sure , you better tell me, there is a suspect, yes, there are cameras everywhere, so they filmed the car from all angles, arrow, yeah, you tell me, you’re going to drop the case , are you pestering me, am i the prosecutor or something, you’ll take it, you won’t take it, i’m deciding what, there are photos from the cameras, and i just passed on the phone,
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huh? the woman identified the shooter from the photo, his name is andrey , his last name is ragatov, yes, she and dasha used to live together, and two months ago she kicked him out, oh, he was very jealous of her , he didn’t let her go, he called all the time, she even changed her phone number, this andrey, who is he, a military policeman, why doesn’t a military man, well, an ordinary person in the city with a machine gun he's driving around, but maybe he's just a bandit, wait in the hall, you're still... so i think i said everything, the investigator will interrogate you, but okay, can i get some air? yes, of course, thank you, in general, the motive is clear, if
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it weren’t for the machine with two cold ones, it could be called a qualified household one. so, let's show that you're there, yes, yes, this is filled out, uh-huh, right, here we need to put a stamp, because yes, the top elevator is coming, and here, here - the first page, well, what do we have? new in the chapter?
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"damn, we're far away ladies, let's go way out, come on, come on , what are you allowing yourself, what did she do, she stole the trunk, what trunk is in the bag, i don’t understand, it’s not mine at all, oh?” oh, not weakly, so, organize the ones raised for me, i’ll do it , handcuffs for a citizen, and excuse me, citizen, can i have your hands
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, yeah. where is he? here in the building, how did they spot him? well , we used to have a pitunya in the surveillance, he has a brilliant eye, can you handle it yourself or should you call the specialists? well, whatever is needed for business , we'll do it that way, well, it's better to do it ourselves, then we'll work. what is this? a bonus, so to speak, for what we've done
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courage and heroism. ah, thank you. for your health, and you? i can’t, i don’t have a lot to do, and i’m not in the mood, the enemy said, you’ll be discharged in a week, so don’t be afraid, i’m not afraid, and you? that i, well, aren’t you afraid, after everything that happened, walk the streets and not look back, who told you that i don’t look back?
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here we go? and if they didn’t have time, or simply didn’t find it, what then? did we make it in time? and if not, well, then i would be here, with a bullet through my head. but in principle it’s convenient, the morgue is nearby. well, tell me another joke, joke. bright taste of instant coffee jardin gold and jardin deep dark pleasure to feel almost all the crime bosses of the city were killed, even in the nineties they wouldn’t kill like that, kirill polukhin, i don’t want to walk around this city, i’m afraid that they will shoot me in the back. denis sinyavsky, i propose to find this nit before he does and crush us, you want
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war, vladimir litvinov, there are different games, you can’t get out of this game, valery afanasyev, he was right about rasarguev, he doesn’t understand where he’s going, well nothing, not like that they broke off, andrey chubchenko, there is such a profession, a policeman, this is a great responsibility to people, boss, new season, what kind of wild west have you created there again? feet to the ground, i said, the costs of the profession, from monday at 20:00 on ntv. bonanza, premiere, from monday at 22:15 on ntv. pentalgin extragel - it contains the highest dosage of a substance for pain and inflammation. pentalgin extragel against pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. already 37 years old. dejerak prepares the broth base using fermentation technology, which lasts more than
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with naked charisma, the megaphone takes care of its subscribers and gives up to 20 gigabytes every month, only for megaphone subscribers, slivushka-faggot, tender sausage, creamy meat in it, delicate taste and smiles, slivushka-faggot , delicate taste and smiles, a snack is a pleasant break in business, but heartburn pain in the stomach is not the problem, almagel fights heartburn and pain in the... and knows its stuff with heartburn and stomach pain. order medicine with discounts on chameleon premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. hello. great. why are you so happy? yes, i'm up all night again today. i don’t remember how i got to the hall, i thought , i won’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you
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do it, i’ve already started to forget how it happens, well, what should i buy, what’s there, as they call it, prostatricum, i remember, remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what , i don’t think, i know, dark, of course, now i know my wife, how and what’s there, how accept? call, everything is simple there, when you order, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying. that’s it, i’m done, keep it, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too , what can i think, call, be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once than to think 100 times, come on, meet the new gold prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold is
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sunday at 8:20 on ntv. i wish you well, comrade general, will you allow me? yes, i'm listening. keys and address to a new apartment, a girl in a new building, good location, good repairs. well, of course, you need to take a look, and if you have any questions or suggestions, i’m ready to listen. yes thank you. what about the apartment for captain vaskov? have you already given him the keys? and the captain will have to wait with us. people they have been waiting in line for years to have their own living space, that is, for me you made an exception, well, after all, a general, a leadership position, so to speak, but what does this change? i’m guilty, i didn’t understand, but no, of course i understand that a two-room apartment is not a three-room apartment, but there are no others, the city this year allocated only 20 apartments, but here’s the thing, general novazhilov personally promised
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to allocate me two apartments, so hand over these keys, captain vaskov, and i’ll wait my turn, that is, i just said something incomprehensible, you refuse, in favor of the captain vaskov and believe me, i will make sure that these keys fall into his hands personally, allow him to go, i will not detain him. well, what's there? where, i just walked around and washed my hands.
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our friend called, no to me, i see you too , remember, it was you who recommended him to me, yes , of course, he has a very good reputation, very good, besides, he is not obliged in life, i broke his sentence a couple of years ago, otherwise he would have gone 10 years away somewhere far away, why is he dragging his feet with his reputation ? they didn’t broadcast anything on the news, don’t worry. i'm sure he won't let you down, last time you told me the same thing, there is no prank in your legs, i tell you, my friend.
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i will give advice, even though they are not my friends, they will ask you what and how, you better not be silent, you answer right away, as it is, of course, it will be easier for everyone, and for you, for us, who sent, who placed the order, name, last name, who did you meet with, was it a telephone conversation? it was an intermediary, he had no documents with him, no documents at all, but he didn’t have a mobile phone, so you can’t help but break your arm, if you don’t want to do it in an amicable way, calm down. which means you won’t break anything for me, buddy, you were mistaken, i i’m no longer a cop, the cops are our roof, and we
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are a fund for supporting cops, but what kind of support fund, come on, since we’re not cops, take them to the cops, i won’t tell you anything, listen, he won’t talk, i ’ve seen enough of them, nothing will come of it, he would start talking to me, but i’m not you, let’s call the nikrat pens, let them take him away, you know what your heritage is... you were a cop, you still are a cop, and soon all this will happen in this city they will understand, your whole legend will go to hell, you have a specific proposal, let’s go, i’ll show you, you know what this is, well, a trace from frequent shooting, well, my friend, you were a mercenary, yes, and now you’ve signed up to be a killer, well, how many people have you killed? one, two , three, but didn’t count, didn’t count, knife, give me, knife, give me, viktor sergeevich, oh, yes, legal, i
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was just at the tyloviks, it’s true, you’re giving me your apartment, but you need live somewhere, not in a dorm, of course, but this is your apartment, i can’t do that, if you think like that, why do i need two rooms alone, and your wife will be back soon, but i’m not sure that she will come back, yuri, everything will be fine , i can’t, you can’t bring your wife back to the dorm, so you have to bring her to a new apartment, that’s it, stop arguing with the senior rank, mish, come to me, it’s urgent, we don’t we only have the right to hold. yes, really, yes, sorry, acrobat, i made a mistake,
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well done, you won’t get lost, the exit is there. well, what's there? apparently the cops accepted him, the cops? what exactly did he say? that it didn't work out? no, he can't be with the police, otherwise why did you give him the phone? for example, to call a lawyer, then he would call me would, but he called you. is there something wrong. there is a man waiting for you on the street.
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i decided to give it to you personally, he won’t need it anymore. it was too much, too much, too much, too much, he actually
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wanted to kill me, we saved you, it doesn’t change anything, let him be glad that he got off easy, in another situation, i would have stuck this finger in his mouth so that he gasped. well, i don’t know, maybe you ’re right, he’s a shooter, he won’t shoot anymore, at least not like before, and let’s leave it at that. this morning in the beauty salon on in vasilievsky, two people were shot; the salon director tried to take a bag containing a large sum of money out of the premises. the investigator sent us a separate order; it is necessary to establish the owner of the amount and his involvement in the crime committed. viktor sergeevich, but what do i have to do with it? well, at
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least, because since yesterday. thank you, i haven’t forgotten, it’s just an economic topic, maybe i should pass it on to my colleagues, mish, let me not explain simple things to you, organized crime, how wonderful you are you know, he’s looking for any loophole to legalize income obtained illegally, so come on, i’ve already outlined everything for you, it’s clear, it’s clear, there’s no time to build up, when we had it, there’s no need to answer, the question was purely rhetorical, allow me go, go, call back, hello, i wish, i wish. that it’s my own
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fault, it’s my own fault, good afternoon, hello, you are my lawyer, lieutenant colonel kaplevich, criminal investigation department, i won’t talk to you, especially without a lawyer, whatever you want, then just help yourself coffee, you won’t be able to try this in the next 2 months, listen, let’s do it without these... i thought it was my bag, mine, you know, i got nervous, forgot that i arrived without it, i thought i left it at home, you know, i i don’t understand at all what kind of bag you’re talking about, that is, but i know that during the arrest you resisted a police officer and one of them was injured, i didn’t know that they were police, they
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introduced themselves, i... but i thought , these are some bandits, the investigation will have 2 months to prove the opposite, why? two, because you will be detained, the investigator will go to court to arrest you, i can’t go to prison, you see, my mother is sick, i can’t leave her alone, the law is harsh, but it’s the law, yes, drink, drink , oh, no, well, listen, well... maybe we can still do something, please, i can’t go to jail, well, i don’t even know, you were talking about some kind of bag, but what kind of bag , what was in it, black cash, our salon was opened specifically to process large sums,
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you understand? it's crazy, how interesting, so, let's go further, in all the details, and he actually called a local security guard from our exes today and said that he was coming to see him today. well, he’s there now without a machine gun, well , who knows, maybe he has a pistol or something else, let’s not take risks, let’s wait for the specialists, they ’re already on their way, and is there another way out of the building? well, there is, of course, rashtov has already blocked it, but he’s really no use, he hurt his arm when he flew out of the car today, well
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, at least he’ll call if something happens, yeah. clearly, in general, we sit and wait, yes, we sit and wait, it’s boring, what’s boring, it’s boring to sit like this and just wait, well, it’s clear, you won’t turn out to be a fisherman, but what does a fisherman have to do with it, it won’t work out here, i’m speaking, this is a slightly different matter, however, it’s almost the same thing, you just don’t understand, he’s still young, thank you, of course, i’m not that young, listen, yur, keep quiet, today is such a day, you’re still boring. that you don’t like me, but that’s the wrong way to pose the question, you’re not a girl, i don’t like it, i don’t like it, it’s just something that was forced on you, that’s all, everything is clear, everything is clear, well , it’s clear to you that you won’t be nice by force, well, that’s it and it’s good that you understand this, yes, what ’s your luck, conspirator, haven’t you
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the chameleon comes into play, i will tell you the password to the safe, but on one condition, i want to take anton’s place, where, what’s going on, maybe we put him in vain, well, one word is chameleon, did we have others? option dmitry pchela, which of you killed my brother? chameleon, whose side are you on? i'm on my own. prizes! on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. yes. yeah. understood. yes, quiet. yes, yes, i understand. i’ll call, damn,
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what are you doing, idiot, yes, my love, i’ll send you to the archives, where did you go, who gave you permission, i love you too, don’t worry, everything is fine, i’ll be home soon, come on, i love you, my daddy! kiss, bye, yeah, bye, hello, hello, hello, hell, yes, what, man, won't you help?
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turned over and froze, what are you doing, well... something like this, well, in general, essentially i have nothing more to tell you, if you had established surveillance of the acrobat and served in his house, there would have been information more, i discussed this possibility, management is categorically against it, well yes, now we can only wait for the acrobat to hire another killer to eliminate tikhomirov, and he will do so, at any moment it could happen that we...
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tikhomirov must find out from the acrobat about his business. now it is premature to talk about this, only if, in general terms, according to operational information in the foreseeable future, a certain cargo should arrive at the address of one of the companies controlled by acrobat in st. petersburg. he is our goal. drugs? possibly, but other versions are also being considered. hard. "it's very hard to work blindly, not
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only you, viktor sergeevich, not only you, remember for the future , i will not tolerate loners in my department, the next time you want to show your initiative will be your last, understand? actually , i just detained a criminal, they could have at least said thank you, this is stupidity, people could have died, that’s right, if i hadn’t gotten on that bus, people could have died, i won’t argue, but it will be like this, as i said. i also found a zhiglov, i said, listen, who do you think you are, a hero, but only all heroes, whom i have ever known have been lying in the cemetery for a long time, and you, you are now lying somewhere, and i am not a hero, maybe i was once, but why so, i have wised up sharply, you too will grow wiser someday, i hope.
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the shooter detained by the military and nekrasov confessed: he killed his ex and her boyfriend out of jealousy, and this guy whom he killed was a courier, he brought black cash to the salon once every two weeks. were you able to identify the owner of the money? not everything is so simple, there is a complex scheme, this is not a single salon, but a whole network works called dana for everyone. the salon has its own nominal manager, the entire network belongs to a certain sergei konstantinovich zaikov, but we can’t find him yet, sorry, yes. where? yes, of course, i will be there now. it seems they have found it. excuse me, may i interrupt the report to bother you? yes, of course, go ahead.
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mikhail mikhailovich. let's get up, let's go, what are you, who are you? release immediately, police, criminal investigation, you will have to stay in your homeland. listen, i don’t understand anything, what do you need? testimony that is entirely truthful. it's about a chain of salons beauty, is that clearer? oh my god, i thought so, wait, i should have left the city yesterday, listen, i’ll explain everything, the salons are not mine, which means not mine, according to your documents, well, you know how it ’s done, on paper i’m the boss , the owner is a completely different person, not me, you know, oh how? it’s clear, everything is as always, the salary was paid normally every month, it’s normal, now you’ll tell the branch about the business and the owner. mikhail mikhailovich, why go? what for? we'll just waste our time, of course we have the owner's contacts. name, what? everything is there, names are svetlana,
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svetlana sergeevna, shmileva. go ahead, call, make an appointment right now. otherwise , you’ll go as a locomotive, he promises. come on, come on, call. now. svetlana sergeevna, it's me. hello, hello, hello, thank you, anything else? no, thank you, okay, our fake owner is worried. if i were him, i would be worried too. and this is the real owner, he’s in no hurry. the owner, well, what’s her name? shmileva, svetlana sergeevna. strange, what? for some reason, the chain of salons is called dana? and what is wrong? well then she would have left the name. what's the difference? this is important to you? so, the name is rare. svetlana?
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no, dana. okay, forget it. okay, i remembered something. or rather, someone. it seems she has arrived. mish, what are you doing, everything you’re doing here is normal, you were supposed to leave yesterday, i know that’s what happened, yes, normal, exactly, idiot, what do you mean it happened, you don’t have enough money, we paid you well, take it .
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and the old building, one-room apartment, as you asked, thank you, but there, however, the renovation is not very good, but everything else, don’t worry, i’m not used to luxurious life, well, on the other hand, it ’s not far from the department, what’s called walking to work, if you need anything, call, let me go, go, anything else? no, thank you, you can do without a dacha, thank you, why did you change your last name, you were married for a short time, but what’s the name, why the name, what’s the difference
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, i wanted to start a new life, a new name, a new life, so you understand? it’s interesting to say that from one criminal business to another, is this a new life? how long have you been in st. petersburg? a couple of days, how? i thought you were in moscow. at your place outdated information. well, we must end the evening of memories. yes, it seems like another day. mish, if you are not going to detain me, then i will go. i’m in trouble, i need it, i can’t, i can’t let you go, you’ll have to come to us, who do you work for, whose money was laundered through your salons? it doesn’t matter, it’s just very important, listen, you still have to answer these questions, not to me, but
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to another employee. mish is a very serious person, today he lost a large sum of money, i am responsible for it with my head, you understand, i i’ll help, misha, hello, svetochka, i didn’t think that i would have to personally run after you all over the city, maybe you can tell me, for example, where is my money? dana, we have to go, who is this? sveta, who is it ? i didn’t tell you, i don’t want to interrupt your meaningful conversation, but we’re leaving, you’ll go when i give permission, we’ll leave. and you are a brave guy, who is he, where did he come from? policeman, seriously
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, what’s your name, i don’t know why, head of the department for combating organized crime, are you going to fight me or something, yes, but now you definitely have to, and i’m interested in how you’ll do it, here i am right now ... in front of you, what's next? so we will meet, i promise, if it works out, but remember, this whore owes me money, and if she doesn’t pay me back, i’ll kill her, put away the trunks, put away, i said, not here and not now. but very soon, i promise, remember the cop, walk and look around,
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you too, look around, you’re not immortal, where are you going? now he won’t just leave you alone, i ’ll figure it out myself, i understand, wait, well done,
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mish, now i see that you have changed. a man who looks into the future. continuation of the sensational interview. the year 2024 brings us many surprises, whether biden will finally press the red button. grandfather got a little sick there and his head wasn’t all right. like when patrons write off zelensky as a liability. fate is generally terrible, of course, what awaits tugachev on the run, which for the americans gave birth. in '48, and for us in '49, the people knew that she was not the kindest woman on earth, when, according to
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shares moments of joy with everyone car communications: order a mobile sim card and get 25 gb and 1,200 minutes at half the price. kinkov. if you get up more than twice at night, afalase. at the first symptoms of the prostate - afalase. modern drug for the early treatment of adenomoprostate. pain, spasm, what's the difference, double action spasmal fights pain, relieves spasm. order medicine with discounts at to make a smart choice, you don't need to scroll through the websites of all the stores. look for a product in yandex search and compare offers from different stores on one page. viktor sergeevich, something needs to be decided. we are covering max from all sides, but yes, we can also cover him, but i simply can’t.
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of course, we can provide her with state protection, but also co-voting. what are they talking about there? how to get you out of this shit? i didn’t ask to be pulled out of it. how are you going to return the money to the acrobat? we closed all your salons along with the cash, this is a huge amount. it’s okay, i’ll figure it out somehow, it’s not the first time i’ve been exposed. i wouldn't get tired of it if
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you only knew how. i heard that rostorguev’s wife and daughter died, yes, horror, and what if i got married? our general came up with everything, do you have a place where to greet a girl, while we sort out the issues here, i don’t know, we’ll come up with something, well come on, let's invent, you, mikhail mikhailovich, are great, you haven't been in st. petersburg for 100 years, here, bam, there are already new enemies, but the main thing is
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that you have love. the former! there are cameras all around here, it’s probably better to do without shooting. let's see how the market goes, stay close, why did you call,
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and what is this, now this is my network and my money. are you working like crazy, max? i want you to understand that you need to be friends with me, not fight. and one more thing, if you charge me with another shooter again, i ’ll cut off some other business for you, well, for example, network of auto repair shops galeraa plus. passed out? well why are you quiet? if i didn’t take you, i would have ended you right here , i’ll call you in a few days, we’ll sit and think about how we’ll live further, i won’t live with you in this city,
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well then pack your things and leave, because i’m back here for a long time. tomorrow, call all the main ones, gather people in a meeting on my behalf. marx, this is not only my headache, let the people decide where to bury it. viktor sergeevich, can i help you, no, thank you, i can handle it, it’s good for you to settle down, all the best, yeah,
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citizen, please stop. i’m listening to you, district authorized police captain sverchkov, please, your documents, it’s my fault, comrade major general, why did you decide to check my documents, captain, and we’re just having a series of burglaries in the area, excuse me, they’re forcing us i just check everyone’s documents, everything is fine, i’m not holding you back, yeah.
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well, where did you go, let's go, let's go, sanka is impatient, now we'll catch up. come on, catch up, why are you taking so long, i’m going, i’m going, i need to drink less beer.
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captain fetyagin, license and documents for the car, please, a minute, where are we going, to st. petersburg. okay, are you coming empty? yes, what is it, to the eyeballs? let's look at the documents for the cargo. now. oh, rapier service, what are you bringing? these are phones, laptops. well, great, let's open it and check. no, commander, there are seals there. i advise you to comply with the lawful request of the police officer. what problems? yes, he wants to check the cargo. so, dear, get in the car and continue. we can't, we are forwarders. security, we. oh, how serious everything is,
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i see, and the company is serious, so it’s not heard? so, i advise you to talk to me in plain english, open the car, no, commander, things don’t work like that, organize a protocol, witnesses, all the cases, then we will open, witnesses and the protocol you want, it will be fair to you, and the protocol, witnesses, that the rights are downloaded, yeah, they are asking for witnesses, well, let’s organize witnesses, now, i’ll inform the department in portions, they’ll send someone. good at shooting, raised his hands, for killing a policeman they give a life sentence, what kind of a cop are you, a damn mummer, why are you standing there, let’s remove the corpses, and we need to take sanya. yes, he's dead
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do what i say, and what else did max say , he said that you should be friends with him, not fight , that’s what he said, i answer, stop, stop, stop, i don’t understand anything at all, he ’s dead, well max i mean, it’s like the cops extinguished him, well, a long time ago, it turns out he didn’t die , some kind of incomprehensible thing, i myself personally saw him lying dead on the persian, covered in blood, and i carried him to the grave at the funeral, and you , by the way, too, yes, i remember, i remember, but max was a lawless man in life, he didn’t have laws on his side, he did whatever he wanted, oh well, listen, you might think you live differently, now the market is not for me, but for max, supposedly the cops killed him, now he looks so handsome, give me yours...
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during the showdown with the animals, he saved my life, covered himself, and i’m good i remember, but you could do it, acrobat, once again, the market is not for me, but for max, then it will be like this, i will personally meet with max, i will grind everything, and until then you sit straight and don’t interfere anywhere, i hope you will me heard. and you don’t take yourself too much
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as a swing, as much as you need, i take as much, because it was you who called the gang, now listen to what people say, your showdown with max will make the whole city laugh, we don’t need this for anyone, except maybe the cops. viktor sergeevich, i suggest you not to go too far, tell me, at your last place of duty you received threats, but let’s do
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without these common phrases that a good policeman always has many enemies, a good one, yes, indeed a lot, that’s why i’m a good one, that’s it what is the question, i asked you. “we’re not chasing people around in the kitchen here, let’s help the investigation, i ’ll be glad, there’s nothing to do with it, a crime has all the signs custom-made, a professional worked in the apartment from which he fired, he did not leave any traces, anything is known from the rifle, the rifle is clean, domestically produced, was stolen in ninety years, from a military unit stationed in the caucasus, and until now time didn’t come up anywhere, tell me, will security be required , thank you, no, in the operation in which, as you know, i am taking part, it will only interfere, or maybe the whole point is just in this very operation, my colleagues from the fsb did not think so necessary to enlighten me in detail, but,
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as far as i know, you are now working closely with maxim tikhomirov, quite recently there was an attempt on his life, the killers of the married couple were eliminated. perhaps a new performer was now working. if a new executive had worked, he would have tried to eliminate tikhomirov, not me. in general, everything is clear, but nothing is clear. bright taste. the pleasure of feeling the question of the unification of germany is up to us only, and those who did not lose in the war, but they lived so well, why this perestroika, your gorbachev will ruin our country, but stop reading these lights already, berlin is now in chaos, we need someone
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that’s not all, everyone who ordered the kit, will receive a hermes bracelet as a gift. leamax, purchases with a plus. chameleon, premiere, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. there is a new chief detective in st. petersburg. interesting, very interesting. long time no see. and i would n’t have seen you for as long. and if. secret, are you staying with us for a long time? hopefully forever. new season of the famous series. aren't you afraid that you will be fired? i'm not afraid of anything anymore. what, do you want war? we simply have to find him. he is the key to everything that happens in the city. at least put on your armor. andrey chubchenko. two weeks, how did you come back again? why are you doing it? not me.
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you will return in five years at best , but your wife, children, relatives in the end, no wife, no children, no relatives, i ’m telling you that for sure, yeah, that’s what happens, the killer knew that the apartment was clean and he no one will interfere, it turns out that way, yes, and how could he know that, in the apartment , that it’s written in white chalk, what kind of chalk, yes, that’s me, by the way, who could have known that the apartment was empty, well, according to the logic of things ? the owner himself, that's right, plus everyone he sits with colonies now, plus his hider friends, with
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whom he hung out in st. petersburg, right? well, i don’t know, probably, plus all the residents of this entrance, or maybe all the residents of the house, perhaps, listen, excuse me, how are you, captain sverchkov? yes, yes, captain sverchkov, please tell me, what’s not interesting to you at all, you’re just sleeping on the move, and that’s how it is. i, i ’ve just been on my feet for three days, my partner went to the hospital, the second week has passed, i’m alone in two areas, then this, this, this, can you even imagine the level, no they shot at someone there, they shot at the police general, at the chief of the police department, but i don’t care who he is, you can’t shoot at people in general, and it doesn’t matter whether he’s a plumber or a general, i just really can’t understand anything right now in a coma, then that’s it these schmiller killers are not on my level, i’m on a household level. yes, alcoholics, tuniyats, hooligans, yes, they are the same, you, i understand, who want to work,
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then so, captain sverchkov, you will go around to all the residents in a new way, you will try. find out if anyone was interested in this apartment, maybe i wanted to rent it or was looking for the owner, maybe someone from the utility services tried to get in here, look at something, all this needs to be checked, you know, the deadline is 24 hours, you will report to me in the morning, i understand, actually i have my own bosses to give an order, you understand me, okay, you’re the boss, but if you can ask for anything, of course, no problem. viktor sergeevich, i’m listening to you, these are the guys from our department, they will follow you
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for a while until we figure out who shot you, who gave the instructions, personal order of general novozhilov. earthly tattoos, but the uniform is a mess, in general, these are not our robbers, what’s wrong with the car, the stickers, the license plates are on the left, it means that it turns out that they got up here to shoot money from the drivers and ran into some tough ones, i don’t think there was any snow at night, traces what was left of the treads was a big car, a truck, and
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what does that change, well, why shoot at small things when you can rip off a big one, you think this is a robbery, were you waiting for a specific car? he thinks so too, that’s what else, in tashka there was a bag of sandwiches and three coffee glasses, three, it turns out one robber has disappeared, i think they took him with them, so to speak, to testify, maybe so, or maybe you just didn’t find it, we looked at everything here, established identities, rolled our fingers, we’re waiting for an answer, okay, it’s not easy a glass, this is a glass from chain caffeine shops located at gas stations, the nearest one here is three kilometers towards the region. you go there, get the footage from the cameras, find witnesses, look for the third one, i hope he’s still alive.
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it is he? oh, get up, you know who i am, no, nomad, heard, yes, who gave command to run over my cargo. no one, but if you think about it, they themselves decided the truth, you know what was in the car, phones, laptops, i have a guy i know, like commerce, he promised to take the whole lot right away, cheaper than face value, of course, but the whole thing, and the uniform is a cop one where did they get it from, also through friends.
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well, that is, it’s nothing personal, it’s just business, like yes, but what will happen to me now? what do you think about yourself? gun, right? listen, wait, they promised me that if i tell everything as it is, then you will let me go. who promised? yes, yes, he promised. he promised, but now he’s gone, and i didn’t promise you anything, let’s run, clean up here,
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find me max tikhomirovna, tell me it ’s clean. you need to rub, let him appoint a time and place, okay, yes. look, there’s no need to organize concerts here, i said that you will have security, that means it will be there, that’s it, and don’t smile, how quickly everything is changing, at first they wanted to detain me , they wanted to fire me, put me in jail, but now they’ve provided security, or is this a convoy? but moscow cut off all my telephone numbers, do you know what he says? well, i can roughly guess what you have turned the city of st. petersburg into? if bandits are making an attempt on the life of a police general,
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then what should ordinary citizens expect? essentially, yes, only the expressions, as you understand, were different, completely different. seryozha, this security is in my throat, because of my duty i need to meet people. i said that you will go everywhere with security until i cancel my order. you can talk to people in the office. what about agents? in the office, i said, everything is not discussed. yes, andrey, you were right, all three lit up at a gas station in a cafe. okay, anything else? that's it. there were some. three four, one was on the street, then he left in a car , he was driving, i’ll send you pictures on your phone, you ’ll be surprised, come on, i’ll wait and
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go to the department, we’ll meet there, i accepted, let’s go, “all the faces are familiar to me.” i’ll go with you , i can handle it myself, listen, wait, are you so angry, it’s okay, we actually saved your life, or, on the contrary, broke you, but they would have killed you by now.” somewhere in the mish region, did it occur to you that this is not the first time, that this is not the first time, i’m an adult girl and somehow i solve my problems myself, i could have been killed or imprisoned 100 times already, but somehow everything
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worked out, and you know why, because i know how to talk, mish, unlike myself , what are you talking about, you are cops, you only know how to put pressure, threaten, blackmail, you can just talk to mish people, but you don’t understand this, yes, why should i, you know what, let’s do it this way now, will you turn away? that's it, then you turn around, i'm no longer here, that's it, we agreed on everything, you'll live for a couple of weeks in wind, during this time everything will calm down here , then you want, come back , if you don’t want, go to the northern city, good man, i’m taking you as an example, i’m waiting for you here, so what do you think, it was filippov who gave a tip on some cargo, i i’m almost sure of this, over the years of service in the department he collected a lot of information on the leaders of urban organized crime groups and their legal business , too, and now that he has been exposed to civilian life, what does he need?
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you can’t prove anything, the investigation isn’t either , no, there must be a different definition, you can prove nothing, you never know with anyone filippov was talking at that gas station, after all, a former cop will always say that he met with his former agent, and then guess what... was it like that or not, daras torgoev, vikh sergeevich, there is news, as they say, the bandits made an appointment , an acrobat , no, not an acrobat, a nomad is looking for max, have you heard about this, yes, i think i understand who you mean, i’ll be with you in about half an hour, i understand, we’re waiting for you, well, he’ll come, yes, he’ll be there soon, why don't you make some coffee in the meantime? am i kidding you or what? so you just do it well, tasty, rich, absolutely fucking elements already, in general, we need
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to establish what kind of cargo these robbers were waiting for, what exactly filippov led them to, and then we’ll see how i can do this, well, you’re operative and think about it, filippov quit, but his employees are still on places, i think you will find you need them. approach, um, let me go, go. a big premiere at kinopoisk, others, this is something inexplicable, this is a new society, this is a new world. how many of you are there? there are a lot, and soon they will all be here. others are already subscribed. kinopoisk, premiere today tomorrow always. do not miss central television is the first information show about the events and people of the week. conspiracy theorists still believe that hitler escaped retribution in 1945.
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ivan yankovsky, they sharpen their teeth on us , no one likes that we are a force in ourselves, the word of a boy, blood on the asphalt, the word of a boy is only for boys, this is just the beginning, the most anticipated television premiere of the year, soon on ntv. here is her house, girl, i can help you, i can handle it myself, dana , run, hands, let’s get down, get down,
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i lost my phone somewhere, yes, i need to call , call our people, who are they, what do they need, you fool, but you don’t understand , they came for you, and you’re bleeding, but it’s okay, oh my god, they don’t answer, to hell with all of it. why are you up, let's go, you fool, koplevich!
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sash, now there will be a stall here, be so kind as to buy me some coffee, okay. viktor sergeevich!
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where did he go? maybe he went there?
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chief, free! yes, they just came for you, nekrasov personally, he also ordered guardsmen to detain him, this is about the night tee in the region, that’s all, i don’t know anything else.
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yes, i played well, i know. “okay, what’s wrong again,
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no one will believe this crap, but you yourself, and you yourself would be able to believe it, if someone from the city lads were killed by the police, disappeared for several years, then suddenly resurrected and declared that everything was exactly like that. you know, yes, i would believe it, because you, for money, are ready to do anything, even me, and you are not a cop, yes, who is, but you are some kind of complete misunderstanding. “if you want to know my opinion,
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then the nomad is right, your showdown with tikhomirov will really complicate life for the whole city, so i say, kill him, forget it like a bad dream, kill him, if he works for the cops, they won’t forgive the murder of their man, but how he can work for them, everyone knows what for max is a fool, what the hell, young man? i hope you know, shut up , they told you in russian, leave the girl alone, i don’t understand you, who is this? cop, i ’ll write a statement today, i told you, shut up, listen , i don’t know who you are or who you think you are, but either you leave her alone, or something, or i’ll kill you, yes, then i’ll have to serve time, but they’ll send me to the red zone, and i’ll be a hero there, you’re cocky i respect people like that, if you work for me, you will earn as much in a month as you won’t earn in 10 years, you heard,
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what did i tell you, yes, i don’t know what happened to her, i have nothing to do with it, believe it or not, who is this, yes, this is a golim, i don’t work with such idiots, then who sent them, and i what do i know, you need to look for them, if i find out that you lied to me, i will come back. what was it? i wish you good health, comrade major general. what are you doing here, captain, the management's order is to blame. what order? well, you were shot at, so i was ordered to patrol the territory day and night. wait for your return, report it, frozen,
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captain, well, there is a little , let's go, come in, sit down, why are you standing there , we'll eat now, i reported to the authorities that you are at home, maybe i'll go, first you'll go, then you'll go? you will always have time to get to the control room, well, it’s inconvenient, somehow it’s a general, sit down, general, that you’re not a person , they reported to me, you made a second round, yes , but no results, no one was interested in the apartment from which the killer was shooting, maybe maybe you just didn’t find that witness, but no, i would have found it, everything is fine in my area, everyone knows me, and i know everyone, a long time ago... yes, right after university,
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i studied here in st. petersburg, yeah, you didn’t go to russk, well, for family reasons, clearly, understandably. come on, eat, i ’ll put some tea now, but here in the apartment before, who lived before me? there’s been no one for six months, even more, eight months, and before that? do you think you might have been confused with the previous owner? well, it’s quite okay, so the version is, well, the apartment has belonged to the tskhso glavka for many years, well, mostly code inspectors were housed here. but then how can you be confused with someone, i i doubt it, well, the person who ordered the murder , let’s say, couldn’t, here’s a killer, he was given the task of eliminating the one who lives in this apartment, but he did not go into details and shot at the one who was there, but then this is not a killer, but a fool
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some kind of thing, god forgive me, but in any case , we need to check everyone who lived in this apartment a year or two ago, yeah. well, why aren’t you eating, is it getting cold? and you, don’t you eat either? yes , appetite, something is not, eat, come on, the bright taste of jardin gold and jardin deep dark instant coffee. pleasure to feel. almost all the crime bosses of the city , even in the nineties they wouldn’t kill like that, kirill polukhin, i don’t want to walk around this city, i’m afraid that they’ll shoot me in the back, denis senyavsky, i suggest we find this nit before he crushes us, do you want
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many surprises, whether biden will finally press the red button, grandfather is a little sick , not everything is in order in the head, as when the patrons write off zelensky as a liability. fate is generally terrible, of course, what awaits tugachev on the run? who for the americans was born in '48, and for us in '49, but the people knew that she was not the kindest woman on earth, when, according to the scientist's calculations, victory in the special military operations, this is the main forecast, so to speak, on sunday at 6:00 pm on ntv. “i want to remind you that we have a private shop here , not some kind of private security company, what do you even
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allow yourself to do, one beats people in a restaurant, another attacked a suspect in his own apartment, have you forgotten how to work with your head, so i’ll quickly tell you i’ll fix their brains, but if they don’t understand well, mish, i won’t tell you, are you sick, you have to, i repeat.” i wanted it, i missed it, so believe me, with your working methods this will happen pretty soon,
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no one can help you anymore, be that as it may, i managed to establish that our former employee filippov gave information to his friends about a truck that was transporting laptops and phones from finland to a company warehouse in st. petersburg, the company is called rapier service. wait, wait, rapiraservice. rapier service is not a hacker's office. absolutely right, a major leader in the market, let’s say, almost all laptops and phones in the city go through it. where is filippov now? at home. under house arrest, what is it, the follower elected in relation to him? no, i decided it myself, i
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said that our conversation was recorded on camera, that if he tries to rush out of the city somewhere, i will give this recording to the nomad, i won’t stand on ceremony with him. well, did you manage to find out the identities of those who attempted to kill dana, they established it, the guys have already left. i hope you understand what needs to be done now, yes, decide to do it, do it. the guys will see you off, don’t, i won’t be long,
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max, that’s not the case, believe me, i’ll return it. anyway today, hands on the door, facing the wall, stand, facing wall! hello, max, what, for health or for peace? yes, i don’t care what you want, drink for it, well then for your health. in any case
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, for now, stand in the wall, in the wall, don’t twitch, hands, face to the wall, faster, you remember what kind of mess taras and i had then?
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i have nothing to blame before you, and before everyone else either. come on, then explain to me, for what kind of merit did the cops fake deaths? yes, i stupidly gave them money, a lot of money, and they decided the rest themselves. sene, quickly! as he said, let him go, as i understand it, you are here in charge, yes, yes, i am in charge, bereshkov, semyon igorevich, what happened, investigation, criminal case, the premises of your company will be searched, computers, dashes, equipment will be confiscated, your
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company’s accounts will be seized, wait. like an arrest, it paralyzes the work of our company, and we have obligations to our partners, we have loans, bank accounts, i’m investigating a double murder, what are the obligations? i got it, i got it all, i’m sorry, i got it, i don’t know how they got it through the paperwork, i just wanted money gave, they arranged everything, like tikhomirov, now an important witness, and he needs to be cherished and cherished, but they gave it to you? and for what purpose are you interested? it’s not far here, so i was aware of all the events that were happening in the city, well, let’s say, what did you decide to rise from the dead? life became boring, but now it’s not?
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but now no, in general, i gave you the whole schedule, it’s up to you to decide, i’m not going to interfere with your point , i have enough topics of my own, but tell the acrobat, if he interferes again, i’ll tear him apart like a hot water bottle, i’m really sick of him already, the acrobat believes that it was you who first started the war, when you mistakenly removed the ringer from the optics, you wanted to kill the acrobat, didn’t you? you ’ve known me for 100 years, whoever you wanted, you took him, the ringer knew that i was alive through his couple of offices. my money was going through, but he started ratting, he thought that if i was kind of dead, then i wouldn’t be able to present it, and that
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he did it in a noisy way, it was possible to do it quietly , listen, nomad, am i writing to you here for nonsense or something? , and if you did, then it was necessary, i heard you, and i will pass on your words to the worker. max, so that means that now you will be friends with the cops, but you’re like, no, point your finger at a person who hasn’t paid these wolves at least once in his life, but if you find someone like that, then you’ll have to present him, other times, other laws , yes. who hit him, what cops? i'll call you back, what's the problem? i'll figure it out,
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okay, let's go, see you. max, your cops, where do they resolve issues? what, your license was taken away for speeding? they came to the office, they thought, they seized the goods too, maybe you can help, but why not help a good person for a small share, and what is 5%. cool take, max, agreed.
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well, what did you do? the cop got in the way, we’ll have to do it again, so what are you up to? go and do it, i go with her all the time, you’ll have to pay extra for it, we’ve already agreed, well, that’s it. i found the suckers myself, okay with me too , wait, okay, how much, 100 each, 300 grand , you're crazy, like god, we'll turn the woman's nose off, we'll count the cop's ribs, the woman should die, bastard, my money was normal, and now you have to turn around again, look for business, in short, 150 per everyone, no more, i agree,
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citizen zaikov, you have been detained on suspicion of organizing the murder of an attempt on the life of a police officer, it is better not to film this. acrobat, did you ask for advice on what to do? so, i chatted with max personally, and his answers suit me. what? listen, acrobat, you can work with the cops for money, we pay them, they do it. agree. max did everything right, solved his problems, didn’t cause any damage to the boys, oh well, you’re serious, and you ’re an acrobat at least once, you paid the mints yourself, paid them,
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so maybe you’re in the same grave with to bury max, and the acrobat, you asked for the general opinion, we decided that max is clean in front of the lads, there are no complaints against max. i support it, well, come to an agreement. well, i hope all the problems are solved, sort of.
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everyone has their own renost, try mega meat dumplings - big buli from the hot thing, a lot of juicy pork and beef, mega meat, big buli mega meat from the hot thing, releases skits, cyber ​​monday on wilddis. discounts up to 90%. in january we are raffling off houses, cars, million-dollar prizes and an 800 million jackpot. get your tickets soon. they told me that you will dance with this house of culture. well, let's dance together. and everyone danced and sang in the renovated cultural center in the city orekhovo-zueva and another 1,200 renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. caring projects. russia by decision of the president and
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caring people. for health and well-being, you need to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. you don't have that option. a compact home cardio machine has all the functions of a full-fledged cardio machine, but takes up minimal space. an ideal solution for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and want to strengthen their health without leaving home and without throwing money down the drain. regular classes using a home cardio machine will help you lose extra pounds. the design provides for training not only the legs, but also the arms, on a table or on the floor. the cardio machine is suitable for everyone, regardless of age and level of physical fitness. call to order a compact home cardio exercise machine for only 2,999 rubles. but if
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you call us right now, you will receive two knee pads, move easily as a gift leamax, plus purchases. chief, new season, starting monday. at 20:00 on ntv. my father you made him a millionaire, and you killed him. you will take out the second corporate war in a row. everyone will lose from this war. well then give up. bonanza. premiere from monday at 22:15 on ntv. well, let's summarize the preliminary results. your return from the dead has been legalized. everything is fine with acrobat, we can continue to work. do not flatter yourself. “akkorabat never forgets anything, and as soon as a reason appears, he will immediately get rid of me, he won’t give a damn about the opinion of his lads, so don’t give him such a reason, he’ll find it himself, if you don’t want to give a command, so that everything is cleaned up here, the point is, i
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like it here, it’s quiet, calm. i'll end up here sooner or later anyway. that's it, thank you, sasha. that's it, then i'll do it myself. well, comrade general. guys, why should i fight with you? i wish you good health, comrade major general. i
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will call your management right now so that they stop this farce. thank you, comrade major general. comrade colonel, allow me to report, comrade major general rastorguev has arrived home. good evening, viktor sergeevich, may i come in, vitaly fedorovich, we must inspect
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apartment, it’s not worth it, i think nothing threatens me in general rastorguev’s apartment. i understand that they are surprised by my visit. to put it mildly, yes, mr. governor. my predecessor sergei nikolaevich seltsov said that you are a decent person. what's rare these days? several other of your long-time acquaintances described you to me in a similar way. i find myself in a difficult situation, viktor sergeevich, and i need your help. we're sure it's mine. considering your situation, you can and even are obliged to contact the fsb. if you give me a little time time, i will explain the reasons why i cannot do this. well, okay, go to the kitchen. i'm afraid i have nothing
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to offer you except dumplings and a cup of coffee. i haven’t eaten dumplings for 100 years, maybe you also have a glass of vodka. gol, are you going to sleep, beauty? i can’t sleep, i’ll still read, maybe some tea, yeah, with a lemon, yeah, yeah, come on.
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come on, move away from my wife, i’ll ruin it, forgive the gun, put the gun down, otherwise i ’ll cut up everything in my face, now i’ll have to search the whole apartment, and are we in a hurry? what if someone shoots
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heard? who hears here in this crypt? yes, there are no neighbors in the area, what are you doing? where did you click? i'm dead! what is this? like an alarm system, security guard? so what to do? how to cancel? get out! now the cops are coming! on the other side about the water yeah.
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you know this person, yes, we talked, sasha and i are longtime acquaintances, at one time we even had a joint business. well , then, then he went his way, and i
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went mine. he wants me to announce my resignation in 2 months for health reasons. how's that? are you really sick? nonsense, i'm as healthy as a bull. then i do not understand. my former friend and business partner wants me to leave my position. what's unclear here? what does he have on you? not at me, at one of my family members, no, but you and i won’t go far this way, so what am i trying to pull out of you in response, you still came to me first, my son works at bankskombi.
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position, you know, mitrofanov, he will achieve his goal anyway, he thought through everything, calculated everything, so, will you help me, excuse me, yes, having cleared the deal, yes, okay, i got it, i'll be down in 15 minutes. “sorry, i have to go, something happened, but no, nothing , ordinary police everyday life, since my
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question, you didn’t answer, leave a phone number where i can contact you directly, i’ll call you back, i wish you good health, comrade general." where is nikrasov? why doesn’t he report personally? so he went to moscow to study, i personally put him on a train and immediately rushed here. oh yes, sorry, it’s a hard day today, and it’s night, report, there are four cold spouses in the house. mukhina and two employees of a private security company, arrived at the alarm signal. for my reasons, robbers entered the house. mukhin punished them with armed resistance and, being seriously wounded, was able to call the guards. that's it, right? by the way, a famous person in the city. he had his own group, served 10 years and left the department. or maybe this is not a robbery, one of his former counterfeiters? let's find out from the committee who
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arrived? well, regional administration, city. without a prosecutor, they cannot decide who will do this. will be, now, sorry, yes, hi, did you wake me? does the name mukhin mean anything to you? well, yes, fly, well, are you stuck, have nowhere to go? it means there’s nowhere to go, alone, great, alone, alone , i told you, i’m stuck, oh, good , i have other interests in life, don’t drive the wave, lava, we’re on the same team, i forgot, if not we, you should have come along as a train with us a long time ago, i remembered, the fly behaved incorrectly, and
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there is no more fly, you... what about a fly? are you a fly? and after that they came after me? will they keep you warm here? what do you do so that they don’t tie you up? well, why are you frozen? brain and come on, where should we survive? where? so where? well , stay with me until the morning, then i’ll take you to a safe place, no one will bother you, that’s the boyish way. documents, i can go, i’ll have to wait,
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general rastorguev to max, accepted. stand, stand, i said, stand, stand , i said, well, let's shoot, do you think it's so easy to shoot a man, and i've already done it, yes, but i doubt it, well, you 're not the king anymore situation, uh, he's foolish, who is this? actually, it’s night outside, i asked a question, my security, and from whom can she protect you? let me decide these questions myself without your advice, what’s the noise of a fight, mukhin and
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his wife were killed in their own house a few hours ago, oh well... and i have nothing to do with it, and i have an alibi, and boy, confirm, yes, when was the last time you talked to him, listen, cool down, i’m not your pie, i’m not six on you, i understand, the fly moved away from the department, but not completely, sometimes he very rarely fulfilled honest orders, got the right guns the right people, you definitely didn’t have any contacts with him, but what kind of contacts, otherwise you don’t know which i was in the ass, with whom? he could meet his former accomplices, whom he could let into the house, no one, for a fly the house is a holy place of prayer, he even met me on neutral territory, it’s clear, wait a minute, people say, there are boar carotists in the city, who is this, are they all from the same brigade?
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the last time the boars sat down for the last time was about 20 years ago, but after a call they sat back, now angry, hungry, thank you, but you’re welcome, come in, everything is rotten, from our team. one fly was staying afloat, and the rest were feeding the worms, well, maybe what an acrobat, stood up steeply, a ringer, where is he now, right?
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come on, listen, guys, maybe you’ll come to me, i’ll help you for the first time, i’ll give you a job, it’s a tasty topic, how will you plow, i’ll guarantee 50 grand a month, it can be a hundred square meters, green, what kind of green, ours, wooden, that’s funny. i didn’t defend my sentence on one leg in order to die for these pennies? okay, let 's go to bed, there's a new chief
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detective in st. petersburg, interesting, very interesting, we haven't seen each other for a long time, and i haven't seen as much in you yet, and if it's not a secret, you'll be with us for a long time, i hope forever.
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get back to normal mexico. to stop with cold symptoms, you won’t believe why bariali basov married his nurse, my wife, lena cooks, steams, fries, like russian celebrities, they take away real estate in finland, i’m outraged, i lost about 250 thousand euros, i just lost, why is alexander buinov worried about his grandson, i’ll put it there on the first day, for which vladimir presnyakov received a scolding from his wife? it’s a shame, well, tell me, it’s ugly, honestly, it’s not a shame, with whom leonid yarmolnik celebrated his anniversary, i’m here with the girls, you won’t believe it, on saturday at 20:20 on ntv, yes viktor sergeevich, check the records, vip
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carotist, they entered to the fly brigade. recently i had to free myself, i’m eating, i’m doing it, well, maybe it’s good to chill here, and while you ’re pretending to be a boss, the specialists in the house, by the way, rolled their fingers, and there’s a result, but i’ll guess, one villain got a carotist, the second one now , both are from the fly brigade and have recently been released, so well, i just didn’t understand, the information arrived 2 minutes ago, so i work, i don’t walk around with folded arms, i’ve strained my agents, understand? i understand, but since you’re so smart, then figure out where to look for them now, let’s start with hot coffee and sandwiches, i don’t think well on an empty stomach, well, let’s go, i just have a sandwich in the car, and you were silent?
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idiot, well, what is it like to live here, anything is better than in a cell, believe me, i know very well what kind of house it is, i’m doing renovations here, the owners are now...
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i gave you this apartment, or what? you’ve sat for 2 days and are on all fours, and what’s normal, where can we give you a loan without money? we don’t need a loan, we need a business, one big job, then you won’t see us again, i told you, i’m done, i’m done, you see, i’m doing repairs, it’s enough for a living, listen, we need specific leads, maybe someone to your apartment? some bourgeois lives, if only i heard you talking about work, he stood up like, you know, really, where is the acrobat, and where am i, he flies high, i mean, i’m lying on the ground itself, but i’ll show up to him , the security won’t let me on the doorstep, what, you give us the address, just find the address, then we ourselves, well, get it, you really are, are you frostbitten, i say,
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you got me on... so that by the evening the address will be understood, yes what okay? oh, why did you lie down, get up, go, tell me, mish, during your service in vetrovo, what materials did you have on mitrofanov, what are you, viktor sergeevich, who? i am mitrofanov, he was one of the untouchables, you weren’t supposed to touch someone like that, actually , you’re a policeman, or you need to be reminded of this every time, it’s my fault, from today open a case near dmitrofanovo, report to me personally every day, okay, let me
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clarify, we are looking for something specific, if so, i think i should know about it, mish, you probably misunderstood me, we act exclusively within the framework of the current legislation, of course, is understandable. comrade captain, this is lavrov, lav, if you remember, he once helped you do repairs in the support building, yes, i remember what problems, i got into trouble, comrade captain, i’m afraid it will get worse. ruin it, and then i’ll do any repairs like in europe, no problem, and where are you now, not far away, yeah, well, let me come in 20 minutes, yeah, come on, come on, thank you , yeah, come on, i hate, i hate these certificates,
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konstantin igorevich, hello, vera, greetings, what are you doing here, guess what. and i just woke up and you, by the way, they changed their phone number, well, yes, so what next? aren't you wondering how i found you? good question, i’m still a good hacker and know how to work with information, i don’t
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understand, what are you doing here? i need a job, very good, but remember, you and your boss, who turned out to be a tough general, got me a job at the bank, huh? then it’s bang-bang, in general, fuck-bang , chase, fights, well, well, in general, now i ’m not setting foot in that bank, and you, by the way, are responsible for those you tamed, let’s go and i guess, that is, i should offer you a new job, that’s why i love you, it’s for your insight, well, you don’t have to love me, just respect me. per , listen, stop bothering me, wait , there’s a cool cafe not far away, the donuts there are delicious, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go,
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can’t wait, good mood, well then let’s get straight to the point, our tv channel is asking you for an interview , the conversation will only take an hour and a half, oh. no thanks. you worked for guber in the press service, and returned to work again. uh, the governor has a job for this position. i had my own man, they offered me a deputy position and i refused. i love, so to speak, live work. sitting in offices is not my thing. it's clear. forgive me, of course, but we won’t be able to have a conversation. i'm talking about interviews.
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“i have nothing to say, but i doubt that anyone will be interested, it seems to me that you are mistaken, you are a very interesting person, so you understand, i agreed to this meeting solely out of respect for you, but i will not give an interview, yes i have nothing to say yet, okay, okay, if you suddenly change your mind, my phone number is with you you are there, i’m always glad to communicate." you know, there are situations when the press helps a person, however, this happens less and less, in any case, thank you very much and goodbye, goodbye.
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i rummaged around there a little, but i i couldn’t understand whether there was someone in the apartment or not, they were probably sleeping, yeah, they were tired during the night, well, we call the specialists, and if we pull the pacifier . why are you so tense, but you don’t believe it, you saw it yourself, stuck, as if he wouldn’t rat us out, but he needs it, in prison, with a good lawyer, nothing he won’t have it, and why should we get out of here now, and where should we look for a new hut? listen, what did he say about the neighbor? an old woman, she’s kind of
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crazy and lonely, so what? otherwise, they will close us anyway, forever , so we have nothing to lose, since there are two of us, the heavy ones will not stand on ceremony with them, they will immediately clear it out, who will then give evidence, but how will we enter the apartment, that’s what i’m talking about i'll forget. what’s there to remember, we’re always at war,
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let’s go, well, kids, to the side, so the robots aren’t... why doesn’t anyone meet the owner? hey, great, is anyone there? oh, well, as i understand it, dermoeda, no one wants to work. they left, the czechs and cabbage soup are still warm, you want
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to say that we scared them away, i don’t know , they couldn’t have gone far, look around the attic , let’s go, and you and i into the yard, run, quickly, yur, come here. clean, they went downstairs, hid here when they swept us away, they disappeared
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, why did they kill grandma, because they are animals, and they have nothing human left, what are you standing on, yur? so what are they going to buy drugs for, and this is none of our business, well, yes, they pay on time, so even if they sell you at a loss, then this is not our problem, we have other difficulties here, the customs has increased the rates for new cargo, why would that be, we
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pay little money, but we pay normally, they say, decide question with max, well, like the cargo is going through his old channels, so... we either resolve this issue, or we will have to look for some other approaches. i heard. by the way, yesterday a fly was killed along with his wife. who? two scumbags, a short boar. remember these? come on, well, yes, they went out, or what ? i thought they went to the zone forever. more. they came out and are distributing everything in a black way, well, judging by the fact that they are laying down their old clichés, you can find them, tell the people who will deliver them to me, i will thank you with all possible generosity, hmm, i’ll solve the question, but why do
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you need them, come to an agreement i want, i like my proposal, new season, new costumes, new stars, who are you, mask, mask february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. chef new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu, fever, runny nose, headache, and a spray to treat a sore throat maxicold lore not only helps relieve sore throat, but also fights its causes. to
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to st. petersburg, that you were not in moscow , general, to restore order in your beloved city, that this is true, we are all on staff, in personnel the main thing is not quantity, but quality in personal life, i'll call you and come soon, you are a real colonel, andrey chubchenko, he returned to st. petersburg, although everything here has changed, but you haven’t changed at all, people rarely change at all, boss, new season, i want the whole city to be on their ears, continuation of your favorite series from monday at 20:00 on ntv. and also your consent to the processing of personal data, what are you looking at? write down yes, but here it doesn’t matter who needs work, me or you, they will contact you,
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thank you, thank you, be there, okay, well done, yes, everything is in order, well, who will argue with the one being sold, you know, it’s more expensive for yourself , that's it, bone, let's get in touch, otherwise i have a meeting in 5 minutes, thank you, well, actually i'm talking about i asked for another job, you give it, this is the police department, a serious office, will you make another career? i don’t know, well, yes, for now i’m a civilian employee, then you’ll pass certification, get a title, work according to your profile, that is, with information, so let’s go to the canteen, there aren’t many people there yet, these pies are better than your donuts, i actually wanted something else what can i ask, vera , i look like santa claus, everything...
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vera, what if she moved, what are we going to spend the night in the forest, what will we have to spend the night, or what kind of dacha will we open, where should she go, her ring kept strict i didn’t spoil you with money, who are yours, call them names, boys, look, you didn’t admit it, open up, order. lights are on everywhere, yeah.
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this is how we meet, i hope we won’t hug, you stink, why didn’t we come to hug you, let us into the house for the night, and in the morning we’ll leave, i answer, i’m also responsible, how you repaid flies for hospitality, the whole city already knows, well, he behaved wrongly, so god punished him, in short, will you let him into the house? come in, okay, let's go, guys, where to, acrobat,
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hello, mom, everything's okay, i told you sit at home and not go out, stop it, who was it, who are these people? who, the past, on soft paws. they're waiting for me, come, hello, well, i brought everything, the trademark of the
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dana beauty salon chain, now yours, great! i can go, but don’t you want to ask how we will continue to work, as i understand it, we will continue to work as we worked, your people will bring us money, my employees will put it through the accounting department, and you generally know who i am , you know who you ’re talking to, yes i understand, the world is cruel laws, what, what, i’m just trying to earn money, as i understand it, people like you need someone like me, so, well, how do you make money, sometimes it works out, there’s enough for bread, sometimes even for champagne, oh well, don’t be shy, you get a very good
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percentage for every cashed amount, there ’s enough for pineapple not only for champagne. what you need? it’s okay, continue to work as you see fit, but there won’t be any more bags of money, how can there not be? well, that’s it, everything won’t be there, there’s nothing to cash out. how will we survive? we have utilities, salaries, taxes, i will go into the red. but these are no longer my problems, others somehow make ends meet, so you are spinning, all the best!
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take off your bracelets, at least hug like a human being with old friends, and the karateka is an acrobat, and i think, what’s going on? that they didn’t come to me right away, but i’m not a stranger to you, and i’m not some kind of wrong tramp, let’s admit it, the acrobat is guilty, yes, okay, okay , i’m holding the green, i’ll help like a brother, here are 50 pieces of greenery for two, gratefully . well you too
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they have to do something for me, tell me, i ’ll give you the address now, you need to go there, everyone you find in the house. fuck it, here you come, come in, thank you, i wanted to ask you, where are your things, and your ex’s things, but very good, i’ll move out, take them, uh-huh, wait. and where will we sleep, i mean, we are konstantin igorevich, what are you, how little you are,
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well, it’s all going to end like this anyway, whatever your shower is, it’s definitely there.
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11:05 pm
move on, i'm here! who sent the acrobat i’ll die i’ll finish now who sent the acrobat. hello journalist, did you want an interview?
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come, you will really be interested here, as a doctor, max. a man who looked into the future. continuation of the sensational interview. the year 2024 brings us many surprises, whether biden will finally press the red button. grandfather is a little sick, his head is not all right. how will patrons write off zelensky as a liability? fate is generally terrible, of course. what awaits tugachevo in begad, which for the americans was born in 1948, and for us in 1949? the people knew that she was not the kindest woman on earth. and when
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according to the scientist’s calculations, there will be victory in a special military operation. this is the main forecast, so to speak, on sunday at 6 pm on ntv. mask: new season, february 11 at 20:20 on... tv. vascular disorders. blood clots. varicose veins poor blood vessels may be the cause of these health problems. the drug angian helps improve microcirculation. reducing the risk of blood clots, relieving inflammation and strengthening the walls of blood vessels. angionm, keep the blood vessels normal, rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it once, rotate, twist only after confirming payment. before february 4, order with avito delivery from 1 rub. check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. spasm, pain, spasm, what? double-acting spazmal
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up to 70% discount 30% discount on baby food grandmothers nalukoshka, for headaches there is askafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. lydia fedosieva shukshina's apartment was taken away. there are a lot of antiques there, they are starting to be intimidated. what is happening in the world today is absurd. who are some other russian artists? risks being left without foreign mansions, you have arrived, who are you here, no one, well, they will take it away, that means they will take it away, i myself will move everyone where necessary, from the prison bunks to the television screen, what was your total sentence in general, 11 years, holy shit, after serving time for robbery and robbery, marina kleshchova became an actress, we are all old ladies, there was a strict regime back then, we weren’t afraid of the director, how yesterday’s stars earn money, they offer good sums, which is what i didn’t do as a manager.
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three corpses, this is the outcome of the night shootout that took place in the house of the famous businessman maxim tikhomirov, who, as we remember, was active. player in the urban construction market, probably someone really didn’t like that after a long absence i returned to the city, this time i'm lucky. i managed to deal with two attackers, but unfortunately a member of my security was killed. so i want to tell everyone who sees me and hears me, i have returned to this city for a long time, if anyone hopes that i will be afraid to leave, this will not happen, let
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the rest leave, everyone who does not agree with my opinion. i'm listening, comrade general. yes, i’m on my way, how can you comment on what happened in maxim tikhomirov’s house? a procedural investigation is currently underway to establish all the circumstances of the incident. i want to clarify, that two former repeat offenders, recently released from prison , who attacked mr. tikhomirov’s house, have already committed a number of serious crimes in st. petersburg and the leningrad region. that is , the version that maxim tikhomirov. forced to use weapons in self-defense will be confirmed. at the moment, mr. tikhomirov does not have the procedural status of a suspect. darostorgoev. viktor
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sergeevich, are you in management? general novozhilov asks you to come in? okay, i'll be there in a minute. i was told that you have decided to start dating dmitrofanov? yes, a reason, because the body of the head
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of his security service was found in the forest, a criminal corpse, what other grounds are needed, and what does mitrofanov himself have to do with it, you don’t think that he personally took his bodyguard into the forest and personally killed him. what’s wrong, seryozh, leave him alone, even forget his last name, seryozh, tell me honestly, what he has against you, what you allow yourself, what kind of hints, nothing. he has nothing on me, but there was a call from moscow from zhitnaya, mitrofanov is a hero, with his help, facts of corruption were revealed in our department, an entire deputy minister is under investigation, do you still need to explain something? no, no, i didn’t let you go,
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well, at least i didn’t slam the door, that’s good. and you don’t have to go to work today, but i took the day off today, well done , i’m jealous, but today is my work day, i need it, but if you want, if you want, i’ll make you breakfast, no, i’m not hungry, so what should i do, just go away, why, just, you can take a shower,
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drink coffee, oh-oh-oh, how touchy we are, yes, listen, poor thing, you understand who’s calling, huh? yes, maxim aleksandrovich, i just wanted to dial, well, catch the answer, you can forget about questions with customs, i won’t let you in there at gunpoint, do you understand me?
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so, viktor sergeevich, i apologize, i only have 5 minutes, the head of the department has scheduled a meeting, then let's get straight to the point, there is an opinion that there is too much noise around your agent, our boris semyonovich, ours, our office is not officially connected with him no agreements. boris semyonovich, you are personally in my presence they promised him documents and guaranteed exit from the country. what's happening? i also have a boss over me, he doesn’t like all this unhealthy hype around our agent. and then there’s this interview, who even gave him the go-ahead to contact the press? yes, if it weren’t for this interview, he would now be in cell b. in short, there is an opinion that we made a mistake with the introduction of tikhomirov into development. we?
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nothing to change, as for tikhomirov, inform him about it yourself, all the best, mr. governor, good afternoon, this is you general rastarkovich is worried, it seems to me that i can solve your problem, but assistance is required from you, no, this is not a telephone conversation. okay, see you later, got it.
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looks like it's on time. he needs us, not him, and could have been delayed. yes, i would like to finish everything earlier. are you in a hurry to get somewhere? oh, you might think you have no personal life. who she is, i know her, no , you’ll introduce her, you’ll get by, well, at least she has friends, but i have no idea, but where we met, you won’t believe it, at the cinema , at the last showing, oh well, what are you, in you go to the cinema, but what, no, i love you? watch movies on the big screen, the sound is voluminous, but it’s also funny when shell casings fall in action movies,
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well, chicks, oh, there’s our colonel, prepare everything there, yeah, now.
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but that’s right, hello, hello, what, what , i asked you first, mm, what, what are you watching, i admire, what, lord, who are you era, i gave up, let me decide for myself, okay, yes, yes , what are you saying, that ’s it, i’m saying what time it is, eight. but it’s not time for anyone to go to work, for example, well,
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this is your service, but i still have work, i'm freestyle. are you starting to figure it out? by the way, can you pick me up from the cafe in the evening? eh, they clearly hinted to me that i had to register. well done, otherwise i’ll remain a free spirit. are you starting right? kos, wait, wait, will they give me a gun?
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well, well, wait, wait, vera , well, well, please, well, yes, yes, yes, i won’t let you go anywhere, who, how did you find me, please, no, no, what, well, one more time , well, yes. i understand, where are you, vera, i’ll be there, i ’ll come now, well, let me go, something happened, listen, i need to run, everything is fine , you call me, i’ll definitely pick you up in the evening , don’t forget to put on your body armor, good afternoon, and
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where is our birthday boy, oh, familiar faces , he’s also a swindler, by the way, the brother of our defendant, here i look , similar, not similar , otherwise the twins, they lost me, who ordered me, two brothers, anton died at night, which of you killed my brother, why should we kill anton, because there is a rat among you, two destinies, why you i didn’t like my brother so much, i envied him, he was always so lucky, i ’ll tell you the password to the safe, but with one thing condition: “i want to take anton’s place and have one goal, i have incriminating evidence on each of you, he’s bluffing, your woman is with us, this is your yakaryok, if she thinks of merging, i’ll get you out, dmitry bee, let’s decide already start the country, but yaconina , cross over not me, chameleon, premiere on
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sunday at 20:20 on ntv, boss. new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. large, tender mushroom bigchickenburger is already in a combo for 429 rubles. whatever you want what to do when you get some sleep? go to sports, do a countdown, finish repairs. with velson, you can fall asleep after 20 minutes and sleep soundly at night to enter the new day full of strength and energy. and who is such a good fellow among us, she washed and wrung everything herself, all that remains is to develop it. and the point is, it will dry it out, everything is fine. liran dryer for 4990. liran, we make comfort accessible. with a credit sbercard everything will be as you want, everything will be as you want, the world will be yours, they will begin no less,
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we just have enough.
11:28 pm
more gifts, the holidays continue with the russian lotto, in january we are raffling off houses, cars, and also million-dollar prizes and a jackpot 800 million, just some kind of holiday, buy tickets in company stores on the website, hundred lato, poly orvi, be the first to accept the invitations immediately, poly oxidone it is for adults and children during the cold season. no more pain, a mortgage from sberbank with one button will fulfill all your dreams, even the most different ones, or maybe everything everywhere at once? find a property
11:29 pm
, submit just one application for a mortgage in the domclick service. well, are there any credit card debts and interest? you need a holwa, you take out credit cards, transfer debts to the holwa, divide do you conveniently repay for 24 months, make purchases or get rid of loan debts? residents of moscow, st. petersburg, samara, ufa, i don’t believe it, believe it or not, you want 36.5 million prizes with 29.
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in winter, you especially want warmth and bright emotions. we have cars, houses, apartments, studios up for grabs! cash prizes, there are more of them than snowflakes in winter, even if it’s cold outside, it’s warm in the soul, because they win against us, every sunday at 8:20 on ntv, well , hello, st. petersburg, do you want war, andrey chubchenko, no i caused this massacre, boss, new season, you will be with us for a long time, i hope forever, from monday at 20:00, on ntv. hello, this is koplevich. can't talk, leave a voicemail. misha, this is elbow. call me back as soon as possible. it is
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very important. urgently. “hello, come in, don’t take off your shoes, judging by the mansions, you’ve taken up the old ways, and you, i, kostya, don’t live in a vacuum, i hear what they’re saying about you in the city, max and tikhomirov, on which there’s nowhere to leave the climate, you’re putting a roof over it, but you’ll say, it’s not like that, you have your own?” " life, and i have my own, you brought me here for this called, in short, i have information on this person, i’m ready to hand over, but
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only without asking unnecessary questions, so that they don’t drag me into this case like a train, why are you suddenly so kind, it means there is an interest, bone, you know me, but with you, in general, i need guarantees, i can’t give a guarantee, i’m... not in the system, even if i were, you know, everything is decided at the top, i know, i know very well, well, don’t leave, okay , in short, the situation is this, there is one person, i think this is exactly the one you need, you what? someone is missing, and you couldn’t bring your tail with you, but no, i was kind of being checked, although i’ll take a look, just wait a minute,
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man, man, what are you saying, hello, well, that means it’s not that urgent.
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mm, listen, it’s delicious, like in childhood , you’ll have more, no, thank you, i’ve already eaten my fill, your fairy tales too, max, i already explained to you, it wasn’t my idea to introduce you to an acrobat’s environment, and it wasn’t mine to take you out development, well, of course, you’re a fluffy white guy, but what should i do next? yes,
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i won’t be able to live without your cop cover for long i’ll hold out, however, if you think like that , why the hell do i need you, well, i have money, real estate accounts abroad, too, i ’ll quickly turn over the border, that’s it, remember what their name was, but the problem remains, an acrobat on.. .. where can’t go, listen, maybe i should kill him for the last time, and if there’s no person, there’s no problem? max, i want you to know that i won’t leave you, i’m used to being responsible for my words and no one will stop me from doing what i think is necessary, great call, general, i need to know, with me -


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