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tv   Sledstvie veli  NTV  January 27, 2024 5:00pm-7:01pm MSK

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some kind of stench and incomprehensible hypocrisy, that's my word of honor. allagachev's creativity has always been of particular value to russians. she could be forgiven for anything, except for the vile betrayal with which she crossed out all her merits. disappointed window fans don’t want to forgive the star, and they don’t want to see him either. however, the primadona herself is not yet eager to return. by the way, she is not going to stay in cyprus, she plans to move even further from russia to the uk, it seems that she has already even managed to fly to london. to pick yourself up mansion. according to rumors, the reason for the next move was pugachev’s health condition. allegedly, the hot climate did not suit the seventy-four-year-old artist. according to some information, the singer hopes that this will be her last change of residence, and that she will spend a peaceful old age in england. right now leonid konevsky is going to a distant place. what mountains, fast
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rivers, an action-packed detective story about a drowned woman, and this is not an accident, innocent girls and fatal wreaths, and also for love, this is the most the main thing is how romantic evil can be, i was waiting for you, the case is classified as secret, there is an underground bunker under the square, in the film the investigation was made of glass. as future seamstresses, you should know all the details about the bobbin and spindles. naked demon. watch it now. sixty-second year, kyrgyz ussr. that
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morning, two fishermen were pulling out their net when they suddenly felt something. it's suspiciously heavy. they jokingly remembered pushkin. our nets brought in a dead man. and they were petrified mid-sentence. human fingers appeared. the police arrived quickly. we deployed the network, and there it was. a drowned woman, very young, about 16 years old, and even at such a terrible moment, beautiful, just a child, a terrible tragedy for the family, but how the girl ended up in the water, in clothes, fell from the boat, a package. pinned
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to the dress with a pin, probably for a reason, the letter was packed to prevent water from getting in, which means the girl prepared everything in advance, and this was not an accident, dad and mom, sorry, i can’t live with this, your anya, strange letter, live with this, with what with this? a forensic medical examiner found the answer, noticed a small belly, four months pregnant, future the child died along with his young mother, or rather, she drowned him herself. the operatives were sure it was teenage suicide, unhappy love, tragic stupidity that was impossible. correct, but the girl gave
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a hint, no one paid attention to the wreath, the special mark of the criminal, the gold will take revenge on the prime minister, i want to know who killed your father, it turns out we need the same people, don’t do anything stupid, guy, you your whole life is ahead, lovely, just look at example 35 1 ruble for smartv. don't miss central television - the first information show about events and people of the week. conspiracy theorists still believe that hitler escaped retribution in 1945. experts say there is a 100% coincidence. they looked for it in the mountains of chile, in the steppes of argentina, and even in the eternal ice of antarctica. but our reporter managed to trace the nazi leader, where no one had looked for him before. in the middle of the 20th century there was a german club here. really. the world of his double,
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this will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. bonanza, premieres from monday at 22:15 on ntv. from the head pain there is ascafen p at an affordable price. and ascafenultra with enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. ascafen - when you have a headache. this year tenkov mobile shares moments with everyone. joy of paying for mobile communications, order a tinkov mobile sim card and get 25 gb and 1,200 minutes at half the price. tinkov, there is an anticyclone of stickers, in which there are 36.5 million prizes, and that’s enough for the residents of moscow, st. petersburg, samara, ufa, i don’t believe it,
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believe it or not, there are 36.5 million prizes, from january 29 the application is delicious, period, for me i like that you can control tipleko from your phone, tipleko is high. the efficiency does not burn oxygen and is absolutely fireproof. only now tiplek heater at a special price. four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu, fever, runny nose, headache, and for the treatment of a sore throat , maxicold lore spray not only helps relieve a sore throat, but fights its causes. to stop with cold symptoms. playite is an unusual payment service in installments. need to apply for a new card, look for the list shops. playite is available everywhere. plate divides the price into six parts and works with a card from any bank. and there are no interest rates. go to play. wildberries issues
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discounts. also try the new big chicken mushroom burger. pentalgin extragel against pain in muscles and joints, it contains the highest dosage of a substance against pain and inflammation. and a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. created to combat pain and inflammation in muscles and joints, convenient packaging at an affordable price. apartment in moscow count five. just five purchases from thousands of rubles on any credit card from ber until january 31, an apartment in moscow can be yours. and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free
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credit card for 120 days without interest. win with the best credit card in the country. when you're speeding down the motorway, it's easy. fly this sign, in the new children's clinic there is something to see, besides it, this sign is modestly hidden behind the loud victories at the built stadium, you certainly will not be interested in it against the backdrop of great talents in the renovated cultural center, the national sign russia's project is easy to miss, but it is impossible not to notice the changes it has brought to our lives, russia's national project by decision of the president, boss, new season starting monday. at 20:00 on ntv. russia mother is a special symbol for the inhabitants of our homeland. this is the vast expanse and richness of nature. symbol of fertility and abundance. mother's generosity and love. she
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is filled with fortitude and faith, pride and greatness. the imperial mint, inspired by the greatness of our homeland. won the unique mother russia medal. on the medal a woman who personifies russia. around her are symbols of power, wealth and fertility. call to order a free commemorative medal for every russian. you only pay the delivery cost - 349 rubles. order by calling toll-free 8800 600 68-05 or on the mother russia website. i explain the rules of the upcoming transaction , now there are 60 million euros in this safe, only i know the code to the safe, the big woman smelled, the game has begun,
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there are no winners and losers in this game , anton died overnight, anton has a brother, some petty crook, well hello, my friend, uncles. who are you? everyone has their own interest. and you thought well, because this is war. until hamilion comes into play. i 'll tell you the password to the safe, but on one condition. i want to take anton’s place, where , what’s going on, maybe we put him in vain, but one word, chameleon, we had other options, bee, which of you killed my brother, chameleon, whose side are you on, i’m for myself , premiere, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv.
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the beginning of the sixties, relative calm and the same relative freedom. came to visit the workers of the republic, comrade khrushchev, handed over the order of lenin to the leadership. the party proclaims a course to eradicate crime. from the stands of the city he reports that murder and suicide are relics.
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citizens, do not leave gas appliances on unattended, much like before, a reminder to the building, monuments to lenin. by the way, during our history, the capital of kyrgyzstan had a different name, in honor of a prominent revolutionary, military leader, a native of this city. bronze, they renamed it, but they forgot. that in the kyrgyz language there is no sound f, so it turned out to be a city, but
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this did not make him any less hospitable and friendly. and in kyrgyz, welcome, thank you very much, chon rahmat, i can’t even believe that our today’s story could happen right here. that evening , nina televskaya was returning home after dancing, she noticed that there was a guy walking behind her... a guy , probably the one who had been looking at her all evening, but never decided to invite her, what an indecisive fool , she didn’t guess whether he would talk or be modest so that to give the gentleman a chance, she slowed down, his steps were getting closer and closer, now he was already breathing down her back, at that moment the world faded, 2 hours later nina appeared at the door of her home, in a terrifying form, her clothes were dirty, there was blood on her face. ninochka, daughter,
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what’s wrong with you, honey, what? the shocked mother tried to find out something, but nina was silent. an ambulance was urgently called, and already at the hospital the doctors were amazed at how she survived. a skull fracture and focal hemorrhage in the occipital lobe of the brain were found, depressed. and then... nina lay in the hospital for about a month, neither her mother nor the police were able to get from her what happened, nothing was missing from her things, no witnesses were found, soon the investigation was suspended, it was decided that perhaps nina had tripped in the dark and hit her head. i was going home.
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then that’s it, 2 months passed, the story with the wounded girl was already forgotten, then the next terrible emergency happened, girls, look, this means that the bobbin needs to be put on the spindle of the winder, in such a way that the spindle key fits into... during the years of the ussr , having a familiar seamstress was happiness for any woman, so girls willingly went to learn this profession? you will learn the basics of design and clothing modeling, color science, properties of various fabrics, sewing technology and, of course, control
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of modern mechanisms. olesya , a quick question, what is most important in... a married man’s jacket, the quality of the fabric, i emphasize , married, even seams, oh, young people, in a married man’s jacket, a secret pocket in the lining, oh, unfortunately, in soviet times, seamstresses often they worked second or even night shifts, production did not stop for an hour, this... played a fatal role in our history. young seamstress elena rambakh was going home after shift at 10:00 p.m. she usually got home in half an hour, but that evening the girl disappeared. in the morning, her body was found in a grove near third gas station with a broken head.
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there was a feeling. the killer could not control himself, beat the unfortunate girl on the head, strangled her, tormented her. the operatives found out that after the evening shift , several dozen female workers left the factory, everyone went home along the dark streets, went along our main soviet street, went to their place of residence to the north there. leonid zelichenko, in the sixties, head of the school initial training of the ministry of internal affairs of the kyrgyz ussr. other girls also passed not far from the place of elena’s death. the killer took a great risk, he could have been seen, but he still attacked. most likely, it was
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elena that he needed, but why? one of the operatives went to the girl’s home. there he found a strange picture: elena’s father did not want to let the employee inside, he was indignant, why are you bothering the unfortunate parents, we are in grief, leave us alone, but the operative managed to notice that elena’s mother was rushing around the apartment and hastily hiding something. sorry, i need to come in. the policeman resolutely entered, the woman was confused, and the gospel call magazine fell out of her hands. the main square of the city is allatoo, which means motley mountains, you can see them there, the magnificent shadow of shan. during
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our history, the square was named after lenin. old. a government building, the republican kgb and the electoral commission center were also located here, under the square there was an underground bunker, especially for the party elite. most of these remarkable buildings were erected in the twenties by komsomol volunteers, then they came to build the socialism of the young kyrgyz republic, many of them remained to live in frunze, the city was
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in the atheistic ussr, this religion was considered a sect and sought to be placed under complete state control. these boys and girls strive for knowledge, for light. and these? and where are they going, where are they hurrying, because the sun shines for them. but they run from him. the darkness beckons them. these are sectarians, carriers of remnants of the damned past.
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mistake, suddenly an event happened that changed everything dramatically, how cleverly you do it, amazing, weaving wreaths - it turns out a whole art, the wreath itself is not a decoration for girls, it’s an ancient amulet, anya, but who is this for? little wine, these are my cats, who should i protect her from, from a mouse, from a dog, from a bad person, oh, that ’s right, she will wear it, it doesn’t matter,
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i’ll hang it in the house, little wall, that’s right, the old wines weren’t the only things weaved for people, and for any living creature, from geese to cows, and also for love, this is the most important thing, and each flower has its own meaning, peas are a refusal to fans, chamomile is a symbol of youth, and mustache... and hops, that’s right, so in mine the wreath always has a lot of hops. if the wreath is woven, it means there will be fortune-telling, for example, throwing it on a tree, whose one gets caught on a branch, he will soon get married, and the moni got caught. well, it’s not scary, it’s not scary, it’s still too early. feast of ivan kupala was determined by the wreath. if it lands on the shore, the
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betrothed’s house is on that side. if you drown, you won't get married for a year. venks have always adored romance. and in our story, the wreath became a sign of a murderer. 603, outskirts of the city of frunze. that evening, the young nurse rima pryatkina was returning home from duty, she entered a small grove and froze in surprise; a handsome forest demon literally floated towards her, with a bare torso and a thick wreath of leaves on his head. i admired the fabulous spectacle, the handsome man came very close and calmly said: i was waiting for you, the demon took rima by the hand and led her into the forest,
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she resignedly obeyed, more often than not he went behind her back, the girl finally came to her senses, i ’m about to scream, it’s too late, it’s dark in my eyes , rome fell. she lay unconscious in the grove for several hours, the criminal in the wreath almost strangled her, but she survived. she returned home in shock and sobbed in her room for a long time. she could not go to the police to report rape. kyrgyz customs were strict; if you are spoiled, no one will marry you. it's a girl. they weren’t talking anymore, weren’t friends, and if she got married, it would be with some divorced old man. dzhambulbai dzhanybaev, in the sixties. years
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inspector of the criminal investigation department of the department of internal affairs of the monas regional executive committee. the attempt to kill the girl remained the same, but chance decided everything. a week later, rima returned home again after duty roster. i decided to bypass that same roschytsa. but suddenly she heard a muffled girlish cry and rushed to help. she found him in the same place, again in the wreath, again half naked. the monster has almost strangled his next victim. seeing this, she ran up to him and began shouting, what are you doing? leonid toropov, in the sixties, senior investigator for particularly important cases under the prosecutor of the kyrgyz ussr. let go, load!
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later she realized that she was taking a big risk, the beast could have torn both of them to pieces, but for some reason he stopped and disappeared among the trees. get up get up, quickly! that evening, the victims appeared at the police station together, plucked up courage, and the demons in venka finally recognized everyone. big premiere at kinopoisk. others, this is something inexplicable, this is a new society, this is a new world , there are so many of you, there are a lot of them, and soon they will all be here, others are already subscribed , kinopoisk, premiere today, tomorrow, always, hello, i’m with you, nadezhda babkina, and this program, please forgive me, nadezhda babkina, let’s talk frankly, who i came to ask for forgiveness, we are always ready to talk souls, he proposed to you, no, he
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did not propose to me. give wise advice , you need to wait for the moment, and not put pressure, and not interfere, control a little, console , oh, i’m so afraid, don’t be afraid, i’m here, and support, you have something to say to your father, i’m deeply offended by him, let me call him now, let's dial him, hello, hello, dad, i'm sorry, the premiere of a new soulful show with nadezhda babkina, on fridays. at 16:50 on ntv. mask: new season february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. the pain can vary. mechanism development of pain one. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pentalgin. a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is. regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin. let's do without pain.
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a woman intuitively feels whether you have what she needs, just one glance is enough. real masculine energy drives you crazy, attracts and attracts like a magnet. tansaali premium is a natural remedy for men.
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gives a bright and unforgettable experience, maximum sexual energy, maximum confidence, maximum endurance. the power of a man is the ability to subtly feel subtle signals, give confidence and awaken passion in order to experience the whole palette of sensations together. stansaali premium, you decide how events will develop. with age, under the influence of stress, poor nutrition, even a real man experiences a moment of self-doubt. tankatali premium contains natural ingredients that support. male energy, and the main secret is in the legendary malaysian root tankat, which has been used for centuries for male attractiveness, this natural aphrodisiac increases physical stamina, fills with masculine energy,
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pleasure can last as long as you want it, and even more, when the goal is desired and so close, nothing should stop you. a symbol of male success and maximum sexual energy, get premium tankali right now for free, find out how by calling 8800 2009 456, all conversations are confidential. chameleon, premiere, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv, in st. petersburg there is a new main detective, interesting, very interesting. we haven’t seen each other for a long time, and i wouldn’t see you for as long, and if it’s not a secret, you’ll be with us for a long time , i hope forever, a new season of the famous series, and you’re not afraid that you’ll be fired, i ’m not afraid of anything anymore, you’re like war if you want, we simply
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have to find him, he is the key to everything that happens in the city, at least put on the armor, why are you doing this? i didn't start this mess. boss, new season. with your arrival, viktor sergeevich, everything went wrong. costs of the profession. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. kyrgyzstan is a stunningly beautiful country. what kind of mountains are there? swift rivers, the great silk road once passed here, and walnut forests are the largest in the world. by the way,
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alexander the great found the most delicious nuts here in these forests and took them to greece. since then they began to be called walnuts. but they could go down in history as... and in kyrgyzstan, every half a kilometer you can meet a herd along with shepherds, they say that nomads specially raised special chebans, people of ticks, for this purpose back in in infancy, ticks were released on them, some survived.
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people were afraid of him, in the sixties they began to fear another person, a demon in a wreath. tanya was 14, that day she was visiting her sick mother, she was very worried that she could not see her daughter off, because there were so many rumors about this monster in a wreath, it was wandering somewhere nearby. but the girl frivolously waved it off, everything will be fine, mom, don’t worry, the woman advised: “you sit down behind the passers-by.” don't go alone. tanya tried to fulfill her mother’s
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order and wandered around the grove, waiting fellow travelers, but as luck would have it, no one came. i 'll run quickly, she decided. i stayed until i left the grove. 100 meters away, when suddenly a figure in a wreath appeared in front of tanya. hello girl! she became numb from horror, retreated back into the depths of the grove, to where... no one would help her, he attacked from behind, this was his handwriting, she lost consciousness, he raped her, suddenly voices were heard nearby, a demon in a wreath rushed at the victim, but accidentally twisted his leg. tanya started running, waiting every second for the monster to catch up with her, but the monster in the wine remained somewhere behind, information. criminals were piling up, almost everything in this case was new to the detectives
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, single attacks had happened before, but never in series, in soviet times we couldn’t talk about maniacs, to catch the rapist, new tactics were required: to understand the criminal’s way of thinking, to figure out patterns in his victory, this is the operational plan, all the attack sites are marked, they are quite close to each other, the nurse and the schoolgirl met the criminal over there, elena rambakh was killed in that country, in those years there was a small bridge over the water canal, another victim passed there, then it was the outskirts of frunze, the village of alamidin. a rather deserted
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village in the evenings, almost in the center of this square , somewhere here, there was a bus stop, all the girls walked from it, maybe it was from here that he tracked them, but the most amazing thing is the testimony of the survivors, tall, short, brunette, red , swore, was very polite.
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the vicious circle, how to break it, was invented by the head of the police department, alexander frunze tyurin. tyurin came up with the idea of ​​including women working on the third shift on the list and asking their husbands to meet them. and it worked. a week, a month, two, six months, silence, not a single attack. has evil finally stopped? it turned out, no, it
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was just feverishly looking for an opening. cap. an ancient kyrgyz headdress, written, as one hears, with an a. it is still very popular . previously, it was used to determine the status of a man. the higher the cap, the more noble the person. it was also possible to understand whether he was married or not. the secret is simple. cap with slits bachelors whole family. it is made from felt. this is amazing material. it is not hot in the heat and not cold in the frost; it is salvation for nomadic peoples.
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there is a special attitude towards this headdress , it cannot be re-gifted, it can only be passed on from generation to generation, it cannot be turned, twisted, it must be removed only with two hands, and the one who lost the cap will be in trouble, so this is not just a headdress, but a whole ceremony, a cap appeared in our history, yuri perepelkin lived in frunze since childhood and liked to wear a cap. that evening he met his wife after work. together we went to the familiar tropi. soon yuri heard footsteps behind him, stepped aside to let a passerby through, and suddenly received a crushing blow to the head. when the man woke up, it was already morning, a bloody cap was lying nearby, and his wife was nowhere to be found, she was found only in the evening,
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in a swamp not far away. cause of death of the victim quail. the man survived only thanks to a thick felt cap, but lost his peace forever and failed to protect his beloved wife. brunzinsky police again slept at night, it was him, the demon in the wine, no doubt. and again work was carried out according to the well-known scheme, the search for witnesses. evidence , and during this time the insatiable killer managed to attack several more times, the victims were lucky , they survived, and the investigation had an important detail: the blow was not thrown, which means that it was from the right and left-handed, when he hits, he hits from right to left or
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from left to right, well, in general, the left-hander struck, the crimes did not stop, then ... the head of the police department, tyurin , decided on an unexpected special operation. erkindik boulevard, which means boulevard freedom, it once bore the name of dzerzhinsky. beauties made appointments here for their gentlemen, all from nearby houses. major officials and famous people of the city lived in them. don't be sad, he will come. probably asking his father for car keys. i told you, this boulevard was also called the main entrance of the capital, and this is an opera and ballet theater, built in the fifties in the best ancient greek
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traditions. a nineteen-year-old girl posed for the female sculpture at the top. komolyar, she was sent here from novosibirsk, but she found herself a husband here, gave birth to children and stayed to live. the opera and ballet theater played a special role in our history. in sixty-three, local operatives appeared in the theater theater and asked to change them beyond recognition. they took clothes from them, they took props from them, they did makeup from them. this was part of the plan. operatives of both sexes had to pretend to be married couples in order to lure out the killer. even the authorities went on a dangerous operation; for example, the deputy head of the department himself successfully portrayed his husband as a fool.
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what does this say? i'm in charge all the time i lead the discovery, but i myself never really took part. send me.
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the police are listening, mostly false signals were heard, someone suspected a neighbor, we will definitely check, someone was simply bothering about issues unrelated to the search for the killer, contact gorgas, but one call turned out to be very important, look for a person with a bitten finger, he you were attacked on the right hand, when he attacked you yesterday, one of the victims... probably defended herself desperately, but could not fight back, she was ashamed to go to the police. can i can only guess what she experienced and what efforts this call cost her. finally , there was a serious lead. a left-handed person with a bitten finger is a very important sign, but
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how can you use it to find a person? this photo from a criminal case shows an ordinary log. it played an important role in our history. we managed to find out the details from the nephew of one of the main characters. well, all the guys are strong. pavel romanenko, nephew of the victim nikolai romanenko. frunze, almaatinskaya street. that evening, a friendly company sat down on a log. young people from among the vigilantes. we ourselves went on patrols more than once, looking for the killer. this generation, after all, is the children, one might say, of war.
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managed to escape. nikolai is behind him, but the killer once again has a new season, new costumes, new stars, who
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are you mask, mask february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. anxiety can be treated. new - afobazol retard. gradual release of the active substance. just one tablet per day. afabazole anxiety can and should be treated. apartment in moscow - count five. just five purchases from 1. rub on any credit card from bera until january 31, an apartment in moscow can become yours. and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest. win with the best credit card in the country. there is an anticyclone sticker, in which there are 36.5 million prizes, there will be enough of them for the residents of moscow, st. petersburg, samara, ufa, i don’t believe it,
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believe it or not, you want 36.5 million prizes, from january 29 in the application it’s delicious, period, petelinka - pure products without harmful additives, i help with liver problems, i am forten essentials, tested and ready for action in 24 hours, available on the yandex market. hey what is this what are you doing here? we make comfort accessible! so 4k smart tv highsens with a diagonal of 164 cm for 74.990. rbt, we make comfort accessible! zap, for my mother, for my brother, for my grandmother, for the navigator in the car, for the tablet, for the smart watch, for home security, for the garage door. is this how dad plays? it’s all in dad’s overall balance sheet. with beeline you can forget about paying for different numbers, add them to the general balance, top up only one number, all the rest will be paid automatically, convenient,
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activates the immune system with just one tablet a day, i will quickly treat a cold , it seems that something has changed, but not everything is as we like, kfc is now rostix, but the legendary taste is still the same, whole chicken meat, which you love so much, try cottage cheese selenoelenye, in which there is so much fresh milk. this year ting of mobile shares with everyone moments of happiness, love, joy, good, we also want to share the payment for mobile communications with our clients, order a sim card and get 25 gb and 1,200 minutes at
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half the price. genferon light spray is green light. green light for my goals and plans, red light for viruses that can interfere with them. genferon light, thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component, prevents the proliferation of influenza and arvi viruses and their penetration. spray genferon light - the power of green light with mint aroma. in detective stories, supers often solve crimes only one at a time. following in frunza there was almost the same story, clay, although there was sandy soil around, where did the criminal bring the clay from, from a swamp? there's different clay there, maybe from a construction site? in kyrgyzstan, many private houses were built with clay. there are no fingerprints left on the axe, but it itself is an excellent piece of evidence, as you know, all axes
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are different, the owner always identifies his own. it’s just a matter of asking all the workers at the nearest construction sites, my yurbina must be here, the search ring quickly narrowed and soon closed at one point, not far from the site of the attack they discovered a construction site, the owner said that the clay was being brought to him by the same person, viktor selikhov, 28 years old, a car depot driver. the owner of the ax was also found, a woman living next door, recognized her property and said that victor had borrowed it for work, were they really on the right track after so many months of searching, now the main thing is not to miss it. they wanted to send a couple of strong employees to arrest, i remember they rode on a horse with
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a pistol in holsters, but the boss. example in work and public life. selikhov did not admit to anything. he was identified by survivors victims. three murders, 10 rapes and 17 attempts were defended. interesting fact: girls used to get confused in descriptions. out of
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fear, some saw him as a brunette, while others saw him as a redhead. but everyone recognized the killer in cancer wine, he was a romantic at heart, he hid it from everyone, from everyone, he was angry at the whole world, especially at women, selikhov’s story is somewhat banal, he lost his head from his neighbor, tony, proposed to her, the girl promised to think about it. she jumped out for someone else. the rejected selikhov wrote letters full of resentment. my only fault is that once i wanted to meet you on the path of life, but you neglected me. tonya divorced and was left alone with senishka.
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selikhov again asked her to marry him, assuring her that he would become an excellent husband and father. but tonya shied away from him, without any doubt, she felt that this guy was very dangerous, intuition. frightened and helpless. three of his victims died. many never reported to the police, fearing shame. the fate of one girl was
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tragic. the schoolgirl raped by selikhov discovered a few months later that she was pregnant. she was not only afraid of her parents, i didn’t want to carry the seed of evil within me, so i did. a terrible choice, this sad story was not included in the verdict, but without it there was enough evidence for the most severe verdict. in sixty years, selkhov was sentenced to death, of course he applied for pardon, tried to present himself as a victim, where to say, dreamed of a family, of children, but he was rejected bloodthirsty. an idiot with a claim to mental torment, he did not receive any leniency or sympathy. by the way,
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the question of why selikhov put on the wreath aroused considerable interest; the answer turned out to be prosaic, his own with his ridiculous appearance he tried to shock the girls, and at the same time hide his face under the leaves of the wreath. he was shot in 1965 and buried, as expected, in an unmarked grave on which there was not a single wreath. however, this is a completely different story. right now leonid konevsky, he was clearly a fan of the famous film and his favorite movie, a comedy on the screen, they told me that
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someone called, i thought it was you, mysterious crimes in life, a horse, the bride was killed, everything looked like an accident , under suspicion plumber, cap and suitcase, young. yalava's rival and even childhood friend. and rasshulya, rasshulya, rasshulya, housing and communal detective. the operatives had never seen anything like this before. the investigations were carried out from the cycle. another thing. afonya - criminal version. watch it now. eighty-nine year, moscow. that evening
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evgeny lapin listened to foreign radio voices. and suddenly drops started pounding on the floor, the neighbors above were flooding the emergency in a minute. an angry man stood outside someone else's apartment, antonina, no one answered the calls, in his heart, lapin hit the neighbor 's door with his fist and it suddenly swung open, drowning in the sound of water from the bathroom, so that's where antonina is, well, wait, evgeniy, not at all embarrassed, opened the door, petrified with horror, there was a dead body in the bathtub, everything
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looked like an accident, a woman slipped and hit her head, the water overflowed, flooded the neighbors, a tragedy, a misfortune, but no crime, although... the hostess took a bath without taking a towel with her, very strange, implausible, tow, while repairing plumbing, what kind of athos is this? have you visited? conscience you have, you have a conscience, you don’t have time, this story really resembled some of the plot twists of your favorite soviet film, but in life, unlike in cinema, there was a place not only for lyrics and smiles, but also for the passions that sometimes push people, to a terrible
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crime, a man who looked into the future, continuation of a sensational interview. the year 2024 brings us many surprises, will biden finally press the red button, grandpa is a little sick, not everything is in order with his head, like when the patrons are written off zelensky's passive. which for americans was born in '48, and for us in '49 . the people knew that she was not the kindest woman on earth. and when, according to the scientist’s calculations, there will be victory in a special military operation. this is the main forecast, so to speak, tomorrow at 6 pm on ntv. boss, new season. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. there may be a fight. different: the mechanism
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there are no interest rates, go to playthrough, renaostp helps fight the runny nose at an affordable price, and renaostp double help promotes gentle recovery of the mucous membrane, for each its own renaostp wildders produces skits. what are men silent about, that life is out of control?
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“dear friends, i did not come here as an enemy, i am a shareholder, i want to work with you for the benefit of the company, my father made you a millionaire, and you are a creature, you killed him, a business empire that is about to collapse, yes, we are in a month lost three shareholders, three, how did it happen, a huge inheritance"? for which you will have to fight, he will dilute your shares and sell it for pennies, my half, relatives and relatives who need to negotiate, dear grandchildren, we need to get together, if you want to lead the family, good health, you have enough to steer all of this so as not to
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to be at the bottom, you chose money, not family, don’t care about family, you understand, there is no more family, a bonanza, premiere from monday at 22:15, the deceased turned out to be antonina borisova, 43 years old. the expert immediately noticed the discrepancy.
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if a woman slipped in the bathtub, she couldn't hit her head at that angle. another surprise, the apartment in which the woman was found belongs to another person, afanasy zuikov. they were clearly preparing for a wedding here. invitation to the celebration, signed by antonina and afanasy. where did the owner go? apartment, ran away. telegram from the oryol region: afanasy, my mother died yesterday, leave urgently, kolya. so that's the thing, trouble happened. a fragment from a glass jar, and
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no matter how it was stepped on, it is this detail that will help the detectives advance in the investigation. antonina worked for 12 years at a machine at a processing plant, the ordinary life of an ordinary person, husband, job, beloved son, but everything collapsed when an emergency happened at the production site, there was some kind of cargo being loaded from above, some kind of machine, this machine right from above on antonino fell. evgenia sotnikova, eighties, neighbor of afanasy zuikova. the consequences remained for the rest of her life, the woman had a limp, walked with a cane, the misfortunes did not stop there, her husband
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left, acted vilely, leaving antonina and the child, lost in spirit, she worked, studied by correspondence, with a cane. who fell in love with her, not paying attention to her gait. the neighbor below, the same one who found antonina, met afanasy, a man, a body, suddenly reported. the day before, antonina was talking to someone. in a raised voice, if this happens again, i am not responsible for myself, and then there was the sound of broken glass, to whom was it addressed angrily? speech, maybe to the groom, the detectives made inquiries about him, a cap and
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a suitcase, our people don’t need to explain what all these items have in common, a wonderful film comedy about a scoundrel plumber who was looking for his happiness in the wrong place where it was hidden, hello, i passed by, give me the house and i’ll come in, well, go. walked pass by, a story about a man unscrupulous, deceitful, a drunkard, bribe takers, one of the most beloved stories of soviet cinema, a paradox, but aphony they forgive everything, come on, i’ll go home, the rain has already passed, it’s almost, yeah, i would see you off, but what are you, why, whatever you want, bye... all because he has golden hands and
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endless babble, and most importantly, he is very kind at heart and dreams of a large and friendly family. this is exactly how afonya appeared in our history. afanasy zuykov, like the hero of his favorite film, worked as a plumber for zheke, and, of course, the nickname of the movie hero stuck to him. he’s not there, he’s not there, and who are you, go to sleep, zuikov was the complete opposite of walking and borsch, except maybe his hands are just as golden, zuikov lived alone until he met antonina, a relationship began, a business. it was getting close to the wedding, they submitted an application to zaks, she asked me to help with
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the wedding, because my relatives worked in the restaurant. what happened on that tragic day? experts concluded that a murder had occurred. that day, the owner of the apartment, afanasy zuikov, left for the oryol region for his mother’s funeral. it was urgent to find and interrogate him. the task was given to the local district police officer. he immediately went to the specified address and began witness a strange picture. a man was running back and forth on the roof of the transformer booth. it was afanasy. another citizen was running around below.
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the unknown man calmed down. why did he attack afanasy zuikov? this scoundrel has been my friend since childhood. i asked him to take care of my daughter klava, but he, instead, seduced her. an intellectual plumber, well-mannered, kind, polite, a seducer of a young girl, a mistake, slander or the bitter truth, is this where the cause of the tragedy is hidden, the detectives reconstructed that very fateful day. hello, there were times when
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you couldn’t just call another city, there was no automatic telephone connection, it was a luxury, well, you had to call from the post office or order negotiations, of course, jokes on this topic, hello, and girl, please let me know. this is, of course, an anecdote, but there is some truth in it. the soviet people did not simply
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order negotiations, only if they needed to congratulate them on their birthday or communicate something very urgently. this happened in our history. nikolai berzarin said that he gave afanasy a telegram about the death of his mother, then called to say he would meet an old friend at the station. antonina picked up the phone. tony, hi. listen, calm down your daughter. she attacked nikolai with reproaches, your impudent daughter, klava. he’s about to take away my future husband, he’s strutting around in front of him, it’s a disgrace, nikolai is speechless from amazement and indignation. having met zuikov at the station, berzarin attacked him in rage. meanwhile, detectives detained
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the plumber. he answered only one question to all questions. "i didn't kill anyone, i loved antonina and was going to marry her, but what about young klava, what happened between them, the plumber assured nothing, the detectives were looking for the girl, at that moment she seemed to burst into the investigator’s office, leave him, he didn’t change anything, he actually has an alibi, in that day the plumber was with her in claudia." "we love each other, we will have a child, the detectives studied the biography of afanasy, he, like the hero of his favorite picture, grew up in a small village, pashulya, pashulya, with
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a childhood friend." who knew, what will come of this? oh, thank you, thank you, i'll go, yeah, gifts from the village, this is still a welcome gift for a city dweller today, and even in times of shortage, it is not only desirable, but also valuable. oh, dried mushrooms , amazing, of course, fresh ones are tastier and more aromatic, but you have to go and look for them somewhere, and these are already here, enough for soups until the new year, so jam, raspberries from your garden, sending mail is dangerous , it can
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break, but with acasia it’s a common thing, lard, smoked with garlic, where have you seen this in soviet stores, oh, apples, what a smell, fresh, strong, can last up to new year, they can lie, but who will give it to them? in our history, the village gift played its unusual role. claudia first appeared in zuikov’s apartment in her first year. hello adanasey. i am the head. she brought gifts from her father. afanasy could not contain his amazement. he remembered her as an awkward little girl. now
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a real beauty stood before him. she came often. almost every week, but somehow i didn’t think that this was connected with some kind of relationship, sometimes afanasy didn’t know where to go from embarrassment, but the girl wasn’t the least bit i wasn’t ashamed, but what’s wrong with that , after all, you know me from the very beginning, maybe i can prepare some niches for you, of course, afana’s fiancée antonina noticed defiant behavior, but... she endured it for a while, as a result of the injury, she still had problems in the female area, well, roughly speaking, intimate sex didn’t bring her pleasure. andrey bortnikov, eighties, forensic expert. an elderly and cold bride, and a friend’s young, hot daughter.
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not an easy choice. did afanasy really not resist? zuykov was asked directly. you had loved ones relationship with a young student? afanas. and you have a wrinkle, a carrier, in the film afonya , the young nurse katya falls in love with the plumber borshchev, who is old enough to be her father, here, older, no, the situation is scandalous, in those years it was believed that a man should be a year or two older than a woman , no more, but 20 years ago, aphonia was unheard of in a film.
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cleaning like a man is a serious and responsible task; most often they have to do it at lightning speed, when guests are already ringing the doorbell. the main principle is that nothing should catch your eye. and get confused under feet, empty dishes, financial reserve,
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throw them away, it’s just wasteful, carefully make the bed, why, lay it out in the evening anyway. this is a godsend, never throw it away, wipe the dust, well, everything is ready, of course, many men may be offended, because among them there are real lovers of cleanliness. in our story, such a person unexpectedly turned out to be a suspect. the splinter from the can on the floor is a small thing, but the detectives decided to find out where it came from. were you in this apartment on the day
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of the murder? no, are your fingerprints on it? yes i brought a jar of cucumbers. the day before the murder. that day klava came to visit with a jar of cucumbers, afanasy was not there, the girl was met by antonina. the woman felt perfectly well that she had a rival in front of her and threatened in her hearts. if you repeat yourself again, i am not responsible for myself. these were the words the neighbor below heard. take at least cucumbers. so maybe the murderer, young klava, had a quarrel with her rival, returned the next morning and, but
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they soon found out that at the time of the murder, the diligent student was at a lecture. she lied about the secret meeting at the dorm to save afanasia. the employees of the local branch reacted to
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the news with humor: they hummed and stopped. fortunately, the local police officer found out about the call, and he realized that we were talking about antonina borisova’s apartment. the policeman immediately went there, rang the doorbell, listened, indeed, to mooing. there was so much fear and anguish in the voice that the district police officer could not stand it, ran away and knocked down the door with his shoulder. the operative had never seen anything like this before, except perhaps in hollywood films that were shown in video stores across the country, a clever device, a rope tied to the doorknob. and she leads into
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a room, here the criminal has set up a trap, the tied up victim stood on a stool , there is a noose around his neck, as soon as the door opens, the rope pulls the leg of the stool, and the person hangs in the noose. but the criminal did not take into account one thing: he himself would somehow have to leave the apartment. if you open the door, the trap will go off. he never solved the problem, he simply loosened the rope. thanks to this, the girl remained alive. in the nineties he wrote the hit
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position number one. since then he has been paying for it, haunting me, of course, all the time my life, the star in the forehead position number two, how kaymetov traded classics for pop music, kogamini 2, where fate brought him together with masha rasputina, and they feed the brown bear with black caviar, but it’s not me, it’s victor who fed it, why didn’t the star of the nineties recognizes the stamp in the passport, which he immediately asked for a telephone number, i did not give him, as i became a single father, to any child. i want to spend more time there with my mother, nastya’s mother, she didn’t mind nastya living with me, did kayumetov manage to make a fortune in gold hits, but in reality how much money does 177 million owe you, and how he experiences the loss of his mother, she was sure that she would live for a long time, kaymetov and his million-dollar secret, today at 21:20 on ntv. chameleon, premiere, tomorrow at
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20:20. crispy breading and signature sauce, even with a large tender chicken breast fillet in try the new big chicken burger mushroom flate - this is an unusual service with payment in parts you will not... you need to apply for a new card, look for a list of stores, play is available everywhere. playite divides the price into six parts and works with a card from any bank, but there are no interest rates, go to playthrough. the first rule of hunting is that it starts any second. the second rule of hunting: the prey goes to the one who pursues it. new game hunting, draw every 15 minutes. the main
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trophy. 20 million. hunt, test your instinct. 100 lotto. with wellson, you can fall asleep within 20 minutes and get a good night's sleep. so, so what, now we have one benefit in mind. discounts up to 30% and fair installments for 24 months. huawei smartphone for only 32,999 and also in installments. for different you. one magnet cosmetics january 26 and 27, 20% discount on everything.
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free movement, but everyone told me that this problem cannot be solved, everything is solved with the national education project, new opportunities to study well regularly appear in russia. alexey makrushin turned one of the oldest schools in the city of kaluga into one of the most modern, caring projects in russia by decision of the president and caring people. bonanza, premieres on monday at 22:15 on ntv. a woman intuitively feels whether you have what she needs, just one glance is enough. real masculine energy drives you crazy, attracts you, attracts you like a magnet. tankatali premium is a natural remedy for men that gives bright and unforgettable sensations. maximum
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sexual energy, maximum confidence, maximum endurance. men are able to subtly feel subtle signals, give confidence and awaken passion in order to experience the whole palette of sensations together. stansaali premium, you decide how events will develop. with age, under the influence of stress, poor nutrition, even a real man has a moment of self-doubt. tankatali premium contains natural ingredients that support male energy. and the main secret is in the legendary malaysian root tankat, which has been used for centuries for male attractiveness. this natural aphrodisiac increases physical endurance and fills with masculine energy. the pleasure can last as long as you
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want it, and even more. when the goal is desired and so close, nothing should stop you. katali premium - a symbol of male success and maximum sexual energy. received katali premium right now for free. find out how by phone. 8800 2009 456. all conversations are confidential. hamilion. premiere tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. klava said. everything is vasya, the adult son of the murdered antonina borisova. the unfortunate guy was crazy about the young student; from love to hate it was just one step. the detectives left
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an ambush in antonina’s apartment, but vasily did not appear at home, he disappeared and no one knew where to look for him. an old soviet joke: hello, is this the regional hospital, toxicology department? please tell me that the mushrooms have already gone? what are you saying, all the beds are occupied? thank you very much, it's time to go to the forest. soviet people loved to go mushroom hunting and adored jokes about mushrooms. the constant character in them was the malicious mother-in-law, here is one of the jokes: oh, colleague, i see you picked mushrooms for the whole family, no, this is only for the mother-in-law, what if they are poisonous, what do you mean suddenly? in our history
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, a mushroom trip moved the investigation from a dead point. 2 days after vasiya’s disappearance , a mushroom picker came to the police and said: he found forest. forgive me for everything, i can't do this anymore. in addition to the note, there was a photograph of claudia berzarena in my pocket. did vasily commit suicide, first deal with his mother? then with klavde, but what a strange way to throw away a farewell note, suddenly no one would have found it, they found out
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that vasily was discharged from the army so as not to initiate a criminal case, forward... the guy spent several months in a psychiatric hospital, but then he released. he was even able to find a good job as a loader in a furniture store. what about him? managed? become a killer. afanasy zuikov,
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having learned about vasily’s farewell note, said: it’s all my fault. afana, stills from your favorite movie. young katya snegereva literally pursues afonya. we gave out tickets to the circus, there are bears. on himalayan bicycles. a girl with the son of antonina borisova. theater - he even had an idea to introduce this temple, one of the greats said, perform a sacred ceremony or get out. oh, theatergoers, what are they giving today? are you interested in
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the stage or the buffet? by the way, the theater buffet is not a place to be ashamed of. in years of shortage, it was possible to wonderfully supplement spiritual food with bodily food and very good food. sorry, you don't have an extra ticket. no, of course, an extra ticket, how could a theater ticket be extra, especially in...
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the guy had no motive to deal with his own mother, but he had alebi. it was then that a dramatic mistake was revealed. it turns out that earlier experts incorrectly determined the time of death of the woman. in fact, the murder did not happen in the morning, but several hours later. i had to do it again to check the alibi of all the defendants, we decided to interrogate afanasy zuikov. but the man disappeared,
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they asked the neighbors, suddenly one of them, the same one who discovered antonin’s body, said that afanasy came to him and asked him in detail about the situation in the apartment after the murder. did you notice anything unusual? there was oakum lying on the floor. the plumber was excited, how could i not have guessed! what did zuikov find out? the solution was literally on the floor. at the face of the murdered antonina taken from the apartment. a fragment of a can. tow. at first they didn't pay attention to him.
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it was generally lying on the shelf, but now there are two letters gs, probably the owner. unlike the movie afonya, the trainees did not run away from afanasy zuikov, although he did not give lazy a pass, and long before the tragic events, he even caught one of his charges taking a bribe. he explained that another similar case is all, there will be not
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a characterization, but a comradely trial. the detectives seized on this information, as they called greedily. georgy slodkov, 18 years old, kosha sladkov, gs, can he really be found immediately, interrogated, check the alibi. the operatives went to address, but not much. don't miss central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week. the bundeswehr is preparing for war with russia, german journalists are leaking a secret plan for the war on the eastern front, on what date denix is ​​scheduled and the transfer of 300,000
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nato soldiers to the eastern flank. what is this? a real plan for a future war or a provocation to test moscow's reaction? friendly fire. kiev knew that the plane was russian. lucky to exchange ukrainian prisoners, who in this case ordered the opening fire and who needed a provocation, the political consequences of which are difficult to predict: clean water is now the new oil? why hollywood stars are promoting refusal to wash their face, and will californians really have to drink water from the sewer? this will be your central television. today at 19:00 on ntv. chief new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price. and ascafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. ascafen - when you have a headache. this year tinkov mobile shares moments of joy and payment for mobile communications with everyone. order
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of the famous film. you always need borschov more than anyone else. let valdemar fight? yes, she called me waldemar. this fountain has the strange name gergiu dash. probably, many no longer remember the name of the prominent romanian communist; he was named after him. we had to get in the way, sladkov was silent during the interrogation, we went to his home, and then
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a discovery happened that turned the entire course of the investigation upside down. during the search in sladkov's apartment , numerous things were found that were listed as missing as a result of a series of burglaries.
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the first time he stole some small change from someone else’s apartment, then he got to the money, but he didn’t dare take it, they would get caught, but he figured out how to act. he began to twist the microscope , that it would be a disaster, the same collect archimedes, he is also an astronomer, one of the brightest characters in his favorite film, a helpless victim
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of an extortionist plumber, please, you crazy guy , in our story everything was different, the man returned home when the trainee facilitated family hiding places. what are you doing here? sladkov panicked, rushed at the owner of the apartment, grabbed him by the hair, hit the wall, and ran away. at first he lived in fear, he was about to be arrested, but no one came for sladkov, the criminal believed that everything would be okay. that guy probably forgot about everything.
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the plumber is away, what should i do? obzhek called, send at least someone, georgy sladkov answered the call.
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duplicate, i didn’t hear antonina return, the woman made a fatal mistake, she said, i know who you are, you, gosh, afanasi wasn’t telling about you, he grabbed her by the hair hit the edge of the bathtub, acted quickly , hysterically, hurriedly undressed to imitate an accident, the keys... ran away from the water, in a panic forgot about the tow with a hammer, he again lived in hope that everything would work out, it didn’t work out, afanasia learned from a neighbor about the tow on the floor, someone was repairing the tap in his absence, found out in the utility room who was sent to the call, identified the bastard, lay in wait, if not for the intervention of the police,
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he would have become one of the avengers in the world. more, the parents are to blame, they pushed the teenager onto the path of crime, depriving him of a warm and well-fed future, such an argument was put forward by the defense at the trial , the plumber afanasi is to blame, it was he who did not allow bribes to be taken and threatened to bring the case to trial, sladkov himself pressed on this, and he also...
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6:58 pm
on occasion ordered to open fire, and who needed a provocation, the political consequences of which are difficult predict. bundeswehr preparing for war with russia? german journalists are leaking a secret plan for the war on the eastern front. what date is day x and the transfer of 300,000 nato soldiers to the eastern flank? mitej in texas. are the states really on the verge of civil war. the tragic story of twix the cat. can she really change the course of russian history? our exclusive , conspiracy theorists still believe that hitler escaped reckoning in 1945; they continue to look for his traces in the mountains of chile, in the steppes of argentina and even in the eternal ice of antarctica, but our reporter managed to find the trace of the nazi leader, where he is still no one was looking, and the special guest of the program is nadezhda babkina, what surprise is she preparing for ntv viewers.
6:59 pm
let's go, matra's grandmother's house should also be warm, like ours, we'll carry out a thorough inspection of the pipe, checking the supports, hello, we've already had yogurt a few days ago.
7:00 pm
there is no more money for ukraine, the american secretary of defense lloyd austin was forced to admit this now obvious truth out loud, and this happened at the most disastrous meeting of the western military for kiev in the ramstein format. well, at least general austin was honest in a military way. and perhaps this military directness will somehow sober up politicians, especially in kiev, where there was obvious dizziness this week. well, not at all. success, although who knows? perhaps dizziness also occurs from hopelessness. in general, it’s not clear why suddenly, but president zelensky, who previously often spoke about the war before returning to the borders of the ninety-first.


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