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tv   Kvartirnik NTV u Margulisa  NTV  January 28, 2024 12:50am-2:16am MSK

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and to celebrate the anniversaries of front-line soldiers shubin, nedogonny, troitsky, they will say, this should have been warned in advance, well, we’ll warn in advance about something else, then. the next year, 2025, is the year of the centenary of the birth of the conscripts born in 1925, this is the same year whose prizes were spent almost entirely on the great patriotic war. a year that suffered greatly, like the prizes of 1924, like the prizes of 1923, like the prizes of the twenty-second year. in 2025 there will be 100 years since his birth. stories where it doesn't sound not a single shot was fired, but the tragedy of this story is enormous, ancient. in addition, in 2025 , the 100th anniversary of the birth of the front-line soldier, paratrooper konstantin vanshenkin, but the one who wrote: “i love you life, and stands above mount alyosha.” the same alyosha, by the way, whom the grateful bulgarians, apparently, can saw into pieces. in 2025, 100 years since birth. front-line soldier poet evgeniy
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vinokurov, the same one who wrote about seryozhka with malaya brona and vitka with makhova, about whom the world seems to remember saved, which, however, we cannot be sure of, because sometimes we ourselves don’t remember a damn thing. well, finally, in 2025, it will be 110 years since the birth of two legendary, most legendary military commanders of the patriotic war - konstantin simonov and evgeniy dalmatovsky. since we are unlikely to have time to celebrate all the anniversaries in 2024, let’s at least prepare for next year, or... give us instructions, we will organize wonderful holidays, what do you think, will they give us instructions? yes , yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
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sunset, today on the apartment show on ntv, nadezhda babkina and the russian song ensemble, oh and yes and'.
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all the possibilities of incredibly profitable conditions: high percentage on the balance cashback on purchases up to 3%. with the card, it doesn't matter whether you spend or save, in any case. incredible benefits with you bank ural sib. hello, i’m with you, nadezhda batkina, and this is the program, please forgive me. nadezhda babkina. let's talk frankly, who did you come to ask for forgiveness? always ready to have a heart-to -heart talk. did he propose to you? no he didn't propose to me. i didn't. give wise advice. you need to wait for the moment and not put pressure, and not interfere, just control it a little. comfort. don’t be afraid, i’m here to support you, you have something to say to your father , i’m deeply offended by him, let’s call him now, let’s dial, hello, hello, dad, i’m sorry, the premiere of a new emotional show with
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nadezhda babkina is on fridays at 16 :50 on ntv, mask new season february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. pentalgin - remedies against different types of pain. pintalgin acts against pain, wherever it was not, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentelgin, we can do without pain. to collect a bouquet, the florist does not need to know about the invoices from the supplier, and the courier does not need to carry a terminal with him. with processes in place, you have time to think about how to grow your business. and even at the end of the reporting period, you can be a father and not an entrepreneur. you create. your business, and tenkov business creates simple and convenient tools to solve your problems. tinkov is a business, and the job is done. bad blood vessels. angeonorm improves microcirculation, reducing the risk of blood clots and strengthening the walls of blood vessels. angian,
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perhaps your idea will become the best and will receive resources for implementation. applications are accepted until january 31. by the way, this is the first time since we’ve known each other that i’ve seen your team. dressed not in russian folk costumes, but is this a tribute to the times or history? and it’s a thrill in the apartment building, a thrill in the apartment, because when we came in costumes, it would be a concert, but we have a get-together with the people, with people who came to support us , to sing somewhere, to applaud, to get high, so imagine , that we are sitting among them and once , having grown up from there, we went out on stage and decided to sing together, well, just like that, because we rehearse a lot, often, but is it a joke to us...
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play about the soul, about life, about fate, and
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after all, she is right, therefore, when we are with professional theater artists, cinema artists and directors, we understand the tasks that each other faces, our works that are sprinkled in there, they are not like an inserted concert number, but according to the plot of the drama, then this it turns out surprisingly, for joy or unfortunately, but... we don’t have such theaters in the country yet, i think that not all artists and directors want to work with the folk genre, not because they don’t want to, because they don’t know how, but those who want, they are in us they fall in love, and we fall in love with them , we have an amazing harmony of actions, and we absolutely complement each other, moreover, every artist, russian song groups, dramatic artist, they also play roles, we all have higher education. practically conservatory, some have two, i have seven groups in the theater, seven, then i
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’ll tell you about them, then we’ll talk about why i love nadyusha, it’s for its brevity, nadezhda babkina, russian song, and you know, zhenya, by -i won’t tell anyone else, because few people know about folk songs, what it is, because it’s customary counting three slams, two stomps, this is a deep misconception and ignorance, you know , even if you take a risk... i interpreted this wedding song in a different way, and if the mood is different, i came to the party,
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in my head it’s a wedding song, but not like that, as the show is conditional, but violent, they made one work out of several parts, that’s what it’s about, i’ll cellar the barrels.
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lebyadzivs, young white swan, matkachu! i'm falling, i'm not afraid of anything, rolling, swans, swans, magnifying, young, swans,
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young, swans, young, swans, young, swans.
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tell me, i remember before, you went on expeditions, collected songs, is this still happening, or have you sort of already learned everything, no, well, why is this happening, of course, but now it makes no sense for me to go on an expedition, i’m coming there, you know how ... to look at a monkey, everyone gathers , there she came and they sit and are silent, and they don’t sing or tell me anything, when i just started, then i was a very young stupid girl, i was interested in everything, so sing, and tell us, and a lot of things happened there, during the expedition and on the stove they slept, and the dogs howled, and even when the woman
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was getting ready, she said, well, listen, she began the funeral. it was a disaster , we were scared, we were afraid on the stove, there were dogs howling somewhere, we didn’t sleep at all all night, it was unclear who we were guarding, you know, but she sang these few things to us, and she fell asleep peacefully, normally, you understand that , they are not just like that, these little babies, you immediately made contact with you , they say, well, go to the garden, pick me up what’s growing there, you pick it up, now wash it, she’s standing there, hands on her hips, watching,
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this is the most important thing, in this way you show your respect for your elders, and today, unfortunately, respect for your elders has been erased, in vain, my friends, i’ll tell you honestly, youth is a temporary period, babkina’s hope, yes, here’s another folklore theme, we we were preparing a program for the anniversary, as you say 45. baba berry again, yes, and you know what this berry is called, bznika, and what is it, it’s really such a blue apple, like a weed, sent, in short, in a rustic way, you collect this sent , you’ll wash the dumplings, dumplings with them, girls, just dump everything,
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i repeat, it’s called bznika. the name of the berry is nothing more, but what were you thinking? let's pay, layada, let's layada.
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pasha sorzhok, yes, tver province, alena , we have a siberian from siberia, from the podirkutsk region, who we have, sveta, we have sochi, natasha
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udmurtia, one muscovite, in fact, natasha moskvichka, anya far east, you know who we have , petya, old askol, belgorod region, arseny, we have taganrok. lena, lyubertsy, i understand, yes, lyubertsy and yarik, yarik we have mordovia, seryoga, vyatka, and nadya kazachka, volzhskaya, here is another work that we really like it, we hear it in the play, it’s chekhov, maklakov plays there , an elderly man, like a wedding general, he was invited to a wedding, the hostess paid... a quarter to bring him, they brought him, and he was in public and he enjoyed it, he didn’t take any money, in the end , this whole company that was there began
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to humiliate and insult him, when they began to make fun of him, we, who remained on the stage , started this work from under our freedom, i was a man, i played a greek, in front of a down-to-earth audience i i'm taking it off. i remain full mask to nadezhda babkina, and we sang, let's sing, ladotita, ladatita, ladadina, ladadita, ladadina, thank you. hell spoke the golden birch rochka with a cheerful tongue and
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crave the sadness of her brother. and they don’t fry about anyone anymore, and the crocks, vechal na yes, they don’t fry anymore, go in the middle of the plain.
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yakina magic gasser .
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nadezhda babkina, the most russian song, thank you, well, let me ask you one question , briefly. you were brought up as a child, what did you listen to, at the table, everything that i could listen to there, well, even in amateur performances we studied and so on, i actually started singing from an early age, when they still put a scarf on the stool and tied the stove, the stove doesn’t heat the whole school, and i’m tied with a scarf, standing on the stool and singing something, but how about rockin’ roll? i didn’t get hooked, you won’t believe it, i got hooked, but i didn’t renounce anything. we need to
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be able to, so we’ll wash it away, that’s the russian song. nadezhda babkina, russian song ensemble on apartment tv. zhenya, but i don’t want to humiliate anyone, we also like everything else, and rap, we are not prudes, we love too, so we are capable of anything, but there are some the foundations on which we all rely, russian song, yes, thank you, i hope so. i wanted to ask you this question: you said that you are the owner of seven groups, and what kind, who in the theater are seven groups, the main group is russian song, there is another amazing team, russians, folklore, slavs , there are accordianists, soloists, and there’s also
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an amazing group, i’m very...
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paraphernalia, you know, they still come out, wear dresses or suits, stand there, they’re cowardly, and these guys come out like tramps, they scored in this ammunition, it looked funny, and i say, this gang is mine, i go out, i look, they’re standing there, lads, who like, i say, that means, boys, i invite you to work for me, how do you look at it, a silent scene, they hesitate, then he says, we agree, as in penal servitude, i say, only i have one condition, i want a girl for you, a soloist, no, we are just men back and forth, i say, the soloist is me, but okay then, it’s about from this series, but i said so , i say, i’m not forever, i ’ll sing one, two or three songs with you, and then swim, well,
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you’ll be under my wing, you... must have home, let's go, guys, well, we're calling, we're calling , guys, oh you are my chickens, the group after 11. the horns have melted away behind the distant grove, our town is small, almost asleep, you left yesterday,
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you left, my good one, just goodbye . i wave my hand, it’s winter, i’m sticking with turk, i’m causing trouble , trying to cool off, winter, winter, be my friend, i’m wondering how to continue to live, love is not given, it came fragile, as if
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i had a dream in the fall, yesterday you left, you left, my good one , it's time. repent, barak to his wife, metset zdelya, leads in a snowstorm, i’m pouring in, my benu, trying to wake up, winter, winter, be my friend, teach me how to continue to live, the goths have melted, beyond the distant river, our city
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is small, almost asleep, yesterday you left, you left, my good one, but... forget you , i can’t, the earth is flying, it’s blowing like a storm, my misfortune, trying to get rid of it, taking, taking, be my friend, teach me to continue to live like this, the winter is sweeping like a snowstorm, in the south, my misfortune,
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trying to get rid of it, winter, winter, be my ma'. let him teach me how to continue to live, teach me how to continue to live, after eleven, nadezhda sounds good babkina after eleven, the team is worthy , we were there for the apartments, and as you know , we invite only the best to the apartments, to the apartments, guys, thank you, you
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’re great, i love you, let’s start, fry, we’re cleaning this, this you know, zhenya, i was planning to grow up once, i say, i’ll be an artist, but he says to me, yeah, you’ll be an artist at home. and against my parents i became one, against my parents’ wishes, they didn’t want me to be an artist, to study music, someone there in this moscow needs people like you, you know how much, and you, where are you from...
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and our vans are wide , hoy leli leli leli leli leli, the new wide ones have a fidora oh- oh leli leli leli sayala oh leli leli lyuli-lyuli pamapanev's blush. lyuli-lyoli lyoli lyube
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rubyonapo lyuli lyuli lyuli lyoli. on leche komapola europkami black oh lely leli lely leli leli eurobrows black black black-browed oh lely lely lely leli black chernam roma black gypsy oh lely lely leli lely black gypsy childish deception oh lely lely alle lely lely.
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guys, guys, don’t blame those fools, oh, lyuli-lyuli, lyuli, lyuli, from my cheryu with everything when naruli, oh,
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in fact, this is the great happiness of our life that we have been together for 22 years and we are together. with we have great pleasure in performing a play , playing music, and a lot of tours, always a lot, travel, movements, our big company buses, russian songs, after 11 there are still artists, and we have such movements, when there, you know, there is a crossing of 300 kilometers, such things arise, as we call them in our company, bus drivers, we take guitars, whatever tambourines, percussion, we perform everything that is in our hearts, on such bus drivers they are born as...
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semantic ambush, rhyme reward, growth in an hour and a half, understatement of a phrase, in sticky ecstasy, a cry in two voices, poured onto the paper, dark mash, aged for 20 years, we are not together, but close, so it’s necessary, i turn off the light, your silhouette.
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it’s necessary to stay for a long time, it’s necessary, it’s not necessary, i can avoid fees, i don’t have much left, what will happen next, fortunately, it’s not up to me to decide , boredom lingers in the back of my head, ringing spoons in my forks, snakes through contempt, i need to be present, it would be happiness, even if it’s just a moment, i don’t know, but i feel it, i don’t see it, but the veins.
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tightly clenched hands, bailed, new steep route, someone wants to fight, someone is afraid, they are waiting for a third home, with fast knitting needles. the life of the chariot is moving towards the abyss, open your heart, if you want, to save your soul, i don’t know, but
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i feel, i don’t see hope, if wings grow behind my back, i want it to be me, i don’t know, but i feel, i don’t see, but i believe, if crimea grows up behind me, i want them to be the first, i don’t know the teacher, i don’t see the hole, if you once covered me behind my back, i want them to be spinning, i don’t see, if you step on me, i'm behind you, i want you to be.
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after eleven, russian song ensemble, thank you folks, thank you, the question i wanted.
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the anniversary that can be given to a people's artist was about to turn 60 years old, it was big and we decided to record, just by that time we had collected enough material to put together an album, the only question was how to do it so that nadezhda georgievna i didn’t understand that this was an album being written and we were doing it by hook or by crook, in general we called the studio to consult, to help us... to record a song, to record a duet, she didn’t ask any questions, why, well, that’s who we are, we need to sing a duet, then we had something else interesting, hope, we need a photo shoot with you, let’s do a photo shoot, why, well, we need a beautiful photo shoot, so that we perform together, perform, and perform, well , we did a photo shoot, prepared an album and a big anniversary, all the friends, all the guests, a bunch of artists,
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and we go out on stage, happy with the day...
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don’t fall in love with youth, guys, don’t fall in love with your young children, listen to the advice of your mother’s relatives, take care . lose your authority, oops, come on yura, i ruined her and have no regrets, too early, i fell in love with olya, and now i am...
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regretful, even the white light became heaven for me, and now i am crying guardedly, even the white light became heaven for me, i walked without a boil with a drunken gait, a fine rain was drizzling from the sky. he walked without a cap in a drunken gait, cried quietly and he did not stop, like i did with a drunken package, they cried of sadness, and she acted, but
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i did not trust my eyes. and she walked towards the other , pressed her lips to the side, lay down and grabbed her lips, and pulled her head out of her pocket. leg, met his three times zadrovushku, but i got on the channel, don’t fall in love with youth, guys, don’t
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fall in love with youth. great mess, this is just a real apartment building, real, the repertoire has everything , you know, it’s kind of like a tavern, but life was like that, no, or something, we all kind of came from there, we sang, you didn’t sing in
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a tavern , really, no, but i sang, tell me , and you will broadcast from the janitor's room there, maybe you will leave the stage, from the janitor's room, because they are singing, and i will stand and listen, about the song, and about the next song, song luxurious, it is lyrical, it is soulful, this song migrated to us from opchazhna life, when we were students at the sobin state conservatory in saratov, we gathered right in the corridors and sang this song, completely unaware of whose authorship it was, our comrade after already there years five of our performances there, he says: guys, you know someone’s fame, we say no. these are the words of federic garcia lorca in russian translation, and the music migrated from our community creativity, stage, to the professional stage, here in this wonderful composition of ours, we will now
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sing with ours, the song is called a miracle, i’m scared of the fogs and the hopper’s cheeses with burning leaves to eat if i doze off. wake me up , friend, and before i breathe, my heart is inanimate, what
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happened to this, and where is this wind coming from, my miracle. i came to you monista, where the fires burned, what is on the road, abandoned forever, without you their father, you are sick with grief. and not with a splash of green grapes, what came of it, and where it came from, it was the wind that erased my miracle,
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and no one knows, snow fairy tale, how i loved you, at dawn the haze, when my strength not. perestovaya nests crawled along the winds without leaves, what happened to this and where did the wind
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come from, my miracle, what is this? where did it come from, this glass was blown by the wind.
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my miracle, russian song ensemble, group after eleven at the apartment building on ntv, russian song theater, bravo! nadyuzhechka , i have a question for you as a people, you went on expeditions, but swear words could not fly past you, god forbid, in our country swearing is prohibited, but everyone speaks it, and what is typical, it immediately becomes clear, what are we talking about and you i collected a lot of their chicks, and not only me, we all know a lot and know a lot about heaven.
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to do this now you will be fined for this, but for me it won’t go on air, no , yes, we remember yours, by the way, then, in fact, why am i tormenting you, but i know them too, i know what it’s like the broadcast will go on, i’ve been dealing with television for 50 years, reliable, i ’m interested in the old russian chistushki, which i don’t know, you don’t know, could you share with... with me some very simple, lullaby , no, i'm a people's person artist, i don’t know such words, no, but there are no children, no children, the groom was absolutely wonderful, no, i won’t provoke you, if you want i’ll come to you, nadyushka, i won’t, uh, in this frame the program ended, vice versa.
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it's in full swing, what are you talking about? well, then i’ll read one thing, and you sing, no, it’s not sung, it reads: a dress with polka dots, a ring on my hand, i don’t remember the face, my face, parry, madam, no, let ’s go, great, ours, let’s go, let’s go , guys,
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my evening is coming together, an accordion player is walking around the village, our neighbor, a shade player and an artist, an accordion player, the boy is not a slave, warm up your song, warm up your heart, the accordion player, the accordion player will play , and the soul, and the soul screams, pockets, pockets, who is beating, and my heart... will get drunk, the accordion player, the accordion player will play, and the soul, and the soul suffers, the accordion player , the accordion player will smile, and my heart will beat, the accordion will sleep for us, not so, here is the quadrille, we are melting, all the gentlemen and children are having fun, and our whole village is walking. hey,
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accordion player, the accordion player plays, and the soul, and the soul, suffers, the accordion player, the accordion player smiles, and my heart swells, the harmonica player plays, and the soul, and the soul suffers, it fits in my pocket and is black. hey, pocketman, pocketman , pocketman, pocketman, pocketman, my heart will still beat
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, every one of mine will beat, my stubble will beat, and you say, vanya, come here, ivan zamataev, theater and film artist, this is a luxurious artist. nizhny novgorod himself, it’s a pity that vanka doesn’t hear us, what we’re saying about him, he’s a great artist, he sings well, look at me, you’ll break your eyes, i’m not from your collective farm, you don’t know me, oops, oops, that’s it, we’ll sing next , at
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margulis we were at apartment buildings in yours, then we’ll compose what you want, nadyush , before it starts , there are armenian swear words, no, what are you talking about, but i had to , you know, close the gestalt, he does it well, only with armenian prefixes, it generally sounds cool, but like at the kiev station, quietly, two dads were looming, looming, looming, and the ticket office, they worked, we’ll cut this out, because he read it, he read it without expression. without expression, secondly, don’t you dare talk about clergy, slander, i’m talking about armenians, these are our armenians, i’ll spend separate work with you, karen, i can ask nadyusha one more question, ask, the question is this, you know, the very heroine of our youth
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was lyudmila zikina, i adore it, i once flew on a plane with zikina, but for me she was an absolute lady, she liked to fly only in the first row, here... i was foolishly once bought a ticket to perm, she came up, looked and asked, and i realized that i couldn’t contradict her, it was very majestic, knowing you, knowing your fighting character , death, grave, heroic strength, how could you be friends with her, she’s such a sheep and you’re like this, oh, you won’t believe it, i’m also in the front row, well, to say that we were just friends, i can’t say that, i adored her, she was such an unattainable value for me, i must say that she knew that there was me, we sometimes had such serious meetings where i plucked up courage and refused her, then she answered me: are n’t you afraid of me? zhenya, you won’t believe it,
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a trickle ran down my back, i said, no, i’m not afraid, she says, well, look, then there were all sorts of events, here’s one. i didn’t have time to get to the rattle, which means the editor says: nadya, in the zykina hall, i say, how yes, we didn’t specifically tell you, you’re already working, how you’re working, she came into the dressing room, didn’t have time to undress, she comes, such a lamb, yes, the texture is the most powerful, well,
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babkina, so that no one tells you, but you already did it, you turned around and left, either good or bad, i didn’t understand, the editor told me, she accepted, she said: you did something in the folk genre that no one had ever even thought of , and for me it was such a signal that she was watching me, my creativity, not only for me, but for the team, and then one day we went to japan, i knew what she was interested in, she was interested in amazing things, she embroidered pictures on a hoop. and satin stitch, cross stitch, and retice, in the country we didn’t have any paintings, or these hoops, there was nothing, in japan, i packed a separate large suitcase for this, especially for her... i brought all the paintings that were there, came with a suitcase, and
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the secretaries were sitting there and saying, why have you come, she won’t receive you, so i knocked and said: lyudmila georgievna, can i, she’s at she looks at me, you know, like at frosya burlakova, i came with a suitcase, accept me to live , she says that you, i say, i don’t need anything, lyudmila georgievna, i leave the suitcase, turned around and left, then the girls secretary told me: she was so happy, she’s like a child, she says , she just became completely different , we were in perfect order all day, we were happy, she walked in such high spirits, yes, she was a person, to say the least, strict, no, she loved herself, i think yes, i understood who she was for the country, i think, yes, but when it comes out, you know, when there was a concert in the columned hall... yura kvilenov announced, she said: “i’m going on stage, yura, get ready.” and that means he
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says, yes, yes, yes, i’m always ready, ludmi, everything works out. on stage, people's artist and so on, he listed everything. song, a girl grows in volgograd, she turns like this, a birch tree grows in volgograd. live. comes out from the green and says: that’s it, tomorrow i won’t work on television. selanti waved his wand and it began to sing. this divine. she is, of course, a most powerful person, and there are no others like her. and it won't. i am eternally grateful to her for her school, that she treated me like this. i’m a cossack, and you have to be tough with me. but she did it with ease. i loved her. kingdom of heaven. there was also, of course, one case at the competition, we sang from a russian song,
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she was the chairman of the jury, and i came from america, i brought a hat for 120 dollars, it’s generally super-duper expensive, you know, the felt is real, and lyudmila georgievna comes out, and i’m standing here, there’s a competition, first prize the russian song ensemble receives, and i was still competing as a solo singer in a different gradation, so she sits and says, so no one will receive the first prize, my grandmother’s second, while i’m alive, no one sings better than me, that was in 1979 , let's sing, let's sing, let's all of you, let's get the apartments right
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, let's go, oh rose, let's girls light up, you're a rose, i'm not crazy, i'll just pick up an ash tree, hey, what are you masha, my dear, you're passing by without words , since the boy was born. i passed more often on just not your line on
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your gymnastics, your affectionate dogs , they ripped off all my pants, voice, perorosa , poison of frost, howling aspen so that masha, my dear , you say sew past the bark.
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chameleon will enter, i’ll tell you the password to the safe, but on one condition, i want to take anton’s place, where, what’s going on, maybe we put him in vain, well, one word chameleon, we had other options, dmitry pchela, which one of you killed my brother, chameleon , whose side are you
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on ? history, this work is about our day, we didn’t even expect it,
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but it’s not for me that spring will come, it’s not for me that the house will overflow, and the girl’s heart will beat with delight. feelings are not for me, and the dividing heart will flutter with the delight of feelings not for me, not for me, hands rustle, diamonds move with roys, everything is virgin there.
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they browed, it is growing, paska will not come for me, the gostornya is shit, christ is risen, it will be sung, sunrise money.
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he's so brilliant, he's going to cry out, tears, so many tears, and i'm going to live this way, and i'm going to live this way, i'm going to live this life me.
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nadezhda babkina, russian song ensemble, group after 11 at the apartment. thank you.


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